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Puntland media ayaa sheegi lahaa haday waxaan dhab tahay. Meeye horseedmedia, puntlandpost, allpuntland, garowe-online, radio las canood, dhahar radio, sbc, etn? Meeye kuwi la yaqan? All puntland ayaa ka jawabtay ariintan iyo waxba kama jirto. Believe me bro puntland media are one of the few media outlets that say whatever happens. They are not a media that hides stuff, before onlf that have been arrested have been reported all over puntland media, but when it's not true they don't report it. So this onlf propaganda against puntland needs to stop, this is not the first time the onlf mouth piece has lied against puntland. This is now the second time. What is their agenda? that is what garowe is trying to figure out. Libaax was spot on saying PIS even harass ppl in bossaso, it is not like their simply against onlf.
Wasiirka Haweenka iyo Hormarinta Qoyska oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyey Minnesota (Daawo masawirada) October 26, 2009 Caasho Geelle Diiriye oo ah Wasiirka Haweenka iyo Hormarinta Qoyska DGPL ayaa si weyn loogu soo Dhaweeyey Gobolka Minnesota Caasho Geelle ayaa waxaa Casho sharaf u sameeyey Ururka Puntland Diaspora Forum waxaan ay xaflada casho sharaftu ka dhacday Hotelka la yiraahdo Radisson oo ku yaal Xaafadda Roseville. Wasiirka Haweenka iyo Hormarinta Qoyska Halkaan Ka Dhagayso waxay ka hadashay Xaaladda dalka guud ahaan gaar ahaan waxay wax ka taabatay Burcad badeedka iyo dhibaatooyinka ay geystaan waxay kale oo ka hadashay dhibaatada haysata Dhalinyarada shaqa la,aanta iyo dadka reer guuraaga ah Waxay kale oo ka hadashay dayaca haysta Gabdhaha Soomaliyeed Khud badeedii ayaa ahayd mid kaftan ku uu san ka marnayn waxayna tiri Inta aan Dayax Gacmeedka la i saarin horta ragga wax badan ayaa loo sacabiyey ee hadda dumarka caawey ha u sacabiyaan inta meesha la fadhiyana sacabka Ragga ayaa ku qoran Marwo Caasho Geelle Diiriye ayaa Khudbadeedii dhinacya badan taabanaysay. Xaflada casho sharafta ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay dhammaan Jaaliyadda Soomaliyeed ee Minnesota waxayna ahay casho sharaftan mid ka gadisan soo dhaweyntii looga bartay Jaaliyadda Minnesota waayo waxay ahayd sida goobta laga sheegay ama dareenku ahaa Gabar Wasiira oo Soomaaliya oo dad ka inta badan aysan arag wali Gabar Soomaliyeed oo Wasiir ah.. waxaana Goobta looga tiriyey Buraanbur Amaan iyo Guubaabo iskugu jira Haween badan oo Guubta ka Hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay soo dhaweyn jireen rag Boorsooyin dhaadheer wata laakiin hadda ay tahay wakhtigii Haweenka Marwo Xaawo Faarax Cadde Ayaa Sheegtay in Caasho Geelle Mudan tahay In Dayax Gacmeed la saaro Dhinaca kale Professor Mohamuud Xaamud oo ah Madaxweynaha ku Xigeenka PDF ayaa si diiran u soo dhaweeyey Wasiirada oo waxaana hanbalyo iyo soo dhaweyn Hawada u soo marsiiyey Ambassador Abdiqadir Hashi oo Canada ku sugan sida Goobta uu ka sheegay Xiriiriyaha Barnaamijka C/fitaax yare Hadalkii Xaamud C/risaaq Ducaysane oo ah Xiriiriyaha Qurba Joogta Puntland Xafiisna ka Furtay Caasumadda Puntland oo Howlo Safar u Jooga Minnesota haddana ka mid ah Jaaliyadda Minnesota oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay Howl karnimada Wasiirka Haweenka iyo Hormarinta Qoyska Caasho Geelle wax uuna Xusay in wasaaradaan ay tahay tan ugu shaqaalaha badan Puntland waxuuna ka wara may doorka ay ka cayaartay Puntlland gaar ahaan Xiligii Doorashooyinku socdeen. Mohamed Kaynaan oo ah Xildhibaan ku jira Baarlaanmka Dowladda Federaalka ah kana soo jeeda Puntland ayaa asna goobta ka hadlay asaga oo soo dhaweeyey Wasiirada.
