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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Haatu, I never said you hated puntland nor did I responded to that, I responded to your federalism remarks. Nassir your welcome bro.
  2. Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga Puntland oo Aan Ka Waraysanay Xaaladda Buuhoodle May 30, 2010 Wasiirka Kallumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda ee Dowladda Puntland oo ka mid ah wefdi isugu jira Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ku sugan degmada Buuhoodle oo wareysi siinayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in xiisad la sheegay in ay ka taagan tahay degmada Buuhoodle oo u dhaxeysa dadweynaha iyo Ciidamada Itoobiya ay waqtigaan dejiyeen. Maxamed Faarax Aadan ayaa sheegay in xiisadaasi ay timi ka dib markii Ciidamada Itoobiya ay ka kaxeysteen gudaha degmada Buuhoodle gawaari gaaraysa 15 oo ay la aadeen degaanka Gaashaamo ee xadka Itoobiya. Wasiirka ayaa intaa ku daray in ay la kulmeen qaar ka mid ah Saraakiishii kaxeystay baaburtaas isla markaasina Saraakiishaasi ay u sheegeen in amarka gawaaridaasi ay ku kaxeysteen uu yahay mid uga yimi Saraakiisha ka saraysa. Maqal Waraysiga Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda ”Baaburtaasi waa la cashuuraya ama waa la ganaaxaya ama waa la sii deynaaya, laakinse annaga wax kastawaxaa nooga dhib badan in dhibaato ay dhacdo oo dad nooga dhinto…”ayuu yiri. Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay in Golaha Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada Dowladda Puntland ay xirrir la sameyeen Dowladda Itoobiya ayna kala hadleen dhacdada dhacday sidii wax looga qaban lahaa isagoo sheegay in Dowladda Itoobiya ay uga garaabtay dhacdadaasi. Wasiirka ayaa xusay inuu aad uga xunyahay in hantida dadweynaha loo geysto dhibaato, wuxuuna dadweynaha iyo Ciidamada Itoobiya ugu baaqay in ay ka shaqeeyaan nabada iyo deris wanaaga. Xaalada degmada Buuhoodle ayaa saaka iyadu ku waaberistay jawi xiisad colaadeed ah, waxaana laga cabsi qabay inuu dagaal ka dhaco halkaasi. Wareysi
  3. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Puntland oo Buriskii Dayactirka Isbitaalka Garoowe Ku Dhuftey May 30, 2010 Isbitaalka Guud ee Garowe oo dayactirkii lagu wadey meel fiican marayo (Warbixin) Garowe: Isbitaalka guud ee Caasimada Puntland ee Garowe ayaa waxaa ka socota shaqo aad u balaaran oo dib loogu dayactirayo qaybaha kala duwan ee uu Isbitaalku ka kooban yahay. Shaqaale aad u badan ayaa shaqeynaya, waxayna wadaan dib u habaynta dhismayaasha kala duwan ee Isbitaalka, iyadoo durba la qabtey hawl balaaran taasi oo ah iyadoo qaybo ka mid ah Isbitaalka la dhigay Muttleel inta laga burburiyey cagdhigii hore ee bilaa mutuleelka ahaa, waxaana wali socota hawsha lagu burburinayo cagdhigii shamiitaadka ahaa ee Isbitaalka lagu aasaasey taasi oo dildilaacday, waxaana gabi ahaanba dhulka laga qaadey cagdhigii hore iyadoo lagu badalayo cagdhig cusub iyo mutuleel la saarayo Isbitaalka oo dhan cagdhigiisa. Wasiirka Caafimaadka dawlada Puntland Dr. Cali Cabdullahi warsame ayaa kormeeray shaqada Isbitaalka ka socota ee dayactirka ah halka ay marayso, waxaana Wasiirku uu ugu tagay Isbitaalka iyadoo ay shaqo socoto isla markaasna uu ku sugan yahay Agaasimaha Isbitalaka Guud ee Garowe Dr. Carabey, waxaana uu agaasimuhu ka warbixiyey halka ay marayso shaqada dib u habaynta ah ee Isbitaalka ka socota. Dr. Carabey waxaa uu sheegay in shaqo balaaran ay ka socoto Isbitaalka taasi oo hadda bilaw ah wax fiicanna la qabtey balse shaqada hartey ay tahay mid aad u tiro badan, waxaana uu agaasimuhu sheegay in dayactirku uu ka dhib badan yahay dhisme cusub oo markaas la dhisayo. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Dr. Cali Cabdullahi Warsame ayaa qolqol u galay qaybaha shaqadu ka socoto waxaana uu soo arkey qaybo Mutuleel lagu cagdhigay iyo qaybo iyagana markaas lagu wado, sidoo kale waxaa socota xoqida darbiyadii Isbitaalka si nuurad ama rinji cusub loo saaro. Wasiirka Caafimaadka ayaa markii looga warbixiyey xaalada Isbitaalka iyo shaqada socota waxaa uu la hadley shaqaalihii shaqada wadey, waxaana uu ugu hanbalyeeyey hawsha balaaran ee ay wadaan taasi oo uu ku tilmaamay mid guud oo ay umada u hayaan, wasiirku waxaa uu ku booriyey shaqaalaha inay hawsha u qabtaan si wadaninimo ah balse aysan u qaban si hakaa dhamaato ah. Markaas kadib ayaa wasiirku waxaa uu qaatey dube dhawr kiilo ah oo lagu