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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. I personally find this topic interesting due to the fact it is being shoved down pretty much all of africa throat by the west. The question I have is, are we somalis and for that matter sub saharan africa ready for democracy? or is it a tool just for the west to use as a base for stealing our natural resources, which america has been planning since 2001 so they don't have to be dependant on arabs due to the POLITICAL differences they have!!! So it is feasible to say by helping africa establish democracies the americans can get along with us and just use our oil for their growth intentions of america. Now I don't mind if they have an interest in Africa, which is fine as long as it is mutally benefiting for both respective stake-holders!!! Is somalis ready for democracy? I personally don't think they are. For example look at ethiopia and numerous other african and arab countries and tell me how many successful democracies their are? you can probably count it with 1 hand at tops. This is like 10% of the whole african/arab continents. So do we somalis think we will be an exception to the rule and slip these STARTLING statistics? We can take the risk and hope for the best, or we can play it safe and use our traditional systems that have worked for countless of generations for our fathers such as the "xeer" rather then trying to imitate the west which might prove to be disastrous in the long run!!! I believe the system we have in place at the moment in puntland which is the "66" seat method of each constituient is far better political system for puntland which has worked quite well with the rotating of presidency and kept everything fair. I am not saying that the "66" method is perfect. Far from it, but it just needs to be fine tuned not totally replaced with an untested system such as "democracy" which earlier I mentioned has shown to be quite unsuccessful in africa/mid-east. Puntland needs cadaalad not hisbis. The 66 seat is based on degaans(Constitiuents. The president seat rotates based on "region" not "clan". For example the 1st president of puntland was abdullahi yusuf and he hails from "mudug". The second president was cade muse and he hails from "bari". The current president is farole and he hails from "nugaal". I am hoping that you see a pattern!!! The pattern is quite clear, the torch is being passed around based on REGIONS. This system might need to be fine-tuned a bit better because ppl have mistaken this to be a "ssdf" state because the somalis are quite simple minded ppl and don't really know what the backdoor policies is REALLY about. Anyways, I think the 66 system should stay with fine tuning performed in the following areas: 1. When an election happens, the clan that is currently president can only run for election but noone else from that clan should be allowed to run, only clans that can run are the clans who are not in the president seat. 2. Increase the seats of the under-represented clans by substracting seats from the "ssdf" lot. 3. Fund the puntland elder lobby to make sure it remains as strong as other lobbies such as the "puntland diaspora forum" which is quite powerful diaspora forum of puntland. 4. Set up an audit office that is totally indepedent from the government to monitor the clan elders just to make sure their not "prone" to bribes by the ppl in power. I believe with those key recommendations that puntland system will work nicely. It is small amendments, doesn't require much resources into training, seminars, commissions, etc. This will guarantee that 1 clan regardless of which state he resides can't dominate the president seat always. It gives fairer playing ground for ALL stakeholders in the state. This also guarantees the under-represented clans in the parliament such as goldogob, waciye, the mehris will have a boost to their representation whilst downsizing the ssdf bloc. Also funding the puntland clan elder lobby is critical because this can guarantee in civilian uprising if the "president" dares not to hold an election after-all "politician" is the head of the state, the clan elders are head of "clan" and we all know clan comes first to ppl before state Finally setting up an indepedent audit office that is COMPLETELY indepedent to monitor and watch the movement of the clan elder lobby itself to guarantee their not bribed or harassed. Mind you all these initiaves need to be funded strongly, as barack obama said in ghana recently "africa doesn't need strong men it needs strong institutions". He is right, by having strong institutions in place, it doesn't matter who is the president, the institutions will be stronger to keep him in check!!! I believe Puntland can do this if they are SERIOUS about setting up the right environment to prosper and considering the oil sector that is going to open up soon we need those strong institutions now before we become a nigeria. If we can make the PIS the most strongest institution in somalia, i doubt we will have issues making my recommended suggestions just as strong. That is of course their is a WILL!!!
  2. Pilgrim do you understand somali? You can listen to the guy talk live!!! You can listen to the interview of the mayor of the town here. Horseed Media In short bro, what he said was that oil drilling in puntland will begin 20-30th of january in isku shuban and that the people of that district will be welcoming the companies into their town. He also said that the people of that town have pledged to work with the oil companies and that the community will also guarantee it's safety in it's juristiction. The mayor finally wrapped it up and said that the locals are eager for such development to happen in their town and that they are eager to get new jobs for their locals in this promising oil sector that is opening up for puntland!!!!