Marwo Caasha Geelle oo la kulantay madax ka tirsan dawlad goboleedka Minnesota. St. Paul, Oct 26 - Wasiirka horumarinta haweenka & arrimaha qoyska ee Puntland Marwo Caasha Geelle Diriye ayaa kulan la yeelatay Tina Liebling (DFL), mudane ka tirsan golaha wakiilada oo laga soo doorto degmada 30A ee dawlada goboleedka Minnesota. Marwo Caasha ayaa uga la wadaagtay Md. Liebling xog waran guud oo ku saabsan Puntland, qorshaha guud ee Puntland ee horumarinta caafimaadka, adeegyada bulshada iyo dawrka dumarka ee horumarinta arrimaha qoyska. Wasiirka ayaa sudii kale ka xog warantay wax qabadka wasaarada haweenka, qorshe hawleedka siyaasadeed ee wasaarada, iyo dadaalka guud ee wasaaradu ugu jirto daryeelka bulshada, gaar ahaan hooyooyinka iyo dhallaanka. Md. Liebling, oo laga soo doorto degmada 30A oo ay deggan yihiin Somali badani, ahna ku xigeenka guddoomiyaha guudiga siyaasada ee Caafimaadka & Adeegyada Bulshada ee Minnesota ayaa uga xog warantay wasiirka hawlaha golaha iyo mashaariicda horumarineed ee ee sannad-miisaaniyeedkan u qoondaysan degmada iyo dawlada goboleedka MN. Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale la kulantay Robert Lilligren, ku xigeenka golaha deegaanka ee Minneapolis. Labada mas'uul ayaa ka wada hadlay is-kaashi dhex mara Puntland iyo Minnesota iyo weliba wadashaqayn ay yeeshaan magaalooyinka Puntland iyo kuwa Minnesota. Wasiirada ayaa maalmaha soo socda sidoo kale kulamo la yeelan doonta madaxda mudanayaasha Congress-ka iyo Senate-ka ee Minnesota, iyo Duqayda magaalooyinka St. Paul & Minnesota. Wasiirada ayaa todobaadada soo socda lagu qadaa in ay safar hawleed ku tago Wasington D.C. iyo dawlad goboleedyo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Washington. Diiwaanka Wararka, Idaacada Daljir.
Garowe: Dawladda Puntland oo beenisay war ka soo baxay ONLF. 27. oktober 2009 Garowe(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Itoobiya gacanta ugaliyaan dad udhashay Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee dawladda Itoobiya, isla markaasna waxa ay sheegeen in ay talaabadaasi mid ay ka been sheegeen Jamhada ONLF. Saraakiisha Madaxtooyada ee dawlada Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay maqleen Eedaynta ONLF, ayagoo sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Puntland ay dad udhiibtay dawladda Itoobiya, waxa ayna intaasi ku daray in aysan ciidamadooda qaban dadka Soomaaliyeed. Ilo ku dhow dhow Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed ayaa sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin arrintaasi, isla markaasna aysan marnaba ka suuragaleyn dawladda Puntland in dad Soomaaliyeed loo gacan galiyo dawladdaha jaarka la ah Soomaaliya. " Taasi ma dhici karto, waa been ay sheegtay ONLF, oo aanan garan karin ujeedada ay leedahay, dad aan dhiibnay ama laga qabtay Puntland oo ay ka xeysteen Itoobiya ma jiraan" Ayuu yiri Sarkaal sare oo ka ag dhaw Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland oo ka gaabsaday Magaciisa. Xuseen Maxamed Nuur oo ah Madaxda Warfaafinta ee ONLF ayaa xaqiijiyey in dad udhashay beesha ****** laga qabtay magaalada Boosaaso, loona gacan galiyey dawladda Itoobiya oo uu dagaal adag kala dhaxeeyo Jamhada ONLF oo ah Jamhada ay leeyihiin Beesha ******, dagaal adagna kula jirta dawladda Itoobiya oo maamusha gobalada Soomaalida ee kilalka Shanaad. Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa la rumeysan yahay in ay xiriir wanaagsan kala dhaxeeyey dawladda Puntland, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyey soo baxayay warar kala gedisan oo ku saabsan halka uu salka dhigtay xiriirkaasi, markii ay ciidan ka tirsan dawladda Itoobiya si sharci daro ah ku galeen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobalka Mudug. Warar hoosaadyo ka tirsan dawladdaha Puntland iyo Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay in uusan maalmihii ugu dambeeyey xiriirka labada dhinac wanaagsaneyn, isla markaasna ay jireen waxyaabo laysku mari waayay oo ay ka mid yihiin talaabadii carada ku beertay Madaxda Puntland ee ahayd in ay ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya, si sharci daro ah ku galaan gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, taasoo ay jawaabteeda ka gaabsatay dawladda Itoobiya. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
I was a bit suspicious myself regarding this onlf issue. Usually the puntland media reports these sorts of stories if they occur. However it wasn't reported by any puntland media which gives me the feeling it is untrue. Anyways the Puntland Admin spoke out and says it's totally hogwash what the onlf propaganda piece is saying.
