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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Its funny how somaliland say bad things about puntland but puntland says good things about somaliland. Haven't you seen farole always saying "somaliland and puntland" you know why he says that? He wants the world to know that just as somaliland that puntland is mamul and no different doesnt require seccession in order to form administrations. Infact farole finds somaliland such a joke he even says "whatever share is given to puntland must be given to somaliland" lol. If puntland was worried about somaliland you wouldn't see the administration praising somaliland thats for sure. As for the piracy, the naval base will be based in puntland it was already signed infront ahmed walad abdalla and 14 sovereign nations at nairobi. This american chronicle opinion piece won't help them as ahmed walad abdalla recently said "I dont form my opinion based on somali website news" noone in the top places will care what this guy says. All they care for is farole and you can see the results he gained for puntland by securing the naval base in puntland whatever hilib remains from that $250 million fund chump change will be thrown to somaliland be assured of that. That is what happens when your mamul is isolated sxb, you dont pose challenge to farole and he takes everything and the whole world listens to him now and even sharif listens to him
  2. Aliyah its bit silly to compare bosaso or galkayo to the current debacle in ssc. Bosaso will be defended because all ssdf agreed to wipe out a clan that was seen as "not in the interest" of the state. Why dont the majority garaads propose we do the same to the two garad jamac people? I've never seen them say "puntlandey aan ku jihadno labadan garaad oo qudhunga ka wado degaanada" Plus you forget that the my boqor doesnt get involved in politics and hence is irrelevant on that end, the same case isn't the same for ssc where every damn garaad and abdi bille thinks his aden cadde. SSC can only be defended if all or at least the majority of ssc join the ranks of puntland and say "lets get the mucaraad". REMEMBER 2002 ALL PUNTLAND UNITED AGAINST 1 SUB SUB CLAN...WHY CANT ALL PUNTLAND UNITE AGAINST 2 SUB SUB CLANS IN SSC? The proposal has never even proposed by any ssc garaads. All the ssdf guys were united only 1 clan was out of the fold at that specific time.
  3. Aliyah of course xaglatosiye was supported and welcome to his city he is a local after-all just as would jangeli be welcomed to buhodle even though hasn't even raised the ssc issue up even once, just as would puntland ssc guys be welcomed also. Taking photoshoot of 100 or so people doesnt mean the whole town lol. If the whole town truly supporte xaglatosiye then the garads of those town would be forced to change their positions and get in line with the public voice because it' them who they are supposed to represent. Can you imagine the garads surviving in buhodle that is sooooooo ssc lol, why cant garad saleban survive in laska? he is pro puntland yet the locals turned pro somaliland cause of the two garad jamacs and that is why garad saleban is in garowe. Garad soofe ayaa'ba la badeli laha haday ssc dacad ka tahay ama garowe buu fadhin laha laftigisa lol. These are just games lagu waaleyo dadkooda, the smarter end of political watchdogs like myself know better and know how somali cities operate. Cities in puntland operate uniquely to their own system, cities in the south operate differently to their own values. Look at how useless usc elders are? you wonder why they are so useless and have not much of a say in the affairs of their city? It goes back to italian rule where clan elders was told to take a backseat and till this day they haven't recovered. You will notice the more remote areas you go to somalia the more the clan elder has influence, why? its due to less contact with italian colonials and preservation of their system.
  4. Che, of coursse I would support puntland to liberate sool, but it needs honest garaads to work with in order for that to be achieved. What I mean by honest is. The garaads who are majority of puntland should give the green light to attack buura wadal. They should allow it for the sake of puntland but I dont see that happening!!! How can we look to ssc when the garaad issues are not solved? they are still anti puntland the two garad jamacs just like they always been nothing has changed on that front, all that is missing is the green-light from the khususi to give puntland the right to sort out these guys once and for all. The garaads are crucial in keeping a city in the towns of their people. Some ppl might say xabsade is a lion of ssc but thats not true, without those two garaads who opened up their areas of las anod to xabsade and united to attack the puntland areas of las anod mr.xabsade