  3. Canjeelo. Bro there is no need to debate which port has more livestock activity. You just need to firstly read the livestock count in 1991 according to food security agencies. Puntland has 14 million livestock in 1991. Just Within it's borders of the 5 regions. This not including the livestock trade that we gain from central(galguduud/hiiran) and ethiopian(region 5). Verification of these raw estimates done in 1991 can be found here FSAU Now these raw facts give us the statistics in 1991. Puntland mudug,nugal,bari, sool, sanaag just from those 5 regions we had 14 million livestock. Like i said this is not including the trade we gain from galguduud, hiiran, and ethiopia. This just solely puntland livestock. Where-as somaliland. Galbeed and awdal had 6 million livestock and 1 million livestock from toghdheer. At tops 7 million. So the rankings in livestock in 1991 between puntland and somaliland is clear. 14 million livestock for puntland. 7 million livestock for somaliland. Please guys lets not forget that burco and erigavo use bossaso port to export their livestock It is not really even feasible to talk about which port dominates. According to puntland statistic we have 17 million livestocks inside puntland today. up 3 million from 91. It's growing at a steady rate. Plus the lootah deal is $50 million dollar investment into expanding bossaso port 400% making it deep-sea port plus building up to date headquarter facility under a "free-trade" zone. :cool: PS: First wells to be drilled in 30 years will start january 20th till january 30th 2010 at isku-shuban bari. It has just been confirmed by the governor of isku shuban!!!
  4. All Melbournians enjoy AbdulQadir Jubba Tour!!!
  5. Maamulka Degmada Iskushuban oo Sheegay in halkaas laga bilaabayo Shidaal Qodis (Dhageyso) January 14, 2010 Gudoomiyaha degmada IskuShuban ee ka tirsan gobolka Bari oo wareysi khaas ah siiyey Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in dhowaan degmadaas laga bilaabi doono Shidaal Baaris. Md.Cabdirisaaq Muuse Cartan oo ah Gudoomiyaha degmada IskuShuban ayaa sheegay in dhowaan lagu wado Shirkada Shidaal baarta ay si toos ah degmada iyo meelo ku dhow ay ka bilaabaan Macdan baarista. Dhegayso Guddoomiyaha Degmada Iskushuban Cabdirisaaq Muuse Cartan Waxaana u tibaaxay in maamulka degmada iyo weliba shacabka halkaas ay iminka isugu diyaarinayaan in ay soo dhoweeyaan Shirkada isla markaana ay la shaqeeyaan, waxaana uu sheegay in shacabka ku nool halkaas ay jecelyihin in ay horumar gaaran. Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in inta u dhaxeysa bishaan 20-ila iyo 30-keedi lagu wado in si rasmi ah ay howlaha macdan baarista halkaas ay halkaas ka bilawdaan. Mar uu ka hadlaayey arrimaha amaanka ee degmadaas, waxaa uu sheegay in xaalada amni ee halkaas ay aad u wanaagsantahay, wuxuuna Guddoomiyaha intaasi ku daray in hadii ay yihiin maamulka degmadaas ay u diyaar garoobeen in ay ka qayb qaataan ilaalinta amaanka Shirkada. Waxaa u sidoo kale sheegay in Shacabka ku dhaqan IskuShubaan ay rajo wanaagsan u tahay imaatinka Shirkadaas, waxaana u arintaas u sababeeyey in ay Shirkada ka helin doonaan Shaqooyin oo ay ku maareyaan noloshooda. Arimaha Abaaraha. Guddoomiyaha Degmada Iskushuban Cabdirisaq Muse Cartan Isagoo ka hadlaayey arrimaha abaaraha ee halkaas ka taagan, waxaa u sheegay in abaaraha ka taagan halkaas ay yihiin kuwa saameyey dadka ku dhaqan halkaas iyo duunyada. Waxaana u tibaaxay in ceelkii ku yiilay degmadaas Biyaha ku jiray uu si yaraaday, wuxuuna ugu baaqay Hay’addaha samafalka in ay si deg deg ah halkaas ulla gaaran Gargaar deg deg ah. 8dii bishii December, ayay ahayd marki Wafdi ka socday Shirkada African Oil ee qaabilsan Baarista Shidaalka ay gaareen magaalada Garowe, ayna kulan la qaateen Madaxweyne Faroole ayna ku heshiyeen in ay dib uu bilaabaan howlaha Shidaal Baarista ay ka wadeen degaanada Puntland. Horseed Media.