Garowe: Dawladda Puntland oo beenisay war ka soo baxay ONLF. 27. oktober 2009 Garowe(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Itoobiya gacanta ugaliyaan dad udhashay Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee dawladda Itoobiya, isla markaasna waxa ay sheegeen in ay talaabadaasi mid ay ka been sheegeen Jamhada ONLF. Saraakiisha Madaxtooyada ee dawlada Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay maqleen Eedaynta ONLF, ayagoo sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Puntland ay dad udhiibtay dawladda Itoobiya, waxa ayna intaasi ku daray in aysan ciidamadooda qaban dadka Soomaaliyeed. Ilo ku dhow dhow Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed ayaa sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin arrintaasi, isla markaasna aysan marnaba ka suuragaleyn dawladda Puntland in dad Soomaaliyeed loo gacan galiyo dawladdaha jaarka la ah Soomaaliya. " Taasi ma dhici karto, waa been ay sheegtay ONLF, oo aanan garan karin ujeedada ay leedahay, dad aan dhiibnay ama laga qabtay Puntland oo ay ka xeysteen Itoobiya ma jiraan" Ayuu yiri Sarkaal sare oo ka ag dhaw Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland oo ka gaabsaday Magaciisa. Xuseen Maxamed Nuur oo ah Madaxda Warfaafinta ee ONLF ayaa xaqiijiyey in dad udhashay beesha ****** laga qabtay magaalada Boosaaso, loona gacan galiyey dawladda Itoobiya oo uu dagaal adag kala dhaxeeyo Jamhada ONLF oo ah Jamhada ay leeyihiin Beesha ******, dagaal adagna kula jirta dawladda Itoobiya oo maamusha gobalada Soomaalida ee kilalka Shanaad. Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa la rumeysan yahay in ay xiriir wanaagsan kala dhaxeeyey dawladda Puntland, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyey soo baxayay warar kala gedisan oo ku saabsan halka uu salka dhigtay xiriirkaasi, markii ay ciidan ka tirsan dawladda Itoobiya si sharci daro ah ku galeen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobalka Mudug. Warar hoosaadyo ka tirsan dawladdaha Puntland iyo Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay in uusan maalmihii ugu dambeeyey xiriirka labada dhinac wanaagsaneyn, isla markaasna ay jireen waxyaabo laysku mari waayay oo ay ka mid yihiin talaabadii carada ku beertay Madaxda Puntland ee ahayd in ay ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya, si sharci daro ah ku galaan gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, taasoo ay jawaabteeda ka gaabsatay dawladda Itoobiya. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
Mr.Somalia miyad wala tahay mise wa aniga? This is not the first, second, or third time this has happened. The onlf people are being persecuted in ethiopia and Puntland if it wants to claim to be responsible state needs to give amnesty to those that are persecuted. These people are innocent tahribis for goodness sakes, their not even rebels. Totally no excuses for this garbage it is firstly un-islamic to even hand a muslim to a christian, it is un-somali and not apart of our culture, and it is even against international law to send ppl that are persecuted back to the persecution they came from. Zack, Yes Puntland will need to make a decision either way. It's up to the state what path it chooses, but it will need to take many factors into consideration such as; 1. Military and Arms supply from Ethiopia 2. Puntland Locals And their overwhelming support for onlf. 3. Clan-elders who are all pro onlf 4. Bossaso trade activity minus onlf contributions. A good example of this can be seen in berbera when they shifted operations from there and came to bossaso, it was only then bossaso picked up. I doubt it is just a coincidence. There is many issues and factors that puntland will need to take into considerations, but it needs to make a choice either way, i am just totally against the position they are taking now trying to eat their cake on both sides which won't last for long. I am personally not fond of the onlf i won't lie to you due to other external factors such as the naming of their region being tribal, their lack of consideration to their ppl who are suffering due to their rebellious act against addis and alot of other array of issues. But My Concern is Puntland and I know the ppl are pro onlf and therefore it wouldn't be a wise move by any leader to being doing this. All it takes is someone from bossaso go to his mosque and hear the imam say "jihad against the administration" and puntland is over. Therefore due to our local population overwhelming support and clan-elders(back-bone) of our region It would be in the wise interest of our people to take this case before the United Nations or AU and find an international mandate to end this looming crisis. It needs to be solved, i am personally fed up because everytime i hear it, it sends me a shockwave not because of onlf insults towards me but the response the puntland ppl will do the admin. Recently they went crazy in bossaso over a sheikh arrest and rioted for days. Anyways, Waxaan xal nooma ahan and pointing the finger and saying "look at the onlf" and this and that xal nooma ahan. Like i said earlier two wrongs don't make something right. If a shabab militant decides to blow himself up, does that mean i will go blow myself up and say "look at shabab they are doing it". Anyways we need mature minds in here not childish ones.
