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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Cawaale my reer abtis baa xabada igu wado marka xooga yar baan uu jawabeya lakin welise mala soo bixin hubkeygu culus naxarista baa iga badan
  2. hadad hamar igu faaneysid hamar wa kan aqriso buugan iyo waxay ka hadleyan nagahina waqtiga talyaniga joggi jirey. waa only $10 buy the book. Beezani ba tahay walle Aman War heedhe anigu waan ku aqan your my reer abtis marka please na kala leexi ee snmta baan xabada ku dhufaneya oo waxba iga dheexayn
  3. NinaNC. I am not in puntland because mashruc la'an anigu tagi maayo meeshas. Anigu wax wato baan tageya!!
  4. NinaNC. Talyanigu hamar wuxuu uu tagey because dadkas awalba gumeysi bay ku noolayeen "zanzibari" ah marka transition from 1 gumeysi to another gumeysi is alot easier then colonizing a free people who already had an established sultanates that was recognized throughout the world. Marka reer magaal baan ahay ama bezaani baan ahay hadal kuma noqoneysee lol. Plus our so called badiyo culture is what made us enjoy peace and made u enjoy war till this day. U think puntland is peaceful for no reason? war sxb odeyaal hikmad badan baa dhulkeena joggo oo yaqan traditional systems somalida ku shaqeyso ee adigu taas ba ka maqan illa manta waad aragta dhibatada ku haysato. PS: Let me tell you secret dadkeena dhibta badan wa kuwa hamar wax ku soo bartee ama kuwa hamar ku soo shaqeysan jiree because dhaqan xumidan bay dhulkeena la yimadan. Thats why alot of people cant stand our politicians because "keligi talis" sida idinka oo kale weeye because they learnt that crap from you lakinse isimadeena waa dad la amaano sxb and noone has issue with them because they know that cooperation between clans is most important thing not "ana ku xog badan" attitude that is what happening in hamar. Abdullahi Yusuf why u think he was liked? because wuxuu qimeyn jirey isimada puntland all of them be it suldan/islan/garad/ugas whatever. He ruled with ADVICE from these people!!! Where-as hamari people dont consult their odeyaal like ahmed diriye and so forth and have that attitude of "ana ka xog badan waan ku gumeysan doona" which is what has made hamar become the way it is.
  5. As for real bari coastal dialect you will see this guy talking From 00:25 mark till the 00:54 mark. Its funny it's real thick bari coastal accent lol
  6. Nina your title says "mogadishu" so i assume you are from there. Let me tell you something we always used to civilize you and today that is the same case. Ina keenadiid wrote the cismaniyada script so he can teach u guys somali language notice that cismaniyada script was never imposed upon bari people but was used heavily in mudug areas? you know why that was? because dad aanan somali ahayn ayaa joggi jirey goobahas hobyo and that's why keenadiid came up with the script to educate you guys. Remember keenadiid he didnt just rule you lakin sultan buu idin ahaa meaning he was your madax-dhaqameed and leader at same time. He made you guys puntlanders and thats why you see no difference between north galkayo and south galkayo person. Isku xishoo adigu all somalis know I own you. Bal aar sheeg before keenadiid adigu gabay tirineysid ama wax somali ah sameyneysid? I bet you wont find it because you were under zanzibari rule and were zanzibaris. So really keenadiid when he came to you guys he came to zanzibaris and did dhaqan celis to them thats why he became your sultan and no 1 madax dhaqameed because thats what madax-dhaqameed do they provide you CULTURE and today your culture is exactly the same as ours. As for the boowe talk sxb learn puntland before you say that. Puntland boowe waxaa dhaho dadka heebaha degan not dadka inland ah and majority of puntlanders are inlanders. Learn real puntland culture the best in all of somalia PS: By the way you will see cowke with his pen and paper when im 50 years old sitting and learning also so i become wise old man lol
  7. Ninanc well they are immigrants because they were heading to yemen DUHHHHHH. Stop trying to find something that's is not there adaa ku daaleysid
  9. Geel Jire somalia has an efficient banking system or hawala whatever you want to call it. Money is sent reliably quickly and efficiently with minimal error. Telecommunication is doing quite well itself with cheap calling rates. But the thread was why are these two industries the only industries that seem to be doing well in somalia where-as others are not? My explanation was provided in my earlier post and that's the only rational explanation I can think of. If you can explain why those two industries seem to be doing well and others are failing then provide your input.
  10. Peace initiaves need to get to the ground level not in meeting hall of 20 ppl. Puntland Up-coming Peace Initiave Drive throughout the state
  11. This just made me think. Puntland is not using its two arms. 1 arm being local. 1 arm being diaspora. Where-as Somaliland is using both arms and this all they could do. Puntland with 1 arm (local) is doing better and if we included the second arm then we would without a doubt be leading state of horn of africa not just somalia
  12. Reminds me of George Kapitz report of somalia. I knew that Khalif was chief of staff for the administration of the President of Puntland who retired a few months ago, supervising all economics projects in this fledgling state. "Is there water in your hotel?" inquired my friend, and getting an affirmative answer replied, "Water is in all settlements of Puntland, electricity - too The guys replied forget about hotels every settlement of puntland has water and electricity. And today we are working on making sure idps have the same basics. I love my locals they are useful. We the diaspora need to do our bit and get off our fat backsides and make puntland have second boom of diaspora billions of dollars of investment!!!
  13. I am kind of shocked to read that most of the investments into somaliland is from diaspora somalilanders? Is that true? War dadka localga ah cawe? lol This darawish guy on paltalk just recently returned from puntland and somaliland and he was given the room an education about what reality is on the ground. He said that Puntland dadka barwaaqo weeye because puntland waxaa dhisay shicibka localka ah, theirs no diaspora investment. Taas hadhow bay imaan doonta. Lakinse he said somaliland hotelyada iyo waxaas aad arkeysid waxaa sameyey diaspora somalilanders oo ka soo shaqeystay europe ee ma ahan local inititives. Ma wax ba ka jirta wuxuu yiri ninkan? He said that when he went to somaliland just 1 month ago that dadka localka ahaa waxba ma haystan where-as puntland is totally opposite because puntland waxaa ba dhisay localkooda waana runtisa taas. All the hotelyo iyo waxaas ma ahan diaspora owned. So I am quite shocked haday sidaas run tahay war dadkina dhib ba haysto hadi aad diasporakaga maalkooda geliseen somaliland iyo localki bananki bay ku jiifan waa dhibaato wallahi. Anyways when puntland diaspora starts getting involved in puntland OH MY GOD puntland will soar and they are starting to get active now since puntland diaspora forum iyo waxaas la furey. Anyways what i learnt today was puntland was built by its local oo hanti leh, where-as somaliland was built by its diaspora not locals because localkooda waxba ma haystan. Puntland has both sxb. Our locals can help themselves where-as yours cant lol. Our diaspora once we get involved puntland is going to have second boom!!!! Ps: The darawish truly do educate us about somaliland because to be quite honest we have no clue
  14. Somalia: Puntland forces capture illegal immigrants 10 Jul 10, 2010 - 4:46:47 PM GAROWE ONLINE Security forces in Somalia’s semiautonomous Puntland state arrested at least 78 illegal Somali immigrants in a raid in the coastal areas, Radio Garowe reports. The immigrants, including four women were nabbed while travelling from southern Somalia to the port city of Bossasso with clear intension of trying to take the dangerous voyage across the Gulf of Aden, according to Abdirahman Haji Abshir, the police commander of Nugaal region. “Allah is the one who saves lives, but it is also our biggest responsibility to bar Somalis from risking their lives in the sea. We try to advise them on the dangers of the sea voyage before they some of them are sent back to where they came from. Others are allowed to look for jobs in Puntland areas,” said the commander. He added that investigations have been launched into the smuggling syndicate that is involved in the latest human trafficking, adding that operations to crack down on the illegal immigration will continue. Human traffickers frequently use Puntland coastal areas to smuggle illegal immigrants from southern Somalia regions and Ethiopia on their way to cross the Gulf of Aden to Yemen in hope of making their way to Arabian countries like Saudi Arabia Kingdom for a better living. However, Puntland authorities have stepped up fight against these groups to eradicate the illegal trafficking in the coastal areas. On April, authorities in Bossaso captured over a hundred would-be-immigrants, mainly Ethiopians who were on a voyage to Yemen to seek asylum.
  15. (Garowe)RBC: Maxamed Saalax yuusuf oo ah madax Mashruuc loogu magaca daray Geedka Nabdda ayaa sheegay in mashruucaa uu yahay mid ka kooban sedax qaybood oo kala ah hormarinta nabadda iyo sidoo kale wada shaqayn buuxda u dhaxmari lahayd Shacabka iyo booliiska. Waxuuna tilmaamay in barnaamijkaan ay ka fuliyeen Gobalka Bari Gobalka Nugaal iminkana ay doonayaan in ay ka fuliyaan Gobalka Mudug waxuna sheegay in barnaamijkaan ay in muda ah ay soo wadeen. Barnaamijkaa lugu hormarinayo hormarinta nabadda iyo deegaanka ayaa ah mid in badan oo ka mid ah dadka deegaanka ay siyaaba kala duwan u soo dahawayeen hasayeeshee Maaxamed Salaax waxa uu sheegay in ay kaga gol leeyihiin sidii loo hormarin lahaa nabadda . Maxamed Saalax Yusuf ayaa intaa ku daray in ay muhiim tahay in cid kasta ay xil iska saarto nabdda waxauuna tilmaamay in loo baahan yahay in ay dadku gacan ka gaystaan si nabadda loo xoojin lahaa. Mashruucaa geedka nabdda ayaa waxaa fulinaya Hay.adda lugu magacaabo KMC taa oo gacan ka halaysa UNka waxaana mashruucaa uu ku soo aadayaa xili dagalo khraara ay ka jiraan gobalada koofureed ee Dalka Soomaaliya . lama oga sababaha keenay in mashruucaa loogu talagaly hormarinta nabdda ku ekaado Puntland walow loogu talagaly in mashruucaan nabadda horamrinta laga fuliyo goobaha aysan nabdda ka jirin . Hasayeeshee waxaa is waydiin mudan Puntland oo ah gooba nabadda ka jirto iyo Soomaliland sababta mashruucaa looga fulinayo loona gaarsiin la,yahay Goobaha dagaalada ka jiraan walow Maxamed saalax yuusuf tilmaamay in goobahaas ay dagaala ka jiraan kuna adagtahay in barnaamijkaa ka fulo RBC NEWS Xafiiska Garowe C/raxmaan ilkacase
  16. We might be pirates but at least we don't rob from somalis lol. Your president is sleeping in a house that belongs to another somali. Villa morgan. Your govt is a joke horta hargeisa xagaajiso sxb. LOL its not good hearing ppl are buying drum water from donkeys. Their is no donkeys in bossaso you will never see it because everyone has sufficient WATER needs.
  17. We might be pirates but at least we don't rob from somalis lol. Your president is sleeping in a house that belongs to another somali. Villa morgan. Your govt is a joke horta hargeisa xagaajiso sxb. LOL its not good hearing ppl are buying drum water from donkeys. Their is no donkeys in bossaso you will never see it because everyone has sufficient WATER needs.
  18. We might be pirates but at least we don't rob from somalis lol. Your president is sleeping in a house that belongs to another somali. Villa morgan. Your govt is a joke horta hargeisa xagaajiso sxb. LOL its not good hearing ppl are buying drum water from donkeys. Their is no donkeys in bossaso you will never see it because everyone has sufficient WATER needs.
  19. We might be pirates but at least we don't rob from somalis lol. Your president is sleeping in a house that belongs to another somali. Villa morgan. Your govt is a joke horta hargeisa xagaajiso sxb. LOL its not good hearing ppl are buying drum water from donkeys. Their is no donkeys in bossaso you will never see it because everyone has sufficient WATER needs.
  20. Have you all ever wondered why somalia has more advanced telecommunication industry plus advanced banking system? The only logical explanation I can think of is somalis need an advanced telecommunciation system because when they call their relatives in the diaspora they need "phone and good calling rates" or how else can they tell them "send me $100". Plus they need an efficient banking system because without that how else will they recieve that $100 their waiting for from their diaspora relatives!!! Anything outside of those two areas they are hopeless don't you find that strange?
  21. Have you guys noticed the bad urban planning techniques employed by all somalis minus jabuti? Waxad arkeysa building oo shan dabaq ah meel banan oo duhur iska yaalo lol. I think somalis dont understand that dabaq waxaa la sameya marki ay dhulka cariri ay tahay ama landku qaali yahay markas ayaa cirka la gala. But somalia has plenty of land and therefore we need to first fill up the land before we think building towers and stuff. Anyways that my opinion on that.
  22. Garoowe:”Puntland hadii ay Calan samaysato kama dhigna inay Soomaaliya ka go’day”Wasiirka Maamul Wanaaga ee Puntland. 10. juli 2010 Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa markale difaacday samaysashada calan & Astaan u gaar ah maamulka Puntland kaas oo uusan la wadaagin qeybaha kale ee dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana ay Puntland sheegtay in hadii calan ay samaysato aysan ka dhignayn inay dalka intiisii kale ka go’een. Wasiirka Maamul wanaaga ee dawlada Puntland Maxamed Faarax Ciise (Gaashaan) ayaa warbaahinta u sheegey in dawlada Puntland ay ka xuntahay warar dacaayad ah oo laga fidiyey kuwaas oo sheegaya inay Puntland ka goosanayso qeybaha kale ee dalka,wuxuuna Wasiirku sheegey in hadii ay Calan samaystaan aysan qeybaha kale ee dalka ka go’in. “Calan cidkasta ayaa samaysankarta…Xaafad ayaa samaysan karta,Waxaa samaysan karta koox dhalinyaro ah oo kubbad ciyaarta,waxaa samaysan karta cid kasta oo doonaysa inay astaan yeelato,annaguna sidaas ayaanu u samaysanay Soomaaliyana kama aanan go’in kamana go’I doono ee taas ogaada cid Soomaali naga jecel ma jirto. Gaashaan wuxuu sheegey in Puntland ay tahay astaanta kaliya ee maanta Soomaalinimada u taagan,isagoo tusaale usoo qaatay sida ay dadka reer Puntland & Xukuumadoodaba uga go’antahay inay Soomaali inteeda kale raadiyaan,wuxuuna meesha ka saaray in Puntland ay marna ku dhiirato go’aan goosasho ah. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland WAR LA XIRIIRA
  23. Xaji are you scared to show your soldiers? ileen 400,000 people ba tihin ee ciidan badan kama sugayo halkas afar ama shan ciidan wato dharka rumble in the jungle ma wayday? Somaliland small population size causes this lack of infantry and from what I read also the soldiers in somaliland work part time lol so maybe they were shoe busying shoe shining in town this day maybe next time hey. By the way why are they going to ethiopia to get trained for? don't they have their own facility to train their soldiers? :confused: Let me give you a hint, never train your soldiers in ethiopia it's bad luck because these are the same guys who rain away from hamar so if your getting trained by chickens guess what u will become? Puntland trains it's own soldiers sxb, because we are confident in defeating our enemies both in hamar and hargeisa and we did it before. That's why you hear of hardly any puntland casualties in hamar and its dued to the well training our boys get. I am going for my 6 months training at carmo and asking to be get posted at tukaraq and believe me our soldiers are all mixed and everyone is everywhere.
  24. Stoic you seem like your jealous. But funny thing is you never say this to other people who post about their village, why just me? Listen sxb at least be consistent or don't say anything to begin with. What if I post, Hamar, Baidoa? will that bother you? I have feeling it wouldn't and why is it that my village bothers you? I don't see you complaining about other people's villages.