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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Jacaylbaro, What If kuma shaqeyo anigu. I am not dreamer you under kiddo I am realist and thats why my system federalism is recognized throughout the world as the best solution to somalia problems.
  2. Let me tell you jacalybaro in simple terms as I know you have difficulty reading. The two things that are against somaliland ever becoming a nation is the following: 1. Regional Watchdogs like the A.U who respect the territorial intergrity of all it's members. They don't interfere unless the people within those borders decide to negiotate. For example sudan signed a ceasefire agreement with southern rebels and then decided to hold a referendum for south sudan indepedence. Khartoum signed and the rebels signed. Hence today the A.U/U.N can play the role of monitoring those referendums are fair!!! 2. The people of somalia are all pro unionist therefore we have no issues there, we just have different political views. Some want an islamist nation others want a federal secular nation. But we have no issues regarding the borders of somalia. The only people who do have an issue with the border reside in 2 cities of somalia and therefore a minority when looked the over-all picture of somalia is looked at. There you go sxb, did that help you? is that simple enough for you? or you want to keep listening to waraabe and bring your nonsensical garbage to somaliaonline? listen just keep your seccessionist tendies to your cities leave other cities that dont want seccessionist. Thats all I am saying and I know from those 2 points i mentioned somaliland will never be recognized. I just don't like them interfering in our cities for something that won't ever happen!!!
  3. Jacalay well manta what if ma tagano, we know the current borders of somalia and the recognized territory of our nation iyo cid la waydinayo ma jirto. It starts from kismayo all the way to zeylac. What if kuma shaqeyneyno anaga. Besides the what If scenario was already answered by me in my reply earlier regarding the a.u/u.n position regarding seccessionism inside african nations. U just seem to have hard time to read bro!!! you will might just learn the truth for a change
  4. Jacalybaro, Why I don't claim warder? Well very simple, Warder is not internationally recognized as apart of the borders of Somalia. Where sool and sanaag is apart of somalia internationally recognized borders. So what now waraabe?
  5. Jacaylbaro don't waste your time on sool/sanaag, this area is apart of puntland your a qowdhan and you know where your house is buddy. We don't claim your land nor do we need to claim it!!! You just stay away from ours YOU GET IT
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: You still did not answer the question adeer ..... Ok seeing you don't understand written english let me try to explain it to you through a pictorial. This is why Puntland Claims Sool/Sanaag Does that pictorial answer you because obviously you can't read english!!!
  7. Jacaylbaro the people of sool/sanaag/cayn don't want to be apart of somaliland. Theri garaads are their representatives and clearly have stated their position on a number of occasions. We claim sool/sanaag because we are authorized to by the clan-elders of that region. Just look at 80% of the garaads sign an agreement of confidence with puntland the other month. What other justification does the waraabe need? We have the people support in ssc and that can be seen through where all their garaads support!!! Puntland has the right to claim sool/sanaag as legally apart of puntland borders due the authorization of the garaads. End of story really!!! Mr.waraabe i suggest he focus on looking after burco and hargeisa ama wallahi habartasi ku qoqdey burco will be given some manly love if u get my drift!!!
