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Khadar hadi laga haro ssc maxan hamar ula tageyna? we can't even get along with our own kins baan ugu sheekayneyna usc-da? ma waxaan u sheegayna las anod iyo garowe oo 80km isku jiro hal mamul ma yeelan karan lakinse garowe iyo hamar hal mamuul wuu yeelan kara? war caqli ma ahan waxaas. Ka har is not answer!!! Any solution to ssc must take into consideration somalia.
Fidhin, yeah amazing what a little bit of rain can do in somalia.
Fidhin, yeah amazing what a little bit of rain can do in somalia.
Sawiro aad u qurxoon oo laga soo qaadey goobaha roobabku ka da’een June 8, 2010 Akhriste ka mid ah akhristayaasha qiimiga leh ee Horseed Media ayaa gaarey goob ka mid ah goobaha roobabka lixaadka leh ka da’een ee deegaanka Qardho, akhristaha ayaa noo sheegay in uu socod ku tegay deegaanka Mindhiciro oo dhanka waqooyi 15km kaga beegan xarunta gobolka Karkaar ee Qardho, waxaana uu halkaas kula kulmey dad xoola dhaqato ah, waxaana uu ka soo direy sawiradan qiimiga leh iyo warbixinta hoose: Bilihii aynu kasoo gudubnay,gaar ahaan bishii May waxa ka da’ay,deegaanada gobolka Karkaar roobab lixaad leh oo dad iyo duunyaba lagu diirsaday.Haddaba waxaan booqday dooxada Mindhicir oo hillaada 15km u jirta degmada Qardho,waxaan ku soo arkay barwaaqo ilaah ku minnaystay halkaasi,meel walba waxaa ka muuqday doog iyo xareed wadhan dhulka oo idil gaar ahaan ceelka Mindhicir.Waxaan waraystay mid ka mida xooladhaqatada halkaasi ku nool oo ii sheegay inaan la arag roob caynkana muddo ku siman soddomeeyo sano “Wali ma arag roob ka biriq iyo hanqar badan noloshayda oo runtii waanuba baqnay!” ayuu yiri ninkaas. Waxaan sidoo kale waraystay Maxamed Jaamac dheere oo isagu inta badan dega deegaanka mindhicir waxaa wajigiisa ka muuqday farxad iyo rayraynta barwaaqada wuxuu ii sheegay inay xoolihii u darareen Lo iyo ariba oo la liswaayey ciirtuna jug leedahay Dhinaca kale waxaan arkay haweenka oo ku ururuya geed wayn oo damala hadhkiisa si ay u akhriyaan waxa la yiraahdo MADIIXA oo haweenku akhriyaan xilliga bari samaaga waxay luuq dheer ku qaadayeen heeso iyo ereyo kala duwan oo af soomaaliya oo ay ilaahay uga shukrinayeen cirka hooray dartiis. K. Awmuuse Qardho
Sawiro aad u qurxoon oo laga soo qaadey goobaha roobabku ka da’een June 8, 2010 Akhriste ka mid ah akhristayaasha qiimiga leh ee Horseed Media ayaa gaarey goob ka mid ah goobaha roobabka lixaadka leh ka da’een ee deegaanka Qardho, akhristaha ayaa noo sheegay in uu socod ku tegay deegaanka Mindhiciro oo dhanka waqooyi 15km kaga beegan xarunta gobolka Karkaar ee Qardho, waxaana uu halkaas kula kulmey dad xoola dhaqato ah, waxaana uu ka soo direy sawiradan qiimiga leh iyo warbixinta hoose: Bilihii aynu kasoo gudubnay,gaar ahaan bishii May waxa ka da’ay,deegaanada gobolka Karkaar roobab lixaad leh oo dad iyo duunyaba lagu diirsaday.Haddaba waxaan booqday dooxada Mindhicir oo hillaada 15km u jirta degmada Qardho,waxaan ku soo arkay barwaaqo ilaah ku minnaystay halkaasi,meel walba waxaa ka muuqday doog iyo xareed wadhan dhulka oo idil gaar ahaan ceelka Mindhicir.Waxaan waraystay mid ka mida xooladhaqatada halkaasi ku nool oo ii sheegay inaan la arag roob caynkana muddo ku siman soddomeeyo sano “Wali ma arag roob ka biriq iyo hanqar badan noloshayda oo runtii waanuba baqnay!” ayuu yiri ninkaas. Waxaan sidoo kale waraystay Maxamed Jaamac dheere oo isagu inta badan dega deegaanka mindhicir waxaa wajigiisa ka muuqday farxad iyo rayraynta barwaaqada wuxuu ii sheegay inay xoolihii u darareen Lo iyo ariba oo la liswaayey ciirtuna jug leedahay Dhinaca kale waxaan arkay haweenka oo ku ururuya geed wayn oo damala hadhkiisa si ay u akhriyaan waxa la yiraahdo MADIIXA oo haweenku akhriyaan xilliga bari samaaga waxay luuq dheer ku qaadayeen heeso iyo ereyo kala duwan oo af soomaaliya oo ay ilaahay uga shukrinayeen cirka hooray dartiis. K. Awmuuse Qardho
jacaylbaro, Well we will wait till june 26 to see if I am right or wrong or just plain insane!!! But i am confident because i assess facts/evidence/strategy and then offer plausible conclusion!!!
