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Does anyone find that strange? that no other area of somalia is given their own distinct clan-name for their region? Does anyone know why was that?
Its funny how we have our distinct "clan" name for our region. You don't see that in other areas of somalia at all.
Thankful somaliland enemy is themselves lol. The sooner xaaji gets that the better!!! He tries to ignore it but ignoring won't solve it. He should focus more on resolving these strained ties among his clan which have after-effects like "president seat not allowed for snm" or the berbera port just dominated by 1 clan and shared out through somaliland clans. They are really their own enemies but it's not as bad as some other areas well not yet anyways. You see the problem between ssdf and darwish and makhir is not really our politics it is the simple fact that the darwish/makhiris have second option to go to hargeisa if dont work out for them in garowe. Where-as the ssdf dont have that option nor do the snm have that option to go to garowe. So thats what causing the problems between puntland. But within ssdf we share our resources and leadership and only fight each other when someone brings an outsider into our homes. If that option of not going to hargeisa was taken away from the darwish/makhiris we would not have any issues between our clans. Where-as the snm who dont really have another option other then hargeisa are just literally suffocating themselves out of their own region due to internal bickering and as i stated its gone as deep as port usage lets just hope it doesnt explode into war for them june 26
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: So you think this sheikh attam guy is behind it he hides Upon the hills of galgala, How big is his Militia and do you really think xisbal xasuuq has a sleeping cell inside Bossaaso. Any way i think Maybe the Pis is behind it Its possible the PIS could be behind it because it's always officials being attacked, but it appeared to me that issue seems like it's been buried after farole went to addis and the american embassy to speak to them about sacking osman diyano and I think they told him just to forget about it and leave osman diyano alone!!! Another tell-tale sign of islamist is they usually attack civilians like bossaso explosion a couple of years back. So who knows possibly sicid atam doesnt want to attack civilians incase he ends killing one of his people in the process who do indeed reside in bossaso and therefore is specifically targetting officials as they will already know which clan their from!!! Anyways Sicid atams militia last time i read number about 1000 and their armed also and have boats of arms delivered to them from their donor hizbul islam not at bosaso but at ceelaayo!!! PS: PIS have a had few clashes there with them at ceelaayo because the PIS knows the HIZBUL Islam send weapons to them thru that town and then they go back to galgala and spread it out to their soldiers!!!
Xaji its quite obvious who is behind it. There is element of nabad-diids inside puntland especially around the galgala/dhahar area led by the terrorst sicid atam who is taking his orders from hizbul islam!!! Puntland has soldiers based in hamar and is inside hamar politics and therefore mr.dahir aweys is not very happy about that and is counter-acting by recruiting members inside puntland. People like nabad-diids sicid atam and his galgala cronies are great catches for dahir aweys because he can use them to disturb the peace in puntland. Haven't you also seen how galmudug people have welcomed the ssc government? why? its a way of disturbing puntland so they can stay of focus in hamar. Its old tactics but let them be rest assured the puntland police is getting good training out of this and improving in their responses time to these cowardice acts!!! PS: I am not to worried about galmudug as they are under ethiopia and therefore whatever issues will be resolved peacefully. But hizbul islam is under eritrea and therefore combating them will require military force as they take orders from asmara who are themselves nabad-diid!!!
A tragic event has ensued an official has been killed AUN. In Response the Puntland Politice have the city on lockdown, The police know who the suspects are and they aren't going anywhere and trapped in the city and will be taken into custody and brought before the law!!!
