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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Can anyone input their evidences on who owns this click shabab, i am not talking about the spokesmen or amirs. But who created the group, i want to know the founding father. I am not to concerned with the spokes people of shabab or amirs as they come and go with time. But who originally master-planned this movement? Any input would be appreciated
  2. Sorry sir what do you want that VOA keeps saying that a govenor of puntland was elected, when it is not true? So that means if i am supporter of ahlul sunnah in puntland, i will just say i won't listen to farole, i will pick up my gun and follow this new govenor elected for the region. War sxb caqli miyadan laheen? farole shut down the propaganda MOUTH-PIECE of ahlul sunnah which is voa-somali section, they use that to spread their propaganda to cause instability. Free-media is ok, however not when it comes to security related issues.
  3. Puntland oo Xirtay Khaliif Ciraale oo isagu sheegay inuu yahay hogaamiyaha Ahlusuna ee Puntland October 2, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI · Comments (12) Horseed Media Garoowe Ciidamada booliska magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland ayaa duhurnimadii maanta xabsiga dhigay Khaliif Cali Ciraale oo isagu dhowaan shir jaraa,id oo uu kuqabtay magaalada Garoowe ku sheegay in uu yahay gudoomiyaha Ahlusuna Waljameeca ee Puntland islamarkaana ay xiriir laleeyihiin Ururka Ahlusuna Waljameeca ee kadagaalama Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Talaabadan xariga ah ayaa kadambeysay kadib markii wasaaradaha Amniga iyo Warfaafinta iyo xeer ilaalinta guud ay amar kubixiyeen in lasoo xero shaqsigani taasi oo howlgalo lagu baadi goobay kadib ay ciidamadu usuurto gashay in duhurnimadii maanta ay dhigaan saldhiga Booliiska magaalada Garoowe. Booliisku ilaa hada ma aanay bixin wax faahfaahin ah oo laxiriirta ninkani ay hayaan iyo qaabka ay usoo qabteen iyo sidoo kale sida ay kayeelayaanba waxaana xarigiisa lala xiriirinayaa war ay dhowaan sii deysay idaacada Codka Mareykanka laanteeda afka Soomaaliga ah kaasi oo isagu sabab unoqday in laxayiro dhamaanba dhagaysigii idaacada VOA laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga ee deeganada Puntland iyo in sidoo kale shaqadii laga joojiyey wariyeyaashii idaacadaasi Puntland uga howlgalayey. Hase yeeshee talaabadan hada lagu xiray Cali Khaliif Ciraale ayaa imaanaysa xili ay siguud uga dhaqan galeen magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland amar ay siwadajir ah usoo saareen Wasaaradaha Amniga iyo Warfaafinta ee dowlada Puntland kaasii oo amrayey inaanan labaahin karin gebi ahaanba Laanta afka Soomaaliga idaacada Codka Mareykanka kaasi oo ay idaacado badan oo kuyaala Puntland ay sii deyn jireen. Web Editor editor@horseedmedia. net
  4. Somalia Puntland bans local radios to broadcast VOA Somalia Service 2 Oct 2, 2009 - 4:56:04 PM BOSSASO, Somalia Oct 2 (Garowe Online) - A decree issued by Somalia's Puntland State government has banned local radio stations from broadcasting Voice of America's Somali Service programs, Radio Garowe reports. The decree was jointly issued on Thursday by the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Security in Puntland and signed by the ministers, Mr. Abdishakur Mire Aden and Gen. Abdullahi Said Samatar, respectively. The decree, which was written in the Somali language, noted that the government and people of Puntland "welcomed the opening of VOA Somali Service, as they saw it [VOA] as beneficial towards promoting peace and the restoration of the Somali nation." "Unfortunately, this hope did not materialize because the Somali members who lead the VOA Somali Section based in Washington, D.C., blatantly participate in the creation of