Originally posted by Oodweyne: Hey, Cowke kid, It really will be monumental mistake to educate you about the intricacies of Somaliland's retail politics at the ground level. For, if anything else, because it will take at least few years of intensive education in this department, for you to ever get to the "entry level" understanding of this subject, indeed.... :rolleyes: Hence, if I were you, I would really give up politics of Somaliland or at least commenting about it; since, you simply believe the drivel that you are parading in here with, rather unfortunately, indeed.... Regrads, Oodweyne. I don't need 101 somaliland politics. I just look for weaknesses and exploit it to my advantage. PERIOD!!! You seem to be under the impression I really care about somaliland, that is where your dead wrong. I dont give two hoots about somaliland all i care about is my politics which says that the nation is federal. All i care for is the expansion of my federal project throughout somalia and for it gain new members within the country. Oodweyne thats simply all i care about and silanyo and burco will be nice CATCH
Originally posted by NGONGE: Cowke, you're putting all your eggs in the basket marked 'UDUB V Kulmiye' but you happily ignore the fact that SL has a third political party that will not be happy with an UDUB interference with the elections (if such a wild thing should ever happen). You're also basing your mad theories on the assumption that Kulmiye will actually go to war if they lost this election (by fair or foul means). But what gives you such an impression? Is it Kulmiye's limp wristed reaction to the last two postponements of the elections? Surely, your entire analysis rests on the simple premise that Kulmiye will go to war but there is no evidence from recent history that it will, saaxib. Is it a case of the last straw that broke the camel's back? And this is what you believe Faroole is basing his entire strategy on? Adeer sonkortaad badsataa ayaan o maleenaya ee yara yareeso, ama gabigiida ba iska jooji. Even if silanyo does take office, his history is known and his somali-weyn therefore it's bonus to the federal program. Yes the best wars always come from within not from outside. Puntland didn't gain an advantage by just sitting at sool and sanaag defending it's territory. Thats called "saving yourself and your borders", but hargeisa wasn't harmed. Lastly that ucid party lol doesn't even deserve my response they are not a stakeholder at hargeisa. Ngone defending your territories doesn't mean your gaining advantage over the enemy that is what you need grasp. Just because i defend my house doesn't mean my neighbour house is affected. This election that is happening in somaliland is going to cause my neighbour house to collapse either way or whoever wins the election be it riyale or siilanyo it doesn't matter who takes the lead will cause the somaliland you know today to be different somaliland. Whats the point of silanyo remaining in somaliland if his clan is always isolated from leading? their is no mutual benefit at all. Politics is about what you can do for me its not about tribe, tribe is only used as "support" to get ur ambitions done. What can hargeisa offer siilanyo? he wants the seat. if they say no, he will go look for seat somewhere else is that hard for you to understand? The only reason i bring up burco is because the elders in that town are fed up with somaliland and will easily defect with silanyo if he gave them the proposal to have new regional administration for the eastern end of somaliland. Financially speaking burco is depedent on bossaso port and can even be seen by shilling they are using where their business comes from. So financially speaking their is no benefit. Ngone do the maths sxb. Tolnimadu ma xumo lakin tolnimo waxay shaqeyn karta if their is mutual benefit, not when their is no benefit how can it work? it can't work logically.
