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Posts posted by Sky

  1. My friend if there's something I do right, than that is my taste in women. My sweet words couresses the ladies and invades their souls.


    PS. Trying not to hurt your hair here. I gather you have insured your hairdo.

    PPS. I regard myself to be a handy businessman than an elegant politician.

  2. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^ I usually disagree with Wind, however on this occasion his criticisms of late are valid. This whole contract deal does not seem real or the PL government is just ****** ...

    Yes indeed General Duke, this government is dumb. Some ministers don't have an IQ higher than 70, which is considered bordering handicap status. Even 12 year olds understand that this is a funky deal with the phantom 'Consort'. The government should respond quickly to the dirtpoor Ethiopians pouring into our impoverished state and the two Puntlanders in Bangkok prison need to be released and not ignored and sofort and sofort. Frankly speaking these and more are more important matters to address than preventing SL ballotboxes to enter with tooth and nail, Somaliland will never get recognition even if they hold the elections in Taleex.


    And this isn't about tribe. The most upstanding minister is Caasha Geelle and the most rotten apple in the bucket is Gaagaab. Both from Mudug, so lets not go there.

  3. Originally posted by Aeronwen:

    ^ Not any longer. I am under strict doctor's orders to stay off anything fizzy or acidic. I have been clean for a month now.

    Did the Pepsi cause you frequent dhuuso killer attacks? I'm fully aware that this isn't a charming question by the way.


    I knew this intiguing fella who always released his gas no matter the circumstances of that particular moment. When I asked why he just can't hold his gas till he finds a toilet and leave bystanders' noses at peace, he replied; "If I hold in my gas, my butt will grow so large and full with gas, that ultimately my butt will explode."

  4. I don't give a shit about Muqdisho's feelings. The city cannot be entrusted with hosting the Somali government plain and simple. Does Muqdisho want to host the TFG as it should? Than the warlords or whoever the hell run the different parts of the city clean up their act. Removing roadblocks, opening public infrastructure and offices could have been done, but sabotaging the government is done instead. Some people have to understand that Muqdisho is giving the TFG all the reasons to stay in Jowhar.

  5. Ethiopian aad u badan oo u ku soo qul-qulaya Puntland

    Posted to the Web Sep 25, 15:41



    Garoowe,Puntland:-Waxaa beryahaan deegaamada Puntland si xawli ah ugu soo qul-qulaya dad Ethiopian ah oo u badan Qoomiyada Oramiya, ku waa soo intooda badan u gudba magaalada Xeebta ah ee Boosaaso si ay ugu tahriibaan dalka Yaman.


    Magaalooyinka waawayn ee Puntland gaar ahaan Garoowe iyo Boosaaso ayaad ku arkaysaa waddooyinka dhexmara koox-koox Oromo ah oo wadasocda, sidoo kale Masaajida ayay waxay Kaalmo ka waydiistaan Muslimiinta ku tukada.


    Dadkaan Ethiopian-ka ah oo u badan dad dhalinyaro ah ayaa markaad la sheekaysato sababta ay dalkoodii uga soo socdaaleen oo ay Masaajidada, Xaafadaha magaalada iyo Waddooyinka ay Kaalmada dadka u waydiisanayaan, ayay waxay kuu sheegayaan in dalkooda ay ka jirto Fakhri aad u daran iyo Colaado kaga imaada meelo badan waa siday hadalka u dhigeene, taa soo ku kaliftay in ay ka soo haajiraan oo ay Jaaha soo saaraan Noloshaan aadka u adag.


    Dadkaan, ayaa u jeedada ugu wayn ee ay Puntalnd ugu soo qul-qualyaan ee muuqata ayaa ah in ay Xeebaha Macmal-ka ah ee Puntland ka raacaan Doomo Kharaab ah oo u tahriibiya dalka Yaman, ku waa soo dhaxal siiya Geeri, kadib markii ay Doomaahaasi ay soo wajahdo Cilad ayaa dadka iska leh Doomaha Tahriibayaasha ayay waxay ku khasbaan oo ay ku daadiyaan Badwaynta dhexdeeda, waxayna la kulmaan silic aad u xun oo ay u geeriyoodaan intooda badan, kadib markii ay u dabaalan kari waayaan Xeebaha oo aad u durugsan.



    Axmed C/salaam



  6. Sheikh Maxamed Yuusuf Maxamed 'Rabiic', Sheikh of the culimo known as Xerta Timoweynta of the Qaadiriya in one of his headquarters, Yagoori in Caynaba district. He has been buried yesterday in qudbiga Sheikh Abbaa Yoonis, the tomb is named after the progenitor of his subclan. Garoowena salaada Jimca looga duceeyey. They are called Timoweyn, because of their hairstyle, inspired by the hairstyle of Nebi Ibraahim. Separated and grown long. Many Somali followers are still not comfortable with the latter.


    Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic arrived from the Hawd to the Nugaal valley in 1948 after he completed studies of Sheikh Max'ed Khaliif in Dhagaxbuur. He opened his first Jaamaca in Xudun, but presently the largest Timoweynta centres are in the outskirts of both Yagoori and Garoowe. Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic was a well known man throughout Somalia with great knowledge. He was the most powerful Sheikh in Puntland, mainly because he controlled heavy armoury such as tanks and technicals left behind by the Somali government in Northwest Somalia pre-1991.