burburinayay cagdhigii hore ee Isbitaalka ee qaybta bukaan jiifka, waxaana uu wasiirku burburiyey in door ah isagoo markaasina shaqadaas uu qabtey ku dhiiri galinayay Shaqaalaha hawshan waday uuna u sheegay in iskaa wax u qabso dalkan lagu soo dhisay oo xitaa Isbitaalka lagu soo dhisay markii hore, waxaana uu sheegay in shaqadan ay tahay mida ugu wanaagsan ee la qabto loona qabto dalka iyo dadka. Agaasimaha Isbitaalka Dr. Carabey ayaa isna markiisa qabsadey dubbaha waxaana uu isna sidoo kale burburiyey indoor ah, sidoo kale markaas hawshu waxay noqotey mid la wada bilaabey iyadoo masuuliyiin kale oo Isbitaalka soo booqdey ay iyaguna markooda dubbaha iyo badeelada qaateen, waxayna sheegeen inay soo xasuusteen barisamaadkii xiligii Iskaa wax u qabso wax lagu dhisi jirey iyadoo qaarkood sheegeen inay Iskuulo iyo xeryo ciidan kusoo dhiseen iskaa wax u qabso. Isbitaalka guud ee Garowe ee Caasimada Puntland ayaa dayactirka waxaa lagu bilaabay [19-May-2010] waxaana xiran qaybaha Isbitaalka marka laga reebo qaybta gargaarka degdeg ah oo loogu talagalay in ay qabato hawlaha degdeg ah ee aan Isbitaalka looga maarmi karin, bukaankii Isbitaalka ayaa la dhigey xaruntii hore ee Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ee bartamaha Caasimada Garowe, waxaana halkaas ay hadda tahay xarun MCH oo hooyada iyo dhalaanka loogu talagalay, bukaanka la dhigay xaruntan ayaa si kumeel gaar ah ugu sugnaan doona inta laga dhamaystirayo Isbitaalka guud ee Garowe. Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland Xarunta Garowe
  4. Wado Isku Xirta degmooyin ka tirsan gobolada Bari iyo Sanaag oo Dhismo Lagu Wado(Sawiro) May 30, 2010 Masuuliyin ka socota Dowladda Puntland,Isimo iyo maamulka degmada Bandar Siyaada ayaa maanta kormeer ku sameeyey wado iminka dhismo ku socda taas oo isku xiri doonta magaalada Bosaaso iyo degmooyin ka tirsan gobolada Bari iyo Sanaag. Wefdi u hogaaminaayay Wasiirka dekaddaha iyo gaadiidka Badda Puntland Siciid Maxamed Raage,Isimo ay ka mid ahaayeen Suldaan Bashiir Muuse iyo Suldaan Ciise Xassan iyo Gudoomiyaha degaanka Bandar Siyaada ayaa halkaas kormeer ku sameeyey,waxaana xariga ka jaray si rasmi ah Wasiirka dekaddaha Puntland. Gudoomiyaha degmada Bandar Siyaada Rashiid Xabiib Jaamac oo wareysi siiyey Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in wadadaan ay tahay mid muhiim ah isla markaana dhowaan la dhamaystiri doono oo dhismo ay ku socoto,wuxuuna mahadcelin ujeediyey dhamaan dadkii gacan ka geystay. Mudane Rashiid Xabiib ayaa hadalkiisa ku daray in maamulkiisa uu iminka dhismo ku wado xarumo muhiim ah oo ku yaalla degaanka Bandar Siyaada sida guriga degmada iyo Saldhiga Booliska,ayadoo ay sidoo kale ka marnayn adeegyada Bulshada. Wasiirka dekaddaha iyo gaadiidka Badda Puntland ayaa soo dhoweeyey talaabada ay ku dhaqaaqeen Jaaliyada Bandar Siyaada kuna tilmaamay mid loo baahanyahay isagoo sidoo kale mahadcelin u jeediyey Hay’adda Horn relief oo iyadu si weyn uga qayb qaadata dhismaha wadadaan. Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa xusay in Dowladda Puntland ay diyaar u tahay in ay arintaan ka qayb qaadato iyadoo uu ku dhiirageliyey shacabka Bandar Siyaada in ay halkaas kasii wadaan howshaan. Wadadaan ayaa isku xirta magaalada Bosaaso iyo degmooyinka Bandar Siyaada,Ceelaayo iyo Laasqoray oo ka kala tirsan gobolada Bari iyo Sanaag. Horseed Media
  5. Haatu, dawlada puntland iyo dawlada federalaga waa equal qof is-sareyo ma jirto. Its going to take very similar shape too ethiopia ethnic federalism. We share the nation noone is above another. Every tribe is equal and every region is equal and we will all participate in the decision processes of the nation. The second someone or tribe or region has more power then another person or tribe or region this can lead to a collapse of government as was seen in the past. Somalia is not like every other country and require different approach to have functioning state. You may see a functioning state similar to america but thats just 1 way of achieving a functioning state and that is something works for them doesn't mean it will work for us due to cultural/environmental/religious difference between our society and their society. Haatu alot of somalis are so used to foreign systems they have no clue that is what usually brings us to the failures we are in today and we seem to repeat it over and over again BY TRYING TO EMULATE OTHER SOCIETIES SYSTEMS. We need to use local systems