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Posts posted by Sky

  1. Originally posted by wind.talker:

    “Ninka Dalmar la leeyahay ee la yidhi golaha Baarlamaanka Puntland haystaana beenbuu sheegay, Doorashada Baarlamaanka Somalilandna way ka dhacaysaa gobolka Sool oo khasabay kaga dhacaysaa.†Ayuu ydhi, waxaanu intaa raaciyay, “Haddii, talaabo kaleba daayoo, maleeshiyada Puntland ay xabad u soo ridaan dhinaca Somaliland sida Dalmar uusheegayo kuma dhacee, waxaan u sheegayaa in
    saacaddo ka dib goobta lagu wada hadlayaa noqonayso Garoowe




    Scary words, ain't they? Especially the last bit about negociating for the freedom of Garoowe. I really enjoyed reading that part!

    Nacaskaas oo hadalkaas yiri, car haa yimaado Garoowe. Siduu iswaalwaalayo baan la yaabay. War tuuladii yarayd ee Ari-Cadeeye baadan dhaafi karin adigoo wax dagaal dhinaceena aadan ka arag. Markaasu xaarkaan lasoo shirtagaya. :D:D

  2. I don't know about you guys, but this government is moving too slow. The term is 5 years and the first year is almost over. This is of course due to a certain group of warlords who are literaly holding Somalia hostage, but the clock is ticking nevertheless.

  3. How many more weeks before Ramadan? I don't want to hear all of the sudden that the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow. I need time to prepare myself mentally and physically for Ramadan. Gradually, I need to get used to eating like crazy in the early morning (mission impossible), not eating and drinking till salaadda Maqrib (piece of cake) and squeeze 2 large meals between then and before I sleep and juggle Salaad Tarawiix (in my mosque the session takes at least 2 hours) with homework, sports and relaxation.

  4. This is very shocking news! I was shocked, while reading this and almost bursted into tears when I saw the image of the toilet where the ordeal took place. Poor child...






    Ibraahim Saalax

    Email: | Yurub


    Amakaag iyo naxdin aan la tilmaami karin ayay ku noqotay qof kastoo soomaaliyeed oo maqlay wiilkii soomaaliyeed ee lagu kufsaday xanaanadii uu dhiganayay, degmada Holbæk ee koonfurta Jasiiradda Sjælland ee dalka Denmark.



    Mellemvang Kindergarten


    Somalis in Holbaeck protesting before the municipality



    "Wiilkaygii ayay kufsadeen isagoo jooga xanaanada" ayaa iyadoo far weyn ku qoran ku qornaa bogga hore ee Wargayska caanka ah Ekstra Bladet ee ka soo baxa Denmark, waxaana si naxdin weyni ku jirto u oranayay ereyadaas aabihii dhalay wiilkaas shan jirka ah.


    Waxay ahayd maalinimadii arbacada la soo dhaafay, markii ay hooyada wiilkaas dhashay ku aragtay nigiskii hoose ee uu cunugu qabay oo leh dhiig, dabadeedna waxay durabadiiba iyadoo naxsan oo amakaagsan taleefan kula xiriirtay ninkeedii, una sheegtay waxa ay aragtay iyo inay rumeysan tahay inay jiraan tilmaamo caddeynaya in wiilka la faraxumeeyay, sidiina ayuu aabihii si degdeg ah u aaday gurigiisii looga soo sheegay warkan naxdinta badan.



    The mayor of Holbaeck. The Somali boy told him that the man who raped him looked like a police officer


    "waxaa maalinimadii arbacada ila soo xiriirtay xaaskayga, waxaa xaaskayga caado u ahayd markuu wiilka ka yimaado xanaannada, inay ka dhaqdo gacmaha, una qubeyso, waxay ii sheegtay markii uu wiilkii yimid guriga inay dhiig ku aragtay nigiskii uu qabay, durbadiiba waxaan ula cararnay dhakhtarka, kadibna wuxuu dhakhtarkii inoo gudbiyay booliiska" ayuu yiri aabaha dhalay wiilka 5 jirka ah, mar aan kula xiriiray taleefanka, waxaana ka dareemayay intaan la hadlayay inuu aad u shoogsanaa, wuxuuna isagoo hadalkii sii wata yiri markale..


