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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Berbera port is a dead port, look at the yearly revenues wa totally below the mogadishu and bossaso standards. It is due to regulations and choking out their traders with taxes and un-neccessary bullshit that it has become a ghost port.
  2. Lol Poker. France owns berbera port, not somalis anymore. That is not something to be proud off. All profits will be directed to the french not somalis.
  3. Middle East 'haunted by the past' As the US tries to restart peace negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, Jeremy Bowen says the fundamental differences between the two sides will need to be addressed before there can be a realistic chance of success. Israelis are good at welcoming family and friends. Shops in the concourse at Tel Aviv airport sell presents for the new arrivals. You can buy a nice bunch of flowers, a blow-up love heart, or a balloon shaped like a helicopter gunship. One family, excited and emotional as they waited for some longed-for reunion, stood under their hovering balloon, military green with painted-on missiles and a payload of helium. This week, Israel has been hanging on to a real-life flying tragedy. A young pilot, Captain Assaf Ramon, was killed when his F-16 jet crashed on a hill in the West Bank during a training flight. The young man's father - a celebrated air force flyer who took part in the raid on Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981 - was Israel's first astronaut. He was killed when the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated in 2003. One of the reporters at the funeral looked round the graveyard and saw a continuous thread, not just between the son being laid alongside his dead father, but also with the first Zionists in the area. He called them farmers with guns, two of whom were killed by Arabs 77 years ago. Many Israelis feel as if they are surrounded by enemies. That is why, in a country with compulsory military service, it does not feel strange to greet someone at the airport with an inflatable gunship. It is why a reporter can connect the deaths of a young pilot today and those of pioneers in the last century. The same historical vibrations teach that the Arabs are unremittingly hostile, and that Israelis must always be on their guard. Why else do they need an air force? Why else did Jewish farmers have to carry guns? US peace initiative So Israelis are not on the edge of their seats hoping that President Barack Obama can, despite all the difficulties, create a new peace process or revive an old one. Instead they are sceptical, and cynical about anything other than more of the same. US special envoy George Mitchell is trying to bring both sides together Most people are much more concerned about Iran and its nuclear plans than about Palestinians, who are a known, containable commodity. The Iranians are much more worrying. I am sitting writing this in the shade of some pine trees in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba in the occupied West Bank. All the houses around me are illegal under international law. If anything, the Palestinians who think all of this occupied land should be theirs are even more cynical and sceptical about peace than the Israelis. Many Palestinians are convinced that history's lesson is that Israelis are out to steal their land. Not just the soil and rock, but the water underneath it too. Plenty of Palestinians say that they prefer it when seemingly harder-line right-wingers like the current Israeli prime minister are in power. The left, they say, are good at deceiving foreigners but they are just as determined to take land as the rightists. For more than 15 years, on and off, Palestinians have watched leaders on the TV talking about peace. Peacemaking Then they look out of their windows and see land they believe is theirs disappearing under concrete, as Israel builds homes for Jews in the occupied territories. That is why the Obama administration in Washington has been pushing hard for a freeze on settlement building, to create a better atmosphere for talks. Israelis are surprised, hurt and a little angry that an