Puntland oo Ka Hadashay Dilkii Xeer Ilaaliyaha Maxkamada Boosaaso iyo Faahfaahino Kale Garowe (RBC) Iyadoo maanta duhurnimadii magaalada Boosaaso lagu dilay ku xigeenkii xeer ilaaliyaha maxkamada gobolka Bari Col Cali Jaamac Qalas ayaa masuuliyiin kala duwan oo ka tirsan dowlada waxay ka hadleen dilkaasi. Taliska booliska qeybta gobolka Bari ayaa sheegay in baaritaan ku saabsan dilkaasi uu hadda socdo, waxaana taliska saraakiil ka tirsan oo RBC la xiriiray ay noo sheegeen in xogta raggii dilka geystey ay hayaan, lana filayo in saacadaha soo socda la soo qabto. Warar kale oo taliska ku dhow ayaa sheegaya in ciidamadu ay ku raad joogaan afar nin oo dilka maanta geystey kuwaasi oo sida laga tuhunqabo weli ku dhex sugan magaalada Boosaaso. Saraakiisha boolisku waxay diideen inay faahfaahin kale bixiyaan maadaama kiisku baaris ku jiro. Amaanka guud ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa aad loo adkeeyey tan iyo maanta duhurkii markii dilku dhacay ka dib waxaana feejignaan la geliyey ciidamada amaanka. Waxaa la xiray wadada isku xirta magaalada Boosaaso iyo gobolada kale iyadoo guud ahaan la xanibay gaadiidkii safarka iyo kuwa dadweynaha ee ka bixi lahaa magaalada, taasi oo ka dhigtay in magaalada aysan maanta ka bixin soona gelin wax gaadiid ah. Dhinaca kale guddiga garsoorka Puntland ayaa madaxtooyada Puntland ugu baaqay in dowladu ay ballanqaado amaanka garsooorayaasha iyo xeer ilaaliyaasha maxkamadaha kuwaasi oo haatan khatar amaan ay soo foodsaartay. Xeer ilaalinta guud ee Puntland oo ka hadashay dilka ayaa ka tacsiyeeyey geerida ku xigeenka xeer ilaaliyaha maxkamada gobolka Bari Col. Cali Jaamac Qalas oo ahaa nin waqti dheer booliska ka tirsanaa. Waxaana xeer ilaalintu ay dakbatay in boolisku ay si deg deg ah u keenaan gacan ku dhiiglayaashii ka dambeeyey dilkiisa. Alle ha u naxariistee Col Cali Jaamac Qalas oo maanta duhurkii lagu dilay bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ayaa la filayaa in berito lagu aaso Boosaaso. Falkii dilka ahaa ee maanta loo geystey xeer ilaaliye ku xigeenka ayaan la ogeyn sababta kaliftay, waxaana goobtii lagu dilay ku dhaawacmay askari marxuumka ilaalo u ahaa. Nin rayid ah ayaa sidoo kale ku dhintay goobta lagu dilay marxuumka. RBC Radio
Obesity a growing problem among the rich in Puntland. By Ali Ismael Mohamed –Puntland Puntland was stable for a long time. In mid-1998 clan leaders and delegations from North East regions of Somalia met in Garowe, the capital; discussed and finally formed the local Government Puntland State of Somalia. This formal State brought to the community local stability. As a result few people became business men and got huge benefits, prosperity and wealth, although several clan based wars took place and this did not affected the economic progress of the State. After a while obesity emerged in Puntland – a phenomenon that had never been experienced in Somalia. The explanation was simple. Rich people eat high calorie food and rest most of the time. They do not exercise to make the body fit. For the reason most of them become obese. Obesity causes many disorders and diseases including Heart disease, Diabetes, Hypertension Atherosclerosis and Gall bladder stones, Excess fat accumulation of the body can be protected good balance diet, good exercise low calorie diet and regular follow doctor’s advice.
Islaanka Beesha Isxul oo lagu caleemo saaray Dooxada Aada ee magaalada Qardho Dooxada Aada oo dhanka koonfur 10 Km kaga beegan magaalada Qardho xarunta gobolka Karkaar ayaa waxaa ka dhacay xaflad balaaran oo siweyn ay uga soo qeyb galeen madax dhaqameed, wax garad farabadan, Maamulada gobolka Karkaar iyo kan degmada Qardho. Xafladaasi ayaa waxaa lagu dooranayay ama lagu camleemo saarayay islaan cusub oo ay yeelaneyso beesha Isxul Cismaan Maxamuud, waxaana loo caleema saaray islaam Mahad islaam Maxamuud Cilmi. Waxaa ay isla qaateen odayaasha iyo waxgaradka beeshaasi in ay xilkaasi u caleema saaraan islaanka Cusub waa islaam mahad islaam Maxamuud Cilmi, iyagoo ugu baraarujiyay in uu si wanaagsan ula shaqeeyo iyagana ay la shaqeynayaan. Halkaasi waxaa hadalo duco iyo baraarujin ah ka soo kala jeediyay masuuliyin farabadan, Odayaal iyo waxgarad badan waxaana ay sheegeen in ay islaamka la shaqeynayaan si hufan islamarkaana ay ku faraxsanyihiin caleemasaarkiisa, iyadoo ay ka mid ahaayeen waxgaradkii halkaasi ka hadlay, Nabadoon Naxar Siciid Awnuur Nabadoon Maxamed aadan Nabadoon Maxamuud Siciid Awmuuse iyo Nabadoono iyo Isimo kale. Si kastaba ha ahaatee xaflada oo ka dheceysay Dooxada Aada ee duleedka Deg Qardho ayaa waxaa siweyn loogu soo bandhigay waxyaabaha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed iyadoo ugu dambeyntii si qurux badan ku soo gaba gabowday. Maxamuud C/laahi Faarax SBC International Qardho
Thats was an excellent speech by the former president maxamed siyad barre (AUN)
Azizah, I've studied about siyad barre and as u noted he wasn't perfect but he was alot better then what we have today, you can tell he was good leader because the way somalis were treated by foreigners under siyad barre and the way somalis are treated today just shows you that somalis in general have sunk and sunk real low, so as far im concerned I believe he was a great man. By the way if you want to see more of his interviews/speeches general life just go here http://www.jaallesiyaad.com/ May the old man rest in peace Ps: One of the last dardaraan he gave before he was exited the nation was "Dal wad igu imaaneysa somalia lakinse dad uguma imaneysid" and he was spot on the money!!!