    "booliiska magaallada Holbæk waxay noo kaxeeyeen xarunta weyn ee cusbitaalka Copenhagen ee xarunta Denmark, dabadeedna saacado kadib baaritaankii wiilka, waxay khubaradii dhakhaatiirta noo sheegeen inay jiraan calaamado caddaynaya in wiilka la faraxumeeyay" ayuu igu yiri aabahaas soomaaliyeed ee la soo gudboonaatay nasiib darradaan foosha xun. "waxaan baryayaa Allaah Subxaanahuu Watacaalaa, isagaa i caawin doona" ayuu aabaha ku yiri wargayska Ekstra Bladet, kadib markii uu wacad ku maray inuu uga aargoyn doono ninkii dhibaatadaas u gaystay wiilkiisa. "Cid na taqaana ayaanan jirin, haddaan garto qofkii faraxumeeyay, markaas waxaan ku qasbannahay inaan aargoosanno si aan sharafteenna u soo ceshanno" ayuu ku yiri wargayska Ekstra Bladet, isagoo markale raaciyayna "hase ahaatee waa hubaal ah inaan ku tixgelinayo sharciga ka jira dalka Denmarkâ€.



    Scene of the crime


    Inkastoo ay jiraan baaritaanadaas ay sameeyeen dhaqaatiirtaas, haddana wuxuu aabaha oo iga codsaday inaanan magaciisa shabakadda ku baahinin ayaa ii sheegay, in gadaal danbe looga soo gudbin doono warbixinnada iyo baaritaannada ugu danbeysa ee la xiriirta faraxumeynta wiilka.


    Maalintii ugu horeysay ee ay booliiska waraysteen wiilka, wuxuu sheegay magaca hore ee ninkii faraxumeeyay, wuxuuna ku yiri duqa magaallada Holbæk, Jørn Sørensen isagoo tilmaamaya siduu u ekaa ninka wuxuu yiri "wuxuu ahaa nin weyn oo sida nin booliis oo kale ah..".



    Danish police investigating this tragic ordeal


    Duqa magaallada Holbæk ayaa usbuucii dhowaa durbadiiba saxaafadda u sheegay wararka ku saabsan faraxumeynta wiilkan soomaaliyeed, iyadoo taasina ay sababtay cabbasho iyo dhaliillo ay u soo jeediyeen 2 Proffesoro oo maaddada sharciga ka dhiga Jaamacadda Copenhagen. Aqoonyahannadan ayaa tilmaamay inuu duqa magaallada jebiyay xeerka qodobkiisu yahay 27 ee dhigaya inay arrimahan oo kale ay qarsoodi ahaadaan, maadaama uu mas’uulna yahay ay habboonayd inuu sugo intay dacwada ka dhamaanayso. Hay’ado u dooda xuquuqda caruurta iyo Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan Holbæk ayaa booliiska u gudbiyay dacwada ay ku soo oogeen duqa magaallada Jørn Sørensen


    Sida ay qoreen wargaysyo badan waxay tilmaamayaan in falkan faraxumeynta loo gaystay wiilka soomaaliyeed uu ka danbeeyay mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha ka shaqeeya xanaannada, waxaana loo badinayaa inuu faraxumeynta wiilka ka dhacay musqusha ay isticmaalaan dadka waaweyn ee ka shaqeeya xanaannada Annekset. Booliiska ayaa baaritaanno kala duwan ka sameeyay dhammaan goobihii ay ku tuhmayeen in wiilka lagu faraxumeeyay, waxayna ku arkeen dhiig musqushii loo badinayay in wiilka lagu faraxumeeyay.


    Shaqaalaha iyo maamulka Xanaannada ayaa caruurta dhigata xanaannada iyo waalidiintoodaba ku wargeliyay in tuugo ay u soo dhaceen xanaannada, sidaas darteedna ay u yimaadeen booliiska. Hase ahaatee, sida uu wargayska Ekstra Bladet daabacay gabar yar oo afar sanno jirtay ayaa kashiftay waxa ay qarinayaan maamulka xanaannada, waxayna ku tiri aabaheed oo ag taagan " waa halkaan meesha wiilka lagu fara xumeeyayâ€.