Wasiirada Shacabku wada sheegay inay daacad ugu shaqeeyeen dalkooda Waxa cad oo aan marna mugdi ku jirin wasiiradan aan halkan kusoo bandhigey sawiradooda oo ay wada garanayaan qofkastoo u dhashey Puntland ayaa waxa la isku raacey in ay yihiin wasiiro u gutay shaqadooda si daacadnimo ay ku dheehan tahay. maxfalkasta oo ay iskugu yimadan dadka u dhashey goboladan ay ku cadeyeen in ay yihiin Wasiiro u guta shaqadooda si dal jaceyl iyo xilkasnimo ku dheehan tahay waana ay ku mahadsan yihiin, sida daacadnimada ay dalkooda ugu shaqeeyeen. Waxa suáashu tahay Meeye wasiiradii kaloo Maamulka Puntland iyo wasaradahooda maxaa ay shaqo qabteen maxase ay qabteen mudadii uu jiray maamulkan cusub oo waqti ku filan aheyd in ay wax isbadal ah kenaan. waxa isla markaas muuqatey is badalkii danbe uu madaxweynaha Puntland ku badaley wasiirada ayaa aheyd talaabo saxan oo waqti munaasab ah timid. Horumar Dowlad sideeda waxaa keena hogaan fiican iyo wasiiro daacad ah iyo dowladaha hoose oo kasoo baxa adeega Pulshadu ay u baahan tahay oo aad moodo Puntland talaabo yar in ay horey u qaadey. Dr. Ali Warsame
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ He's royally losing the plot here. It's quite entertaining to read. Its not about entertainment but long-term solutions. You see when Abdullahi Yusuf was in puntland he only used short-term policies "military" to defend sool and sanaag. But he never solved the issue of xabsades and his cronies going to hargeisa and bringing back snm soldiers. Farole is a man of long-term vision and the logical way to solve the las anod question permantely is to shut the doors at hargeisa. How can we shut the doors at hargeisa one may ask? June 26 is puntland answer. What I mean by that is the results of those elections no matter which way it goes spells a disaster for the qowdhans. They try to ignore it but ignoring it won't solve it and farole knows very well that there is an opportunity that is rising up in hargeisa that can give him two eggs in a basket. Just assess the strategy. Look at it from logical point of view not tribal or hateful point of view because that is not what politics is about sxb. 1. SSC politicians won't be able to get hargeisa support because hargeisa will either be burning from udub vs kulmiye wars or at the very least somaliland is divided and the burco people will have chosen then to leave somaliland due to election corruption that will highly likely occur. 2. If someone leaves somaliland this is an added bonus to the federal program which is the recognized system for somalia as their will be new member states incoporated. 3. Long term wise las anod can never change hands again as it was in the past because where can the likes of xabsade go and get support if hargeisa is burning or if burco is new separate administration that is pro-somalia and pro-puntland? Believe me when i say this, When silanyo decides to join the federal program that federal program is controlled by puntland and you can guarantee your bottom dollar he will be turned pro puntland just like sharif is lol. 4. Las anod will be solved once and for all. No more wasting manpower/resources defending it against the likes of xabsades who get support from hargeisa because hargeisa albabadi ayaaba loo soo xeedhay. Farole will be remembered as the man who welcomed silanyo to federal somalia and gave burco a new regional government under federal somalia. Whilst farole will be remembered as the man who finally answered las anod PERMANATELY. No more we will be on stand-by for xabsade to come and attack again as the abdullahi yusuf administration was like!!! Ngone, hold me to it sxb. But these are my predictions of what will occur regarding las anod and also what will happen after the election for the qowdhans. Its not about love or hate but pure politics. PS: Plus now their is an ssc thing out there and I believe that is just the two garad jamac way of saying "OH NO JUNE 26 MEANS NO MORE SOMALILAND WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? LETS CREATE SSC But ssc stands no chance against all puntland considering it's only two garaads vs the will of puntland. This month will be interesting month to watch out for. No matter if riyale delays the election or riggs the election it will mean a disaster in sight or at the very least siilanyo will just leave somaliland but this time take burco with him. But even if siilanyo wins and I highly doubt that, but even if he does. You think udub are going to just say congratulations? their is bad blood between oodweyn and burco people dating back to 1994 and silanyo was one of those who still wants to settle a few old scores at oodweyn and therefore for survival sake the oodweyne people will need to decide "stay under silanyo somaliland and possibly be exterminated" or leave somaliland and safeguard their existence. If siilanyo does take office, its bonus for somalia and puntland as the man is very well known to be somali-weyn and all somaliland will slowly be brought under federalism. Either way these elections play very well for farole and the federal program and obviously give farole a legacy to be remembered by which all politicians want is a legacy!!!
