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Breakfast 7am. 1. Cut to small lengths Goat liver (finished by 7.30am) with onions, tomato, green peppers and potato all fried or Goat meat or specially ordered eggs. 2. Pan cakes ("Angela") or bread roll. 3. Porridge with milk Lunch 12 midday. 1. Camel Steak or Goat meat with vegetables or specially ordered eggs. 2. Rice with or without spices and raisins. 3. Banana. 4. Water melon Dinner 6pm. 1. Tuna fish from the tin fried with onions and vegetables.(DAMN BOSSASO) 2. Goat or Camel meat or specially ordered eggs. 3. Boiled beans.(DAMN BARAXLEY) :eek: 4. Bread roll.
Yeah when they say south/central they mean anything below south-galkayo all the way to kismayo and everything in between. Lets not forget that the bay/bakool/gedo/jubba are signficant populations within their own right and the remainder is the benadiri block. Sometimes people confuse the south to be all just benadiri boys but thats not the case at all. When we compare the power structure by tribe yes benadirs are powerhouse. I would say in my calculations the south would be divided up this way. 25% bay/bakool 15% gedo/jubba 60% usc When you compare it one by one the usc clan is definitely the powerhouse but that doesn't mean they own the south completely to themselves. So 52% of somalia is located in the south thats true but that 50% isnt just usc. If we add that 15% to the already established 30% in puntland 45% of the cake should go to us haday cadalaad jirto weeye.
The distribution of aid to the health sector by zones was fairly evenly distributed during the period 2000 to 2006. Sixty-one percent of funding went to South and Central zone (which accounts for 52 percent of the population); 19 percent to Puntland (which accounts for 20 percent of the population); and 20 percent to Somaliland (which accounts for 28 percent of the population). Ps: Lets not forget that doesn't include sool/sanaag. Thats Just mudug/bari/nugaal. If we include sool and sanaag into that then would rise to 30%. If we include gedo/jubbayoinka well over 45-50%
nameless_chick well they didn't exactly "bann" it all together they shifted them to operate outside the city center because it makes the town look bad. But it is small measure like this that can help people get off this drug. Because who will want to go all the way out of town just to get a piece of few leaves? It will minimize the trade of the khat not totally eliminate it though.
Youth Peace Soccer Tournament. Friday 2nd July 2010 Youth from around Galkayo, Thursday 1st July 2010 converged at the Galkayo Youth Resource Center for Peace for a soccer tournament of its kind in the history of the town. The event dubbed “Galkayo Youth Peace Tournament” was organized by a local women NGO, Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD) to coincide with the commemoration of the Somali National Independence Day. The event brought together youth from both North and South Galkayo at the new facility. The tournament was also attended by the Mudug Regional Vice Governor Bashir Mohammed Mirre and Galkayo District Mayor Abdulrahman Hajji Hassan. Addressing those who attended the event, the Regional Vice Governor encouraged the youth to exploit their talents by engaging in activities such as sports and shun social vices. He also congratulated GECPD for it fundraising efforts to avail a facility as the Youth Resource Center for Peace. The governor noted that the facility will go a long way in helping the youth nurture and grow their talents. The Galkayo Mayor promised government support to youth activities within Galkayo. He noted that engagement of the youth from all walks of life in activities such as sports was the best strategy in reuniting the community and restoring peace. The mayor said that coming at the commemoration of the Somali National Independence Day, the event was a reminder to communities of their shared interests hence the need to build sustainable peace and live in harmony with one another. GECPD Programs Supervisor Hawa Yussuf thanked all who turned up for the event saying that all the youth are welcome to the facility. She challenged them to continue organizing themselves in clubs and explore other talent areas in readiness to fully utilize the facility once the construction is completed. The tournament featured two teams Homomboro Football Club and the Galkayo Local Government Team. Homomboro beat the Local Government team 3;0. The winner received a Trophy on top of a cash reward given to both teams. This was the first event at the center whose other facilities ill include a Basketball and Netball Pitches, a Library, a Social Hall, a Meeting Room, a Youth Canteen and a Mosque.
Duufan Garoweonline editor is one of farole son's therefore it's kind of official becuz you know what they say "father like son" I am fairly certain farole son know exactly what their father's policies are!!!
