OG Moti

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Posts posted by OG Moti

  1. cool fire - reminds me Bee

    deafening silence - reminds me juxa, ninyaaban and kool kat

    pious hate - aaameenah

    laughing sadness - .......... better not to say

    wise fool - reminds me pyscho sue smile.gif


    Allah kariim


  2. Many of you think Miss Somealien has praised me, this is the worse form of character assassinating article I have ever encountered, full of sarcasm, and blame for things I have nothing to do with,She did not only criticise my good judgment but she also indicated that she is ready to resolve a very dangerious form of voilance which is murder " her words were I would hire someone to assassinate you", this shows that our sisters can not accept disagreement, it also shows most Dictators were moved by women, Saddam, Hitler, Sharon, even Bush were and are controlled by women, my suggestion is never give a position to a married man unless his wife of partner is examined.


    an old man once said, " ta3mal Kheyran talgaa sharan" تعمل خيرا شرا تلغى ... You Do good deeds you get the blame, All I did was recognize a problem, search the source of the problem, using other's findings and displaying these findings, I did not judge anyone nor blame any female,


    I need also to remind all, that in Cambodia I work as a consultant for an organization called AFASID (to stop women trafficking) and educate women, simply I am a women's rights activist, so instead of thanking me tying to solve your problems, this is what I get, I totally operate with honesty and with patience and it is all because of the endless support I am getting from concerned brothers such as NGONGE and Caveman and others, these men choose to ignore your criticism and choose to help you,


    Sister Femme Fat as the sister bee said where is freedom of speech, where is understanding and listening to each other, I listen to you all, I posted proves from UNDP of my posts what more do you want me to do? And if you are telling me we know we are the problem and you just leave us a lone, sorry dear I cant sit and watch you destroying yourself and your nation, to me that is unacceptable.


    And If I become an official in Somalia, I shall work towards your development as Somali sisters, not feminists, sisters such as somealien, Clasique, og girl, dawaco, bee, psycho sue, femme fat and Nova who I thought understood my sacrifices are calling me control freak, it gives me to hear such words from people I am trying to help, I am not asking money or fame for my advice, all I am asking is to see changes and to see my sisters coming to me and say brother we understand the problem and we will help u find solutions.. that is all I am asking


    I have new research done by organization you all know called " Save the Children" their findings are so shucking, but I will keep it to myself the whole report, however it is my duty as your brother to give you a brief about the report, they find out that Some Somali girls remember I said some encourage women to marry young kids, younger than 12 even in some cases less 10 years old, and when they studied the reasons they found out it is all about control and raise a generation of men they called Romantic men, the director of the organization's office in Nairobi said I couldn’t understand what that means however we are still studying this strange phenomenon, she added..


    Please do not judge me and Sister Bee if you block me or slap me for being concern about your goodness, then nothing will be accomplished and it will be impossible to save our women… Allah kariim



  3. Caveman brother wait the minute, first of all Dawaco the brother has made points I didn't even know, he made points that none of the females could deny, and about the Civil War Buulo who told you the civil war, women were not involved, they were the fire of that war, yes men did destroy but only with women encouraging them to revenge and wax dhicid...


    Let me tell you a story happened to me, Walahi it happen in Xamar, I was in the house and we had stores in the ground floor of the house and they were empty, so I woke up with a loud voice, someone was breaking something, I came out and saw a group of people trying to break in the store, I told them wait the minute, there is nothing there, here the key just don't break the door, the man opened the store and couldn't find a thing, then he wanted to leave and this chick with him said lets check his house, let get in the house, then I got pissed off and I said no way u entering my house, do your worse, while the man is trying to respect my braveness the lady is pushing him, waryaa miyaad kacabsan, lets get inside the house and take all he got, while we were discussing and she is pushing, a group of my friends came and everyone pulls a gun, then she start blaming her guy, waan kuusheegay mar hore inaan gurigiisa galno ayey aheed, anyway they left, since then I knew this Somali war started because of the women, they pushed the men to take revenge aanan jirin iyo isku dirida raga ayey waligood kashaqeenayeen...