  6. Cali_Gaab, I don't care if he does or doesn't meet with donald payne. Remember you had $300 million signing with german company in 2006 to build a cement factory and other things in berbera? Till this day noone has been sent out to scope the land let alone build anything. Sxb, It don't bother me who somaliland meet and don't, this is a state that allies with ethiopia and they share no political INTEREST whatsoever. Ethiopia supports federalism for somalia, meles is the father of federalism for ethiopia. Yet your ppl are looking for recognition. Wrong partner!!!
  7. Donald Payne website would mention this news. It mentioned farole meeting with him on the website, i don't know why it don't mention silanyo?
  8. Those pictures look fake. Cut and Paste Job!!!
  9. Thankfulsp, Everyone knows garoweonline is the government mouth-piece. However it's amazing how he can criticize others when infact that media is probably the most non-neutral website in puntland. What is even more strange is, they are accusing other media outlets playing the clan card, and in this article he praises no non puntland website such as hiranonline which I believe is very fair website. So the question is who is playing the clan card? Is it the ppl farole son is accusing? or is it dr farole son who like i said even in this article shows his clan prejudice by owning mentioning mudug/nugal websites lol.
  10. That is good i guess, if they can't get along, they should have a green line. But I am personally in favor of galkayo all just coming under puntland administration. I fear that the israac boys are using galdmudug as back up system against puntland in the near future. Why else would they support them? Lets not kid ourselves the israac boys are the first to jump on the galmudug bandwagon and cheer for these "galkayo a shared city" slogan. Why else did Abdullahi Yusuf tell the galmudug ppl who all fled to hobyo in 93 to come back to their homes? Why? Is it because he loves the galmudug ppl? No. The smarter ppl know it is about using galmudug as defense option when times get tough for the israac residents.
  11. Horseed Media was selected to represent the Somali Media at the UN headquarter, during the 63rd session of the General Assembly. Horseed currently has over 10,000 DAILY visitors to its website and approximately 800,000 listeners on FM radio based in Bosaso. Horseedmedia has chatroom for it's eager listeners to chat about the daily politics and also allows its listeners have their cellphones equipped with "horseedmedia" updates. Horseed Media is not a websiteka yar yar as garowe online claims it to be. This is totally false. Lastly they accused Horseed media of being unbalanced and being politically motivated. If that claim was true, horseedmedia wouldn't be selected to represent somali media at the u.n nor would it have recieved many awards from the u.n for fair and non biased news in the past. However we would see garowe online have those awards from respected international institutions. What I find amusing the most is, how can garoweonline dare accuse another media of being biased? Farole selected his own son as the media spokesperson of the state. LOOOOOOL!!! Do you call that being fair and balanced? The websites that garoweonline praised are namely from mudug and nugaal regions. If you weren't clan based why don't you mention other websites outside of puntland such as "hiiran online"? Anyways, farole mouthpiece is at it again pointing fingers at clans which is not healthy for their growth and harmonization of the state. PS: you don't see farole son ever mention how he used to totally bash cade muse administration on his website. It's as if he has memory loss!!!