Wasiirka amniga Puntland oo waramey safarka Ethiopia 6 Jul 6, 2010 - 2:47:19 PM Wasiirka amniga Puntland Yusuf Axmad Khayre oo safar ku jooga wadanka Ethiopia ayaa Radio Garowe uga waramey howlihii ay ka qabteen intii ay halkaas ku sugnaayeen isaga oo sheegey in booqashadooda aheyd mid guul ah. Waftiga Wasiirka ayaa waxaa hogaaminaya Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland Cabdisamad Cali shire kuwaasoo booqasho ku tagey magaalada Jigjiga oo ah xarunta maamulka Somalida Ethiopia. Dhageyso Wasiirka amniga Puntland Mud. Yusuf Axmad khayre oo la hadlaya wariye Abshir Cabdulahi isaga oo ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa ee wadanka Ethiopia. Audio Below Puntland Security Minister Audio
GAROOWE: Magaalada Garoowe ee Xarunta Dowladda Puntland oo laga manuucay in lagu dhex-iibiyo Qaadka Posted to the Web Jul 07, 01:14 Garoowe (PP) - Magaalada garoowe ee caasimada puntland ayaa ah magaalooyinka sida xun loogu dhex iibiyo muqaadiraadka khaadka waxaana uu dhibaato badan ku hayaa dhalinyarada soomaliyeed waxaana xusid mudan in ay haween badani ka helaan qudul duruuriga qoyska. Haddaba maamulka dowlada hoose ee magaalada garoowe ayaa amar ku bixisay in aan wax khaada lagu dhex iibin Karin gudahaa magaalada gaar ahaan wadada laamiga waxaana maalintii labaad ka socda caasimada puntland ee garoowe howlo lagu burburinayo goobaha lagu iibiyo khaadka. Tilaabada ciidanka amniga ku dhaqaaqeen aaya timid kidib markii uu dhamaaday waqti Dowlada hoose u qabatay ganacsatada khaadka ka beec mushtara in ay ka guuraan agagaaarka Laamiga si loo ilaaliyo bilcda Caasimada Puntland waxaana xiligaas loo qabtay wakhti kooban. Maamulka dowlada hoose ayaa sheegay in ay u cayimeen goob loogu tala galay in lagu iibiyo khaadka taas oo sida la sheegay ka baxsan gudaha magaalada garoowe isla markaana maamulku uu go’aan ka qaadi doono cidii aan u garowsan goobta loo cayimay waxaana laga qaadi doonaan cidii ku dhex iibisa laamiga talaabo sharciga waafaqsan. Ugu dambayntii Dadka Khaadlayda ah ayaa tilaabadaa Dowlada hoose khaaday ku sheegay in ay tahay mid ay soo dhawaynayaan hasayeeshee waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka walaacsan yihiin howlgalka deg deg ah iyo ilaa iyo iminka oo aysan u asatayan gooba ay degaan. Siciid Cabdisalaan Siciid Wakiilka Puntlandpost-Garoowe E-mail loole15@hotmail.com Live
Exclusive: "Peace is under Somalia`s trees" 5 Jul 5, 2010 - 10:48:24 AM Muhyadin Ahmed Roble, AfricaNews reporter in Nairobi, Kenya Somalia is one of the several African nations marking 50th anniversary of independence this year. However, it remains a dangerous place to live while other countries thrive. A prominent peace activist said the troubled nation can feel peace when the locals realize the need to sit under the tree to iron issues out. AfricaNews’ Somalia expert Muhyadin Ahmed Roble spoke to Professor Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow), who is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Mogadishu University on the way forward for the horn of Africa. He is a prominent peace activist and scholar. He writes on variety of issues, particularly on Islam and its modern development in Somalia. AfricaNews: Somalia is 50 years old, how do you feel? Prof Abdurahman: Well, it is refreshing to witness the 50th anniversary of a state that collapsed 20 years ago. I celebrate alone in my room silently redden with anguish and frustration. I celebrate in recollecting my memory on my journey of life since early childhood in 1960 when I was 6 years old. I celebrate ashamed and grieved that my generation failed to save Somalia. AfricaNews : How do you see the country 50 years on? Prof Abdurahman: When we talk about Somalia, we must have in mind different regions of Somalia. The country is indeed divided. The south where Mogadishu is located is the epicenter of conflict and is in shambles. Somalia became a theartre of the cold war, civil war and global war on terrorism. Our youngsters were recruited to fight and died without any cause; and they were denied education and jobs. On the brighter side, Somalis are learning fast through their contact in different countries where many of them migrated. Somalis are becoming self-reliant and entrepreneurs all over the world. AfricaNews: How can you compare July, 1960 and now? Prof Abdurahman: The difference is between hope and hopelessness; between democratic country and country ruled by guns; between unified people and fragmented and divided country. It is not comparable in that sense; however, Somalis have more resource and potentials today than 1960. AfricaNews: What can Somalia show after 50 years of independence? Prof Abdurahman: Somalia is a showcase of the failure of post-colonial state in Africa; the state imposed from top against the culture and social norms of the people, and the state and elites that do not belong to the aspiration of their people. Somalia can also show the resilience and audacity of the traditional African society and their social networks and its survivability. AfricaNews: Is Somalia yet a sovereign government? Prof Abdurahman: A sort of, but not in the true sense. The central state does not control its border, does not provide minimum security, and does not collect tax