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Xinfanin ma inhoole dba tahay.bal firi Hamar hadad tusaale rabtid, 6000 uganda force ba joggo hamar waxba kama qaadin shabab. 20,000 thousand soldiers kale ayaa loo qorsheyneya maxay ku tusaysa sxb? shabab hadusan waxba weyn ahayn why so many soldiers loo qorsheyneya ma is-wedisa? Shabab is very strong faction and for them to infiltrate my state has me worried just like farole is and so is puntlanders in general. Marka nacasnimada igala tag sxb if u havent got anything to contribute that is useful hadee afkaga naga ceesho
Al-shabaab oo ku fashilmey weerarkii ay kusoo qaadeen Puntland,laakiin waxey la soo baxeen qorshe u qarsoonaa(Plan B) Posted by admin on July 30th, 2010 Garowe(Pi) Kooxda Al-shabaab oo intii mudo ahba ku howlanaa iney qaybo kamid ah Puntland gacanta ku dhigaan ayaa markii hore ku guuleystey iney saldhigaan Galgala,Shiekh Atam ayaana hormuud u ahaa kooxda Al-shabaab Puntland isagaana loo xilsaarey inuu dhulkiisa ka xoreeyo dadkiisa. Al-shabaab waxey waayadaan dambe bilaabeen iney wax ka badalaan siyaasadooda iyo dhaqankoodaba deegaanada looga awood badan yahey , Waxey bilaabeen iney isticmaalaan hab cusub oo ah iney fal sameeyaan ka dibna dafiraan,tasoo ay ula jeedaan iney iska horkeenaan dadka degan degaankaas ay doonayaan inay ka howlgalaan ama ay ka bilaabaan dhaqdhaqaaq si ay kooxdoodu u hesho dad taageera hadii ay u arkaan in laga gacan sareeyo. Waxaa tusaale ah qarixii Hotel Shamow ee ardeyda qalin jabineysa lagu laayey, weerarkii lagu qaadey Hotelkii ku yiiley Baladweyne ee uu ku dhintey Cumar Xaashi labadaan weerar waxaa ka dambeeyey Al-shabaab lakiin labadaba way dafireen. Sheikh Atam wuxuu intaan la weerarin sheegey inuu Al-shabaab yahey, Al-shabaab iyagu wax hadala kama bixin xiligaas, balse Markii Ciidamada Puntland ay gacan qaadeen Atam kooxdiisii lana qabqabtey saraakiil badan oo Al-shaab ka tirsanaa ayaa waxaa cadaatey in Al-shabaab ku hungoobeen qorshohoodii ahaa iney weeraraan Puntland, run ahaantiina waa ku fashilmeen arintaas, Al-shabaab oo waayadaan dambe isticmaala siyaasad casriyeysan waxey markiiba badaleen siyaasadooda waxeyna la soo baxeen qorshe u qarsoonaa, Sheikh atam ruuxiisuna wax ka ogaa(Pland B) qorshahasoo ahaa in ay isticmaalaan hab qabiil iney dagaalka u badalaan si ciidankooda loo badbaadsho meeshana ay usii joogaan halkaasna qorshohoodii looga soo bilaaba mar labaad iyo abaabul hor leh, waxey samyeen ugu horeyn Al-shabaab ayaa dafirey iney ku lug leeyihiin dagaalka, shiekh Atam isna wuxuu dafirey inuu Al-shabaab yahey,wuxuuse hilmaamey inuu maalmo ka hor afkiisa ku yiri waxaan ahey Al-shabaab, “waa neef la gowracey geed kama waabtee” . Waxaa hadaba xaqiiq ah in waayadaan dambe ay Al-shabaab isticmaalaan taktik laga yaqaan Afganistaan oo ay badanaa isticmaalaan Alqacida iyo Talabaan kasoo ah iney meel weeraraan ka dibna dadka ka dhaadhacshaan ineysan weerarkaas lug ku laheyn, waxeyna taas Al-qacida iyo Talabaan ka gaareen guulo badan. Farxaan Xuseen Ali Puntlandi.com farhan@puntlandi.com
Maaday galmudug just has hard time choosing 1 or the other. They love hargeisa hatred for the garowe folks but they dont like hargeisa hatred for the las anod or sayyid folks. If u tell them lets go and get some ssdf folks they will proudly join u but if u say lets go and get some darawish for being patriotic of somalia or onlf folks they will fire a bullet at you first. So the galmudug guys i can say are stuck between choosing 1 or the other. They try to take both and think it just wont cut the mustard. My clan however is firmly allied with tarzan folks because we share a common interest. The tarzan folks want to preserve their hamar, whilst i want to preserve my bosaso. We unite to defend our interests and fight these galmudug/galgudud element that always seem to be chasing after something that doesnt belong to them. These guys know full well that the only clan that will come and save them is the hargeisa guys because dadki dhan way isku direen galgudud folks. They cant go to bay/bakool. They are despised in bandir and jubba and thats why farole is trying to reach out to silanyo so these dawlad diids in galgudud have no more life-line. The bay/bakool/jubba folks will definitely fall into line and accept the federalism because all they care about is preserving their rich farming land from those galgudud folks. Somalia problems can be pretty much solved in that manner i just put forward.