  8. Historical doesn't apply in todays context and even if it did the british somaliland he is talking about didnt exceed beyond berbera and what is proof is if u look across erigavo and burco the development projects the italian did you will see they had nothing to do with british somaliland. But it's pointless using expired borders to justify one's argument, what's the point it doesnt work today. We live in 2010 not 1950 and I think faysal needs to update his political skills. Today we dont have british and italians in Somalia but we Have u.n and a.u watchdogs monitoring our politics. The a.u and u.n are very clear in regards to their position of territory. The a.u stipulates any nation to be born today needs to be negiotated between people residing in that border. For example Southern Sudan who is going towards having a referendum only got that choice because of the ceasefire they signed with khartoum. Hence without khartoum authorizing the referendum south sudan would not be holding a referendum today. This is done to maintain territorial integrity of every members border within the a.u. The same deal occured with eritrea who didn't use colonial borders to justify their seccession but had to negiotate with addis ababa. They got the right to hold a referendum after Ethiopia authorized it. Colonial borders doesn't justify seccession today its as simple as that or else eritrea and south sudan wouldn't go to addis ababa/khartoum to get their signature to allow a referendum to occur. That is why no politician within Somalia finds somaliland threats to be scary because everyone knows it won't go anywhere. No point using kosovo/taiwan and all these other counties as rebuttal to seccession because these other countries lie outside the A.U control and therefore are not subject to it. At the end of the day Faysal Ali Waraabe can keep on dreaming of somaliland but it wont take him anywhere and he will find that after mogadishu is solved that his people will infact gain less influence inside the tfg. Dont dream of getting prime minister anymore you will be lucky to just ministerial position and guess what the tfg aren't dumb and they know you guys have no support for your seccessionist claim therefore they dont need to negiotate with you and can give you whatever their like because noone will come in an support you. Addis Ababa is your closest friend and they never put pressure on the tfg to hear the somaliland case lol. Libaahe don't play me or others for your politicians bad political moves its not my fault bro go blame them they are the ones who are going to lose the most when the dust settles!!! And guess what when it comes to wealth/military/and population your people stand no chance against just 1 clan that resides in the south like usc let alone all the south!!! It just comes down to who supports u? noone so ma ahan? then why do I have to give u recognition when i can have u as my office boy? and then all you can say is I will fight and then the response will be we are bigger then u and stronger you only live in 2 cities and have 4000 soldiers. the south has 50,000!!! End of story really bro and they will be told either submit or vacate your land and live someone else because the border of somalia wont be negiotated.
  9. ********** Haduu Dhul Sheeganayo Wardheer ha Tago [Dhegayso Waraysi] June 9, 2010 By Axmed Muuse Dheere Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka Ah ee Ucid Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa Waraysi xasaasi Ah oo u Siiyey Idaacadda Daljir ee laga maqlo intaa badan degaanada Puntland waxa u kaga hadlay arrimo badan oo aay ka mid yahiin Sheegashada Puntland ee Gobolada Sool Iyo Sanaag, Xarigii Wariye Maxamed Shaqaale Caashur Ee Laascanood, Nabada Somaliya, Iyo Weliba Ictiraafka Somaliland, Waraysigan ayuu Idaacada Siiyey isaga oo ku sugan Degmada Gar-Adag ee Gobolka Sanaag Xariga Wariye Shaqaale Saaka ayaa la xiray Wariyaha Tv-ga Universal uga soo warama magaalada Laascanood kadib markii lagu Eedeyey inu warar been ah ka gudbiyey Booqashadii Eng Faysal cali waraabe ee Maalinimadii shalay u ku yimid Laascanood, Wariyaha ayaa Tv-ga Universal ka sheegay in Banaanbaxyo loga soo horjeedo Eng Faysal aay ka dhaceen Laascanood, Waxana u xabsiga ku jiray Muddo Shan saac ah in kasta oo markii dambe la fasaxay Dhegeyso Waraysi Haddaba Eng Faysal ayaa sheegay in Wariyaha u warar aan jirin ka Sii daayey