    So brother sisterbuulo knew women were behind the war, that is why she point out in a sarcasm way, it shows her being defensive, but I have many proves that women were mainly involve in that war and still creating problems, if you want i can provide a serious documents proving that, it is written and well known...


    Allah kariim


  4. Bulo and Ameeenah, No one said girls is the west have no religion, dont mix things, and no one said no one wants educated girl, girls in Syria are also very educated, we are just saying girls in the west challange men, and much dragged into femanisim and we dont need men ideas, they run ahead of you, talk before you, try even to run your life, she tries to take control in everything in your life, they want to go with you wherever you go, know your friends, give daily reports, and ..................


    Yes I live in Cambodia but I am not isolated from the world, reports and legit reports come to me, I also follow researchs done by international organizations, dont tell me those organization are spreding wrong information... please dont say that, they put loads of time and effort into their research... with proves and facts to support their findings... Allah kariim



  5. ^^^ please check UNDP research about "why deveroce is increasing in somali societies in the west" and almost a zero devorce case in Somalia and Somalis who live in middle east or Africa or even Asia.. it is well done research and I hope it will give you a clear idea of the actual reasons of the divorce problems we are facing.. Sister do not be blind, read it carefully and i hope you will join us to find solutions " Dhaqan celis" was suggested by one of the SOL most involving in community services brothers... think about it...


    Allah kariim


  6. Brother justcause, let me first congratulate you for you vision, and for your far seeing of the truth that many sisters choose to ignore or blind themselves instead of getting involved and face the music, come with solutions and develop themselves and help us help them,


    But Brothers Qac Qaac, Justcause, caveman, nuune, totti, yacquub, Waani, sophist and rudy and many others have realized the serious brother we are facing, and with your suport brothers we shall help them whether they like it or not, you cant let your sister destroy herself and watch..


    together inshaAllah with the help of Allah and sisters like hafsa, basbaaso, wiilo, nafta, og girl and jalaqsan we shall reform our societies and bring our women to their senses, there mentioned Somali queens seem to began understanding the cause of our noble case and will get involved,


    Brothers i shall not give up and lets hope for a change, in the meantime, I advice the brothers to seek Syria, Kenya, Pakistan, and Somalia for temporary hope till the westernized sisters come to their senses..


    Allah kariim,


  7. Hasna I thank you on behalf of the brother, for admitting the mistakes our sisters fall into no days, but I also wonder why couldnt you acknowledge the true and well conduct research by international body that I posted to help the sisters overcome the problems they have created through time and influenced by the western wrong values? anyway thanx for admitting and thanx for helping our society to change to what it was..


    Allah kariim


  8. Brother your friend is a wise man, he said he needs a partner not a competitor, he said it all, those who live in the west, they forget the meaning of partnership, they race with you neck to neck and all they thinking is to show you she is better than you, brother, get to Syria before the supply shortens, ka gaar sxb, listen to your wise friend… and I hope these ones in north American will come to their senses one day before it is too late and found themselves they were in a competition that never existed. Degree and Certificates doesn’t make you educated, remember that… smile.gif


    Allah kariim


  9. lool hasna, no sister I didnt take your words personal, and it is not about me, it is my wonder how you guys are tricking young kids and now ur preferences has went to as low as 12 years or even younger, to me that is unacceptable.. inhumane and abusive.. it is a very serious matter to trick a young kid to ask your hands, smile.gif ma anigaa yaabin, sow wax lala yaabo ma aha... balo, Allah kariim



  10. MashaAllah, I a moment thought about maybe someone is telling her by a mic under her ears, that is how much i was amazed, MashaAllah, she is one of the Aayaatilah .. waa mu3jizo walahi, culimada sidaa uma sheegi karaan, she tells u the suura, the numbers of ayaat, the page and the whether it is left side or right side of the Book of Allah "The Quran" .. mashaAllah, she made me ashamed, Allah kariim



  11. Qarash baa lagu galin, dhiiga ayaa lagaa miisan, deen baad gali, markey runtii timaado payback time, waxaa lagu oran ifur nin deen badan ala maxaa iigeeyey, ala hadaan iska raaci lahaa gaalkii ama kii afrikaanka ahaa oo lacagta lahaa...


