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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Amin is a comic, it is not to be taken serious. Just like you wouldn't take "mickey mouse" political stance serious. Firstly his article is dubious. When Abdullahi was ruling the only reason puntland was doing strong was because all the puntland resources were dedicated to puntland. This started to slide as the abdullahi went to the tfg and so did a big part of puntland resources including manforce and tax revenues were being exhausted out to the tfg. That is what caused puntland to slum behind. However farole is picking it up again. He has paid all civil servants, troopers, teachers their salary on time. He started the welfare for unemployed program, he has made puntland into real state not a clan enclave it used to be. Today puntland is respected all around the world by big power house countries. Washington conference is an example of that. Farole reforming education sector today puntland high school student can enter any sudanese university with his puntland certificate. Farole is creating hugh navy for puntland. He is already declared in march new modern parliaments and ministry offices are going to be built. He streghtened livestock trade, today lebanon is even buying puntland cattle and sheep. Farole is breath of fresh air I tell you, trust me puntland is happy state once again. Why u think their is so much fan flare in the diaspora? Because we see puntland is entering new era with a phd leader. Military leaders is not what we need anymore, we want educated leaders because we have oil and want to advance our regions. We dont need to play clan politics anymore for goodness sakes. we are going to be billionaires...wale puntland has left those days behind guys, your just wasting ur time. Imagine u had 1 million dollar lottery ticket in ur hand, would u wanna go and fight? or would u wanna go and relax? So Puntland is growing out of those days. Today all u hear will hear from puntland is HORUMAR
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf, what will protests do? do you think Riyale cares? Sxb Rayale owns hargeysa and if anyone has an issue with it, he will kick their butt. That is what you don't get, Rayale might not talk much like siilanyo but he takes care of bizness the old-fashioned way. He is effective, strong, and if anyone gets in his way all hell is to pay. Deal with your fate son, you are now second class citizen yet again. Ceeb kuma harsan, dhulkaga manta niin baa kugu haysto and all somalis are just laughing their asses off.
  3. Must be godane long lost sister.
  4. Dhalinyaro Gadoodsan oo Rasaas ooda kaga Qaaday Saldhiga Gabiley ka dib Markii Ciidanka Boolisku Jidhdil ugaysteen Wiil Dhalinyaro ah oo kamarada ka Duubanayay Saldhiga. Gabiley (GNS) Dhalinyaro gadoodsan oo ay ehel iyo qaraabo ahaayeen wiil dhalinyarro ah oo ay saaka Booliska Gabiley jidh dil ugu gaysteen meel udhaw saldhiga isaga oo Duubanaya kamarad ayaa ooda kaga qaaday Rasaas Saldhiga booliska Gabiley,wiilkaasi oo ay Walaalo ahaayeen Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga udub ee Gobolka Gabiley Saleebaan Maxamed Sh. Saleebaan (Madaxay) ayaa wararku sheegayaan in Boolisku Qori dabadii la dhacay. Dhaliyaradan Gadoodsan ayaa isku dayay inay xoog ku galaan saldhiga si ay gacanta ugu dhigaan Booliskii Jidh dilka ugaystay Wiilka qurba jooga ah. Ciidanka Booliska ayaa ugu jawaabay rasaas goo, goos ah oo ay ku kala didinayeen Dhalinyarada gadoodsan ee ka cadhaysan sida axmaqnimada leh ee Ciidanka boolisku ugaraaceen, muwaadin qurba joog ah, oo dalkiisa Sawiro Xusuus ah ka qaadanayay. Ilaa hada lama sheegin khasaaraha Dhabta ah ee ay gaysatay Rasaastii la isugu jawaabayay oo ilaa goor dhawayd ka dhacaysay Magaalada Gabiley. Taliyaha Booliska Gabiley oo aanu la xidhiidhnay si,aanu wax uga ugaano khasaaruhu inta uu leegyahay ayaanay noo suuro galin inaanu ku helno khadka telephone-ka. Maaha markii ugu horaysay ee Booliska Somaliland ugaystaan Muwadiniin gudanaya hawlahooda shaqo Jidh dil iyo wixii la mid ah. Wixii warar ah ee intaa dheer kala soco Gabiley News.