Tv-ga Universal isla markana warkaasi u aha Been sidaa u sheegay Guddoomiyahu Reer Sool Waxa u Sheegay in dadka Reer Sool Ama Laascanood iyo Shacabka Somaliland aay yahiin dad Walaalo ah oo aan dhul iyo degaan midna kala laheyn Dadka reer Sool ”Ceynabo waa leyahiin Berbera waa leyahiin ma aha in dadka nabada iyo Horumarka loo diido” Puntland ”Ma Aqaani wax la dhaho Puntland” ********** ”Reerka ********** la dhaho waa reer aan gacal nahay waa reer aan Ehel nahay, ********** inaan dhul isku sheegana ma aha, Hadii ********** dhul sheegan Wardheer ha tago” Sidoo kale waxa u sheegay in Gobolada Sool Iyo Sanaag aysan aheyn sidi Jubooyinka sidaa u hadlaka u dhigay Daahir Riyaale Mar u ka hadlayey Madaxweyne Riyaale ayuu sheegay Guddoomiyahu in Madaxweynahu u Shacabka Khiyaamay ”Riyaale waa Khiyaamay Ummada” Ayuu yiri Eng Faysal cali Waraabe Waxa u sheegay in Ictiraaf u raadinta Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland u ka seexday Madaxweynahu, waxana u sheegay in Hadii u Xukunka ku guuleysto baaritaan ku sameyn doono Arrinta dowladdo iyo dad badana Waraysan doonan, waxana u sheegay in Ummada uusan Daahir Riyaale waxba ulaa harin sidaa u Waraysiga ku yiri Sidoo kale Eng Faysal Cali waraabe waxa u sheegay in Hal Sano Gudaheed aay ku keeni doonan Ictiraafka Somaliland, in kasta oo u yiri ”Illaahay ba wax ictiraafa ee (GAALAdU) waxba ma ictiraafto”, Waxa u sheegay in Ictiraafka aay kaga welwel badan tahay isaga Sidii u Xuduudaha Somaliland u soo Xiri laha, Isla markana u Ummada uga badbaadin laha Faqriga Waa Sidaa u hadalka u dhigay Guddoomiyahu’ee Nabada Somaliya Ugu dambeyn waxa u sheegay inay Somaliya nabadeed u ka hawlgeli doono hadii u doorashada ku guuleysto, isla markana waxa u sheegay in sidaa Bosaso iyo Garoowe aysan u dhaqmi doonin iyagu ee aay Somalida sii Wanaagsan arrimahooda u dhexgeli doonan Waxa u sheegay in Xalka Somaliya uusan ku jirin, gacan Mareykan, Ethiopian, Kenyan, Iyo Ugandhis balse u ku jiro Gacan Ummadooda Audio Verification can be found here Faysal Ali Waraabe Outrageous Remarks
  10. Ban Ki-moon oo Ergay Cusub U Magacaabay dalka Soomaaliya June 10, 2010 Xogheyaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki-moon ayaa Wakiil cusub u magacaabay dalka Soomaaliya,ayadoo la bedelay Wakiilki hore ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya Axmedou Wald Cabdalla. Augustine Mahiga oo u dhashey dalka Tanzania isla markaana ah Safiirka Tanzania ee u fadhiya Qaramada Midoobay ayaa loo magacaabay Wakiilka cusub ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya,wuxuuna dhowaan la wareegi doona xilkaasi. Ergayga Cusub ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya ayaa isagu lasoo shaqeeyey Qaramada Midoobay inbadan isagoo kasoo shaqeeyey Hay’adda qaxootiga addunka ee UNHCR,waxaana la sheegay inuu leeyahay khibrado kala duwan. Axmedou Wald Cabdalla oo u dhashey dalka Mauritania ayaa isagu ahaa Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya tan iyo Bishi September ee sanadkii 2007-dii xilligaas oo u bedelay Francois Lonseny Fall. Dhowaanahan ayaa soo baxaayay warar hoose oo sheegaaya in dhowaan xilka laga qaadi doono Axmedou Wald Cabdalla loona magacaabi doono Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee arimaha Soomaaliya qof u dhashey dalka Tanzania. Horseed Media
  11. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Any pics of the Weapons Like when the us goverment Armed the TFG they showed the brand New Tanks. America is a bit more transparent in it's dealings with nations because they are so highly monitored but as for the ethiopians they like to play it sneaky so the people don't go all crazy on them!!!
  12. Somalia: Ahlu Sunnah receives weapon-loaded planes 9 Jun 9, 2010 - 3:32:58 PM Two planes carrying weapons and ammunitions for Somalia’s pro-government militia, Ahlu Sunnah Wal-Jamaa has landed in Dhusamareb, the administrative capital Galgadud region in central Somalia. The planes reportedly departed from neighbouring Ethiopia carrying arms including AK-47 rifles, Grenade Launchers and anti-aircraft missiles destined for the group’s stronghold. According to sources, Ahlu Sunnah fighters secured the town’s airstrip where the planes landed while the telecommunication of the town was cut off for three days. “There are plans to use these weapons to captures areas in Galgadud region that are currently not under our control,” said a senior Ahlu Sunnah official who requested not to be named. Addis Ababa recently helped the militia inked power-sharing deal with the embattled UN-backed Somali government. The group is to get senior positions in the government, in return with support to fight radical insurgent groups. Ahlu Sunnah controls some parts of central Somalia and constantly go into bloody battle with arch-rivals Hizbul Islam and Al-Shabaa, the two insurgent groups fighting to topple the government in Mogadishu. GAROWE ONLINE