wouldnt be seen today. Just look at buhodle, all garaads are firmly puntland the town remains firmly puntland. Why? because the citizens put more emphasis on their garaads then they do on their politicians. If those two garaad jamac who both have members of their clan residing in las anod were as firm puntlanders somaliland wallahi wouldnt be seen in laska not this sandule or any of those cronies. Those two garaads now step up to chase another dream of "ssc" lol. They choose a guy named xaglatosiye that is from buhodle. Buhodle garaads are all puntland. You see how they are making their ppl crazy? how will xaglatosiye create mamul in a land where all garaads are opposed to him as is the case in hawdka? Sxb waxaan dhahan waa iska crazy *** show lagu waaleyo shicibka ssc iyo laga dooneyo lacag iyo qurun so xaglatosiye and garad jamacs get paid $$$ from their diaspora in order to free ssc which as i stated above if u look at their strategy doesn't make logical sense and is just mere words to keep those hungry ssc crowd happy whilst filling up their pockets with all the $$$ they get from their diaspora and they will lead comfortable lives in the future. Reerkas tala xumo baa haysto sxb waa iga dhab
  5. Originally posted by Peace Action: For partical reasons, let us shorten the list of stackholders to Puntland, Somaliland and the south. I totally agree that it is about time Somalis sit down on dirin under a tree as Baashi use to suggest before and as you are suggesting today. The main problem in Somalia is in the South and mainly in the capital city of Mogadishu. How to pacify the south and this city has perplexed everyone who attempted to do it. The stakeholders in the South must be persuaded to attend a Somali dirin somewhere in a neutral place inside Somalia where the outcome will be binding on all. The question I have what place can be peaceful and yet acceptable to all stackholders from the South such as TFG, Al shabaab, HI, Ahlu Sunna, and reps from clans, Puntland, Somaliland? Ina salad boy said it on VOA what the solution is. You need every section of mogadishu be clerics/politicians/oday/business community/diaspora to be apart of the peace of process so that hamar can be united in all the key areas of that city? This will pacify the city as no section of society was left out of the process. Its kind of similar to the garowe conference in 1998 or even the burco conference. U need bring all stakeholders from each section of every clans society and unite everyone. Politicians are not even to pacify a city. Thats all they send to peace conference is politicians from clans. There needs to some sort of criteria that has to be set by an indepedent watchdog that monitors that "quality" is maintained during the peace process. We can't expect moryans to sit down and agree? we need halal stakeholders that have met certain criteria that has already been set by indepedent watchdog to sit down and discuss for nation what path to take. Bringing moryans won't help because all they will care about is that little cash they getting from isbaaro's and airport taxes and that is what comes first for them its their pockets before the nation system. So ina salad boy gave the solution on VOA and that solved north-east and north-west somalia issues
  6. Originally posted by Aliyahh: quote:The so-called Darawiish clan has buffoons for leaders; their so-called politicians and Garaads are ALL hopeless. Marka jiq haku ahaato ee iska daa! not sure where to start this. But, you are a puntlander and you know where puntland stands in the issue of SSC. They are not ready to step up and lend a hand nor will they ever be ready. Yet instead of just at least supporting the SSC for their own efforts to free their lands here you are insulting them and their leaders? what you expect them? to give up on their land?? n what are you getting out of criticizing SSC? I understand why Somalilanders are against the SSC since they want to forcefully take over the Ssc regions and have their own agenda and interests. However,I am baffled and shocked that you as a puntlander will hold this opinion and talk in this disrespectful/hateful manner. And, you are not the first puntlander who I saw shared this opinion with you in Sol. How disappointing. marka jiq in ay ku ahaado ma wax fican baa? ka waran when we stood by puntlanders as SSC throughtout the this our compensation??? Next time when Puntland faces difficulty we have learned our lesson jiq haku ahaato will be the answer. I don't see where mr.somalia insulted the darawish people? but I do see that he called the garaads/politicians of ssc totally useless and if you have looked at their behaviours lately then you will see that mr.somalia is right dadkasi waxaa ku dhacey nasib ***** xaaga talada. All somalis have bad leaders but this clan takes the cake because its not just siyasiin that are nutcases but