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I hope faroole takes it 1 step further and begins a civilian disarmament process to make sure that noone in the city has a gun. I realize this is a massive task but it's better getting started now and in 4 years time we won't ever have to deal with this nonsense. But it is positive step that he has locked down the cities and is beginning the investigation stage of finding the culprits. Long-term solutions are needed farole, you can't just keep on applying martial law everyday for the next 4 years when an incident as this occurs. It is time you step up and provide long-term solutions. This first initiave that he has taken of placing troops at each strategic city is positive step, but that is only half the job done. You need to finish the second half of the job which disarmament of civilians in major cities of Puntland.
Madaxweynaha Puntland: Magaalooyinka Halaga Xiro Wadooyinka, Dadkana hala Baaro Published on: November 12,2009 Garowe Time 8:05 am NAIROBI, (RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa ku baaqay in ciidamada amaanka ee Puntland ay gacanb adag ku qabtaan amaanka gobolka guud, ka dib dilalkii xaley loo geystey masuuliyiin sare. Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey dilkii xaley loo geystey gudoomiyihii maxkamada derejada koowaad ee gobolka Bari Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Awaare iyo xildhibaan ka tirsan barlamanka Puntland. Madaxweyne Faroole waxa uu sheegay in dilalkaasi labada ah ay yihiin weerar lagu soo qaaday xasiloonida Puntland sidaa darteedna deg deg looga hortago, isagoo ugu baaqay ciidamada inay xiran wadooyinka. “Ciidamada waxaan fareynaa inay deg deg u hawlgalaan sidii gacanta loogu soo dhigi lahaa dembiilayaashi dilalka geystey, waana in magaalooyinka laga xiraa dhamaan wadooyinka….. oo baaritaan la sameeyo”, ayu yiri madaxweynaha Puntland. Waxaa uu sidoo kale madaxweynaha Puntland dadka ugu baaqay inay ka shaqeeyaan amniga iyo nabadgelyada, waxaana uu dadweynaha ka codsaday inay ciidanka la shaqeeyaan. c/raxmaan Faroole waxaa uu dhinaca kale tacsi u diray ehelada iyo qoysaska ay ka geeriyoodeen masuuliyiinta la dilay eek ala ah gudoomiyaha maxkamada gobolka Bari Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Awaare oo xaley fiidkii lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso iyo xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab oo isaguna isla xaley niman hubeysan ku dileen magaalada Garowe. Dilalkaasi ayaan illaa hadda la ogeyn cidda geysatey mana jirto wax tafaasiil ah oo ka soo baxay hay’adaha amniga ee Puntland.
Illahi ha u naxaristo. This is probably a hit by shabab or some extremist element. Anyways Dr.Farole response will be eagerly awaited. I suggest he station troops at every major city and begin a disarmament of civilians. This is a long term solution, short-term solutions of locking the culprit up is not working. Long-term solutions are needed to end this. It is not enough anymore of just finding the culprit and sentencing them. My support for farole is getting shaky that is for sure.
Dabshid, Well this is the sort of religious clerics that are needed in somalia.