instability in parts of Somalia, especially Puntland, as they take advantage of the VOA Somali Section for political and regional interests," read the decree. Two examples were cited, with the first example dating to August 2009, when the VOA Somali Service reported that Somali politicians were arrested in Galkayo. "This issue [arrests] was a fabrication and the intention was to jeopardize the peace in Puntland and to spread negative information about the Puntland Government," read the decree, adding: "At the time [in August 2009], Puntland's top leaders were in Galkayo." On September 30, 2009, the VOA Somali Service "took information from people who do not have merit, who falsely said that Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee'a faction has opened an office in Garowe," the decree added. Further, the decree noted that "there are no religious or political factions in Puntland" and that Puntland "only has the three branches of government." Two decisions were jointly made by Puntland's Ministry of Information and Ministry of Security, which prohibited local FM radio stations to broadcast VOA Somali Service programs and ordered Puntland security officials to "ensure the implementation of this order and to take legal action against anyone who violates [this order]." It is the first time that VOA Somali Service programs have been banned in Puntland since Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole" was elected as the state government's third president in January 2009. Separately, the man who claimed that Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee'a has an office in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, was arrested by Puntland security forces on Friday and is currently in police custody. Ahlu Sunnah is a ragtag militia that has fought against Islamist hardliners in the central regions of Somalia, especially Galgadud region where they have battled against Al Shabaab guerrillas. Radio Garowe, an independent radio station based in Puntland's capital, is among a handful of radio stations in Puntland that regularly rebroadcasted VOA Somali Service programs, which had to stop following this new order. However, Radio Garowe continues to rebroadcast VOA English-language programs, as the Puntland government's ban order pertains only to the VOA Somali Section. Source: Garowe Online
  5. The reason voa was removed from puntland is because they undermined the laws of the state by interviewing a man who called himself the "governor of hizbul islam for the puntland region" This is a clear attack on the leadership that was LEGALLY ELECTED by the parliament of the state. Imagine if a news media was in america interviewing two presidents of america? just imagine abc kept the propaganda going and interviewing the an al-qaeda guy calling himself the president of the state? This will lead to societal damage and people might start listening to his judgements and not farole. Excellent move president farole. Puntland oo Shaqadii ka Joojisay Wariyaashii VOA-da ee Gobolkaasi. Maamulka Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta October,02,2009- shaqadii ka Joojiyay Wariyaashii VOA-da uga soo warami Jiray Gobolada Puntland, Maamulka ayaa Arinkaasi ku Macneeyay ka dib waraysi ay qaadeen Wariyaashaasi oo aan Loo Bogin. Qoraal ka soo baxay Xafiiska wasaarada warfaafinta Pl ayaa lagu sheegay in wariyaashaasi ay waraysi ka qaadeen Nin markaasi sheegtay inuu yahay Gudoomiyaha Xisbul Islaam ee Gobolada Puntland Arinkaasna Maamulka Faroole aad uga cadhooday . Wariyaasha oo aanu la xidhiidhnay ayaa noo cadeeyay shaqo Joojintaasi waxana ay ku Tilmaameen mid Hortaagan Saxaafada Xorta ah ee Puntland. C/qaadir Maxmed Nuunaw, oo ah wariyaha VOA-da ee Bosaaso, iyo Nuur Muuse Birjeeb oo ah wariyaha Garoowe ayaa la sheegay in Shaqadii laga Joojiyay.