Maaday i find waagacusub funny. At the top left hand corner of the page you will see somalia flag and somaliland and talking about halyey "korneyl ibrahim hutu" and then at the bottom of the page you will see darawish video. Usc/Darawish/Somaliland all on 1 page with all radically opposing views yet they seem to think it will work out. Beesha galmudug degto they like beesha hargeisa degto because of they seem to share 1 common enemy. But at the same time beesha galmudug degto has wadani tendencies and yearns for the darawish war cry!!! So rather then choosing one or the other labada ayey isla wadan. I remember the galmudug officials were the first to welcome this new ssc movement whilst at the same time the jaaliyada somaliland in london was invited to speak at galmudug party for the new president caalin. Wallahi mararka gaarkooda waan iska qosola
My theory on clan within the puntland regions was to show which regions are more tribal then the other. It doesn't mean bosaso is not tribal lol. My whole point was to say galkayo is more tribal then garowe and bossaso due to the environment they live in which is hostile territory. Same can be applied to the ssc folks. But I never said that garowe/bossaso are immune from tribe lol. Far from it sxb. I just said garowe and bosaso are bit more relaxed on tribal issues then galkayo. Caqil tribe affects every region of somalia. Nowhere is immune and anyone who thinks they are just lying to themselves and lying to yourself only harms yourself.
Caqil thats why i laugh at the somalilanders trying to point to the south 4 all their problems and tryng to blame the south for being responsible for somaliland non-existance for 20 years. But the real people who put u in this non-existant jinni state is your own leaders who are using policies that are at best "clown" like. Clowns are funny but when it comes to taking advice from them you just simply wont thats why noone in somalia nor the international community goes to hargeisa asking for political advice for the region lol But Puntland is different story. The tfg always advices with us plus we attend the international greet and meets alongside the tfg and sometimes by ourselves. U have to understand you are the one who can make something of yourself noone can stop you if you want to but dont point the finger at other for putting yourself down thats what we have in hargeia iyaga ba insignificant iska dhigay and they saying "cadowkeena wa somalia" lol.
Chief first of all just because you happen to lvie in the same area with another clan doesn't mean you have to like them. Everything is about tribe in somalia thats why i talk about it, somalia was destroyed due to tribe not because "dadka baan wada degnaye" iyo sheekadan dacifka aad la imaneysid. U forget what somalia problem are and it's not colonial borders sxb. Noone in somalia cares if u were colonized by britain/france/england and so forth the issue is tribe nothing more and nothing less. Why u think hargeia is protesting? sxb u cant get away from what is at hand no matter how much u want to push the colonial card but its just not what has caused the somali conflict. The root cause is well known and that is what needs addressing. By pointing to irrelevant things doesnt solve the issue like "dadka mudug way wada degan yihin" wont cut the mustard. A real solution is needed, what gets me hopeful is when solutions are proposed that are realistic. Abdiqasim came up with the 4.5 puntland came up with the federalism. Whatever can address this tribal conflict is what interests me but telling me something that is out of the ballmark is just waste of time. I bet thats why the international community just roll their eyes at somaliland and say "war nimanka ma aduunka ayey ku nool yihin" your politicians are out of touch sxb and thats why ur in the current state of "non existance"
Chief your hurting sxb but it appears that this silanyo admin is going to have tough 5 years if the troubles just started the first day he entered office. The future doesn't isnt looking rosy at all.
Chief well mudug maxa arinta soo geliyay beel ayuu la hadleya mudug dhan miyaa dembigas la saray? I don't think so. Tarzan is speaking to 1 clan here and he makes that clan name very clear in his press release.