for somalia as far as im concerned.But unfortunately with such heavy foreign presence inside our politics those donors won't accept funding a somalia traditional system because naturally the funders have their own objectives to achieve. But federalism is properly the best out of all the foreign systems available and thats why I support it. Puntland has used federalism something that will satisfy the u.n/ethiopia and regionalism(traditional politics) to achieve themselves a form of government pleasing their donors and at same time addressing their local needs with the traditional systems. Its not the best approach but it's the most realistic approach considering how heavy of a presence foreigners are inside somalia politics. It worked for 12 years now its got its problems but with time it will be finely tuned and will get better with experience.
  6. Haatu This is going to be solely puntland naval base but the tfg will be using it. Similar to carmo police academy, the tfg use it doesn't mean it's theirs!!! Waxaa uu sheegay in ay macquul tahay in Dowladda Puntland iyo Dowladda Federaalka ay wada isticmaalan xeradaan maadama uu jiro heshiis ku aadan la dagaalanka Burcadbadeeda Soomaalida ee u dhaxeeya labada dhinac.
  7. Ardeyda Jaamacada Muqdisho oo Maanta u Fariistay Imtixaankii Gabagabada ee Sanad Waxbarasheedka 2009/2010 (Sawiro) Boosaaso (RBC Radio) In ka badan 6,700 arday oo wax ka barata qeybaha kala duwan ee Jaamacada Muqdisho xarumaha ay ku leedahay magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Boosaaso ayaa maanta u fariistay imtixaankii gabagabada ee sanad waxbarasheedka 2009/2010. Imtixaankan oo ah gabagabada semesterka 2aad ee waxbarashada jaamacada ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalaya guud ahaan ardeyda wax ka barata 7-kuliyadood oo ay Jaamacada Muqdisho ka kooban tahay. Xiriiriyaha Jaamacada Cali Daahir Maxamed oo ah xiriiriyaha jaamacada ayaa Wariyaasha uga warbixiyey imtixaanka ayaa sheegay in maamulka Jaamacada uu diyaariyey hab gaar ah oo imtixaanka lagu maareeyo, wuxuuna ka codsaday dhamaan ardeyda inay ka faa’ideystaan waqtiga si degana u galaan imtixaanka. Waxaa uu sidoo kale Cali sheegay inuu ugu baaqayo ardeyda jaamacada inay dhowraan waqtiga imtixaanka si aysan u dhicin in fursadii uu ardeygu ku diyaarin lahaa jawaabaha uu waayo. Dr. Maxamed Xasan Nuur oo ah madaxa qeybta imtixaanada ee Jaamacada Muqdisho ayaa ugu hambalyeey guud ahaan ardeyda Soomaaliyeed ee sanadkan u fariisatey imtixaanka hadii ay ahaan lahaayeen kuwa dugsiyada iyo kuwa jaamicadaha. Wuxuuna sheegay in jaamacada iyo maamulkeeduba ay soo dhaweynayaan ardeyda dhameysata dugsiyada sare kuwaasi oo ka heli doona jaamacada Muqdisho adeeg waxbarasho oo tayo leh. Qaar ka mid ah ardeyda jaamacada ee gashay imtixaanka ayaa sidoo kale nooga waramay dareenkooda maadaama ay u fariisteen xiritaankii semsterkii labaad ayna u tahay fursad ay ugu gudbi karaan semesterka xiga. Imtixaankan ayaa xilligan ku soo beegmaya iyadoo guud ahaan goobaha waxbarashada sida dugsiyada iyo jaamacadaha ay ka socdaan imtixaanada gabagabada ee sanad kasta la qabto. Ardeyda qaarkood ayaa sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin gelida imtixaanka iyagoo ku booriyey saaxiibadooda kale inay muujiyaan ad adayg iyo dhiirananaan. Ardeydaasi waxay tilmaameen inay ku rajo weyn yihiin in guul uu dambeyntii ay ka gaari doonaan dadaalka ay ugu jiraan dhismaha waxa ugu muhimsan noloshooda oo ah tacliinta ay hadda ku guda jiraan. Jaamacada Muqdisho waxay ka kooban tahay 7 kuliyadoo oo leh takhasusaad ka kooban 20 iyo barnaamijka daraasadka sare (High Diploma, Master Degree iyo PhD). Waxaana ka qalinjabinaya sanadkan dufcadii 10-aad. Jaamacada waxay xarumo ku leedahay magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Boosaaso, waxayna jaamacada Muqdisho heysataa aqoonsi caalami ah waxayna ka mid tahay 40-ka jaamacadood ee ugu horeeya jaamacadaha qaarada Afrika. Cabdalle Axmed RBC Radio DAAWO SAWIRO BADAN:
  8. This was approved at nairobi between the tfg/ puntland and the international community was present when signing the deal. This will be the navy base headquarters in Puntland and im sure their is going to be smaller bases throughout all the coastal communities of puntland. Puntland coastguard is also going to be managed by the government and not private companies anymore as was the case last time when a coastguard was set up under abdullahi yusuf term.