also some of the traditional clan elders. The ssc is delicate issue sxb and anyone who is honest to themselves and looks at it without any bias will see Puntland is stuck and doesnt have trustworthy leader to work with in las anod. How can we work with garad jamacs and it was those two sub sub clans of ssc that fought puntland and got rid of puntland from laska, and it's still those two running around even breaking the khususi agreement they just recently signed. If their not being honest khususi level, imagine how many other places they wont be honest? would you risk boys? because sxb I wouldnt even though emotionally speaking i would love to go to ssc and smack all the somalilanders but strategtically speaking puntland needs honest partner to work with ssc and that is lacking badly
  7. This is video of guriceel in galguduud for those who haven't seen the place live. Enjoy
  8. Jaaliyada Nugaaleed | Baaq taageero geesiyada Cayn iyo tacsi ehelada dadkii la xasuuqay Haddaan nahay Jaaliyadda reer Nugaaleed oo qurba joogta ah, waxaan aad iyo aad uga xun nahay xasuuqa iyo dhibka weyn oo ciidamada huwanta ah ee Itoobiya iyo SNM ay u gaysteen shacabka reer Sool iyo Cayn. Waxaan cambaaraynaynaa gardarada qaawan iyo gumaadka loo gaystay shacabka walaalahaya ah, waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u direenaa eheladii dadkii lagu xasuuqay magaalooyinka Buuhoodle, Widh-Widh, iyo Bali-harac. Waxaan kale oo taageero iyo hambalyo u diraynaa Geesiyiinta/Soomajeeste yaasha Darwiishta Buuhoodle iyo Widh-Widh ee sida sharafta leh u difaacay shacabka reer SSC. Waxaanu ka digaynaa inay markale dhacdo gardarada foosha xun ee la gula kacayo shacabka gobolada SSC, waxaana u digaynaa huwanta, inay ka waantoobaan inuu markale dhaco gumaadkan oo kale waxaana ogaataan in colaadu nin waliba gurigiisa ugu tegayso. Jaaliyadda qurba joogta reer Nugaaleed
  9. Gaalkacyo:Dugsiga GI oo Arday u bilaabay Mashruucyo waxbarasho oo lacag la'aan ah. 27. maj 2010 APL Gaalkacyo:(Allpuntland)-Dugsiga farasamada gacanta ee GI xaruntiisa magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xaruntqa gobolka Mudug ayaa maanta bilaabay Mashruucyo horleh oo ardayo loogu samaynayo Xirfado lacag la'aan ah,kuwaas oo ay ka faa'iidaysanayaan inkabadan 150-Arday oo Wiilal & gabdho isgujira. Xaflad siweyn loosoo agaasimay oo kadhacday xarunta dugsiga ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxaa kasoo qeybgalay intabadan Ardayda waxka dhigata Dugisga GI & kuwo cusub oo hada kusoo biiraya,Waalidiin,Macalimiiinta,takhaatiir,Wariyeyaal & marti sharaf kale oo aad u badan. Maamulaha Dugsiga GI Xasan Maxamed Cismaan ayaa hadal dheer oo kusaabsan taariikhda dugisgaas & waxyaabihii uusoo maray ka jeediyey,dabadeedna wuxuu sheegey inay maalinta Talaadada ah ee 1-da Bisha Lixaad ee sanadkan ay bilaabmi doonaan Duruus kale duwan oo ay macalimiinta dugisgaasi furi doonaan. Maamuluhu wuxuu sheegey in Caafimaadka,Saxaafada & Wariyenimada,Xoghaynta & maamulida Xafiisyada iyo qeybo kale ay soo kordhiyeen,waxaana uu Waalidiinta ka codsaday inay buuxiyaan filal lasoo hordhigay oo laga qorayo waalidka ama Cida ka mas'uulka ah ardayga oo shuruudo badan looga baahan yahay,isagoo sheegey in aqoontan badankeeda aanan horay gaalkacyo looga bilaabin. Prof,Maxamed Jaamac Salaad Madaxa caafimadkaa gobolka Mudug ayaa isna xafladaas ka hadlay,wuxuuna soo dhaweyey hor'umarka sii badanaya ee uu dugsigaasi wado,waxaana uu ugu baaqay in ardayda gobolka Mudug ay ka faa'iidaystaan Xirfadahaas si ay guul uga gaaraan aqoontooda. Dugsiga farsamada gacanta ee GI ayaa horay wuxuu waday mashaariic kale oo ku saabsan xirfadaha waxay kawadeen magaalada Gaalkacyo,waxaana sanadkasta kasoo baxay Tobonaan arday ah oo baratay Xirfado kaladuwan oo ay ku shaqeysan karaan,Dugisan oo ay maalgaliso hay'ada Gothenburg oo laga leeyahay Wadanka Sweden ayaa kamid ah dugsiyo faro kutiris oo Gaalkacyo kajira kuwaas oo Waxbarasho lacag la'aan ah bixiya. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  10. Xudeedi Question ogtahay inta wiil ku dhimatay oo laga keenay mudug iyo nugaal iyo bari?ayna xabad dhabarka kaga dhuften rag ssc ah! yaa gacanta u galiyay cornel dayr. yaa la fakaday siritii ciidanka macal leptopkii cornel badiye oo aha taliyaha ciidan daraawishta?iyo docomenta ciidan uu lahaa! una gudbiyay somaliland? imisa gawaari dagaal ay la galeen somaliland?hubkii yiilay buhoodle ee aad u fara badnaa yaa u galiyay gacanta? snm?markii lagu yiri keena xarada 54?intaa iyo ceebo kalo badan aan rabin inaan halkaan ku xuso. Garadadi markay yirahdeen cidamada puntland haka baxan las anod iyo kuwa somaliland ha joggan niyahow maxaa la sameya? Xitaa manta ayey ku heeshiyeen khususi oo ahayd hadu 60% of garadada is raco mucaradka waa inay la saftan majority halku tago. Bal ka soo qaad labadan garad jamac oo mucarad noqtey iyo garadada badana waxay raceen in puntland laga war sugo oo kalsoonida iyaga la siiyo iyo in garadada ka shaqeyan keliya midnimada ssc. Maxaa dhacey? 