Interesting Khutbah by Shiikh C/raxmaan regarding imposter wadaads and the current political climate in somalia and the total mis-use and abuse of islam in somalia. Enjoy
D.C. Sniper Set to Die Tonight John Allen Muhammad's Clemency Request Denied By Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine; Faces Lethal Injection Lawyers See John Allen Muhammad's Humanity Terror Relived, as Sniper Execution Nears (CBS/AP) Last Updated at 6:50 p.m. EST Having exhausted all court appeals and after being denied clemency by Virginia's governor, the man convicted in the 2002 sniper attacks that left 10 people dead and terrorized the nation's capital region for weeks, met with his immediate family members on the last day of his life. John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind behind the killing spree in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., is set to die by injection at 9 p.m. Tuesday night at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, after Gov. Tim Kaine denied clemency. Muhammad's attorneys had asked Kaine to commute his sentence to life in prison because they said he was severely mentally ill. "I find no compelling reason to set aside the sentence that was recommended by the jury and then imposed and affirmed by the courts," Kaine, who is known for carefully considering death penalty cases, said in a statement. "Accordingly, I decline to intervene." The Virginia Department of Corrections said that Muhammad's attorneys are planning to meet with him this afternoon, and that he does not have a spiritual advisor. Muhammad's attorneys released a statement stating they respected the decisions of the Supreme Court and the Governor to not stay the execution, but added, "In its effort to race John Allen Muhammad to his death before his appeals could be pursued, the state of Virginia will execute a severely mentally ill man who also suffered from Gulf War Syndrome the day before Veterans Day." Muhammad, 48, was sentenced to death for killing Dean Harold Meyers at a gas station in northern Virginia. He and his accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, also were suspected of fatal shootings in Louisiana, Alabama and Arizona. Prosecutors chose to put Muhammad and Malvo on trial in Virginia first because of the state's willingness to execute killers. He and Malvo were also convicted of six other murders in Maryland and both were sentenced to six life terms. The death penalty was later ruled out for Malvo because the U.S. Supreme Court barred the execution of juveniles, who was 17 during the killing spree. Lawyers See John Allen Muhammad's Humanity The Sniper's Victims Profiles of the Snipers Map: The 2002 Killing Spree Photos: The Maryland Trial Photos: The Virginia Trial The motive for the shootings in the nation's capital region remains murky. Malvo said Muhammad wanted to use the plot to extort $10 million from the government to set up a camp in Canada where homeless children would be trained as terrorists. But Muhammad's ex-wife has said she believes the attacks were a smoke screen for his plan to kill her and regain custody of their three children. Muhammad has never testified or explained why he directed the attacks that terrorized the Washington region, with victims gunned down while doing everyday chores. People stayed indoors, and those who had to go outside weaved as they walked or bobbed their heads to make themselves less of a target. The terror ended Oct. 24, 2002, when police captured Muhammad and Malvo as they slept at a Maryland rest stop in a car they had outfitted so a shooter could hide in the trunk and fire through a hole in the body of the vehicle. Assistant Chief Drew Tracy, who led the SWAT team response to the sniper shootings for the Montgomery County, Md., police department, vividly recalled the takedown of Muhammad and Malvo for CBS News Justice and Homeland Security correspondent Bob Orr. "I walked over towards Muhammad, and when I looked at him he had a look about him that was just pure evil," Tracy told Orr. "If he's put to death, does that matter?" Orr asked. "In this situation, yes," Tracy said. Sniper victim Paul LaRuffa agreed. "If you're going to have a death