  13. Mawqifka Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya Ee Ku Aaddan Is-casilaadda Wasiirada June 10, 2010 Warbixinta hoose waxaa Horseed Media soo gaarsiiyey xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif, waxaana lagu tilmaamayaa mawqifka madaxweynhu ka taagan yahay wasiirada is casiley: (Muqdisho, Soomaaliya, June 9, 2010) Kaddib markii ay shalay iyo maanta is casileen dhowr wasiir oo ka tirsan xukuumadda FKM ah, ayaa waxaa batay faallooyin ku saabsan arrintaas. Qaar ka mid ah saxaafadda iyo dadka siyaasadda taxliiliya ayaa is-casilaadda wasiirada ku macneeyeen in ay tahay mid Madaxtooyadu wax ka og tahay ama Madaxweynuhu uu ku doonayo in uu ku culaysiyo Wasiirka 1-aad. Waxan caddayneynaa in arrintaasi aysan sidaas u dhicin. Is-casilaadda wasiiradu, waa mid iyaga ka timid; waana arrin dhex-taalla Golaha Wasiirada. Dalku waxa uu ku jiraa marxalad adag, sidaas darteed, Madaxweynuhu waxa uu ku talinayaa arrimahaan oo kale in ay ka wada hadlaan masuuliyiinta ay khusayso. Sidoo kale, iyada oo la ixtiraamayo aragtida wasiirada, haddana Madaxtooyadu uma aragto is-casilaadda qaabkan ah in ay tahay sida ugu habboon oo xal lagu gaari karo.
  14. Indhacade is One Funny Clown!!!
  15. Oodweyn sharif wants to redeem himself after making that fatal mistake of sacking the prime minister only to find out that it was unconstitutional. So now ministers that are friends of sharif have resigned to undermine sharmarke cabinet but I am sure sharmarke has his ministers who support him and therefore sharif will again see there is no point playing this game that really noone wins but ends in a stalemate. Prime Minister Sharmarke should play it cool-headed and rename new ministers that support his program of using peaceful means to pacify the capital city and also he should touch base with the ministers that do indeed support him and give them reassurance to stick in there till sharif realizes he is playing another game that he will lose. The only reason they want sharmarke out is because he is not using violence as a way to retake the capital city and therefore their are some members of the cabinet who are sick of working in 2km radius being bombarded by rockets and missiles. Lets not forget that this administration was elected on the platform of reconciliation and using peaceful means to pacify the city. That is what is expected of this administration nothing more and nothing less and sharmarke is doing exactly that. This administration wasn't elected to lead the government so they can just pick up where abdullahi yusuf left off and if that was the case then their was no need for yusuf to resign. This administration election was based on "reconcilation and peace" and that was the program and sharmarke is following that and he doesn't deserve to be sacked if he is doing the job he was elected to do!!!
  16. Somali cabinet close to collapse Cabinet led by Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke is thought to collapse after three Somali Ministers resigned from their post and some of other Ministers are likely to resign. Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, Former minister of Culture and Higher Education, Hassan Maollim, the State Minister for President and The State Minister for Defense Yusuf Mohamed Siyad announced on Tuesday their resignation. Omaar and Moalim, both British Somalis, are in London, while the defense minister is in Mogadishu. The resigned ministers are close to the President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, who is in dispute with Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. Last month, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed announced that he fired the prime minister but later inverted his decision. The supporters of Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke say the resignation by the three ministers is a political move to undermine the current cabinet.