Govenor Of Banadir Maxamuud Axmed Tarzan Read what he has to say about the troubles of hamar today and who is responsible below http://waagacusub.org/news/
DEG DEG: Mudaaharaad Maalintii Labaad Ka Socda Hargeysa Hargeysa (RBC) Dadweyne careysan oo ka soo baxay xaafadaha magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Somaliland ayaa maalintii labaad dibadbaxyo ka dhigaya wadooyinka Hargeysa iyagoo ka careysan qaabka loo dhisay xukuumada cusub ee madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo. Dadweynahan oo ka kala yimid qeybo kala duwan oo magaalada Hargeysa ka mid ah ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waaweyn ee magaalada iyagoo gubaya taayarada baabuurta isla markaana ku qeylinaya ‘dooni meyno dowlad caddaalad darro ah”. Waxa la arkayey dadweynaha qaarkood oo sita calanka Soomaaliyeed ee Buluuga ah xiddigta cadna dhexda ku leh kuwaasi oo socod ku maraya wadooyinka. Dadka mudaaharaadaya ayaa u badan dhalinyaro iyo haween inkastoo ay ku jiraan odayaal waaweyn oo reer Hargeysa ah. Qaar ka mid ah dadka mudaharaadaya ayaa sheegay inaysan ku qancin qaabkii loo soo xulay golaha wasiirada cusub ee dowlada Axmed Siilaanyo ee la magacaabay labo maalmood ka hor kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen in beelo gaar ah ay qaateen. “Waxaa laga tegey beelo ka mid ah kuwa Somaliland oo xaq ku leh dalkan, waana xaq darro midaasi. Siilaanyo wuxuu la soo baxay xagjirnimadii horey loogu yiqiinay. dooni meyno. dooni meyno”, ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah dadka dibax baxa sameynayey. Ciidamada Somaliland oo isugu jira kuwa booliska iyo militariga ayaa lagu daad gureeyey xaafadaha iyo waddooyinka dibad baxyadu ka socdaan, waxaana la maqlayey rasaas loo adeegsaday mudaaharadayaasha oo ay ridayeen ciidamada. Warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in ugu yaraan 1 ruux dhaawaciisa la geeyey isbitaalka ka dib markii ay rasaastu haleeshay. Waxayna ciidamadu amreen in la joojiyo dibad baxa ay wadaan dadka careysan. Waxaa xusid mudan in dibadbaxu markii hore uu ku bilawday hab nabadeed, balse y xaaladu isbedeshay markii ciidamadu bilaabeen rasaasta ay ku fureen dadweynaha. Maalintii shaley ayaa dibadbax kan la mid ah wuxuu ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada oo ay ka mid tahay degmada Axmed Dhagax halkaasi oo labo ruuxi ku dhaawacantay ka dib marki rasaas ay u adeegsadeen ciidamadu. Xukuumada Somaliland ayaan wax hadal ahi ka soo saarin dibadbaxan oo maalintii labaad ka soconaya magaalada Hargeysa laguna diidan yahay qaabka uu madaxweyne Axmed Siilanyo u soo xulay xukuumada cusub oo dad badani oo qabiilada Somaliland ka tirsani ay aaminsan yihiin in xuquuqdii ay ku lahaayeen dowlada ee wasaaradaha la duudsiiyey. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Hargeysa
BUUHOODLE: Hogaanka SSC oo lagu eedeeyey inay Heshiis la galeen Maamulka siilaanyo Posted to the Web Jul 30, 07:11 Buuhoodle: (pp)- Xubno ka tirsan Guddiga khusuusiga ee SSC ayaa la sheegayaa inay heshiis hoose la galeen Maamulka Siilyaanyo ee ismaamulka Somaliland. Ragan lagu eedeeyey inay heshiiska la galeen ismaamulka Somaliland ayaa lagu sheegay inay yihiin hogaamiyaha sar sare ee SSC, kuwaas oo kala ah Saleebaan Ciise iyo Col. Cali Sabarey. Eedaan ayaa waxaa u soo jeediyey masuuliyiintan Col. Faarax Maxamed Seed oo ka tirsan isla gollaha khusuusiga SSC, isagoo ka digay in arrinkaasi uu yahay mid lagu majaxaabinayo midnimada halganka dadka ka soo jeeda SSC. Guddoomiyaha Guddi hoosaadka ee Gollaha khusuusiga oo la soo xiriiray Idaacada Daljir qaybtiisa Buuhoodle ayaa saxaafada u xaqiijiyey in Ragaasi ay heshiis hoose la galeen maamulka Siilaanyo ee hogaamiya ismaamulka waqooyi galbeed. Masuulkan eeda u jeediyey hogaanka sare ee SSC Col. Faarax Maxamed Seed, ayaa sheegay inay Ragani ay la kulmeen niman ka yimi maamulka Siilaanyo oo ay kula kulmeen magaalada Huuhoodle , arrinkaas oo uu ku sheegay inuu yahay mid lagu majaxaabinmayo siyaasada hogaanka SSC. Col. Faarax Maxamed Seed ayaa sheegay in inta la haysto Taako ka mid deegaanada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn aan wax haddal ah lala geli Karin dadka ku soo duulay deegaanka Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. Haddalka Masuulkaan ayaa dhaliyey tuhun xoogan oo horay loo qabay, iyadoo horay loogu eedaynayey in Raga horbooda siyaasada Sool, Sanaag iyo cayn ay yihiin kuwo xiriir hoose la leh Ismaamulka Somaliland. Weli wax war ah lagama hayo dhanka siyaasiyiinta lagu eedeeyey arrinkaasi, iyagoo ku sugan deegaanka Buuhoodle, waxaana laga sugayaan Jawaab ku aadan arrinkaas iyo sida ay isaga difaaci lahaayeen. Waa markii ugu horaysay oo eedayn xoogan loo jeediyo maamulkii lagu soo dhisay caasimada Nairobi ee Kenya ee SSC. Saciid C/salaan Saciid Wakiilka Puntlandpost- Garoowe Loole15@hormail.com