15 garads iyo 2 baa mucarad noqdey sow ma ahayn inay ka dhambeyan khususiga oo yiri halku 60% of the garaads isku raceen waa inay racan? Marka haday weli sheekadi wadan how can puntland risk sending their boys to such unreliable people oo dacad ahayn? Please be realistic, I know ssc is delicate issue and i feel for the buhoodle citizen but nasibo daro waxaa ku dhacey reerkan talo xumo lakinse dadku ma xuma, dadku waa reer puntland waxaa waaleyo wa lacag qaatayaal oo isku sheego inay yahin siyasiinta gobolada ssc. tusaale ka soo qaad shirki buura wadal, Haday garadada dagaal ku qaadi lahayeen labada jamac oo mucarad noqdey waxay u noqon lahayd puntland calamad in reer ssc serious ay yahin iyo dhaafi maayan jaajuusinta xitaa garadada, lakin nasiib taasi ma dhicin iyo waxaa la arkey in reerku weli xooga aysan dacad ahayn marka wiil loo direyo ma jirto. Ps: Dont get me wrong i support the ssc thing but they need to start being honest before puntland gets involved lol. Dadka garowe joggo ma waxad mooda inay doqon yahin sxb? war way la socodan xaladaha halkasi ee dhibka tagan weli dadku dacad ma aha. The issue of inter-puntland wars in 2002 was different case. All *****s united to attack the qardho people, why dont garaads unite with puntland and lets attack those garaads who are the ones really behind alot of this mess because they give the green-lights to these somaliland politicians to enter las anod? U can even see when garaads refuse somaliland the shicib refuse along with them as the case was in buhoodle. But the same case isnt the same in laska cause garaads are behind alot of it and now they see new opportunity where they can have their own mamul and disintergrate puntland which is not in our interest and if they were really serious they wouldn't be looking to split puntland up and cause puntland to be enemy. They just want puntland to be seen as the enemy of ssc thats their whole goals and their not outsmarting noone. What truly disappointed me was the garaads who are puntland and thats the majority of them They didnt even ask for the garaads in buura wadal to be attacked and to give those two garaads an ultamatum either they jailed or exiled because they broke the khususi 60% majority formula. So blaming puntland is easy, and sometimes i even do blame them but when i sit and think about all of ssc and the complexities there its not an easy issue. But i definitely support the stance that buhodle citizen took. I kind of hope puntland just over-rides the garaads and say sit back we dont need u anymore and we will capture the city by force, but then again that will make puntland look bad in the end Its tough issue issue
  11. Originally posted by Ducaysane: may be you should also post good news ones in a while. I do post good news. Check this out. Nice video presentation done by etn tv of puntland being beautiful state with various environments but shows how PEACE reign supreme in this part of somalia. Watch here Ps: I am suprised how galkayo is doing pretty well. Watch at 2.42-2.46 mark. Plus Suprised at the greenery!!! With that sort of farmland we can be self-sufficient in puntland im suprised why they even bother buying agricultural products from the hamar!!! Overall I found the ETN.TV special very nice.
  12. Ciidamada Puntland oo gacanta ku dhigay nin dil ka geysay degmada Goldogob. Goldogob: (Sh.M.Network) Ciidamada Maamulka Puntland ee degmada Goldogob ee gobolka Mudug ayaa gacanta ku dhigay nin dhawaan falal isugu jira dil iyo dhaawac ka geystay gudaha degmadaasi Goldogob ee gobolka Mudug. Kadib howlgalo ay sameeyeen ciidamada amaanka ee degmada Goldogob ee Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa ay ku guuleystaan in ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan nin dhawaan falal isugu jira dil iyo dhaawac ka geystay degmadaasi. Gudoomiyaha degmada Goldogob ee gobolka Mudug ee Maamul goboleedka Puntland C/sahal Max’uud Xirsi oo maanta la soo xariiray Idaacada Shabelle ayaa waxaa uu ka hadlay xaalada amaanka ee degmadaasi isagoo sheegay inay ku guuleysteen gacan ku soo dhigida nin dhawaan halkaasi ka geystay dil iyo dhaawac islamarkaana u baxsaday dhulka howdka ah. Waxaa uu sheegay in ay wadahal u socdaan dadkii ninkaasi uu dadka ka dilay iyo qaraabadii uu ka dhashay kuwaasi oo ka wada hadlaya qaablii laga yeeli lahaa ninkaan ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan ciidamada Amaanka ee Maamulka Puntland ee degmada Goldogob. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamada maanka ee degmada Goldogob ay ku guuleystaan in ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan ruux dil ka geystay gudaha degmadaasi, waxaana haatan la ogeyn waxyaabaha uu ka yaali doono Maamulka degmadaasi ninkaani ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen ciidamadooda.