except from Mogadishu Sea and Airports. So, what kind of sovereignty is that? We have to find fine lines between true sovereignty and quasi-sovereignty. AfricaNews: What caused the instability in Somalia? Prof Abdurahman: This is indeed very complex question but there are certain factors involved. The internal factors including dictatorship, lack of freedom and divided opposition. In addition to that Ethiopian and recently Eritrea factors can also be taken into account. Moreover, the open space of Somalia became attractive to terrorist groups after 9/11 and wrong policies and approaches deteriorated the situation. AfricaNews: 20 years after, what can Somalis learn from the civil war? Prof Abdurahman: They can learn a lot. Now the government imposed on the people by foreign countries is malfunctioning. The use of international forces alone will not solve Somali problems. Peace can only thrive when communities sit under the tree, discus their own issues and solve it in their own way. Puntland and Somaliland are very good example of such bottom-up community owned reconciliation and state-building approach. AfricaNews: Where are Somalis heading now? Prof Abdurahman: Only Allah (GOD) knows. Nobody can predict how things will develop in Somalia. It is unpredictable but the picture is gloomy in the short period. The current transitional Government is heading to nowhere and its leaders are working on plan B which is what to do after. The al-Shabaab may take over, the only obstacle for them is the presence of the African forces in Mogadishu. AfricaNews: What kind of government does Somalia need? Prof Abdurahman: The kind of government is not an issue. It should be a government that people accept and agree upon and it should be working for them. It is not an ideal state and should not necessarily follow other models. That government should be capable of restoring law and order and consider all Somalis to be equal citizens. It should be a government for people and by the people. AfricaNews: How can the people change? Prof Abdurahman: Changes could be made in so many ways. The Qur’an said “Verily God does change men’s condition unless they change what is in their heart.” Therefore, change begins with the change of the heart and way of thinking, change through education and raising capacity, change through better organizations, social and political, change through decent economic ventures, change of the elite culture and so on. Finally, it is the will of the people and dedicated leaders who can make a change doable in Somalia. AfricaNews: Is Somalia a failed state? Prof Abdurahman: It does not need to be called in such way; it is failed and then failed. The people of Somalia did not fail, the state failed. It is failed and will not return unless new approach and new thinking is developed outside of the traditional state-building box and outside driven modality. Source: AfricaNews
Somalia: Failure in curbing the advances of the Somaliland secessionists 6 Jul 6, 2010 - 10:27:46 AM by Mohamed A. Elmi** July 5, 2010 As concerned Somali expats we are dealing with a complex set of problems in our quest for an ideal future for perpetual peace and prosperity through an overarching vision nourished by benevolent objectives and specific guidelines. We understand and consider the need for further research and study of the strengths of Somali cultural identity, political union, good governance and untapped natural resources. The scientific improvement of such crucial items is knowledgeably impeded by the continual fragmentation of Somalis into clan-inspired mini states and dominions. Looking at the scale of measurement thus far, still running negatives for the indicators of our absolute social values are apparent injustice, cruelty, regressive political expression and self-destruction. That it might take beyond our lifetime to cut the social and economic deficit is a serious consideration unless the international community of states alters its outright negligence about the baleful conditions under which Somalia throttles in. The Northern (Somalia) dilemma While the South suffers under the weight of proxy wars, the North is routinely classified as relatively calm. Of the lopsided coverage of the presidential election in "Somaliland, a new description entered the Somali conflict.”Ballots vs. bullets" has been recently coined to draw a stark and unfair contrast between the North and the South of Somalia, respectively, while leaving the dire situation and conflict in Las Anod city and environs out of the spectrum of the political discussion. It is praiseworthy that Prof. Mohamed Said Gees and his highly valued research organization, the Academy for Peace and Development (APD) pioneered and sustained the democratic process of "Somaliland" like the strengthening of the multi-party system, voter registration, constitutional law, how to develop and sustain peace and consensus among Somali communities, but it is not largely enough if it encourages and advances, in its publications, reports and academic books (commissioned by the UNICEF and the UK Government), the dismemberment of Somalia. On the other hand, the political reality in the North (Somaliland) gives us a different perspective. Fascist thoughts and behavior are tolerated and advanced in public spheres, schools and around government circles. For instance, the history of the SNM movement was officially proposed (though later reversed) to be part of the academic curriculum in Primary and Elementary schools. A die-hard secessionist would openly glorify the atrocities committed against the people of much of Sool, Ayn, Haylan, and Sanaag regions by the SNM guerilla fighters as justified means to “freedom”, and to secure the right to secede from the bulk of Somalia. The last authoritarian regime’s resort, however, to brutal force and bad policies had had dire consequences on every Somali citizen in almost equal measure until its collapse. Inspired by a British colonial legacy, "Somaliland" declared an “independence” from itself, but the international media often ignores this fact. It also ignores how this entity emerged from the wreckage of the collapsed state of Somalia and how it superimposes its political aspirations---warped as it may---on the regions of Maakhir Territory (made up of much of Sanaag, Haylan and western Bari regions) without any ground forces to manifest for its bogus claims. Though, always and successfully, challenged, the claim to Maakhir Territory is her propaganda asset in her desire to balance and seek a legal personality status with rights and privileges as a new member of the international community. I am surprised the secessionist "government" is under no international pressure to retreat from its narrow political agenda, which might set a precedent or a "contagion" effect for this volatile, Horn of Africa, region. International Economic Integration Even though the rise of secessionist sentiments and clamor for statehood in the areas around Bur'o, Berbera, and Hargeisa, a.k.a the Triangle, is well reported, the region has not proven to be economically viable as it lags behind Puntland and the rest of Somalia in trade volume and foreign direct investment (FDI) in the private sector, according to a comparative analysis by the World Bank, collected data of the revenues between the ports of Berbera and Bosaso. With the exception of Sanaag and Sool regions, both of which are well-documented (Somalia, The Petroleum Economist, 1991) to have large deposits of oil and minerals besides marvelous greeneries in the Calmadow plateau, the secessionist-controlled areas are less endowed with such resources. "Somaliland" does not even fit Robert Gurr's 'Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts’, which states, "Smallness can be an asset in the division of labor in the modern world, where economies are linked through international transactions. The secessionist "government" also parlays the benign assistance from the U.N and related aid agencies into serious political advantages. A central government that would have applied a much-needed break against the parochial excess of one-clan secession is long dead, suspended or absent. Moreover, fueling the violence and the anarchy in Mogadisho are part of its best strategy to dismember Somalia. The Double Standards of the International Action and Media Human rights violations, for instance, is systemitacally bypassed and news of a voter registrations process and presidential polls given credibility. Various not-for profits European organizations and individuals found new jobs and opportunity to build up their resumes and win lucrative contracts from donors and the states in which they are registered. Shameless deals with foreign non-state actors over our national resources for a mere payment--less worth of public expectation--or much lower than the its intrinsic value--are traded on popular stock exchanges in Australia and Europe. The support of one group at the expense of another is how the policies of divide and rule in Africa are still employed and maintained by the powers that be. I recall once reading a good article about Somalia from the Foreign Affairs magazine. It argued for the promotion of a bottom-up approach as a viable solution to Somalia's political and economic crisis. One of its interesting policy prescriptions or recommendations was that it called for either the U.N or the U.S to launch a national deposit fund that doubles almost in half for every dollar every Somali region receives as a remittance from Europe and America. The money will be used to encourage local initiatives and traditional models of governance. At the moment, all the significant financial support and blind attention that Somalia gets have been unfairly given to three entities, one of which is the Transitional Federal Government Somalia (TFG)--the main recipient, while both Puntland" and "Somaliland" have been granted financial incentives to play minor roles for the International Community such as the war against piracy, international terrorism, and the promotion of human rights and democratic principles, though they abuse the responsibility that comes with such collaboration--almost routinely, in their hostile dealings with Maakhir regions. **by Mohamed A. Elmi, ahafinance@gmail.com San Diego, CA