penalty, he certainly deserves it," LaRuffa told Orr. LaRuffa was left for dead a month before the sniper shootings began. He said Muhammad shot him five times at point blank range and stole his computer and $3,500, money that would be used to finance the coming carnage. "I was hit through (my) arm," LaRuffa told Orr. "I was hit in the chest, the stomach, the diaphragm and my spine." But he says he has no interest in watching Muhammad die. "Will I attend?" LaRuffa told Orr. "No, I won't be there. I don't have a need to have a day in my life taken up by that." Muhammad had been in and out of the military since he graduated from high school in Louisiana and entered the National Guard. A convert to Islam, John Allen Williams would later change his name to Muhammad. He joined the Army in 1985 and trained in Washington state as a combat engineer. He did not take special sniper training but earned an expert rating in the M-16 rifle - the military cousin of the .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle used in the sniper shootings. However, his life was full of failure. He was twice divorced, and after serving in the first Iraq war, he could never find financial stability. He opened a karate school but it didn't last; neither did his car repair shop. The man who looked for self-discipline in exercise and Islam found himself living in a homeless shelter in 2001 and a few months later was accused of shoplifting food. On Tuesday, Muhammad met with immediate family members but did not have a spiritual adviser, Virginia Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said. The families of those killed were ready for execution day. Cheryll Witz was one of several victims' relatives who planned to watch the execution. Malvo confessed that, at Muhammad's direction, he shot her father, Jerry Taylor, on a Tucson, Ariz., golf course in March 2002. "He basically watched my dad breathe his last breath," Witz said. "Why shouldn't I watch his last breath?" Death penalty opponents planned vigils across the state, and some were headed for Jarratt, about an hour south of Richmond, for the execution at Greensville Correctional Center. Beth Panilaitis, executive director of Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, said those who planned to protest understand the fear that gripped the community, and the nation, during the attacks. "The greater metro area and the citizens of Virginia have been safe from this crime for seven years," Panilaitis said. "Incarceration has worked and life without the possibility of parole has and will continue to keep the people of Virginia safe." Kaine, Virginia's first Roman Catholic governor, has openly expressed his faith-based opposition to capital punishment, but promised as a candidate in 2005 that he would carry out Virginia's death penalty law despite his beliefs. In September, Kaine delayed the October execution of a former Army intelligence worker from Maryland convicted of killing a northern Virginia couple, saying he needed more time to consider the case. That execution is scheduled for next week. © MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo R. Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo kulmay Wafti Madaxweynaha Dowladda puntland hogaaminayo ayaa ka dagay garoonka diyaaradaha Joma Kenyata ee wadanka Kenya magaaladiisa Nairobi. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa horkacayey wafti ka kooban, Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Cabdulahi axmad Jamac, agaasimaha macdanta iyo Batroolka Ciise Maxamud Dholawaa , Agaasimaha guud ee Madaxtooyada dowladda Puntland Cali Barre iyo xoghayemo. Waftiga Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ayaa waxaa garonka diyaardaha ku soo dhoweeyey saraakiil ka tirsan safaarada Somalida, Dadweyne farabadan iyo saxaafada. Madaxweynaha puntland iyo waftigiisa ayaa loo soo galbiyey Hotelka ay ka dageen magaalada Nairobi. Safarka Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu la xiriiraa casumaad uga timid hay’adaha caalamiga sida Wasaaarada arrimaha dibadda Mareykanka taasoo daba socota booqashadii Mr.Farole ku tagey wadanka Mareykanka. Farole ayaa la kulmi doona sidoo kale hay’adaha caalamiga oo tageera dowladda Puntland. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo wafti uu hogaaminayo ayaa habeenkii xaley casho la yeeshay Ra’isal wasaaraha Somalia Cumar Cabdirashiid isaga oo soo gaarey Nairobi maalintii shaley. Kulanka casho ayaa waxaa ka qayb galey Wasiiro uu hogaaminayey Ra’isal wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Wsaiirka Isgaarsiinta Jurile. Xafiiska Madaxaweynaha ayaa idinla socodsiin doona kulamada Madaxweynaha Puntland waqtiyada soo socda. Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland GAROWE, Somalia