Bilan i just post news about my area somalia markan waayey news from my area that is when i delving into other areas of somalia. Besides i dont post everything about puntland or else the board would be full, i just post the important stuff!! I usually do all the extra stuff that i want to help puntlanders understand puntland on my Facebook Besides this is an important thread so people know their is duplicate puntland government website and not to be fooled by it.
Xaji no i am showing u that rayale doesnt benefit you at all. Think about it!!! Puntland is not motivated by somaliland or else we would be pushing for separation of somalia and trust me then u will see the world start considering dividing somalia up. But puntland has other goals i care not to get into now So please just tell me what has rayale done sxb for 8 years in the development end
Xaaji. Is that all you have to show for 8 years? I can show that in 2 days the amount xarig jars happening in puntland
There is two puntland government websites on the web. http://www.puntlandgovt.com/ http://www.puntland-gov.net/ This is the official puntland government website http://www.puntlandgovt.com/ Even though it hasn't been updated for a while it's still the genuine official one. You can also verify below the website records go straights back to nugaal somalia DNS Record For Puntland Govt This Website name http://www.puntland-gov.net/ is registered in Malaysia lol You can review the fradulent puntland-govt.net website details below and see the website name is registered in malaysia!!! Dns Information Puntland-Govt.Net If you wish to do this process yourself feel free to do so at Network Tools At network tools website just copy and paste the address of the website you want to find information about press "go" and then simply review the information it provides regarding that domain name!!! Anyways I posted this fradulent website of puntland government so people don't get fooled by it!!! However I must says it's interesting people go to such length for this sort of stuff its quite sad!!!
Originally posted by Taleexi: quote:Originally posted by Nassir: A great moral and political advice for the people ofSanaag and Sool regions and any other Somali group that wish to avoid political and economic marginalization. LINK Nassir : The calamities of those regions are tied to their lack of producing visionary, charismatic leaders. Their political gaffe will hunt them down many more years to come. Arguably, D-block is more hapless than the W-block but both are on the same trajectory for political disaster. It is a disgrace that these folks who could have been big players in Somali political arena are talking about their survival today. Indeed, Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It. If worse gets to worse puntland is 1/3 of somalia and can fit all dblock in there and have our capital at bossaso. As long as puntland is there all dblock always have assurance of a safetynet. But the thing each dblock subclan wants is to get the bonus which is to be his own government. Onlf does, The Darwish Does and to some extent Makhiri do also. So I see it that way!!! Thats whats mainly different about d-block to other clans of somalia. The usc are like that also to some extent!!! As for the ssdf we already have our safetynet plus straddling into hamar and pretty much secured central zones with our policies. We got the snm depedent financially on our port. Siilanyo looks like he will also get them under our policy project!!!
I been wondering why hasn't there been any mashruc oo "xariga laga jaro" in somaliland for the last couple of years? Theirs been a few but at a very slow pace!!! Any somaliland person care to answer me because i found that just so strange!!! Plus I also find it suspicious why dont any somaliland ministers talk much? its like they even dont even exist. Wallahi If anyone from that part of Somalia can tell me it would be appreciated!!!