Somaliland can save Somalia from Mogadishu's maniacs, but will it? 6 Jul 6, 2010 - 11:01:03 AM GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | Somaliland can serve as an example to other Somali regions and Hargeisa, Somalia's second capital, can become the seat to a new Federal Somalia. No doubt congratulations are in order for the new President of Somaliland, H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Silanyo," a former rebel chief and more recently leader of the Kulmiye opposition party. More congratulations go to the voters in Somaliland who, after enduring two painstaking years of unconstitutional rule under the Riyale regime, voted out the UDUB party for the first time in the unrecognized separatist republic’s history. Ahmed Silanyo, new President of Somaliland Somaliland's political system showed maturity and uniformity, for the most part, and the presidential election was praised rightly by many outside (foreign) observers. At Garowe Online, we agree that Somaliland's election be praised for the transparent and orderly nature of the people's democratic exercise. The election is a classic example to other Somali regions and yet another testament that self-rule under a Federal Somalia is the only option to restoring the defunct Somali nation-state. However, foreign election observers and the international community must understand that there was no election held in Sool and Sanaag regions, which are allied to Puntland State. In fact, a Puntland government delegation led by Interior Minister Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama "Ilkajir" has been Sanaag region since before Somaliland's June 26 election day. There were reports of election workers being shot and killed in parts of Sool region. No doubt, Somaliland and its elections remain deeply unpopular in Sool and Sanaag regions. The incoming president of Somaliland has many difficult tasks and days ahead. Tackling corruption and attracting investment seem to be high on agenda for the new administration. Such things are domestic issues. Review the separatist agenda But Somaliland's separatist agenda must be reviewed for long-term stability and sustainable peace in northern Somalia. On Oct. 20, 2007, just days after Somaliland troops seized Las Anod (provincial capital of Sool), Garowe Online editorial wrote: "What is important to note is that Somaliland's peaceful existence for so long depended on their detachment from the civil war. But by conquering Las Anod, Somaliland has effectively drawn itself back into the civil war." Somaliland needs to inject a new voice into the discourse over its politics. The real question must be tackled: will Somaliland re-join the Somali national peace process? Map of the Puntland-Somaliland land conflict In prior years, it has been lawful to punish free thought in Somaliland whenever a native raises the prospect of Somali unity. Such restrictive measures alienate the public and provide another foothold for sentiment expertly utilized by radical propaganda from Mogadishu’s megalomaniacal maniacs or their sympathizers. Other restrictions include a government ban on independent radio stations; for example, Radio Las Anod, which operated during Puntland's control of Las Anod, was shut down immediately after the arrival of Somaliland troops in late 2007. Will Kulmiye politicians open serious internal debate in Somaliland about the negatives and positives of the separatist agenda? Indeed, as in any true democratic society, free thought should be encouraged – not punished. Without international recognition and foreign investment, Somaliland is still a dirt-poor part of Somalia. Indeed, if only peace was a measure, Al Shabaab extremists have brought peace to major cities in southern Somalia, including Kismayo and Baidoa. Elections and stability President Silanyo's victory has many different meanings. He is the fourth President of Somaliland, after Tuur, Egal, and Riyale. He takes the helm of power through peaceful elections, a rare event in East Africa where longtime rulers such as Ethiopia's Meles, Eritrea's Aferwerki, Djibouti's Guelleh, and even, Kenya's Kibaki have all clinged to power through one illegal measure or another. The people of Somaliland conceded power to the elderly Ahmed Silanyo for three major reasons: 1) his acceptance of the 2003 election, when Riyale defeated him with 80 votes; 2) his role as leader of the Somali National Movement (SNM), whom Somaliland's separatist zealots refer to as "Mujahid" (same term used by Al Shabaab extremists to describe their fighters); and 3) the Riyale regime's overt corruption and constitutional disturbances. Somaliland's incoming leader should tackle to fix the constitutional disorder the outcoming Riyale regime created since postponing the elections for two years. This should be one of the new administration's major duties to help reverse the political problems that arose from the two-year constitutional crisis. Representative government based on constitutional law that is respected by all parties is the key to stability, and Somaliland people understand this. In comparison, the State of Puntland does not use popular elections to change leaders. In January 2009, Puntland held its third peaceful election in 11 years and H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole" was elected president by the 66-member Puntland Parliament, which functions like an Electoral