Africaown, last time i checked somaliland wa mamul gobolled sxb and noone denies that. Sharif accepts that and so does farole and the international community. So the distribution of ministers in that mamul gobolleed does concern us after-all wa mamul kamid ah dalka
Mudaharaad Balaaran oo Ka Dhacay Magaalada Boorame ee Xarunta Gobolka Awdal July 30, 2010 0 comments| leave your own! Waxaa saaka mudaharaad balaaran uu ka dhacay magaalada Boorame ee xarunta gobolka Awdal ee Soomaaliland. Dadweyne kor u dhaafay kumanaan qof ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Boorame kuwaasi oo sida la sheegay dadka deegaanka ay ka cabanayeen Wasiiro uu dhawaan soo magacaabay Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo. Wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Boorame ee xarunta gobolka Awdal ayaa waxaa lagu arkayey tayro lagu gubay wadooyinka,gawaari la burburiyey oo wadooyinka yaalay. Waxayna sheegeen in lagu yareeyey beeshooda golaha wasiirada ee cusub lana siiyey labo wasiir oo kaliya kuwaasi oo kala ah Wasiirka Beeraha iyo Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo Garsoorka balse ay ka doonayeen in golaha Wasiirada afar wasiir ku lahadaan. Sida aan ku helayno wararka ayaa sheegaya in mudaharaadka ay soo qaban qaabiyeen rag sar sare oo loo badinayo in ay siyaasiyiin yihiin balse goobta uu ka dhacayey mudaharaadka aan joogin,waxaana ka qayb qaadanayey dadweyne isug jira haween,caruur iyo dhalinyaro. Dadka dibad baxyey ayaa sida la sheegay watay Calanka Soomaaliya ee buluugan xidigtana dhexda ku leh balse sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen weriyaal ku sugan magaalada Boorame ayaa sheegay in uu soo shabaho Calanka Soomaaliya ee uusan ahayn kan buluuga ah eel eh Xiddigta shanta geesleh ee Soomaaliya. Xaalada ayaa iminka waxay tahay mid degen,dadkii sameynayey u soo baxana ay ku laabteen guryahooda iyadoona la fili karo in ay dib u halkoodii uga bilaab mudaharaadka. Horseed Media
So much 4 the democracy hey? by the way guys this is not daynille this is garowe-online and this article happens to be in the english section of that site so guess what that means? that means this story will hit all-africa news which is the largest electronic africa news site in the world. This is where the A.U officials and Other african officials read about the news of what's happening around the continent.
Somalia: Somaliland president will "take care of" former SNM commrades 29 Jul 29, 2010 - 10:23:57 PM Commenting on the clan make-up of the Somaliland cabinet appointed by the new president, Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud (aka Siiilaanyo), the Somali journalist Bashir Sheikh Omar Goth told the VOA Somali Service that less than 30% of the new cabinet “belong to non-***** clans” who did not support the now-defunct Somali National Movement (SNM), one of the clan-based opposition groups that failed to form a national government after the overthrow of the military dictatorship in 1991. Is it too early to mark Siilaanyo down for the cabinet he put together one day after he was sworn in as the fourth president of Somaliland? Three main ministries — Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance— are headed by men from the same clan but under president Dahir Riyale Kahin the three ministries were headed by three men from the same clan. During the elections campaign, president Siilaanyo vowed his party, Kulmiye, would appoint ministers on the basis of competence not on the basis of clan representation. Given the fact perception is as important in politics as is reality, why did president Siilaanyo appoint 20 ministers of which more than 14 of them belong to the same social group as his? Is Somaliland president’s job to please clans or to appoint ministers because of their integrity and proven track record of public service? Those are two relevant questions for the following reasons: 1-Siilaanyo was the leader of the Somali National Movement, a clan-based opposition group that , like other Somali armed opposition groups in 1980s, was keen on replacing the military dictatorship with a clan-based government. There are Somali clans who despised the dictatorship but were put off by the clan exclusivity of armed opposition groups. History proved them right because triumphant opposition groups divided Somalia into clan fiefdoms. 2- One of the enduring narratives on which the case for Somaliland secession is based is the human rights violations that the military dictatorship perpetrated against the clan that supported the Somali National Movement. In his first speech president Siilaanyo pledged to take care of Mujahids (mujaahidiinta) ,former SNM members. Somaliland and Al Shabab- controlled parts of southern Somalia are where the word mujahid ( someone who waged a jihad ) is used: in the case of Somaliland it is used for the living former SNM. In Al Shabab-controlled areas, Mujahid is used for those who wage war against the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). 