Is it me or is just a coincidence that ssc was created by the same two garad jamacs who were pro somaliland just 1 year ago but today are pro-ssc? Why is this? Is it because they want to gain $$$ from the diaspora and get rich? Or is it something else? Could it be possibly the garaads know that june 26 is when somaliland will be destroyed and therefore can not go to hargeisa to keep away from puntland? I believe what will occur on june 26 is that riyale will rigg the votes and win it for udub and siilanyo will get furious and pick up arms. Civil war time!!! Or at the very least siilanyo will carve himself a new administration called "eastern somaliland" I can not imagine siilanyo will just smile and let rayale still stay in office after june 26 and siilanyo is not the type who can get bought either or else rayale would've of bought him out at the last election and told him to disappear. I think the horizon is looking very murky for somaliland on june 26 and the two garad jamacs realize they have no safe haven to hide from garowe anymore if burco decides to call it quits from somaliland and join somalia because in order to reach hargeisa u need to go past burco and if burco people have new mamul for eastern somaliland how will the garaads reach hargeisa anymore? hence this is when the ssc game comes up and is another door for them to have safe haven from the big bad monsters at garowe!!! Farole gameplan is long term solution for ssc. Get burco out of somaliland and those greedy ssc politicians or two garaads have no way to go to hargeisa anymore and are stuck. But now they came up with the ssc game to respond back just in-case somaliland burns at june 26 and puntland has responded back with getting majority garaad support for our state and they are in minority position. So my question to the two garad jamac is. Can two garaads hold ssc together? hargeisa won't be option for you have june 26 because tensions are very high there and the election results there no matter which way it goes means disaster. If riyale is president after election you got burco disaster, if silanyo does take over you got udub disaster. So now that somaliland is not a safe haven for you to run away from garowe, do you think garowe will sit back after june 26 relizing the same burco soldiers in las anod will be told by silanyo get out of there and come home we have "new eastern somaliland mamul gobolleed" because riyale has rigged the votes for udub to win. LOL. No more can xabsade rely on burco people to support your devious plans because they will have left hargeisa and have their own mamul which will be very closely tied to garowe because we will support Siilanyo as burmadow played peacemaking role in 2002 conflict at puntland and we will make sure that hargeisa cant attack burco for having new mamul because puntland soldiers will ally with burco guys to defend their right to leave somaliland and have their own administration which is "under somalia". This is when your greedy backside is screwed because u won't have access to hargeisa to run away from garowe because burco will stop u before u can even reach hargeisa as garowe will call siilanyo and tell him stop them from reaching hargeisa. As for your ssc thing can two garad sub sub clan fight all puntland? no u cant. That is where the garaad agreements with puntland guarantees all puntland vs two garads ayeyba sheekadu noqon doonta and u r fried then and will submit. So garad jamac and his cronies tick tock tick tock your time is up soon and i suggest you best go to garowe to solve your differences before it gets really messy for u in the foreseeable future!!!