  9. Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo Gadiidka Badda oo Dhagax Dhigay Xarunta Ciidanka Badda Puntland (Sawiro) May 30, 2010 Wasiirka dekaddaha iyo gaadiidka Puntland Eng. Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa saaka dhagax dhigay Xarunta ciidan oo ay iska leeyihin Ciidanka Badda Puntland oo halkaas lagu tababari doono. Munaasabada dhagax dhiga ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay dad kala duwan oo isugu jiray khuburada dhismaha ku wada Xerada,masuuliyin ka tirsan Dowladda Puntland, Isimo iyo Aqoonyahano,waxaana si rasmi ah dhismaha Xerada u dhagax dhigay Wasiirka Dekaddaha iyo gaadiidka Badda Puntland Eng.Siciid Maxamed Raage. Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo Gadiidka Badda Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa intaa ka dib wareysi gaar ah siiyey warbaahinta Horseed Media oo uu kaga warbixinaayo xarunta ay iska leeyihin Ciidanka Badda Puntland,waxaana uu sheegay in lagu xarayn doono ilaa 700-Askari oo ka mid noqon doona Ciidanka Badda ee loo samayn doono tabbabar isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in Askarta lagu xiri doono sharuudo adag oo looga baahanyahay in ay kasoo baxaan ayna muhiimada saari doonaan caafimaadka ayadoo askarta la qaadan doono u heli doono daryeel dhamaystiran iyo adeegyada joogtada ah. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in xeradaan ay noqon doonto mid laga duulo xilliga lala dagaalamaayo kooxaha Burcadbadeeda Soomaalida ee ka qowlaysanaaya xeebaha Soomaaliya iyo gacanka Cadmeed. Waxaa uu sheegay in ay macquul tahay in Dowladda Puntland iyo Dowladda Federaalka ay wada isticmaalan xeradaan maadama uu jiro heshiis ku aadan la dagaalanka Burcadbadeeda Soomaalida ee u dhaxeeya labada dhinac. Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in Ciidanka Badda Puntland in ciidanka cusub ee loo qori doono Puntland kuwaas oo noqon doona ciidamada Badda ilaaliya in aysan noqon doonin sidii kuwii horey u soo maray Puntland kuwaas oo shirkado gaar ah hoostegi jirey isla markaana burbur ku dhamaadey, waxaana ku dedaalaynaa ayuu yiri in ciidankan uu noqdo mid dawladeed oo aan burburin. ”…Ciidankaan waxaa markii ugu horeysa ay la dagaalami doonaan Burcadbadeeda sidii gaadiidka ay si amni ah u maraan xeebaha,taas ayaa ugu horeyn muhiim ah..”ayuu yiri. Maqal waraysiga wasiirka dekadaha iyo gaadiidka badda Eng. Siciid Maxamed Raage Xaruntan oo aad u balaaran kuna taalla dhanka galbeed ee garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Bosaaso ayaa waxaa maalgelinaysa shirkad laga leeyahay Koonfur Afrika oo lagu magacaabo SARACEN INTERNATIONAL,balse ay Dowladda Puntland iyaduna gacan ku leedahay siduu sheegay Wasiirka dekaddaha Puntland. Waxaana ay noqonaysa Saldhigii ugu horeysay ee laga furo degaanada Puntland oo loogu talagalay la dagaalanka Burcadbadeeda ayadoo masuuliyinta Xukuumada Puntland ay hore ugu dhawaaqay in ay dagaal adag la galaayan Burcadbadeeda. Siciid Juquraafi Horseed Media Bosaaso,Puntland
  10. Originally posted by The Zack: Ethiopia has had offices in Garowe for years, I don't see what they are trying to tell us now. Well yes they have had offices but it's not been OFFICIAL. Now it's been made official and people know where to find them in the city, I kind of don't agree with it to be honest. But the timing of it's opening is sooooo strange and to have abdisamad open it out of all people is even more strange indeed