  17. WASHINGTON, June 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --The following is being issued by Abdourahman M. Boreh: New developments in the strategically important Republic of Djibouti underscore the deepening political crisis that threatens the security and stability of the volatile Horn of Africa sub-region as a whole. Djibouti, which hosts American and French military bases, is currently undergoing internal upheaval unseen in the country's 33 years of independence. A few recent examples –Now – On a daily basis, there are killings in northern Djibouti where low-intensity armed clashes could spark national violence; 31 May 2010 – Three soldiers killed in action in northern Djibouti in a rebel ambush, stoking the public's fears of a return to civil war; 12 May 2010 – The killing of Col. Abdi Hassan Bogoreh, the head of the military police, under mysterious circumstances; 19 April 2010 – Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh engineered a Parliament vote to change the 1992 Constitution to illegally award himself a third-term in office -- thereby sparking the current political crisis. During his first Africa trip, U.S. President Barack Obama said: "Make no mistake: history is on the side of these brave Africans, and not with those who use coups or change Constitutions to stay in power. Africa doesn't need strongmen, it needs strong institutions." Djibouti is playing a key role in ongoing counter-piracy operations, which involve the navies of more than two-dozen countries including U.S., E.U., China, Russia, Australia, Japan, and more. A politically stable Djibouti is a key partner in international efforts to eradicate Somalia-based sea pirates, Djibouti's neighbors to the south. The social unease and growing tensions throughout Djibouti can be linked to the overall deteriorating security, political, and economic situation throughout the country. President Guelleh has been in power for two terms -- since 1999. During this time, Djibouti entered into new agreements with the U.S. and, most recently, with Japan for a new military base. Disturbingly, President Guelleh's cozy relations including defense ties with the Iranian regime places the Republic of Djibouti at a dangerous crossroads with its Western allies. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's official visit to Djibouti in February 2009, and President Guelleh's state visits to Tehran, underscored the growing ties between President Guelleh and the Ayatollahs of Iran. The citizens of Djibouti continue to face massive challenges, because widespread corruption ensures that select few benefit from Djibouti's national wealth. The cost of living is the most expensive in the Horn of Africa. There is a 60% unemployment rate, especially among the youth, who lack adequate employment and educational opportunities. Uncontrolled urban growth is contributing to social tensions, as people clash over limited resources. The grumblings of discontent among Djibouti's military class combined with increasing defection of soldiers is another grave indication of growing insecurity. Each one of these issues is unsettling and representative of a deteriorating situation on the ground. But, combined together it becomes the perfect storm leading to disaster. The international community must act today to save Djibouti and the Horn of Africa before it's too late.
  18. This is a video of president farole arriving in garowe and speaking to the press.
  19. I just wanted to post this old video from the malaysian tv channel that broadcasted puntland candidate nuradin dirie regarding puntland politics and election. This proves the emerging importance of puntland as a regional state of somalia and it's significant importance lets not forget that puntland is abudant in mineral resoures and has the most strategic port in east africa considering that bossaso port lies at the entry point of the gulf of aden and indian ocean. Anyways you can watch the video below its 12 part series so you will need to follow through with it on youtube.
