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assalaamu caleykum, sister i am not doing nursing but something similar to nursing i am studying midwifery. I am currently in my 3rd year and will be qualyfing in Aug. insha Allah. Your plan of getting married will not affect your studies insha Allah but having children while your on the course will. Believe me i am talking from experience as i was in exactly the same situation as you are at the moment. I got married in my first year, got my son in my second year of training alxamduLillah(was not really planning to but pressure from the community made me; you know what i am talking about! The usual is she not pregnant yet?). Now in my third year im expecting my second child. But this pregnancy doesn't really bother me as im not due before october insha allah. (morning sickness does though!) After i had my son i lost the motivation of going back to my training but alxamdu lillah i had really really supportive parents and my husband's encouragement and moral support i could have survived without it. i must admit it was really hard going back to placement after only 6 weeks postnately but im now happy that i did it. So my advice to you is that get married if that is what you wanna do. Dont worry about your age coz im 21yrs old myself.But wait having children if you can because you will put more burden onto yourself. Third year is the easiest as by now you would have familiarised yourself with basicaly everything. i dont where u live but in the Uk you're just told to get on with everything by yourself and ask questions when needed. i hope that helps. W/s
assalaamu caleykum, sister i am not doing nursing but something similar to nursing i am studying midwifery. I am currently in my 3rd year and will be qualyfing in Aug. insha Allah. Your plan of getting married will not affect your studies insha Allah but having children while your on the course will. Believe me i am talking from experience as i was in exactly the same situation as you are at the moment. I got married in my first year, got my son in my second year of training alxamduLillah(was not really planning to but pressure from the community made me; you know what i am talking about! The usual is she not pregnant yet?). Now in my third year im expecting my second child. But this pregnancy doesn't really bother me as im not due before october insha allah. (morning sickness does though!) After i had my son i lost the motivation of going back to my training but alxamdu lillah i had really really supportive parents and my husband's encouragement and moral support i could have survived without it. i must admit it was really hard going back to placement after only 6 weeks postnately but im now happy that i did it. So my advice to you is that get married if that is what you wanna do. Dont worry about your age coz im 21yrs old myself.But wait having children if you can because you will put more burden onto yourself. Third year is the easiest as by now you would have familiarised yourself with basicaly everything. i dont where u live but in the Uk you're just told to get on with everything by yourself and ask questions when needed. i hope that helps. W/s
*****eykuma salaam sis, Very nice topic indeed. i have always been my mom's favourite and my sisters were always jealous of me because of that. I can't tell you of a special thing she did for me as everything she always does is special. Sister i hope you fulfill your mom's dream and dont do the nistake that i did when my mom went to hajj this year i didnt even buy her a pair of shoes to take it with her as i was too busy with silly things and i became concious when she was about to leave then all i could do was cry.
Assalaamu caleykum, Guys i came accros this and thought i'd share it with you http://www.islamweb.net/web/misc.Article?vArticle=56115&thelang=E Freed Lebanese says he was tortured by Israelis
Assalamu caleykum brothas and sistas i was just curious if any of you nomads go to madrasas to learn the Quran or are you too busy with college/university and work? Let's be serious Is there any xaafidul Quran here? How much of the Quran can you recite of by heart?
[onather thing: in islam women are not allowed to dress llike man.what defines that? is't culture?or there is general rules layed down by islam that we have to stick to Assalaamu Caleykum, Yes there is a general rule layed down by islam that we have to stick to and is called sunna the evidence that women are not allowed to dress like men is the saying of the Prophet (scw): sadex jannada ma galaayaan, waxaana sadexdaas ka mid ah naag nin isku ekeysiiso & nin naag isku egeeysiiyo. (saxiix). Naagaha sida nimanka u labista waa dhaqan gaaleed islaamkuna raad kuma laha. Rasuulkana wuxuu leeyahey qowmkii qowmkale isku ekeysiiya iyagoow ka mid yahey. If it's ok for women to dress like men it should also be ok for men to dress like women so why dont men wear dirac, skirt etc. i find very starange for some people to presurise thier duaghters or eve some men to force their wives to wear arabic style hijaab which in my opnion not useable in western or even some parts of somlia. just because we're in the west doesnt mean we have to stop following the sunna and adopt their style. one last thing the attributes of hijaab are 7 like sh. Albani(r.a) said in his Book and i've put that up in my previous post. u've only mentioned that it shouldn't be see through, what happened the rest of the attributes?
assalaamu caleykum, i totally agree with qac qaac he should definetly take a tour. I'd really love to help as i know a lot of sisters looking for husbands in london. But you have to admit this is not the best way to introduce 2 ppl to each other (looking for marriage). if he can afford to come to london i'd be more than happy to hook him with some1 (mind you most of my friends are very religious).
save George Bush? you must be joking!
[quoteIm not asking you to tell me which is right, because there are different interpretations of the verse. Im asking you about your opinions. ] Assalaamu aleykum, Dear sister, Islam is not based on peoples opinion nor what people feel comfortable with [stick to what you feel comfortable in. /QUOTE] Raxmah but on evidence from quran and sunna. Sheihk Albani (r.a) wrote a book entitled (jilbaabul mar'atul muslima), as we all know this sheikh was one of the highly respected sheikhs of all time and the amount of sound evidence from both the quran and sunna he put into this book shows us all that the verse in Suratul AxZaab verse 59 is actually talking about Jilbaab hence the word Jilbaab is used in the verse (min Jalaabiibihina). Alxamdu Lillah, there are tapes available translating Sheikh Albani's Book into somali language by Shikh Shariif Cabdi Nuur which you can refer to for more info. these tapes are available from any somali islamic book shops. w/s
assalaamu caleykum, i feel sorry for people contracting the virus through other means i.e blood transfusion, needle stick, intercourse with husband/wife etc. ppl dont need condoms if they're married but if they become hiv+ through zina then they only got what they deserved i.e punishment for immorality.