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This is a thread dedicated to the projects to be anticipated in puntland if anyone of you know of anything that i missed please let me know. Cheers!!! Golis 8 Story Building Soon To Be Opened In Bossaso New Puntland Parliament Design On SamaTV New Garowe Golis 7 Story Building To Be Opened Soon New Shopping Center For Garowe To Be Opened Soon Bossaso Masjid Al-Rowda Complex Still Under Construction It Should Be Done Soon Tawakal Bank and Hotel all in one to be completed in Bossaso The Puntland Naval Headquarters construction began recently Galkayo Has the following in progress. 1. Brand new university and library hall 2. Galkayo To Garowe Road Renovation Project 3. Brand new airport terminal at galkayo airport 4. Plus Galkayo is going to have state of the art health facility be built. Garowe has the airport opening soon, a few private investment firms building suuq casri and telecommunication towers there also not to mention federal government ministries and parliament to also be completed for them. Plus they doing small renovations on the current hospital there i think adding a 1 storey or 2. Bossaso has the naval base project that just began to look forward to, their is huge electricity company starting up also called somali electric power, the bossaso airport/port development(long overdue now), dahabshil bigget headquarters in somalia is also going to be build in bossaso and tawakal is also opening a bank and hotel complex plus the rowda masjid coplex that is currenty under construction. burtinle has a new hospital planned for themselves. new schools opening up at dangarayo nugaal plus road project for dangarayo is happening for them. Bayla/gara'ad/eyl nothing that im aware of that is happening there. Qardho not much happening either. I guess that is what I do know regarding the current projects to look forward to opening in puntland if anyone knows any other please contribute.
This Bossaso Tannery Video that produces leather skins.
Qhalib well how many fire incidents have you heard in hargeisa? because i havent heard one!!! and if you have heard of one tell how often it occurs?
Qhalib well how many fire incidents have you heard in hargeisa? because i havent heard one!!! and if you have heard of one tell how often it occurs?
Freedom I said untill the people become sane again it is neccessary not fuel the war any longer then necessary. People need a time out was my argument. After 5 years of people in each state and people are receptive to talk then can the nation be rebuilt together. But it's impossible to build the nation and keep the unity when people are still wounded from the past. We need to remain in our clan territories and start with the somalinimo with ourselves before we move on to somaliweyn!!! Most people ideas if to go straight to somaliweyn without addressing the local issues. A classic example is baraxlay and cadaado. Two related clans, literally only a rocks throw away from each other in terms of geography yet they can not stand each other how can these ppl go after somali-weyn in garowe and hamar and hargeisa when their closest brother in cadaado and baraxley can not even sit down and talk to each other. Somalia needs to take baby steps to recover sxb. The huge problem we have is we rush into reconciliation efforts at national level thinking after 20 years that people will all of sudden just forget and move on and sadly this is not the case and it's quit evident how many peace conferences have failed. This time a new approach is needed. Everyone go back to their territories and stay there for 5 years and live in peace and get ur sanity back. Once that is achieved move towards progress in your own region and once that is done believe me somalidu iyaga baa isku imaaneyo because everyone is happy again because everyone dhulkooda waa uu nabad iyo barwaaqo and negiotations in a nabad iyo barwaqo environment can only produce positive results.
