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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. This is interesting 5 min segment on what Europe may look like in the future without christianity. Post Christian Europe
  2. Holding memorials are not even islamic in which the prophet of islam used to curse the christians and jews for turning the tombs of their prophets into places of remembrance and memorials. The prophet made it clear to muslims don't hold memorials for him. Yet you have sland holding 88 memorials? another indicator pointing to the un-islamic administration they have. I don't see d-block holding 91 memorials. Nor do I see usc diaspora holding memorials for the 300 000 they lost under aideed and mahdi wars. It just seems the cuqdad and unislamic conducts always tends to come from 1 area of somalia.
  3. The A.U is based on lion states and minor states in africa. The lion states of each region are. 1.East Africa(Ethiopia) 2.North Africa(Egypt) 3.West Africa (Nigeria) 4.Southern Africa (South Africa) Egypt is a power-player within A.U organization and their voice means alot to A.U policies. If Egypt denies sland seccession. That alone secures A.U policies towards sland. Not to mention Ethiopia who denies sland seccession also adds to the weight on what A.U policies on sland is. Another major blow for the seccesionists!!!! Just like the past 17 years.
  4. Safiirka Masar ee Soomaaliya oo Hargeysa ka sheegay in Somaliland tahay gobol ka mid ah Soomaaliya December 6th, 2009 Comments Off Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Safiirka dawladda Masar u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mr. Siciid Maxamed Al-misri, ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay in Masaaridu ay ku dhegen tahay midnimadda Somaliya oo aanay shacabka Somaliya u kala saarayn waxa uu ugu yeedhay Koonfur iyo Waqooyi, isaga oo si kulul uga gubtay su’aalo suxufiyiintu waydiiyeen oo la xidhiidhay qadiyadda madaxbannaanida Somaliland. Safiirka oo booqasho ku jooga Somaliland oo xalay hudheelka Maansoor ee magaaladda Hargeysa ugu waramay suxufiyiin ka socday wargeysyadda Jamhuuriya, Haatuf iyo Geeska Afrika, waxaa uu si badheedh ah kibir badani ka muuqdo u qirtay in dawladda Masar ay ku shaqaynayso midnimadda Somaliya, islamarakana uu haatan booqasho ku joogo dhul ka mid ah dalka Somaliya. Safiirka oo ugu horayn ka warbixiyey ujeedadda socdaalkiisa uu ku yimi Somaliland, waxa uu yidhi; “Safarkaygani wuxuu noqonayaa kii ugu horreeyey ee safiir Masri ahi uu ku soo booqdo Somaliland, fursadana waxaan uga faa’iideysanayaa inaan ku tilmaamo farxadeyda inaan soo booqdo halkan anigoo ah safiirka Masar u qaabilsan Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxaan booqday Muqdisho, Baydhabo iyo Puntland, waxaanay ila noqotay inaan imaado halkan oo aanan hore u iman, hadafkayga koowaad ee aan halkan u imidna waxa ugu muhiimsan inaan Somaliland oo aanan hore u iman booqasho ku imaado, jaaliyadda reer Masar ee halkan joogta iyo inaan la kulmo masuuliyiinta Somaliland. Waxaan doonayaa inaan halkan ka cadeeyo ina macallimiinta reer Masar ee Somaliland wax ka dhigtaa aanay ahayn kuwo soo dirtay Jaamacadda Carabtu ee ay yihiin deeq ka timi Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Dawladda Masar.” Intaa ka dib waxay weriyaayaashu ku weydiiyeen su’aalo la xidhiidha qadiyadda madaxbannaanida Somaliland iyo siyaasadda cadawtinimada leh ee dawladda Masar ku la dhaqanto, su’aalahaasi oo safiirku xoog uga cadhooday, islamarkaana uu badankooda aanu uga jawaabin si haboon. Su’aal: Somaliland ma waxaad u timi adoo u haysta inay Gobol Soomaaliya ka mid ah, mise wax kale? Jawaab: Masar waxay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ula dhaqmaan sidii shacab keliya, umana kala saaraan Soomaalida waqooyi iyo Soomaaliyada koonfureed, taasina waa dhab. Waxa laga yaabaa hadalkaygaas inaannu ahayn hadal aragti ah, magacyada lala baxayna marka laga joogsado dhinaca walaaltinimada maaha aasaaska iyo seeska, waxaan ku odhan lahaa anigu waxaan ahay safiirkii Masar ee Soomaaliya, waxaanan la kulmayaa dhammaan dhinacyada Soomaaliya kay doonaan ha ahaadaan koonfur amma waqooyi. S: Shacabka Somaliland wuxuu khaati ka joogaa siyaasadda Masar ee hortaagan goonni-isu-taaggooda maxaad ka leedahay arrintaas? J: Maaha inaynu ku noqnoqono su’aalo aan muhiim ahayn, waxaan mar labaad kuugu celinayaa inaan anigu ahay safiirka Soomaalida oo dhan, iyaga oo aan la kala qaadin koonfur iyo waqooyi. Xidhiidhka Soomaalida iyo Masarna waxay lahaayeen xidhiidh dheer, Somaliland iyo Puntland waxay u yaqaanaan dhulkii udugga Waxaan intaa kuugu darayaa anigu ma ahi safiir dawladda ajnebi ah ee waxaan ahay safiir dawlad aad walaalo tihiin, su’aashaa aad i weydiisay waxay ku qurux badnayd in la waydiiyo dawlad shisheeye ah. S: su’aasha aasaasiga ah ee aanu kaa doonaynaa waa inaad caddayso mawqifka Masar ee ku waajahan Somaliland? J: anigu umaan iman inaan caddeeyo mawqifka dawladda Masar ee Somaliland, waxaanse u imi inaan caddeeyo xidhiidhka iskaashi, sheeko kale ayaad ila gasheen, waxaad I weydiisay su’aal aan muhiim ahayn, su’aasha aad iwaydiisayna ma waafasana xeerarka saxaafadda. (inta uu safiirku cadhooday ayuu miiska ka kacay, balse wada hadal ka dib, waxay suxufiyiintu ku qanciyeen inuu fadhiisto oo uu waraysiga dhamaystiro.) S: Tan iyo 2001-dii Masar ma siiso deeq waxbarasho Somaliland, waxaanay shardi uga dhigtaa in Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Soomaaliya aqbasho, ma jirtaa arrintaas? J: Deeqaha waxbarasho ee aannu Soomaalida siino oo aan anigu masuul ka ahay, waxaannu u qaybinaa dhammaan Soomaalida, koonfurta iyo Puntland, cidna gaar uma laha, Ibraahim Cadow [Wasiirkii Tacliinta Sare ee Soomaaliyda ee ku geeriyooday qaraxii Muqdisho] ka hor intaanu dhiman laba toddobaad wuxuu i weydiiyey deeqihii waxbarasho ee Somaliland loogu talogalay, markaa sidaan su’aashaas u fahmay waxba kama jiraan. S: Yaad kala soo xidhiidhaan deeq waxbarasho ee aad Somaliland ugu talogasheen? J: Kama hadlayo Wasaarado Waxbarasho ee deeqaha waxbarashada waa loo siman yahay, ciddii u soo horumartana way helaysaa, ilaa iminka laakiin ma jiraan tiro go’an oo Soomaalida loogu talogalay. S: Maxay tahay ahmiyadda ay Masar ka leedahay mandaqada Geeska Afrika, gaar ahaan Soomaaliya? J: Dawladda Masar tan iyo markii dhibaatadu ka bilaabtay Soomaalida doorka Masar maaha mid meesha ka maqan, iminkana muddo bilo ah gudahoodna Masar waxay goostatay inay ka shaqayso, dib-u-hehiisiinta Soomaalida ilaa iminkana yididilo ayaanu ka qabnaa, annaga oo la shaqayneyna dawladaha caalamka ee daneya arrimaha Somaliya, gaar ahaan kooxda la yidhaahdo ‘Contact Group’, kana daali mayno ilaa aannu ka biyo keenayno. S: ka waran Cadaawada ay dawladda Masar u hayso Somaliland? J: … Maya, maya cadaawadi ma jirto, ereygaasina kuma habboona meesha ee waxaan u imi oo keliya inaannu horumarino xidhiidhka walaalahayo reer Somaliland ee umaan iman su’aasha aad i waydiineyso. S: Sida uu qoray aqoonyahan reer Masar ahi Carabtu waxay dhegaha ka fureysatay Somaliland iyaga oo ku adkeysanaya midowgii Soomaaliya, Somaliland-na waa fursad ay lumiyeen, arrintaa maxaad ka leedahay? J: Horta ninkaa aad sheegayso ma garanayo, aniguna masuul kama ahi dawladaha kale ee Carabta oo waa wax iyaga u gaar ah. Xigasho: Wargeyska Jamhuuriya