  20. Ergo Ka Socota Gobolada SSC Oo Kulan Xasaasi Ah La Qaatey Waxgaradka Gobolka Mudug (Sawiro). Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Ergo ka socota gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn ee marka la soo gaabiyo la isku yiraahdo SSC ayaa waxay soo gaareen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee maamulka Puntland, waxayna shir la qaateen waxgaradka gobolka Mudug. Xubnahani ergada ah ayaa waxaa horkacayey Xoghayaha Xoreynta iyo Difaaca gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn Col, Yaasiin Cali Cabdulle (Tamaad) waxayna ka yimaadeen dhinaca magaalada Buuhoodle ee gobolka Ceyn, iyagoo maalmihii ay joogeen Gaalkacyo ay is arkeen dhamaan waxgaradka iyo Isimada Gobolka Mudug, waxayna kulan gaar ah la qaateen Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdulle oo ay kala kulmee soo dhaweyn. Kulan xasaasi ah oo saacado farabadan socday ayey ergada SSC la qaateen maanta Isimmada, Aqoonyahanka, Siyaasiyiinta, Waxgaradka iyo Haweenka gobolka Mudug, kulankaasi oo ay ugu soo bandhigayeen waxyaabaha ay ergada uga yihiin reer Mudug. Shirka oo ka dhacay Hotelka Al-xuseyni ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaan loo ogolaan saxaafada in ay xogta ka helaan inta uu shirku socday, balse waxaa loo ogolaaday oo kaliya in ay goob joog u ahaadaan hadalada la jeedinayo balse aysan waxba duuban oo arintu ay tahay mid qabiili, marka uu kulanku dhamaadana la siin doono xogta waxyaabihii laga hadlay. Col, Yaasiin Tamaad ayaa hadalkii ugu horeeyay ee shirka bilaabay, waxaa uuna sheegay in maanta ay ergo u yihiin walaalahooda reer Mudug, iyaga oo ka codsanaya in gacan laga siiyo in ay dib u xoreeyaan gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn oo uu sheegay in ay heystaan kooxo ku soo duulay isla markaana garab ka helay dad aan matalin dadka iyo deegaanka. Odayaasha iyo Issimada gobolka Mudug ayaa ka jawaabay hadalka ergada SSC, waxayna sheegeen in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay hiil iyo hoo ba la garab istaagaan walaalahooda ka soo jeeda gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn, balse ay codsadeen in meesha laga saaro kala qeybsanaanta iyo tafaraaruqa ku kala dhex jira beesha *********** dhexdeeda. Odayaasha iyaga oo hadalkooda sii wata ayay sheegeen in ay u hurayaan naftooda iyo maalkooda soo celinta goboladaasi oo ay sheegeen in ay yihiin kuwa ka maqan gacantooda, balse waxay intaa ku dareen in marka hore la rabo in la arko dadaalka Jabhada SSC iyo sida ay u bilowdo dadaalka soo celinta goboladaasi, markaasi kadibna ay gacanta ugu weyn ee deg deg ah ka heli doonaan gobolka Mudug. Siyaasiyiinta kulanka ka qeyb gashay oo ay ka dhex muuqdeen Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaagaab) Faarax Cabdi Doorshe iyo Gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Mudug C/nuur Geeseey ayaa dhamaantood sheegay in ay soo dhaweynayaan hadalka ka soo yeeray ergada ka socota SSC, isla markaana iyaga oo ku hadlaya siyaasiyiinta gobolka Mudug ay diyaar u yihiin ka qeyb qaadashada dib u soo celinta gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn ee la isku yiraahdo SSC. Haweenka ayaa dhinacooda sheegay in ay dahabkooda u gadi doonaan in la helo goboladaasi oo ay dib gacanta ugu soo noqdaan maamulka Puntland, taasina ay bilaabi doonaan dadaalkeeda sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan. Kulanka oo in cabaar ah socday ayaa waxaa labada dhinac dhexmaray su’aalo iyo doodo ku saabsan sidii loo soo celin lahaa gobolada SSC, iyo sida ugu macquulsan ee loo heli karo taageero dhinac walba leh oo dhexmara beelaha walaalaha ah ee kulanka maanta uu dhexmaray. Shirka ayaa markii uu soo gaba gaboobay waxaa banaanka u soo baxay ergadii ka timid Buuhoodle, waxana goobta ku harey Waxgaradkii gobolka Mudug ka soo jeeday, waxayna kulankooda iska dhex xuleen guddi keena taageeradii la siin lahaa ergada, taasi oo qeyb ka mid ah la doonayo in haatan lagu amba bixiyo qeybaha kalena gadaal looga diri doono. Xoghayaha Xoreynta iyo Difaaca gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn Col, Yaasiin Cali Cabdulle (Tamaad) Xoghayaha Xoreynta iyo Difaaca gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn Col, Yaasiin Cali Cabdulle ayaa sheegay warbaahinta uga waramay kulankoodii iyo waxa uu ku soo dhamaadey, isaga oo sheegay in ay ahaayeen ergo u timid walaalahooda gobolka Mudug, ayna wateen codsi kaasi oo looga jawaabay oo loo aqbalay codsigoodii. Nabadoon Yaasiin Cadi Samad Oo Ka tirsan Issimada Gobolka Mudug ee kulanka ka qeyb gashay. Dhinaca Waxgaradka gobolka Mudug waxaa isaguna u hadley Nabadoon Yaasiin Cabdisamad waxaa uuna sheegay in shirkooda maanta uu ahaa mid looga arinsanayey codsi uga yimid ergo ka socota SSC, codsigaasi oo ahaa gacan ka geysashada dib u soo celinta gobolada SSC ee ka maqan gacanta Dawladda Puntland in badan, anaguna waxaan balan qaadney in aan taageero xoogan oo naf iyo maalba leh ka geysan doono ayuu yiri Nabadoon Yaasiin Cabdi Samad.
  21. I predicted this a couple of weeks ago when the missles were being thrown at galkayo airport at the same time buhodle was being invaded. You can see my predictions here Now a well known elder from mudug has said the same thing I was saying a couple of weeks ago and from that discussion thread you can see as usual people calling me "mad" and stuff. I am not mad I just know politics and strategies.