3- The post-1991 civil war in Somaliland was between those who wanted the mujahid narrative to retain supremacy and those who envisioned strategies to help Somaliland avoid the fate of southern Somalia where armed opposition groups turned guns on each other . It was the late Mohamed H. I. Egal, the second president of Somaliland, who envisioned the demobilisation of the SNM and the setting up of government institutions. SNM mujahids violently opposed president Egal’s demobilisation plan. There is a bright spot in president Siilaanyo’s speech: the decision to abolish the security committees. President Siilaanyo said: “I have pardoned all political prisoners who were sentenced to jail by security committees.” (“Dhammaan muwaadiniinta u xidhan waji siyaasadeed oo ay guddiyada nabadgelyadu xukuntay waan cafiyey…”) What is missing in president Siilaanyo’s speech is commitment to overhauling the Somaliland judiciary because he is of the opinion that security committees set up by his predecessor’s administration usurped the role of judiciary. Liban Ahmad libahm@gmail.com
Somalia: Al Shabaab and Galgala militants deny each other [report] 29 Jul 29, 2010 - 11:06:58 AM Somalia's insurgent group Al Shabaab has denied connection to a July 26 battle near Puntland's port city of Bossaso, where Puntland troops killed 13 militants and captured many after Galgala militants attacked an army post, Radio Garowe reports. Al Shabaab Somalia July spokesman Ali Mohamud Rage, alias Ali Dheere, said during a VOA Somali Service interview Thursday: "Al Shabaab is not connected to them [Galgala militants] and it's the local people in Galgala that are fighting against the Puntland government and PIS," a reference to Puntland's intelligence and counterterrorism agency which operates under its new name, Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA). The Al Shabaab spokesman claimed that the "local people have been fighting against oppression by PIA and the Puntland government since the [former Puntland President] Adde Muse's term." Sheikh Ali Dheere, Al Shabaab's spokesman, did not specify exactly what "oppression" he spoke of, but added: "It should not be – that every time a group of Muslim groups fight against current regimes that they are part of Al Shabaab." Many wonder why Al Shabaab, an extremely violent group that proudly claimed the 7/11 bombings that killed more than 70 people watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Kampala, Uganda, is now publicly distancing itself from Mr. Atom, a secretive man hiding out in hills with foreign fighters. Al Shabaab and Atom: Identical language Mr. Mohamed Said Atom, the Galgala militants' leader, told the interviewer that the July 26 attack on Puntland army post in Karin, 40km south of Gulf of Aden port city of Bossaso, was "an attack but it was preceded by many things. The attackers were locals." Map of Puntland, Somalia "There is no Al Shabaab involved. Themselves [Al Shabaab] are saying they are not involved," Atom said. But Atom's answers were identical to the words of Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Dheere and Al Shabaab's violent ideology, and he provided disconnected and vague answers to the direct question: "Are you Al Shabaab member?" Both Atom and Ali Dheere claimed that the "local Muslim people" were fighting against the Puntland government, itself an elected Muslim government in federal Somalia, a country that is nearly 100% Muslim. Not surprising, it is part of Al Shabaab's violent ideology to divide humans into those that surrender to Al Qaeda's global war or those that are "infidels." In April, the largest Islamic conference in 20 years was held in Garowe, Puntland's state capital. More than 50 Somali Muslim scholars met for a week, held discussion panels, and declared that Al Shabaab's violent struggle is "not jihad" under Islamic principles. Al Shabaab officials reacted with anger to the conference's outcome and issued threats against the conference's Somali Muslim scholars from all corners of Somalia, including Mogadishu and Somaliland. In line with Al Shabaab dogma, Atom also claimed that "Puntland government was fighting the Muslims by cutting off supplies to Galgala," a reference to a Puntland army siege underway to flush out the Galgala militants. Puntland officials say they are working closely with clan elders and community leaders in Galgala area to ensure that the flow of civilian goods and supplies to the villages always remains open. Asked why he commands a private militia, Atom said: "We are Muslims and we wish to build an Islamic state and to remove the Ashahado la Dirir from Somalia." Since 2006, Al Shabaab and its parent defunct alliance, the Islamic Courts