  12. Sanadkii 2009: Saxaafadda iyo PL 11 Jan 11, 2010 - 7:15:41 PM Waxaan ogsoonahay in saxaafadu leedahay waxtar aan la soo koobi karin ahmiyad gaarana u leedahay bini’aadamka, dhinaca kalena ay tahay aalad loo isticmaalo wax yeelada dadka laguna qaldo fikirkooda, waxaana lagu sifeeyaa saxaafadu inay tahay midi laba afleh. Hadaba saxaafadaha Puntland wax ka qora ayaa sanadkii 2009ka waxaa moodaa in si aad ah wax uga qoreen maamulka cusub hanaankiisa siyaasadeed marka loo fiirsho maamuladii soo maray maniacal, waxaana taas sabab uga dhigayaa laba arimood . Isbadel Siyaasadeed Saxaafada oo aad ula socotay loolanka doorashada Puntland kal hore ayaa wax badan ka tiri isbadalka ku yimid xaga hogaanka siyaasada Puntland kadib markii madaxtinimada uu ku guulaystay madaxweyne shibil ah, waa markii ugu horeysan mudo afartan sano gabi ahaan soomaaliya, islamarkaasna saxaafadu xiise badan ka muujisay qaabkii dimoqoraadiyada ahayd ay u dhacday doorashada. Arimahaas iyo kuwa kale oo badan ayaa dhaliyay fiirada gaarka saxaafadu u hayso Puntland diiradana ku saartay inay u soo tabiso macaamiisheeda marwalba wixii ka cusboonaada dalka gudihiisa, waloow soo tabintaasu ayan wada buuxin sharuudaha saxaafadu laga rabay inta badan. Dacaayada Saxaafada Qarankii dumay awgees waxaa burbur ba'an soo gaaray saxaafada waxaa aad iyo aad u badatay tirada saxaafada islamarkaasna ay yaraatay tayadooda intooda badan, waxaa dhumay hanaankii iyo sharuucdii saxaafada lagu hagi jiray ka dibna saxaafadaha qaarkood waxay noqodeen kuwo aan xuduud lahayn heer walbana wax uga sheega mushtamaca soomaliyeed cidna aysan dhaafin waxayna si dadban uga qaybqaataan burburka ka soomaaliya. Hadaba arimahaan iyo kuwa lamida awgeed baa sababay in maamulka Puntland saxaafada u noqdo maxbuus saxaafadeed (media hostage) sanadkii 2009ka waxay Puntland noqotay qashin qubka saaxadaha aan u meeldayin eedaha qaawan, waxaase wax lala yaaabo noqotay isla sanadkaas sidaan xogaha aan uruurinay (statistic of the state performance) ku hayno inay waxqabka dawlada puntland uu ka badnaa 11 sano ka horeeyay marka loo barbardhigo waxqabadkii xukuumadihii hore . Baaris dheer kadib waxaa noo soo baxday dagaalka saxaafadu kula jirto Puntland waxaa hormuud ka ahaa saxaafado dhowr ah, sida, Aamin Caamir, Dayniile, Jidbaale, Galgala news,laasqoray news, horseedmedia iyo kuwa kelo oo yar yar , waxayna dacaayada ugu kala badnaayeen sida aan ukala hormariyay (respectively), qolyahaan aan soo sheegay ayaa figrado guracan waxaa ku quudiyay dad isku magaacaabay qoraaga xorta ah ( independent writers) dagaal ba’ana ku haya masiirka Puntland. Waxaa iyana cilmi baaristeena mudadaan sanadka ah ku ogaanay, in maamulka Puntland ka gaabiyay jihaynta iyo la shaqaynta saxaafada gudaha ayna marar badan dhacday in xarig iyo tacadad loo gaystay wariyaal ka hawlgala deegaamada Puntland isla markaas ay ku guul daraysteen maamulku inay saxaafada u soo bandhigaan waxqabad kooda dhabta ah. Waxaan iyana noo soo baxday intii aan ku guda jirnay daraasada wararka lagu kalsoonaan karo ay ku soo baxaan websideyada kala ah, Somalitalk, Allpuntland,, Daljir, Dunida online iyo Puntlandpost anigoo mudnaanta u siinaya siday u kala horeeyaan. Ugu dambayntii, isku celcelin saxaafadu uma cabirin arimaha Puntaland si cadaalada waxayna warsidayaasha qaarkood gudbinayee, beenabuur, xagjirino, garowsho la’aan iyo sidii xarbi ahli looga dhalin lahaa keeska nabada ah ee soomaaliya. Waxaa xogtaan soo diyaariyay: Puntland Institute for Global Study Center, Fadlan ilaali xuquuqda qoraalka Fikirka qoralkaan waxaa uu ku kooban yahay hay'ada cinwaankeedu kor ku qoran yahay. Source: Garowe Online
  13. Duke. Dubai is rich because of natural reasons. If the oil was not there, do you think they would be? What is even more sadder is, saudi arabia oil was not discovered by the wonderful arab engineer, but by aramco an american oil firm. Further evidence is that the arabian pennisula development and economic management are all adviced and contracted to western contractors who manage their projects. This proves even further their is absolutely no brain power there, just lucky to have the resource. But those resources won't last forever, let see how they cope when it runs out.