  11. Cyber, The TFG has enough on it's plate then to get involved up in the mess up north dont you think?
  12. Libaahe have u noticed the two garaads who are the youngest of all garaads are anti puntland? it appears the older and wiser garaads are all puntland. If this is what the next generation of garaads are going to be like their is going to be huge conflict of interest to arise for puntland and darwish people. That is what worries more then anything!!! It appears somaliland is trying to forget winning the older wiser garaads as the saying goes "you cant teach an old dog new tricks". Somaliland is placing its card in winning the younger new generation garaads and convincing them of somaliland benefits and I think they will be playing that strategy for long time to come and it appears the younger the garaad is, the more anti puntland they are!!!Therefore the future is not looking good on relations between garowe and las anod in the distant future!!!
  13. Libaahe, exactly sxb. Las anod will either be puntland or somaliland and judging by the garaad of las anod and if he is given two choices of garowe or hargeisa, he is definitely heading to hargeisa. Untill a miracle happens and those garad of las anod swings his favor to puntland that city aint coming to garowe for long long time. We thought the khususi would do it but it didn't they didnt come to garowe to sign the agreements.
  14. Libaahe, those two garad jamac guys are somalilanders when push comes to shove and they seem to love playing games about hiding it!!! They come up with this tribal movement because they know their people are very much against somaliland being in las anod therefore they created something that will please their people and get their support. But 1 thing is for sure those two garad jamacs will support anything that is not puntland If the ssc jabhad doesnt work out for those two garad jamac, they will just go back to somaliland because these guys will choose anything but puntland that is their policy. Its even exposed even more when the majority of garaads are lined up and went to garowe and signed agreements, guess who was missing? those two garad jamacs. Marka sucasha waxaa imaneyso why are these two garaads always against what the majority of darwish garaads want? Who are they working for!!! It was just yesterday they choosed somaliland over puntland with CLEAR VOICE they didn't even hide it and said publicly. You have two garaads that is hijacking the darwishes and they don't want to stop it, they came close to stopping them at buura-wadal when the garaads gave the green light to attack buura-wadal and bring those garaads into line with the majority of the khususi, however when the soldiers were sent to buura-wadal they DESERTED. Sxb Puntland is in hard predicament when you have darwish people who don't want us to do anything about these two garaads who are hijacking the people. They even broke the khususi rule of "majority" rules. What else can be said except "way falogobeen" labada garad jamac as farole said of them!!! PS: Puntland works with the garads that is the system in puntland. We view the clan-elders as holding the keys to a city not politicians. Even xabsade would stand no chance if he didnt gain the local support of las anod and those garaads. If those two garaads shut the gate at las anod and made sure their people didn't accept xabsade or his somaliland troopers, he would be chased out just like riyale was lol or just recently what happened in buhoodle. Somaliland doesnt have the garaad of buhoodle and thats why they can never capture the city. They can try to attack but the gate will be shut for them because umaadu deep down follow what their garaads says!!! Thats why to beat somaliland in las anod is not matter of war sxb, we just need to make the garad of las anod does the same thing as garad of of buhoodle shut down the gates and keep his people always on stand-by and somaliland will find no way inside sool or cayn.
  15. Libaahe there is suspicions regarding ssc true motives. For example those two garad jamacs are the ones who were happy for somaliland to occupy las anod infact one of them said so famously "cidamada puntland ha iga baxan las anod iyo kuwa somaliland ha ii jogan". If those two garaads are supporting ssc yet they have history for supporting somaliland, doesn't that raise alarm bells to you that this "ssc" thing most likely was created in hargeisa? I believe the snm clan wants the ssc community to leave puntland form their own admin and be controlled from hargeisa si qarsoodi ah ama indirect rule similar to how addis indirectly rules somalia today. Puntland is not a fan of the ssc jabhad for reason and believes their stooges for the snm. Look at ali khalif galeyr are very anti puntland guy and if someone like that is supporting ssc it really makes some officials in garowe worried about what their true motives are!!! It wasn't long ago puntland suffered a war because of stooges like jamac ali jamac being sent from abdiqasim to change the political course of the state and we all remember to well what happened in puntland, some are saying the snm is trying to play the same cards again by sending out this ssc thing and selling it to the public of darwishland and then saying "look its puntland that hates you" and cause division among the brotherly clans. Either way somaliland prefers a darwish-state because they know they can handle the darwish on their own, but if their in puntland they have to be weary because the scale of conflict can dramatically change anytime