College during elections. Puntland, which envisions a Federal Somalia, has many lessons to learn from the Somaliland style of elections -- which mimics Western-style models of democracy in the hope of gaining international recognition from the West. Yet, the African Union, dominated by dictators and tyrants who despise elections, is the key to recognition for any part of Africa seeking independence. Wisdom dictates that millions of dollars spent on expensive election gimics and experts, all from Western countries, could be better spent on productive activities such as improving water and electricity, or renovating roads and hospitals. Funds donated by Western countries towards the Somaliland election in the millions often benefit companies and experts from the West, while the people of Somaliland continue to face water shortages, for example. Our advice to Somaliland: look at Turkey's years-long effort to appease the West with the hope of being accepted into the European Union. Turkey even banned Islamic clothing for Muslim women at Turkish universities. Where did that effort get Turkey? Today, research indicates that most of Turkish society no longer want to become EU members after belatedly realizing that what they lose is far greater than what they gain. After 20 years of appeasing the West, international recognition has not come nor is it coming. Indeed, is it not time to rethink separatism and to take a share of the Somali pie that is going to waste in Mogadishu? Mogadishu is not sacred No doubt, funding and other resources donated by the international community under the name "Somalia" (incl. Somaliland) are spent in Mogadishu, to support the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), or Somalia's "shell government" as noted by regional experts. What is the result of international support to Mogadishu's shell government: only more killings and more displacement of civilians. By joining the peace process, Somaliland can lead the way; Mogadishu is not Makkah, eternal seat of the Muslim Ummah. This is to say VERY LOUDLY the message that doomsayers seem to never comprehend: Mogadishu's status as a capital city is not sacred. Mogadishu has not seen peace over the past 20 years and its sense as a national capital where all Somalis feel an emotional attachment has eroded beyond recognition. The war-battered city’s newest residents, Al Shabaab and AMISOM, have continued the unjust wars inflicted upon any group that lives in Mogadishu since the outbreak of the 1991 clan pogroms and the subsequent ***** exodus. If the international community genuinely wants to restore peace and governance in Somalia: all legitimate political elements with constituencies must be included in the process and foreign meddling should be minimized to the extent possible. The national peace process needs all pieces of pre-1991 Somalia to come together and to reorganize the country into federal states – a strategy that centers on community self-development, for which Somaliland and Puntland are examples, and not foreign-imposed "shell government" that controls a few blocks of Mogadishu. Somaliland can serve as an example to other Somali regions and Hargeisa, Somalia's second capital, can become the seat to a new Federal Somalia. Mogadishu's maniacs have held hostage the Somali nation for 20 years and their time is up. If Somaliland cannot step up, Puntland will. Garowe Online Editorial Comments/Questions/Concerns/Letters to the Editor: editorial@garoweonline.com
I just called my dad and he says he is going to go for the vacated spot that yusuf dheg left in china's embassy. I don't know if he was joking or serious though lol
Yuusuf Dheeg: Ethiopia Kuma Jirto Ciidamada Cusub Addis Ababa (RBC) Wasiirka arimaha dibada ee dowlada ku meel gaarka Soomaaliya Yuusuf Xasan Ibraahim (Yuusuf Dheeg) ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia aysan ku jiri doonin ciidamada 2,000 ee ay IGAD ku baaqday in la keeno Soomaaliya. Madaxda IGAD ayaa shaley isku raacay shaley in ciidamo gaaraya 2,000 askari oo ka tirsan wadamada deriska la ah Soomaaliya ay tagaan Soomaaliya, si ay u caawiyaan dowlada ku meel gaarka. Wasiirka oo shaley ka qeybgalay shirkii wadamada IGAD uga socday magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in ciidamada imaanaya Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in wadamada aan xinifta kala dhexeyn Soomaaliya ay keeni doonaan ciidamada. Wasiirka arimaha dibada ayaa dhinaca kale sheegay in wadamada Afrikanka ay noqon doonaan kuwa ugu horeeya ee bixiya dhaqaalaha ku baxaya ciidamada cusub ee tagaya Soomaaliya, ka hor inta aan caalamka kale la gaarin. Warar soo baxay ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada gaaraya 2,00 ee ay isku raaceen madaxda IGAD ay ku jiri doonaan kuwa deriska la ah Soomaaliya. Waxaana ciidamada ugu dambeyn la gaarsiin doonaa 20,000 askari. Ciidamada ugu horeeya ayaa la filayaa in ay ka yimaadaan Kenya oo dhawaan tababar loogu soo xiray ciidamo loogu talagalay dowlada ku meel gaarka ah. RBC Radio
By the way nuune my family know the important somaliland families like siilanyo and even this guy yusuf deeq and some others but we don't get to bogged down into the gaari gacan types like yourself if you get my drift!!!