  5. Roobab Xoog leh oo 48 saac ka da’aya Qardho September 23, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI Horseed Media News Desk Wararka aanu ka helayno Magaaladda Qardho ee Xarunta Gobolka Karkaar ayaa wax ay ku sheegayaan in Mudo ku dhawaad 48 Saacadood uu halkaas ka da’ayo roob aad u xoog badan kaas oo dadka degaanka ay ku qaboobsadeen. Buundada Xingood ee koonfurta magaalada waxaa weli maraaya Biyo aad u xoog badan, kuwaas oo ka imanay Dhanka Galbeed ee Magaaladda Qardho. Dadka degaanadda Miyiga ah degan ayaa Horseed Media wax ay u sheegeen in roobabkii ka da’ayey Miyiga uu saameyn weyn ku yeesha ka dib markii uu cagta mariyey in ka badan 100 Neef oo Xoolo ah kuwaas oo intooda badan uu roobku la kala tagay. Sidoo kale wax ay dadka degaanka Miyiga ah soo sheegaan in degaano dhowr ah ay dadku ay awoodi la yihiin in ay isku socdaan ka dib roobka oo ah mid aad u xoog badan. Magaaladda Qardho ayaa sidoo kale roobabkii ka da’ayey waxa uu saameyn weyn ku yeeshay isku socodka xaafaddaha qaar ka dib markii ay wadooyinka buux dhaafiyeen Biyo aad u xoog badan , kuwaas oo saameyn weyn ku yeeshay degaanka. Roobabkaan ayaa wax ay imanayaan xilli Degaanadda qaar ee Gobolkaas ay ka jireen abaaro saameyn weyn ku yeeshay dadka Miyiga degan oo xaalkoodu uu gaaray meel khatar ah. Horseed Media
  6. Roobab Xoog leh oo 48 saac ka da’aya Qardho September 23, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI Horseed Media News Desk Wararka aanu ka helayno Magaaladda Qardho ee Xarunta Gobolka Karkaar ayaa wax ay ku sheegayaan in Mudo ku dhawaad 48 Saacadood uu halkaas ka da’ayo roob aad u xoog badan kaas oo dadka degaanka ay ku qaboobsadeen. Buundada Xingood ee koonfurta magaalada waxaa weli maraaya Biyo aad u xoog badan, kuwaas oo ka imanay Dhanka Galbeed ee Magaaladda Qardho. Dadka degaanadda Miyiga ah degan ayaa Horseed Media wax ay u sheegeen in roobabkii ka da’ayey Miyiga uu saameyn weyn ku yeesha ka dib markii uu cagta mariyey in ka badan 100 Neef oo Xoolo ah kuwaas oo intooda badan uu roobku la kala tagay. Sidoo kale wax ay dadka degaanka Miyiga ah soo sheegaan in degaano dhowr ah ay dadku ay awoodi la yihiin in ay isku socdaan ka dib roobka oo ah mid aad u xoog badan. Magaaladda Qardho ayaa sidoo kale roobabkii ka da’ayey waxa uu saameyn weyn ku yeeshay isku socodka xaafaddaha qaar ka dib markii ay wadooyinka buux dhaafiyeen Biyo aad u xoog badan , kuwaas oo saameyn weyn ku yeeshay degaanka. Roobabkaan ayaa wax ay imanayaan xilli Degaanadda qaar ee Gobolkaas ay ka jireen abaaro saameyn weyn ku yeeshay dadka Miyiga degan oo xaalkoodu uu gaaray meel khatar ah. Horseed Media
  7. Booliska Puntland oo Sii Daayey 94 Qof oo Kamid ahaa Dad Loo Xirey Dilal Ka Dhacay Bosaso September 24, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI Cabdiqani Cabdilahi Horseed Media Bosaso,Somaliya Taliye xigeenka Booliska Punltand Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in Ciidanka Booliska ay sii daayeen 94 qof oo ka mid ahaa 100 Qof oo Ciidanka Booliska Bosaso ay dhawaan ka soo qab qabteen Bosaso. Wax uu sheegay Sii deynta dadkaan in ay timi ka dib markii baaritaano mudo socday la waday la ogaaday in aysan dadka la sii daayey lug ku laheyn falalkaas. Gaashaanla Sare Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf waxa uu sheegay in ciidanka ay haatan gacanta ku hayaan 6 qof oo iyagga shaki weyn looga qabo sida uu sheegay in ay falal dil ah oo ka dhacay Bosaso ay qeyb ka ahaayeen, waloow dadkaas ay dumar ku jiraan. Dadka ay Booliska ay xir xireen ayaa waxa ay