  22. Nabadoon Yaasiin C/samad: Dhulka ******* Maxaa Duulaanka Loogu Yahay. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Nabadoon Yaasiin Cabdi Samad oo ka tirsan Issimada Gobolka Mudug ayaa si kulul uga hadley arimaha la xiriira dhul balaarsiga ay wadaan qaar ka mid ah maamulada ka jira dalka Soomaaliya. Nabadoon Yaasiin oo ka qeyb galay kulan maanta ay yeesheen ergo ka socota SSC iyo Waxgaradka gobolka Mudug oo ka dhacay Hotelka Al-xuseyn ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in duulaan lagu soo yahay dhul badan oo ah kuwa ay degaan beesha *******. “Waxaa la yaab leh, in duulaan iyo boob lagu hayo dhulka *******, waad ogtihiin saaka anagu Burco duulaan kuma nihin, Hargeysana duulaan kuma nihin, dhinacan kale ee Mudug, Dagaari duulaan kuma nihin, Hobyana sidoo kale, ee maxay tahay sababta dhulkanaga duulaanka loogu soo yahay”. ayuu yiri Nabadoon Yaasiin Cabdi Samad. Nabadoonka ayaa maamulka Soomaaliland uga digay sii heysashada dhulka Puntland ee Sool, isaga oo intaa raaciyey in aysan dhici doonin in ay sii heystaan si khasab ah shacab aan ka tirsaneyn oo weliba aan taageer saneyn, taasina aysan ogolaan doonin sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Yaasiin Cabdi Samad oo ah Issin si weyn looga yaqaan Puntland iyo Soomaaliya oo dhan ayaa sheegay in ay wanaagsan tahay in la dhowro deris wanaaga, haddii kale ay dhibaato iman karto, isaga oo intaa raaciyey in aysan u dulqaadan doonin weerarada cad ee lagu hayo dhulkooda, kuwaasi oo uga imanaya maamulada la deriska ah Puntland. Waa Issinkii ugu horeeyay ee ka tirsan Issimada Gobolka Mudug oo ka hadla arimaha kala qabsiga dhulalka u dhaxeeya maamulada Puntland iyo Soomaaliland, iyo sidoo kale maamulka koonfurta Gaalkacyo oo waayadan dambe ku jiray damaaci dhul sheegasho ku saleysan. RBC Radio.
  23. A_Khadar horta dad dhintay iyo madax-dhaqameed ma cayi. Lakin labadas garad jamac motives kale ayey lee yahin wayna cad dahay sxb. Marku garadka yiri "somaliland ha jogto puntland ha iga baxo las anod" ma cilawday? ma cadeyn kale bad u bahan tahay inay somaliland ahayeen? Sucashu waxay iga ahayd maxaa keenay ssc manta? maxaa 3 years ago loo samayn waayey markay yimadeen snmta? why hada ayaa loo sameyey wa sucal kugu soo noqoneyso? Ma manta ayay dareemeen in somaliland cadowkooda yahay? sheekadas carurta la tag adeer. Some people say that garad jamac supports ssc because they want to make $$$ out of the loyal ssc diaspora who support this "ssc" dream to happen. Whilst I personally believe it's not just about $$$$$ for the garads to support ssc if that was the case they were getting enough $$$ from somaliland. I think they support the ssc program because somaliland may not be an option for them anymore after this election as their will be most likely a war or great division there and hence ssc is just another hideout for them from garowe. I think their hate for garowe is mainly because of certain garad "salebaan" people. The issue at hand is not ssdf vs darwish, its far more deeper then that, if it was between ssdf and darwish they would be attacking garowe long time ago but as you are aware xabsade attacked las anod hence where the problem is. At that time af-qudhac and his people were running the affairs of that region and they seemed not like it. But what i find disturbing the most is "haday snm kugu soo adeegsaneyan ina adeer lama odhan karo" qofkas oo kale and *********** ina adeer ayey dhahan. Sxb xataa ssdf people weligood cadow iskuma soo adeegsana heerkas weli lama gaadhin. I am not insulting the garaads at all lakinse what i am saying is meeshi ay darwish isku wada racan waa inay racan labadan garaad. Markay joggen 80% of the garaads at garowe maxay ula imaadi waayeen haday darwishnimadu dhab ka tahay? Labadas garaad siyasiin darwish ah ayaa raba inay meel ku gaadhan, as u know u need garaad support in order to hold las anod. Siyasiin sida ali khalif galeyr/xabsade ayaa labadas garaad wax uu sheego is my opinion oo danta darwish ka soo hor-jeedo