Nuune I got nothing to do with Galkacyo sxb, My family is based in Garowe. As for yusuf deeq sxb we are at his wife funeral this year, so don't try to think im joking. Anyways dont worry about it because it's obvious you don't know these people!!!
Nuune. Yusuf Deeq was going for the china post last time we saw him and that was his goals this re-shuffle by sharmarke kind of suprised me because I was just hearing his interview on bbc I had no clue really!!! Anyways he is good nomination by Sharmarke that is what my whole thread was apart. Nuune by the way do you know yusuf why you getting so touchy?
Taangi ay lahaayeen ciidamada AMISOM oo gubtay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariir Shiikh Axmed, xilli uu sii marayay magaalada Nairobi
Hogaamiyeyaasha urur goboleedka IGAD, ayaa shir deg deg ah oo ku saabsan xaaladda siyaasadda iyo ammaanka ee Soomaaliya ku yeeshay magaalada Addis Ababa. Shirku waxa uu go'aansaday qoddobo dhawr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin in AMISOM iyo golaha ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay lagala shaqeeyo sidii labaatan kun oo askari loo keeni lahaa dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan. Shirku, waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay si taas loo suurta galiyo ay muhiim tahay in xoogagga Soomaaliya loo diyaar gareeyo suurtagalnimada in ciidamo dalalka deriska ka socda ay soo galaan dalka. Shirku waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada AMISOM aan la gaarsiin heerkii horey loogu heshiiyay, wuxuuna go'aansaday in laba kun oo nabad ilaaliyaal ah oo AMISOM hoostaga sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo geeyo dalka. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariir Shiikh Axmed, xilli uu sii marayay magaalada Nairobi Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariif Shiikh Axmed, oo shirkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ku baaqay kaalmo caalami ah oo looga hortago kooxaha kacdoonka wada ee Islaamiyiinta. Madaxweyne Shariif waxa uu ka digay sida hadalka uu u dhigay in Soomaaliya ay gacanta ugu jirto Al-Qaeda iyo kooxo xag jir ah. Shirkan magaalada Addis ababa ayaa la filayaa go'aamada laga soo saaray la hor dhigi doono shirweynaha guud ee Midowga Afrika oo dhici doona dabaqaayada bishan.
The new foreign minister that was named in Somalia is close family friend of mine. Just visited my parents home about 1 month ago before he left up to somalia. Funny thing never knew he got appointed foreign minister lol. He was going to be the "ambassador o somalia in china" but news came out that sharmarke reshuffled his cabinet and named yusuf deeq as foreign minister. His wife recently died also which is quite sad but thats life I guess. But I am very confident to say that yusuf deeq will make very good foreign minister and is truly somalia guy even though back in the 90's he totally stopped talking to our family because of siyad barre did to hargeisa lol But i think he has gotten over it now because he talks to us now and was recently talking to my dad before he went back to somalia. But my dad can get a bit rowdy himself as all the tribal gene is in everyone but my father has calmed down over the years and is alot more somali-weyn then anything. I hope Yusuf Deeq can give Somalia a better image in his new role as foreign minister because right now somalia all it has is international community not anyone else!!!
Chief, why do you tend to have non contributive things to say? The animosity by you is just amazing!!! But let me tell you secret bro no matter how much you hate puntland or love it you can't harm the people in anyway or shape or form. Puntland will always be there with you or without you so what's the point being "negative" to puntland for? but you know what the funny thing is? the funny thing is puntland can hurt u because your system rides on colonial borders where-as we have kins-men in your imaginary border and if we take them your whole claim falls on "nothingness" lol. But still colonial borders is useless argument in 2010 to begin with because colonial politics is over today in africa!!! So just watch yourself if I were you but always remember 1 thing is "no matter if you love or hate puntland you will never have any effect on it's existent"
Why the hell has the military trucks of puntland been converted to police trucks? I would love to know where all the tanks of aideed that were captured in the galkayo war went? They were stored in bur-salax, siinay and other parts mudug? But I have no clue if thats the case today. Plus what other weapons have been bought since the 90's would be really good investigative article if someone from puntland media would that. I know Yusuf Was big fan of getting new weapons. I mean just look at what he toys he gave his personal bodyguards He did set up the coastguard facility but thats been scraped for multi million naval project which will see massive ships and headquarter base in Bossaso. He invested everything into the army i know that for a fact. But what about today? Their needs to be investigative article On Puntland Weaponry from 1991 till today. Because 1991-1993 we were nowhere to be seen in the political scene and all of sudden after aideed defeat we rose back up to the top. Did aideed weapons being captured change our fate? It obviously change aideed clans fate look at them today. Anyways guys I think Puntland media should do huge investigative article on this because I know I am interested into knowing Puntland weapons inventory!!!