ahaayeen dad qaxooti ahaan ku joogay Bosaso, kuwaas oo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda Dhulka Soomaalidu degto ee hppstaga maamulka Itoobiya. Taliyaha ayaa sheegay in markii ay baaritaanadda dhamaadan sida uu sheegay ay sii deyn doonaan dadkii lagu waayo in ay falkaas lug ku leeyihiin. Booliska Gobolka Bari ayaa maalintii shalay sheeegay sababta loo xir xirey dadkan in ay tahay kadib markii dilal sadex ah ay ka dheceen gudaha Bosaso taas oo loo geystey sadex nin oo deganaa Kaamka ay magaalada dadkaani ka deganaayeen, Booliska ayaa sheegay in dilalkan laga soo abaabuley xerada qaxootiga uuna ahaa aanooyin ay kala soo tageen halkii ay deganaayeen markii hore. Hadalka Taliyaha ayaa imanay xilli dadka qaxootiga ah ee Bosaso soo galay Maamulka Puntland uu shaki weyn ka muujiyey dadkaas in ay abuuri karaan falal amni xumo ah oo ka dhaca gudaha Bosaso. Horseed Media
  8. Wax Garadka Galmudug oo ka dayriyay Abaaro daba dheeraaday oo ka jira Deegaano ka tirsan GalMudug State. Daawo Sawirada BYCabdalle Sept,24,2009 Wax Garadka Galmudug oo ka dayriyay Abaaro daba dheeraaday oo ka jira Deegaano ka tirsan GalMudug State. Daawo Sawirada BYCabdalle Deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Galmudug State ayaa waxaa laga soo sheegayaa in ay ka jiraan Abaaro xoogan oo dadka iyo duunyadaba fara ba’an ku haya waxaana Arintaasi markii ugu horaysay ka hadlay qaar ka tirsan wax garadka ku abtirsada Galmudug State Waxaa Caawa waraysi Gaar ah siiyay barnamijka xulashada dhacdooyinka ee ka baxa idaacadda Hobyoradio ee Galkacyo Qalinle Warsame Cadar oo ka tirsan wax garadka reer Galmudug asgoona faah faahin dheer ka bixiyay deegaanada ay Abaartu ka jirto iyo dhibaatada ugu badan ee haatan haysata dadka iyo duunyadaba ee deegaanada Dawlad Goboleedka Galmudug State Somaliya Qalinle warsame Cadar waxa uu hseegay in abaartu ay ka jirto dhamaanba deeaanada Galmudug oo dhul balaaran ah “Wariye Cabdalle waad Mahadsantahay Sidoo kale waan Salaamayaa Maamulka iyo Shaqaalaha Warbaahinta Hobyoradio Intaasi kadib Magaalada Galkacyo waxaa ka baxa wadooyin badan oo aada deegaanada Galmudug dhamaana abaartu way ka jirtaa deeganda iyo dhulka miyiga ah Sida Bitaale,Bud-bud,Jila ble,qaydare, wisil hobyo,ilaa iyo xarardheere abaar xoogan ayaa ka jirtaa oo haatan Ceel Ceel kuuma sheegi karo Cabdalle” Ayuu yri Qalinle Warsame Cadar oo sidoo kalana sheegay in dadkaasi ay ubaahan yihiin Kaalmo ilaah sidoo kalana dadka udhashay Galmudug la doonayo in ay gar gaar la gaaraan Waxaana baaqaani wax garadka Galmudug uu ku soo beegmayaa xili Mas’uuliyinta Maamulka Galmudug State ay wadaan kulamo ay la qaadanayaan ha’adaha samafalka kuwaasi oo maal mihii ugu danbeeyay ka dhacay xarumaha Maamulka sida xarunta madaxtooyada ee uu Madaxweyanah ka yahay Col.Max’d Axm’e Caalin iyo sidoo kale Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Madaxweyne Axm’d Sharif Cali hilawle waxaanse jirin ilaa iyo haatan talaabo dhaafsiisan kulamada ay wada qaateen Madaxda hay’adaha iyo kuwa GalMudug State Cabdalla M.C/lle Hobyoradio Galkacyo GalMudug State SOMalia
  9. Excellent job pdrc, clan-elders, and representatives from puntland government. This peace-making effort is good start towards healing bad blood and enmity between residents. It must start at the bottom. I congratulate all stakeholders present at this conference, because this is positive step towards bringing galkacyo into thriving and stable city that it once used to be. Keep up these excellent inititiaves because it is definitely needed.