Union, formerly led by current Western-backed TFG President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, have used propaganda phrases like "Ashahado la Dirir" to refer to all groups that oppose them, Somali or foreigner. Observers say Atom's claim to represent "local clan interests" was overshadowed by his interview answers, dominated by references to Islamic state and political language that links him ideologically with anti-peace forces in Somalia, namely Al Shabaab. In March, a United Nations report identified Atom as a weapons supplier to Al Shabaab, giving him intimate connections to the terrorist group whose ranks are infused by foreign fighters from the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, according to regional governments like Kenya. The foreign fighters have flocked into Somalia since 2006 after Al Shabaab invited them to fight Al Qaeda's global war against the West and its alies. In Bossaso, sophisticated roadside bombings have killed Puntland soldiers in recent months, and intelligence officials say its another import from Al Shabaab in the terror group's attempt to destablize Puntland. No clan support, Atom isolated In early 2006, Atom was associated with a minor clan uprising in Galgala area against Puntland’s government after clan militias clashed with Puntland troops guarding foreign geologists, who were surveying the hilly region for potential resources. Atom organized a private militia using momentary clan sentiments, but his transformation into a violent criminal in recent years has alienated the local clans, most of who are "wary of the foreign fighters and Somalis from all regions hiding out in the Galgala hills," according to well-informed sources. Many believe that the Galgala militants' July 26 attack on Puntland government forces at Karin army post was a desperate attack, as Puntland's ongoing security crackdown on criminal elements in Bossaso and even expulsion of hundreds who pose security threats has disrupted Atom's terror operations. For months, Puntland officials have blamed Atom's group hiding in the hills of being responsible for bombings and targeted assassinations of government officials. Sources close to clan leaders say Atom is "isolated" and local clans have come out publicly and endorsed Puntland government's security crackdown against the Galgala militants. Analysts say Mr. Atom's isolation and exposure as a violent criminal and his dangerous connections to Al Shabaab has weakened his position significantly and none of the local clans have supported him publicly. It is possible Atom requested Al Shabaab's public rejection as part of a clever plan to deceive people and attempt to hide Atom's exposed nature as Al Shabaab cell. Such thinking would allow Al Shabaab to mask itself in Puntland. But sources say many locals speak of fear of a pending Puntland offensive against Atom's hideouts, as the war of words over the airwaves builds up. But sources say many locals speak of fear of a pending Puntland offensive against Atom's hideouts, as the war of words over the airwaves builds up. Puntland, located in northeast Somalia, is a self-governing stable region with peaceful elections and which supports the establishment of a federal Somalia. Al Qaeda-backed insurgents who have wreaked havoc in south-central Somalia are actively trying to support new insurgencies in peaceful parts of the country, including Puntland and Somaliland. Puntland's government considers Al Shabaab a terrorist organization and has vowed to crush all threats to state security and has deployed thousands of troops and police in major cities. GAROWE ONLINE
Knowing farole and how he loves sanad-gurada for goodness sake he even had sanad-gurad for his 1st year in office lol. I am certain he will hold of any attacks on galgala till the celebrations are over for the 1st of august. I think he will use the 1st of august as platform to get his message across of "fighting terrorists" and asking puntlanders to remain strong and united to preserve our state and identity. That's my future prediction I could be wrong though but that is what im expecting from farole.