What is the differences we have as puntland and darawish? their not much of difference if you assess it!!! 1. We are related tribes 2. We share same 1 somalia vision 3. We believe in developing our regions The only difference we have is regarding las anod. The answer to that has been told to you. We told you that since 1998 till 2007 we were stationed in las anod defending that city from the traitors. We tried this short-term policy of using military to answer this problem but it seems like its not going anywhere because everyday news xabsades are born. So today we told you please go unite yourself and when you are united come and see us and then we will sort out the las anod issue together. Ma ceeb ba intaas? I don't think so, thats all puntland has been saying to the darwish people if you listen carefully!!! Come on guys be realistic this problem has been happening since the start of puntland, it aint something thats that "rarely" happens, its been the same constant game for over 10 years. The darwish people need unity that is your answer, maka shaqeyn karta taas? Thats all your garaads were told but the two garad jamac seem to have other motives maybe they are being commanded by someone else to create this ssc Anyways gamekani la ciyaareyo miyaysan ka daalin waan yaaba wallahi. This game only loser are the darwish people. Ps: Someone said that somali-weyntu dhab kama ahan puntland ama d-block people in general. Somali-weyntu dhab way ka tahay all d-block because lets get real ma kilinka shanaad waxaa degan just d-block? its all somalis there. Same with nfd its not just d-block people that live there. The problem have is they forget that dadka somali joggo manta qabilku waxay ka gashay lafaha and therefore to pacify this nation we need to use tribe in a good way to help our people rather then using tribe in a bad way to attack other people. Qabilku hadi isbitaal ku dhiso ma wax xun ba? hadu qabilku laami ku sameeyo ma wax xun ba? hadu qabilku nabad ku keeno iyo nabad radis dalka ugu jiro ma qalad ba? Of course not. The tribe can be used for good ways and puntland is an example of that. Not only is puntland helping themselves but helping other somalis who flee to their region for peace AND also puntland sticks by its brother in hamar who is going thru rough time and tries to pacify the capital city!!! If puntland were truly bad people waan iska daawan lahayn wixi ka dhaceyo hamar and not care, but we don't do that because kow somalinimadu baa nagu weyn iyo marka labaad islanimadu ayaaba sheegayso to help your fellow muslim if u can. Manta hadan cawino hamar tommorow hadan dhibaato ku jiro he can help me plus we have done our duty as muslims!!!
Originally posted by Thankful: Cowke has a valid point! Reer Sool and Sanaag can blame Puntland for everything, but it all comes down to who is more unified and who is not! Because those that have more unity will definitely have the more control, those who do not will have the affairs of their lands dictated by people who have no business doing so! Remeber to that Reer Sool gave all their votes to Faroole in the last elections! They are a house divided! I'm starting to think that maybe the most unified people are those that made rebel groups in order to fight Siad Barre, and the unity they developed has carried on to this day! From my research into the complex somali political system i came to the conclusion that tribes today are not stronger then each other but some tribes are more unified then others and therefore have the advantage!!! Midnimadasi ayaa laysku dheer yahay. The second your house has any holes in it the enemy will penetrate and exploit!!! You can see this happensing all over somalia today. Look at hamar sharif/sharmarke against who? against mainly qanyare people!!! How did sharmarke end up in hamar? it came thru the disunity of the usc clan and puntland allied with one of the clans in the south to get their political program to spread throughout somalia!!! Even galmudug is spreading it in the middle regions even though its become a bit useless itself and not actively seeking more tribes into its administration but time will tell they even have ximan and xeeb and its a start it aint perfect but its start and thats what matters the most!!! Bay and Bakol wont be much of an issue they have a history of supporting federalism all the way back to the 1960s. Its just matter of sorting out benadiri area and qanyare people that is really the last obstacle!!! So thats what matters most in tribes today. its all about unity, the second you are divided other clan will take advantage of it and you will find yourself in a big mess!!! As for the snm clan, they are not very unified themselves if they were rayale wouldn't be president thats for sure nor would they using bossaso port. It is the disunity that causes these after-effects. Iyaga baa iska soo xeedhay dekeda berbera because they cant agree with each other sxb. Iyagana baa iska soo xeedhay taliska gurigooda because iyaga baa ku heeshin waayey lol. But snm division is not as bad as other divisions that we see in somalia, their division has minor after-effects compared to the more drastically divided clans like darwish or usc!!!
Isuduwaha Wasaarada Qorsheynta ee gobolada Bari iyo Karkaar Oo La Magacaabay (Sawiro) June 11, 2010 Kulan balaaran oo lagu qabtay Xarunta gobolka Bari ee magaalada Bosaaso ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabay Agaasimaha cusub ee Wasaarada qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga Puntland ee gobolada Bari iyo Karkaar. Waxaa kasoo qaybgalay masuuliyin ka tirsan Xukuumada Puntland oo ugu horeeyey Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga Puntland Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar,Xubno ka socotay maamulka gobolka Bari,Duqa degmada Bosaaso Maxamuud Faarax iyo Hay’addaha kala duwan sida kuwa samafalka iyo maxaliga ee ka howlgala gobolka. Ujeedada kulanka ayaa ahayd in la isbaro Agaasimaha cusub ee Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga ee gobolada Bari iyo Karkaar isagoo matali doona Wasaarada labadaas gobol,waxaana loo magacaabay Mudane Cumar Maxamuud Cumar Dheere oo ah nin dhalinyaro oo wata 2 Bachelor degree oo ka qalin jebiyey Kuliyada Business administration iyo Computer Science. Kulanka ayaa sidoo kale lagu lafaguray sida ay u wada shaqayn lahaayeen Hay’adaha iyo Agaasimaha cusub,iyagoo soo dhoweeyey magacaabista Agaasimaha dhamaan Hay’adihii kasoo qaybgalay kulanka,waxayna balan qaadeen in la shaqayn doonaan masuulka cusub. Horseed Media
Originally posted by Duufaan: Cowke I never seen or heard any person from Garoowe with name cowke. Cowke is typically northern name. so let us known, how you got this name. Gaalkacayo is multi clan city and it is bussiness center.I do not think what Faroole say will matter. He is not important. This is not my real name i actually saw it with makhiri guy who is educated so i thought i would use it too. As for names my family in garowe have names like gaweeto/geesood/qalyares,etc. If u want to know my clan just ask. I am reer nugaaleed king not reer bari king even we dont reside in bari at all. Two places we reside. Degmada Bulo Bulqo and Garowe and thats it. As for my mother side she is qanyare people believe it or not!!! I dont have any northern members in my family not even makhiris but weird thing my sub sub clan of the kings are bah dhahar because the king married a lady from dhahar and gave birth to us, if u get the drift.The closest i think i have to darwish is garadka las anod people my grandfather had a wife from them but thats about it and some of my fathers brothers have darwish mother. Thats about it bro, Sxb i am not like others on this forum who change name play and act like other tribes and stuff like that just so they can get their threads active, i actually try to get more of a grasp on the situation of somalia and thats it really not here for games and stuff if i want games i know where to go for that!!! PS: Sxb igama helaysid anigu games hadad taas dooneysid qof kale la sheekayso because you will just end up wasting ur time
Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland Dr. Faarax Cali Jaamac oo Soo dhaweyn loogu sameeyay Dalka Australia (Sawiro) Xaflad soo dhaweyn ah oo loo sameeyay wasiirka Maaliyadda ee Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Dr. Faarax Cali jaamac ayaa lagu qabtay magaaladan Melbourne, ee waddanka Australia. Xafladdan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen qurba-joogta Puntland ee ku dhaqan magaaladan Melbourne waxaa jaaliyadda puntland ee Australia kaga dhageysteen wasiirka waxyaabihii ay dowladdiisu qabatay intii ay xilka hayeen. Dr. Faarax Cali Jaamac, wasiirka maaliyadda ee puntland waxaa uu aad uga hadlay waxyaabihii ay qabteen ee loo baahnaa in la qabto, horey-na aan loo qaban, waxaana tusaale uga soo qaadan karnaa isagoo sheegay in ay xiriirka caalamiga ah ee maamulka Puntland uu la leeyahay caalamka guud ahaan ay meel wanaagsan gaarsiiyeen. Arrimaha kale ee wasiirku ka hadlay ayaa waxaa ugu weynaa dhinaca dhaqaalaha taas oo uu isagu madax ka yahay, waxaana uu sheegay in dhaqaalaha Puntland hadda lagu saleeyay hab caalami ah, sida iyagoo khafiifiyay canshuurta laga qaado waxyaabaha qutul-daruuriga ah, kuwa aan qutul-daruuriga aheyna canshuur macquul ah laga qaado. Wuxuu sidoo kale intaa ku daray in dowladda Puntland ay hadda mushahar kordhin u sameysay shaqaalaha maamulkaas oo dhan. Mar uu wasiirku ka hadlay arrimaha amniga waxaa uu sheegay in markii ugu horreysay gobol walba oo Puntland ka tirsan laga dhisay boolis tayo leh halkii awal magaalooyinka qaar uun ay lahaayeen booliska noocan oo kale ah, haddase magaalo walba ay gaarsiiyeen. Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in dowladda Puntland ay masuuliyad ka saaran tahay difaaca dhulka Puntland guud ahaan isagoo sheegay in ay tahay mid muqaddas ah. Dhinacyada Waxbarashada, caafimaadka & jawiga guud ee maamulka Puntland ayuu wasiirku guud maray waxaana jawiga xafladdu ahaa mid aad u wanaagsan, iyadoo Jaaliyadda Puntland ee Melbourne-na su’aalo ku saabsan arrimahaas uu ka hadlayay wax ka weydiiyeen wasiirka, jawaabo waafi’ ahna ka siiyay arrimihii ay jeclaayeen in ay wax ka ogaadaan. Jaaliyadda Puntland ee xafladdan soo qaban qaabiyay & kuwii ka soo qeyb galay waxaan ka xusi karnaa: C/raxmaan Jaamac Raas (guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee Melbourne), Avv. C/weli Faarax Qambi, Dr. Axmed Warsame, Cumar Dhoolawaa (guddoomiyaha qurba-joogta Puntland ee Australia), Siciid Shiinle, Dr. Xasan Faarax jibriil & dad kale oo faro badan. Gabagabadii wasiirka ayaa la filayaa in uu ka ambabaxo magaladan Melbourne dhawaan. Waxaana jaaliyadda Puntland ee Australia ugu hambalyeeyeen howsha wanaagsan ee uu qabtay inta uu xilka hayay iyagoo u rajeeyay in Alle u fududeeyo inta u harsan. Waxaa soo diyaariyey noo soo gudbiyey Farah M. Warsame Melbourne, Australia
How will makhir and darawishland solve the disunity among those clans? You think you won't have opportunistS going to hargeisa anymore? or going to garowe anymore? look at this scenario for example say If there is darawish state and government and xabsade gets sacked again from a minister position at the darwish government do you think he will not just go to hargeisa/garowe to get a job and take his subclan with him and convince them they are losing out in this darwish government? Same scenario can easily be applied to if makhir formed a government. These above solutions won't work for makhir or darawish because as long as the option of going to garowe or hargeisa is open their will always be some greedy politician who will take advantage of this. Once they go to garowe or hargeisa the administrations there will expect something in return hence more cities and towns being taken by either puntland or somaliland. Cade muse said it very right when he told garad jamac at panaroma hotel bossaso. He told him ka shaqeya midnimada because midnimadu is the most important. If you are united then no matter if a guy goes to hargeisa or garowe can not affect you. For example u think Fuad Shangole can go to puntland and bring a shabab politics to the state and change the political course of the state? jamac ali jamac tried the abdiqasim salat politics and ever since noone else has dared to try again. Because dadka meesha degan waa united and have a vision and will stop anyone that comes at their gate with another vision that is not inline with their vision. So the solution for makhiris/darawish is unity and with that noone can touch them and even the the guys inside your clan with exterior motives will realize "its pointless game and will give up". The cries of darawish/makhir state need to be assessed carefully because what you are looking for is a solution not a quick patch. The makhiris/darawish need to take into consideration as long as the door is open in hargeisa or garowe how will this affect the governments of makhir/darawish from operating? Let me tell you, its best to remain united to puntland because at least when you are with puntland their is only 1 other avenue the xabsades can go to. They can go to hargeisa. If THE darawish or makhir state was added into the fusion of states, this will give the xabsades more routes to exploit their people. Right now they only have two routes garowe or hargeisa. add darawish then they will have three routes. add makhir they will have four routes. It just get to messy at the end of the day and right now its only 2 states and u can see how much of mess its causing lets not add more confusion to the already confused zones of that area.
Tuutijiye i dont hate other somali regions lakin thats not my home sxb, If i ever do go back to Somalia I am not going to hamar or hargeisa or baidoa because somalia wa meel qabili sxb. Do you know why I always post about puntland? because somaliaonline is the only place where i can represent my father side of the family without offending my reer abtis(hamar) who are very sensitive about that sort of issue. Believe me I was raised up to consider that eastern side of somalia are all bad and blah blah blah!!! So its my only breathing space bro, believe me anigu bananka markan joggi maba ka hadli puntland I strictly keep it online to monitor how the state progressing!!!!
Mr Somalia, I totally agree. Sxb think about. If xabsade is willing to attack his own garaads at holhol ma adigu ayuu ku dhaafeya? no he wont. Their is some deep divisions among the sool people that need to be solved, I thought the khusuusi would solve it but they didnt follow through with the khususi or the two garad jamacs would be following the majority of garaads to garowe. So I really wish the best for the ssc folks, lakinse I am not hopeful thats just my opinion though!!!