  5. Sxb, it is just a comedy skit by a patriotic puntland person. It is just for laughs.
  6. The Patriotic Puntland Comedy Skit. A Future Odey Shirwac in the making I Sense. Enjoy All Reer Puntland and in Particular "Kings"!!! Puntland Pride
  7. Chubacka, Yes it is very sad situation in eritrea and there seems to be no change in the horizon any time soon. The people are simply robots for the state. The excuse the president uses is "ethiopia" and the future doesn't seem like it is changing any-time soon. Eritrea as mentioned in the documentary was given great hope by the international community to come out as a modern democracy, however that has all proven wrong and they have turned into dictatorial regime probably as bad or if not worse then ethiopia. Eritrea used to be state with alot of potential, today it has just fallen to shackles of what they were running away from in the first place. The only chance of change they have is from outside powers. Similar to an iraq expedition to be freed from this hell hole. However the locals are disempowered to do anything, it is 1 man state and all power is in that 1 man. Everyone else are just robots. So the international community is really their last hope and I doubt the international community will get involved into any military conflict with eritrea because they are over-stretched in many hot-spots around the world. But you never know America might use ethiopia to go into eritrea and do regime change however it will be very costly and very bloody expedition. As noted by the documentary the 2 year stand-off ethio-eritrea had resulted in 100 000 deaths and that was just over some border territories. The stakes would be even higher if addis dared ventured into asmara the capital city. So yes at this stage it is very grim for eritrea and the international community has alot of resources spent around other hot-spots to even blink an eye-lid to eritrea and even if they did the casualties would be very high as the population in eritrea have been given dosages of "propaganda" to fuel their hatred for ethiopia. Ps: The young president of eritrea is of the mind-frame that the presidency of eritrea is not revolving chair but a job for life. He even said "as long as im alive" that he is the father of the nation. lol. So there is little hope he will just decide to step down for the good of the people.
  8. Chubacka, yes alot of people percieve Eritrea as a "modern nation" in Africa. I used to even think that myself. It's due to lack of reporting allowed in that country to show what life is really like. Simply put, that place is africa "north korea" you can't leave the country "officially" and if they see you leaving your "shot at the border" lol. The government monitors everything and everyone life. It is very sad that Eritreans fought 50 years just to be oppressed by fellow eritrean. This what I fear for the "ONLF REGION" they are fighting oppressors "ethiopia" right now however I believe the oppression the onlf will inflict on different clans in the region is alot worse then what ethiopia ever inflicted on them. There is already "signs" of onlf oppression on the way if they given indepedence. For example the name of their movement is 1 evidence what lies ahead for non onlf tribes and also even within the onlf organization they come from one sub-sub clan of the onlf region the "M.Z". And finally it is well known the onlf and eritrea are close friends. You know their is saying. "if you lay with dogs you will get fleas". Well if the onlf friends are the people we just observed on the al jazeera documentary, do you think this will not rub of on them and effect their way of life in the future?. I can picture it already with onlf using the citizens there hostage and saying "Ethiopia boogey man" to scare the people into allowing them to get away with whatever they want just similar to what eritrea young president does to keep his people hostage. So the symptoms of domestic oppression from the onlf are visible already before they are even given separation, just imagine what they will be like when they are indeed given their separation "officially". This documentary was definitely an eye-opener for all people.