  6. Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Difference between an Ethiopian and a Somali to the average SL. One tried to bomb me back to the stone-age times, the other offered me shelter... 1988 was caused by the snm faction who under the guise of "somalinimo" used clannish motivations to disturb the peace for the majority of somali people. The somali national government was left with no choice but to respond to anyone who was rebel and causing instability for the majority especially when it was for something as pathetic as "clan" based interest. Sorry sir, but if your snm guys didn't exist, noone would've of bombed hargeisa, the blame lies straight on the rebels and not the national government. However interestingly you don't blame snm because again your using clan allegiance the same thing that got you bombed in the first place. Siyad Barre illegalized any form of parties in the state, why did snm break the law? Not only that why did they use violence to achieve what they want? why didn't they just lobby for change in a peaceful manner. The issue of 1988 if reviewed by any fair judge will bring alot of snm members and throw them behind bars for killing 50,000 hargeisa civilians. So please don't ever let me hear you blame the siyad government, because that stands on fruitless non objective claim. Imagine if you were shooting at the police and they responded with shooting back at you. Would you blame the police? of course not you will blame the person who fired the first shot which was you. The same scenario is no different with snm, who attacked government bases in the north-west somalia and used it's civilians as a shelter. If your people didn't shelter criminals disturbing the peace, they wouldn't be attacked. Just like the taliban if they didn't shelter al-qaeda criminals they wouldn't be attacked. Their were many hargeisa people who were not harmed in 88 who were working in the national government and not disturbing the peace. So please don't disturb the peace for clan interest and siyad won't shoot you, if you can't accept that then sxb take a hike.
  7. This is my source. m/index.php?news=206 3
  8. Xaaska Riyaale oo Hargeysa Ka qaxday Caawa 24 September, 2009 06:07:00 Marwada Madaxweynaha Maalmuhu u hadheen Huda Barkhdan Aden ayaa caawa Ka maata baxday Magaalada Hargeysa ka dib Markii uu soo waajahay kacdoon dadweyne oo balaadhan kaas oo la filayo inuu Dalka oo dhan gaadho ilaa talada lagaga Tuuro Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Wararkan oo imika naga soo gaadhay Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa Tibaaxaya in Marwadu Afka saartay Wadada u baxda dhinaca Magaalada Boorame iyada oo ay weheliyaan qaar ka mid ah Ilaalada gaarka ah ee qoyska Madaxweynuhu Arintan ayaa la filayaa inay la xidhiidho Qaraxa la filayo inuu beri ka dhasho Mudo kordhinta la horkeenay Golaha Guurtida ee Riyaale iska sii qorshaytay Source Saraar News
  9. Didn't they give any somafilanders any air-time on tv? lol. Cuz they discussed puntland on t.v at chatham house. Anyways the constitutional crisis in hargeisa is not a big deal, rayale is the new dictator and you know it and everyone knows it. Don't close your eyes to it and act like this ruthless man will just happily get off the chair after failing to so 3 times.