  13. Xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamanka Puntland oo shil gaari ku geeriyooday Allaha u naxariistee Xildhibaan Qaasim Yuusuf Ismaaciil oo ka mid Ahaa golaha wakiilada puntland ayaa maanta gelinkii danbe ku Geeriyooday inta u dhaxaysa Magaalada Qardho iyo deegaanka Canbaar sare ka dib markii shil uu la galay gaari uu watay Marxuumkaas. Shilkan gaari oo ka dhacay miyiga Geeljiid oo ka tirsan deegaanka Canbaar sare ee gobolka karkaar ayaa wax faahfaahin ah laga bixin Sababaha keenay in kastoo xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Saciid Carshe uu U xaqiijiyay in shilkaas ay sidoo kale ku dhaawacmeen labo qof oo ay midi yahay xaaskiisa. Wuxuu kaloo intaasi ku daray Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Saciid Carshe In marxuumkaasi uu ku sii jeeday Degmada Rako ee gobolka Karkaar xiliga uu shilka qabsaday uuna ka yimid magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta puntland. Marxuumkaas ayaa ifka uga tagay afar xaas iyo todobo caruur Wuxuuna xildhibaanku ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashii Maamulka Puntland. Marxuumkaasi ayaa isla caawa lagu aasay Magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka karkaar iyagoo ay aaskaasina ka soo qayb galeen Mas,uuliyiin ka tirsan puntland iyo dadweyne aad u fara badan.waxuuna xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Saciid Carshe in isagoo ku hadlaya magaca golaha wakiilada iyo kan dowlada uu tacsi u dirayaa Dhamaan eheladii iyo asxaabtii uu ka tagay marxuum Qaasim Yuusuf Ismaaciil samir eebe ka siiyo marxuumkaasna janadii fardowza Aamiin Aamiin. Maxamed Cali Iimaan SBC International Boosaaso
  14. Haatu just using common sense. Being PM and then being offered to be minister and to be satisfied with that with no hidden incentives is just totally mindblowing. Then again can't expect to much from the donkey in villa somalia, the least he could do is tell ahmed walad abdalla listen "I know you want sharmarke gone but the guy holds the second highest post, get him a high role in the u.n or give him assurances of international support for him to be the next president of somalia or at least guarantee him that farole will lead the next federal govt after sharif thats the least he could say sharif. However we are talking about sharif here and this guy is born from a people who all have this terrible condition of caqli sooreed syndrome
  15. If sharmarke steps down it's going to have be for something big, like maybe ahmed walad abdalla position but don't expect he will step down for ministerial role lol. He was in charge of all the ministers, Can't imagine he would go to a minister position considering he is the PM unless of course their is an incentive to ruling somalia after sharif I really cant picture what they can possibly offer him to resign!!! Alot of ppl are saying minister position but if he steps down for minister position when he was the first minister hence the name "prine" minister then he is silly. Either give him walad abdalla position or guarantee him to be president after sharif time expires in 2011 other then those two options sharmarke should stay put in the PM SEAT.
  16. Somalia leaders' feud deepens as PM refuse to step down 27 May 27, 2010 - 7:19:57 AM Somalia's interim Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke has retraited that he would not leave office even as President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed ponders plans to appoint a new premier. Inner sources within PM office told Garowe Online that some associates of President Sharif have approached Omar with the idea of stepping down, but he snubbed them and insisted on his stay until his tenure constitutionally expires. Somali PM Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake “The PM refused to relinquish his position and vowed not to accept any offer from Sheikh Sharif,” said a close associate of Omar, who requested anonymity. Ahmed is now reported to be planning the appointment of a new prime minister from a list of favorite nominees including Minister for Higher Education and Heritage Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, Army General Ali Madobe and Mohammed Abdirisaq, who works at the UN Political Office for Somalia. Last week, he unilaterally dissolved Omar’s government and vowed to appoint a new prime Minister soon. He however, days later rescinded decision after holding wide consultation with constitutional lawyers, MPs and other top government officials. The president of Somalia’s Puntland state is lending an olive branch to help resolve dispute between the two Somali leaders, warning of an ultimate