DEG DEG: Mudaaharaad Maalintii Labaad Ka Socda Hargeysa Hargeysa (RBC) Dadweyne careysan oo ka soo baxay xaafadaha magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Somaliland ayaa maalintii labaad dibadbaxyo ka dhigaya wadooyinka Hargeysa iyagoo ka careysan qaabka loo dhisay xukuumada cusub ee madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo. Dadweynahan oo ka kala yimid qeybo kala duwan oo magaalada Hargeysa ka mid ah ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waaweyn ee magaalada iyagoo gubaya taayarada baabuurta isla markaana ku qeylinaya ‘dooni meyno dowlad caddaalad darro ah”. Waxa la arkayey dadweynaha qaarkood oo sita calanka Soomaaliyeed ee Buluuga ah xiddigta cadna dhexda ku leh kuwaasi oo socod ku maraya wadooyinka. Dadka mudaaharaadaya ayaa u badan dhalinyaro iyo haween inkastoo ay ku jiraan odayaal waaweyn oo reer Hargeysa ah. Qaar ka mid ah dadka mudaharaadaya ayaa sheegay inaysan ku qancin qaabkii loo soo xulay golaha wasiirada cusub ee dowlada Axmed Siilaanyo ee la magacaabay labo maalmood ka hor kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen in beelo gaar ah ay qaateen. “Waxaa laga tegey beelo ka mid ah kuwa Somaliland oo xaq ku leh dalkan, waana xaq darro midaasi. Siilaanyo wuxuu la soo baxay xagjirnimadii horey loogu yiqiinay. dooni meyno. dooni meyno”, ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah dadka dibax baxa sameynayey. Ciidamada Somaliland oo isugu jira kuwa booliska iyo militariga ayaa lagu daad gureeyey xaafadaha iyo waddooyinka dibad baxyadu ka socdaan, waxaana la maqlayey rasaas loo adeegsaday mudaaharadayaasha oo ay ridayeen ciidamada. Warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in ugu yaraan 1 ruux dhaawaciisa la geeyey isbitaalka ka dib markii ay rasaastu haleeshay. Waxayna ciidamadu amreen in la joojiyo dibad baxa ay wadaan dadka careysan. Waxaa xusid mudan in dibadbaxu markii hore uu ku bilawday hab nabadeed, balse y xaaladu isbedeshay markii ciidamadu bilaabeen rasaasta ay ku fureen dadweynaha. Maalintii shaley ayaa dibadbax kan la mid ah wuxuu ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada oo ay ka mid tahay degmada Axmed Dhagax halkaasi oo labo ruuxi ku dhaawacantay ka dib marki rasaas ay u adeegsadeen ciidamadu. Xukuumada Somaliland ayaan wax hadal ahi ka soo saarin dibadbaxan oo maalintii labaad ka soconaya magaalada Hargeysa laguna diidan yahay qaabka uu madaxweyne Axmed Siilanyo u soo xulay xukuumada cusub oo dad badani oo qabiilada Somaliland ka tirsani ay aaminsan yihiin in xuquuqdii ay ku lahaayeen dowlada ee wasaaradaha la duudsiiyey. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Hargeysa
“ Runtii waxaan aamnisanahay in Wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah uu hugaanka u hayo Wasiir aad u wanaagsan, oo aan filayo in Puntland ka oo jeedo waxaan u jeedinayaa in heeshiisyada ganacsiga la xariira ee dalalka dibada dalka ka ah lala soo galo qayb laga soo gaarsiiyo Puntland maadama xaq u leedahay wax kasta oo Soomaali dan u ah”. Now that wasn't necessary of the puntland commerce minister the clan factor sheekada maqaahiyada yusan soo dhaafin:D
Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland: Wax Xiriir ah Lama Lihin Wasaarada Ganacsiga DKMG (Garowe) RBC: Wasiirka Wasaaradda GanacsigaWarshadaha Puntland Xasan Farax Jaamac ayaa ka dhaawaajiyay xili waraysi gooniya uu siinayay Warbaahinta RBC in uusan jirin wax xariir ah oo wasaaradiisa haba yaraatee kala dhaxeeya Wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah ee soomaliya. Waxuuna sheegay in arintaa uusan garanayn hasa ahatee asaga qudhiisa isku dayay in uu xariiro la sameeyo Maamulka wasaraadda Ganacsiga DKMG ah waxuuna sheegay in taa aysan u suurgalin islamarkaana uusan arag wax fariin ah oo uga yimid wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah.ee Soomaaliya.taana ay tahay mid muujinaysa in Wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah ay ka gaabisay kaalinteedii. Xasan Faarax jaamac ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay tahay qab ka mid ah Soomaaliya waxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in Wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah ay xariiro kala duwan la soo samayso Wasaaradda ganacsiga Puntland si la iskaga kaashado sidii loo hormarin lahaa ganacsiga guud ee Soomaaliya. Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland ayaa intaa sii raaciyay in ganacsiga Soomaaliya uu haatan yahay mid aad u wanaagsan islamarkaana waxa uu sheegay in badeecadaha dalka dibadiisa ka imaanaysay ay badatay halkii tii gudha laga soo saari jiray ay yaraatay. Wasiirka ayaa arintaa wax soo saar yaraanta gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ku sababeeyay bur burka dalka ku dhacay wixii ka danbeeyay xiligii ay bur burtay Xukuumadii dhexe ee Dalka Soomaaliya sanadii 1991 waxuuna sheegay in loo baahn yahay in wax soo saarka gudaha dalka kor loo soo qaado. “ Runtii waxaan aamnisanahay in Wasaaradda ganacsiga DKMG ah uu hugaanka u hayo Wasiir aad u wanaagsan, oo aan filayo in Puntland ka oo jeedo waxaan u jeedinayaa in heeshiisyada ganacsiga la xariira ee dalalka dibada dalka ka ah lala soo galo qayb laga soo gaarsiiyo Puntland maadama xaq u leedahay wax kasta oo Soomaali dan u ah”.sidaawaxa yiri wasiirka ganacsiga Puntland . Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland Xasan Faarx jaamac ayaa ka mid ahaa tira wasiira ah uu soo magaacaabay muda shan bilood laga joogo Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cabdi raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Farole xili isku shaadayn ku samaynayay Golahiisa Xukuumada Puntland. RBC NEWS Xafiiska Garowe C/raxmaan ilkacase