Ok this crap has happened more then 1 time with arrests of onlf, handing over to ethiopia, and eve a killing in bossaso. I think we in the diaspora should boycot puntland and not send a damn cent over there, they will learn not to being doing this. This is getting beyond a joke. Security isssues can only be used so many times. This needs to stop or the onlf people will just take their business away and our port will become like berbera dead. Puntland has to make hard decision and not try to get both sides of the cake. Trying to please addis and trying to please onlf socon meyso. The state needs to chose 1. Either it's onlf trade that will be lost and stronger ethiopian support, or ethiopia relations will be strained. Each scenario has it's pros and cons however this issue is well over-due. I am the first to admit it's one of my close kin who runs the PIS in bossaso osman diyano and i know why he does it, It's not for hate of onlf but for $$$. All Puntland clan-elders are pro onlf, the people are overwhelming pro onlf. The Problem is admin/security services. Wa in xal laga gaara waxaani looma adkeysan karo anymore, wa ridiculous. Even excuses of "onlf ppl in ethiopia work for ethiopia" doesn't help, you don't do two wrongs. If someone doesn't take a shower, does that mean you won't? Anyways either way, their needs to be conclusion reached on this, whatever it may be.
Somalia: Dispute brewing between President and PM over new Cabinet 24 Oct 24, 2009 - 3:20:36 PM MOGADISHU, Somalia Oct 24 (Garowe Online) - A political dispute is brewing between Somalia's top leaders over the naming of a new Cabinet, government sources tell Garowe Online. Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed wants to include his "political allies" in the new Cabinet, which Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake is expected to name soon. The new Cabinet will be much smaller and is expected to consist of less than 20 ministers, down from 39 ministers currently in office. President Sheikh Sharif wants his allies to be part of the new Cabinet, according to ministers familiar with the ongoing dispute. But Prime Minister Sharmake has refused to include some of the President's suggested ministers in the new Cabinet, including current Finance Minister Sharif Hassan, Fisheries Minister Abdirahman Ibbi and Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed "Jengeli." "This is the second dispute between them [sheikh Sharif and Sharmake] and Cabinet ministers close to the President are involved," said a senior government source speaking on the condition of anonymity, who added that the dispute has been presented to international diplomats. Both President Sheikh Sharif and Prime Minister Sharmake are currently out of the country. The Prime Minister is expected to announce the new Cabinet minister after he returns from London. Unconfirmed reports said Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Ghelle is also involved in the dispute, with reports saying that Ghelle is pressuring Somali government leaders to appoint Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Oomar back to his former post as Somali foreign minister.
Naden, price-fixing and corruption can be disturbing trends, what measures are being taken by the Egyptian government either at the national or local level to stabilize the market-place? I know Egypt has been focusing a-lot on the Nile river and has territorial frictions with Ethiopia over it's right. However is Egypt looking at regulatory measures to curb this supply-demand-corruption combo, that is having a startling effects on the local populace? Or is the corruption all the way up to the government and further beyond then what the eye can see (market-stalls). If you could emphasize on the measures being taken by the Egyptian government on this looming disaster that would be great. It is a disturbing sign when one of the giants of Africa is struggling so bad, it really sends warning signals to other respective nations within the neighborhood.
