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Libax, that link you posted is not working. The Dubai Tower can be seen here on Associated Press Tv Channel
Garoonka Muqdisho oo qeyb cusub lagu daray Muqdisho, Somaliya (Calanka.com ) 03-Janaayo-2010 Waxaa maanta xaflad lagu furiyay qeyb cusub oo ka mid ah garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho ee Aadan Cadde Airport ka dhacday halkaasi, xafladaasoo ay kasoo qeyb galeen wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan dowladda, maamulka garoonka iyo dadweyne Somaliyeed. R/wasaare ku xigeenka ahna wasiirka tamarta iyo shidaalka Xukuumadda KMG-ka ee Soomaaliya C/waaxid Cilmi Goonjeex oo xarigga ka jaray Munaasabaddii maanta lagu furay Hool cusub oo loogu talo galay dadka ka dhoofaya Garoonka in ay kusii negaadaan inta aysan ka ambabixin gudaha Garoonka ayaa u mahad celiyay madaxdii iyo dadkii isu xilqaamay dhisidda hoolkaan muhiimka u ah howlaha Garoonka Aaden Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, isaga oo ku ammaanay dadkii gacanta ka geystay Howshaasi inay yihiin dad ka shaqeynaya Horumarka Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.
This is interesting youtube film I came across of what it was like in mogadishu in 1984. Not Still Photo's but streaming video of driving through the capital city in 1984. Enjoy
Naxar. Historical Revisionism? What legal case can the snm faction bring to the table that is valid? If assessed carefully you will find that jigjiga was also apart of somaliland, therefore if they don't secure jigjigga they can't use the colonial border argument? But again, it is not good to get bogged down into false details. When they signed over the territory of somaliland to form a union, the old border they once inhabited EXPIRED or CEASED to exist. It is like saying, 1 day I sell my house to some guy and 50 years later I come back and say "That is my house" I made mistake selling it to you. You think anyone would Listen? of course not, because once you sign the dotted line on the contract, you lose the house PERMANETELY, not Temporarily. Infact their was no clause in the union that said "We can revert back to somaliland to colonial border" Don't listen to their snm crap sxb, in international court at geneva let them DARE bring a case and watch us smash them and make the world laugh at them lol. Till then don't sweat it, the world knows the truth and that is why their not recieving seccession.
Yeah that is fraudulent website most likely by someone that is disgruntled by Sheikh Sharif election. Ignoring the reality of the situation won't change the facts on the ground. Obviously many still don't learn. :rolleyes: The official Tfg Website can be visited here http://www.tfgsomalia.net/
What does Galgaduud has that Hiiraan, Jubba and Banadir lack
Cowke replied to Naxar Nugaaleed's topic in Politics
Galguduud doesn't accept shabab, it's quite as simple as that. Their isn't anything special about them or super hero. Without local support, shabab would find it impossible to work or let alone manage the areas the areas they control. Why don't galguduud accept shabab is probably a more wiser question to pose and I would say that it most likely to do with multiple reasons. Some factors such as. 1.Clan Composition of Shabab which is not ALL somalis as most people try to paint may cause galguduud to feel their being super imposed from rival clans from different regions. 2. Galguduud may indeed have idealogical differences with shabab interpretation of islam 3. Shabab May not provide the right incentives be it "political or economical" to switch the elders to their side. It can be 1 or many of those factors that compound to disillusion galguduud locals from allowing shabab to work from within it's region. -
Who is Responsible For The Tanished Name of Somalis?