  10. Kulan Lagu Dhex-dhexaadinayo Beelo Walaala ah Oo Maanta Ka Furmay Gaalkacyo (Daawo Sawirada). Published on: September 24,2009 Garowe Time 7:20 pm Gaalkacyo (RBC): Kulanka maanta oo ah wajigii labaa oo la isku soo hor fariisiyo labadaasi beelood ee walaalaha ah isla markaana ka wada tirsan beesha deleted ayaa waxaa goob joog u ahaa guddigii odayaasha ee ku howlanaa dhex-dhexaatintooda, saraakiil ka socota hay’adaha PDRC iyo CRD, iyo xubno ka socda maamulka gobolka Mudug ee Dawladda Puntland. Wadahadalkani oo ay isku soo hor fariisteen odayaasha beelaha dagaalku dhexmaray ayaa waxaa la hordhigay heshiisyo hordhac ah oo labada dhinac ba la doonayo in ay fuliyaan, heshiisyadaasi ayaa waxaa ka mid ah in diyo lacageed la siiyo beesha dagaaladii ugu dambeeyay dadku uga geeriyoodeen iyo in la bixiyo ganaax lacageed oo la saarey beelahaasi mid ka mid ah oo la sheegay in ay jabisay heshiiskii xabad joojinta ahaa ee la kala dhex dhigay bishii juun ee sanadkan. Dhamaan heshiisyada labada beelood la kala dhex dhigay maanta ayaa waxaa ay dhaqan galayaan sida la sheegay marka labada dhinac ay si wadajir ah u sixiixaan.
  11. Throw the towel in. This one is knocked-out for the 10-count
  12. Halkan Ka Daawada Sawirada Dagaalkii Gacan-ka-hadalka Ahaa Ee Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Maanta Dhex-maray Hargaysa (Oodweynenews)- Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa maanta(Shalay) gacanta isula tegay oo dhulka is-jiid-jiiday, ka dib markii ay gudo-galeen dood xasaasi ah oo la xidhiidha mooshinkii maamuuska ka xayuubinta Madaxweynaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa ee ay hore Golaha ugu soo gudbinyeen 38-ka xildhibaan ee ka tirsan Mudaneyaasha mucaaradka ah. Fadhiga oo uu hagayey Guddoomiye Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi (Cirro) oo hareeraha ka fadhiyeen labadiisa ku-xigeen Md. Cabdicasiis Maxamed Samaale iyo Baasha Maxamed Faarax, ayaa markii uu fadhigu furmay waxa uu mudaneyaasha ku war-geliyey in fadhigan ku guda-gelayaan doodala la xidhiidha mooshinkii xisaanad-ka-qaadista Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisa oo ay ku eedeeyeen sharci-jebin iyo khiyaamo qaran ku kaceen. Savages. :rolleyes:
  13. (Hadhwanaagnews) Thursday, September 24, 2009 Tripoli libya-(HEN)-Dooni siday 47 Mahaajiriin reer Somaliland ah oo kasoo jeedey Gobolka Togdheer ayaa kashiraacday Dalka Liibia iyagoo usii socday dhankaa iyo Dalka Talyaaniga waxaana lalayahay mudo Lix (6)Cisho ah. Tripoli ayaa soomalida degan aad uga naxeen Muhaajiriintan lalayahay meel ay cidhib iyo jandhigeynba waxaa kaloo telefono isdaba jooga ah ay soo dirayaan Ehliyadda Qoyska dadkaa lalayahay. Dadka Soomaalida ah ee kusugan dalka Libiya ayaa badanaa waxaa soo foodsarta dhibatooyin badan oo kaga yimaada ciidamada Libiyanka ah maadamaa ay soomalidu Sharci la’aan kujoogan dalka kagana baxa sharci la’aan taasoo badahana ku naf waayay Halkan kala soco warar wixii kasoo kardha Doontasi la’layahay. Cabdiyasiin Axmed (Yool) Hadhwanaagnews Reporter Tripoli, Libiya cabdiyasiin@hotmail. com :rolleyes:
  14. Yeah it is fake so-mafi-land news cartel. This is where jacaylbaro sourced his dubious article. http://www.gabooyene =2328 As far as onlf is concerned they remain on friendly terms with puntland. Infact their adherents who live and work in bossaso recently praised the new administration. http://www.puntlandp ?articleid=8275 The issue the onlf had with puntland before was regarding a misunderstanding that occured. The puntland intelligence service arrested men from the onlf or affialiated with them and handed them to ethiopia. The puntland intelligence service back in 2008 didn't come under the juristiction of puntland government. They had their own troops and headquarter who answered only to the cia and neighbouring regions. The clan-elders of the proud state of puntland stood up and said that this can never happen again and urged the puntland government to do something or the clan-elders would take away their support for the administration. Needless to say the puntland administration answered and brought the puntland intelligence services under it's juristiction and they now will have to answer to the state administration regarding what they do within the state. This wasn't the case before, they could do whatever they wanted because they were outside the control of puntland government. The puntland clan-elders apologized to the onlf for this accident that occured ONCE and promised it won't occur again. The puntland administration was given their marching orders by the local puntland clan-elders to reign in on the PIS and make sure they never do what they did again. Till today that incident hasn't occured. The onlf ppl in puntland however if they do break the law of the land will be tried like any other resident of the state. Noone is above the law. However the act of handing onlf to ethiopia which was PIS practise not PUNTLAND administration practise occured once and hasn't occured again because the PIS has been reformed and have to answer to the puntland state. So no point trying to bad mouth puntland which was praised by the whole world recently in washington as patriotic peace-makers state who are indeed looked upon as leaders of somalis by the international community because we try to bring ppl together and negioate between them naturally as any leader would do.