collapse of the government if the problem is not solved quickly and amicably. “The dispute could cause the collapse of the TFG, we have discussed this with Sheikh Sharif and we have agreed that it should be settled,” said Puntland President. Meanwhile, Somalia;s finance minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden has officially relinquished his position to enable him run for the speaker’s position recently left vacant by Sheikh Adan Mohammed Nur Madobe. Already his candidature has attracted criticism from some lawmakers, who accused him of embezzlement of state funds while on the finance docket. Four other contenders have shown interest in the position and the 15-member interim parliament chair team which was tasked to organize the elections of speaker announced 28 May as the official day for the election. GAROWE ONLINE
  17. Iskuulo cusub oo xariga laga jarey 11 May 11, 2010 - 12:14:49 PM Hey'adda Misco oo ka mid ah hey'adaha la shaqeeya Wasaarada Waxbarashada Dowlada Puntland kana shaqeeya horumarinta waxbarashada ayaa maantey waxey xariga ka jartey dhowr iskuulo hay' addu ka dhistey deegaano ka mid ah Gobolka Nugaal, sida Degmada Dongoroyo iyo Sunijiif. Xafladaan xarig-jarista oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen mas'uuliyiin ka socda Wasaarada Waxbarashada iyo Barbaarinta ee Dowlada Puntland iyo Hey'adda USAID ayay hey'adda Misco ka sheegtay in labo (2) iskuul laga dhisay Dangoroyo, hal (1) iskuul laga dhisay Sunijiif iyo mid ka mid ah iskuulada ku yaala Magaalada Garowe oo dhisme ka kooban ilaa afar fasal lagu kordhiyay. Mas'uuliyiin ka socdey Hey'adda Mercy Corps & Wasaarada Waxbarashada ayaa ka qeyb-galey xafladaha loo sameeyey iskuulada la dhameystirey dhismahooda ee xariga laga jarey, waxeyna ku qabsoomeen xafladuhu xarumaha iskuuladu ay laga yagleeley ee magaalooyinka Garowe, Dangoroyo iyo Suna-jiif oo kuli ka wada tirsan Gobolka Nugaal ee Puntland. Warbixintii Madaxa Hey'adda Misco Madaxa Hey'adda Mercy Corps Cabduqaadir Maxamed oo ka waramey mashruuca hay'addiisu fulisey ayuu sheegey in 30 iskuul hay'addu ay Dhisme iyo Dayactir ku sameysay gudaha Puntland. Wuxuu ku daray in 23 ka mid ah iskuuladaasi la dhameystirey oo hadda ay shaqeynayaan, iyadoo hey'addu u tababartey 210-Macalin, islamarkaana ay qalabeysay oo ay dhigtey 1220 kursi oo ah kuwa ardeyda ay ku fariistaan. Sidoo kale Hey'adda waxa ay ardeyda ugu deeqdey qalabka wax lagu barto oo isugu buugaag iyo boorsooyinka dhabarka lagu xirto ee ardayda ay ku xafitaan agabkooda waxbarasho. Madaxa Hey'adda Mercy Corps Md. C/qadir Maxamad wuxuu yiri: "Tiro dhan sodon 30-iskuul ayaa Puntland hey'addu ay ka fulisey dhismahooda iyo dayactirkooda. Meelaha aanu ka dhisney waa Gobolada Mudug, Nugaal iyo Karkaar. Gobolka Nugaal 10-iskuul ayaa Hey'addu ugu galo gashey mashruucan. Gobolka Mudug 10-iskuul ayaan isna ka bilowney howshooda, halka Gobolka Karkaar 10-iskuul ayey Hey'addu ugu talo gashey." Md. C/qadir Maxamad wuxuu kaloo sheegay in dhamaan Iskuuladaasi intooda badan howshoodii ay soo gabagabowdey, balse 7-iskuul ayaa wali dhiman oo wali shaqo ku socotaa, siduu hadalka u dhigay. Hadalkii Wasiirku xigeenka Waxbarashada Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaarada Waxbarashada Dowlada Puntland Cabdulaahi Axmed (Gamuute) oo goobta xafladu ka dhaceysay kula hadley ardeyda loogu dhigayo iskuuladaan ayaa u sheegey in ay ku dadaalaan waxbarashada madaama iyaga dartood dadaalkan la xiriira dhisida iskuulada uu ku yimid. Wasiirku waxa uu intaa ku darey in howshan ay qabatey Hey'adda Mercy Corps ay ku timid dadaal dheeriya oo Wasaaradu ku garab siisey horumarka waxbarashada gobollada Puntland. Wasiir xigeenka Waxbarashada Puntland Md. Gamuute wuxuu tusaale usoo qaatey dadaaladii horey Wasaaradu qeybo ka mid ah ardeyda Puntland ugu dirtey Waxbarasho dibada, taasi oo uu ku tilmaamey mid faa'iido ah. Hey'adda Misco waxey wada shaqeyn rasmiya leeyihiin Wasaarada Waxbarashada waxaana Puntland ay ka bilowdey mashruuca dhismaha iskulada sanadkii 2009kii, iyadoo masuuliyiinta Hey'addu sheegeen in Deeqda ay usoo marto Hay'adda USAID. Dadka degaanka ayaa soo dhaweeyey talaabadani hor'umarka ah iyadoo sidoo kale looga fadhiyo Dowladda Puntland iyo hey'adda samafalka inay wax badan ka qabtaan dhanka arrimaha bulshada sida waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka. GAROWE ONLINE
