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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Africaown dont get existed its nothing major. 3 hospital development as we speak in puntland. New 3 Storey Galkacyo Hospital. $400,000 Project Single Storey Hospital Burtinle Plus their is renovation happening to garowe hospital which includes 1 storey extra making it 2 stories. Plus a recently finished las anod hospital by manhal hosted in garowe
  2. Africaown dont get existed its nothing major. 3 hospital development as we speak in puntland. New 3 Storey Galkacyo Hospital. $400,000 Project Single Storey Hospital Burtinle Plus their is renovation happening to garowe hospital which includes 1 storey extra making it 2 stories. Plus a recently finished las anod hospital by manhal hosted in garowe
  3. Amistad yeah he is smart man afyare i was reading his peace on aljazeera yesterday. I think he is from puntland specifically qardho.
  4. Duufan thats a lie and if its true show me your evidence. Reer mogadishu dont own all the telecoms are you out your mind?
  5. Duufan thats a lie and if its true show me your evidence. Reer mogadishu dont own all the telecoms are you out your mind?
  6. Chief maxaa ka galay sxb arimaha reer gale? war orood shaqo yeelay wa gunnimo waxaas. anigu ma dhex gali beeshada ee langaab ma ihi. your embarassing yourself and all somalis see thats why your treated like crap in somalia your waxgarads are told to sit in the awdal section of the tfg, then their told you can only get half of what the big clans get and then your told you can not rise above ministerial positions and thats why everyone knows your minority because thats what minority do and thats what your future holds and nothing will change because thats justice and thats why its recognized because its FAIR and the world sees it as fair or else they wouldnt recognize it
  7. Magaalada Dhahar oo laga soo saarey go'aamo 14 Jul 14, 2010 - 12:31:28 PM GAROWE ONLINE Magaalada Dhahar oo ah xarunta gobolka cusub ee Hayland Puntland ayaa maanta 14 July,2010 kusoo xirmey Shir dhawaanahan ay ku lahaayeen odoyaal iyo cuqaal Deegankaasi kasoo jeeda, kuwaas oo baaq soo saarey gabagabadii shirka . Baaqaan maanta kasoo baxey odoyaasha shirka ku yeeshey magaalada Dhahar ay ku xaqiijiyeen wararka tilmaamaya in halkaasi koox maleeshiyaad ah isku urursanayso kuwaas oo xiriir la leh ururada ka dagaalama Koonfurta Somalia. Mukhtaar Maxamuud Faarax (Xabeeb) oo afhayeenka u ah odoyaasha shirkoodu kusoo dhamaadey degmada Dhahar xarunta oo Radio Garowe xiriir la sameysay ka dib markii uu soo gabagaboobey shirkii halkaasi ka soconayey ayuu ugu horeyntii akhriyey baaqa odoyaasha kasoo baxey. 1. Guud ahaan odoyaasha iyo cuqaasha gobolku waxey isla garteen marka hore Barnaamijka Galgala uu yahay duulaan qaawan oo lagu soo qaadey Puntland, gaar ahaan beesha degan deegaanka Galgala oo ka tirsan Bosaso. . 2.In mas'uuliyada deegaamada Puntland sidii horeyba loogu ogaa xil uu ka saran yahay Dowlada Puntland. 3.In laga maarmaan ay tahay siyaasiinta Xukuumada ku jirra, Xillibaanada Iyo Cuqaasha Gobolka u dhashey is kala shaqeeyaan barnaamij gaaban oo ah sidii kooxdan looga saari lahaa Galgala. 4.Beesha Deegaanku waxey cadeysay in mar kasta ay taageereyso go'aamada kasoo baxa xukuumada Puntland, dhanka kasta oo ay yihiin maxaa yeelay amniga Puntland waa muqadas . Intaa ka dib cuqaal kasoo jeeda gobolkaasi ayaa u sheegey Idaacada Garowe in baaqoodu uu yahay mid ay ku garabtaagan yihiin xukuumada Puntland iminka shaqeysa , Islamarkaana ay tilmaameen in kooxdan fursada ay isku urur-sadeen u sahashey shaqsiyaad deeganka u dhashey kuwaas oo mudan talaabo ciqaab ah oo lagu qaado, ahna kuwo xiriir la leh ururada mayalka adag ee argagixisada ah waa sida hadalka u dhigeene. Wararka kale oo raacsan baaqa odayaasha ayaa sheegaya in dowladda Puntland maalmahaan dambe diyaar xoogan ugu jirto sidii ay usoo afjari laheyd xaalada ka taagan buurta Galgala iyo agaarkeeda halkaasoo koox ku sugan sheegeen in ay kaga dhawaaqayaan maamul Islaami ah. Kooxahaan ayaa dowladda Puntland rumeysan tahay in falalka argagixida ah ee ka dhaca magaalada Bosaso kuwaasoo lagu dilo saraakiisha ka tirsan Xukuumada Puntland iyo ciidamada. Magaalada Bosaso ayaa caawa fiidkii 14 July,2010 lagu diley saraakal ka tirsan ciidamada amniga ee Puntland. Audio Below Garowe Online
  8. Yeah well tell me the southern owned businesses? Are u saying that there is 1 business from all of somalia in hargeisa? now sxb you got some huge cuqdad it dont matter ill just someone from las anod they will happy to tell me.