  14. Peacenow, most somalis view whatever arabs do they must do themselves. It is something I am totally against, however the fact is that is the prevailing attitude on the ground. Therefore my friend you will be what you are depending on who you look up to. If you look up to arabs, you won't go and advance any further then a backward arab. The arab however is quite smart, they themselves look up to the west and hire contractors from that part of the world to build their nation for them, that is purely the only reason why they advanced in the arabian pennisula. Sudan is a classical example of african muslims who are starting to realize the "arab" copy cat behaviour has held their ppl backwards for to long and they are breaking out and bringing chinese firms and other asian firms to help them build their country. Good on them I Say!!! The arab league has spent nothing on somalis, if anyone has helped the somalis during these tough times it is the african union and the U.N. The arab league is nowhere to be seen when you are in tough time, they totally abadon you. That is not someone that I call a friend. However most somalis do, which is a shame!!! But there is hope the younger generation are starting to realize where their interests lie.
  15. It is funny the local clans of the mogadishu district completey burn down government infrastructure, yet don't burn down private industries that are locally owned by mogadishu natives. A classical example is the hormood company in hamar. Operating quite well without anyone coming near it. It all really just boils down to the clan factor. The mogadishu locals view government infrastructure as "******" owned, therefore burn it down, whilst maintaining and taking care of their own private industries such as hormood. What is funny is what if we did the same to them in our part of the country and burn down mogadishu owned private companies operating in puntland. Lol. No then again we don't want to lower ourselves to such petty clan based nazism. Two wrongs don't make a right!!!
  16. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote:Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Didn't your leadership just come back from Eritrea? Alshabab rejected the eritrea alliance from day one and none of their leaders fled SOmalia when ethiopia invaded. That is true al shabab is not aligned with "eritrea", their aligned with al-qaeda. However HI is definitely aligned with eritrea that is why when the heat gets to much for sheikh dahir aweys, he always head to asmara to cool off and inspect eritrean shipments that are being docked down for him in kismayo. Why else you think HI allied with Shabab for? Shabab was controlling Kismayo port without such an alliance between shabab and HI, dahir aweys would have no place to safely dock down his merchandise from asmara. That is why he aligned with Shabab, based on mere interest, not based on idealogy. But it will be funny to see what happens when shabab and hizbi islam policies clash. For example al-qaeda donors want their little insurgency group to clash against the world, where-as eritrean donors of hizbi islam want somalia to simply limit their clashes to Ethiopia. Eritrea main concern is to keep ethiopia busy in somalia. Where-as shabab also hates ethiopia but if they get what they want which is the total destruction of ethiopia. That is when the crap will hit the fan. Eritrea will say enough is enough, we done what we wanted which was the destruction of ethiopia, where as shabab will say "hell no we are going to keep attacking everything in sight and will start heading for eritrea door-step". Eritrea will then have no choice but to switch it's position and join the coalition against terror in africa because shabab is straight gunning for them. Politics is funny game, but if you don't think 5 steps ahead of your opponent you will end up being put in "check-mate" position. PS: I doubt shabab or hizbi islam will even step near ethiopia or anywhere outside of somalia, I am just pointing out what their POSITION IS and What their goals are. So please ppl don't respond with "shabab will not step foot outside of somalia" we all know that, but shabab doesn't know that and therefore you need to analyze their policies BASED on their PERSPECTIVE not our perspective.
  17. Jeberti is a title. A sufi title infact, to all sheikhs that came from yemen. There is a jeberti population in the tigray province who are early early muslims. You can read about them here. The problem many somalis have is they don't understand that names are shared. For example a person called "matthew" in ghana is not exactly the same as someone called "matthew" in london. Their completely different countries, yet share the same name due to religious reasons. Because the name "Matthew" is religious name and can be shared by all races across the world if they follow christianity of course. The jeberti is just sheikh title to sufis in yemen, people who adopted that branch of islam at that time were called sheikh ismail jeberti or sheikh abdallah jeberti, or sheikh warsame jeberti. It is related because they adopted the same branch of islam. Even today with the known sufi orders they still give titles to their grand master depending on what "order" they adhere to. The Jebertis in tigray adopted that sufi order of that time. And since they were the only muslims anywhere to be seen in the ethiopian/eritrean hinterland that group of people were all called jebertis. However if you go to yemen in the 1200's their were so many jebertis they couldn't possibly call themselves just "jeberti" hence to differentiate from other jebertis and to be known individually it was appended to each sheikh name who followed that order.