Suldaan Jaamac Xasan Ibraahim oo ka mid ah Issimada Beesha ******, oo ku sugan Magaalada Bosaso ayaa sii kulul u beeniyey warar Maalmahan dambe aay Sheegayeen Warbaahinta Somalidu Suldaan Jaamac Xasan ayaa sheegay in wararka sheegaya in Jirdil lagu dilay Marxuum Cabdullaahi Xasan Cali aay yahiin kuwa been abuur ah, Isla markana u isagu la joogay Marxuumka dhintay uusana u dhiman Jirdil, Sidoo kale Suldaan Jaamac waxa u sheegay in Wax Hanjabad ah oo ka timid ONLF oo ku socota Puntland aysan jirin Dadka Labada Gobolna yahiin Walaalo Sidaa u hadalka u yiri ”Dadka Shacabku waa dad walaalo ah, ONLF dad uma Hanjabin, Wixii dhacyna hada ayaa loo fadhiya sidii loo xalin laha” ”Anigu hada Xabsiga Bosaso ayaa fadhiya, waxa ilaa fadhiya Wiilashii Afarta aha, Waxii dhacna lama yirahdo maxay u dhaceen, Ninkii dhinta Jirdil loma geysan aniga ayaa la joogay xiita xiligii u Geeriyooday, Dadka leh jirdil ayaa loo geystana waa beentood, arrinka wax ka jiro ma jiran, Waa dhamaatay Arrinkaasi waana isku afgaranay Maamulka, Wiilashana waa la sii deynaya , Ninkii Dhintana Arrinkiisa waa la saxaya, Dadku xal ba la Eegaya ee la iskama qayliyo” Ayuu Yiri Suldaan Jaamac Xasan oo u waramay Idaacadaha Maxaaliga ah ”Walahay Arrinkaasi aad ayaa la iskula dhexmaray, Lakiin wixii xaqiiqo ah kole waa la helaya, Shanta Wiil Xariga soo gaaray ma ahane wax kale oo jira ma jiro, dadkana waxa lagu qancinaya wax cad oo loo wada jeedo, waxa kasta oo dhaca maxay u dhaceen lama dhaho ee xal ayaa la gaaraya wixii dhacay lagu xalin laha” Hadalka Ugaaska Beelaha ****** ee degaanada Puntland ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada oo Maalmahan dambe la isla dhexmarayo In Ciidanka Xabsigu jirdil ku dileen Allaah ha u naxariiste Marxuum Cabdullaahi Xasan Cali oo ka mid aha Maxabiista loo heysto inay ka tirsan yahiin Jabhada ONLF ee ka dagaalanta dalka Ethoipia Puntland News Center Muxiyadiin Cabdile Boosaaso
Hoggaamiya dhaqameedka ****** oo dawlada Puntland ugu baaqey inay xubnaha ONLF u soo gudbiyaan DDS. Jigjiga, Nov 09 - Shir ay isugu yimaadeen Hogaamiye dhaqameedyada, Garaadada, Ugaasyada, Salaadiinta, Caaqilada, Nabadoonada, Cuqaasha, iyo odayaasha bulshowaynta Soomaalida ee ku dhaqan Degaanka Soomaalida ayaa maanta ka dhacay Xarunta Shirarka ee Xafiiska Arrimaha Haweenka ee DDS. Kulankan oo gogoshiisa ay dhigeen hogaamiye dhaqameedyada beesha ****** oo ay hor kacayaan Garaad Maxamuud Dool Xirsi & Ugaas Maxamuud Axmed Siciid waxaa ay ku cambaareeyeen aflagaadada iyo xumaanta dadka sheeganaya magaca beelaha Degaanka Soomaalida dagan ay ku samaynayaan dadka reer Puntland. Waxaa shirkan lagu lafa-guray wax ay ku tilmaameen xumaanta iyo sharka ay kooxaha nabad-diidku ka dhex wadaan beelaha walaalaha ah ee qowmiyada Soomaalida. Shirkan oo ka dhashay warar idaacadaha qaarkood laga sheegayay dhawaanahan oo sheegayay in beesha ****** ay cadaawad ula taagan tahay beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee dagan Puntland ayaa waxay hogaamiye dhaqameedyada ku sheegeen inayna waxba ka jirin. Odayaashaas kulanka isugu yimid waxay sheegeen in dadka dibadaha ka hadlaya ee ku faanaya inay cadaawad iyo fidno ka dhex abuuraan dadka wada dhashay ee ku nool Puntland iyo Dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya ayna matalin shacabka Degaanka Soomaalida, balse ay yihiin budhcad iyo budhcad kalkaal aan wax wada dhalasho iyo xidhiidh ah aan la lahayn shacabka Degaanka Soomaalida. Odayaasha kulankan ka hadlay oo aad u fara badnaa ayaa waxay Dawlada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ka codsadeen in loo soo dhiibo dambiilayaasha dhiiga iyo dhagarta ka galay shacabka Degaanka Soomaalida