War Deg Deg ah; Dagaal Ka soconaya Kalabaydh Written by Jidbaale.com Friday, 25 June 2010 19:20 War deg deg ah oo hada na soo gaadhay ayaa sheegaya in uu dagaal Culusi ka qarxay aaga Gobolka Sool. Dagaalkan ayaa hada si xawli ah uga soconaya magaalada Kalaybaydh oo dhinaca Koonfureed kaga beegan Laascaanood. Ciidamada SSC ayaa caawa waxay Aagag badan ka bilaabeen dagaal qadhaadh kuwaasoo ay kaga sifeenayaan deegaanka SNMta. Dagaalkan ka dhacay Kalabaydh ayaa la xaqiijiyey in lagu qabsaday gawaadhi kale oo sidey Sanaadiiq iyo weliba gaadhi nooca loo yaqaano Surfta ah, ciidamada SSC ee sifeynta wada ayaa weli waxay ka dagaalamayaan labo aag oo kala ah Aaga Widhwidh ee gobolka Cayn iyo Kalabaydh oo ah dhanka Gobolka Sool. Waxii wara ee ka soo kordha la soco. Jidbaale.com
Wararkii Ugu Danbeeyey ee Dagaalka Widhwidh Written by Jidbaale.com Friday, 25 June 2010 18:36 Widhwidh(Jidbaale):-Dagaalkii Widhwidh ayaa weli soconaya ayadoo Khasaare weyni soo gaadhay Maleeshiyaadka SNMta, ee soo duulay, Ciidamada SSC ee xaq u dirirka ayaa wacdaro waa weyn dhigay caawa. waxaana lagu soo riixay Maleeshiyaadkii SNMta xaga Laascaanood. Ciidama SSC ayaa gacanta ku dhigay baabuur ay ka mid yihiin kuwii sidey sanaadiiqda waxa ay ugu yeedhaan doorashada, waxaana gaawaadhidaas iyo qalabkii sanaadiiqdiiba hada gacanta ku haya Ciidanka SSC. Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiisah sar sare ee Ciidamada SSC waxaa dagaalkaasi uu ahaa mid horumar weyn ay ka gaadheen Ciidamada Xaq u dirirku ka dib markii ay soo Durkiyeen kuwii SNMta. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee hada na soo gaadhayaa waxay sheegayaan in weli xabadu soconayso ayadoo wakhtiga oo habeenimo ah awgeed aan loo ogaan karin khasaaraha dhabta ah ee soo kala gaadhay labada dhinacba. Waxii wara ha ka dheeraan dhawaan. Jidbaale.com
War Degdeg Ah:-Dagaal Ka Qarxay Duleedka Magaalada Widhwidh Written by Jidbaale.com Friday, 25 June 2010 17:00 WidhWidh(Jidbaale):-Warar deg deg ah oo hadda naga soo gaadhaya deegaanka widhwidh ayaa sheegaya in dagaal ka qarxay goobta loo yaqaano widhwidh yar waxaana la sheegayaa in dagaalku uu hadda si xawliya u socdo dagaal aad u weyn yahay . Sida uu xaqiijiyey taliyaha guud ee ciidamada SSC Col.Maxmed Mire Cali. Wixii warar ah ee dheeraad ah goor dhaw naga suga Jidbaale.com Insha-allah
Libaahe it just doesn't make sense because hargeisa is not hot place therefore how does it have fire related issues? Infact I've never even heard once that anything caught on fire in hargeisa not even the idp camps.
Libaahe it just doesn't make sense because hargeisa is not hot place therefore how does it have fire related issues? Infact I've never even heard once that anything caught on fire in hargeisa not even the idp camps.
I find this strange. Hargeisa has mild weather so how can it suffer from fire related issues. It's not like Bossaso that is hot and prone to such problems. I would accept if they said Berbera was catching on fire but hargeisa thats hard to believe sorry!!!
I find this strange. Hargeisa has mild weather so how can it suffer from fire related issues. It's not like Bossaso that is hot and prone to such problems. I would accept if they said Berbera was catching on fire but hargeisa thats hard to believe sorry!!!
Freedom we all somali people and the union is not even negiotable. However any rational person will know that somalia had civil war and that civil war was clan based not colonial based. Colonial solutions to clan problems is not the way forward to fix somalia mess. The way forward is to respect everybody tribal territory and not to encroach because this further causes a rift between the people whom lets not forget just came out of war that was clan based. Illa uu dadka ka fiyowbaaneyo waxaa fican in qof walbo meesha uu ku abtirsado inuu joggo. It's quite simple.
freedom, those snm thugs are entering a land that has nothing to do with them nor do the people of that area want anything to do with hargeisa yet they continue to persist. Get it thru your head stick to your zone and be confident in your ownself rather then begging other people who don't want you nor need you. Get out of sool and sanaag your thug period.