Lol. His political vision is to continue the war. What a bright leader we have in dahir aweys, so much for his love of somalia. Mr.Dahir Aweys, if you were offered the presidency I am certain you would drop the "sheikh" costume. He don't fool anyone. That's what it is all about, He just wants power and villa somalia and if he don't get it the second best thing is to get his pay-cheques through one of the various hawalas courtesy of arab donors/al-qaeda, whilst taking a vacation to asmara to discuss with the tigrays there on how the make life hell for the tfg and the tigrays of addis ababa. The final picture is: Tigray asmara vs Tigray addis ababa. Goal is to control and monopolize somalia for themselves. In the process alot of dead somalis and the venue is mogadishu. Anyone wanna get tickets? because that is the political reality of somalia today and the sad part of it all is, in reality somalis are just mere pawns in the process who take orders from foreign stakeholders. When the pawns argue with one an another, it's pretty much one of the pawns saying "my daddy addis is better then your daddy in asmara" lol.
Interesting to note. I was talking earlier about gara'ad port, and just read this piece and found out cade already had that sorted out. Lol wallahi kings think alike. Because that gara'ad port would dominate the economic flow in the central regions from mudug, hiiran, galguduud, and properly as far as bay and bakool. And anyone with half-brain knows if you dominate the economy, you will own the politics because both go hand in hand. The person that is from galguduud who wants to use gara'ad as a port to bring down his merchandise so he can go and sell it in dhuusomareb or abudwak will need to change his political vision in order to accomplish his business ventures. Minds will change. Las Qoray port that is currently being built will change the political visions of sool, togdheer, and sanaag to be in-line with the host post operator in order to achieve their business objectives. Believe it or not, but ppl's pockets matter more for them then their tribal politics. But this news-piece is an interesting piece and list only 1/5th of cade muse agenda and vision for the state of puntland. The previous leader before cade was good on security, but ppl had nothing to be quite honest. Not a school, no business, nothing really except alot of darawish soldiers and police. Cade changed that all around and brought puntland into becoming multi billionaire state hell with tribal conflict. If our state becomes multi billion dollar oil producing region, they will adapt to our way anyways.
Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Generaal Cadde Muuse Iyo Soo Laabashadiisa Madaxweynihii hore ee dowlada Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi Jeneraal Cade Muuse Ayaa waxa uu dib ugu soo laabtay deegaamada Puntland gaar ahaan magaalada Boosaaso Isagoo bilooyina wadanka dibadiisa ku maqnaa. Jeneraal Cade Muuse oo ay ku soo dhoweeyeen garoonka Bender Qaasim ee magaaladan Boosaaso dad weyne aad u fara badan oo lulayay boorar uu ku sawirnaa Cade Muuse Kuna qornaayeen halku dhigyo ay ka mid ahaayeen Halyaygii Nabada Puntlan Iyo Aabihii Horumarka Puntland ayaa dadweynahaasi waxaa horkacayay Isimo Nabadoono Iyo waxgarad ka soo kala jeeda gobolada puntland kuwaasoo ay weheliyeen mas,uuliyiin Ka tirsan maamulka iyo maamulkii hore ee Generaal Cadde. Cadde Muuse ayaa waxaa uu saxaafada hadal kooban ku siiyay qaybta dhismaha ee Terminaalka garoonka Boosaaso oo ahayd horumar ay ku faani karaan shacabka Puntland Gaar ahaana u galay buugga Xasuusta Waxqabadka Shacabka Jeneraal Cadde ayaa Waxaa uu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay imaatinkiisa dalka iyo soo dhowaynta loo Sameeyey. Sidoo kale Generaal Cadde waxa uu sheegay in uu la socdo xaalada dalka ayna si Wanaagsan ay isugu fiican yihiin dhamaan mas,uuliyiinta xiligan maamulka Puntland Majaraha u haysa Uuna ka rajeynayo in ay sii ambaqaadi doonaan talaabooyinkii Horumarineed ee uu Qaaday maamulkii Cadde iyo in ay ku dadaaalaan maamulka haatan Jira nabada iyo Horumarka Arimaha Bulshada. Dhanka kale waxaa uu tibaaxay in uu kulamo la qaadan doono mas,uuliyiinta Puntland Iyo qaar ka mid ah Isimada iyo waxgaradka oo uu sheegay in uu lasoo qaadi