    Kii idinka yeela ayaa idinka xun smile.gif

    Juxa good thinking ... I wish all somali girls were like u...


    Allah kariim


  12. King bro, you see what they start to do, trick young kids to marry them and ask their hands, I couldn't believe like you at first, then I remembered similar cases happen before, it is a very serious problem we are facing now days, Thank go in my generation we didn't experience such a thing, I feel sorry for the new generation.. Allah kariim



  13. Brother! Thank you for being truth seeker, and for adding yet another prove for my findings in the famous research of UNDP, which I repeatedly showed our SOL members but many choose to deny even when the truth has come and faced them, but as usual some of our people seem to choose denial rather than admitting the problem and trying to find solutions,


    I really wish more of our people would think like you and analyze the problem, admit the mistakes and seek solutions as collective society instead of individualism and straight denial without any facts to support their claims and denial... Allah will bless you inshaAllah for bringing the sad truth and for trying to seek solution for our injured society...


    Many will attack you, many will disagree with you and many may even call you names, but since you know the truth don't give up on them, they will eventually understand inshaAllah


    Allah kariim


  14. Brother and sisters I just want to tell you something which has nothing to do with this topic:


    It not allowed by religion to write The Quran as it is in any language but Arabic, and if you want to use Aayah as a prove, write it is meaning in any language you wish, but not the Aayah itself in a language that is not Arabic, it is by sharii3a, and the Daliin is


    Meaning " We send (the Quran) as Arabian Quran " waxaanu soo dajinay isagoo quraan carabi ah..


    So please take note of that.. Wa Allahu Aclam


    Allah kariim


  15. It is not always the female.. however... the female should encourage the man to check as well since our men are not educated in these areas.. women read magazines men dont so they know much more than men do, so please ladies advice ur men or share with them the magazines u hide under the bed when u see him coming it is like u reading something forbidden... Allah kairim



  16. Gabadhan ilaahey baa igu diray, she really wants me to be a psycho a serial killer... I tried to forget these pictures so long or I was afread i would turn to a killer and revange for my people.. and I kept my anger a bit low, now because of femme_fatale, i might do something ****** ... Allah kariim



  17. ^^ Checkmate.. good picture... Maskiin macruuf thanx a million times bro, and checkmate do I have permission to sell the picture... I am serious here guys i will put all of them for sale and like nuune said it will go for good deeds and if the profit becomes more than the green I expected maskiin macruuf 20/80..


    I am serious guys i need your own picture of Somalia anything about Somalia but has to be yours or your own camera..


    Allah kariim


  18. IL CAPO, ninyahow suuqii dishay, girls are so happy, og_moti is uncle, short, ilko la aan, and cant move straight...and my friend nuune taxi driver and i was sitting with him.. I have never talked or sat with a taxi driver nor a card player... besides waxaan layaabay my friends tuujiye and nafta are enjoying this so called AL Capo and his character assassination.. Allah kariim



  19. loooooooooool somali ala dadkeyga maxey wareereen, war lacag ma aha .. it is making somalia famous and known, and what is this picture of me!! war pictures of Somalia the country.. but it has to be yours, I dont want other's pictures (copy right is a serious issue).. naga taga .. somali wareer


    Allah kariim


  20. Dear Nomads I am working in the business of selling pictures, if you have your own pictures let me know and I shall posted it for stock photo sale.. I am serious about this, but please provide me your own pictures of Somalia and I will enhance it and share the profit, lets do Nomadic small business.. it works and I got buyers..



    Allah kariim


  21. War dumarka .. hada waxey keeneen iney caruurta siraan oo guur ula tagaan, it is clear child abuse case, she took care of the baby to trick him to ask her hand and he did, what a case!! in Ideal world she would be in Jail by now, but hey, what can we do, statistics show that women begin to prefer marriage with much younger guys than their own age, and the research findings show it is all about control, Allah naga qabto, dhibaato ayaa soo socoto aan laga bixi karin


    Allah kariim
