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Everything posted by Sky

  1. ^ When was the last time you were on a vacation trip than?
  2. Sky


    Lol Allright I see, thanks 7 . Geezer is an old guy, I'll remember that. Wicked innit! AF , does the dude have video footage? He only told me about uploading more pictures. If you have more information, now is the time to tell! :mad: I'm logging off soon, that's why.
  3. Viking, where is Voi lodge situated in Kenya? I just love Africa, I can't describe the feeling. I would recommend anyone to visit Meru, Bisanadi and Kora national parks/reserves instead of the more popular Masai Mara, Serengeti and Tsavo. Much less tourists, which is a plus and you can speak Somali with most rangers, since its in traditional Somali territory. The notorious Somali shiftas have almost destroyed these parks, but fortunately the different animal species like rhinoes and elephants are either stable or growing since they left.
  4. Sky


    Originally posted by ORGILAQE: THE GIZZA IS OLD MAN All the Brits out there, 7 of nine, zephyrine anyone. Please translate this sentence.
  5. Hey white boy. Nice website, where is Ceel Gaab though? Columbus is an ugly, boring town and it doesn't have a very good restaurant like Xamdi restaurant in T-Dot to boot. Hibo are you serious? Cincinnati? Jerry Springer used to be the mayor of that city.
  6. Sky


    He's not in it. Dude is young, those guys on the pics are oldtimers. BN no probs. I wonder what they were hunting for? Antilopes? That's illegal in PL.
  7. That song was just a sample, damn! I'll be posting more songs, cuz I was talking about Somali Music in general. But later, ain't got no time now. Caana geel, the 80s electric guitar is awful indeed.
  8. AwGuuryo Ina Adeerkiis. May Allah bless you and your wife. Aamiin. Wiil iyo Caano. Sky.
  9. ^^ True, but the hotel is not the topic. Its about Minnesota's support for Puntland's Education and Medical centres. Puntland is a state not a country, therefore Puntland actively seeks equal partners in other states such as Minnesota (USA), Emilia Romagna (Italy), Sharjah (UAE) to have exceptionally friendly ties with. Establishing ties with nations is the job of the Somali Federal government. Even the Universities operate in the same way, Bossaso's EAU East Africa University is tied to the LaTrobe University in Melbourne, Australia.
  10. Jacaylbaro Use shareaza , it works like a charm. Its so good, I accidentally downloaded a whole season of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but my intention was just one episode.
  11. Yeah when he impersonates Micheal Jackson as a Pimp is the funniest part.
  12. Sky