  9. Yeah well tell me the southern owned businesses? Are u saying that there is 1 business from all of somalia in hargeisa? now sxb you got some huge cuqdad it dont matter ill just someone from las anod they will happy to tell me.
  10. Libaahe, no sxb. we already control burco and erigavo no joke. Dekedeena bay depedent ku yihin thats why they still use somali shilling because they do business more in puntland then in somaliland. Anyways thats not the point, but I just want to know because wallahi I have no clue of any business in hargeisa except amal, I know thats there is there others but i dont to what sort of extent. So is there Puntland owned Businesses ama dont they invest there? As for owning businesses thats not controlling an economy because theres like 20 different hawala in each city of somalia therefore if 1 shuts down its not like it's going to affect anyone. But the port dependence is different story because thats critical to the smooth economical pace of a city, can you imagine if we shut out port down and don't let anything reach those cities well you can see what sort of affect that will have!!! PS: I been told that onlf people heavily invest there but im not sure puntlanders do or if hamaris do!!! Gives us a list of business that are from somalia in hargeisa.
  11. Libaahe, no sxb. we already control burco and erigavo no joke. Dekedeena bay depedent ku yihin thats why they still use somali shilling because they do business more in puntland then in somaliland. Anyways thats not the point, but I just want to know because wallahi I have no clue of any business in hargeisa except amal, I know thats there is there others but i dont to what sort of extent. So is there Puntland owned Businesses ama dont they invest there? As for owning businesses thats not controlling an economy because theres like 20 different hawala in each city of somalia therefore if 1 shuts down its not like it's going to affect anyone. But the port dependence is different story because thats critical to the smooth economical pace of a city, can you imagine if we shut out port down and don't let anything reach those cities well you can see what sort of affect that will have!!! PS: I been told that onlf people heavily invest there but im not sure puntlanders do or if hamaris do!!! Gives us a list of business that are from somalia in hargeisa.
  12. Libaahe yeah that is 1 thing that I lack. I don't knw who owns what and im trying to learn. I know who own certain businesses but i dont know who owns all. Libaahe is there any puntland businessesmen in hargeisa besides amal?
  13. Libaahe yeah that is 1 thing that I lack. I don't knw who owns what and im trying to learn. I know who own certain businesses but i dont know who owns all. Libaahe is there any puntland businessesmen in hargeisa besides amal?
  14. Xaji but why is it being advertised on raxanreeb when it doesn't even operate inside puntland? It's strange. Its like me advertising in hargeisa "habo tuna" where-as habo tuna doesn't have a base there at all. So whats the reason. It can't be because they want to grow a market in puntland because they don't have a market to begin with in puntland. So the only logical explanation is that galgogob folks must have some sort of interest in that company or they own it. Anyways Who owns it? Shareholder? Who has the most shares? By the way does anyone actually invest into hargeisa or is just 1 clan enclave? becaues bosaso is metropolitan and businesses are owned by all clans and even international
  15. Xaji but why is it being advertised on raxanreeb when it doesn't even operate inside puntland? It's strange. Its like me advertising in hargeisa "habo tuna" where-as habo tuna doesn't have a base there at all. So whats the reason. It can't be because they want to grow a market in puntland because they don't have a market to begin with in puntland. So the only logical explanation is that galgogob folks must have some sort of interest in that company or they own it. Anyways Who owns it? Shareholder? Who has the most shares? By the way does anyone actually invest into hargeisa or is just 1 clan enclave? becaues bosaso is metropolitan and businesses are owned by all clans and even international
  16. I find this suspicious who owns these companies because i see them advertised on and telesom doesnt operate in puntland so why is it being advertised on Puntland websites? Is telesom owned by galdogob folk? because thats the only logical explanation I can think of. Same with Tawakal its advertised on there to.
  17. I find this suspicious who owns these companies because i see them advertised on and telesom doesnt operate in puntland so why is it being advertised on Puntland websites? Is telesom owned by galdogob folk? because thats the only logical explanation I can think of. Same with Tawakal its advertised on there to.