  15. Islamists capture a man with women’s dress in Galka’o town Posted: 9/24/2009 1:28:00 PM Shabelle: SOMALIA GALKA’O (Sh. M. Network) – the Islamist forces of Ahlu sunna Waljama’a clerics have conducted operations and captured a man who dressed women’s clothes in Galka’o town in Mudug region, witnesses told Shabelle radio on Thursday. Reports from Galka’o town say that the jointly forces loyal to the Islamist clerics of Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a and Galmudug state continued operations in several neighborhoods in the south of the town over the recent days and lastly captured a man imitating women who wore the clothes of the women in Galka’o town and arrested in jail . Mohamed Ahmed Bashir, the commander of southern Galka’a town station held press conference in the town at overnight and told reporters that they held the man in Wadajir neighborhood in south of the town as he was in women’s dress declining where he was brought later. Earlier, the police and security forces of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland had captured a man who wore clothes of the women like the detained man in Galka’o town who was accused of creating insecurity situations in the town. Residents welcomed the step of the Galmudug state and Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a security forces for working the security of the region. For more send your comments to radioshabelle@ymail. com
  16. Good luck to the puntland diaspora lobby in america, who i am aware has influence within Puntland political circles at home. Healthcare and education are two areas that need be in the government hand. They have introduced social welfare which is promising start. Health and education at the moment is public and private partnership. The Puntland government should thrive to make sure that health and education are dominated by it's administration so it can make sure it reaches all people regardless of people background or income. Domestic and foreign investments should be allowed to continue with little regulation. Farole unfortunately has been regulating it to much and choking this crucial aspect of our economy by so called "reviews". He needs to not fall into the trap of hargeisa who have choked themselves out with red-tape and regulation that noone bothers investing there anymore. We must have an environment that is open to business, regulations that are balanced and not punishing prospective investors with un-necessary red-tape. We must guarantee our work-force some protection of course with basic employment standards however other then that I don't necessarly see the point for any tightening of regulations. Puntland is rebuilding, therefore we can't be picky yet. We must let the businesses come first and do whatever they want. Once we have a strong base of companies on our shores, then we will start being picky and applying regulation measures. I hope the puntland diaspora tapes this meeting and uploads it on youtube, because i will definitely watch it.