  10. Warar Hordhac ah ayaa ka soo baxaya kulan shalay duhurnimadii Dhexmaray Sheekh Xasan daahir aweys iyo Waliba Xubno aay isku beel yahiin oo ka tirsan DFKMG ee Somaliya Xubnaha iyo Sheekh Xasan ayaa la sheegay in kulankooda u aha in Sheekha lagu qanciyo inu ku biiro DFKMG ee Somaliya, madama dhanka kooxda Shabaab aay ka heysato dhibaato badan iyo isfaham darro. Waxana la sheegay inu Sheekh Xasan Daahir aweys ogoladay inu wada hadal la furo DFKMG ee Somaliya iyo in Xizbul islaam aay joojiyan dagaalka aay kula jiran DFKMG ee Somaliya, Dowladuna aay joojiso dagaalka aay kula jirto Xizbul islaam, Sidoo kalena labada dhinac aay iska kashadan Wixii Amniga quseeya. Shirkan ayaa la sheegay inay ka soo qeyb galeen Masuuliyiinta sar sare ee Xizbul islaam, Sidaa Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shuraada, Madaxa dhanka ciidanka, Iyo Waliba Xoghayaha Gashaandhiga ee Ururka, Sidoo kale waxa goob joog ka aha kulanka Odayaal ka soo jeeda beesha **** kuwas oo iyaguna arrimaha dhex dhexaadinta qeyb ka aha, Sidoo kale waxa Goobta joogay Saraakiil dowlada Metelaya oo dhamaan ka soo jeeday beesha u Xasan daahir ka soo jeedo, Sidoo kale waxa Kulanka Khadka telfoonka kaga qeyb galay Wasiiru dowladaha Gashaandhiga Sheekh Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde. Waxa la filaya in Labada dhinac kulan Heer sare ah ku dhex-yeeshan magaalada Muqdisho maalmaha soo socda, kulanka oo dhex mari doona Labo Koox oo ka kala socota DFKMG iyo Xizbul islaam
  11. Waxaa Maanlintii shalayto Magaalada Buuhoodle ee Xarunta gobolka Cayn ka anba baxay Wafti Balaadhan oo Hogaaminaya Gudoomiyaha gobolka Cayn Xariir Maxamuud Axmed oo ay kmaid yihiin Saraakiisha Ciidamada Booliska iyo madax ka Socota Wasaarada Maaliyada ee puntland gaar ahaan Xafiis Wasaarada Maaliyada ee gobolka Cayn Ujeeda Safarkaasi ayaa Gudoomiyaha iyo Waftigiisu ku tagaan tuulada Sool Joogto Waxaana safarkaasi ku Wajahnaa Sidii looga hirgalilahaa tuulada iyo Deegaanada hoos yimaada gobolka Caynba dhaqaajinta Cashuuraha iyo Balaadhinta Cashuuraha. Waxaana Maamulka gobolka Cayn iyo Saraakiishii kale ee Waftiga la Socotay ay tuulada Soo joogto la dhigay Ciidamo ka tirsan booliska gobolka Cayn iyo Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaarada Maaliyada oo loogu talagay inay Qaadaan Cashuuraha kana Qaadaan Gaadiidka halkaasi maraya Gudoomiyaha gobolka Cayn iyo Waftigiisa ayaa la shiray dhamaan Cuqaasha iyo Laamaha kala duwan ee Tuulada Sool Joogto Waxayna kala hadleen Sidii ay ula shaqayn lahaayeen Ciidanka iyo shaqaalaha wasaarasda Maaliyada ee gobolka Cayn Waxaana uu Gudoomiyihu sheegay hadii DHaqaalo ka Soo baxo tuulada in laga kaalmaydoono tuulada iyo deegaankaba Waxaana halkaasi ka hadlay Qaarmaid ah Cuqasha deegaanka Sool Joogto oo Balan Qaaday inay la shaqaynayaa Ciidanka iyo shaqaalaha wasaarada Maaliyada ee gobolka Cayn Xiligii horen ay la Shaqayn jireen Xisaabiyaha Wasaarada Maaliyad ee gobolka Cayn C/qaadi maxamed hiirad ayaa balan ku Qaaaday inay ka Wasaarad ahaan la shaqaynayaan Waxgarda Sool Joogto loogana baahan yahay inay Cashuurta Soo Saaraan lana shaqeeyaan Ciidamada iyo shaqaalaha Wasaarada Maaliyada Sidoo kale Waxaan isna halkaasi ka hadlay Taliyaha Qaybta Booliska ee gobolka Cayn Maxamed Maxamuud Culujoog oo kulan dardaarmay Ciidamada Booliska ee Sool joogto la dhigay inay si Wanaagsan ula shaqeeyaan dadka deegaanka loogana baahan yahay inay adkeeyaan dhinacooda nabad galiyada oo Boolisku Xilka saaran yahay Guud ahaanba Waxaa gobolka Cayn ka Bilaabay Barmaajin lagu balaadhinayo Cashuuraha gobolka Cayn Waxaana ka Socda gobolka Shir balaadhan oo ay Wadaan madaxda gobolka oo la Doonayo in Cashuurta gobolka lagu Dhaqaajiyo Waxna loogu Soo saaro gobolka Copyright © 2009
  12. I must say i have provided my details to the owner for this new functionality of their website. Truly one of the best media portals in somalia, it is professional, courteous, and most importantly it is factual reporting with no bias towards anyone or faction. I suggest all sign up for horseed media new functionality to hear the latest news from somalia from their phone.