  16. Somalia: Is Puntland conspiring with TFG president to remove PM? May 29, 2010 News Analysis Nearly one year ago Puntland State government of Somalia warned the Mogadishu based Transitional Government of Somalia (TFG) against sacking prime minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. President Abdirahman Farole of Puntland was worried about political marginalistion of his administration if Puntlanders lose prime ministerial post in the TFG. Puntland is the main regional administration that supports the TFG because Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the founding president of Puntland ( 1998-2004) was the TFG president ( 2004-2008). The resignation president Ahmed did not strain the TFG-Puntland partnership severely because the appointment of someone with roots in Puntland as a prime minster ensured the continued cooperation between Puntland and TFG. Farole administration’s worries about Puntland’s role in the new political order is understandable: the administration he succeeded in January 2009 had channeled funds to the Mogadishu and Baydhabo where the former TFG president and the transitional federal parliament were based respectively. That political investment moved Puntland leaders’ eyes off the development priorities in the Puntland regions. The failure of Puntland institutions and the emergence of pirates are partly byproducts of misguided policies that treated Puntlanders as political pawns used to achieve political aims in the short term. In a BBC Somali Service interview, Puntland president said the row between the TFG president, Sharif Ahmed and prime minister Sharmarke was regrettable. Two weeks ago president Sharif Ahmed sacked the prime minister but had had to reinstate him. “The president is entitled to appoint a prime minister; either to reappoint the former prime minister or appoint a new prime minister” President Farole told the BBC Somali Service (Madaxweynaha Puntland ). Puntland president’s use of the word “former’ raises questions about his political judgment. Is president Farole aware that president Sharif reinstated prime minister Sharmarke? The TFG president Sharif backed down after the prime minster cited articles in the TFG charter that president Sharif violated in an attempt to sack his prime minister. Why did president Farole warn the TFG against removing Sharmarke almost one year ago when the prime minister and the TF G president were on good terms? If president Farole was trying to avoid taking sides in the TFG power struggle, it has backfired. He sided with president Sharif and exposed himself open to accusations about damaging intra-clan cohesion in his fiefdom. As Puntland president, Farole doubles as a ***** paramount chief because he was elected and empowered by traditional leaders. He may face accusation that he violated ***** customary law. President Farole’s remarks about the prerogative of president Sharif Ahmed to appoint a prime minister without any reference to the transitional charter has left many people wondering if Puntland will allow the TFG to circulate the newly printed Somali shillings in Puntland. “ We would like the current administration to exist,” president Farole told the BBC Somali Service. Both the Galka’yo Accord in 2009 and the meeting the TFG president and Puntland president had in Addis Ababa this year to breathe new life into the Accord were facilitated by prime minister Sharmarke’s conciliatory approach given the opposition from some MPs and ministers in Mogadishu who regard Galka’ayo Accord as a preferential treatment for Puntland. Prime minister Sharmarke argued the agreement the Minister of Fisheries, Abdirahman Ibbi, signed in Djibouti last year had not violated the Galka’yo Accord which entitles Puntland to set up an anti-piracy centre of the TFG in Puntland in addition to allowing Puntland to attend international conferences on Somalia. The power struggle had “weakened” the credibility of the president. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the Special Representative for the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, backed the president Sharif for sacking prime minister Sharmarke but was not heard from him when the TFG president reinstated the prime minister. He was at the Istanbul Conference on Somalia along with president Sharif and president Farole whose administration criticised the TFG for printing Somali shilling and barring Puntland from signing agreements with foreign companies such as Africa Oil Corp. May be president Farole has expected prime minister Sharmarke to reverse TFG decisions and policies that Puntland administration deems to be counter-productive. Liban Ahmad
  17. Cowke

    Bosaaso IDPs.

    Qhalib, there is 40,000 IDPs in Bossaso. It can't be solved in 1 day, allsanaag is not lying I said they are not giving the whole picture. If they expect that all of them will live comfortable lives then they are unrealistic, but the work to change the conditions has started a long time ago not today and it will take years before hormar la taban karo loo gaadho the IDP'S. But thank god Puntland has taken the steps to start and thats what I am proud of because in 5-10 years most of them will have homes and some sort of skill be it manual/business/fishery and contributing to society