    Dhammaan qoysaska soomaaliyeed ayaa arrintaan caro weyn ka muujiyay, waxayna caruurtooda ka reebeen maalinimada jumcada la soo dhaafay xanaanooyinkii ay aadi jireen, iyagoo sidoo kalena dibadbaxyo ay kaga soo horjeedaan falkaan foosha xun ka hor sameeyay xarunta maamulka degmada Holbæk.


    Waxaa la ogsoon yahay inay falalkan oo kale ay aalaaba ka dhacaan xanaanooyinka ku yaala Denmark, hase ahaatee caruurta soomaaliyeed ee la soo gudboonaatay falalka faraxumeynta ay kor u dhaafayaan dhowr iyo toban, iyagoo intooda badanna aynan u soo shaac bixin dhacdadaan ugu danbeysay oo kale.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee, inkastoo ay jiraan wararka sheegaya faraxumeynta wiilka, haddana waxaa hubaal ah inaynan soo dhamaystirmin baaritaannada ay wadaan booliiska, sidoo kalena aanan loo haynin caddeymo 100 % tilmaamaya in wiilka la kufsaday, waxaana maalintii shaleey ahayd ay booliiska waraysteen markii labaad wiilkii soomaaliyeed, iyadoo ayna u badan tahay inay baaritaannadooda qaadan karto muddo dheer.

  5. I personally prefer educated, intelligent and independant girls. Some prefer the total opposite. And I naturally find streaky girls more interesting than good girls. The latter might annoy the hell out of me.

  6. Ilaaliye, I have this feeling (call me crazy!) that a girl close to you is victimized by RBEG Inc.


    Well, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but there is nothing you can do. I don't think complaining to the host or authorities about a Somali man showing pictures of Somali girls will help, when they don't even see pornography as a problem.

  7. Originally posted by Jumatatu:

    Was that an official bulletin or just one of your constant blurs...if the former then it is a serious statement, very serious one..

    Watch your mouth son. It was an official statement by the PL speaker.



    Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland 'Goob ka tirsan Gobollada Puntland oo La Ogolayahay In sanaadiiq la keeno Majirto, Ninkii Keenaana Wuu ku Dhimanayaa, Ciidan baa Noo Diyaar ah xoog leh, tiknikaa noo Diyaar Ah, Lacag baa Noo Diyaar ah'

  8. The girls on Radio Baranbaro have brought that all on themselves. They are the laughing stock of Somalis all over the net. But the guy is evil, some wadaads allready tried to destroy his website. But a month later he appears again like a fly you thought you've squashed and suddenly you hear ZZZZzzz.....

  9. Police: Lions eat 20 villagers in Ethiopia

    Attacks force people to flee their homes, officials say


    Tuesday, September 20, 2005; Posted: 9:41 a.m. EDT (13:41 GMT)


    ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- A pride of lions has killed and devoured 20 villagers, wounded 10 others and eaten at least 70 cattle in southern Ethiopia in the past week, police said Tuesday.


    The attacks have forced at least 1,000 people to flee their homes in Hadia Zone, in the Southern Nation and Nationalities People State, 400 kilometers (250 miles) north of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, according to a police statement.


    "The lions are coming from the bush seeking food," in groups of two to four animals, according to the statement.


    Lions attack and eat humans in areas where their wild prey has been reduced by over-hunting, deforestation and population growth. Older lions also become man-eaters because humans are a far easier prey than wildlife.


    "The 20 people were eaten by the lions while they engaged in their daily activities in their homes and nearby places," according to the police.


    "Killing these lions would be the only way to rescue the residents in the area and prevent other casualties," the police statement added.

  10. No seriously dude, you keep forgetting that its Puntland who has the upper hand in that area, not Somaliland. As Soomaal said, you are daydreaming sxb. The odds are against Somaliland. Politically and economically Somaliland is getting weaker and weaker every passing month and Somaliland had no chance of controlling this area to begin with. Iskaba dhaaf Puntland oo dhan, reerka meesha wax ka dega baad iska celi karin.