Cowke replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
It is quite an interesting observation you make. But simply uniting 1 clan is not very hard task. That is pretty much all somaliland did and you know it and i know it and more importantly the international community knows it. As for your reference to eastern somalis. They never took part of any war in somalia. The only time we fought is in 92 With Al-Itihaad extremist in Bossaso. Galkacyo War in 93. And 2002 abdullahi vs cade muse internal political war. All of which was quickly resolved. But more importantely it is noteworthy to note that the international community now knows that separation doesn't mean development and peace because Puntland can develop as proven over the civil war era and still remain firmly apart of Somalia. To make matters even more distasteful, it is 28 000 somalilanders who seek refugee every year in bossaso refugee camp. Which you can verify at the international institute of strategy. International Institute Of Strategy Ps: Somaliland doesn't get involved because it doesn't have he manpower, resources, nor political hindsight to get involved in the region. Only strong regions such as puntland and djibouti, ethiopia, and kenya get involved buddy. You try to make it appear uniting 1 clan family in north west somalia is such a big deal, yet forget that hamar and it's environments consist of multiple and diverse clan backgrounds. Not only that but no clan has leverage over the other. Unlike somaliland were 80% of it is just 1 clan. How much fuzz can 1 clan make? You make yourself look silly, but i am sick and tired of responding to this crap. When the international community sits down and assess somalia that is when I will make sure our boys are armed with political arsenal to make sure no somalis can respond back. -
Djibouti Flag Puntland Flag It kind of reminds me of djibouti to be honest. However the flag tells of something that is whispering in the winds. :cool:
Quite interesting how the shabab unit is picking up gears and moving into the central regions. Once they start coming into the central regions, the green light is given to ethiopia to stop them. It can possibly explain why ethiopia recently is starting to fund the galmudug group. Could we see a "galmudug vs shabab" in 2010? Who knows, but it is very possible. As far as the tfg is concerned. I think it's high time the sharif admin realizes their "peaceful" approaches to shabab has been miserable failure and as Mr Abdullahi Yusuf says "waa in la wada jebiya" is properly the best approach.
Let me start by wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2010. I think we can all agree that the past decade has been tumultuous to say the least. It has also been noteworthy for its many dramatic events both good and bad. Through it all, SOL and its members have debated, discussed and commented on it all. I think anyone would be hard pressed to find any note worthy event that managed to slip by this group without at least someone commenting on it. I have certainly enjoyed my participation here and look forward to reading the many thoughtful and thought provoking posts in the coming year. Happy New Year Sol'ers
I don't see the benefit somaliland gets from addis. I can see the benefit puntland gets. Puntland wants federalism, therefore it's understandable they ally with someone who also endorses that. But somaliland doesn't want federalism and wants separatism, yet align with addis ababa who endorses federalism? Sure u might have business relationship with ethiopia, but bi-lateral ties is not diplomatic or political ties. U and Ethiopia have no political reason to be together. Mind boggling really!!! I say to much qat and music has killed their brain-cells in hargeisa.
Mr.Red Sea, meles zenawi created "federal ethiopia" and this is exactly what he endorses for somalia. Period!!! U don't like that, go under a rock and say "ictiraf" is coming.
I cannot believe anyone can not think outside of the box just for 1 second. No matter how much peace is reigning in other parts of somalia it doesn't matter. The international community focuses on areas that are in need of "priority" attention that can "harm their foreign interests". A shabab running the south can seriously jepordize america friends in the region such as ethiopia and kenya and this is not in their interest. This is why they support the tfg so much and recognize and will continue to work with it before anyone else, because they facilitated and created the tfg in kenya and only trust what "they create". They don't trust what is created by others and consider it "unreliable". If garowe or hargeisa started doing the same thing they might also get the attention they need from the west. The west only reacts if u r potential threat to their interest. Puntland has taken forth this measure by introducing piracy, and also inviting other regions such as benadir, jubbaland, rra-land to come to garowe and talk about creating multiple regional states in somalia. If this is successful, the west will realize the tfg is merely just "1" regional states among many regional states and start facilitating a proper allocation of power to each subset entity. This will hopefully by-pass their reliance on the tfg and start dealing with the tfg at the same level with all regional states. Then we can start going places and divide power along regional entities and everybody gets to have a say to "america" rather then the tfg only as is the case now. But don't expect to be sitting around as a good boy the west will just "reward" you for it. Their is nothing in it for them nor are you threatening their interests by remaining a "good boy" they simply ignore you as is the case to what they have done to the more peaceful regions. Somalis need to know how to play the game and the rules are not set by somalis but by international community. Learn the god damn rules and play to win, or stop whining "why is america no supporting" us arguments.