doono sidii Si wadajir looga qayb qaadan lahaa horumarka iyo nabada Puntland oo uu ku nisbeeyay Hooyadii Nabada Soomaaliya . Gaar ahaan waxaa uu Cadde Muuse xusay beelihii dhowaan ay dirirtu ku dhexmartay Deegaanka Igdhays oo ka tirsan degmada Ufayn ee gobolka bari oo uu sheegay in Beelahaas ay yihiin walaaalo dabka kala qaata ood wadaag iyo oon wadaagna ah oo Loo Baahan yahay in si wadajir looga qayb qaato. Ugu danbayntii Genaraal Cadde Muuse ayaa maamulkiisa iyo isaga lagu xasuustaa Afartii sano ee uu Puntalnd maamulayay waxqabadkii arimaha bulshada Gaar ahaan Isbitaalo, MCH-yo badan, Dugsiyo waxbarasho, Ceelal iyo Gacan u fidintii Dadka ka soo Jeeda deegaamadan ee ay la derseen abaaraha iyo biyo la,aanta iyo waliba dadkii ka soo Barakacay dagaalada Koonfurta iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya tan kale oo lagu xasuusto Waxa ay tahay garoonka Boosaaso oo ay gashay dhaqaalo badan dhismaha terminaalka Oo kaliya ay ka dhiman tahay Runway-ga markaasina noqon doona Garoonka ugu wayn Uguna quruxda badan Soomaaliya iyo waliba dhismiyaal xarumo oo loo yagleelay Dekeda Boosaaso uuna hindise lagu waynaynayo dekedaas iska lahaa Sidoo kale qorshe Lagu dhisayo garoonka garoowe iyo dekad loo sameeyo dekeda Garacad ee gobolka Mudug. Maamulkiisa Cadde waxaa kale oo ay ku dhaqaaqeen talaabooyinkii ay qaadeen wasaaradihiisa gaar ahaan Wasaaradii Dowladaha Hoose oo markaasi dhinacyo badan oo Ku aadan jaan goynta canshuuraha ku samaysay dhamaan goboloda Puntland iyo waliba La xisaabtanka Hay,adaha ay ku quseeyaan golayaasha dowladaha hoose ee loo Sameeyay Degmooyinka Puntland iyo figradeeda oo noqonaysa wax lagu faano samaynta goloyaasha degmooyinka. Sidoo kale waxaa lagu xasuustaa heshiiskii uu la galay madaxweynihii Puntand ee Isaga Ka horeeyay C/llaahi Yuusuf markaasoo uu gudoomiye u ahaa Ururkii la magac baxay Badbaadinta Puntand heshiiskaasoo oo soo afmeeray dagaalo mudooyin socday isagoo Sidoo kale maamulkiisa uu ku caan baxay Nabada iyo sidii loo heli lahaa Qaran Soomaaliyeed oo Federaal ah.
Do you think Machines have taken over part of your life?
Cowke replied to QUANTUM LEAP's topic in General
It is quite a funny process that many people tend not to see happen. But technology has made our lives better in one aspect, things that required manual down-time labor and were once more error prone have now become automated by machines for efficiency and tend to have a higher accuracy rate. This however can have it's disadvantages also such as children or youth being stuck behind a computer or video game and getting no exercise and lose key socializing skills needed for everyone in order to be successful. So yes technology can be summed up in a good line "Can't live with it, Can't Live without It". -
Seeker, yes but the economic down-turn in the world is not the reason behind egypts economic woes, this economic decline has been happening for decades as suggested by naden. Naden made some very interesting observations about the population growth in egypt primarily being responsible and provided some interesting figures also. Naden if you don't mind, may I ask is that population growth due to higher-birth rates or immigration? or is it a combination of the two.
This seems to be an interesting experiment, I remember they were planning this a few years ago in switzerland or france from memory. It is excellent news to see that it has gone forward, let's just hope they don't blow up the world during the process!!! These sorts of scientific research is very useful because if we know how the world was formed, we will know how to manage it. Think about a car, unless you know how the car is formed together, how can a mechanic diagnose and fix it? This is why mechanics need to go to mechanic school and learn the ins and out of cars and its formation. I eagerly await this experimentation to see a glimpse of how this vast universe we live in today that started roughly 14 billion years ago came to be. Truly remarkable. Thank you nuune for this useful piece.
Fascinating video. Some people tend to think egypt is a gulf-state country, but nothing could be further from the truth. This video proves that egypt economy is on the way down and people are even fighting over bread. Startling signs for the rest of Africa!!!