Freedom not trying to be funny but waan ka qalbi fican nahay dadka kale ee somalida iyo guess what ficilkeena bal eeg. Look at this water pipe system that was built for the idp camps in bossaso below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU2r1v4eUv4 Homes Being Built for them I won't post how many have been trained as tradesment, businessmen, fisherman and other sectors of socities. But still more needs to be done and more will be done untill every idp enjoys the same living standard as a local!!!
Askar gaaraya 500-askari ayaa ka mid noqon doona Ciidanka Dowladda Federaalka,waxaana 100-askari ay ka mid noqonayaan Ciidanka Booliska Puntland. Learn to read xaji it would do you wonders!!! Besides my thread title doesn't say anything but "600 cadets graduate from Puntland Police Academy" which they did as you can see from the pics. They came in as usc thugs and left like trained disciplined soldiers. Reminds me of what the baidoa guy Abdullahi Aden Ali, “From IDP to city trader" article on irin-news a couple of months back and how he came to Bossaso from baidoa penniless today he owns businesses and is making a comfortable living Infact let me quote him "“I may eventually go back to Baidoa if the situation improves but I will never cut my ties to Bosasso. It is where I became a man. Bosasso is now home and I am happy to be here.” You see xaji one thing you won't contemplate as an snm thug but puntland welcomes all people and not only that but provides all people with opportunities to succeed not just 1 clan but all people idp/nomad/farmer/fisher/urbanite no matter what walk of life you come from. That's what makes puntland truly stand out from the rest of somalis, because you will never see other somali regions ever provide opportunities for people of different clans. Just look at the hargeisa idps and compare them to bossaso idps and u can immediately see which ones are doing better!!!
Chief, the police academy is the only infrastructure tit's not the tfg's this was built by the undp sxb however we share it with the tfg out of somalinimo something you simply don't comprehend!!!
Inside Story Somaliland Vs Somalia Aljazeera video
Cowke replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I just finished watching that and it was quite lame debate and alot of facts left out. First of all if somaliland achieved peace it needs to be assessed how they achieved it. They achieved it because its 80% snm enclave of the same clan. Big woops. Somaliland is not diverse state therefore less troubles and the power is solely in one clans hand rather then being evenly distrubuted as is the case in the south. The south obviously will have more problems as it is the capital of the country and will gain more foreign attention which the talkers did state however they didn't emphasise that the south is way more diverse and power is not in 1 clan hands in the south but is evenly distributed "qabil oo qabil kale ka xog badan the south ma jirto therefore more competition for resources and political power" If the south was 80% one clan I am certain they would not be having the issues they have today however it's not. They forgot to mention that Somaliland is not democracy because the representatives inside somaliland parliament don't even have permission from their constieuncy to represent them such as sool and sanaag regions however that criminal state still falsely claims that all regions are representated through the will of the people which is flat out lie and easily debunked by showing where all the clan elders of sool are and therefore somaliland can be shown as lying state and if they lie about that imagine what else they lie about. They forgot to mention that govt of somaliland is also involved in piracy by fining ships $2.5 million fines for not having port certification. Umm have u ever heard of $2.5 million dollar fine for not having the right paper work? of course not. Clear evidence of state piracy in hargeisa right at the top level. They should've of also mentioned the conflicts that did occur in somaliland and how parties are tribe based. I wouldn't call it pure democracy but tribal democracy at best. The speakers should of smashed off with a conclusion and said "Every african country in the modern era that has separated from their previous country always require the signature of the person their divorcing examples such as south sudan and eritrea would've of been sufficient to prove that hargeisa must come thru the hamar route no other route or the A.U will fail to uphold the territorial integrity of all it's member state which somalia is a member of". Anyways the guys on that end were being to soft, I personaly wish I was on there and believe me somaliland would come of looking a bunch of thugs. -
Good jobs boys and a job well done. Those thugs from hargeisa have no business in sanaag nor sool but I don't expect nothing less from the snm thugs except thuggish conduct!!!