guud ahaantii, gaar ahaan shacabka beesha ********ka ee ku nool Degaanka Soomaalida. Garaad Maxamuud Dool Xirsi oo furitaankii kulankan ka hadlay ayaa carabaabay in dambiilayaashaas laga qabtay maamulka Goboleedka Puntland ayna ahayn ******** balse ay yihiin cadawga ********ka iyo Soomaalida kaleba. Garaad Maxamuud Dool oo ku hadlaya magaca beesha ****** ee gogosha dhigtay ayaa tilmaamay in nimankaasi ay dhibaato iyo waxyeelo wayn ku hayeen shacabka Degaanka Soomaalidaiyagoo dilay dad fara badan oo tiradoodu ka badan tahay 1500 oo qof oo maati ah, oo isugu jira Odayaal, dhalinyaro, caruur, hooyooyin, cuqaal, iyo aqoon-yahan, isla-markaana gubay hanta iyo gawaadhi fara badan oo xataa qaar ka mid ahi ay lahaayeen dad u dhashay Maamul Goboleedka Puntland. Sidoo kale, Ugaas Maxamuud Axmed Siciid ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dambiilayaash lagu hayo Puntland ay yihiin kuwii ka danbeeyay dilka ugaasyo, salaadiin, cuqaal, wax-garad, iyo indheer-garad ku jiray beesha ********. Nabad-Doon Xaaji Gaboobe Daahir Nuur ayaa sidoo kale cambaareeyay dadka xumaanta iyo fidnada ka dhex abuuraya shacabka wada dhashay ee walaalaha ah. Wuxuu Nabad-Doon Gaboobe tibaaxay in dambiilayaasha budhcada ah ee lagu qabtay Puntland ay yihiin shuftada iyagoo ka tirsan budhcada nabad-diidka dilay dad biri-ma gayda ah oo ay ka mid yihiin, Suldaan Cali Saafi, Caaqil Luqun-Dhure, Nabad-doon Kadawa iyo kuwa kaloo oo badan. Hogaamiye dhaqameedku waxay sidoo kale sheegeen in nimankaasi ay qudha ka jareen culimo-u-diin iyo hooyooyin fara badan. Suldaan Aadan Yuusuf Taani ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay dhibaatada ay dadka ku hayaan budhcada nabad-diidka, wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay tahay wax lagu qoslo dadka maanta dambiilayaasha sida Cabdi Teerso iyo Faseex Cataab yidhi waa arday fasax ku tagaysay dhulkoodii. Wuxuu Suldaan Aadan Yuusuf Taani uu kulankaas uga sheekeeyay dhacdooyin murugo leh oo uu u soo taagnaa oo ay ku kaceen nimankaas budhcada ah, wuxuuna maamulka Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland ka codsaday in ayna u nuglaanin beenta iyo borobogaandhada ay qawlaystada nabad-diidka ahi meelaha ka tidhaahdo. Ugu-dambaystii waxay Hogaamiye dhaqameedka beesha ******** ka codsadeen, culimo-u-diinka, shacabka, iyo masuuliyiinta Dawlada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland inay eedaysanayaashaas u soo dhiibaan maamulka Dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida si maxkamad cadaalad ah loo saaro. Baaqii ka soo baxay kulankaas iyo uuqaalka shirka oo video ah ayaa shabakada CakaaraNews idiinka soo baahin doonaa, iyadoo sidoo kale muuqaalkaas laga heli karo bogga Shabakada CakaaraNews ku leedahay Mareegta YouTube. Il - cakaaranews.com
Somalia: Puntland security forces conduct operations in Bosaso 9 Nov 9, 2009 - 10:13:02 PM Security forces in Somalia's self-governing State of Puntland have conducted operations in the commercial port city of Bossasso. The Special Forces, who were deployed from their main station in the outskirts of Garowe town, confiscated illegal weapons from civilians who kept them in their cars. The operations comes amid insecurity that has engulfed the port city which has witnessed several minor blasts. However some Bossasso police officials have told Garowe Online that the blasts were not serious because they were mostly petrol bombs thrown by people who were against the arrest of some law breakers. Meanwhile, police in Bossasso have arrested a wanted man named Foore who was allegedly behind several kidnappings of foreigners conducted in the tenure of former administration led by President Ade Muse. Before his arrest, the man fired shots that caused no harm but led to eventual arrest. The new Puntland Administration led by President Abdirahman Mohammed Farole have been involved in efforts of combating the insecurity in parts of the state, nabbing several suspects accused of being either high sea pirates and illegal smugglers. On other developments, Somaliland’s security forces in Erigabo have arrested two men in connection with foiled attempts by two Somali gunmen to hijack a commercial plane in Bossasso early this month. Puntland state declared itself as an autonomous part of Somalia in 1998 and has enjoyed relative peace compared to larger chaotic regions of Horn of African nation. GAROWE ONLINE