  9. I thought you people would enjoy this undercover documentary into the land termed "the north-korea of africa" eritrea and what life is like inside that country. Quite Interesting!!!!
  10. ThankfulSp, thank you for input bro however the stories of shabab is to scare puntlanders. Grown Men know better!!!
  11. Koora, sax that is the way i understand it also.
  12. I was speaking about this issue recently regarding the two clan families beef which is escalating to an all-out battle. The issue is related to an 8 year old girl who is apparantely been killed and the culprit was not handed over by the specific clan family elders. This resulted in a few revenge killings of the offending clan in qardho. Now both clans are on stand-by as issues are escalating. This clan beef between reer waciye-qardho clan families. The issues in Bossaso are inter-related also. The reer waciye families are using hand-grenades in Bossaso to cause instability. If this issue is not solved as I suggested a couple of days ago, it's going to result into a confrontation. President Farole needs to step up and do a similar reconciliation conference as he did a couple of weeks ago between two other bari clan families. A model such as that would be suitable and exchanging criminals from both clans for the sake of peace. Tudo's for now.
  13. Puntland oo ciidamo u dirtay gobolka Karkaar oo laga cabsi qabo iska-horimaad beeleed. Qardho, Dec 04 - Xaalad kacsanaan ah oo aad u xooggan ayaa laga soo sheegayaa magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar, taasi oo siweyn looga dareemaya gudaha iyo daafaha magaalada Qardho saacadihii ugu danbeeyey. Xaaladdaan oo ah mid colaadeed ayaa ka danbaysay kadib markii dhawrkii todobaad ee ugu danbeeyey gudaha magaalada Qordho ay ka dhaceen falal dil ah oo badankooda lala beegsaday saraakiil ka tirsan dawladda Puntland, dilalkaasi oo la sheegay in ay salka ku hayeen aanooyin qabiil. Dilkii ugu danbeeyey waxaa uu dhacay saakay aroornimidii hore, waxaana lagu dilay askari ka tirsan ciidanka ammaanka ee dawladda Puntland bartamaha magaalada Qordho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar taasi oo xaaladda cirka ku sii shareertay. Dilalkaan oo dhammaantood ku biyo shubtay aanooyin qabiil muddana soo jiitamayey, kana dhaxeeya labo beelood oo wada deggan magaalada Qardho iyo deegaannada kale ee hoos-yimaada ayaa haatan isku baddelay waji kale oo qarka u saaran in uu dhaco dagaal ka fool ka fool ah. Labada beelood ee ay ka kala dhax-dheceen dilalkii magaalada Qardho ayaa la sheegay in ay bilaabeen hub iyo uruursi melleyshiyaad, taasi oo ka socda isla gudaha magaalada Qardho waxaana xaaladdu qarka u saaran tahay isku dhac dhaxmara labadaasi beelood. Dawladda Puntland oo ka duulaysa sidii uusan u dhaceen iska-horimaad hubaysan ayaa halkaasi u dirtay ciidamo aad u tiro badan oo iskugu jira bileys, daraawiish iyo ciidamada gaarka ah ee u tababaran illaalinta hay’adaha ee PSU, kuwaasi oo ka kala tagay magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Boossaaso waxaana haatan la tilmaamayaa qaarkood in ay gaareen magaalada Qardho isla markaana ay bilaabeen kala dhaxgalka beelahaasi. Dhanka kale mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dawladda Puntland oo iskugu jira golayaasha dawladda, issimo, nabadoono, culumo aw-diin iyo waxgarad aad u tiro badan ayaa isna la sheegayaa in ay ku siijeedaan magaalada Qardho si ay xiisadda u qaboojiyaan. Horay halkaasi waxaa ugu sugnaa mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dawladda iyo waxgarad kale oo uu ka mid yahay m/weynihii hore ee Puntland Gen. Cadde Muuse, kuwaasi oo in muddo ah ku hawllanaa dajinta xasaradda ka dhax aloosan labadaasi beelood, hase ahaatee kuma aysan guulaysan xaaladda in ay afka ka guntaan. Dhawr jeer oo hore ayaa falal dil iyo dhaawicid iskugu jira ay ka dhaceen gudaha magaalada Qardho, kuwaasi oo sababay halkaasi in ay gaaraan mas’uuliyiinta sar sare ee dawladda Puntland, hase ahaatee waa markii ugu horraysay oo uu soo baxo shaki ku saabsan dhicitaanka dagaal ka fool ka fool ah. C/fitaax Cumar Geeddi, Idaacadda Daljir.
  14. Peacenow. You are to obsessed with the skin-color issue. Bro you can't like/dislike someone for their skin color or nationality because this is not something we decide but is chosen for us. So don't fall into trap of racism and hate for others based on skin color, because they don't decide that. However you can hate people based on the choices they make such as politics using reasoning and logic and evidences to support your case. As for dubai government, their politics is out-of-whack i totally agree. But don't blame it on an innocent palestinian that is suffering. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  15. This is some pretty brutal stuff. A Palestinian man being run over by a car owned by an hebron settler for apparently accussed for attacking "two jewish settlers" in the hebron district. The article is in arabic, however the pictures can be seen for those interested. It is not pretty stuff at all. The article pretty much says that even the Israeli soldiers were present when the car was running over the palestinian person and they just stood there and did nothing. This news was reported also by channel "2" an Israeli television channel. Al Jazeera
  16. Abtigiis, Puntland loves Somalia so much that is even goes as far as to bring foreigners to establish the blue flag in somalia. Is that bad thing? No. My friend We will do whatever it takes within our means or outside of our means to protect that cherished flag of unity and pride. If habashi are willing to help in restoring that blue flag I will welcome them. If Eritrea is willing to help. I will welcome them. As long as that Flag is at the central interest. However other somalis destroy the blue flag. They wear other flags such as those made al-qaeda toro boro cave dwellers or somali-diid flag bearers. That is not patriotic but a direct insult to the somali people. As for Siyad barre abuse of the blue flag doesn't mean you blame the flag but the individual. He even abused and persecuted puntlanders. 5000 were killed through thirst or thrown into wells alive in galkacyo. Whilst Women were systematically raped. Doesn't mean we hate the blue flag, because we realize that the flag was ABUSED by siyad barre and the flag symbolic meaning can never be destroyed. Siyad barre ran away But that flag is still here. Lets not forget that SSDF is the only legitimate freedom-fighting organization that was based on legitmatcy whilst other rebel movements were based on clan movements and ulterior movements. The SSDF was created as democratic organization to get the rights of the people back. Siyad barre murdered the former President.Sharmarke (AUN) who democratically elected president by the people. He then seized power through a coup ILLEGALLY neglecting the people's choice. This gave rise to the somali salvation democratic front (ssdf) so we can get back what was truly ours. However we never dropped the flag. The flag was always carried by ssdf. We were merely an opposition party against SIYAD BARRE and his illegal means of getting power after getting the elected MAN assasinated. So even when you assess the Jabhads the only jabhad that had a case to form a jabhad was ssdf the rest were done for clan reasons and un-patriotic causes and were in-fact rebel movements looking to destablize the country.
  17. War Deg-Deg ah:-Taliye ku Xigeenka Ciidamada Alshabaab Gobolka Sh.Dhexe oo Dowlada ku biiray. Puntlandi.Com(Muqdisho):-Dowlada KMG ah ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay Taliye Xigeenkii Ciidamada Alshbaab Gobolka Sh.dhexe oo Dowlada ku biiray. Cali Geedi Xasan oo haa Taliye Xigeenka Ciidamada Alshabaab Gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe ayaa maanta Saxaafada kula hadlay Xarunta Madaxtooyada ka dib markii uu go’aansaday in uu Dowlada ku biro. Sargaalkan oo Saxaafada la hadlay ayaa sheegay in uu go’aansaday in uu isaga soo baxo Alshabaab ka dib dhaqamo qaldan oo uu ku arkay sida uu saxaafada u sheegay Sargaalkaasi. Cali Geedi oo ah Sargaalka Alshabaab ka soo tagay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu ka mid ahaa Saraakiisha Gobolka Sh.Dhexe islmarkaana uu gaaray Madaxtooyada isagoo go’aankiisa gaarka ah ku socday. Sheekh Cali Geedi ayaa tilmaamay in uu ahaa taliye Xigeenka Sh.Dhexe iyadoo dadka ku dhaqan Balcad iyo Jowhar ay si weyn ugu yaqiineen dagaalada Gobolkaasi ka dhacay iyo la dagaalanka Burcada Wadooyinka Gobolkaasi. Afhayeenka Wasaarada Warfaafinta Dowlada KMG ah Sheekh C/Risaaq Maxamed Qeylow ayaa dhanka Dowlada isagoo ku hadlayay waxa uu soo dhaweeyay sargaalkaasi isagoo taageera xoogan muujiyay. Masuulka dhanka Dowlada ku hadlayay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay jiraan saraakiil kale oo ka soo goosanaysa ALshabaab kuna soo biirayso dhanka Dowlada kmg ah isagoo balan qaaday in munaasabad lagu soo dhaweynayo. Todobaadyadii la soo dhaafay ayaa waxaa soo badanayay saraakiisha ka soo tagaysa dhanka Kooxda ALshabaab iyadoo horey uu isku soo dhiibay Taliye Xigeenkii Gobolka Hiiraan ee Kooxda ALshabaab. Xafiiska Wararka Puntlandi.Com Muqdisho-Somalia.
  18. Somaliland Oo Ciidamo Dulkeentay Tuulooyin katirsan togdheer {Burco}2-12-09 Somaliland Oo Ciidamo xoogbadan kusoo daabulaysa tuulooyin hoos yimaada gobolka togdheer kolkii ay maleeshiyaad gadoodsan ay kacdoono sameeyeen .............................. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Togdheer Jaamac Cabdilaahi Biin iyo xubno ka tirsan masuuliyiinta Amaanka Togdheer oo uu horkacaayo gudoomiyuhu ayaa ciidamo boolis ah iyo kuwo milateri ah geeyay Sedex degmo oo ka tirsan degmooyinka gobolka Togdheer. Ciidamadan la geeyay degmooyinka gobolka Togdheer oo kala ah Duruqsi ,Warcibraan ,iyo Waraabeeye ayaa loogu talogalay in ay ka shaqeeyaan arimaha nabadgelyada degmooyinkaasi oo ay dhawaan amaankoodu faraha kabaxay kolkii gobolo loo magacaabay uu murana kadhashay arintaa Ciidamadan booliska ah ee la geeyay degmooyinkan ayaa ahaa kuwo uu hore ugu balan-qaaday Daahir Rayaale in dhinaca amaanka Gobolka Togdheer ay ka adkeyn doonto mar uu safar ku marayay Deegamada hoos yimada togdheer,degmooyinkan xiligii uu booqashada ku yimi gobolka Togdheer. Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center
  19. Miles, bro the onlf ppl were never really patriotic about somalia or somalis. What else is there to explain. They were patriotic about their clan, which you can see clearly in the flag and name they choosed for their rebel movement. I don't trust those people, they are not true patriots. Nor are 90% of somalis because you can see by their actions if they are patriotic or not. Only Puntland has stood the test of patriotism and passed so far as they have never negioated on the midnimo of somali people or the blue flag be it for qabil reasons or ethiopia reasons or any reason. That one issue of patriotism will never leave puntland and they will do whatever it takes to make sure they preserve it for all somalis. No matter if that means bringing chinese, yahud, habashi, or anything else.
  20. Abtigis, yeah why don't you tell the people who died in 77 to free your ungrateful self that the blue flag is just a piece of cloth. The blue flag is our identity to the world. Our pride and our unity. It may just be piece of cloth to a onlf scumbag like yourself who just care for onlf issues because your not nationalist but QABILISTE. Your flag is clear example of your QABIL agenda. Untill you start representing yourself as SNLF "SOMALI NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT" RATHER THEN "ONLF" then we can consider you a somali patriot till then your just another sell out like all somalis who throw away the blue flag. The south= a black flag made in afghanistan and their agenda is for afghanistan and al-qaeda. Hargeisa flag is somali-diid flag that wants to split up somalis. Whilst your onlf is CLAN based flag that is only caring for CLAN based interest. Besides sir, even that onlf rebel organization you so proudly boast about is representing one specific sub-clan of OGZ namely the "M.Z" ppl and not even all o.gz. You can verify this by looking at all the sarkaals of this rebel organization onlf are all M.Z people. Marka you are the last to comment on somali patriotism, your sell out like all somalis. The only state that has never left behind the somali flag is puntland and it flies high in puntland. Infact Puntland are so patriotic they will use habashi to make sure that a black flag is not raised in hamar but our proudful BLUE flag is raised. You can see that raised in villa somalia today and inshallah all somalia if god wills it. Go away with your nuisance clan agenda and it has no place in puntland.
  21. When farole said you are not somali, he was spot on the money. You sold your somali-nimo in 94 and u have the audacity to expect to be treated as somali. Hell no. Waxaas lala taga dadki aad propagandakaga u sheegtid.
  22. Abtigis. Oh my god more onlf propaganda. Listen the day you sold the somali unity flag of western liberation front is the day u left your somali-nimo. You are no different to somali-diidka in hargeisa. Except you are not using colonial arguments your using "OG" identity before somalis. Why should we care for you when you dont care for somali unity, u sold it in 94 for a clan based flag and a clan based movement and all you care for is your clan based positions and not all somalis. Puntland is a place that puts the BLUE FLAG first before TRIBE or anything. If you look at recently abdi-qeybdiid the same person who killed us was welcomed. Why? was it because we are same clan? no. It is because he came with the BLUE FLAG. Yet the same people we share clan-ties with in kismayo such as canoole are not given 1 look at puntland nor are they supported by puntland administration. Why? because they carry the black flag of hizbi islam and sold the blue flag out which our identity is based on. So please save me your onlf garbage, you are the worst in somalis, you are clan based man who even made a clan based flag and a clan based movement and threw away your somali-nimo in 94. How dare you question the patriotic state of Puntland? You are not welcome in Puntland till the day you come with the blue flag. Do you understand? Lakin hadad la timadiid clan based flag that is only representing your interest we will sell you to the ethiopians and show you no mercy.
  23. A conference is needed urgently. This is now the 5th time this sort of attacks have been happening and it won't just seem to go away as many might hope it will. An ALL-BARI conference is needed with local clans to mediate on issues concerning reer-qardho and reer-waciye families. A similar conference that ended the instability issues between the qandala boys. There are some out-standing issues that will needed to be addressed such as. 1. PIS and constant targetting of certain sections of the bossaso community. 2. Arrests of a couple of men in relations to the chief judge murder. I am not proposing they should release them but explain to the affected community the due processes on the investigation and if they are found guilty will be sentenced if they are not guilty release them. 3. A few outstanding issues over a few murders that have occurred and the quick resolution to them. We need to use puntland elders as a key stakeholder to solving these. Finally we need to tell each community in bari that noone takes the law into their own hand and create a stronger puntland elders lobby to deal with these skermishes and it's quick resolution before it escalates to hand-grenade attacks and assasinations. That is my piece of advice to solving the bari issue.
  24. I didn't blame a whole tribe, I just said the instability is being caused from members of that clan. Which you will see will turn out to be the case. It's not shabab or extremists. Lol only the naive say things like this. Shabab and the strength they have will not be throwing hand-grenades but BM21. IBTI. Bari experts know better so please stay out of something that has no concern to you.
  25. Paragon. Gloating? 5 days ago how can someone know that an explosion is going to happen exactly on wednesday and describe in detail what sort of explosion that will be? It is not gloating sxb, it is because he has inside information from his clan and when hits will take place, he might be funding them also but he never said that. Anyways I only mentioned this so there is no confusion on who did this.