DEG DEG: Ciidamada Puntland oo La Wareegay Sanaadiiqda Doorashada Somaliland oo La Geeyey Degmada Hadaaftimo Dhahar (RBC) War goor dhow naga soo gaaray degmada Hadaftimo oo ka tirsan Bariga gobolka Sanaag ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa gobolka oo taabacsan maamulka Puntland ay la wareegeen goob lagu hayey sanaadiiqda doorashada Somaliland oo la doonayey in berito lagu codeeyo. Qaar ka mid ah odayaasha degaanka iyo wariyaal degaanka ku sugan ayaa goor dhoweyd RBC u xaqiijiyey in ciidamada Puntland oo waa gaadiidka dagaalka oo ka soo ambabaxay degmooyinka Dhahar iyo Baran ay galabta gaareen degmada Hadaftimo oo ay joogeen qaar ka mid ah hawlwadeenada doorashada Somaliland. Ciidamada ayaa sida la sheegay la wareegay guri ay yaaleen sanaadiiqda doorashada iyadoo ay halkaasi isaga bexeen hawlwadeenadii doorashada oo degaanka iyaguna ka soo jeeda. Lama sheegin wax iska hor imaad ah oo halkaasi ka dhacay, hase yeeshee saraakiisha ciidanka Puntland ayaa digniin u diray hawlwadeenada doorashada ee ka yimid dhinaca Ceerigaabo kuwaasoo doonayey inay berito cod bixin ka qaadaan degmada Hadaaftimo, sidaas waxaa RBC u sheegay taliyaha ciidanka Daraawiishta ee gobolka C/laahi Cumar Canshuur. Wasiirka sportiga Somaliland Maxamud Siciid Nuur oo degaanka ka soo jeeda ayaa ku sugnaa Hadaaftimo saacadihii la soo dhaafay, waxaana aan la ogeyn halka uu aaday. Waxaase wararku sheegayaan inuu degmada isaga baxay markii ciidamada Puntland ay soo galeen caawa. Degmada Hadaaftimo ayaa ahayd meesha kaliya ee la geeyey sanaadiiqda doorashada Somaliland guud ahaan degaanada Bariga gobolka Sanaag. Waxay arintan ku soo beegmeysaa iyadoo shaley baaq ay soo saareen odayaasha degaanka Bariga Sanaag ay uga digeen in sanaadiiqda doorashada Somaliland la geeyo gobolka. Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinaca Somaliland. Waxayna ku soo beegmeysaa iyadoo wax ka yar 6 saacadood oo kaliya ay ka harsan tahay waqtiga doorashada Somaliland loo dareeri doono oo ku beegan berito 6:00 aroornimo. RBC Radio
Well I know of 2 weekly newspaper. Shacab(Garowe Based) and War ogaal (Bossaso Based) According to a PDRC research report done in 2004. Puntland had 11 weekly papers in back then but I am not sure if that is the case now. However I can vouch for those two newspapers I noted because they are around and their could possibly be more newspapers that I don't know of. Anyways Reading this pdrc document will get you started. http://www.pdrcsomalia.org/publication/MEDIA.FRII.pdf Read page 4 and page 30 which should give you basic understanding however I can not vouch that all of those newspapers are opened today.
Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil: [qb] Do your nightmares change everynight. In all those other threats you said all is going well. hargeisa we are coming for you, ssc has nothing to do with puntland, galkacyo you defeated in 92, mackir waa puntland, economic boom, faroole best men, puntland wee duushay. what has changed. And of all those issue's/problems puntland is facing you summed up. not a single word on piracy. Do you support piracy? There is some things that I do like about farole. Development and International Relations are his strong points however security is not only a negative of his but it's getting worrying now. As for the piracy you noted. Firstly is the piracy affecting any somali? no. So its not domestic issue but foreign issue and I seen the fishery industry in Puntland being cut in half because their is literally no fish left for the fishermen. Go read Here The great town of Bossaso has no fish in the markets anymore. When you have Bossaso Fisherman Suffering Like This Why would I care about Ship Piracy when foreign companies are currently diminishing our fishery livelihood
Chief what this means is that ahlul sunnah is getting their act together and forming a barrier to keep shabab out of the central regions. Shabab and hizbul islam have been trying to penetrate the central regions for a long time now. The HI crew took over hobyo and harardheere so I guess the galguduud people are getting prepared. PS: damn I must give them credit though those abuudwaq ppl sure take care of their towns even though the strength of their clan is more in kismayo and gedo.