American president appears to be putting the feelings of the other side above theirs. A former American negotiator looked back on the long record of failure in peace talks and said that one of the problems was that the US acted as Israel's attorney. America's commitment to Israel is still unshakeable but it looks as if President Obama wants to try to be more like an honest broker, not the family lawyer. By the way, there is plenty of pressure on the Palestinians too. But that is as predictable as the summer sun around here. Fundamental problem When the BBC sent me to live in Jerusalem in 1995, it was in the early days of the Oslo peace process. I left behind a perfectly good news story in Bosnia, with which I was somewhat in love. A Spanish colleague in Sarajevo asked me what on earth I was doing. "They've made peace in the Middle East," she said. "You're nuts. The story's over." But a couple of months after I arrived, a Jewish fanatic shot Israel's prime minister dead and that peace process started taking blows that in the end killed it. A couple of years later my Spanish friend moved to Jerusalem. Every attempt at peacemaking has failed. The fundamental problem has not been solved. Two peoples, both haunted by the past, want the same piece of land and cannot find a mutually acceptable way to share it, or split it. Until they do, there will not be peace here or anything like it. BBC
  4. The Sayyid was eventually destroyed by 1 people. The kings of the north-east. He had our support and recieved guns and ammunition from us. He stuffed up when he tried using religion for hidden qabil agenda just like modern-day shabab are doing today. The Kingz re-strategized their policy towards sayyid and met him in illig in the biggest battle he ever faced with any somali clan and was soundly defeated. This defeat of the sayyid no clan in somalia can claim except the sultantes in the north-east. You can read of that historic 1905 battle at illig below at the new york post newspaper archives. New York Post
  5. Wafti ka socda Puntland oo dagay Ruwanda. Wafti ka socda Dowlada Puntland ayaa gaaray Magaalada Kigali ee Xarunta Dalkaasi Ruwanda, waxaana ka mid ah Wafdigaas 10-Wasardaha Dowlada Puntland Agaasimeyaashooda ah,iyo labo Gabdhood oo ka socda Hay’adda UNDP. Safarkaan ayaa waxaa hogaaminaya Wasiirudawlaha Madaxtooyada ee dhanka Maamul Wanaaga Puntland Maxamed Faarax (Gaashaan), Waftigaan ayaa waxay halkaas ku joogaa booqasho maalin ah, iyagoo lagu wado inay isla maanta ka dhoofaan halkaas iyagoo tagaya Magaalada Kampala ee dalka Uganda, iyagoo halkaas ku sugnaan doona illaa 23-ka bishan, waxayna ka kulmi doonaan inta ay ku sugan yihiin Uganda Madaxda Dowlada Dalkaasi Uganda, Waftigaan ayaa waxaay safaro ku marayaan Wadamada ay ka mid tahay Uganda, Ruwanda, Ethiopia iyo Wadamo kale, Ujeedada safarka agaasimayaasha ayaa lagu sheegay xoojinta xiriirka Puntland kala dhexeeya Waddamada ay jaarka Yihiin Dowlada Puntland ee aan soo sheegnay, Illaa iyo intii la doortay Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ayuu Maamulka Dowaldiisa Awoodda saaray sidii uu u xoojin lahaa xiriirrada kala dhexeeya Dalalka Calaamka, kuwa Afrika iyo kuwa dariska ah, iyadoo xiriiradan ay intooda badan salka ku hayaan Ganacsiga iyo iskaashiga dhinacyo badan leh, Waftigan ka socday Dowlada Puntland ayaa waxa ay Dalka Uganda ku qaadan doonaan waxbarasho ku aaddan habka Maamulka Wanaagsan, waxayna kulammo kala duwan la qaadan doonaan madaxda dalkaas si ay xiriirka u xoojiyaan. Xafiiska Wararka Bosasomedia ee Garowe:-
  6. GAROOWE: Roobab ma hiigaan ah oo ka da'ay Garoowe, Laascaanood , Qardho. Posted to the Web Oct 12, 03:48 Garoowe: (pp)- Roobab ma hiigaan ah ayaa qabtay magaalooyinka Qardho, Garoowe iyo Magaalada laascaanood , roobabkaas oo ahaa kuwo lixaad leh oo ay ku qobowsadeen dadka ku nool deegaanadaas. Roobabkaan ayaa goobaha qaarkood ka gaystay dhibaatooyin aan saas u weynayn , iyadoo ay roobabkaas ay wateen Dabaylo iyo Baraha roobka oo aad u xoog weynaa. Roobkan ayaa ka da' ay magaalada Qardho iyo Nawaaxigeeda, Laascaanood iyo Magaala madaxda Puntland Garoowe, isagoo si fiican u qabtay goobaha ka baxsan magaalooyinka ee ay daaqaan Xoolaha. Roobabkaan ayaa meelaha qaarkood ka da'ayey muddo lagu qiyaasay 24-saacadood in ka badan oo isku xiga. Magaalada Garoowe ayuu Roobkan haayey ilaa shalay iyo Saaka Subaxii hore , iyagoo biyaha Roobku ay xireen goobo mihiim ah oo ay dadka Rayidka ah ay horay u mari jireen. Roobabkan ayaa waxay kaloo dhibaato u geysteen dadka Qaxootiga ah ee degan banaanka Magaalada , kuwaas oo Guryaha ay ku nool yihiin ay ka samaysan yihiin Kartoomo iyo Bacooyin aan xajin karin Baraha Roobka. Saciid C/salaan Puntlandpost- Garoowe, soomaaliya