  13. Website-ka Horseed Media oo Aad Ka Akhrisan Karto Telefonkaaga Gacanta (GSM Mobiles) October 1, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI · Horseed Media Webmaster Waxaa aan ugu bishaarayneysaa dhamaan akhrisyaasheeda gaar ahaan dadka ka isticmaala internetka telefonkooda gacanta in wixii hadda ka danbeeya aan u samayney version u gaar ah mobile-ka, markii aad ka soo booqato ama t adiga oo isticmaalaya telkaaga gacanta, waxa uu ku siinayaa version fudud oo ku haboon shaashada yar ee telkaaga ama Ipod-kaaga, waxaana uu la shaqeynayaa dhamaan Mobile barowser-ka, sidoo kale haddii aad isticmaaleysid Touch Browsers, ama telefonada taabashada ku shaqeeya sida IPHONE si wanaagsan ayaad u isticmaali kartaa una dhegaysan kartaa dhamaan codadka MP3-ga ah ee la socda wararka. Waxaan hadda gacanta ku haynaa sidii idaacadda Horseed Media aad Live uga dhegaysan lahayd telkaaga gacanta, markii aad ku xiriirisid Internetka. Waxaan kaaga mahad celineynaa haddii aad tahay qof ka akhrista Horseed Media telka gacanta in aad na siisid aragtidaada sida aad u aragto Feedback halkan riix si aad noola soo xiriir to http://horseedmedia. net/contact-us/
  14. The reason voa was removed from puntland is because they undermined the laws of the state by interviewing a man who called himself the "governor of hizbul islam for the puntland region" This is a clear attack on the leadership that was LEGALLY ELECTED by the parliament of the state. Imagine if a news media was in america interviewing two presidents of america? just imagine abc kept the propaganda going and interviewing the an al-qaeda guy calling himself the president of the state? This will lead to societal damage and people might start listening to his judgements and not farole. Excellent move president farole. Puntland oo Shaqadii ka Joojisay Wariyaashii VOA-da ee Gobolkaasi. Maamulka Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta October,02,2009- shaqadii ka Joojiyay Wariyaashii VOA-da uga soo warami Jiray Gobolada Puntland, Maamulka ayaa Arinkaasi ku Macneeyay ka dib waraysi ay qaadeen Wariyaashaasi oo aan Loo Bogin. Qoraal ka soo baxay Xafiiska wasaarada warfaafinta Pl ayaa lagu sheegay in wariyaashaasi ay waraysi ka qaadeen Nin markaasi sheegtay inuu yahay Gudoomiyaha Xisbul Islaam ee Gobolada Puntland Arinkaasna Maamulka Faroole aad uga cadhooday . Wariyaasha oo aanu la xidhiidhnay ayaa noo cadeeyay shaqo Joojintaasi waxana ay ku Tilmaameen mid Hortaagan Saxaafada Xorta ah ee Puntland. C/qaadir Maxmed Nuunaw, oo ah wariyaha VOA-da ee Bosaaso, iyo Nuur Muuse Birjeeb oo ah wariyaha Garoowe ayaa la sheegay in Shaqadii laga Joojiyay.
  15. This is a very positive step forward, at last their is recognition among the somali community that there is problems that need to be solved. Recognition of the problem is always the first step, the second step is the remedy. Enjoy the video below it is very enlightening. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
  16. Yo bro, here are the pics they uploaded it finally. You can go here for the rest of the pictures. /CiidankaFaransiiska OoTababar6MaalmoodSo conaayaUBilaabayCiid ankaBaddaEeDawladdaP untland?feat=embedwe bsite#
  17. This is indeed a strange issue and farole has been saying the voa has been spreading false information without clarifying not giving a hearing to decide whether what voa did is against the laws of the state. This is indeed a shameful act as puntland enjoys the most liberal media region in somalia.