Iraq Approves Oil Contract with BP, CNPC By HASSAN HAFIDH ISTANBUL—Iraq's council of ministers has approved a deal valued at more than $15 billion with the U.K's BP PLC and Hong Kong's CNPC to develop Rumaila, Iraq's largest producing oil field, a top oil official said Saturday. "The cabinet unanimously approved the Rumaila contract with BP and CNPC during a special session held late Friday night," Sabah al-Saadi, head of the legal department at the oil ministry's Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate said at an oil conference in Istanbul. Mr. Saadi said both sides were expected to sign the deal "within a few days" at the ministry's offices in Baghdad. Toby Odone, a London-based spokesman for BP, said the Iraq government hasn't officially notified the company about the cabinet's approval. "If that has happened, it is great," he said. Senior officials from Iraq's oil ministry will brief representatives from 45 international oil companies on Sunday about new oil and gas fields open for auction in December. Last week, Iraq signed an initial agreement with BP and CNPC to nearly triple output at the Rumaila oil field. The two firms won the project in the country's first auction for oil-field rights in June. Under the 20-year service contract, BP will hold a 38% stake in the venture, while CNPC will own 37%. Iraq will hold the remaining 25%. Rumaila, with estimated proven reserves of 17 billion to 20 billion barrels, is producing about 1.1 million barrels a day, almost half of Iraq's total production. BP and CNPC plan to increase production to 2.85 million barrels a day. Write to Hassan Hafidh at
Bank claim that is out of this world By Lauren Hansen BBC News US bank customer Dalton Chiscolm could learn on Friday if he is one step closer to becoming the world's first ever billion-trillionaire. Mr Chiscolm sued Bank of America in Manhattan's federal court in August for "$1,784 billion trillion" , in a complaint that boiled down to poor customer service. But US District Judge Denny Chin asked Mr Chiscolm to provide further evidence to support his claims by 23 October, or find them dismissed. $1,784 BILLION TRILLION Dr Kevin Houston helps break down exactly how much Dalton Chiscolm is asking Bank of America to pay him for poor customer service. Judge Chin is familiar with large sums of money, having just sentenced financier Bernard Madoff to a 150-year prison term. But Madoff's $65bn (£40bn) Ponzi scheme pales in comparison to the amount Mr Chiscolm expects from the bank. Judge Chin called the complaint "incomprehensible", in an order released in court. Many zeroes The actual number, 1,784 billion trillion, is equal to 1.784 multiplied by 10 to the 24th power, or roughly 1,784 followed by 21 zeroes. Using the International System of Units, this number is called a Yotta. Which is how much exactly? "The Sun has the power of a Yotta microwave ovens," says Chris Budd, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath, by way of explanation. This unfathomable number is used mainly by scientists to measure the very small or the very large, said Dr Kevin Houston, senior lecturer at the the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds. But people are not meant to actually comprehend a number this size. "I don't think the human brain is set to deal with those numbers," he said. 'Completely silly' The specificity of Mr Chiscolm's requested amount - $1,784 billion trillion - is even more curious. International System of Units Kilo (K) = 3 zeroes Mega (M) = 6 zeroes Giga (G) = 9 zeroes Tera (T) = 12 zeroes Peta (P) = 15 zeroes Exa (E) = 18 zeroes Zetta (Z) = 21 zeroes Yotta (Y) = 24 zeroes Source: Chris Budd "It could be that if they did say just one billion it would seem just plucked out of the air," Dr Houston said. "Is it something to do with a date? What happened in 1784?" Following up Dr Houston's suggestion, we found a few events in 1784 that could offer insight into the inspiration behind the number. Is Mr Chiscolm an American nationalist? On 14 January, the American Revolutionary War ended and Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris. Or perhaps he is a classical music aficionado, for Mozart's Sonata in B flat, K454, premiered in Vienna on 29 April. Maybe he is a newspaper fan, because America's first daily newspaper, Penns Packet and General Advertiser, was published on 21 September. Regardless of the reasoning, the monetary amount is beyond financial recognition. "The guy wants more money than there is in the world," Dr Houston said. "It's completely silly." Getting the claim approved by the judge may be one hurdle for this disgruntled customer. But finding the money if he won the suit would be quite another.