(Allkheyraad) :-Wasiirka arrimaha dibada ee dalka Soomaaliya Cali Axmed Jaamac (Jangali) oo booqasho rasmi ah ku jooga dalka Iiraan ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu la kulmay Madaxda sare ee dawladda Iiraan oo uu kala hadlay xaaladaha siyaasadeed ee dalka burbursan ee Soomaaliya iyo iskaashiga labada wadan. Wasiirka arrimaha dibada ee Soomaaliya ayaa tibaaxay in uu la kulmay madax kala gedisan, isla markaasna ay balan qaadeen in ay wax badan ka badali doonaan xaaladahooda Siyaasadeed ee ku wajahan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Mr. Najaad ayaa kulankaas kadib sheegay in qaar ka tirsan wadamada islaamka ay ka jiraan qataro xoogan, si arrintas looga gudbana loo baahanyahay in ay u midoobaan cadowgooda si ay uga gudbaan dhibaatooyinka soo wajahay. “Cadowgu wuxuu ka sameynayaa dhibaato wadamo badan oo islaam ah, waxey shaqaalaynayaan dad badan si ay u gaaraan hadafkooda” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Axmadinajad, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in xukuumada Iraan ay rajaynayso xiriir wanaagsan oo dhex mara Soomaaliya iyo Iran. Sidoo kale Wasiirka Arrimha dibadda ee Soomaaliya Cali Axcmed Jaamac Jingili ayaa tilmaamay in loo baahanyahay in la helo xiriikii u dhaxeeyay Iran iyo Soomaliya kaasoo saameynaya dhinacyo badan, wuxuu intaa raaciay in loo baahanyahay wada shaqeyn joogta ah oo dhex mara xukuumadaha Iran iyo Soomaaliya. Wasiirka arrimha dibadda Soomaaliya ayaa horey kulamo ula yeeshay dhigiisa dalka Iran Mr. Muttaki iyo Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka dalkaasi Iiraan, wuxuuna ku guda jiraa booqasho shaqo oo uu ku joogo dalka Iran. Allkheyraad online Ku Laabo
Ibtisam, if everyone had the attitude you have their would be alot of uncompassionate fools running around the world. Remember Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him actually came to combat that and teach you something called "helping those who are in a time of need" because 1 day you might need help. Anyways very harsh and silly response.
Somalia:Racism at the Arab League UK-LONDON-Mareeg.com-Somalia was a member of the Arab League since 1974, the same year Palestinian PLO joined the League. Somalia is devastated by civil war since 1990’s and continues to hemorrhage. More than 750,000 Somalis lost their lives and more than 3.3 millions are homeless. The organization’s 21 Arab nations with the exception of Djibouti have failed to attempt a single reconciliation effort. The United Nations, European Union, African Union and United States made some effort to get the best possible solution given the circumstances which culminated to the election of moderate leader Sharif Ahmed as president and transitional federal government was formed 9 months ago. To make this effort work, the UN nations appealed financial support and help from donor nations including the Arab League which includes the oil riche nations of Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E, Kuwait, Iraq, Algeria, Libya and other influential Arab states such as Egypt . So far the Arab League has delivered only one (1) Million US dollars for the African Union Mission in Somalia and zero dollars for the Somali Transitional Federal Government. Compare this disparity with the money provided by Arab League to rebuilding Gaza in Palestine for the recent Israeli devastation. Saudi Arabia provided one (1) Billion US dollars, Qatar $250 million and Algeria $100 million in addition to more than 7.5 Billion Euros pledged for Palestine by the members of the Arab League and European Union countries. The Arab League provided ten times more relief and donation to Sri Lankan Tamil a Buddhist nation with no connections to the Arab League than Somalia. In fact some Arab League members are being recently discovered to have indirectly funneling money to the Somali Al-Shabab and Hisbul Islam through Eritrea, a terrorist organization toppling the Somali transitional government who carried out the recent suicide bombing that four government ministers and students were killed. What crime does Somalia committed to deserve such an utter neglect from the Arab League? Why are some Arab League members working against the current Transitional Federal Government when they have failed to organize and sponsor a single reconciliation conference? Why Somali citizens in rich Gulf Arab countries are being deported to war torn country while it is against all international convention relating to the status of refugees. Why the Arab League are not transporting relief aid to millions of displaced refugees suffering in subhuman conditions in Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemeni borders. Where is the relief effort of the Arab League? Why African Union troops are on the ground in Somalia but there is no single Arab country willing to support? Is the Arab League waiting a call from Obama or Hillary Clinton to respond? The inaction of the Arab League and member countries is shocking when it comes to Somalia a member country that the League can have a positive effect with very little financial support and political support. Somalia has done its share to assist the mission of the Arab League over decades. It is high time for the Arab League to do some soul searching and re-evaluate its conduct and absence in the Somali conflict or is it Somalis are too dark to be a member of this exclusive club? By Ali Osman: ccusmaan@gmail.com
Interesting maps. I am suprised at how much the british built hargeisa. Yet how neglected Bossaso was. Maybe that has to do with the population being very anti foreigners in bossaso and lack of having internal partners within the city to fulfill the goals of the colonizers. Why else would the colonialists neglect such a strategic location that is located at the tip of the gulf and indian ocean meet-up corridor.