The galgala issue is nothing new as all are aware but their was talks happening there for months between puntland govt galgala elders and atam and the talks collapsed after atam asked for the PIS head to be replaced. Farole thought he could replace diyano and even dismissed him but that was bad move by farole because he didn't first comfirm with the american embassy in nairobi who provides funds and training for the PIS. Anyways farole still sticking firm with his decision and didnt want to look like an amateurish politicians went to nairobi and tried to ask the ambassador there to speak with africom base to stop supporting the current leadership of the PIS and to accept farole decision because this decision that farole made was based on the request of galgala elders who said that atam will stop the terror if diyano is shown the door. Anyways the american embassy recieved the message from africom base that diyano is the recognized chief commander of the PIS and farole request can not be accepted and that farole should attack the terrorist remnants in galgala and not negiotate with them any further. Farole knew he made bad move and just totally embarassed himelf in front of puntlanders without verifying this before making his ****** decision to sack diyano. Anyways farole came back to garowe and tryed to play the silent game over the unwise decision to sack diyano and farole knew that the talks in galgala could not go forward anymore because one of the main requests of galgala guys was to remove diyano and without that they would not proceed to hold any further talks with the admin in garowe. Farole decided to attack galgala and get rid of the atam element because he couldnt get rid of the diyano element and both atam/diyano just dont seem to want to live together so one has to go. But farole tried the diyano route first to peacefully replace him. That failed. Now he cant replace atam peacefully because atam is totally out of his control because atam gets his orders from shabab. So farole only option left was to attack galgala. The pre-emptive strike that occurred karin was actually a ploy by farole to gain access to galgala and use that as an excuse to showthe world that terrorists are in those mountains.
Garowe Multi-Plex Sporting Ground Under Construction. (PICS)
Cowke replied to Cowke's topic in Developement | Projects
It's funny how people are very anti puntland development. War orod sxb do something for your own people rather then criticizing what we are doing for our people. Africa Olympic was given the land free of charge plus they have built these sort of multi plexes before go to their website and see it yourself and they dont spend much money on it because they have suppliers who provide the construction material at discounted rates. Anyways visit their site before u open your mouth. Puntland Multi-Plex stadium will consist of the following Soccer Field Changing Rooms Track Field Basketball Court Tennis Court Grand Stand -
Boosaaso:"Waanu ku filanaha Kooxda Galgala"Wasiirka Arimaha Guda D/Puntland. 29. juli 2010 Boosaaso:(Allpuntland)-Wasiirka Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha,Dawladaha Hoose & Hor'umarinta reer miyiga ee dawlada Puntland Jen,Cabdullaahi Axmed Jaamac(Ilkajiir)ayaa markii ugu horaysay si toos ah uga hadlay Dagaalkii bilowgii todobaadkan ka dhacay buuraleyda gobolka Bari,waxaana uu Wasiirku sheegey in Dagaalkaasi uu ahaa Talaabo Dawladiisa lagu daandaansanayey. Jen,Ilkajiir Wuxuu ugu horayn Hambalyo udiray Dhamaan Bulsho weynta reer Puntland ee imika sanadkii 12-aad Xukuumadooda u buuxsamayo,waxaana uu sheegey in Waqtigan aysan haboonayn in Dagaalo ay shacabku galaan,isagoo sidoo kale sheegey in Kooxda kusugan Galgala ay imika qas cusub bilaabeen,waxaana uu sheegey Wasiirku in Xukuumadiisu ay talaabo ka qaadi doonto cidkasta oo isku dayda Khalkhal Amaan. "Dagaalkii maanlintii dhaweyd dhacay wuxuu ahaa mid nasiib daro ah oo aanan Waqtigan loo baahnayn,Waxaanuna wadnay Xal sidan dhaama oo aanu labada dhinac isugu soo dhaweynayno,waxaanuna ka xunahay in Halkaas ay wax ka dhacaan,imikana ciidmadeenu waxay joogaan goobtii wax ka dheceen oo aanu la wareegnay"Ayuu yiri Jen,Ilkajiir oo saacado un ka hor kasoo noqday Buuraha Bari oo uu kusugnaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay oo APL la hadlay isagoo kusugan magaalada Boosaaso. Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu wuxuu sheegey in xukuumadiisu aysan waqtigan diyaar u ahayn inay Dawlahada Caalamka ka codsato inay duqeeyaan Buuraha Galgala oo saacadihii lasoo dhaafay Cabsi badani kajirtay,waxaana uu ku gaabsaday in Xukuumadiisa oo aanan duqaynin ay halkaas isaga filantahay. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland