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My apologies actually allpuntland was correct that ahmed walad abdalla did provide an official letter and praised puntland. I just found it on the united nation political office for somalia(UNPOS) repository. Here is the press release in it's original. Letter to the members of the Somali Diaspora (No. 26) Posted by admin on June 28th, 2010 United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) Letter to the members of the Somali Diaspora (No. 26) Nairobi, 28 June 2010 In Somali As-Salaamu Alaikum, Dear friends, In a few days’ time I will end my mission in Somalia and will join UN Headquarters for other activities. I have spent nearly three years working on your country with various national, regional and international brothers and colleagues. It has been a most interesting, intense period of my professional life and has helped me to know East Africa, the Horn and your country a little better. Today I retain the same enthusiasm as on my first day about my mission. When I arrived to begin my work I had three things in mind. To start with, I felt, and I still feel, many affinities with the Somali people as I share various aspects of your background including an understanding of camels. On a personal basis, one of my best Mauritanian friends, who was also a school mate, married a Somali when they were both students in France. Finally, from my previous experience, I knew of the terrible impact a long civil war can have on people’s culture and behaviour, but also their strong desire to survive to see peace return which generates sympathy for the concerned populations. On the eve of my departure I would like to make a few observations: a. I thank the many Somalis of all ages, backgrounds and regions that I met for their understanding, friendship and dedication to their country. It is too long and difficult to list them all, but many have different political sensitivities and sometimes are even political adversaries. However they are all patriots and I thank them for their contribution to my work and above all to their country and for their sense of responsibility and dignity. b. I would like to thank the TFG leadership with whom I have worked since my arrival. I invite the current leadership to remain focused on essential priority tasks and to have a larger picture of the present and future of the country and their own regime rather than daily and short term priorities. However we should keep supporting them as they represent Somalia to the world. I would like to thank and congratulate the Presidents of Puntland and Somaliland for the attention they pay to stability, to economic issues and to security. c. A number of Governments genuinely want to help your country. However, to be honest, Somalia’s public image in Africa and the Middle East has been badly damaged over the years by the overall behaviour of the leaderships (governments and oppositions) in Mogadishu. A long, sustained effort is needed to reverse that negative perception. Western democracies such as the EU, Norway and the US are politically tolerant and pay more attention to the situation of the Diaspora for a number of reasons. I think that to maintain continued international attention and especially respect, you, the members of the Diaspora, must continue to adhere to the laws in your new country while helping to put Somalia on the right foot with patience and tolerance. There will never be a leadership unanimously agreed on, but despite the prevailing difficulties, I still think a solution for a stable Somalia is inevitable through political tolerance. So loose not heart, nor fall into despair; for ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. (Sura 003, Verse 138) In my first statement on my appointment in September 2007, I said that “Somalia does not deserve to be an international case study on how to manage conflict.” As I come to the end of my mission I would like to emphasize the same point again. Your country made progress in some key areas during my mission. Despite its self inflicted difficulties, we now have a one and a half year old Government as a result of the Djibouti Agreement signed in August 2008. The Agreement, the first of its kind on Somalia not originating from a specific regional state, is fully backed by the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conference, and the European Union. It was also witnessed by the three Permanent members of the UN Security Council, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with IGAD actively supporting its implementation. The Agreement in particular led to the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops but the opposition groups, who stated that they were only fighting to oust these troops, have continued their violence… Significant progress has also been made with respect to the Constitution, of which a first draft shall be presented by 1 July 2010, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence. Notable progress has also been made with a mechanism set up by the international accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, to allow donors to transfer funds to the TFG in a transparent, accountable manner. This mechanism allows funds to be disbursed to your country with greater speed and flexibility. It also gives partners a greater choice of ways to disburse external assistance. Moreover Somalia is again high up the international agenda. As you may recall, the Brussels pledging conference, held in April 2009, was chaired by the UN Secretary General and the Presidents of the EU and AU. This was followed in May this year by the Istanbul Conference, co-convened by the UN Secretary General and Turkey which attracted many Somali and international businessmen and women. Both meetings were attended by high level international figures including several foreign ministers. Peace will take time due to important vested interests local and also international including illegal trade, fishing, dumping of waste and piracy. But a determined Government, accepted or tolerated by Somalis and supported by the international community, can make irreversible progress towards stability. It should be noted that the International Community has in the past supported weak and fragile Governments during civil wars, such as in Bosnia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, etc. Somalia deserves similar treatment for its stability and that of the region as we all share an interest in seeing peace in your country. To that end the TFG should be more proactive and the international community, especially the UN, must move to Mogadishu to be close to the victims without delay. Concerning the victims – more work needs to be done to address impunity. I have always maintained that justice delayed is justice denied. The objective is to end the transition in a peaceful manner and to work closely with the African Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conference and especially your brothers in the region in IGAD. My office now has an established working group with the AU and IGAD. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). ( Sura 013, Verse 10) The new SRSG Augustine Mahiga, of Tanzania, whom I know will bring a vast experience from both in and outside his country and he will get strong regional backing to help liberate Somalia from the violence and anarchy. In saying goodbye to you, and in accordance with our Moslem tradition, I would like to ask forgiveness from all those I may have hurt one way or another. If that has happened, it was never my intention to harm and I would like to ask them forgiveness/Semah. On my side, I forgive those who, one way or another in my presence or absence, made negative statements about me. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or miss the mark (Sura 002, verse 285) Thank you once again for all your help and support Your brother Ahmedou
Doorashadii Soomaaliland waxaa ku guuleystey Kulmiye, LAAAKIIIN Posted by admin on June 29th, 2010 Warar hoosaad ku dhow gudiga doorashada Soomaliland ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in Codeynta ugu badan ay heleen Kulmiye, Siilaanyo na yahey Madaxweynaha a hada si ofocial ah uma soo bixin natiijadu. Madaxweyne Riyaale ayaa isna dhiniciisa wada isdaba marin aan wali usuura galin, Warar aad loogu kalsoon yahey ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in riyaale uu faragalin ku wado gudiga doorashada, inkastoo uu codbadan ka heley gobolka Awdal balse meelaha kale oo dhan cod fiican kama uusan helin.
29. June 2010 Degmada Burtinle ee Gobalka Nugaal ayaa dhawanahan waxaa ka jiray Dadaalo ay wadaan Qaybaha Bulshada Degmadaasi oo ay Hormuud ka yihiin Aqoonyahanada iyo Waxgaradka kuwaas oo lagu dhisayo Cisbitaalka Guud ee Degmadaasi Burtinle. Waxaa Xilligan socda Hawlo Iskaa Wax u qabsa ah oo ay Qaybaha Bulshadu uga qayb qaadanayaan Cisbitaalkaasi oo uu dhawaan Dhagax Dhigiisa Goobjoog ka ahaa Wasiirka Caafimaadka Dawlada Puntland iyo Masuuliyiin kale oo ka tirsan Dalwada Puntland. Qaybaha Bulshada ayaa si buuxda waxay u wadaaan dadaalada lagu hirgalinayo Cisbitaalkan Degmada, Waxayna qondeeyeen in ay bixiyaan inta badan Khrashaadka lagu dhisayo Cisbitaalkaasi, Waxaa Sidoo kale Dhismaha Cisbitaalkan ka qayb qaadanaya Jaaliyadaha reer Puntland ee ku dhaqan Dalka dibadiisa. Degmada Burtinle oo ka Mid ah Degmooyinka Gobalka Nugaal, waxaa ku Nool Mushtamac farabadan, waxaana ku yaala Xarumo kala duwan oo bulshada loogu Adeego sida Xarumaha Waxbarashada, MCH-ka, iyo Xarumaha Dawlada oo iyaguna dhawaan qaarkod la shaqa galiyay, lakin Waxay Degmadu mudo farabadan Tabaysay goob Caafimaad oo looga baahi baxo Caafimaadka Degmada Maadaama Degmadu baaxad ahaan ay ka Waynatay Degmooyin farabadan oo Puntland ka tirsan islamarkaana ay Magaalo u tahay in ka badan 50 Tuul oo hareeraheeda ku yaala. Waxaana Xilligan muuqata Dadaalka Dadweynuhu Hashan caafimaadka ugu jiro iyadoo sidoo kalana Shirkadaha Xawilaadaha laga sameeyay Accouno si lacagaha loogu talagalay Dhismaha Cisbitaalka loogu soo hagaajiyo. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee qaybaha bulshada Degmada Burtinle ay Muujiyaan Dadaalka lagu dhisayo Cisbitaalka Guud ee Degmada Burtinle si looga baxo baahida Caafimaad ee Degmada oo Markii hore loo aadi jiray Magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo iyo Garoowe oo Masaafo ahaan Degmada Burtinle aad uga fog. Cumar Afguduud xafiiska Puntland
Somaliland & qatarta ay keeni karto Maxkamed ku taala gobalka Florida ee dalkaasi Mareykanka ayaa waxa lagu maxkamadeynayaa muwaadin u dhashay wadanka Israel ,oo lagu magcaabo Honoch Miller kaasoo dhinac maray cunaqabatayntii hubka ee saarnayd dalka Soomaaliya iyo weliba sharciga Mareykanka oo ah in aan lagayn karin wax hub ah Soomaaliya. Muwaadinkaan oo ah nin Yuhuud ah islamarkaana u dhashay Israel ayaa hub aan la sheegin cadadkiisa balse nooca loo yaqaan AAKAHA (AK47) u badan u waday gudaha dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan magaalo madaxda labaad ee Soomaaliya ee Hargaysa (Somaliland). Honoch Miller ayaa u adeegayay dad aan magacyadooda la shaacin, oo ku nool wadamada USA, Israel iyo weliba Somaliland, dadkaas oo isugu jira kooxo mafiya ah oo ku nool mareykanka & isreal. Waxana wax ka oga arintan wasarada arimaha dibada ee israel oo si xoog leh ula shaqeysa maamulka ka jira hada somaliland. Waxa hada ka hor ay ka codsatey dowlada somaliland dowlada israel in ay ictiraafsiiso, lakiin shuruudihii ay ku xirtey israel somaliland ayaan la fulin ilaa hada. Shurudahaas waxa ka mid ahaa oo qodabadii ugu yara ka mid ah in ay calanka somaliland ay ka saarto xukumada hada joogto shadada (( laa ilaha ila laah muhamed rasuulilaah )) waxa kaloo ka mid ahaa in ay xududeeda ka xirato somalida kale & in ay siyasado jilicsan oo ay reer galbeedka u bogi karaan kusoo dabaasho dastuurka sharciga lagu maamulo somaliland. Waxa arintan wax ka qorey journalka ugu weyn israel waxaan warkan laga akhristey journalo badan oo aduunkii islaamka oo dhan la yaaban yahay waxa ka taagan somaliland XIGASHO: Riix halkan sida u akhriso journalka waxa usoo qorey Suįashu waxay tahay ? xage somaliland u wada umada somaliyeed ee ku nool somaliland, oo dooneysa siyasada umadaas in ay gacanta u galiso maalinba cadow cusub iyadoo ku ganacsaneysa masiirka umada somaliland oo ah dad 100% somali muslimiin ah . Waxa loo baahan yahay in ay somalida kala ka tashato maamulkaas oo qatar galinaya masiirka umada somaliyeed oo dhib weyna ku haya dadkiisa ,ayaa waxa ah wax laga marmaan ah in ay Gobolka Sool ay soo gasho gacanta Umada somaliyeed ,gaar ahaan Puntland. waana arin lagama maarmaan ah oo hadii ay dhaqaaqin Puntland ay noqoneyso in ay ka daahdo,sida loo badbaadinlaha dadka & duunyadaba . Dr : Ali Warsame
Jaaliyadda Australia oo Sagootisay Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland (SAWIRO) 29. jun 2010 Wasiirka Maaliyadda Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed, mudane Faarax Cali Shire oo maal mahan ku joogey booqasho shaqo Dalka Australia ayaa wuxuu ka qayb galay shirar kala duwan oo daba joog ah oo uu la yeelanayay, Madaxda kala duwan ee Dowlada Australia iyo wax garadka, aqoon yahanada, Haweenka iyo Culumada reer Puntland. Waxaa xusid mudan in Wasiirka maaliadda Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Mudane Faarax Cali Shire iyo Gudoomiyaha Australia Puntland Diaspora Forum; mudane Cumar Maxamuud Faarax Dhoolawaa iyo Gudoomiyaha Soomali Cummunity of Victoria Cabdirahmaan Jaamac Cusmaan RAAS ay shir muhiim u ah shalay gelinkii hore laqaateen Safiirka Dowlada federalka ee Soomaaliya u fadhiya dalka Indonesia Danjire Maxamud Colow Barow oo u yimid dalkaan Australia inuu ka qayb qaato Dabaaldeg weyn oo Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Melbourne ay u samyn doonto bisha 1da July oo ku aadan sanad guuradii 50aad ee Xoriyada Umadda Soomaaliyeed. Shirkaas waxaa looga wada hadlay arimo muhiim u ah Dowlada Puntland iyo guud ahaan umadda Soomaaliyeed Wasiirka Maaliyadda dowladda Puntland Mudane Faarax Cali shire oo maanta kasoo dhoofay dalka Australia ayaa waxaa sidoo kale xalay fiidkii casho sharaf sagootin ah usameeyay Ganacsatada iyo aqoon yahanka reer Puntland ee magaalada Melbourne. Shirkaas waxaa looga wada hadlay horumarka dowlada Puntland. Casho sharafkan sagootinta Wasiirka oo ay soo qaban qaabisay xubno kamid ah gudiga fulinta ee Ururka Qurbo Joogta Puntland ee Australia mudane Siciid shiinle iyo Ganacsade Yasiin Maxamed Faarax Diihaal. Shirwac M. Jaamac Melbourne, Australia
Abaanduulihii Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland Oo Ku Geeriyooday Shil Gaari June 29, 2010 2 comments | leave your own! Abaandulihii Ciidanka Daraawiishta Dowladda Puntland Allahu naxriiste Col.Maxamed Salaad Warsame ayaa ku geeriyooday shil gaari ka dhacay meel u dhow degmada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Guddoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka Karkaar Yoonis Cali Faarax oo la hadlay Horseed Media goor dhowayd ayaa sheegay in shilkaas gaari uu ka dhacay tuulada Adisoone oo dhowr iyo toban kilomitir u jirta degmada Qardho. Meydka Taliyaha ayaa waxaa daqiiqado ka hor la gaarsiiyey Isbitaalka degmada Qardho oo halkaas yaallo,waxaana aan la ogeyn sababaha rasmiga ah ee ka dambeysay shilkaas gaari. Shilka ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ku dhaawacmay labo ka mid ah askarta la socotay Abaanduulaha iyo dareewalka gaariga ula socday oo laga deyrinaayo xaaladiisa caafimaad oo ah mid liidata. Wararka ayaa sheegaaya in Abaanduulaha iyo Ciidan la socday ay kusii jeedeen degaanka Uurjire ee gobolka Karkaar halkaas oo uu ka dhacay dagaal Beeleed sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo u dhaxeeyey labo beelo oo walaalo ah. Horseed Media
Kulan Ku Sabsanaa Mideynta Hantida gaarka loo leeyahay Iyo midka guud Oo Lagu Soo Xiray Magaalada Garoowe (Sawiro) June 29, 2010 Waxaa maanta soo gabo gaboobay kulan soconaayay mudo saddex maalmood kaas oo ku sabsanaa sidii loo samayn lahaa mideynta hantida gaarka loo leeyahay iyo mida guud. Kulankaan ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay 40-qof kuwaas oo ka kala yimid degaanada Puntland iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya,waxaana ka mid ahaa 4-ruux oo ka socday Wasaarada arimaha gudaha ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo maamulka gobolka Banaadir.waxaana kulankaa soo qaban qaabisay Wasaarada arimaha gudaha ee Dowladda Puntland oo ay gacan siinaysay Hay’ada ILO. Kulankaan ayaa mudada u socday waxaa lagu baraayay dadka kasoo qaybgalay qaabka loo mideyn karo hantida gaarka iyo mid guud tasoo lagu talagalay goobaha arimaha bulshada qaabilsan ay Dowladu xukunto loo dhiibo shirkado aan dowli ahayn si ay hormar u gaari lahaayeen. Wasiirka degaanka iyo duurjoogta Dowladda Puntland Cabdiqani Yuusuf Cadde ayaa maanta soo gaba gabeeyey kulanka,wuxuuna mahadcelin ujeediyey dhamaan xubnihi ka qayb qaatay kulanka. Kulankaan mudada uu soconaayay ayaa waxaa qof weliba uu ka dhibanaayay fikirkiisa ku aadan mowduuca uu ku sabsanaa. Maxamed Saciid Yuusuf Wakiilka Horseed Media Garoowe-Puntland
Chief Aaqil the piracy occurs today as response to the illegal fishing. The only way to hurt the person stealing from you is to steal from them. The cargo-oil-containers and so forth are simply addressing the toxic wastes being dumped. It's usually big ships that do that sort of stuff. By the way their were many times when the international community was told to come and stop these abuses of our ocean but they kept ignoring it. Secondly the piracy also wakes the world up to the urgent need in somalia, we can just sit there and wait another 50 years in the same current political stalemate or we can make the first move to grab the attention of the world to urgently help in reconciling the clans in somalia. Thirdly we can do what somaliland do and behave for 20 years and get nowhere and sorry sxb but that's not effective result. Today the international community has responded with more international focus on solving the mess in somalia and that is positive note.
I never thought I would say this but allpuntland has provided bad journalism. Ahmed Walad Abdalla never praised puntland he didn't even mention puntland. Allpuntland needs to get rid of that article because it will taint their credibility.
Nairobi:"Waxaan jecelahaya inaan mahad u soo jeediyo una hambalyeeyo Madaxweyneyaasha Puntland iyo Somaliland"Walad Cabdalla oo soosaaray Qoraalkii u danbeeyey. 29. juni 2010 Nairobi:(Allpuntland)-Wakiilkii hore ee Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobey uqaabilsanaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo ay dhawaan soo idlaatay shaqadiisii Wakiilnimo ayaa Xafiiskiisa kasoo saaray Qoraalkii u danbeeyey oo ahaa Warqad sagoontin ah oo uu kula hadlayo dhawaam Bulshaweynta Soomaaliyeed,qoraalka Walad Cabdalla ayaa mahad naq loogu jeediyey Maamulada Puntland & Somalilnd,oo lagu amaanay sida ay u hormariyeen Amaankooda & Dhaqaalahooda,waxaana lagu dhaliilay dawlada kumeel gaarka ah & Mucaaradkeeda oo lagu sheegey inay dejiyeen Sharaftii Soomaaliya,iyadoo sidoo kale lagu amaanay intabadan bulshoweynta Soomaaliyeed. "As-Salaamu Calaykum, Saaxiibayaasha qiimaha iyo qaayaha leh, Maalmo yar ka dib waxaan soo dhameystiri doonaa hawshii aan Soomaaliya ka hayay waxaana ku biiri doonaa Xarunta Qaramada Midoobay si aan u qabto hawlo kale. Ku dhowaad saddex sanno ayaan waddankiina ka shaqeeyay anigoo la shaqeeyay walaalo iyo saaxiibo kala duwan oo ka kala socda dalka, gobolka iyo caalamkaba" ayaa lagu yiri Qeybta koowaad ee Qoraalka Walad Cabdalle oo ka koobnaa dhowr Baal oo kaladuwan. "Waxaan jecelahay inaan mahad u soo jeediyo hoggaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG oo aan la shaqeeyay tan iyo markaan imid. Waxaan hoggaanka hadda talada haya ugu baaqayaa inay eegaan hawlaha muhimka ah iyo inay maskaxda ku hayaan sawirka hadda iyo ka mustaqbalka ee dalka iyo xukuumaddooda, intay eegi lahaayeen danaha muhimadda dhow leh. Hase yeeshee, waa inaan sii wadnaa taageerada aan siino, maxaa yeelay iyagaa Soomaaliya Adduunka u metela,Waxaan jecelahaya inaan mahad u soo jeediyo una hambalyeeyo Madaxweyneyaasha Puntland iyo Somaliland sida ay ugu dadaalaan xasilloonida, arrimaha dhaqaalaha iyo amaanka" Ayuu ku sheegey Qoraalkiisa Wakiilkii hore ee Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsanaa Dalka Soomaaliya Axmed Walad Cabdalla. "Dowlado badan ayaa si dhab ah u doonaya inay taageeraan dalkiina . Hase ahaatee, run ahaantii, sumcadda guud ee ay Soomaaliya ku leedahay Afrika iyo Bariga Dhexe waxaa sannadahan si xun u dhaawacay falaka hoggaanka (xukuumadda iyo mucaaradka) Muqdisho. Waxaa loo baahanyahay dadaal dheer oo joogto ah si loo beddelo sawirkaas xun,Dowladaha dimuqraaddiga ah ee Reer Galbeedka, sida Midowga Yurub, Norway iyo Maraykanka inta badan siyaasad ahaan way tasaamux badan yihiin waxayna si gaar ah u eegaan xaaladda jaaliyadaha qurba joogta ah dhowr sababood awgood."ayuu ku sheegey Qoraalkiiisa Walad Cabdalle. Qoraalka Axmed Walad Cabdalla oo lagu qiyaasey inuu yahay kii u danbeeyey ee xafiiskiisa kasoo baxa ka hor inta uusan u anbabixin wadanka Maraykanka Magaaladiisa New Yourka oo ah xarunta ugu weyn ee Qaramada Midoobey ayaa uu dhamaan Soomaalida ka codsaday inau cafiyaan,wuxuuna sidoo kale sheegey in uu cafiyey dadbadan oo uu wax ka tabanayey kuwaas oo uu Qaarkood farta si dadban ugu fiiqay. "Anigoo raacaya dhaqankeena Islaamka, waxaan jeclahay inaan cafis weydiisto dhammaan dadka laga yaabo inaan si uun wax ugu dhimay. Hadday taa dhacday, marna kuma jirin niyaddayda inaan qofna dhibo, markaa waxaan jeclahay inaan weydiisto cafis iyo musaamaxo,Aniga dhankayga, waan cafiyay kuwa si uun, anigoo jooga ama anigoo maqanba, hadal xun iga sheegay. Waxaan si gaar ah u xusuustaa qof profesoor ah oo iga filayay inaan u maalgeliyo xarun cilmibaaris uu isagu leeyahay oo igu soo jeesaday markuu ogaaday inayna taa suurtoobi karin"Ayaa lagu yiri gabagabada Qoraalka Axmed Walad Cabdalla oo ahaa Warqad furan oo uu dhamaan Soomaalida ku sagoontinayo. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
Outgoing UN envoy encourages Somali leadership to build on recent gains Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah 28 June 2010 – The outgoing United Nations envoy for Somalia has called on the country’s leaders to remain focused on the priorities ahead for the Horn of Africa nation as it seeks to overcome years of conflict and build peace. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, in a farewell letter to the Somali diaspora, thanked the leadership of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) with whom he has worked since taking up his post as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia and encouraged them to build on the progress already made. “I invite the current leadership to remain focused on essential priority tasks and to have a larger picture of the present and future of the country and their own regime rather than daily and short term priorities,” he wrote. He noted that peace will take time due to “important vested interests, local and also international,” including illegal trade, fishing, dumping of waste and piracy. “But a determined Government, accepted or tolerated by Somalis and supported by the international community, can make irreversible progress towards stability,” stated Mr. Ould-Abdallah, a national of Mauritania who helped facilitate the Djibouti Peace Agreement, on which current peace and reconciliation efforts in Somalia are based. He added that many countries genuinely want to help Somalia. “However, to be honest, Somalia’s public image in Africa and the Middle East has been badly damaged over the years by the overall behaviour of the leaderships (government and opposition) in Mogadishu. “A long, sustained effort is needed to reverse that negative perception,” he stressed. The Special Representative highlighted some of the progress made in recent years, including the one-and-a-half-year-old Government currently in place in a country that has been without a functioning central government for two decades. Progress has also been made with respect to the Constitution, of which a first draft will be presented by 1 July, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence, he added. Mr. Ould-Abdallah, who has served as the UN’s envoy for Somalia since September 2007, will be succeeded by Augustine Mahiga, who currently serves as Tanzania’s Ambassador to the UN in New York.
Somalia bids farewell to Ahmedou Ould- Abdallah The outgoing United Nations envoy for Somalia with Somali Ambassador to Kenya Hiiraan Online Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Nairobi (HOL) - Somali Ambassador to Kenya Mohamed Ali Nur (America) hosted a private farewell dinner in his home in honour of the outgoing UN Special Representative for the Secretary General for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah on Saturday night. The dinner party was attended by the TFG Foreign Minister, Ali Jangali; Margaret Vogt, Deputy UN Special Representative for the Secretary General for Somalia; Joseph Trimble, Political Officer US Embassy in Nairobi; Bruno Mpondo-Epo, Acting Chief of Staff for UNPOS; as well as prominent Somali businessmen, and several employee’s of UNPOS. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah has been the Secretary - Generals Special Representative to Somalia since September 2007 and his legacy will undoubtedly be debated by scholars, historians and politicians for years to come. Among his noteworthy achievements is having been one the chief architects in the Djibouti Peace Agreement in August 2008 that brought together ARS and TFG leaders to negotiate a peace treaty. He also was among the major players in the Brussels Pledging Conference in April 2009 and more recently the Istanbul Conference on Somalia which adopted the Istanbul Declaration; a pact between the International community and the Somali people . He is also one of the most vocal supporters of a potential UN relocation to Somalia, a position that has been met with stiff opposition by other UN head officers. His work has brought renewed international attention the plight of the Somali people. It is said that development can be best gauged by progress on the ground and while Mr. Ould Abdallah worked diligently behind the scenes trying to propel Somalia forward; the fruits of his labour have yet to be sowed as the situation inside Somalia has steadily been deteriorating. Since he has taken office there has been a rise in extremist insurgency groups such as Al-Shabab and a steady spike in piracy off the coast. “He cannot be an honest broker (for peace and reconciliation)” Ali Hashi, the former Somali ambassador to the UN from 2001 to 2005 said recently “If you are an honest broker you will talk to all parties to the conflict. But Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah does not want to speak to opposition groups.” Hashi’s sentiment is shared by as many as 300 members of Parliament who accused Ould- Abdallah of being “the central perpetrator responsible for the serious and unfortunate legal and political crisis” within the government. In yet another controversial move Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah’s unwavering support for President Sharif’s unconstitutional sacking of Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke created a bigger rift between himself and the Somali Parliament. The unexpected firing of the PM was subsequently reversed after President Sharif consulted with his lawyers who advised him that it was indeed unconstitutional. In his defense Ahmedou Ould Abdallah questioned the integrity of some his critics in Parliament dismissing them as war profiteers who do not have peace and reconciliation at the forefront of their agenda. “Somali politicians, the elite I mean, are not ready to face the truth and compromise for the sake of their country, religion, children and dignity,” he said. “These people are at war. Their children are dying. They are living on charities under makeshift shelters, so I can’t accept to have cocktail parties.” Fortunately for him, Saturday night was an acceptable night to have a cocktail party as he smiled and exchanged pleasantries with old friends and colleagues about the past and future. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Nur (America) thanked him for his work in Somalia and presented him with cultural gifts on behalf of the government and the people of Somalia, a memento for his time as the Special Representative of the Secretary General in Somalia. His successor Augustine P. Mahiga from the United Republic of Tanzania is faced with the task of implementing the doctrines of the Istanbul Declaration and finding the ever elusive link between peace and government.
PUNTLANDTALK Oo Hawada Soo galay June 28, 2010 By Juuj Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dunida dacaladeeda, waxaa lagu wargalinayaa inuu hawada soo galay bogga cusub ee Puntland Talk waxaani boggani uu diirada saari doonaa inuu had iyo jeer ka hadlo wixii hormar ah. Website-ka Puntland Talk waxaa uu noqon doonaa website-ka badalan website-yada AfSomaliga lagu qoro, waxaana uu diirada saari doonaa ka shaqeynta nabada, hormarka, Waxbarashada, Caafimaadka iyo dhaqaalaha, waxaana uu noqon doonaa Puntland Talk website aan runta ka leexan. waxaad ka heli doontaan Warar, Warbixino, Faalooyin iyo Maqaallo kuwaasi oo aan uga hadli doono arrimaha hormarinta Puntland. Puntland Talk waxaa uu noqon doonaa mid dhexdhexaad ka ah Wararka Somaliya Iyo Siyaasiyadaha is Diidan, Waxaana soo dhaweynaynaa wixii afkaar ah ee ay bulshadu qabto kuna aadan arrimaha Siyaasada, Ammaanka iyo wax walba oo muhiim aanu u aragno. Sidoo kale Webka Puntland Talk waxaa uu ka qaybqaadan doona Hormarka gobalada Puntland Bogga Wuxuu u qoran yahay sidaan … Http:// Cinwaankana kala Xiriir Maamulkiisa
London:-Wakiilka Puntland oo Madaxa Sare la Kulmay +Sawiro June 29, 2010 Saraakiil ka socota xafiiska DG Puntland ee gobollada Yorkshire oo uu hor socdo wakiilka dawladda ee gobolladaasi ayaa si farxad leh loogu soo dhoweeyey xarunta maamulka magaalada Leeds halkaasi oo ay ka socotay xaflad ballaaran oo loogu dabaaldegayo ciidamada qalabka sida ee boqortooyada britain isla markaasina si gaar ah loogu xusayey askartii naftooda u huray dalkan Britain laga soo bilaabo dagaalkii koowaad ee aduunka. Munaasabaddaasi oo ay ka soo qayb galeen xubno ka tirsan qoyska boqortooyada, Madax sare oo ka socota dawladda Britain, Daljirayaal, Siyaasiyiin aad looga yaqaan dalkan, Saraakiil ciidan, Marti sharaf kale iyo dadweyne aad u tira badan waxaa barxadda xarunta maamulka magaalada Leeds lagu soo bandhigay gaada ka ciyaar ciidamada qalabka sida, ciidamada cirka, badda iyo qalab aad u tiro badan oo casri ah oo milateri. Wakiilka Puntland ee Yorkshire Mudane Raage oo u hambalyeeyey madaxdii ka soo qayb gashay munaasabadda, martisharfta iyo dadweynaha Britain hadal gaaban oo uu ka jeediyey xafladda wuxuu sidoo kale goobta ka cadeeyey sida ay lagama maarmaan u tahay xoojinta xiriirka iskaashi iyo is fahamka fiican ee shacabka reer Britain iyo bulshada reer Puntland By Jama Feyte La Xidhiidh Wakiilka Madaxa Xafiiska Wakiilka DG Puntland ee Yorkshire Eng. Abdulqadir Yusuf Xirsi
Somaliland: 4 killed in election-day skirmish (AP) – 1 day ago HARGEISA, Somalia — Officials in Somaliland say a voting-day skirmish killed four people in a contested area of the self-declared republic. The election board says a militia from neighboring Puntland region tried to raid a polling station in an area claimed by Somaliland and Puntland. Officials said late Saturday the disturbance forced them to close 34 stations early in that area. The International Republican Institute, a U.S. observer group, said Sunday their observers found few voting irregularities in the region. Three men ran for president of the region, a haven of relative peace in northwest Somalia that declared its independence in 1991. Somaliland has its own security and police forces, justice system and currency, but is not recognized by any other state.
Somalia: Puntland Authorities Want Money Held at Airport Returned Published On: Monday, June, 28 2010 - 15:19:26 This post has been viewed 13 times Share this post on: or Else Three air planes carried the money, worth more than 17 billion Somali shillings. It was sent by the Somali Transitional Federal Government. The TFG of former President Abdullahi Yussuf owed Galka�ayo based Somali business women the money. Galka�ayo,Sunatimes- Local business people and the authorities in the Galka�ayo town of Puntland have decided to reject a huge amount of money that has been held at the Galka�yo�s airport for the last three days. Three air planes carried the money, worth more than 17 billion Somali shillings. It was sent by the Somali Transitional Federal Government. The TFG of former President Abdullahi Yussuf owed Galka�ayo based Somali business women the money. The business people and Puntland government officials who met today to discuss the situation announced that it was too dangerous to allow entry of the money into the markets of Puntland. Yasiin Abdi Samad, who attended the meeting as one the local elders, said that they agreed with the business community of Puntland not allowing the money into the markets because it was too dangerous. The money, which has not been off loaded from the planes, is being guarded by police officers at Galka�yo airport. Sunatimes news desk
Democracy is Not Simply Elections By Abdullahi Jama June 28, 2010 Many people tend to believe that democracy is all about elections. In reality that is not the case. Elections are being conducted in many parts of the world where democracy actually becomes a delusion. Let us say, democracy in its intrinsic feature matches the definition given by late American leader Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). In his words: “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Beside elections, a democratic country needs foundations of democracy such as strong civil society, independent judiciary and checks and balances and mature populace. There must be severe consequences by rigging elections. Just because elections are held, it doesn’t mean democracy is being implemented. Worse, in the absence of viable democratic foundations, elections often become a dangerous exercise and fuel political violence. In such a case, winning elections is regarded as a matter of death and life since the “winner takes all” and his/her power is unrestrained. Elections in the Third World foster bad governance. Why? Because, they are held not out of democratic conviction but as a means to siphon off foreign aid. In Somaliland, President Rayale was asked why your government failed to build and/or repair roads during your tenure. He answered; “there is no government that can afford to build roads or repair without foreign aid… we need recognition to access those funds”. And, why bad governance in the Third World? The difference between good governance and bad governance is wealth. In good governance, public funds are used for the service of the people. In bad governance, however, those funds are used for personal enrichment or political patronage. Human Rights Watch in its report 2008, asserts that elections held in the third world did nothing to improve human rights conditions of the people.(See. 2008 Report: Democracy Charade Undermines Rights). In Somalia corruption peaked the highest in 1969, yet we had one of the best performed democracies in Africa. My aim is not to say democracy is worse than dictatorship, but to warn against expectation that elections are panacea for poor country’s problems. `Poverty trap` attracts election violence and bad governance; it might even exacerbate it. Particularly in countries known as low income, dependent on the export of primary commodity and weak democratic institutions. Researchers at Oxford University found that democracy actually makes worse off in low income countries where people live in margins of poverty below $7 per day. Abdullahi Jama E-Mail:
This is the lane they first attempted to do in bendar ziyada But that lane didn't work out because the water floods it out and now their constructing a bridge for the cars to get by. They shouldn't of known that before anyways it's good their constructing a bridge because that will have longer lifetime. Plus it's interesting to see that bendar ziyada city refurbishment plans are nearly complete. It started in 2006 and is quite massive project which includes new homes/shopping district/schools all done with proper town-planning techniques. The draft of the city planning project was this last time i checked. It could've of had changes since it was published but it will be interesting when they do the "grand opening" of the city project which they say is coming soon and im looking forward to it!!!
Waxgaradka iyo Qurbe Joogta Bandar Siyaada oo Bilaabay Dhismaha Wadada Isku Xirta Qaw iyo Boosaaso Bandar Siyada (RBC Radio) Beesha degaanka Bander Siyaada (Qaw) oo ka tirsan gobolka Bari iyo jaaliyadaha dibada ee degaankaasi ayaa xariga ka jaray mashruuc wado loogu sameynayo degaanka Bandar Siyaada taasi oo isku xiri doonta magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari iyo degaanka Bandar Siyaada. Kulan ballaaran oo lagu qabtay hotelka ‘International Village’ ee magaalada Boosaaso oo ay ka qeybgaleen masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada Puntland, isimo, culimo, waxgarad iyo qurbe joog ka soo jeeda degaanka Bandar Siyaada ayaa si rasmi ah xariga looga jaray dhismaha wado dheer oo isku xiri doonta degaanka Bandar Siyaada iyo magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Waxaa gaar ahaan dhismahan uu yahay mid lagu furayo dhul dhan 120-mitir oo dherer ah iyo 10-mitir oo ballac ah oo ay biyo xireen kana mid ah wadada isku xirta Boosaaso iyo Bandar Siyaada. Wadadan oo oo isku xiri jirtay Boosaaso iyo degaanka Bandar Siyaada ayaa dhowrkii bilood ee u dambeeyey noqotay mid xiran ka dib markii biyaha baddu ay kala gooyeen, taasi oo hakad gelisay isu socodka gaadiidka isku xira labada magaalo isla markaana muhim u ahaa isku xirka gobolada Bari iyo Sanaag. Kulamo xiriir ah oo ay mudooyinkan lahaayeen waxgaradka, ganacsatada iyo xubnaha jaaliyadaha dibada ku nool ee beesha Bandar Siyaada ayaa ugu dambeyn lagu go’aamiyey in buundo ay baabuurto marto laga dhiso halka lagu magacaabo “JAANKA” oo ah halka ay biyuhu xireen meeshaasi oo magaalada Boosaaso qiyaastii ka xigta 70-km dhinaca galbeedka. Iyadoo maalintii shaley booqasho ay waxgaradka iyo xubnaha jaaliyada ee degaankaasi ay ku tageen Bandar Siyaada si rasmi ah loo dhagax dhigay dhismaha buunada Jaanka laga dhisayo. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada waxbarashada Puntland Cabdi Maxamed Goobe, Suldaanka guud ee beesha Bandar Siyaada Suldan Siciid Irbad, xildhibaan ka tirsan barlamanka dowlada federaalka, odayaal iyo xubno qirbe joogta ka mid ah ayaa booqasho ay ku tageen degaanka waxay ka qeybgaleen dhagax dhiga dhismaha buunada isku xiri doonta Boosaaso iyo Bandar Siyaada. Kulanka ballaaran oo daba joogay dhagax dhiga buunada ayaa maanta lagu qabtay hotelka ‘Village’ ee magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana kulankan lagu marti qaaday madaxda dowlada ee joogta Boosaaso iyadoo uu dhinaca kalena kulanku xiritaan u ahaa shirkii ay lahayd beesha degaanka Bandar Siyaada. Xubnihii dowlada ka socday gaar ahaan wasiirada dowlada, maamulka gobolka iyo kan degmada Boosaaso ayaa ballanqaaday inay taageeri doonaan mashruucan lagu horumarinayo degaanka Bandar Siyaada. Wasiirada amniga, dekedaha, arimaha gudaha iyo ganacsiga ayaa kulanka ka ballanqaaday in mid kasta uu si gaar ah wax uga qabanayo arimaha ay wasaaradiisu u xilsaaran tahay taasi oo si weyn loo soo dhoweeyey. Ganacsatadii kulankan joogtay ayaa iyaguna ballanqaaday in adeegyada ganacsiga oo ay isgaarsiintu ugu horeyso ay deg deg u geyn doonaan degaan Bandar Siyaada taasi oo shirkada Golis Telecom Somalia ay si gaar ah u ballanqaaday. Intii uu socday shirkan looga hadlayey horumarka degaanka Bandar Siyaada waxaa lagu soo banshigay naqshada cusub ee degaanka dhismihiisu uu yeelanayo iyadoo la raacayo habka caalamiga ah ee magaaleynta (town planning and master planning). Xubnaha qurbe joogta degaanka oo kulanka qaarkood ka hadleen isla markaana bixinaya dhaqaalaha ku baxaya mashruuca dhismaha wadada ayaa iyaguna sheegay inay sii wadi doonaan dhameystirka wax kasta oo ku saabsan dhismaha degaanka Bandar Siyaada, iyadoo dhinaca kalena ugu baaqay qurbe joogta kale ee weli dibadaha ku maqan inay muujiyaan wadaniyad oo ay dalkooda maalgashadaan. Mashruuca magaaleynta degaanka Badar Siyaada oo magaalada Boosaaso dhinaca galbeed qiyaas ahaan 100-km u jirta ayaa soo bilawday sanadkii 2006, waxaana hadda uu ku dhow yahay gabagabo iyadoo dhismayaashii muhimka ahaa sida dugsiga waxbarashada, xarumaha caafimaadka iyo suuqyo laga hirgaliyey deganka sida uu RBC Radio u sheegay gudoomiyaha degmada Rashiid Xabiib.
Thankful do you think the istanbul pledge is possible?
Thankful we will see. So far all that is needed is puntland govt authorization. Investment into Puntland is crucial for development and the fishing industry is one of the many industries that can provide jobs to the locals. Stop being negative sxb i provied the radio program that was discussing this issue.
UURILE:-XAFLADII QALIN-JEBINTA ARDAYDA MAAKHIR EE DALKA HINDIYA IYO WACDARIHII HABEENKAASI [+SAWIRO] Xafladan ayaa si wanaagsan loo soo agaasimay taasoo ahayd xafladii ugu horeysay ee ay qabsadaan ardayda Reer Maakhir ee wax ka barta dalka India ayaa waxay ka dhacday magalada Hyderabad ee dalka India. Xafladan Qalin jebinta Ardayda Reer Maakhir Ayaa waxaa barbar socday Xaflad kale oo iyana lagu xusayey 26-ka June oo ah maalinta Gobolada Waqooyi laga taagay calanka soomaaliya oo ay ka soo wareegtay 50 sano maalintaas oo Gobolada Waqooyi ee dalka soomaaliya ay ka bexeen gumaysigii Ingriiska sanadkii 1960. Waxayna Ahayd Xafladani mid kulmisay dhamaan shacab weynaha soomaliyeed ee ku dhaqan Magaalada Hydabad iyo Dalada Ardayda Ajaanibta ah , Maadaama La Xusaayey Maalintii 26-ka June oo ah Maalintii dhul soomaaliyeed laga taago calan xor ah. Waxaana xafladan soo agaasimay URURKA ARDAYDA REER MAAKHIR ee Magalada Hyderabad. Xafladan oo ahayd xaflad aad u heersaraysay ayaa waxaa xusid mudan in ay ka ka Qalin jabinyeen Arday kor u dhaafaysa 30 oo isugu jira Rag iyo Dumar , Taasoo ah tiradii ugu badnayd ee ka qalin jabisa jamacadaha India inta taariikhda lagu xasuusto. Iyo arday-da aan qalin jabin ee kaso qeyb gashay xafladan oo tiradoodu kor udhafayay 200 arday oo ka kala yimid dhamaan gobolada dalka India. Xafladan waxa kasoo qeyb galay marti sharaf magac iyo samcad kuleh dalka India, marti sharaftan ayaa waxay ka jeediyeen xaflada hadalo ku beeray arday-da reer Maakhir qiiro kuwaas oo dhamaantood ku boorinayay ardayda inay horumariyan dalkooda marti sharafta ayaa waxay kala ahaayeen, maamulayaasha labada jaamacadood ee ay soomaalidu u badan tahay kuwaas oo kala ah (Osmania University iyo JNTU) halkaasna ka jeediyey hadalo isugu jira waano iyo dardaaran,. Eng. Axmed Naaji oo ahaa xadhiidhyaha xafladaas qaybta English-ka ayaa hadal furitan ah oo isugu jiray gabayo, Qisooyin ku saabsan waxbarashada halkaas ka soo jeediyey isagoo guubaabo iyo dardaaranba ugu daray Dhamaan ardaydii ka qalin jabisay jaamacadaha iyo kuwii kale ee xafladaasi ka soo qaybgalay. Eng. Maxamed Cali Salaad (Ilkajiir) ayaa isna daadihinaayey xafladda qalin jabinta sidoo kalena ereyo baraarujin ah u soo jeediyey ardaydii qalin-jebinaysey kulana dardaarmay in ay dadkooda iyo dalkoodaba wax u qabtaan. Waxaa furay xaflada Gudoomiyaha Arday reer Maakhir Siciid Cabdi Cabdale oo ka hadlay muhiimada waxbarashada kuna booriyey ardayda qalin jebisey in ay sii wadaan dadaalkooda, sidoo kalena ka hadlay xuska 26-june , Sidoo kale waxaa ka hadlay Cumar Badmaax oo ah Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Ardayda reer Maakhir oo isna halkaas ka soo jeediyey hadal aad loola khushucay. Waxaa xaflada lagu soo bandhigay film gaaban oo laga dheehanayey muuqaalada magalooyinka Maakhir oo uu soo diyaariyey Isxal, sidoo kale waxaa xaflada buraanbur ka akhriday Hibaaq, buraanburkaas oo ahaa mid aad loola dhacay kana hadlaaye Maakhir iyo weliba muhiimada waxbarashada. Gebagebadii ayaa xafladu waxay ku soo dhamaatay jawi aad u wanaagsan iyada oo dadkii ka soo qayb galay wejiyadooda la dheehan karayey farxad.
Below is news regarding the advancement in the fishing industry in Puntland thanks to reforms and infrastructure provided by Puntland Govt and investors is providing much needed jobs in remote towns such as baargaal. The advancement in the fishing industry includes thailand multi million euro investment in the local puntland fishing industry that needs to be authorized by Puntland GOVT. You can listen here. Baargaal Fishing Industry News
Dabka kacay Dhismaha Isbitaalka Puntland Ee Magaalada Boosaaso Daqiiqado ka hor ayaa dab waxaa uu ka kacay Dhismaha Isbitaalka Puntland ee Boosaaso Dabkasi oo qabsaday Qeybta Hoose ee Isbitaalka oo horey u ahaan Jirtay Cafeteria iminkana laga dhigay Keyd ayaa waxaa ka kacay Dab xoogan oo sababay Qasaare soo gaaray Agab yaalay halkaasi. Ma jirto cid faahfaahisay sababta Dhalisay Dabkan waxaase goobta Dabka ka kacay Soo gaaray Dab damiska Dowlada hoose ee boosaaso waxaana dabkaasi ladamiyay Xoogiisa inskata oo weli qiiq kabaxayo Qeybta hoose ee Dhismaha Isbitaalka Puntland. Dabka ka kacay Isbitaalka ayaa waxaa iminka lagu guuleystay in la xakameeyo Shaqaalah Isbitaalka & shacab u soo gurmadaya ayaa Ayaa isbitaalka daabulay Qeybta Gubatay Agabka Dawooyinka qaar ee ka badbaaday. Maamulka Isbitaalka Puntland ayaa waxaa ay ka shaqeynayaan Deminta Dabka waxaana weli aysan ka hadlin sababta dabka dhalisay waxaase ay sheegen inay baari doonan Dabka sababta keentay Goobta Dabka ka kacay ayaa waxaa Ilaalo xoogan ka haya Ciidamada Booliiska & SPU-da iyo sidoo kale Ilaalo gaar ah oo uu leeyaha Isbitaalka Puntland ee Boosaaso. Wixii ku soo kordha kala soco SBC SBC International Boosaaso