This issue of farole and ssc has disturbed me for a while and seeing the latest press release from president farole regarding the ssc regions I must say I don't like it and at the same time I agree with him. The following reasons are why I agree with farole on regarding his policy towards ssc: 1.In order to achieve a united federal somalia we need to make puntland work. It's bit hard to unite somalia if garowe and las anod which are only 80km apart can not get along don't you think!!! Puntland unity is paramount to achieve united federal somalia because it can serve as an example of how many clans can come under 1 government and work together. 2.Secondly ignoring las anod for the time being can be seen as wise move because this allows the inter-clan conflict at hargeisa reach crisis point. We shouldn't give them any excuses to delay the election because this will decide if somaliland remain united or divided after this election. We all aware the oodweyne people will not be silly enough to stand by and watch Siilanyo take office without stopping him or at the very least leaving somaliland to join somalia in order to get away from his wrath. Whilst we are fully aware that siilanyo won't tolerate another udub term be it rayale or anyone else from udub and he may use violence or reunion with somalia as a response if udub stays in power after june 26 election. 3. The people who are calling for this ssc thing are the same people who were cheering somaliland just 1 year ago, therefore it is very suspicious why all of a sudden they are behind this ssc bandwagon. 4. The division among the local clans in ssc can cause a great conflict unless political consensus is reached within the clan. Violence may take the city back but what's the point of that if they will end having more xabsades running back to somaliland and bringing snm thugs to take over the city? A political resolution is crucial to guarantee that this sort of mess doesn't happen again in the future. 5. Puntland has spent alot of resources and man-power in the said region since 1998, puntland literally can't afford to sit at las anod for over 10 years and constantly keep defending it from money-hungry self-proclaimed ssc politicians. 6. Puntland SSC members who are in garowe are nothing like the ones in hargeisa, why? because legally speaking the ssc members of parliament are elected by their elders and the elder must sign a declaration paper authorizing that these ssc members of parliament are allowed to participate in puntland politics. It's completely opposite for hargeisa, the ssc members over there are there not because they represent their people but because they are respresenting their backpocket interest and infact from legal standpoint don't have the authorization of their elders nor constitieuncy to go over to hargeisa. 7. Puntland and Somaliland has divided the ssc people therefore it's best to separate from both entities and form their own administration. Now that arguement I can't agree with because if that was true why were the majority of ssc clan elders signing contracts with puntland? Lets assess who is missing? Two Garad jamacs are missing, the rest are there. So will the ssc future be put on stand-by just for two garaads considering the majority support puntland as can be seen from the picture above at the puntland and ssc elders confirming their support for puntland? 7. The khusuusi said that if 60% of the garaads all vote 1 way then all opposition must follow the majority. This doesn't seem to occur considering the two garad jamacs are without a doubt breaking the very khusuusi they signed and agreed to. Because more then 60% of the garaads where at puntland re-affirming their support as can be seen from the contracts that were signed between Gen.Ilkajir and the garaads. The two garaads in opposition should forget their personal ambitions and join where the majority of ssc elders support that is if they are truly genuine to the "cause" of ssc but like i said i am personally suspicious of their motives and that is 1 of the reasons why I am. 8. Puntlanders are not happy that their boys are dying since 1998 defending sool whilst the like casoowe/qaybe/xabsade are drinking tea in hargeisa and no darwish person is stopping them. This issue is not 1 time issue but has been occuring since 1998 with no long term solution in sight. Now the areas that I do agree with the ssc people are the following: 1. If puntland can't defend it legal borders(remember the garads have given puntland legal permissiability) therefore puntland shouldn't disturb ssc movement that will allow them to re-take their city. 2. Darwish-State that is apart of Somalia shouldn't be seen as threat but confirmation of another region that is autonomous and also apart of federal somalia. This argument clashes with the "If Las anod and Garowe who are 80km apart geographically can not get along how can they get along with somalis in hamar or hargeisa" 3. Some ssc people feel that they don't want to be seen just as vice-president of puntland and want to be seen as leaders and hence want a darwish-state. This issue has been solved by introducing multi parties and dropping the 66 man system. Even though I personally don't agree with dropping the 66 man system, I personally prefer if it was modified or fine-tuned to satisfy the local needs. Puntland is 8 regions. 4 of those regions are ssdf inhabited(bari,mudug,nugal,karkar). The darwish inhabit two regions(sool/cayn). The makhiris (sanaag/hayland). As you can see half is definitely going to the ssdf and it's not an injustice because waa sidi loo kala degan yahay. I mean even when puntland was the original 5 regions (bari, mudug, nugal, sool, sanaag). Still at least 60% was ssdf and it's not because of injustices but thats just how the tribes reside!!! We can't solve injustices by taking away something that belongs to someone else and then give it to someone who doesn't truly deserve it and this causes a "real injustice" to occur. My solution would be to reform the 66 man system the following way: If an ssdf person is president, then at election time make no ssdf candidates should be able to run for president and the election candidates can only be between those who are not in the president seat. Same deal. If makhiri is president at election time only non-makhiris can run for president. This will level out the playing field for the president post. The huge problem I saw at puntland is at election time you will see 15 candidates and 10 of them are ssdf. LOL. What chance does anyone else have? very little chance and I believe m formula would fix that and share he president seat fairly without taking the rights away from another clan be it ssdf/makhiri/darwish or any other clan running. 4. Emotionally speaking as d-block we should support what the darwish people do. Emotionally yes i support the darwish state, however politically or logically speaking when the ssc case is assessed then the evidence is totally against them and I can't support it if I am sane minded. 5. When Puntlanders were divided between jamac ali jamac and abdullahi yusuf noone said "ssdf is divided" therefore lets just not get involved. This point is half true however what is is not mentioned is the jamac ali jamac vs abdullahi yusuf war was 1 of occasion and it didn't happen for 12 years straight. The beef happened and is over and it hasn't occurred again since 2002. The ssc case has been happening since 1998 till today, it's not 1 time issue and puntland has spent resources and manpower ever since 1998 till 2007 and still those regions are the same and not resolving these issues that is occurring inside them for a very very long time unlike jamac ali jamac vs abdullahi yusuf issue which was resolved and hasn't occured again. In conclusion when all is said and done and the insults and crying games is over and the puntland ssc case is assessed based on knowledge and evidence we can see clearly puntland still is correct and the ssc people unfortunately have some very misguided leaders.