  18. By the way abtiga tolkis it is funny you noticed the bi-cultural support of celebrating ethiopian culture hargeisa, lol they hold that festival once a year actually. However if you want to see how much love hargeisa has for ethiopia watch this video below and you will see thousands line up welcoming ethiopia into their city. Ps: when you find that sort of stuff happen in puntland, give me buzz because i will be damn suprised.
  19. When Abdullahi Yusuf used ethiopian support against jamac ali jamac if you read the journal article i posted, it makes it clear that this was "logistical military support" logistical meaning arms supply, strategy advice, etc. Not ethiopian soldiers fighting alongside abdullahi yusuf. That is military interventation and big difference to military logical support, so don't get it twisted. The fact of the matter is if you can prove to me one ethiopian ever stepped foot into puntland with solid proof, i'll accept it. However don't make hypocritical claims. Puntland has an understanding of military and economic relation with ethiopia that is it really. Their is no other ties with ethiopia, and these ties were necessary because egal at that time was using ethiopians, puntland was left with no choice but to use international support. Those southern boys you see don't be fooled by this "we don't do bizness with ethiopia" line they use, they are the first to use tigray support except the difference is they don't like the tigray guy in addis, but they have no problems getting help from the tigray guy in asmara..and that goes for your hizbul islam, shabab and even certain warlords in the past. So tell that to someone who hasn't actually studied the case proxy war happening in somalia.
  20. Abtigis yes another disgrace for somafiland. The day somafiland died was the day they needed ethiopia to come TO hargeisa and mediatate between his wives those so-called hizbis. Now not to long ago when abdullahi was fighting cade muse, not once would you hear ethiopia would negiotate between the two. Nor has an ethiopian ever step foot in puntland. Infact it is well known if anyone from puntland administration wants to speak to ethiopia, they must go to addis ababe, not the other-way around. Somafiland is pet-project of ethiopia and it's proven by the fact of how easy delegations of ethiopia can enter hargeisa without no problems. Where-as you will never see an ethiopian government official in puntland from it's inception till this day.
  21. The figures of the death-toll vary. Some report 5. Some report as high as 30. Some report 12. The more reliable news media like the bbc are reporting 10 deaths so far. Though not all are resultant from the battleground, 4 or 5 were reported to have died trying to flee the town. We will see how this all unsurfaces, what is suprising is the gedo foot-soldiers for the shabab movement. It really just proves to you their loyalties are always somewhere else those certain people, it's not the first time they bum down to a distant group nor will it be the last. Shame on gedo yet again doing a dog-act.
  22. I personally don't see a problem with darwish state that is aligned to the tfg and the territorial integrity of somaliya. However their will need to be obviously agreements that needed to be signed with puntland. 1. Defense pact like (nato) 2. Investment Pact especially regarding adhering to the current oil firms that has been assigned for puntland. 3. To have a darwish, makhir, and puntland unity in any future national federal parliament in relation to policies. If those were accepted i wouldn't see a problem with it. However it is probably in the best interest of ssc to stay in puntland because this can give the whole region a more powerful say in the tfg rather then divided lot. But if worse came to worse yes those above factors would definitely need to be taken into consideration from puntland and ssc states for the sake of all of our interests. Ps: But me personally i don't support a divided puntland because even if you create a darwish state, they will argue over why is las canood always president and not buhoodle or talex. Tribalism is an effect that effects all equally all the way down to sub-sub-sub-sub lineage. I think it's best to reform puntland parliament and rather then allocate based on degan we should allocate positions based on 4.5 quota for the sake of the state. However the 4.5 quota must be used in a way that is beneficial for the people that they are ruling. For example don't give a seat to any jahil but make sure the respective tribe knows the selection criteria's that must be met. Criterias like honest, educated, experience, etc. Once the parliamentary system is reformed, apply a multi-party system for elections. I think this sort of system will satisfy all stakeholders within the state, and create a firmer and more unified puntland. If only some people could see past their own personal interest and start seeing the interest of the state first would be great thing.