  18. Ducaysane who do you the tigray people are? Their not cushitic thats for sure cuz. Generally speaking when invoking the name Habasha it include 5 principle groups. 1. Amhara 2. Tigray 4. Jeberti 5. Distantly (hararis) Amhara today mixed with alot of oromo's therefore it is very difficult to tell which is which. But Tigray/Jebertis remained very pure due to their isolation in the mountains. Hararis are mixed amhara/tigrays with muslims be either somali or oromo. That is why you tend to find eritreans more habasha then amhara.
  19. thankfulsp. Our dear friend Shakirullah has no idea that the same ppl he hates in addis ababa primarily the "habashat" are also located in "asmara". But Somalis have a funny way of operating. What they want us to believe is the "habasha" in addis is bad, but the "habasha" in eritrea is an angel.
  20. Puntland State University (PSU) to launch community broadcasting Garowe, Jan 10 - Students in the diploma in journalism class at Puntland State University, Garowe, will start community broadcasting in February. The students, mostly women, will be assigned to local broadcast stations where they will report on community events and broadcast them. Part of the students' assignments will be to interview citizens, NGOs, local community leaders and government officials about a wide range of issues and problems in their community. In the past two months students have written blogs about issues in their communities. The diploma in journalism program, especially broadcasting, is an important human resource investment. It will give women in Somalia the professional skills to gather information and write and /or broadcast their story and experiences from their perspective to their communities and the international world. The diploma in journalism is taught through distance education by Dr. Stanford Mukasa, associate professor of journalism at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. It is part of the collaboration between PSU, Africa Virtual University and IUP that started eight years ago an dhas trained journalists throughout Somalia and Africa. Students in the diploma program graduated from the certificate in journalism last year. They will learn advanced journalism topics ranging from news reporting, photojournalism, editing, editorial writing, research and public opinion surveys, newspaper layout and design. In addition students completed a course in African politics. The journalism program at PSU is a product of the university in collaboration with its international partners' vision to promote a free press and freedom of expression and to empower Somalis with professional and technological skills to communicate and distribute information effectively and efficiently . In the process, it is hoped that Somalis will begin at grassroots levels a serious and sustained conversation on future directions for the conflict -ridden region. Based in Garowe, PSU is a potential center for, and nearly straddles, three geopolitical regions of Somalia : Somaliland, Puntland and southern Somalia. It has become a strategic port of call for Somalis coming from any points around the region. PSU is working with Nairobi-based Unesco regional office for eastern Africa to secure broadcasting equipment to establish the Puntland State University Community Broadcast station. Similar programs were established at East African University in Northern Puntland as well as at University of Hargeisa in Somaliland. East African University community broadcast is operational while University of Hargeisa is not because the university has yet to receive a license from the government. The journalism program at PSU is supported through generous support spearhead by the university's development NGO, KAALO. To continue the program until it reaches self- sustainable levels, PSU is seeking assistance from organizations and donor agencies. For more details please contact Hamid Mahamud, PSU president and Head KAALO Relief & Development NGO Tel: (252-5) - 844247 (Office) Tel: (252-90) 794076 Email: Garowe, Puntland State of Somalia Norman Shitote, Director of online and distance education at PSU Email: "norman shitote" Source:
  21. Shirkaddaha isgaadhsiinta Golis iyo Telesom ayaa adeegyadda Zaad iyo Sahal si wadda jir ah uga furay magaaladda Laascaanood Munaasibad balaadhan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen maamulka shirkada isgaadhsiinta ee Golis iyoTelecom Laascaanood ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada laascanood ee xarunta gobolka sool kaasi oo lagu daah furaayey adeegyadda Zaad iyo Sahal. Munaasibadan lagu daahfurayey adeega cusub oo dhowaan ay shirkada Golis soo kordhisey, kaasoo lagu magacaabo Sahal Service ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay Dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, sida ganacsatada, aqoonyahano iyodadweyne tiro badan. Munaaisbada ayaa lagu soo bandhigay warbixino dhaadheer oo ku saabsan faa iidooyinka ay lee yihiin adeegyada ay labada shirkadood Waa TELESOM Iyo Golise soo kordhiyeen kuwaasi oo bulshadda u sahlaya sidii ay u kaydsan lahaayeen ama si sahala ugu diri lahaayeen lacagaha hadba meelaha ay rabaan. Ugu Horayn waxaa Halkaasi ka hadlay.maamulaha Shirkada Golis Aadan cali nuur oo tilmaamay, in adeegani sahal ee dhowaan shirkada golis keentay, uu yahay adeeg casri ah hase ahaatee bulshada reer laasacnood iyagu hore uu usoo gaadhey Zaad adeegan oo badhtamihii sanadkii hore ay soo gaadhsiisey Shirkada Isgaadhsiinta Ee TELESOM, oo ka hawl Gasha, Guud ahaan Gobolada Iyo Tuulooyinka Waqooyiga Dalka Somalia, Intaasi kadib waxaa madasha ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha shirkada Isgaadhsiinta TELESOM COMPANY qaybteeda Laascaanood, Cabdirisaaq Axmed warsame (dhabayaco) , oo ka war bixiyey adeegan casrigga ah iyo heerarkii ay soo mareen, waxaanu sheegay in shirkadda Telesom ay ahayd shirkadii daah furtay in lacag mobailka lagu xawilo. Agaasinaha Sahal ee Shirkadda Golis C/risaaq Maxamuud Axmed iyo Madaxa iibgeynta iyo Suuqgeynta shirkadda Teleson ahna hawl wadeenka Adeega Zaad C/raxmaan Axmed Soocadde ayaa labadoduba ka war bixiyey adeegyada Zaad iyo Sahal iyo adeegsigoodaba. Labada masuul ee ka kala socdey shirkadaha golis iyo telesom waxay soo hadal qaadeen in la midayn doono labadda adeeg mustaqbal ka dhow lana samayn doono barnaamij ay lacag isugu diri karaan adegyada Zaad iyo Sahal ee mobile lada labada shirkadood lacaggaha laysku dhaafsado. Dhinaca kale waxaa hadalka la wareegey dhinacyadii bulshadamadasha fadhiyey,waxaana halkaasi ka hadlay Axmed Maxamed kaarshe oo soo dhoweeyey adeegyada ay soo kordhiyeen shirkadaha Isgaadhsiinta ee Golis Iyo Telesom oo ah shirkadaha ugu waaweyn dalka somalia, Dhinaca kale waxaa isna halkaasi ka hadlay Garaad Cabdilaahi Maxamed Guuleed, oo si aad ah u soo dhoweeyey, adeega ay shirkadaha Golis keentay iyo TELESOM waxaanu garaadku u rajeeyey inay halkaasi ka sii wadaan dadaalka ay bulshadda u hayaan. Gaba Gabadii waxaa xaflada duco kusoo khatimay garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil Ducaale Oo ka mid ah isimada gobolka Sool Islmarkaana sanadkii Hore lagaga caana shubay Magaalada Laascaanood. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Munaasibadan, oo ahayd mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimey ayaa kusoo dhamaatay jawi wanagsan oo farxad ka muuqato, waana markii ugu horeysey oo xaflad ay shirkadaha golis.telesom adeegyadooda ku soo bandhigeen lagu qabto magaalada laascaanood
  22. A Jewish Rabbi has found evidence from jewish scriptures that islam is indeed older then it's own faith. Enjoy watching the 10 min segment!!!
  23. Shilling yeah bro alot of the media have lied and even "forged" paper out of the puntland govt to say that the "garaads" will be arrested. This however has not been the case.
  24. The following is radio clips of key note speakers at the 1st year "anniversary" of Dr.Farole administration. Politicians Section: Current President Of Puntland. Dr. Farole Vice President Abdi Samad Former President Of Puntland Cade Muse Former President Of Somalia/Puntland. Abdullahi Yusuf Traditional Clan Elders: Islam Cise Islam Maxamed This section of clan elders will be updated shortly when i come across some of the big namers.
  25. Detractors? When did yusuf get back involved in somali politics? I must of missed it somewhere!!! There is only 1 thing I give credit to Abdullahi Yusuf is pushing forward the "federalism" system a truly revolutionary way of operating and alot more realistical then 20 failed national reconciliation meetings. He had his faults also like all leaders. schools, hospitals, infrastructure totally non-existent when yusuf was in power. Infact bossaso port tax were being DOUBLED tax and that fund was just going into mr.yusuf soldiers who turned around and used against the citizen something that has been forgiven and forgotten now but it gave alot of people a wake up call to never be unprepared again. PIS is one measure of that preparedness if anyone tries funny games. As for the issue in galkayo, well you can just say we know what the israac boys are up too, trying to get the usc guys streghtened up so they can use them as backup if things get out of control in puntland. But mind you, that has been countered with the PIS and also another measure which I won't divulge.