If this wasn't even true, i am certain the ssc folks would abadon any support for ssc, maybe its a way for the ssc leadership to get out of the mess they found themselves by making themselves "less" appealing to the ssc folks and believe me "separationism" is something the ssc folks won't tolerate. But thats only if this is true which i strongly doubt.
I hear that the somaliland boys are taking universal to court and trying to get them off he air in the u.k plus dahabshil took off their advertisements on universal. Is any of this true or just heated talk in paltalk?
Ibtisam The comments he made about the females was totally out of hand especially on public tv. Thats why I say he simply lost all credibility when he made that mistake. Kind of remembers of siyad barre he did really good till the end where he un-did all the good things lol. It seems like it runs through the family to start of good and then stuff it all up at the end.
Wasaarada howlaha guud iyo Gaadiidka Puntland oo sheegtay in ay aqbal doonin cid aan haysan Laysnka gawaarida in gari ay kaxayso (Garowe) RBC: Wasaaradda Howlaha guud iyo gaadiidka Puntland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in muda laba bilood gudahooda ay soo saari doonaan qorsha cusub oo ku aadan wadayaasha gaadiidka kuwaas oo badankood aan haysan laysanka gawaarida lugu kaxeeyo. Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Howlaha guud iyo gaadiidka Puntland Injineer C/qaadir Cusmaan Bicir oo u waramayay Warbaahinta RBC ayaa sheegay in qorshaha ay iminka wasaaradu damacsan tahay uu yahay mid la doonayo in wadayaasha gadiidka lugu kontoroolo si dhibaatooyinka shilalka ka dhasha u yaradaan. Waxuna sheegay in ay bateen shilalka gaadiidka oo uu sheegay in uu noqday mid soo noq noqday waxa uuna uu tilmaamay hadii aan laga hortagin in samaynta intaa ka sii badan karto. Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Howlaha guud iyo gaadiidka Puntland waxuu intaa ku daray in ay jiraan gawaari kale oo iyana dhumaalaysta kuwaas oo aan bixin lacagta canshuurta xaqa loogu lee yahay kuwaasna waxa uu sheegay in la qaban doono. Agaasimaha ayaa sidoo kale weeraray gaadiidlayda biilka wadayaashooda waxuuna sheegay in aqoon buuxda u lahayn kaxaynta gawaaridas taas uu u sababeeyay gooba aan haboonayn oo wadayaasha gawaardaa biiilka istaajiyaan waxayna arintaa kentaa ayuu yiri in muda xayiraan isku socodka gaadiidka kale. C/qaadir Cusmaan Bicir ayaa ku cel celiyay in wasaaradu arimahaa tilaaba ka qaadi doonto islamarkaana aysan ogolaan doonin wixii ka danbeeya labilood kidib in cid kasta gaari iska kaxaysato waxuuna sheegay in Wasaaradu furi doonto School lugu baran doono wadadi gaariga . Waxa uu intaa ku daray agaasimaha in laysnka cid kasta la iska siin doonin oo ay ku bixi doonaan hab da.a aahan loo fiirinayo iyo aqoonta wixii uu bartay oo wasaaradu inta lisanka aysan siin ka hor imtixaan ka qaadi doonto Agaasimaha ayaa tilmaamay in xili RBC wax ka waydiisay sababta xiligaan wasaaradu arintaa ugu dhaqaaqday taana wax uu kaga jawabay in qorshahu uu ahaa mid muda soo jiitamayay khasabna ay tahay in la hirgaliyo. Waxa ay noqonayasaa markii ugu horaysay o tilaaba caynkaan ah qaado Wasaaradda howlaha guud iyo gaadiidka hadii ay dhaqan gasho inta la ogyahay . RBC NEWS Xafiiska Garowe C/raxmaan ilkacase