  18. Arday ka qalin jabisay Jaamacada Bariga Afrika ee Magaalada Boosaaso.(Daawomasawirada) Posted to the Web May 26, 20:06 Boosaaso:-Arday gaaraysa ilaa 80 Arday oo ka qalinjebisay Jamaacadda Bariga Africa Xarunteeda magaalada Bossaso Munaasabad Balaarana Loogu Dhigay Xarunta Jaamacadda ee Bossaso.‏ Xaflad aad u baalaran oo ay ku qalin jebiyeen arday gaaraysa 80 arday oo kulliyado kala duwan ka baxay ayaa waxaa maanta lagu qabtay xarunta Jaamacadda Bariga Aafrica (EAU) ee Magaalada Bossaso, xafladda ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Boqolaal kamid ah Ardayda Jaamacadda, Maamulka guud ee Jaamacadda, Ganacsato, Aqoonyahano iyo Culimo udiin. Munaasabbadda ayaa waxa ay ahayd mid aad loo soo agaasimay waxaana soo agaasimay Ardayda maanta qalinjebinaysay sidoo kale munaasabadan ayaa waxaa gacanweyn ka gaysatay Sirkadda Beder Stationery ee samaysa qalabka waxbarashada iyadoo bixisay qaar kamid ah agabyada xafladda maanta sidoo kalena waxaa madasha la keenay ogaysiis muujinaaya in shrkadaasi ay furtay xarun cusub. Ardayda Ka qalinjebisay Jaamacadda Bariga Africa xarunteeda Bossaso ayaa waxa ay soo barteen Kulliyadaha Camputer science (BCS), Bussines Adminitration (BBA), iyo Shareecadda, ardaydan ayaa isugu jiray wiilal iyo Gabdho waxaana lagu tilmaamay ardaydii ugu tirada badnayd ee hal wakhti ka qalinjebisa Jaamacadda Bariga Afrikca xarunteeda Bossaso. Guddoomiy kuxigeenka Jaamacadda C/qaadir Siciid Shiino oo xafladda furay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay ardayda maanta qalinjebinaysa isaga oo kula dar daarmay in ay sii wadaan waxbarashada xilligakana ay joo gaan meel wanaagsan hase yeeshee lo baahan yahay in aanay intaasi uga harin, C/qaadir Shiino ayaa ku booriyey ardayda maanta qalinjebisay in ay dadaal dheeraad ah muujiyaan maadaama ay yihiin kuwii berri waddanka u talin lahaa. Xubno badan oo ku hadlay afafka ganacsatada, aqoonyahanada iyo ardayda ayaa waxa ay dhamaantood ku dheeradeen muhiimadda ay leedahay wax bara shada gudaha Waddanka iyaga oo ardayda Soomaaliyeed ku booriyey in ay la yimaadaan dadaal ku aadan waxbarashada taalla Waddankooda hooyo. Ardayda Maanta ka qalinjeibsiay Jaamacadda Bariga Africa ayaa waxa ay jaai sooyin u qaybiyeen dhamaan Macalimiinta Jaamaca iyo maamulka guud ee Jaamacadda taasi oo ku tilmaameen in ay kumacasalamaynaayaan macalimiin toodii, halku dhigga xafladda maanta ayaa waxa uu ahaa (Midowga Ardayda iyo Sagootinta Jaamacadda). Ugu dambayntiina Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Bariga Africa Maxamed Cabdi Aadan ayaa waxa uu munaasabadda kusoo xiray waano iyo dhiirigelin uu usoo jeediyey ardayda maanta qalanjebisay iyo kuwa kale ee hadda waxbarashada wada iyo sidoo kale dhamaanba ardayda Soomaaliyeed, Guddoomiye Maxamed Cabdi Aadan ayaa waxa uu ugu baaqay ardayda maanta qalinjebisay in ay sii wadaan waxbarashada eeyana isu malayn in ay dhameeyeen waxbarashadii isaga oo sidoo kale ugu baaqay in ay ilaaliyaan Magaca Jaamacadda meel kasta oo ay tagaan. "Waxaan maanta siweyn ugu faraxsanahy muaasabddan qaalliga ah ee ay ardayda 80-ka gaaraysa ku qalinjeisay, waxaana kula dar daarmaayaa in ay sii wadaan waxbarashada meel kasta oo ay tagaan, sidoo kalena ilaaliyaan Magaca Jaamacadda, sidoo kalena ardayda kale ee dhigta Jaamacadda iyo kuwa aan dhinaba waxaan ku boorinyaa inay ku dadaalaan waxbarashada", ayuu yiri Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Bariga Africa Maxamed Cabdi Aadan. Guddoomiyaha ayaa mar uu ka hadlaayey waxbarashada Jaamacadda iyo farqiga u dhexaaya waxbarashada dibadda iyo tan gudaha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Jaamacadda Bariga Africa lagu barto waxbarasho tayeysan kana wanaagsan tan dibadda hase yeeshee ay dadku jecel yihiin tan dibadda taasina ay keentay kalsooni darrada lagu qabo dalka iyo wax laga helo gudaha Waddanka. Tirada Ardayda Maanta ka qalinjebisay Jaamacadda Bariga Africa ayaa waxa ay tahay tii ugu badnayd ee hal wakhti ka qalinjebisa Jaamacadda waxaana lagu tilmaamay mid muujinaysa hor u marka ay waddo Jaamacaddu. Cismaan Saalax Ismaaciil Bossaso Puntland Somalia
  19. Listen to this guy faisal ali waraabe total garbage and spew against puntland, if he doesn't watch himself his waraabe backside might just get eaten by the lions of puntland. Ps: This is the same man who said "kan addis ababa joggo baa iga dhow kan hamar joggo" This drug induced baboon doesn't know that religiously speaking that can take him out of the fold of islam when he says a kaffir is closer to him then a muslim. Anyways not to be suprised because after-all it was just 1960 when they were saying they are "jews" lol. I guess the waraabe is just one of the new morons from hargeisa who continues to expose his unislamic conducts just like his fathers used to when they would say literally "go screw your religion" lol. Things don't change much over there, same old hypocrisy and filth and garbage and unislamic conducts in that drug enduced qowdhan pisspot!!!
