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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Diyaarad ku soo dhacday Magaalada Kismaayo. October 19, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI Horseed Media Breaking News Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta gobolka Jubadda Hoose ayaa sheegaaya in maanta halkaas ay ku soo dhacday diyaarad nooca wax basaasta oo aan la aqoon Wadanka laga leeyahay. Dad Xog Ogaal ah oo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ku sugan Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa Horseed Media u xaqiijiyey in diyaaradaas loo badinaayo in ay soo rideen Xoogaga Al-Shabaab ee ka arimiya Magaaladaas isla markaana aan la aqoon goobta ay ku dhacday oo weli la baadi goobaayo. Waxaana ay dadkaas sheegeen in saaka oo dhan ay rasaas xoogan laga maqlaayay Magaalada Kismaayo oo ay ridaayeen dagaalyahanada Ururka Al-Shabaab ee Magaalada Kismaayo kuwaas oo arkay diyaaradaas xilli ay joog hoose ku dhul hee haabaysay hawada Magaalada Kismaayo. Dadkaas ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Xaalada Magaalada Kismaayo ay saakay ahayd mid aad u kacsan oo loo malaynaayay in ay dagaal ka bilaabman rabto,waxaana dadka reer miyiga ay sheegaayan in diyaaradaas ay ku soo dhacday Waqooyiga Xeebta Magaalada Kismaayo. Dadka Magaalada ayaa iminka isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada ayna baadigoob ugu jiraan halki ay ku dhacday diyaarada. Waa marki ugu horeysay ay Kooxda Al-Shabaab ay soo rido diyaarad,waxaana dhowaanahan Maamulka Kismaayo ay ku hanjabaayeen in ay soo ridi doonaan diyaaradaha ku dhul heehaabeeya hawada Magaalada Kismaayo. Horseed Media.
  2. Duke, sxb its obvious you don't know what being fair and balanced entails; It entails speaking of the pro's and con's of any situation. Anyways i am not going to bother carrying this conversation as you have no clue what even fair and balanced mean which proves you have never been to a university in your whole life. Topic over
  3. Duke, the truth will be spoken no matter how many people's feeling it hurt, after-all i don't see you protest when cade get insulted and u call me imposter? lol sxb like i said qarxis hurts i know. But dont whine to me about because you are not paying me to listen to your constant crying.
  4. Lol duke, it seems you got some deep-seated issues i suggest you go visit your local psycharistist. Ps: I don't try to divide the people up, i simply state the facts, if that is dividng the people up then so be it. If people say cade was corrupt, yes he was I won't argue with it. But to blame him for the mess of the state is a bit far fetched and is not taking into consideration many crucial aspects. I guess you would love me to ignore it right? No sxb I don't do that. Oh yes I know i am doing service for puntland, i am combating the lies and filth as a true son would, not go around change names and join the other side like some ppl around here.
  5. Thankfulsp, So it's director lol. I thought it was petroleum minister. Anyways thanks for the update. Like i said i don't really view the government website anymore because it's never updated. I used to view back in the day when cade was there, it always had new news on it. It appears the puntlandgovt website is heading down the track of somalilandgov website of never being update.
  6. Duke, noone forced you to read bro, so need to whine just hit the X. Life is just that easy. You have called me an imposter a number of occasion which is funny because it is you who goes around using multiple names. I stick with 1 name and don't play games. I don't even bother talking to you I doubt your even from puntland because i seen your other names AND their not puntland thats for sure. Get a life son your views are out-dated, your news are boring and the same retarded crap. If you don't like what i post don't enter my threads because i as sure dont read ur crap.
  7. I read this about 3 days ago however didn't bother posting it as it is internal issues. However I posted it for you ThankfulSP after seeing your total out-right hostility to farole. The issue between him and cade is being worked on bro and their reports suggesting they are to meet in nairobi to lay to rest some outstanding differences.
  8. Faroole iyo Gen-Cade Muuse oo Khilaaf Ba"ane u dhexeeyo [Warbixin] Warar Hoose oo aanu helay ayaa sheegaya in Madaxwaynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole iyo Madaxwaynihii Hore ee Pl Cade Muuse Xirsi Khilaaf Hadheeyay, kaasi oo Ujeedooyin badan leh, xog Badan oo aanu Khilaafkaasi ka helayno ayaa sheegaya in ay Gundhig u tahay Mashaariic laysku qabtay. Xog Hoose oo aanu helayno ayaa sheegaysa in Cade Muuse ay Horaantii Janaayo, ee Faroole la doortay ay isla soo qaadeen Sii wadida Mashaariicda Puntland loona Xil saaray Gen-Cade Muuse. Laakiin War kaa ka danbeeyay oo aanu helay ayaa Tibaaxaya in Faroole ha Kiyay dhamaan Mashaaricdii uu waday Cade Muuse sida, Garoonka Bosaaso oo Horay Cade Muuse ugu wareejiyay DHismihiisa SHirkada Fadhigeedu yahay Dalka Emart-ka taasi oo Mudo 10-sano ah Cashuuraadka Garoonka lagu Hashiisyay inay Saami sare ku Leedahay wakhtiga Garoonka la dhameeyo. Madaxwayne Faroole ayaa Gabi Ahaanba diiday inuu Hashiiskaasi Meel maro kaasi oo ku sheegay inaanay wax Cashuuraad ah Siinay Shirkadaasi Emart-ka ah isla markaana Hashiiskii Hore ee Cade Muuse uu ka dhigay Mid aan waxba ka Jirin. Dhanka kale Shirkaadkii Macdanta ee Joogay Dooxooyinka Dharoor ee Gobolka Bari ayaa Faroole La sheegay inuu Hakad Galiyay, In kastoo aan wali si Fiican Daaha looga qaadin hase ahaatee Shirkadahaasi ayaa waxa Madax ka ahaa Liibaan Muuse Boqor oo Cade Muuse ay Qoys dhaw yihiin. Masuul ka Gaabsaday inuu Magaciis Shaaciyo ayaa noo sheegay in Badhtamaha Bishan Oct, ee aynu ku Jiro uu Faroole imandoono Dalka Kenya Gaar ahaan Nairobi waxana sidoo kale Nairobi soo Gaadhaya Gen-Cade Muuse,warka ayaa sidoo kale Tibaaxaya in Halkaasi lagu dhex dhexaadindoono. Yuusuf Maxamed Wacays Dhedo oo ahaa Mar Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari ayaa haatan ah Ninka Gacanta ku haya Maamulka dhismaha Garoonka Bosaaso,waxana uu sheegay in Shirkadii Emart-ga ahayd ay Joojisay Sii anba qaadidii Garoonka,isaga oo taasi sabab uga dhigay Khilaafka Cade Muuse iyo dr Faroole. Warar duul duul ah ayaa iyana sheegaya in Railsawasaaraha Somaliya uu wado qorshe ah in Dawlada Talyaaniga ay dhamaystirto Garoonka Bosaaso in kastoo aanu warkaasi ahayn Mid Wali Shiilan ama La Xaqiijiyay Sugnaanshihiisa. Xogta Waxa Helay Jaamac Feyte Dhahar-Online
  9. Lol. I must say ThankfulSP does have a valid point. That article was totally un-neccessarily by farole's "mouth-piece" garowe online. I can't believe i actually said that But anyways even if garowe online is not at all times fair and balance, they are one of the more respected somali media by external media like cnn and allafrica. I think the only website that competes with it is shabelle in respect to the international coverage it gets. But ThankfulSP, just drop it bro. We all know farole has issues with cade.
  10. Thankfulsp, did faroole take that away from cise dholow did he? lol omar sri-lanka the brother of cise dholow is properly fuming right now. He sometimes does opinion pieces on horseed. Why would farole take away his portfolia is beyond my comphrension. Cise Dhulow is one of the few up moral somalis their are, He would be last person i would ever suspect of corruption. He used to bring kids from puntland who needed critical surgeries to australia before he got this gig. A very nice family man, works hard in melbourne somali community as a new immigrant advisor to the somali community helps them out with relocating to Melbourne. Not to mention the extraordinary work he does for kids in puntland and bringing them to Australia for surgery. He is very well respected man by all clans in the somali-melbourne community. He is one of those types like Abdirashid Sharmarke loved by all hated by few. Whatever reason farole did that for is amazing, if you could clarify it would be appreciated. Ps: As for the article i posted, i sourced it from here.
  11. ThankfulSP. I don't have a source, I know him real-life. His one of the family friends. Just like Cise dholow the petroleum minister at puntland is and he is from nugaal region.
  12. The ssc people are for somali-weyn 100%. the 15 garaads 14 garads totally despise somaliland. As for the garad in las canood if he is friendly with hargeisa (which i doubt you can prove) is still irrelevant because 14 garads are against him. Do the Maths ppl...15 garads. 14 anti somaliland..1 pro somaliland...So still even if he was pro somaliland it would have totally no affect. What is being battled out between ssc is about choosing a darwish-land state which 3 garads support. While the other majority 12 garads are in garowe and support puntland. So that is the case son. Somaliland really is not even an option here, because the darwishland and puntland still agree upon two things; 1. Somaliland needs to get out 2. Pro Federal Somalia. The only slight difference that puntland and darwish-land state have is over who should govern the ssc. And like i said earlier 3 garads which garad jamac is the garad of all garads supports a darwish state. However the majority council of the garads don't support the idea of a darwishland and are staunch puntland. So the maths works out to be..Out of the 15 garads of ssc the tally works out to be Darwishland Garads 3 Puntland Garads 12 Even if garad jamac is garad of garad is irrelevant because that is just title, however what is strongly aganinst him is the fact that 85% of the garads reject his darwishland idea. That is a whooping 85%. If your smart kid then you can see that the clan-elders have clearly spoken and that is why this darwish-land will be ruled out in a vote when they vote on the issue as they always have voted on issues concerning their clan. It stands no chance and everyone knows las canood is going to puntland sooner or later. lol. Hell even the somaliland minister was tryng to calm it down with "we are holding low-level talks" with puntland. Puntland Minister responded and said "we wont accept ssc or hargeisa anywhere within our territories"...after-all garowe does have 85% of the garad support, would you wanna talk if you had that backing? hell no.
  13. Cisman Diyano is your cousin? He's one of the 'Kings'? You've now confused me, given your previous theory about why Adde Muse made such a mess of things. Yes he is my cousin. The man hails from the kings sub-clan and was elected chief of commander of the PIS during cade muse term. PIS was originally set up under Abdullahi Yusuf with some foreign assistance. During it's initial formation period(PIS), there was a lot of political and military tension between Abdullahi Yusuf and the 'kings'. Why would he allow Diyano to be chief if he hails from that region? Secondly, if Diyano is your cousin, shouldn't you support PIS? Maybe they have intelligence you don't have regarding the arrests? Umm I never said Abdullahi Selected Diyano, that is pure speculation on your part. All i said was cisman diyano is the current head of the PIS and his clan is well known to be from the kings. What is Faroole and admin doing while all of this is going on? Why don't Faroole and admin bring PIS under their wing by simply paying their salaries from now on? Surely the port taxes would cover that amount?!? What is farole doing? umm he has done a bit of reformation on them but not enough, their pay salaries are from the CIA therefore they don't really need to listen to farole. Should farole pay them? well it's not necessarily about the funds being available to pay them, their needs to be negiotations with the CIA (whom Abdullahi brought) to allow them to come under the wing of the government. Without the CIA giving the green-light it's totally irrelevant talking about salaries don't you think? My personal speculation is the CIA doesn't want puntland controlling them as they feel the administration can be comprised by it's consituitient who are very pro onlf and very religious and would most likely force the admin to turn puntland into safe haven for terrorists. That is my two cents. But what we do know is their needs to be change as their society is fed up with them. The first step farole needs to do is engage with the CIA and cut a deal with them regarding PIS culture to be more in-tune with the societal needs areas such as; Not breakng the geneva convention and handing back onlf supporters to ethiopia. Farole should appeal to the international law to justify his case. Secondly Terrorist handling need to be set out in policy. How long can they hold suspected terrorist? maybe their should be time-limit say after 14 days you find nothing on him release them. Intelligence gathering needs to be more precise and acccurate and they shouldn't just lock up anyone. For example having strikes system in place at PIS where if one department has this many strikes against them they lose funding for a time-period. I am talking about putting in place policies an procedures so PIS is accountable to the puntland authority and the only way Farole can get that is to write up his suggestions and sign it with the CIA and bring about reformation to this click.
  14. Mintid, well i support the PIS believe it or not. My ina adeer is in charge of them Cisman diyano. However it can not be tolerated that that people are being harassed, onlf being handed over, sheikhs being arrested, even civilians have reported being harassed. They need to be brought under Puntland or get out. They need to safe-guard the region from terrorist like the incident in 2008. However they must also follow procedures on keeping a civil standard.
  15. Sheekh Mursal Oo Shacabka Puntland ugu Baaqay Jihaad Posted on October 18, 2009 by Maslaax Cabdi Warsame Sheekh Mursal Maxamed Geedi oo ka tirsan Culimada caanka ah ee magaalada Bosaso ayaa khudbad u habeenimadii xalay ka jeediyey Masaajidka Xamiid ee Magaalada Bosaso baaq ugu diray Shacabka Magaalada Bosaso iyo degaanada Puntland dhamaan isaga oo ugu baaqay dagaal jihaad ah oo aay la galan Ciidanka Ashahado la dirirka ee Bososo iyo Gaalkacayo, iyo waliba Xukuumadda P/Land Sheekh Mursal oo khudbad ka jeedinayey Masjidka Xamiid ee magaalada Bosaso ayaa yiri ”Waa in lala jihaado Kufaarta Ashahado la dirirka ah ee Bosaso maalin walba Culimada ka afduubta oo Gaalada ka IIbsada” Waa sidaa u hadalka u dhigaye Sheekha ayaa sidoo kale ku tilmaamay Faroole iyo Xukuumaddisa kuwa rida ah oo aysan u banaaneyn inay dalka Maamulan waa sidaa u hadalka u yiriye . Hadalka sheekha ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada oo magaalada Bosaso lagu xirxiray dad ka badan 16 qof kuwas oo dhamaan aay ciidanka PIS-tu kala baxeen xurumadooda
  16. Kings are not political? Lol, you got to be kidding sxb. We are the ones who created the sultanates, we are the ones who lead somalia under sharmarke AUN. We are the ones who are prime minister. If anything the politics of ssdf is really us. The only time you so called "hard-boys" come into play is when their security concern, which is true. During wars, you guys can lead. But please you have no place when it is time of peace and you are seeing that started to happen again with the election of sharmarke as prime minister, the second cade muse stepped down. Ironic huh? When sharmarke goes, watch Jamac Ali Jamac go for a shot at the presidency of somalia. Yes we do trade and business and control the port of puntland. No Bossaso means No Economy and No Economy means No Puntland. As for your comments on cade muse it is funny you forget to mention when cade muse was ruling, who was in the president seat in hamar? Abdullahi was and where did puntland taxes and soldiers go? they followed Abdullahi Yusuf. To be quite honest, none of puntland problems was cade fault, cade saw that the tfg was draining puntland resources and said "hell" with it, it's a sinking ship so i am take care of myself which he did and today is in $3 million dollar palace in dubai. Cade was left with this attitude because he saw noone can gave a crap about puntland, if they did why would they all go follow YEY to hamar? Cade really is fault-less in puntland turmoil and the real blame lies at Abdullahi yet again. How doctors of spin usually love to twist facts and spread propaganda to suit their political agenda, but this is one king that studies the facts and has then archived anytime for citing purposes.
  17. Shirkad Maraykan ah oo Askar khaas ah u direysa Somaliya iyo Heshiiska illaalinta DFKMG October 17, 2009 filed under EDITORIAL, NEWS IN SOMALI Cumar Siciid Horseed Media Waxaa soo shaacbaxay heshiis la sheegay in lala saxiixday Shirkad Maraykanka laga leeyahay oo ah kuwa ciidamada calooshood u shaqeystayaasha ah u dirta dalalka Dunnida Sadexaad, shirkadan oo la sheegay inay illaalin doonto Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Heshiiska shirkadan ayaa waxaa shaaciyey Jariirada (Grand Rapids Press newspaper) ee kasoo baxda dalka Maraykanka. Heshiiskan ayaa la sheegay in loo saxiixay shirkada lagu magacaabo CSS Global Inc oo fadhigeedu yahay gobalka Machigan. Shirkadan ayaa ah mid ciidamo u khaas ah u dirta dalalka shisheeye, isla markaana inta badan gacan siisa Ciidamada Dowlada Maraykanka. Shirkadan ayaa horey uga soo shaqeysay dalal ay kamid yihiin Ciraaq iyo Afghaanistaan, waxaana la sheegay in heshiiskan ay waday Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay dhiiri gelineyso Dowlada Maraykanka. Wararka soo baxaya ayaa lagu sheegay in Dowlada Maraykanka oo aan xiligan wakhti u hayn ciidamo ay si toos ah ugu dirto dalka Soomaaliya, ay dhiiri gelisay shirkadaha dhanka amniga gacanta kasiiya inay ciidamo ayaga u khaas ah u diri karaan dalka Soomaaliya. Heshiiskan ayaa lagu sheegay in shirkada CSS Global Inc ay askar khaas u ah oo horey uga soo mid ahaan jiray ciidamada Maraykanka oo ay ku jiraan askarta sida khaaska ah loo tababaray ee (Special Forces) iyo booliiska dalka Maraykanka ay u diri doonto dalka Soomaaliya, si ay gacan u siiyaan ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Waxaana lagu sheegay warbixinta laga soo xigtay maamulka shirkada CSS, in askartooda ay tagi doonaan Soomaaliya, isla markaana tababaro iyo weli hawlgelinta gacan kusiin doonaan Ciidamada DFKMG Soomaaliya. Horey ayay u jireen eedeynmo loo soo jeediyo shirkadaha noocaan ah oo Qandaraaska ka qaata dowlada Maraykanka, kuwaasi oo lagu eedeeyo inay wixii ay doonaan ku kacaan sida shirkada Blackwater oo hada dacwad ka dhan ah ka socoto dalka Maraykanka, kadib markii la sheegay in dad ku xasuuqeen dalka Ciraaq. Hadaba shaacinta heshiiskan ayaa kusoo beegmaya maalmo kadib markii uu dalka Maraykanka safar ku tagay wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Dalka Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Axmed. Wafdigaasi oo sidoo kale booqasho ku tagay magaalada Chicago ee dariska la ah gobalka Machigan ee dalka Maraykanka, halkaasi oo la rumeysan yahay in wafdiga Madaxweynaha kula kulmay xubno ka socda Shirkadan CSS. Walow horey loo shaaciyey in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo wafigiisa ay halkaasi u tageen inay Jaaliyadda Soomaalida la kulmaan. Mr. Chris Frain oo ah madaxa guud ee Shirkada CSS Alliance oo ah shirkada dusha ka maamusha shirkadan amniga qaabilsan ee CSS Global Inc, ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin heshiiskan ku aadan gacansiinta Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Chris iyo Tim Frain oo walaalo ah, ayaa aasaasay shirkadan Corporate Security Solutions (CSS) Mr.Frain oo wareysi siiyey jariirada ayaa sheegay in hawl culus ay hortaal iyo sidii ay u xoojin lahaayeen dowlada awooda yar ee Federaalka Soomaaliya. Mr.Frain ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu wax faah faahin ah ka bixiyo tirada ciidamada ah oo ay shaqaalesiin doonaan oo loo diri doono Soomaaliya, asagoo sheegay in Dowlada Soomaaliya ay arrimahan xasaasi u aragto isla markaana aysan dooneyn in xiligan la shaaciyo wax faah faahin ah oo saameyn ku yeelan kara shacabka Soomaalida iyo waliba kooxaha ka dagaalama gudaha Soomaaliya. Qoraal uu soo saaray nin lagu magaaco Cali Hassan Guled oo ay Jariirada ku sheegtay inuu yahay Wakiilka Soomaliya u fadhiya Maraykanka, ayaa lagu sheegay inuu si weyn usoo dhaweenayo heshiiskan, isla markaana uu aaminsan yahay khibrada shirkadan inay wax weyn ka tari doonto dowlada Soomaaliya. Heshiiskan ayeysan weli wax war ah kasoo saarin dowlada Soomaaliya, ayadoo uu maanta magaalada Muqdisho dib ugu noqday Madaxweynaha Shariif iyo wafigiisa, oo weli aan soo bandhigin wixii ay soo qabteen safarkoodii Maraykanka. Balse hadii ay cadaato in heshiiskan ay Dowlada Soomaaliya saxiixday, waxay qeyb ka noqoneysaa heshiisyada sida qarsoodiga ah dowlada Federaalka ulla gashay shirkadaha shisheeye, ayadoo ay horey buuq weyn uga dhashay heshiis uu wasiirka Maaliyada Shariif Xassan Shiikh Aadan uu ulla galay shirkad la sheegay inay maamuli doonto lacagta Dowlada, halka uu jiray heshiis is afgarad ah oo murran weyn keenay oo uu Wasiirka Qorsheynta ee DFKMG, Mr.Cabdiraxman Cabdishakuur Warsame la galay dowlada Kenya oo ku aadan dhanka xuduudaha bada Soomaaliya. Shiikh Shariif Axmed iyo wafigiisa ayaa 11kii bishii September ee lasoo dhaafay dowlada Jabuuti u saxiixay heshiis xarunta la dagaalanka burcad badeed looga furayo dalka Jabuuti, heshiiskaasi oo uu u saxiixay Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga Cabdiraxmaan Ibbi. Dhanka kale heshiiskan qarsoodiga ah oo maanta soo shaacbaxay ee ku aadan shirkadan Maraykanka laga leeyahay ee la sheegay in ciidamo u soo diri doonto dowlada Soomaaliya, ayaa ah mid weji cusub u yeeli karta dagaalada ka socda dalka Soomaaliya. Waxayna noqoneysaa markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamo toos looga keeno Maraykanka ay soo galaan gudaha Soomaaliya, waa haduu qorshahan hirgalee. Dowlada Maraykanka ayaa ayadu la sheegay in ay taageersan tahay in shirkadaha amniga gacanta kasiiya ee sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay, ay gudaha u galaan dalka Soomaaliya, si ay ulla dagaalamaan kooxaha uu Maraykanka ku sheego inay gacansaar la leeyihiin dhaq dhaqaaqa Al Qaida. Waxaa ayaduna su’aalo ay ka taagan yihiin meesha laga keeni doono dhaqaalaha ku baxaya Askartan khaaska ah ee Maraykanka ka imaanaya ee illaalin doona dowlada, waxayna warar ku dhaw dhaw Dowlada Federalka oo ay Horseed Media heshay, sheegayaan in qorshahan uu yahay mid balaaran isla markaana dhaqaalaha ku baxaya ay qeyb bixin doonto Dowlada Maraykanka, qeybta kalena laga soo saari doono Dhaqaalihii Dalka Soomaaliya loo balan qaaday shirkii ka dhacay 23kii April Brussels dalka Belguim. Shirkaasi oo Soomaaliya loogu balan qaaday dhaqaale dhan 250 milyan oo dollar. Dhaqaalahaasi ayey dowlada Federaalka qorsheysay inay maareyn doonto shirkadii uu heshiiska la galay Wasiirka Maaliyada Shariif Xassan oo ay horey dooda uga keeneen Golaha Wakiilada ee DFKMG. Si dhaqaalahaasi qeyb looga siiyo ciidamadan ayaa waxaa loogu magac dari doonaa hawlgalkooda sida lagu sheegay Jariirada, (Hawlgalka la dagaalanka Argagaxisada iyo Burcad Badeeda Soomaaliya). Walow Mr.Chris Frain oo kamid ah madaxda guud ee Shirkada CSS mar wax laga weydiiyey cida dhaqaalaha ku bixineysa hawlgalkan ayuu sheegay in dowlada Soomaaliya ay lacago ka heshay beesha Caalamka iyo dalal ka tirsan Jaamacada Carabta. Shirkada CSS ayaa lagu xasuustaa qandaraaskii ay ka qaadatay dowlada Maraykanka, kadib musiibadii ka dhacay magaalada New Orleans, xiligii ay halkaasi burburisay duufaantii Katrina. Waxaana shirkadaasi oo xiligaasi u shaqeenayeen 600 oo shaqaale ah qandaraas dowlada Maraykanka ku siisay inay illaaliyaan Xarumaha Muhiimka ah ee Ganacsiga. Shirkada CSS ayaa sidoo kale Qandaraas ka heshay Wasaarada Difaaca ee dalka Maraykanka sanadkii 2007dii, ayadoo qandaraaskaasi uu ahaa inay ciidamada shirkadan ay illaaliyaan gaadiidka u adeega ciidamada Maraykanka, iyo waliba Qalabka dhismaha ee ciidamada Maraykanka ee ku sugan gudaha dalka Ciraaq. Waxaana intii ay ka shaqeenaysay dalka Ciraaq shirkada CSS uga dhintay qaar kamid ah askarteeda.
  18. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: ^^^ And the devolution continues, ladies and gentlemen
  19. Duke, are you comparing jidbaale (an unknown merfish squatter) to a reliable news media in puntland whom everyone in the region knows? C'mon that is a bit weak don't you think. As far as the SSC people are concerned. They are anti-somaliland there is no doubt about that, however their is a minority (3) garaads among them that are also anti puntland. Now these 3 garads have a fair few following, however i am certain without the consensus of all the garads which 12 garads are totally missing will definitely have a huge repercussion on the ssc click. I personally prefer that ssc stays in puntland because puntland is turning into multi party democracy and seats won't be allocated based on "districts and clans" Now it is very well known with-in puntland circles that the mudug people and the ssc people have always voted lets just say "1" direction in election time. It appears they have some sort of agreement among themselves to vote for each of their own representatives when it's election time. For example if a mudug guy runs he has ssc votes secured. If a Sanaag Or Sool guy runs he has mudug votes secured. A recent example of this is; 1. Abdullahi Yusuf election in 98 had full backing from ssc. 2. Abdullahi Yusuf 2002 war against the kings had strong backing from the ssc. and 3. Ilkajir runnning, he had full support from the mudug ppl and his region also. So it's plain as day within puntland that there is some sort of agreement between these respective regions in puntland to vote for one and the other candidates. My speculation is they want to rough out the kings. Mudug has 10 seats, ssc has 17, and sanaag 9 seats. In combination that works out to be 36 seats of the 66 parliament. That is gigantic 50% stakehold in the parliament. Where-As Bari has 21 seats a 31% stakehold. Nugaal has 9 seats and is usually the indepedent and has 13% stakehold. This region usually always turns out to be the "swing" state of puntland. I myself politically not long ago was not a fan of ssc returning to puntland deep-down because i know it will affect our political standing. However seeing now the multi-party thing is actually hitting the ground and looks like to be reality by 2013 election. I don't mind anymore. The Respective candidates will be chosen on merit and clan-seats will only have effect regarding bills being passed through the parliament. So I personally am not as weary as i used to be of ssc due to this multi-party thing. Who knows farole might be using this to calm down a few weary heads in bari who don't want to see 50% stake hold going to 3 regions that are politically always aligned together. That is my two cents. However i am happy their is multi-party it will give assurances to those that are concerned with the clan-distribution and the worries of a pan-ssc-mudug dominance in the parliament at the expense of bari and nugal whom even if we did combine our votes would not match the share that duo have. The kings have started forming some sort of alliance with nugaal, they voted for farole as a token of their gesture. We will see if this streghtens political ties between the region.
  20. That can all be verified on the bbc interview segment with the fishery minister of puntland. It is true, only 3 garads went to the nairobi conference, the other 12 garads are in garowe and the minister of fishery said so. My question to ssc folks is; Where do you think you can go with 3 garads? 90% of your garads are in garowe and this is not to mention the most famous of all the garads "garad saleban". Please ssc folks think, don't be naive; realise that on a consensus wise the 90% of the garads are against this conference and are pro puntland. The most powerful of all garads is pro puntland. I think it settles this farce they created at nairobi and it isn't something that will have any fruit. Las canood is puntland, will remain puntland and no negiotations with either hargeisa or these 3 garads will be accepted. No If's or Buts. Puntland has it's eye set on las canood and has low-level talks going on with achieving that objective, so i suggest you get on board and stop whinning.
  21. Garoowe( Kaluumaysiga Puntland Maxmed Faarax Aadan Faruur ayaa ganafka ku dhuftay go,aamada ka soo baxay shirka Nairobi , warkan ayuu sheegay mar uu maanta u waramayey Idaacadda BBCda qaybta Afsoomaaliga. Faruur ayaa sheegay in ay shirkaas xukuumada Puntland iyo shacabkuba ogolayn waxa ka soo baxay , isla markaana ay san goobtaas shirku ka dhacay joogin dhamaan odayaashii taladu ka go,aysay , ayna halkaasi isugu tageen sadex Garaad iyo siyaasiyiin wax kale u jeeda , wuxuuna intaas ku daray in Garaadada dalka joogaa ka cadhaysan yihiin arrintaasi. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay wasiirka kaluumaysiga Puntland in maamulkiisu diyaar u yahay gobollada SSC ee maqan in ay wax ka qabtaan hawsheediin aay ku talo jiraan, loona baahnayn in la dhabar jabiyo, wuxuuna maamulka Hargeysa ugu baaqay in ay ka gurtaan malayshiyadooda magaalada Laascaanood. Issimada iyo siyaasiyiinta Hogaanka kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi ayuu ugu baaqay in ay miiska wada hadalka soo fadhistaan si looga wada xaajoodo wixii ay tabanayaan, maadaama shacabka ayuu yidhi SSC wax ka dhisteen dawlada goboleedka Puntland, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay in ay shirka abaabuleen siyaasiyiin wax kale raadinaya. Tan iyo markii Hogaanka Badbaadada iyo mideynta lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi waxaa soo baxayey go,aamo ay labada maamul ee Hargeysa iyo Garoowe kaga soo horjeedaan hogaankaasi, madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa ka horyimi isaguna go,aanka ka soo baxay Nairobi, maamulka Hargeysana wuxuuba u soo diray Rag ka hortaga fulinta hogaankaasi.
  22. You can listen to the minister of fishery in Puntland responds to the ssc conference in Nairobi. The people of Puntland and SSC are totally against this movement and will not accept it. Las canood is apart of Puntland and no negiotations will take place either with hargeisa or ssc. The defense of Las Canood is upon the government of Puntland and the re-capture of las canood is being planned by Garowe and it's going all well. You can listen to the minister on bbc for verification of what i said. BBC
  23. Shir looga hadlaayay Xaalufinta Degaanka oo ka dhacay Qardho October 17, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI · Comments (1) C/qani C/laahi Horseed Media Shir looga hadlaayay sidii wax looga qaban lahaa dadka ka shida dhirta dhuxusha ayaa maanta ka dhacday magaalada Qardho ee Xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Taliyaha qaybta ee gobolka Karkaar Gaashaanle sare Cali Ciise Baab oo Horseed Media u waramaayay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in shirkaasi ay ka soo qayb galeen maamulka Gobolka, kan degmada, Saraakiil ka socotay Ciidamada Booliska gobolka Karkaar, Nabadoono iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada. Cali Ciise Baab intaas ku daray in shirkaasi ay si weyn ugu goorfeeyeen sidii looga hortagi lahaa dadka xaalufinta aan kala go’a lahayn ku haya deegaanada hoostaga Gobolka Karkaar. “…Anagoo kaashanayna Wasaaradaha deegaanka iyo Wasaarada arimaha gudaha, waxaan doonaynaa in aanu burburino goobaha laga dhisay beeraha inta badan la yiraahdo waa beero caws….” ayuu yiri Taliyaha. Gaashaanle Sare Cali Ciise Baab ayaa sheegay in kulankaasi ay ka soo baxeen qodobo ay ka mid yihiin; 1. In wacyi galin loo sameeyo dadka xaalufinta cadaystay ee Gobolkaasi Karkaar 2 In la gubo beeraha Cawska ee ku yaala Gobolka Karkaar 3. Cidii ka soo horjeesata in la horgeeyo sharciga. 4. In dadka xirfadahaasi ku shaqaysan jiray la baro xirfado kale sida ay balan qaaday Wasaaradaha Deeganka, Amniga iyo Arrimaha Gudaha. Sarkaalkan ayaa ugu dambaynti sheegay in maalmaha soo socda ay filayaan in ay saxiixi doonaan qodobadan dhaqan galkooda maamulka gobolka, kan degmada, Odeyaasha, Wasaaradaha arimaha gudaha, Amniga iyo deegaanka. Deegaano hoostaga degmada Qarho ee xarunta gobolkaasi Karkaar ayey ka jiraan xaalufinta dhirta midaas oo noqotay mid illaa iyo hada la xakameyn waayey.
  24. Jewish organizations lobby ‘to remove Al-Aqsa Mosque’ Latest News, World News | News Desk | October 17, 2009 at 2:35 pm Extremist Jewish organizations in Israel have demanded that the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock from East Jerusalem Al-Quds be transferred to Mecca. Gershon Salomon is seeking the removal of the mosques from East Jerusalem Al-Quds, which Israel occupied during the 1967 aggression and illegally annexed it later despite international opposition, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Wednesday. The founder and leader of the ultra-Orthodox Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement plans to have Israeli engineers transfer the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock to the Muslims’ holy city of Mecca, the daily added. The Israeli paper also quoted ultra-right Yehuda Etzion, who is associated with Israeli spy agencies, as saying that blowing up of the Muslim sanctities would become ‘inevitable’ to if Tel Aviv fails to dissemble and transfer the edifices. Etzion was jailed for five years in the 1980s for a plot to explode the mosques on the Noble Sanctuary (Haram al-Sharif), and has vowed he would do the same again. The Al-Aqsa Mosque has been attacked by extremist Jews over the past week while the mosque compound was sealed off to Muslim worshippers. Israel also deployed thousands of troops in the area to quell demonstrations by Palestinians protesters who accused Tel Aviv of efforts to take away the Islamic-Palestinian identity of the Muslims’ third holy site. Jordan, who enjoys the right to look after all Islamic and Christian holy sites in East Jerusalem Al-Quds under a 1994 peace treaty, demanded last week that Israel keep Jewish extremists away from the compound and keep the Mugrabi Gate closed. ____ Source: PRESSTV