OG Moti

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Posts posted by OG Moti

  1. War bal ila eega waxan qalafsan, ma aniguu ileyhay Uncle, balo ku ankaleysay, sow anigii dhoor casho kaa danbeeyey dhalashadeydii.. war suuqa waa ladilaa laakiinse sidaa looma dilo sxb.. I wish I was there in person, you wouldnt talk to a single girl, aniga ayaaba shir uqabanlahaa dumarka oodhan, naga tag...uncle beel..



    Allah kariim


  2. Through my long years of experience in Human and animal psychology, I have few options for her:


    First let me say waxa haya is called "Kibir iyo dhibaato aduunyo"



    1. Send her to Somalia, and if it doesnt work let her marry a jabhad guy, preferably above 50 years old.

    2. Send her to jail for six month, she will learn a lot

    3. Send her to Iraq as a social worker, Faluja would be nice... Iraqi version of the red cross.. they need people..

    4. last but not least, lugaha halaga xiro for 3 weeks and no food,


    if one these suggestions is put to actions, InshaAllah she will be ok,


    Allah kariim


  3. Easy come easy GO


    nin maskiin baa soo shaqeen habeen iyo maalin, markaa baa ladhici, kadib of course shopping.. and people wonder why women like shopping, because they spend someone else's money smile.gif runtey? ;)



    Allah kariim


  4. Somali girl loves when


    1. She shows she hates u and pretends she is not listening when u talk

    2. She tells everyone how much she hates u

    3. She asks about your friend in an confortable way

    4. she smiles to you and when you smile back she rolls her eyes just like >>> :rolleyes:


    5. She comes to your house and pretend she came by mistake..


    and list goes on and on...and it is all negetive actions towards you... remember any girls shows disliking u.. she is hunting you... ;)


    Allah kariim


  5. Dear Calssique...

    dont forget also the saying of the prophet scw " muslim is the brother of muslim" and Falooja is just an example of how our brothers and sisters are suffering,it doesnt matter where, in chechnia Arab and non arab muslims went there to help their brothers and sister and faught there, same in afghanistan, same in kashmer, Faluja is also requires that... It is jihad and we all responsible and will be asked by Allah what have we done for our brothers and sisters who are indescriminatly been killed and tortured,

    we are watching and we dont even feel sorry for them, or pray for them, I mean majority of us,


    And sister it is very shameful to say why faluja? ... think again.. and think deep, whether plastian or chechnia or Iraq they all the same ... real Jihad, and we are sleep and some say why and why and why would i care..


    Allah will ask us, and I wouldnt know what to say when Allah will ask us what have you done for them... So please Support your brothers and sisters in you prayers at least...


    Allah kariim


  6. Brothers and sisters, Walahi what is happing has gone far beyond heart breaking, children and women and men killed for no reason and the excuses they are making is uglier than the actions itself... They took over their country and killing them indiscriminatly and infront of the whole world and no one is even saying a thing..


    Shame on every muslim leader, what would happen if they only said This is not right, couldnt they say that atleast, are they afread of death, death is coming sooner or later, like shaacir mutanabi said "live with digniy or die in dignity"


    but Allah kariim, and they are not losers they are winners inshaAllah, they going a better place inshaAllah, but those who are afread will live in shame in this life and dies in shame, and next life will be judged ... pray for them, inshaAllah they will reveal.....


    Allah kariim


  7. ^^^ smile.gif luula you are a nice sister... thank you for the sweet words, however i am one the guys you wouldnt want to meet believe me... but thanx for the beautiful proposal and InshaAllah SOL party will be open in Somalia as political party in Somalia..


    Allah kariim,


  8. I changed my mind, I want to be head of intelligence, to torture the Arabs and westerns we catch smoking weed or doing anything wrong in the country, no matter how small the crime is we or I will torture them personaly, and those we dont like and i see dont fit good guest, I will find a crime for them and punish them according to the law... and send them back wherever they came from, and will never return the country...


    Allah kariim - pray for faluuja


  9. Sister prepare means .. do good deeds before you die not dress up and wait for death.. it means work in this life and do what Allah asks you to do, that is preparing for death...


    and the girls who said you will die if you fall from 14th floor, well they are wrong.. that person may survive if his life is not yet finish.. Walahu aclam


    Allah kariim


  10. Wiilo sis many thanx .. walahi i appriciate your concerns and inshaAllah i am leaving that trouble place soon ... thanx all.. you all right nothing to stay for in Cambodia and my plan is leaving it for good soon, inshaAllah


    Allah kariiim