  7. BOOSAASO: Jaamacadda Muqdisho oo faraceeda Boosaaso uga furtay arday cusub imtixaanka aqbaalada 2009/2010 Posted to the Web Oct 12, 08:17 Boosaaso (PP) - Dufcaddii 2-aad ee ardayda Jaamacadda Muqdisho xarunteeda Boosaaso ayaa maanta u fadhiistay imtixaankii aqbaaladda (Admisson Test) ee sanad waxbarashadeedka 2009/2010 Qaybaha waxbarsho ee uu ka koobanyahya Campusku waxa ay kal yihiin: sharia & law, social science, math & physics, Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Public Administration, Computer science iyo Information technology. Goobta uu imtixaanku ka dhacayay ee Campuska Jaamacadda ee Bosaaso oo kuyaala Xaafadda Biyo kulule e Magaaladda Boosaso ayaa waxa imtixaanka ku galay saaka arday aad u fara badan oo isgu jira wiilal iyo gabdho oo sandkan ku soo biiray Jaamacadda. Imtixaankan oo ah mid qoraal iyo oral ama (shafawi) isugu jira ayaa waxa uu ka midyahay shuruudaha lagu aqbalo ardayada dhamaanba takhasusyada kala duwan ee jaamacadda Muqdisho. Madaxa Campuska Bosaso, Ustaad Cali Daahir Maxamed oo munaasabadan ka hadlayay ayaa yiri: Waxaa xusud mudan, Campuska jaamaccda muqdisho ee Bosaso waa kii ugu horeeyay ee Jaamacaddu ay ka furto meel ka baxsan Magaaladda Muqdisho oo Xarunta dhexe ee Jaamacaddu ku taalo, si loo gaaro hadafka jaamacadda ee ku aadan in lagu baahiyo dhamaan gobalada dalka oo dhan tacliin jaamacadeed oo tayaysan. Xarunta Boosaaso oo la furay 2008 dii ay waxaa sanadkan lagu soo kordhiyay Kuliyadda, Computer science & Information technology, sidoo kale waxa Jaamacaddu ay ka bilawday Punntland Barnaamika Daraasaadka sare takhasusyada Sharciga & Qaanuunka, Educationka iyo Business Administrationka(MBA) Jaamacadda Muqdisho oo ah jaamacaddii ugu horaysay ee laga aasaasay dalka waxaa la furay sanadkii1996 dii, waxaa illaa hadda ka qalinjabiyay 9 dufcadood 7 kulliyadood iyo barnaamijka daraasaadka sare ee hadda ay ka koobantahay. Jaamacadda oo leh aqoonsi caalami ah ayaa waxa ay xubin rasmi ah ka tahay 6da urur Jaamacadeed caalamiga ah eek ala ah: Midowga Jaamacadaha caalamka Islaaamka (FUMI). Midawga Jaamacaddaha wadamada carabta. Midawga jaamacadaha carabeed ee gaarka ah Raabidada jaamacadaha islaamiga ah Midawga Jaamacadaha Afrika Midawga jaamacadaha caalamiga ah. Akhbaarta Jaamicadda eeg websityada: Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Muqdisho E-mail: Live TV
  8. Dekada Berbera oo Shirkad Faransiis ah la wareegayso. October 12, 2009 Horseed Media News Desk Dekada Magaalada Berbera ee Maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland ayaa waxaa la sheegaaya in ay la wareegayso isla markaana ay maamuli doonto howlaha ka soconaaya dekada Shirkad Faransiis ah. Shirkada la wareegayso oo fadhigeedu yahay Wadanka Faransiiska ayaa waxaa lagu magacaaba Bollore Africa Logistics (SDV international),waxaana beriyahan dambe masuuliyinta shirkadaas ay wada hadalo iyo kulamo isdaba joog ah wada yeelanaayeen masuuliyinta maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland. Maareyaha dekada Magaalada Berbera Ingineer Cali Cumar Maxamed oo la hadlaayay Idaacad ku taala Wadanka Faransiiska ayaa sheegay in Masuuliyinta Shirkada SDV iyo weliba saraakiisha dekada Berbera ay 4-bilood ka hor ay kulan ay yeesheen ay isku afgarteen in ay wada shaqeeyaan,balse waxaa ay codsadeen masuuliyinta Shirkada Faransiiska in maamulka dekada Berbera ay maamulka dekada ku soo wareejiyeen ayna iyagu maamulaan. ”Waxaan diyaar u nahay isla markaana aan soo dhowaynayna cid waliba oo maalgashanaysa dekadeena,waxaana aad ugu riyaaqnay oo aan danaynayna shirkadaan in ay la wareegto maamulka dekada”,ayuu yiri Maareeyaha. Wuxuuna tibaaxay in ay Shirkadaan dhowaan ay iyadu iyo maamulka Somaliland ay kala saxiixan doonaan