    Wanted Somali

    Never heard of this smalltime chump. Thank God, I don't live in Toronto. What a dump! I rather live in Afghanistan.
  13. Loool Raganimo, Don't tell Chris Tucker though.
  14. True Jamaal. I personally heard this song in a Somali Shop in Columbus, Ohio 2 years ago for the first time. Since then I've been hearing it on almost every aroos or parties.
  15. Mobb Deep, we're still waiting for your vacation pix sxb. My favourite destination Necker Island . You're all free to join me. :cool:
  16. England Girl Let's start with any of your questions you might have. I'm more than happy to help you. Wether you want to know how and where to learn the Somali language, Somali History etc. And I'm sure all the other nomads will offer their labo kumi (2 cents).
  17. P_508 Don't be fooled sxb, he'll be at your doorstep tomorrow with some stitches, telling you he was too legit to quit. Man them Baranbaros are fcuked up man. They be answering my door. Answering my phone saying shit like: "Sky who? That motherfcuker don't live here!". One day, I stepped on one of them. Went to the kitchen to get some tissues, came back; that nigga was gone!
  18. What do you guys think of Somali HipHop? Does it have the potential to be mature or is it just a little bit of comedy on our MP3. Brothers with talent are popping up these days. Somali music really has a bright future and who knows it might be used to make a positive difference among the different Somali communities. I even hear lately that Somali music artists and their Ethiopian counterparts are working together, exchanging ideas and beats. Listen to this track and tell me if its Hot or Not
  19. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, the minister of planning and international coöperation, himself a Somali Australian, visited the Australian home of Children First Foundation of Moire Kelly in Melbourne where Somali children are cared for during their stay in Australia for a medical operation they cannot find in Somalia. Ciise Dholowaa deserves all the credit for this possibility for these children. Ciise and Moire are asking the Puntland government to have adequate info on the kids medical condition before sent to Australia for medical care by acquiring equipment for cardiac research worth $4000. Wasiir ka socda DGPL oo booqday xarun lagu hayo caruur Somaliyed Wasiirka Q. iyo xiiriirka Calimiga ee DGPL ayaa xaruntaan oo lagu magacaabo Moire Kelly's Childaren Foundation Centre boqday mar uu boqsho khaas ah iyo mid shaqo ku yimi wadanka Australia gaar ahaan Magaladiisa Melbourne, xaruntan oo ay iska leedahay gabadha.. Moire Kelly waxa ururkeedu sahlaa soo ururinta Caruurtaan iyo hayntooda inta daaweyntu u socoto waxayna Caruurtaan kala jinsiyadaha duwan ku haysaa hoygeeda lagu magacabo Moire Kelly's Childaren Foundation Centre. Caruurta Somalida oo ilaa hada nasiibka u heshay in lagu daaweyo wadankan Australia ayaa tiradooda waxay gaaraysaa 29 meesha 26 kamid ah lagu guulaystay in laga daaweeyo xanuunadii loo keenay mar aan arintaan wax ka waydiinay maamulaka Centre-ka. Booqashada Wasiirka ayaa waxa ku weheliyay Ciise Maxamud Dholawaa iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan jaaliyada Somalida ee reer Melbourne, Ciise ayaa gabadhaan kala shaqeeya keenista, haynta iyo ka warqabida xaalada cafimaad marka wadanka dib loogu celiyo isla markaana dib u soo celiya kii u baahan waxqabad siyaado ah. Wasiirku markii uu arkay hoyga Caruurtan, sida ay ugu noolyihiin iyo heerka noloshooda guud ahaan ayaa wuxuu halkaa warbixin iyo araah is dhaafsi kaga dhagaystay madaxa Foundation-ka Moire Kelly, qaybo ka mid ah dadka iyada la shaqeeya iyo Ciise Maxamud Dholawaa oo isagu qaabilsan dhinaca caruurta Somalida lagu hayo Centre-kan isla markaana lahaa qabanqaabada is kulankaan. Madaxa hay'dan Ms Kelly ayaa waxay ka warbixisay dhibaatooyinka ka haysta caruurta Somalida inta aan la keenin halkan gaar ahaan kuwa loo keeno xaga cudrada wadnaha ku dhaca, iyadoo ku tilmantay in ay ku adagtahay dhakhatiiru in baaritankii ilmaha halkan laga bilaabo ayna dalbanayan dhakhatiirtanu in caruurtan weliba kuwa qaba xanuunda wadnaha la soo raacsho warbixin laga soo qoro wadanka gudihiisa. Hadaba si arintaan loogu helo xal ayaa Ms Kelly iyo Ciisaba waxay ka codsadeen maamulka Puntland in loo gado caruurtan oo kuwooda ugu badan laga keeno Puntland qalab lagu eego wadnaha kaas oo sahlaya in la keeno halkan Ilmaha isaga oo wata warbixintiisa isla markaana kala saarya kooda sugi kara iyo kan deg-dega ugu baahan in loo qaado. Qalabkaan ayaa qiimihiisa waxa lagu qiyaasay $4000, iyadoo talo ahaan u soo jeedisay in mamulka iyo jaaliyadaha dibadu gadaan qalabkaan, Foundation-ka gabadhanu ay bixiyan tikidka qofka loo keenayo wadanka Australia si loogu tababaro isticmalkan qalabkan mudo sadex bilood ah, dajinta iyo kharashkiisa joogitaana ay bixiyaan jaaliyada reer Australia gaar ahaan kuwa Melbourne. Intaa kadib waxaa hadalkii qaatay wasiirka Qorshaynta iyo Xiriirka Calimiga ee DGPL isagoo halkaa mahadceliyay Ms. Kelly iyo ururkeeda sida ay caawinaada bini'aadnimo ugu fidinayaan dhamaan caruurtan dhibaataysan oo laga kala keenay aduunka oo dhan gaar ahaan kuwa Somalida oo iyagu baahi badan u qaba taakulayntaan madaama burbur ku dhacay wadanka ay ka yimaadeen. Wasiirka isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxa oo uu u mahad celiyay Ciise Maxamud Dholawaa sida uu kaalinta bini'aadnimo iyo mida Islaanimo uga qaato caawinaada ubudkaan isaga oo waqtigiisa iyo naftiisaba u hura sidii Caruurtan uga kala keeni lahaa qaybaha kala duwan ee Somaliya oo ay ku kala suganyihiin. Dhinaca kale wasiirku mar uu ka jawaabayey dalabkii maamulka hay'da ka dalbaday sidii qalabkaan loo heli lahaa ayuu wuxuu balan qaaday in uu horgayn doono arintaan golaha wasiirada ee Maamul Goboleedka Puntland iyo Madxwaynaheeda Mud.Cade, wuxuuna balan qaday in intii karaankiisa ah uu ku dadaali doono sidii loo heli lahaa qalabkan muhiimka u ah keenista Caruurtan.
  20. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Maakhir, sxb expect a president to be named any moment now. That's interesting considering there is no charter, no parliament and no expensive Grand Shir between ALL parties to complete the state-building process. Mise waxaad ka waday madaxweyne ku sheegga to be named as soon as possible, before C/Y comes and Reer Gedo are left to bite the dust.
  21. President Yusuf returns to Jowhar after successful talks with Hiiraan elders and authorities and checking the condition of his troops in Feerfeer at the Ethiopian border that are destined to Jowhar and Xudur to enfore the protection of this government.
  22. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Why are they mostly men? :mad: bah! Its a Big NoNo to photograph women with a group of men outside, especially when outnumbered. But there are a lot of women too. Jason, what the hell are you talking about son. My own mother was a teacher, she taught at the Sheikh Madar primary school in Hodan, Mogadishu in the 80s. Maybe some nomads here were her former pupils, who knows.
  23. What gives YOU the right to be rude and not them? FF I'm not being rude, I'm just being honest. I dont see how I'm being bossy. DA No comment.
  24. Sky

    Meet Up

    Animal Farm That's a great idea man. We should do a meet-up in T-dot or something. I definetily would like to grasp the chance to show other nomads, that I'm a helluva a nice guy. And of course see the faces I'm dealing with here. Several people I know very well had meetups to fight with another forummer. That was hilarious. Its always the same kinda dudes that have fight meetups every year. Black males, 25-35 years old, born and grew up in harsh conditions.