  18. OGEYSIIS: Shir muhiim ah oo looga hadli doono xaaladaha ka jira Soomaaliya iyo sida lagu badbaadin karo Posted to the Web Jul 14, 09:40 Ogeysiis: (pp)- Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool UK waxaa la ogeysiinayaa in la qaban doono shir muhiim ah oo laga hadlaayo xaalada maanta Soomaaliya ku sugan tahay iyo sida loo badbaadin karo. Shirkan waxaa soo qabanqaabiyey urur aqoonyahan ah oo la dhaho Somali Team for Reality. Shirka waxaa la qaban doonaa maalinta Axada ah ee 18ka July 2010, saacadu markay tahay 1.30 duhurnimo. Gaadiidka lagu tago Holloway Resource Centre waa Tareen Piccadilly line to Holloway Road station. (The Resource Centre is on the opposite side of the road and can be reached by using the pedestrian crossing). Basaska uses 4, 17, 29, 43, 153, 253, 259, 271, iyo 279 ayaa taga xarunta Resource Centre. Wixii faahfaahin dheeraad ah kala soo xiriir telefoonada kala ah: 07870747909, 07985278103 iyo, 07983540388. Daabacaada;
  19. Amistad the u.n arms embargo has been lifted off the tfg. You need to catch up with the news. These soldiers are going to fight 4 the tfg a recognized govt that is supported inside and outside the world. Ma dumb ba tahay? you guys need to get realistic. Aduunku way og yihin xalka somalia dadka haayo ee ma ahan jabuti put it that way.
  20. On manoeuvres with the troops trained to fight al-Shabaab Paul Ames reports from Uganda on an EU mission to protect the Somali government Belly-down in the grass, the Somali soldiers cock their Kalashnikovs and take aim. When the order comes, they squeeze the trigger and bellow out a chorus of: "Boom, bang, boom!" The European Union instructors given the task of forming the core of Somalia's new model army have yet to entrust their students with live ammunition. So the men whose fighting techniques have been honed on the mean streets of Mogadishu are learning grenade-throwing with fist-sized rocks and target-shooting with empty rifles. "They are familiar with the AK-47," Lieutenant Jukka Vuorio, of the Finnish navy explains with some understatement. "We have to teach them to use it safely." The EU has gathered 900 Somali recruits in a remote military base in the rolling hills of south-west Uganda, aiming to create the backbone of a force capable of breaking the grip that the al-Qa'ida-linked al-Shabaab movement and other Islamist militias have on much of Somalia. The insurgents have the Western-backed government penned up in a sliver of land in Mogadishu, the capital, protected by Ugandan-led African Union troops. Uganda paid a price for its engagement in Somalia on Sunday when two bomb blasts claimed the lives of 76 people watching the World Cup final in Kampala. Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility, sparking fears that the Somali jihadis are ready to widen the conflict through international terror attacks. In Brussels, the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton insisted the blasts would not diminish Europe's willingness to work with Uganda to "bring stability to the region". But after the disastrous American-led UN intervention in Somalia's civil war in the early 1990s, Western nations are reluctant to send troops. The training camp in Bihanga is one example of how they are trying to make up for it. The weekend's attack underscored how strategically important Somalia and Uganda are. Even if they are unwilling to commit their own military resources, the urgency of stopping Somalia from becoming a safe haven for al-Qa'ida – and thwarting the pirates who have wreaked havoc on international shipping in the Indian Ocean – is lost on none of the Europeans. They believe that the solution may be to train up local forces that just might be able to impose some sort of stability on the country. "One-thousand well-trained soldiers can make a difference," insists Swedish Major Johan Rudhe, the acting commander of the EU camp in Bihanga. Warrant officer Abdullah Ibrahim Aden of the Somali army agrees, but like many others, this 28-year-old veteran of Mogadishu's street-fighting says the key to success will be the level of follow-up support he and his fellow trainees receive when they return to Somalia. "If we are trained by the European Union and they continue to care about the way we things are in Somalia, we can take control away from al-Shabaab," he says. "But if the soldiers don't get paid and they don't get food, they will take their guns and split off." That is exactly what happened with previous attempts by African nations to train Somali troops. In a sign of the growing international concern about the implications of an al-Shabaab victory, the United States is joining with the EU to ensure the Somalis do get paid. Washington is already supporting the EU mission by providing transport, uniforms and other equipment for the recruits, as well as a $100-a-month (£66) salary during the six-month course. "What has dogged previous efforts at security-sector reform is the fact that after the trainings, everybody washes their hands and leaves these boys with just the (Somali) government to take care of them," says Rashid Abdi, a Horn of Africa analyst with the International Crisis Group. "If the European Union and the Western partners undertake some form of long-term help for these units to ensure that they are well catered for, then ...the government may get the kind of military muscle it needs to begin to roll back the insurgency," Mr Abdi said by telephone from Nairobi. The daily routine for the Somali recruits at Bihanga starts when they are awakened at 5am and taken for a run. After porridge for breakfast, most spend the day following basic training with Ugandan army instructors assisted by the EU. About 200 selected as potential officers or NCOs are split into platoon-sized groups and given specialised training by EU teams working through Somali-speaking Kenyan interpreters. "You can see the improvements on a daily basis," says Captain Donal Burke, of the Irish Defence Forces. "The Somali trainees just want to learn, they want military knowledge and they want to fight al-Shabaab. There is a feeling their country is being held to ransom." A Portuguese team arrived at the beginning of July to teach urban-warfare techniques. The Germans are giving classes in radio communications; the Italians are teaching medical skills. A Finnish female officer is lecturing on human rights and gender issues, and French experts will be taking on the around 27 Somalis selected for officer training. "They may have battle experience, but they need training. They fire from the hip like in the movies rather than taking aim from the shoulder," says Maj Rudhe, the camp's commander. "They have no clue about the laws of combat, about communications, about how to save a friend who has been wounded, and we can give them that sort of skill," he said. "It's like having a guy who can play great football on the beach in Rio, but you still need to train him before he can play in the World Cup." The selection of the troops sent for training was done by the Somali government with US-funded vetting to ensure none was under 18 or had any record of war crimes. The EU's insistence that the group be representative of a broad range of the country's clans and regions caused some problems. About 250 recruits from the breakaway Puntland region dropped out after a dispute with the Mogadishu government over where they would be deployed when they return to Somalia, explains Colonel Ricardo Gonzalez Elul, commander of the 120-strong EU mission. The Spanish officer said he's optimistic that can be resolved so the Puntland troops can join the second intake of 1,000 trainees due to arrive later this year. Col Elul said about 10 "troublemakers" had also been sent home at the start of the mission for stirring up clan rivalries among the recruits. :eek: "We knew it would happen before we arrived here, and it will happen in the future because it is an intrinsic issue within the Somali culture," Elul said. "It's not considered as a major concern." One of the few English-speaking recruits, Aden, was a refugee in Kenya who returned to Mogadishu to serve as a paramedic with Somali government forces in 2006. He said there were few tensions among the Somalis billeted together on the base in Bihanga, but he warned the impression of unity was fragile. Whether the bombs on Kampala will strengthen or dilute that unity will only become clear with time. "Relations among us are good," he said. "But you don't know what's going on in their minds because in Somalia you can't trust anyone, even your own brother."
  21. Range Resources Keep going hard. This oil program needs to kick up soon so the future can be planned for in timely manner
  22. Baller adigu yaaba ku aqoonsan inaaba nooshahay ama hadi kale? war ur talking to your king here remember ardey ayuu egal ii ahaa. He was under sharmarke. Father and Son Adigu hamar baad ka tirsan taas ayaa la aqoonsan yahay. U have ministers and parliamentarians in the hamari government and they are recognized to represent you, marka i dont care what u say I DO MY THINGZ
  23. Xaji if you think the world doesn't support the tfg, war sxb intas dooda nagu soo xidh nin walan waqti uma haayo. And know this dhowr wasiro iyo xildhibaano baad hamar ku lee dahay waan la aqoonsan yahay dadkas adiguna bay ku mateelan even hadad diido ama oglaado noone cares. Xog weeye!!
  24. How is somali language going to be understood by president of uganda? somaliland doesnt have officials in uganda to translate it for him. More propaganda from the dreaming from qowdhanland yaan loo bixin. I will wait for an official recognized response from wasirka arimaha dibadda ee somalia. Qofkas baa la dhegaysaneya not hargeisa!!!
  25. Bossaso=Lil Boston Garowe= The White House Galkayo= G-Town. (The most battle hardened ppl in all of somalia live there) home of the two of the well known colonels of somalia. Col. Yusuf AND Col.Aideed. Definitely the Home of Brave Badhan= Garden City Las Anod= L.A Qardho= City Of Kings Dhahar= Country Love City Buhodle= Puntland Wild Wild West Las Qoray= Salmon City Erigavo= Carpet City I think i covered all our towns and my nicknames to them all of which have a meaning behind it. I call upon puntland parliament to pass this into law and make it official