heshiis oo ay Shirkadu kula wareegayso maamulka dekada,iyadoo u sheegay in dhowaan ay Masuuliyinta sar sare ee Shirkadaas ay soo gaari doonaan magaalada Hargeysa ayna la kulmi doonaan Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Daba yaaqadi Bishi May ee aynu soo dhaafnay magaalada Berbera ayaa waxaa diyaarad khaas ku soo gaaray masuuliyinta Shirkada si ay wada hadalo la qaatan Madaxweynaha iyo Masuuliyinta kale ee Somaliland kuwa oo xilligaas ku sugnaa Magaalada Berbera,waxaana ay sii wadajir u booqdeen qaybaha kala duwan ee dekada. Ugu dambaynti Maareyaha dekada Berbera Injineer Cali Cumar waxaa u sheegay in hore dekada ay wada maamuli jireen Somaliland iyo Dowlada Wadanka Itoobiya balse tiro dhowr jeer oo hore waxaa jiray Shirkado damacsanaa in ay la wareegaan maamulka dekada hase ahaate ay is afgaran waayeen. Shirkada Bollore Logistic Network (SDV international) ayaa ah Shirkada ugu baaxada weyn ee ka howlgala qaarada Afrika ee maalgashada dekadaha wadamada kala duwan ee Qaaradaan,waxaana ay inka badan 200-xarumo iyo wakiilo ku kala leedahay dhaafaha qaarada.Dekada Berbera ayaa ah dekad ay ka waxyaabo kala gedisan ka dhoofsadaan kana kala soo degaan ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed. Source: Horseed Media
  9. Hotelada iyo Guryaha la kireysto oo ay Puntland isha ku heynayso! October 12, 2009 Hussein Farah Horseed Media Dowlada Puntland ayaa sheegtay in ay isha kuheyn doonto dhaq dhaqaaqa dadka soo gala deegaanada Puntland, ayadoo la socon doonta dadka yimaada ama dega Hotela iyo Guryaha la kireysto ee magaalooyinka Puntland. Qorshahan ku aadan dhanka amaanka ayaa laga soo saaray kulamo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay uga socday magaalada Bosaso, hay’adaha amniga, Sirdoonka, maamulada gobalada, degmooyinka iyo Wasaaradaha arrimaha gudaha iyo Amniga. Qorshahan ayaa lagu tilmaamay mid looga gaashaamanayo in falal ka dhan ah amniga gobalada Puntland ay fuliyaan kooxo ka imaan kara koonfurta Soomaaliya iyo goobaha kale ee dagaaladu ka socdaan. Magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta ganacsiga ee Puntland ayay labo goor oo hore ka dhaceen qaraxyo bambaano oo lala beegsada goobo kala gedisan, ayadoo maamulka Bosaso sheegay inuu soo dhaweenayo dadaalka cusub ee lagula soconayo dhaq dhaqaaqa dadweynaha iyo xaafadaha magaalada. Waxaana lagu wadaa qorshahan oo uu maamulka Sheegay in laga fulin doono magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland, in laga hirgeliyo Bosaso oo noqon doonta meelaha la rumeysan yahay in dowlada ay illa gaar ah ku heyso. Bishii lasoo dhaafayey ayay hay’adaha Midowga Yurub iyo kuwa Kale ee caalamiga ah deegaanada Puntland iyo Somaaliland, hoos u dhigeen heerkii kalsoonida in ay ka hawlgalaan shaqaalahooda, ayadoo arrintana ay la xariirto walaaca laga qabo in dagaalada ka socda koonfurta Soomaaliya ay ku fidaan gobalada nabadoon ee waqooyiga Soomaaliya. Lama saadaalin karo sida ay dowlada Puntland ugu hirgeli doonto inay fuliso hawsha baaxadaleh ee la socoshada dhaq dhaqaaqa kumanaanka kun ee dadka Soomaalida ah ee isaga kala goosha Puntland iyo gobalada kale ee dalka Soomaaliya. Ayadoo ay horey u dhacday in magaalada Bosaso ay ka dhacaan qaraxyo xoogban, magaalada Bosaso ayaa leh hal kontarool oo ay gaadiidka kasoo galaan, halkaasi oo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada amniga. Horseed Media
  10. Yes the puntland diaspora agenda is good and puntland is going through a reformative age. The age i like to term "educated" era. These positive steps taken by the puntland diaspora forum is excellent and is purely developmental, governance, and re-building policies. They need to stay out of politics and bickering for political candidates because this will diminish their standing within the puntland community. So far so good and these agenda being used need to be taken note of puntland leader, i foresee a future where the puntland diaspora lobby will have a huge lobby and interest stake in puntland and will be able to guide the government into the right path. It is another a check and balance to keep the government honest. Anyways like i said untill I watch the whole video and hear the finer details, I won't comment on it as much.