I think everyone remembers me mentioning this issue of people working outside the country in particular "europe" and committing criminal activities within puntland. Now Qardho has taken an excellent approach to apprehend the fathers of those who are "abroad" that are stirring up trouble inside puntland. My personal source who informs me of when attacks occurs, I have passed that information to some relatives of mine in qardho to make sure that they take "measures" against these trouble makers in the diaspora. I am glad that qardho municipiality has taken this step and believe it will bring an end to skermishes and trouble. Excellent job Qardho
aamulka G/Karkaar oo sheegay in ay soo qabteen Dad dilal geystay. December 27, 2009 Ciidanka amaanka ee gobolka Karkaar ayaa waxaa ay saaka gacanta kusoo dhigeen laba qof oo la sheegy in mid ka mid ah u fal dil ah ka geystay gudaha degmada Xaafuun ee isla gobolka Karkaar 22.11.2009 kaasi oo ay kasoo qabteen hawdka Degmada Xaafuun. Qofka kale ay soo qabteen Ciidanka amaanka ayaa waxaa la sheegay in u ahaa Aabaha dhalay wiil ku maqan dibadda oo hore fal dil ah uga geystay gudaha degmada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Karkaar C/quraan Maxamed Aadan oo u waramaayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay soo qabashada Aabaha dhalay gacanku dhiigle hore fal dil ah uga geystay gobolka Karkaar ay tahay Xeer u yaala shacabka gobolka Karkaar kaasi oo tilmaamaya cidi fal dil ah geysato gobolkaasi isla markaana baxsata loo soo xiraayo waalidka dhalay. Maqal codka Gudoomiayah G/Karkaar Cabdiquraan Maxamed Adam: Dhanka kale mar ay Horseed Media weydiisay go’aamo lagu sugaayo Amaanka gobolkaasi ayuu sheegay in si wanaagsan go’aamadaasi ay u dhaqan galeen dhamaantood taasi u sheegay in aysan iminka jirin wax hub ah ama ciidan ku labisan dareeska Askarta oo dhex socota gudaha magaalada Qardho. Hadaba go’aamada ay soo saareen gudi nabadgalyada ee gobolka Karkaar ayaa waxaa ay ahaayeen sida tan; 1.In sida ay tahay loo fuliyo go’aamada hore loo gaaray ee ahaa adkay iyo hubinta nabadgalyada iyo in wax hub ah aan lala dhexmari karin gudaha magaalada oo hore loo soo saaray. 2.In Ciidanka P.I.S-ta iyo Booliska ay ku dhaqmaan qodobka koowaad. 3.In ay Ciidamada ku ekaadaan xeryahooda aysan wax hub ah la dhexmarin magaalada aan ka ahayn Ciidanka howlgalka ku jira,Askarigi ku xadgudbaa lala xisaabtami doono. 4.In qof Shacab ah aan dareeska Ciidanka la dhexmari karin gudaha magaalada,qofki ku xadgudbaa la soo taagi doono maxkamad. 5.In lala socdo dadka soo gala magaalada,meel kasta haka yimaadeen. 6.In hoteelada iyo guryaha dadka kiireysta lala socdo dhaq dhaqaaqooda. 7.In dadweynaha lagu wacyigeliyo in ay Ciidanka amaanka kala shaqeeyaan amaanka guud ee gobolka iyo degmada. Horseed Media.
Thankfulsp. The PIS is something that cut down for our people, don't make any apologies to anyone about it. You see the people of karkaar showed patriotism untill 2002 when the whole of puntland attacked us. For what? because jamac ali jamac was ELECTED by the people. This is a fact. Why didn't your so-called people respect the voices of the elders? where was their puntland shirt? total nonsense. The PIS is ours and will remain ours as security against "immature" and "unpatriotic" puntlanders who just care for clan. We won't make the same mistake twice, that is for certain!!!! As for the colonel ducale. Funny you mention him, when his people were crying for him in Erigavo in the early 90's, where was he? Yet you are trying to convince SOL that he defended distant clan areas??? who are you trying to sell that cheap argument to. Xudeedi, i know you would love to claim me as another clan because it disturbs you that a 24 year old can be so bright, but that is the qardho touch. I am politically in-tune because by the time i am 40 I will be leading puntland.
Xudeedi, funny u say the PIS is on the verge of collapse yet you open a whole thread just talking about them? Don't you see a problem with that? If something is dead you don't talk about it. Lol Secondly, The PIS is serving the community the best way it can. For example do you want to see a repeat of bossaso terrorist attack in 2008? Well the people of bossaso surely don't. You see those clans from waciye, dhahar, qandala are clans who are very anti puntland and will even go to the extent to invite enemies of puntland inside the cities to harm the state. The PIS is making sure they don't get that opportunity. Farole knows this and that is why he doesn't say anything. The people of qandala, waciye, and dhahar in the past used to work with islamist al-itihaad as it is very well known, and they will work with them again just because of the bitterness they have towards the puntland administration. Those people love to turn this into a clan thing but the PIS is pre-dominately made up of 1 clan that is true but they don't tell you why. It's because that clan is the only clan that "100% puntland" and will do whatever it can to make sure puntland remains. Where-as those clans who are crying are working against puntland in more ways then anyone cares to report on the media. I hope i cleared that up for you. Ps: Don't bring cade into this sxb. I am sure you would love us to keep giving abdullahi yusuf $300 million from the bossaso tax so it can go to wars against hamar and hargeisa yet not have 1 institution in place in puntland. Ask yourself have u ever seen your hero abdullahi ever build a school? a hospital for the sick? a road for the people to drive on? or anything that necessitates basic human living conditions? sxb when ubdullahi was in power we were living like animals. Today we live as humans. That is what cade did.
Thankfulsp. I been on paltalk lately bro, that is why I haven't be on somaliaonline as much, But this issue of galkacyo one day their beefin their next day they make up. I was reading already on allpuntland that they just signed another ceasefire agreement. You see bro galkacyo history is to blame, when those galmudug ppl fled their homes to hobyo and were stranded in hobyo in 93. Mr Abdullahi Yusuf gave them the "right to return to their homes" green card. This nice gesture has backfired in more ways then anyone could foresee. Galkacyo incident is therefore something that was historically a big mistake to begin with. Their was further blow in late 2006 when this galmudug formed and started to be armed. Thats two administrations in 1 city both armed= disaster on the horizon. Even cities that are divided that have worked like say jerusalem which is divided into jewish jerusalem and east jerusalem(palestine) it comes with it's head-aches. The best way forward for galkacyo as i stated on numerous occasions is to have 1 city with 1 administration and allow the galmudug ppl to stay if they so wish but they must remain as a civilian population not an armed "admin". If they don't like that they can go to hobyo. The internal puntland politics within galkacyo needs to change and needs to be based on fairness. You see alot of my people don't have "degaan" or lower district rule. For example the bossaso mayor is not from my clan. Why? because we are represented in other areas in puntland "state" administration plus also prime minister of somalia. You can't get everything and say "i want to lead the federal government, and puntland government and also the mayor spots" it's got to be evenly distributed. If your clan is in the state level politics, then allow the people are not as well representated in the state politics dominate the district level administrations. Usually this works fine for us in bari. Believe me I have said my bit on the galkacyo issue on more then 1 occassion and I believe it is the right solution, but their is to many ego's at that place who care to listen and only think of their clan interest before the city, state, or even the national interest. Galkacyo also has some out-standing issues with it's courts that need to be fixed.
I thought I would entertain you with some interesting galmudug propaganda. Apparently the galmudug militia are called "darawish" according to hobyoradio. Here is a quote from the article i was reading. Wuxuu intaasi kusiidaray afhayeen Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Maamulka Galmudug Mudane Nuur Ganey in ninkaasi uu wakiil ooga yahay kooxaha dalka dagaalka kawada gobolka mudug Verification can be found on hobyo radio website here. Hobyo Radio Ps: To be honest I first ignored it thinking it was a mistake on the part of the writer, but after I noticed the article repeatedly said "daraawish" for it's militia. I thought I would post this. I think Puntland has a copy-right case to look forward to against galmudug if that is indeed the title of their militia's.
Cade even said it is not shabab or anyone outside of puntland causing this instability when he was in qardho he was damn right. But he didn't name who it was but i am sure he knows. These other ppl in mudug and nugaal are clueless when it comes to bari and how things work there.
This issue if anyone one of you are really from puntland will knows it internal. It has nothing to do with anyone outside of puntland. The killing of the sarkaal in qardho. The killing of the minister. Yet we are talking about south? lol Anyways sheekadas dadka puntland u dhalan baa loo sheega. But if ur from bari u know exactly who is behind it. It is the waciye family. However it is not the clan to be blamed, but an individual from that clan in the abroad. Anyways cade is there now in bari and I hope he sorts this stuff out with the waciye people. Because their hiring agents even in galkacyo to do their dirty work for them.