Cabdi Qaybdiid oo lagu weerarey Koonfurta Galkacayo 9 Nov 9, 2009 - 9:23:17 PM Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid oo marayey Koonfurta Galkacayo [ Baraxley] ayaa waxaa lagu weerarey Bambo gacmeedyo taasoo dhaawacdey tiro ciidamadiisa ilaaladiisa ah. Qaraxaan ayaa sababey dhaawaca Lix askari oo kamid ah ilaalada Cabdi Qaybdiid iyada oo xabado ay fureen dhaawaceen 10 qof oo rayid ah. Taliyaha ciidamada Booliska Cabdi Qaybdiid oo maalmahii lasoo dhaafey booqasho ku joogey puntland ayaa kasoo noqdey safarkaan isaga oo ku sugnaa Koonfurta Galkacayo. Koonfurto Galkacayo oo la sheegaa inuu ka arimiyo maamul la yiraahdo Galmudug ayaa waxaa ka taagnaa muran halkaas ay ku wada sugna yihiin kooxaha Ahlu-sunah Waljamaaca, labo maamul oo isku haysta mamaulka iyo kooxo tageersan Al-shabab. Cabdi Qaybdiid ayaa la kulmey intii uu ku sugnaa Puntland madaxda maamulka Puntland. Saraakiisha ka tirsan maamulka Sheekh Shariif ayaa alaaba waxaa beegsada kooxaha mucaaradka kuwaasoo qaraxyo iyo weeraro gaadmo ah ku qaada. GAROWE ONLINE
Positive news for the ssc people, I don't what to say lol. But I do know 1 thing I prefer to see SSC maamul in las canood before a somafiland one. But at the same time my first preference is of course that SSC remains in puntland, if that aint possible the second best option is the SSC model.
Abwaan, I already posted this news here. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/9/20886 Maybe read the forum next my friend.
Road Construction between Burao and Erigavo - A Great move by locals
Cowke replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Jacaylbaro, Actually I am UNI reviewing my lecture notes before my test on thursday. I just finished an exam about 2 hours ago and at the university as we speak. -
Road Construction between Burao and Erigavo - A Great move by locals
Cowke replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Xiinfanin, You mean the Ras Hafun One Below. This was started recently a month ago by the locals creating a 54 km road to connect ras-hafun to the rest of bari region. At present people can only gain access to that community going through the sea. This project will change that, people will be able to come on road if they need to visit the town. It is project funded by noone, no aid-firms, no puntland government but the local spirit. There is also the lafa-goray road project that began in 2008 which is to connect the baargaal-caluula community with a road network. This project is funded by Puntland and a few donor firms. Here is a video on that update recently in april this year. The work is still diligently being carried on. Project manager of the lafagoray road for caluula-baargaal community also gives an update speech regarding it's progress in april this year. There was is a road project also signed by Dr.farole recently in the "Galkacyo accord" to get FAI International which was supposed to create a road connecting erigavo to bossaso before the war started, plus regional airports for las canood and badhan airports are also apart of the FAI Deal with Puntland and the TFG. So the infrastructure is rebuilding. Garowe is expanding it's electricity grids also so we don't need to rely on generators anymore, which you can view at your discretion here. http://necsomalia.com/ Puntland Is Rebuilding my friend don't worry about that. However I don't want to ruin this thread with Puntland because the erigavo-burco community should be congratulated for the recent endeavor they have undertook, regardless if they copied or not it don't matter, it will benefit their communities not anyone else so that comment you made was a bit uncalled for I must say. -
Road Construction between Burao and Erigavo - A Great move by locals
Cowke replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Excellent news bro. I wish them best. That is huge project. Good on reer erigavo and burco. -
Xaq Puntland outside of somalia their next home is kenya and dubai. So the Kenya diaspora I would think have a say in Puntland affairs.