  17. Waxaa Maanta Magaalada Buuhoodle ee Xarunra gobolka Cayn kulan balaadhan kuyeeshay dhamaan Cuqaasha gobolka Cayn iyo Maamulka Cusub ee uu dhawaan Soo magacaabau madaxwaynaha dawlada puntland C/raxmaan Sh maxamed faroole Waxaana Maanta kulankaasi looga hadlayey Sidii gobolka Cyn looga hirgalinlahaa Nimaadka Cashuraha loona Qaadilahaa Waxaana Maanta Dood Dheer laga Yeeshay Qaabka ugu haboon ee Cashuur iyo Wax Soo Saar uu uyeelan lahaa gobolka Cayn Ugu horay Waxaana halkaasi ka hadlay Gudoomiyey Kuxigeenka gobolka Cayn Maxamuu Sh Cumar oo Sheegay ka Maamul ahaa inay Diyaar u yihiin inay gobolka ka Hirgaliyaan Dhaqaajinta Cashuuraha loogana Baahan yahay Cuqaasha gobollka inay la shaqeeyaan maamulkoooda Cusub,Dhinaca kale Gudoomiyaha Cusub ee gobolka Cayn Xariir maxamuud axmed ayaa sheegay inuu Waxbadan ka bedelidoono gobolka Cayn dhisanaya Dhamaan laamaha Kala duwan ee gobolka horumarkiisana ka shaqaynayo Sidoo kale Waxaa isna Hadalkaasi la mid ah oo Halkaasi ka Soo Jeediyey Xilidhibaan saleebaan Yuusuf dhigane oo kamid ah golaha Baarlamaanka dawlada puntland Waxaana uu sheegay Xildhibaanku in looba baahan yahay bulshada cayn inay gobolka kooda horumariyaan. Caaqi C/raxmaan axmed olol ayaa u hadlay Cuqaasha gobolka cayn ayaa sheegay inay la shaqaynayaa Maamulka Cusub ee gobolka Cayn Waxaana uu ku Booriyey madaxdan Cusub inaanay Noqon Siidii madaxdii hore If you want to verify it through the radio also. Please visit here. http://www.allidamaa Puntland is heading towards good governance in each of the 7 regions within it's juristiction. This is a matter of advancing all our people for the future. Good luck puntland. Excellent phd leadership at the top, and competent local leadership on the ground today. This will guarantee that much needed services reach the people when these two arms of government (local and state) work together in a hostile free and best practises environment.
  18. How can somaliland be a nation and state when it can't even participate in regional talks of the neighbourhood? Djibouti, Puntland, Yemen, Ethiopia and all the people in the region are participating as responsible regions in finding a political solution to mogadishu. These people are the ones who need to be rewarded because they are showing not only are they self-sufficient but also are playing positive role in finding peace. Can the same be said with hargeisa? no. They put recognition above peace. Infact their are some in hargeisa who actually enjoy the bloodshed in mogadishu. Can we reward this ppl as good people? I don't think so. These people are not even muslim for goodness sakes. If you take their politics before a islamic judge, he will rule it totally out of the fold of islam and declare them kuffar. Because how can you stand by and enjoy seeing muslims dying? not only that but they fail to even try to participate in finding peace. The quran teaches to make peace between two muslims, not just sit there and enjoy them kill each other. Wallahi in religious context, somaliland can not be called an islamic place. That can even be challenged and proven from the quran. Ps: Funny thing is they made edna adan the wife of egal a foreign minister in their previous administration. Edna adan is a christian woman. What sort of people reward their apostates with foreign minister roles? Do you see puntland offering ayan hersi a government position? Hell no Ayan hersi is not welcome in puntland. Yet edna adan is welcome in hargeisa and lives there as we speak working at her edna adan hospital which was given to her by christian-aid organization and she is in the process of making more ppl christian in hargeisa. What sort of ppl is this may we ask? they are not muslim that is for sure. They have a history of doing this in the past also. Remember michael mariano, same deal he was given government role back in the days too and lived comfortably among his people as a christian. Islam teaches us to drive out the apostates, and to put them before shariah court to be tried, not reward them with government roles. Like i said somaliland being muslim can be seriously be put up to examination before the ulama.
  19. Somaliland is a hell hole according to horn of africa professor not TOURIST but PROFESSOR Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis. Here is snippet of what he has to say regarding somaliland. Chaos and anarchy is the endemic scenery throughout the secessionist and futureless pseudo-state of Somaliland Source: m/articles/corrupt-s omaliland-somalia-mo st-chaotic-spot-part -iii-us16-million-eu ro-bribery-of-the-gu urti.html There are other pro somaliland people who actually visited somaliland and this what they have to say. I recently returned from a visit to Somaliland July 16-25 and have witnessed a country that�s under total misery and poverty.� The economy of the country is nonexistent due to unemployment and lack of government help.� The unemployment rate is staggering at 95% with no jobs available even for those who have somehow managed to secure a secondary or higher education.� There is so much misery and poverty among the people because there is no single industry in the country that will increase the livelihood of the Somaliland people.� Although Berbera port has adequate facilities to load and unload all ships that would anchor there, the tariffs levied on ships and boats coming into Berbera have become prohibitively extreme leading to the death of shipping and related commerce. This present government has made the Somaliland ports into ghost towns and the dangerous result is that business in Somaliland is dying a slow and painful death.� Even though the people are trying to bring businesses into the country, the majority of the people have no purchasing power and the goods that has been imported languish on store shelves.� If measures are not taken soon to reverse this, it will become irreversible. Source: http://www.somalilan 6080204 I can list thousands of more reviews of somaliland from credible academia, intelligence organizations and also respected united nation studies. The point of my argument is. If 1 foreigner liked somaliland, there is 1000 who didn't like it and call it a chaotic hell hole. So who will you believe? that 1 lone opinion or the majority? I prefer to listen to the majority.