  18. Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada wadanka Ethiopia ayaa maanta si toos ah waxay magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada dawlada Puntland ka furatay Qunsuliyuad rasmi ah oo ka shaqeyn doonta xiriirka labada dhinac & sahlida howla Ganacsi,Safar & wadashaqeyneed ee labada xukuumadood,waxaana ay Ethiopia ku dhawaaqday inay safaaradani waxbadan oo shaqo ah ka qaban doonto caasimada Puntland. furitaankii Safaaradan oo ay kasoo qeybgaleen wasiiro badan oo kasocda dawlada Puntland & Madaxweyne xigeenka Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed,ayaa waxaa sidoo kale joogay safiirka cusub ee Ethiopia u joogi doona Puntland & saraakiil sar sare oo katirsan wasaarad Arimaha Dibada ee dawlada Ethiopia oo safaradan sida toos ka ah u furtay. Wasiirka Qorsheynta & Xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee dawlada Puntland ayaa kamid ahaa wasiiradii maanta Xafladii furitaankii safaradan hadal kooban kasoo jeediyey,wuxuuna sheegey in Shacabka reer Puntland ay aad u anfici doonto safaarada Cusub ee ay Ethiopia ka furatay magaalada garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland,wuxuuna sheegey in uu rajeynayo inay waxbada ka badai doonto xiriirkii labada dhinac ayna fududayndoonto dalkugalka Ethiopia oo imika ay aad u adagtahay in lahelo. Safiirka uqaabilsan Ethiopia deegaanada Puntland ayaa isna halkaas ka hadlay,wuxuuna sheegey inuu salaan khaas ah uu shacab weynaha & dawlada reer Puntland uga wado Wasiirka Arimaha dibada ee wadanka Ethiopia Atto,Siyoum Musfin & madaxda wadankaas,waxaana uu sheegey inay madaxdaasi ay ku faraxsan yihiin furitaanka safaaradan,wuxuuna sidoo kale safiirku sheegey in ay Ethiopia markasta wanaajinayso xiriirka reer Puntland & iyaga ka dhaxeeya. Madaxweyne Xigeenka dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed isla markaasna ah kusimaha madaxweynaha Puntland Gen,Cabdisamed Cali Shire ayaa isna maanta xafladaas ka hadlay,waxaana uu sheegey in Puntland ay ku faraxsantahay in safaarada oo si rasmi ah xariga looga jaray,madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegey in ay Salaanta ay soo direen madaxda Ethiopia mid lamid ah u dirayaan,wuxuuna u hambalyeeyey xisbiga E.P.R.D.F oo dhawaan markale ku guulaystey doorashadii Ethiopia isla markaasna u dabaaldagaya sanadkii 20-aad ee kasoo wareegey waqtigii ay xilkan ka qabsadeen maamulkii ka horeeyey oo ay si awoodi ku jirto uga qaadeen talada wadanka Ethiopia. Xaflada oo bilowgeedii hore ay ka dhacday Aqalka wasaarada Qorsheynta ee Puntland,ayaa dhamaan madaxdii kasoo qeybgashay xaflada & shacab weyne aad u badan waxay lug ku tageen Aqalka safaarada ay Ethiopia ka dhigatay halkaas oo uu madaxweyne xigeenka Puntland xariga ka jaray,waxaana ay Ethiopia labadiisano ee u danbaysay saraakiil dhanka amaanka ahi u joogeen magaalada garoowe ee caasimada Puntland,balse maanta ayey si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqday inay safaarad ka furatay caasimada Puntland ee Garoowe. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  19. GAROOWE: M/kuxigeenka Puntland oo Maanta Xariga ka Jaray Safaarad ay ku Yeelaneyso Dowlada Ethopia Puntland.(SAWIRO) Posted to the Web May 29, 08:33 Garoowe: (pp)- waa markii ugu horaysay ee dowlada Ethopia ay safaarad ka furato deegaanada puntland waxaa maanta xarunta wasaaradda haweenka iyo arimaha qoyska dowlada puntland lagu qabtay xaflada balaaran oo xariga looga jarayo safaarada cusub ee Ephopia ay ku yeelaneyso deegaada puntland gaar ahaan caasimada puntland ee Garoowe. Musaasamadaan xariga looga jarayo safaarada ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada puntland gaar ahaan madaxwayne kuxgeenka Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire xubno ka tirsan mudanayaasha baarlamaanka,Odayaal dhaqmeedyo, wasiiro ,xunbo ka socday dowlada Ethopia iyo qaybaha kala gadisan ee bulshada rayidka. Mr Asmalaash oo ah madax qusiliyada u fadhiya Ethopia dalka somaliya, ayaa halkaas ka oo jeediyey warbixin iyo hambalyo uu uga wado Dowlada Ethopia puntland madaxdeeda sare, waxaana uu sheegay in safaaradaani ay tahay tii ugu horaysay ee laga furo deegaada puntland oo ay leedahay Ethopia taas oo wax wayn ka qaban doonta xiriirka labada dal ka dhexeeya gaar ahaan xiriirka dibada iyo ganacsigaba. Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay mr asmalaash in munaasamadaan lagu xusayo doorashadii afraad ee ay ku guulaystaan xibiga talada haya ee RDPF taas oo si dimuquraadiyada uga dhacday dalka Ethopia, isagoo sheegay in ay u hambalynayaan guulaha laga gaaray doorashada dalka itoobia ka dhacday. Wasiirka qorshaynta iyo iskaasha Caalamiga Daa'uud Maxamed Cumar ayaa makarafoonka ku soo dhaweeyey Madaxwayne kuxgeenka ahna sii hayaa xilka madaxwaynaha puntland Gen. Cabdisamad Cali Shire ayaa si rasmiya xariga uga jaray munaabamadaan lagu furayo safaarada Ethopia ay ku yeelaneyso deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan Caasimada Garoowe waxaana uu M/kuxigeenka intaas ku daray in madaxda dalka Ethopia ay uga yimaadeen fariimo isugu jira hambalyo iyo salaamo ayna taas mid leeg ay u