  11. Watch this inspiration speech by U.k Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The Topic covered is regarding digital technology being used in the 21st century and how to scope that across all facets of society. It's truly an eye-opener regarding the changing world we live in.
  12. mudug, sool, sanaag, and cayn are the regions that live in security volatile areas and to hear more security measures taken in those regions is a positive step and excellent to see faroole fullfilling his promises.
  13. Juma-nne well shukul kuma lahaa snm-land sool iyo sanaag and cayn. The garaads at the time of somaliland british colonialist never ever signed the treaty to be apart of somaliland. However there is no point even arguing from historical point, because 1960 politics is totally irrelevant in todays politics. I can't go to kilinka shanaad and say "hey you amharas that land was part of italian somaliland and want it come back to it's colonial borders" qof ka oglaneyo ma jirto. Because colonial borders play no relevance in todays politics. It's the past, today is the present. That is why 17 years hargeisa has been the laughing stock of somalia. Miserable people lol. However i must say it has worked excellently in puntland favor, because as long as they remain unrealistical puntland has time to sort out somalia while the world ignores them. By the time somalia is sorted..Their will be f-16's from america landing at berbera giving them an ultamitum either join federalism or consider yourself a rebel!!! Quite defying really, either they will be genocided and a new ppl settled in snm land or they will cede to federalism. Federalism is realistic it has the backing of big time allies around, sland seccessionism has no backing. You see who has the political leverage? War dadkasi sxb, ceeb weyn baa sugeyso just watch. And the funny thing is in the history books their going to down as the people who can never be trusted for patriotism just like their forefathers. As for the case of ssc, I wouldn't be to concerned, word on the street in garowe is "galkacyo was held for 2 years by usc" "las canood also seems to be the case" lakin 2 years dhaafi meyso inshallah. That is just word on the street though!!!
  14. Garaad jamac garad ali kalsoonida wuu kala wareegtay dawlada farole, not dawlada puntland. That is where you get confused, the garaad doesn't support farole, but is an ardent supporter of puntland. If garad jamac was supporter of somafiland why is he always going around to nsum meetings? you got to be kidding yourself sxb. Secondly as for your dreaming indepedence, it is not possible because of ssc and awdal. The day u included those regions, is the day your idea failed. Because these regions are either. A: Pro Somalia. B: Pro Darwishland. C: Pro Puntland. Somafiland doesn't even come into the equation. So you will have no choice but to join federalism because you can't create a border for yourself because the half of somaliland regions reject it. Listen sxb, i can't just sit in my house in new zealand and declare a republic just because i see it fit to do so, their procedures and protocols to follow. The same goes for your lala land. It's fake state, its going nowhere, ppl all tahrib due to poverty, your hargeisa elite are in the tfg. Awdal hates sland, ssc was never apart of it to begin with. And even your top hargeisa guys like rageh omar laugh at u. Your a joke to somalis sxb and even to your own people and noone even takes your politics serious only the somaliland tfg guys talk about noone else.
  15. VOA Somali Service Permitted to Resume Operations in Puntland 9 Oct 9, 2009 - 8:13:41 AM Ministry of Information and Telecommunication Government of Puntlant State of Somalia The Ministry of Information and Telecommunication of the Government of Puntland State of Somalia has permitted the Voice of America’s Somali Service broadcasts to resume operations effective today, 9 October 2009. The decision came after discussions between the Puntland Government and various officers of the U.S. State Department, including the Somalia Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kenya and the VOA Director in Washington, D.C. His Excellency, the President of Puntland State, granted the VOA Somali Service to resume its news broadcasting operations in Puntland today as a good gesture to U.S. Ambassador to Kenya H.E. Michael E. Renneberger’s participation at the Puntland Diaspora Forum Conference to be held in the U.S. State of Minnesota, 10 – 12 October 2009. On 1st October 2009, FM radio stations in Puntland that re-broadcast daily VOA Somali Service programs were ordered to halt the broadcasts after elements at the VOA Somali Service headquarters in Washington failed to objectively and accurately report about Puntland affairs. This temporary ban, however, did not impact the VOA’s other programming and the FM radio stations continue to re-broadcast VOA English-language programs in Puntland. Most recently, an individual of questionable character, who falsely claimed that an office representing an armed religious cult was opened in the Puntland capital city of Garowe, was interviewed by the VOA Somali Service. That particular individual is currently in Puntland jail awaiting trial for his irresponsible conduct and baseless allegations. The Puntland Government views such controversial interviews with questionable characters as intended to incite instability by publicizing false and inflammatory remarks. The Puntland Government is committed to maintaining the systems of law and order in its territory and has been ensured by U.S. Government officials of a pending review of the VOA Somali Service editorial personnel and policy.