  20. Nice video presentation done by etn tv of puntland being beautiful state with various environments but shows how PEACE reign supreme in this part of somalia. Watch here Ps: I am suprised how galkayo is doing pretty well. Watch at 2.42-2.46 mark. Plus Suprised at the greenery!!! With that sort of farmland we can be self-sufficient in puntland im suprised why they even bother buying agricultural products from the hamar!!! Overall I found the ETN.TV special very nice.
  21. You know what I find funny? Puntland is viewed as the bad people when It is puntland who is offering to give new lives to IDP's. Why would they do that if their bad people? Have you ever heard of an idp in galmudug or hargeisa become business people or tradesmen? do you ever see any charity organizations helping them with $$$, sheltering, education, etc. Lets be honest out of all IDP locations the best place for them is Puntland when you compare the way they are treated in other parts of Somalia. I've never seen any other areas of somalia offer these sorts of opportunities to IDP
  22. SOMALIA: Puntland helps IDPs integrate, learn skills Photo: Adam Shardi Ahmed/IRIN Radio Abdullahi Ahmed, an IDP, learns welding in Bosasso, Puntland NAIROBI, 27 May 2010 (IRIN) - Authorities in Somalia's self-declared autonomous region of Puntland are offering hundreds of internally displaced persons (IDPs) skills training in a bid to integrate the growing influx of displaced, officials said. "We started with 250 people selected from the [iDP] camps and the host community and we are training them for four months," said Mohamed Said, head of DANDOR, a local NGO implementing the training in Bosasso, Puntland's commercial capital. Said told IRIN that 80 percent of the trainees were IDPs and the rest from the host community. "We had to add some members of the host community because some of them are as needy as the displaced." He said subjects included tailoring, welding, plumbing and electrical services, tie-dye and incense-making, some taught by IDPs. In the past 20 years of civil strife in south-central Somalia, thousands of IDPs fleeing the violence have settled in Puntland. There are an estimated 28,000 displaced persons in Bosasso, according to the UN. Tthe participants were selected with the help of the IDPs themselves and Bosasso local authorities. "Of the total number of trainees, 146 are women and 104 are men," Said told IRIN. UN Development Programme Somalia was funding the project. "We will continue and expand depending on funding," he added. Barni Awil Nur has been an IDP in Bossaso for more than three years. The mother of two is learning how to tie-dye clothes and said the training was a "Godsend". Nur said: "I have been here for a long time and I don’t know if I am going anywhere else any time soon. This gives me an opportunity to earn my living. I don’t have to wash other people's clothes or clean their homes." Abdullahi Ahmed, from Merka, has been in Bosasso for a year. "Until I got this offer to train here, I was a porter in the market. It is not an easy job and you don’t always get work. There are too many porters." Ahmed is being trained as a welder. "As soon as I complete the course, I want to start a welding business with some friends." Said of DANDOR said once the trainees complete their training, they will be provided with a starter toolkit to enable them to begin working. Abdulkadir Yusuf Dahir, the deputy mayor of Bosasso, who launched the training, said the city was determined to help integrate the displaced into the community but needed help in doing so. "This training is a good start but we need much more like it if we are going to succeed," Dahir said. He urged aid agencies to help Bosasso deal with the growing influx of displaced by "giving them skills that will enable them to be productive and reduce their dependency on handouts".
  23. Originally posted by Thankful: People will not going to a place where the majority of the adult population suffer from a severe drug problem!
  24. Snm didn't do nothing, they were fighting since 1980 and achieved no significant results. It was when aideed came they rided on him to distract siyad barre. Your freedom came because of him so give credit where credit is due. Where-as the ssdf took the nationalistic path and said "no we dont destroy our nation" and meles zenawi arrested abdullahi yusuf and put him behind bars in 1985 and he was finally released because menguistu was overthrown not because he was pardoned. USC AND SNM two factions that didn't care for the nation and worked for addis ababa to destroy the nation, hell they even put their own people in jepordy. You think the snm didnt know siyad barre would respond to their actions? of course they knew but they continued and thus didnt care for their people safety and thats when 88 happened. If they cared for their people, they would cease. I don't blame siyad barre 88, i squarly put the blame on snm and not because of tribal prejudice but because when you assess the facts if they didn't fire the first shot their would not be attack on hargeisa.