Xaq true, the american uniform in iraq is exactly the same color as the terrain, However they took this uniform and their training hard to defend themselves against shabab infiltration. Good luck to them I say!!!!
Ciidamadii Urur Diimeedka Ahlu suna oo loo qeybiyay Dareys Ciidan,dhoola tusna Maanta sameeyay (DAAWO SAWIRO) Cabudwaaq (AB):-Boqlaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Ahlu suna Wal-jamaaca ayaa Maanta Magaalada Cabdud waaq ee Gobolka Galgaduud ku soo bandhigay dhoola tus Milatari kuwaasoo ahaa ciidamadiin shalay tababarku u soo xirmay. Ciidamadaan oo xirnaa dareys Ciidan oo gaar ah ayaa soo bandhigay dhoola tus aad ula yaabeen dadka ku dhaqan xaafadaha kala duwan ee Degmada Cabdudwaq ee Gobolka Galgaduud. Baabuur dagaal iyagoo wata ayay Ciidamadu socod ku soo sameeyeen xaafadaha Cabdudwaaq waxaana laga dareemayay qaab ka badalan kuwii hore maxaa yeelay waa markii ugu horeysay oo ay Ciidamo tababar u soo dhamaaday xirtaan dareys ciidan, "alle ayaa mahada iska leh oo noo fududeeyay inaan helno dareys u gaar ah Ciidamada waxaana ula jeednaa sidii Ciidamadu uga duwanaan lahaayeen shacabka" ayuu yiri Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka ahlu suna Sheekh Burhaan C/laahi Jaamac oo intaasi ku sii daray in ciidamadaasi amniga guud ahaan degmada Cabudwaaq ay sugi doonaan hadii Ale idmo Sidoo kale Taliyaha Ciidamada amniga Maamulka Ahlu suna Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa isna sheegay in ciidamadaani loo xitray dareyska islamarkaana tababarku u soo dhamaaday ay u howlgeli doonaan sidii ay uga shaqeyn lahaayeen danta deegaanada ay maamulaan iyo danta dadweynaha. allburtinle.com C/fitaax Maxamed Salaad (Diyeeshe) diyeeshe15@hotmail.com
Somali Woman who killed her unborn twins in Bristol. {Bristol}7-11-09A woman who killed her unborn twins by injecting herself to speed up labour and treated another child as her slave was yesterday jailed for nearly five years.. A woman who killed her unborn twins by injecting herself to speed up labour and treated another child as her slave was yesterday jailed for nearly five years. Mum-of-five Faiso Sahil, 35, was desperate to get out of hospital because she was bored, disliked the food and was fed up being pregnant. Sahil, who had midwife training from her native Somalia, injected herself with Syntometrine. But when her twins died she claimed nurse Caroline Randall administered it, leading to her arrest. Sahil, who is allowed to live in the UK for 10 years, later tried to withdraw the claim and said Allah took her twins. At Bristol crown court in May she was found guilty of attempting to pervert justice and beating a nine-year-old girl but fled to Finland on bail. Yesterday Sahil, of Bristol, was given two sentences of 14 and 42 months after she was captured and returned. Ms Randall said: "This has been hanging over me two years." Source: Mirror. By Richard Smith
I personally don't want to see a divided puntland, that is the last thing I was suggesting. But let's not kid ourselves farole has put alot of his work into garowe more then anywhere else, some may brush this aside as: Garowe being the capital. However I am not sure of that. It appears whenever someone leads Puntland, they focus on their area. For example cade focused on Bossaso and Garowe (because garowe is the capital). Abdullahi Yusuf was different, he didn't really focus on anywhere except "Hamar". It's most likely ilkajir is next president. I bet you he will focus on badhan or las qoray.
Juje, Duke just thinks everyone is a clone. Let him think that. We need to put our efforts into Bossaso. Remember Farole won't, he will be taking care of garowe only.
who-me, I don't really pay attention to that kid. His people have never in history or today come up with innovations. They are the least of my worries. The oil will progress and when the drilling starts and oil production begins, I will be in Puntland as civil engineer taking the huge construction projects that will follow through because I do have civil engineering batchelor.