  16. Xaaji, this is not an issue of somaliland at all anymore, the issue is between creating a darwish-land or sticking to puntland. Their is not 1 single garaad in hargeisa, all their is are people who are looking out for their personal interest and pay-cheque. They represent themselves and not really their constiteunts. The serious under-lying issue facing the people of las canood is: Sub-clan issues within the darwish people in particular those around talex who have been the ruling class of darwish have not recieved overwhelming support from their fellow darwish brothers. This Nairobi meeting was to sort out those internal issues and for the darwish people to stand towards 1 direction. Most likely they are going to stand behind garad saleban, as he is the heavyweight of all the garaads without a shadow of a doubt. So the issue is not of somaliland, as long as 1 garaad is not in somaliland, the people majority wise can not consider hargeisa. Hargeisa future is already sorted out, the day federalism was proposed is the day hargeisa dreams died out. The federal option is not joking matter. This is internationally endorsed framework of somalia, no matter how long the war goes on in the ground, we can wake up 1000 years later for all the world cares, but we will still be following this system. So get used to it boys and adapt to it because your future is this.
  17. Bro, They better record this Conference, Because i am looking forward to hearing their analysis.
  18. Polly Curtis, education editor The Guardian, Thursday 8 October 2009 Oxford slips in international university ranking as Asian rivals 'snap at heels' University College London, which leapfrogged Oxford, coming fourth after Yale in the league tables. Oxford University has slipped down an international league table of the world's top universities which also reveals the advance of academia in Asia that will soon pose a challenge to the Ivy League and Oxbridge. Oxford fell from fourth to joint fifth place with Imperial College London in the QS/Times Higher Education rankings, published today, widening the gap with Cambridge which was rated second in the world. University College London (UCL) leapfrogged Oxford coming fourth after Yale, Cambridge and Harvard. Overall the UK still punches above its weight, second only to the US. It has four out of the top 10 slots and 18 in the top 100. But there has been a significant fall in the number of North American universities in the top 100, from 42 in 2008 to 36 in 2009. The number of Asian universities in the top 100 increased from 14 to 16. The University of Tokyo, at 22, is the highest ranked Asian university, ahead of the University of Hong Kong at 24. Leading UK universities said institutions in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong were "snapping at the heels" of western institutions arguing they needed more funding to compete on the global stage. Earlier this week the outgoing vice-chancellor of Oxford warned the university needs more than £1bn investment in the next decade to bring "unfit for purpose" facilities up to a world-class standard. John Hood said the university was budgeting to make a loss for the fourth year in a row. "From a financial perspective these are genuinely worrying times," he said. "Government budgets are over-stressed and endowments are extremely volatile, as are the markets for our entrepreneurial activities."Yesterday Oxford expressed surprise at its fall in the table. A spokesperson said: "League table rankings can vary as they often use different methods to measure success, but Oxford University's position is surprising given that Oxford … has come first in every national league table." The rankings are based on an international survey of 9,000 academics, how influential the institution's research is and measures of teaching quality and ability to recruit staff and students abroad. Wendy Piatt, director general of the Russell Group of Universities, said: "The broad message of these tables is clear – the leading UK research universities are held in high esteem internationally but countries like China and Korea, which are investing massively in their best institutions, are snapping at our heels. "The precise accuracy of league tables like this can be debated but there is no mistaking the alarm bell warning that our success is at risk if we as a nation don't take action to fight off such fierce competition." She added that the UK was less well-funded than its competitors and if public spending cuts hit budgets they would be under increasing pressure. Universities are currently arguing for improved funding in a forthcoming review of the student finance system, to be launched by the government within weeks. They are increasingly calling for fees to be increased to safeguard the quality of their teaching. The league table rates teaching quality according to the staff to student ratio. A recent report by the Higher Education Funding Council for England suggested some students were struggling to get enough contact time with tutors. Phil Baty, the deputy editor of Times Higher Education magazine which published the tables, said: "Oxford comes out with perfect scores on reputation but citations per staff have slipped slightly while UCL has improved dramatically. It's very tight at the very top so a relatively small change can move the pecking order. Spending on higher education in Asia is phenomenal and that's why you see their results going up."
  19. France will train 3,000 Somali Security Forces (RBC NEWS) Published on: October 10,2009 Garowe Time 10:44 am ABDALLE MUUMIN RBC NEWS France has proposed to train 3,000 Somali security forces to help stabilize the war torn country, French defense minister said. Herve Morin, French defense minister said in a statement to Swedish government currently holding the presidency of European Union that the French authority will launch an efforts to train TFG forces in French military base in Djibouti. The minister has revealed his government will cxontinue providing important support to the transitional government of Somalia which is encountering heavy challenges against islamist rebels in the country. France already provided training to 150 somali security forces in French military camp in Djibouti. “My government is committed to actively participate the EU mission, especially providing training and logistical support to the Somali security forces which could lead an efficient action to stabilize the country”, French defense minister said in the statement to the EU presidency. The EU is taking part anti-piracy operation in the gulf of Aden, a pirate plagued area in the horn of Africa. The weak Somali government has already pledged to the world to help train and re build national forces to secure the land and the sea. RBC Radio
  20. Somalia: Fighting re-news Between Al Shabab and Hizbul Islam (RBC NEWS) Published on: October 10,2009 Garowe Time 12:23 pm ABDALLE MUUMIN RBC NEWS e-mail: Reports from Kismayo, the port town in southern Somalia say that fighting between two rebel groups, Al Shabab and Hizbul Islam re- newed, RBC Radio reports. Local residents say heavy fighting between the two sides erupted at Bulo-Haji, a small village 45-km west from Kismayo the capital region of Lower Juba. The fighting erupted on Saturday night as Al Shabab insurgents from Kismayo launched an attack against Hizbul Islam main base in Bulo-Haji causing heavy gun battle between them. There are no reports of casualties as the area has no any communication. Senior officers from the two rebel groups confirmed the fighting while contacting RBC Radio correspondent in Mogadishu. Spokesman for Hizbul Islam Sheikh Ismael Adow said they had been attacked by Al Shabab militia chasing some Hizbul Islam elements in the near villages, and he declined to speak about any loss. There are no reports from Al Shabab officers, now running the port town of Kismayo where the two groups are struggling. Locals in the area told RBC Radio more battle wagons with armed militias from the two sides were moving to the area, causing a fear of an other clashes. The fighting comes days after the leaders of the two sides announced a cease fire agreement signed in Mogadishu this week. Nearly twenty people had been killed and more than thirty others wounded when the two rebel groups confronted in Kismayo early this month.
  21. VOA Somali Service Permitted to Resume Operations in Puntland 9 Oct 9, 2009 - 8:13:41 AM Ministry of Information and Telecommunication Government of Puntlant State of Somalia The Ministry of Information and Telecommunication of the Government of Puntland State of Somalia has permitted the Voice of America’s Somali Service broadcasts to resume operations effective today, 9 October 2009. The decision came after discussions between the Puntland Government and various officers of the U.S. State Department, including the Somalia Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kenya and the VOA Director in Washington, D.C. His Excellency, the President of Puntland State, granted the VOA Somali Service to resume its news broadcasting operations in Puntland today as a good gesture to U.S. Ambassador to Kenya H.E. Michael E. Renneberger’s participation at the Puntland Diaspora Forum Conference to be held in the U.S. State of Minnesota, 10 – 12 October 2009. On 1st October 2009, FM radio stations in Puntland that re-broadcast daily VOA Somali Service programs were ordered to halt the broadcasts after elements at the VOA Somali Service headquarters in Washington failed to objectively and accurately report about Puntland affairs. This temporary ban, however, did not impact the VOA’s other programming and the FM radio stations continue to re-broadcast VOA English-language programs in Puntland. Most recently, an individual of questionable character, who falsely claimed that an office representing an armed religious cult was opened in the Puntland capital city of Garowe, was interviewed by the VOA Somali Service. That particular individual is currently in Puntland jail awaiting trial for his irresponsible conduct and baseless allegations. The Puntland Government views such controversial interviews with questionable characters as intended to incite instability by publicizing false and inflammatory remarks. The Puntland Government is committed to maintaining the systems of law and order in its territory and has been ensured by U.S. Government officials of a pending review of the VOA Somali Service editorial personnel and policy.
  22. Jafe yes they have invaded puntland territorial integrity and their will definitely be serious repercussions. A letter has been sent to addis condemning the issue and I do believe it will be taken further if necessarily to the african union. Secondly, I find it amusing that people like to pick on puntland for giving onlf rebels to ethiopia. Because if you look at ethiopia's parliament, army, public services, and even spy informants you will see onlf people are doing these dirty moves to their own people. Infact recently in the nfd it was the onlf people there that tipped off kenya intelligence services of onlf business-men funding the onlf campaign in ethiopia. So the question really is, if onlf people don't care for themselves, why is puntland being blasted always? It has something that has confused us to be quite honest!!!