  20. Pictures below of Las canood rain. Ps: I heard other parts of puntland recieved just as much rain and infact alot more rain in karkaar. Karkaar was overflowing so badly that the water even swept a few people away. No casualities al-hamdulilah. However Once I find the rain pics for each region I will update this section.
  21. Youth, well indhacade does have a point. If dahir aweys really believes what he is doing is jihad, then surely he would be the first to sacrifice himself and his children. For analogy sake lets imagine I had reward for kids at school. Say I had two around the world 1st class tickets to the winner as the reward. The catch is the winner of the 100 meter running race will be awarded the chocolate bar. Would you not be the first to tell your children to participate in the race in order to win the excellent prize? Of course you would. But Dahir aweys is telling his kids don't participate in the race, and is recruiting other kids to participate in it!!! Now this is fishy. If dahir aweys really believes he is going to get a reward for what he is doing, then he should start with himself and his family, because everyone loves rewards. Why give these rewards to others for when you can take it for yourself? Indhacade had a very strong argument and mr dahir awey response is eagerly being waited for.
  22. Maamulka Cusub ee gobolka oo Kulan la qaatay Cuqaasha & waxgaradka Gobolka Cayn‏ Wednesday, 23 September 2009 15:27 Buuhoodle(Jidbaale): -Dhan ka kale waxaa hadalka lagu soo dhoweeyey duqa cusub ee degmada buuhoodle xuseen dacwi, kaasoo ka hadlay sida ugu haboon ee ay wada shaqayn karaan maamulkooda cusub iyo cushaqa deegaanku. Xuseen dacwi ayaa sheegay in ay Ka go”an tahay shaqsi ahaantiisa ,in uu si daacadnimo leh ugu shaqeeyo bulshadiisa isagoo tilmaamay in uu aqoon dheerad ah u lee yahay xilkan loosoo magacaabay. Sidoo kale waxaa isaguna halkaasi ka hadlay isuduwaha wasaarda arimaha gudaha gobolka cayn Barkhadle Warsame Cali , barkhadle ayaa ugu horayn u mahadceliyey sida wanaagsan ee ay uga soo qayb galeen cuqaashu shirkan ay ugu yeedhay maamulka gobolku sidoo kale barkhadle ayaa ka hadlay sidii loo ilaalin lahaa deegaanka iyadoo uu tilmamay in laga hortago dhirta la jarayo. Intaasi kadib waxaa shirka ka hadlay Xildhibaan Saleebaan Yuusuf Dhigane, (Indhabuur) oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha sharci dejinta Dawlada Puntland xil dhibaanka ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay, wada shaqynta maamulka iyo bulshada, isagoo tusaale u soo qatay maamuladii hore ee soo maray gobolka kuwaasoo oo sheegay caqabadaha is hortaagay in ay koow ka ahayd cuqaasha oo la shaqyn weydey. Dhinaca kale waxaa hadalka loo weeciyey dhinaca cuqaasha oo ahaa garabka kale ee shirka, caaqil cabdiraxmaan axmed olol oo u hadlay dhinaca cuqaasha ayaa sheegay in maamulka ay lashaqayn doonaan cuqaashu, hadii uu mamaulku noqdo mid ay ka go’an tahay in uu daacadnimo ugu shaqeeyo shacabka isagoo sheegay in had iyo jeeraale ay dhici jirtey maamulka gobolka cayn in uu lunsado hantida shacabka iyo deeqaha ay hay’aduhu usoo dhiibvaan shacabka oo aan ku baaqan hay’aydaha iyo dawlada puntland midna balse ay noqdaan wax lasoo qaado kuwaasoo aan marna soo gaadhin shacabka, oo la lunsado waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. Caaqilka ayaa uga digey maamulkan cusub arimahaasi isagoo tilmamay in ay wax ka qaban doonaan shacabka ahan iyo cuqaal ahaanba aysana gacmaha ka laban doonin cidii danbe ee laga dugsado arimaha noocani ah. Si kastay ahaataba kulankan oo ahaa kii ugu horeyey ee ay wada yeeshaan maamulka gobolka cayn iyo cuqaasha deegaanku ayaa kusoo dhamaaday jawi wanaagsan sidoo kale lama oga sida ay maaulka gobolka cayn u dhaqajindoonaan hawlaha horyaala iyo sida ay u fulindoonaan balan qaadyada badan ee ay sameeyeen.