I believe this idea would seriously cement puntland into growth and activity and dominance of the economic sector of somalia. This will give Puntland a Tally of Bossaso having a port which would be servicing clientele from 1.Bari 2.Nugaal 3.Ethiopian Regions A Las Qoray Port is under construction and would dominate the western plains economic zone and would take the following regions under it's scope; 1.Sanaag 2.Sool 3.Togdheer A central regions port located at Gara'ad Would take the following regions economic activities; 1. Mudug 2. Galguduud 3. Hiraan Obviously their will need to be good governance on how to evenly share out the economic activity so not 1 region benefits and others fall behind. The way I divided it up would be good way in my opinion. The ethiopian regions should continue trading at Bossaso however Bossaso must give up sool and cayn to the las qoray port so activity can be stream-lined there. The Mudug region would be over-flowing with activities from hiiran and mudug and galguduud that it won't even require the ethiopian trade. This Will cement Puntland regions with 3 Ports. And possibly a fourth port under jubbaland if morgan vision comes to reality. This will give us a lion-share of the economic activity in somalia that is un-rivalled. An airport in Bossaso, galkacyo, and garowe are already under construction which is a positive side. Plus new airports at badhan and las canood have been signed between sharmarke and the italian embassy to tender the job to FAI international. This agreement can be read in the galkacyo accord signed a month ago or so. Puntland In 10 years time Should be aiming at having the following objectives secured and operational. 5 airports Bossaso Garowe Las Canood Badhan Galkacyo 4 Ports Bossaso Las Qoray Gara'ad Kismayo (Jubbaland Vision) Somalia will be left with three vacant ports of mogadishu and berbera and merka which can be shared through the remaining clan. Whilst puntland will own 80% of the economy.
President of Galmudug State flies out to Mogadishu for Talks.
Cowke replied to Sabriye amp co.'s topic in Politics
Lol, The reality of the matter on the ground of galkacyo is the galmudug admin doesn't control the key areas of the airport or the down-town. It shocks me to disbelief they prefer to make a capital from degans of galkacyo rather then shift operations to hobyo. I think it is good indication of how weak the admin is and how they lack the resources to even built a port in hobyo. Anyways, Galkacyo the admin is a guest due to their horrendous situation of losing mogadishu and now live in exile in and around the districts of galkacyo. Very sad but the galmudug administration if they want to see glory again, they need to look to hobyo and start a port there. All the central regions would use that port for business activities and this will thus ensure the administration a good revenue raiser to accomplish social services for it's jurisdiction. However I don't for-see that happening in the near future. -
C.Cabdirashiid iyo C/llahi Yusuf london makukulmi doonaan Friday, 23 October 2009 02:48 Waxaa dhawaan la filayaa in uu soogaro magaalada London Ra'iisulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md.Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma'arke iyo xubno ka mida golaha Wasiirada oo ay ka mid yihiin Cabdirisaaq Jorile iyo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdi Shakuur, wafdiga Ra'iisulwasaaraha ayaa 4-maalmood ku sugnaan doona London iyagoo kulamo la qaadan doona wasaarada Arimaha dibada qeybteeda Afrika (Afrika Desk) sidoo kale waxaa uu ka hadli doonaa Chantam House 28-da bishan October halkaas oo uu kawarami doono waxqabadka dowladiisa iyo qaabka ay nabada uga dhalin karaan Soomaaliya iyadoo ay su'aalana weydiin doonaan kasoo qeybgalayaasha kulanka. Dhinaca kale waxaa la qaban qaabinayaa xaflado soo dhaweyn ah oo ay Soomaalida London ugu diyaar garoobayaan imaatinka Ra'iisulwasaaraha iyadoo uu jaaliyada kaga warbixindoono waxqabadka dowladda, waxaa sidoo kale durba'ba bilowday London gudiyadii u qaabilsanaan lahaa soo dhaweynta Ra'iisulwasaaraha iyadoo la'filayo in uu sidoo kale xaflada Ra'iisulwasaaraha looga imaanayo wadamo badan oo Yuruba. Dhanka kale waxa xalay magaalada London soo gaaray madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdulahi Yusuf Axmed isagoo halkaas u yimid arimo la'xiriira caafimaadka oo uu horey Loondon ugu imanjiray, balse durba'ba waxaa soo ifbaxaya wararkale oo aanu ka heleyno shaqsiyaad ku dhowdhow C/llahi Yusuf in laqaban qaabinayo kulan dhexmara isaga iyo Ra'iisulwasaaraha taas oo ka dhigeysa markii ugu horeysay oo ay kulmaan intii loo magacaabay xilkan, waxaase dadbadan ay isweydiinayaan kulankooda maxaa kasoo bixi doona iyadoo kooxda Shariif ay burburiyeen dowladii C/llahi Yusuf, wixii kasoo baxaa wararka kusaabsan arinkaas dib ayaan idiinkaga soo gudbin doonaa. Diirad News Desk
General...That is a compliment, I know it's easy not being king. But i know when i go to bossaso, i own the joint
Somalis are so simple minded bro. You see when aideed died, his ppl died. Because they don't have a talent pool to choose from. But historically till this day, the kings have shown their not 1 hit wonders, but consistent political heavyweights.