    Images of Reer Laas Caanood in a shir about the latest usual controversies from Hargeisa.


    In the middle, PL speaker of parliament Cusmaan Dalmar X Yuusuf who declared that anyone who forwards SL ballotboxes to PL will be punished with death.





  11. Sxb, where do you guys get those science fiction figures. :D I bet on your imaginations, but I'll kindly wait for your answer my dear chap. 97% voted yes to Somaliland. And now 70% of Sool is going to vote. More like 70% of the Sool in Somaliland hands, which is only the district of Caynabo. Not to mention there is no Sool without Laas Caanood.


    That period of the year when death-threats are flying between Garowe and Hargeisa is no news anymore. We've all seen how these gentlemen flex their muscles, push each other around a bit and call it a day. Luckily, both sides realise that its not worth to wage war.

  12. Just one per Q:


    Five things you have done.

    I have ran naked and wet through the streets of Mogadishu.


    ...I was 2 and a half years old then and took a sprint when I was being washed and my mum wasn't looking for a sec. The maid caught me after two blocks.

    Five things you have never done.

    Start on time with studying for tests. I always start last minute and it works for me. I don't have to graduate with honours, just gimme the damn paper and I'm happy.

    Five jobs you have held.

    Internship in a big shot firm. It was quite an experience. I had a big fight with the staff over the coffee machine. Its a long story, but their glad my azz is gone now.

    Five insecurities.

    Eternity in the afterlife. Forever, forever-ever, forever-ever?????

    Five people you have loved.

    The usual folks na mean.

    Five things that have happened to you.

    My phone fell out of my pocket in a rollercoaster once from the highest point. I was devastated, I was numb for the rest of the ride. Didn't even know it was my phone initially, I thought it was a black bird till my friends showed me. All I could think of was "Alxamdulillaah nobody got a phone smacked on his/her head". Guess what, Allah heard that and within a week my phone was sent with no scratches at all. It fell on grass, that's why.

    Five cars you have owned.

    That's a weird story. I own a Toyota Landcruiser VX in Somalia, but here I drive other people's cars. But Laankruusars are so cheap over there, you gotta cash in with the deal na mean.

    Five reasons you won't contribute to this thread.

    Say what? :confused:

  13. Baashi, why go inland when we already talked about developing the Bajuni Islands? I know, I know ... you are reer Kismayo but the Islands aren't far off dee. Stay focused man. Don't change plans saxib.

    Libaax, man! that's what I'm talking about these lil islands that no one seem interesed. I mean no one U see I got plans...if we can only get a government with all its regulatory institutions working to protect investment. Sxb, the plan is on n man! am I so focused or what..

    Lol :D Do you guys think you're Robinson Crusoe or something? G'luck though. I also see great potential, laakiin I don't want my ideas to get stolen by all these people on the net.


    Make sure both of you to come visit me in my mansion in Kismaayo. :cool:


    Waa inoo mar kale.

  14. Cabdiqaasim seems to have turned his 'behind-the-scene sabotaging' of the TFG a notch or two.



    From L-R: Qanyare, Moorgan, Xaabsade, Bootaan, Hiiraale and Yalaxow.



    Even the old geezer Jees joined the party.



    Xaabsade oo adimaya, or so it seems.



    When these criminals show how much they fear the TFG like that, it can only be seen as good news.

  15. Walaalayaal,


    The speech was great. I wonder who wrote it. The president also spoke very well, although his throat gave up on the man several times. Wether he 'raped' the English language or not (akoombliishidh instead of accomplished), its about the content and the president successfully adressed on the UN general assembly what Somalia is facing and what Somalia needs.


    Yaah? Maxaa inoo galay how Yusuf speaks English, its not our language.


    I especially liked and I quote:

    While much of the countries of the world are struggling to meet their Millenium Development Goals, Somalia is struggling to stand on its feet.

    Does anyone know wether or not the president is going to make a tour through the Somali communities in North America. I remember when he visited Seattle some years ago as President of Puntland.