  23. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: quote: Puntland is a firm supporter of the onlf, the onlf people use Bossaso port till this day in puntland in relative peace except the occasional hiccup which is always quickly resolved. Puntland would never admit they support the ONLF. They deny it everytime they are ask. But if what you say is true, then Puntland will need to show who's side their are on. Either cut ties with Ethiopia or the ONLF. The operation could never have been completed without the help of the Puntland government on the ground. In a tough city like Gaalkayo, the Ethiopians weren't alone. Well not necessary sxb, special agents do not need any local help, considering the technology they have nowadays. And if that was the case, i am certain the PIS would've of tipped them off anyways. But The point of the matter is puntland government is stuck in between a rock and a bad place. 1 thing they need ethiopia military assistance and business relationship. They need Ethiopia as an ally to send a warning to all oppositions of puntland in somalia. But then their is another side which doesn't get publicized much, and it is clan-elder pressure who support the onlf 100% and want them to use puntland for whatever purposes they want. So that is the situation...on 1 side it's a matter of keeping ties intact with ethiopia, then their is another side which is to keep the isimo happy. Without the isimo Puntland can not exist!!! that is why their opinion is crucial to puntland administration. It will be interesting to see how it plays out!!!
  24. Ethiopia secret agents committed this atrocious act and Puntland security minister has sent a letter and held a press-conference to demanad ethiopia not to violiate somalia's territorial integrity because this can be taken before international tribunal. These sorts of issues are not acceptable Puntland, this is the first time it happened and it will be the last time it happens. Just like it was the first time PIS handed over onlf soldiers and it was the last time that incident ever occurred. Puntland is a firm supporter of the onlf, the onlf people use Bossaso port till this day in puntland in relative peace except the occasional hiccup which is always quickly resolved.
  25. Dawlada Puntland Oo Jawaab Ka Bixisay Dhacdadii Askar Sirdoonka Itoobiya Ka Tirsan Ay Ka Geysteen Gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Published on: October 9,2009 Garowe Time 9:08 am Gaalkacyo(RBC): Wasiirka Amniga Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Gen. C/laahi Siciid Samatar ayaa sheegay in Golaha Wasiirada iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland ay kulan ka yeesheen arintii Ciidamo ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay ka sameeyeen gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in kulankaasi kadib Dawlada Puntland ay soo saartey jawaab kulul oo ku aadan dhibaatadii ka dhacdey Gaalkacyo ee lagu dilay Labo qof oo Soomaali ah isla markaana ku noolaa xaafada Israac ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo. “ Uma dulqaadan doono falkaasi oo kale, waxay waxyeeleynaysaa xiriirka labada Maamul, raalina ka noqon mayno in deegaanadeena lagu sameeyo waxyaabo amaanka wax u dhimaya ” sidaa waxaa yiri Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Gen. Samatar. Gen, Samatar ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay ahaayeen kuwa ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itooobiya, isla mar ahaantaana Ciidamada Amaanka ee Puntland ay wadaan baaritaano ku aadan dilka loo geystay dad ku nool gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, wixii faah-faahin oo ka soo baxana ay soo bandhigi doonaan. Wasiirka Amniga Puntland waxaa kale oo uu intaa raaciyay in deegaanada Puntland aysan hadda ka hor waxan oo kale aysan ka dhicin, oo ay tani tahay tii ugu horeysay, ayna noqon doonto tii ugu dambeysay . Mar uu ka hadlayey Wasiirku qaabka ay wax u dhaceen ayaa sheegay in nimanka waxyeelada ciidamada Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay u geysteen ay ugu dhaceen xilli habeenimo ah gurigooda, iyaga oo mid ka mid ah ragii ay raadinayeen xabad ku dhiftey, halka mid ka kalena isaga oo dhaawac ah ay ku tuureen inta u dhaxeysa degmada Xarfo iyo Gaalkacyo, kaasoo hadda lagu dabiibayo xarunta Caafimaadka ee GMC ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Ugu dambeyntii Gen. C/laahi Siciid Samatar ayaa sheegay xilliga ay Askarta ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay soo galayeen gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ay ahayd waqti habeen ah isla markaana aan waxba laga ogaan karin arimahaasi oo kale, hase ahaatee ay laamaha amaanku ka warheleen subaxnimadii. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Galkacyo