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Posts posted by Sky

  1. Eyo sorry to butt in, just had to introduce myself to you all. Well my name is mobg and I'ma new member na'm sayin. Well that was the end of the introduction. Let's kick it!! We're talking Waryaa Revolution 2005 baby!

  2. How the hell do you know that Somalis would do the same thing, are you psychic or something? Why the hell even raise that nonsense when we are talking about this dude. Damn, makes you look like a small time chump, doesn't it.


    I don't think this butthole gives Islam a bad name. It's Allah who will always protect the name na'm sayin. No worries.


    I mean what's worse. This guy who at least married these ladies legally or some dude in Manhattan who lost count of the thousands of women he had sexual intercourse with and has never passed a conversation of "how ya doin, wanna get down tonite?". Think about it!


    I fall for intelligent, charismatic, independant and beautiful women that whoop my when I say their cooking is not as good as my momma or in other words quality women, not like this guy who aims for quantity.

  3. I allready paid 100 dollars man, to my grandpa who knows people who know people. You know the Somali style of raising funds right. So sorry I ain't got no money left in my pockets, let alone creditcard na'm sayin.


    Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Ileyhi Rajicun. Somalia is number 5 of hardest hit countries, that's not small potatoes. Just day before yesterday I saw this Somali coastal village on the homepage of Than you know it's serious.