dirayaan. dhanka kale waxaa uu M/kuxigeenku sheegay in safaaradaani ay wax wayn ka qaban doonto xiriikii isku socodka safarada dalka Ethopia iyo puntland oo ah laba dal oo xiriir wanaagsan ka dhexeeyo taas oo ahmiyad u leh shacabka reer puntland oo horay ugu dhibtoon jiray iney si fudud u galaan dalka Ethopia. M/kuxieenka Puntland ayaa sidoo kale hambalyo u diray shacabka reer Ethiopia gaar ahaan xisbiga talada ku guuleystay oo si dumuqraadiyada uga hir galiyey Ethiopia doorasho xora ah, taas hogaamin doono Melan Sanawi oo ah nin wax wayn kala socda xaalada soomaliya. Ugu dambayntii M/kuxigeenka ayaa kormeer ku tagay xarunta safaarada cusub ee maanta xariga laga jaray isaga oo ay si wayn ugu soo dhaweeyeen xubno ka tirsan masuuliyiinta Dowlada Ethopia u fadhiya Safaarada gaar ahaan Mr Asmalaash oo ah madax qusiliyada u fadhiya Ethopia dalka somaliya. Siciid Cabdisalaan Siciid Wakiilka Puntlandpost-Garoowe E-mail DARWISHMAN With Ethiopia Flag :eek:
  20. Ok thanks alot guys for the response. I will go and search for those facebooks
  21. Hale my opinion is that somaliland is not recognized because the players inside somalia are all unionist no matter if their secularist or shababs or any other faction except hargeisa. Whats the chances of success if foreign donor backs somaliland in it's seccessionist claim when majority of somalis from ras caseyr to kismayo are all unionist? the chances are very little success and people don't make investments to not get a return from their investment. Eritrea funds hizbul islam why? because they stand a chance against other factions because the unionists are all divided up and therefore Eritrea can see theirs good chance of their investment paying off in the end. The same can be applied to the arabs funding shabab. Somaliland seccession from somalia wont spark a seccessionist race I dont believe because Eritrea was given separation and it didnt mean other parts of ethiopia were given the same right lol. Sxb when donors look at somalia they see that 90% are unionist with just different views on how the nation should be run some want an islamic style whilst others want it secular but their all unionist. If the donors went against unionist that means all the factions in somalia have something to unite for which is safe-guarding the borders and believe me you will see some foreign country take advantage of this and fund them to form huge "national front" lol Somaliland secession is just impossible and its sad its repeated over and over again as if it will make it stand a better chance to become a reality lol. Even Somaliaonline can see through the lie of seccessionist, it just Qowdhans in a merfish that can be lied too you think the experts in the international and domestic scene can be lied to? I don't believe somaliland politicians are that dumb and They are aware that will never occur but they see benefit now to hold their ppl hostage to fake dreams whilst they take advantage of them and fill up their pockets and retire whilst waiting for somalia problems to be solved in hamar. But some of the somaliland politicians do indeed want chaos in hamar and recognition for somaliland but thats only a few whilst the others just want to sit by tells lies to their people, photoshop pictures, say they got a memo from israel that they will be recognized and just buy themselves times untill hamar is solved. Thats all somaliland is as far as im concerned if you agree good if you dont well thats my opinion
  22. Cowke

    Bosaaso IDPs.

    Total garbage by allsanaag and not looking at the whole picture. For example watch what unicef says in their reporting of idp camps in bossaso. 65% of the idp population have access to safe drinking water. Watch The investigative segment here UNICEF Look at the new homes being built for them by the locals. I won't bother going and proving how many donations of clothes, beds, and even money has been given to them. Plus their is even social welfare program that was set up for them giving them $35 a month to the most needy. Go here PASWE Plus many workshops have been open for them ranging from self-business workshops to learning new trades workshops plus fishery. I dare you show me 1 place in Somalia that can claim to have done the amount of help that puntland has done for IDP's. Show me 1 place or city with PROOF. Believe me you wont find it because i already looked!!! And that just shows you that other somalis are the bad people not us. Our society can be judged by the way we try our weaker members and from what you can see we treat them the best when compared to other somalis. As for farole outrageous comments, that's just him and his opinion not ours, maybe they might be 1 or 2 idps up to no good but that doesn't mean their all bad and no puntlander will buy into that crap. He did spark of riots the other year against the idps were some were killed because he blamed them for the assasinations that was happening to top officials of the state however that was calmed down immediately and it's back to usual again. Qalib stop posting news from anti puntland sources for change and see the light
  23. I personally have a facebook and have had it for a while. Does anyone else in somaliaonline have 1? My facebook is Cowke Facebook If you guys have a facebook please post it, so we can all share!!!