  23. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Cawke, have you ever met Waraabe in person? I did and I heard him go about the 'f-qashta this and f-qashta that' and that brought a smile to my lips. He didn't know who I was. Later he asked his clique who I and my cousin were. It was a funny encounter, 'cos we simply chuckled. It's nothing person just politics, Cawke. most folks think better than that. Lol, you shouldn't let anyone joke around with your ancestor. The great man buried in haylaan shouldn't enter into political debates and jokes. While they were worshipping cows and stuff as is shown in las geel, the old man buried in haylaan was teaching them islam and giving them a culture of decency. All the sultanates of somalia were 1 group of people. Notice when the colonizers came they never noted any sultantes in the south of somaliya nor in the north-west. But they noted The Mad Mullah and The Dervish. The Two eastern sultantes of makhir and puntland. Infact way before the colonizers came. Only adal empire was mentioned. It is great debate on who owned adal empire as you aware some say ahmed gurey was foreigner, some say he is from the oday in haylan. I suspect he was from the oday in haylan because his army consisted mainly of those people, i would doubt that if he was another clan that we would support him in such great numbers. Sxb all the great history of somalis is with 1 people of somaliya and that is why they all hate the old man buried in haylan. Ps: It is funny ppl say oh show some mercy to the hargeisa ppl, they were victims and were genocided and made into a minority by siyad barre. Well sorry but you don't need to be civil with uncivilized animals, If they wanna start bad mouthing slang it out with them, if they want respect they need to show it first themselves. Naxarista badan kuma ficno awoowe, thats just a bit of brotherly advice.
  24. Ciidamada Badda Faransiiska oo Tababar u bilaabay qaar kamid ah Mariiniska Puntland. Horseed Media Bosaso Tababarkani oo socon doona mudo 6 cisho ah ayaa waxaa ciidamada Badda ee dalka Faransiiska ay ufureen maanta oo Khamiis ah ciidamo katirsan Ciidamada Badda ee Puntland kaasi oo ku aadan ladagaalanka Burcad badeeda si rasmi ah uga furmay dusha markab taagan xeebta magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Furitaankii tababarka ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa wasiiro katirsan Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed oo ay kamid yihiin Wasiirka Kalluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda ee Puntland Md Maxamed Faarax Aadan iyo Wasiirka Dekedaha ee Puntland Md C/risaaq Xuseen Gacayte iyo sidoo kale saraakiil katirsan Ciidamada Badda ee Puntland. Inkastoo Furitaanka Tababarka loo diiday in saxaafadu ay aragto qaabka loo furayo Tababarkan ayaa hadana wariyahayaga C/qani Xasan Dhegjar ay usoo gashay in uu markabka dushiisa fuulo halkaasi oo uu sirasmi ah Tababarku uga bilowday waxaana Tababarka furitaankiisa kadib Markabka dushiisa kabilowday kulan ay albaabadu uxiranyihiin oo ay leeyihiin Wasiirada kasocda Puntland iyo saraakiisha Ciidamada Faransiiska kaasi oo saxaafada ay Ciidamada Faransiisku kuwargeliyeen inaanay saxaafada loo baahnayn oo ay Markabka kadegaan. Lama oga waxa uu kulankaasi kusaabsanyahay hase yeeshee waa markii ugu horeysay oo Tababar Noocan oo kale ah ay Ciidamada Badda Faransiiska siiyaan Ciidamada Mariiniska ee Puntland kasii oo imaanaya xili ay dhowr jeer oo horey Puntland caalamka uga dalbatay in laga taageero dhanka ladagaalanka Burcad badeeda Soomaalida ah . sawirada naga filo goor dhow Insha alaah
  25. Mr. Somalia, no i am not paranoid i just am cautious and know enemies when i see them or hear them. Like i said that particular individual is not friend of the somali people and never has been.