  23. General burtinle? sxb it is well known who owns that town and therefore I seriously don't understand why you are claiming it. It is like if i say. I own kismayo because i have few of my qardho people living there, this is pretty much your argument for burtinle and it is pathetic!!! Secondly I didn't insult, i stated an article which i sourced from radio daljir (your ppls website) which stated this atrocious act that has been brought to light just yesterday. You can view that here at your descretion!!! http://www.radiodalj 376 Don't attack me for stating an article from your own clan family website for goodness sakes!!! If you are saying i am insulting galkacyo for re-posting what they posted on their news catalogue then sue me mate. Lastly, Galkacyo is the second largest city, very true. Galkacyo is strategically importatnt town true. But is Galkacyo above Puntland and the general will of the majority of puntland people? No sir they are not and that is where the line needs to be drawn. Anyways sxb I am done arguin with you on this issue and I urge you to tell your people for the love of god don't rape ppl who come to your land to seek shelter.
  24. Duke, well problems need to be solved in galkacyo and it needs to start from the bottom and i mean right at the bottom of the barrel. The mind-frame of galkacyo people is not 1 that is shared by puntland. We bari, nugaal are patriotic of the state no matter who is in office. However we don't see this occur in galkacyo? We must ask ourselves!!! If you think I am hater for doing so, well so be it. I think and care for the interest of Puntland, not the interest of any 1 clan. I love my clan of course, but i would never choose my clan before the state. PS: notice how i dropped cade muse from roll-call of the kings? because even though cadde muse was good for our ppl and helped us out alot. He wasn't good for the remaining regions of puntland. Therefore me being patriot of the state, I have to abadon cadde muse and to be quite honest you won't see any kingz supporting him because we know puntland is bigger then clan-agenda, it is our region heartland at stake here. So Duke, drop the clan-hat buddy when you come home, because that is 1 thing we don't tolerate. If u wanna wear your clan-hat outside the house go right ahead, just make sure u don't bring that destructive frame of mind inside the house because people will argue, riot, cause general civil un-rest and 1 month later it will explode into an all-out war. The results of this clan fixated mentality needs to seriously end in puntland and if people are not willing to give it up. Well ina adeer why should they remain apart of the state? what purpose will they serve except cause un-needed back-aches for the state. Wake up mate. Puntland is leader state, not clan mentality state, we are trying to lead all somalis and bring peace between people. Not play clan-card nonsense which other somalis have played and unfortunately they came off second best as we all can witness in mogadishu today.
  25. Duke, I don't underplay galkacyo and i have alot of respect for the people of galkacyo. However these issues that are occuring in their city is because they have no love for puntland state because adeer abdullahi aint around anymore. I am afraid to say the galkacyo ppl are "beesha first" not "state first" and we can't allow these destructive symptoms spread to other areas and infect every region. Firstly you need to realize a policy that the kingz know. Which is even if you don't like who the leader is, you should respect him on behalf of the office he represents. Because this office was created by all puntland people in the famous garowe conference in 1994 and the second conference in 1998 when they elected abdullahi yusuf as the leader. This sort of mentality is just totally lacking in mudug and you being from mudug i urge you to speak to your people and make them realize this is not about clans but about the state. Good/bad leaders will come and go, however the office will remain permanent and therefore they need to stand patriotic to puntland even if their clan is not leading the state, which galkacyo have failed to show. The galkacyo people have shown they are loyal to puntland as long as 1 of their boys is in the office and we can't tolerate this sort of frame of mind, it is destructive, it causes division and more importantly it causes civil-unrest. What follows from civil unrest is what is scary and that is civil-war. So for the sake of puntland, I urge your ppl to stand behind puntland, drop the clan-card and work for the good of the state. If they can't accept that sxb and they wanna continue to cause havoc and hell in galkacyo because Abdullahi has gone and none of their clans-men is in the presidential palace in garowe. Then we the remainder of puntland need to sit down for a garowe conference part 3 and decide if galkacyo is worth the trouble. This is in the interest of the state i am speaking off and not any clan bashing. Even if my clan was doing that stuff I would be the first to say, save puntland and remove my ppl from your juristiction and good luck brothers. Because it is better 1 brother makes it, rather then all the brothers falling down. You know what I mean? This is how reer bari people think sxb and mudug people don't think like that, they just think of raping women in idp camps!