Good on them. Its about tyme they did something for their supporters
Somalia: IGAD Secretary General applauds Somali Government
Cowke replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
IGAD is mad if it is applauding sharif government. The only thing he has done is bring ahlul sunnah under the government wings, but ahlul sunnah is not the powerful unit of shabab. Untill sharif brings shabab or destroys shabab from the south their should be no clapping as of yet!!! -
This is an interesting document done by the european commission regarding the dynamics of the civil war in mogadishu 2002. You can read the document here European Commission Report On Hamar
This is one of the few active diaspora tv's for puntlanders abroad. It is called SAMATV and is based in Minnesota. You can visit the site below SAMA TV This TV provides Interviews taken of puntland minister and even president plus the community in general. They also provide intellectually based debates regarding development/progress/democracy. Make sure to have browse and listen There. I think their is an ETN TV based in London but unfortunately I think that is just local to londoners and not the diaspora around the world.
These are the recent flash floodings that occurred through Carmo, Bari Region Of Puntland.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: You're still missing my point adeer ...... Missing what point? Sxb stop posting unverifiable news from merfish owned website. Back up somalifans news with other media and prove that other journalists didn't miss such a story? You can't back it up because it simply didn't happen. Oh hang on your logic is bbc/horseedmedia/garoweonline/allpuntland/sbctv/hiiran and all these media outlets were sleeping and have no clue that mps have resigned from puntland? Your logic is why you seccessionists are still knocking on every door and getting the door slammed in your face because your politics and your mere logic is totally out of this world and belongs somewhere in between a qowdhan and his mardhuf of khat
Jacaylbaro, I can post news that says somaliland ministers just punched each other out from widhwidhonline. Does it mean its true? No because other media don't verify it. Posting news from somalifan is when people get desperate!!!
Puntland has been tested alot harder then mp's leaving lol. Sxb this region defeated aideed in galkayo 92. This is something even america found hard to do. This is region that defeated islamist in bossaso the same year. If Puntland is good at 1 thing its good at surviving and turning the favor into their advantage, I mean look at hamar today, Sharif signs over naval base to puntland plus the $250 million funds that was allocated to them. Can any clan claim such a Feat? Plus if the federal plan doesn't work out, we still got fuad shangole second man in charge of the opposition, Plus we Got our Puntland!!! Their is no way puntland is going anywhere we are already to well set up for that to happen. The only weakest point we had was 1991-1993 till then its been smooth sailing to the top!!!
Garaad soofe of Buhoodle: The Khuusuusi Must leave Buhoodle.
Cowke replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Kelya_Xariif: Cawke! the picture you posted are 5 years old, it was taken when there was mediation between the some of the clans in the region I find these picture to prove my point The pictures are sourced from taleex.net, can be verified below!!! Source Of Pictures If those pics are fake, please can you show the same pics from 5 years ago? I am not saying I am vouching for taleexnet, infact I personally don't vouch for any waqoyi based media as I find them very "unreliable" to begin with. But where-ever you saw these pics from 5 years ago with a source would be be appreciated!!! -
Garaad soofe of Buhoodle: The Khuusuusi Must leave Buhoodle.
Cowke replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
A_Khadar. Garowe-Online/BBC plus all major ssc media outlets that have confirmed this meeting. There is even pics. Denying it is just impossible!!! However if what you are saying is these people don't represent the wishes of the garaads/elders of the cayn region then we will have to wait and see till they do speak out against this conference that has occurred in buhodle. -
Garaad soofe of Buhoodle: The Khuusuusi Must leave Buhoodle.
Cowke replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Thankful Here are the PICS of the Buhodle conference.