    His base in Yagoori has been in the news at the height of the tension between Puntland-Somaliland, when Somaliland accused these heavily armed Timoweyn wadaads of having ties with C/Y of Puntland based on tribal links when they humiliated Somaliland by threatening to attack them if their sovereignty is threatened after Somaliland demanded to confiscate their weapons. The Timaweyn stated that the weapons are to protect themselves and are neutral. The base in Yagoori is still sovereign to this day.

  7. Sheikh Maxamed Yuusuf Maxamed 'Rabiic', Sheikh of the culimo known as Xerta Timoweynta of the Qaadiriya in one of his headquarters, Yagoori in Caynaba district. He has been buried yesterday in qudbiga Sheikh Abbaa Yoonis, the tomb is named after the progenitor of his subclan. Garoowena salaada Jimca looga duceeyey. They are called Timoweyn, because of their hairstyle, inspired by the hairstyle of Nebi Ibraahim. Separated and grown long. Many Somali followers are still not comfortable with the latter.


    Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic arrived from the Hawd to the Nugaal valley in 1948 after he completed studies of Sheikh Max'ed Khaliif in Dhagaxbuur. He opened his first Jaamaca in Xudun, but presently the largest Timoweynta centres are in the outskirts of both Yagoori and Garoowe. Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic was a well known man throughout Somalia with great knowledge. He was the most powerful Sheikh in Puntland, mainly because he controlled heavy armoury such as tanks and technicals left behind by the Somali government in Northwest Somalia pre-1991.


    His base in Yagoori has been in the news at the height of the tension between Puntland-Somaliland, when Somaliland accused these heavily armed Timoweyn wadaads of having ties with C/Y of Puntland based on tribal links when they humiliated Somaliland by threatening to attack them if their sovereignty is threatened after Somaliland demanded to confiscate their weapons. The Timaweyn stated that the weapons are to protect themselves and are neutral. The base in Yagoori is still sovereign to this day.

  8. Sheikh Maxamed Yuusuf Maxamed 'Rabiic', Sheikh of the culimo known as Xerta Timoweynta of the Qaadiriya in one of his headquarters, Yagoori in Caynaba district. He has been buried yesterday in qudbiga Sheikh Abbaa Yoonis, the tomb is named after the progenitor of his subclan. Garoowena salaada Jimca looga duceeyey. They are called Timoweyn, because of their hairstyle, inspired by the hairstyle of Nebi Ibraahim. Separated and grown long. Many Somali followers are still not comfortable with the latter.


    Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic arrived from the Hawd to the Nugaal valley in 1948 after he completed studies of Sheikh Max'ed Khaliif in Dhagaxbuur. He opened his first Jaamaca in Xudun, but presently the largest Timoweynta centres are in the outskirts of both Yagoori and Garoowe. Sheikh Max'ed Rabiic was a well known man throughout Somalia with great knowledge. He was the most powerful Sheikh in Puntland, mainly because he controlled heavy armoury such as tanks and technicals left behind by the Somali government in Northwest Somalia pre-1991.


    His base in Yagoori has been in the news at the height of the tension between Puntland-Somaliland, when Somaliland accused these heavily armed Timoweyn wadaads of having ties with C/Y of Puntland based on tribal links when they humiliated Somaliland by threatening to attack them if their sovereignty is threatened after Somaliland demanded to confiscate their weapons. The Timaweyn stated that the weapons are to protect themselves and are neutral. The base in Yagoori is still sovereign to this day.

  9. Originally posted by Yoonis:


    " bgcolor="red">"He who does not show mercy to our young or show esteem for our elders is not one of us."



    Sky walaal it's really shocking and I'm really saddened by the incident. However don't waste your time with arguing with a man who doesn't have any mercy in his heart. It's a islamic etiquette to feel for your muslim brother in incidents like this.

    This man suffers from the Dostoyevski syndrom. He hates his own people. Habeen kasta wuxuu ku seexdaa si uu nin cadaan ku soo kaco. Every morning he gets disappointed. :D


    Just joking.

  10. Originally posted by iPod Athena:

    P.s. You can tell the silhouette is not wearing her hijab haye? Can you see her star-spangled mini-skirt too?



    Alle-ubaahne, waa lagu qabtay. You liked that avatar, didn't ya? Sxb, can you also tell us the size of her bra. Yeah take a closer look, yeah.

  11. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    ^^^ You’re always on the verge of blubbering over one thing or another, aren’t you?

    Did the photo of the toilet really make you burst into tears?

    See, you're at it again. Why are you always trying to prove yourself over and over and over.


    And for all its worth, yes it did fill my eyes with tears.


    Pretentious grief you say? Ngonge, not everyone is like you.

  12. Gaalkayco: Maamulka gobolka ,degmada,Salaadiinta, Odayaasha , Nabaddoonnada iyo shacabka Gaalkacyo ayaa xaflad ay shalay ku qabteen Taar City Hotel isku raacay in laqaaday Khadkii cagaarnaa ee Gaalkacyo



    Gaalkacyo (AllPuntland)- Xuska maalinta nabadda adduunka oo ku beegnayd 21ka September waxaa laga xusay magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ah magaalo muddooyinkii ugu danbeeyay ukala qaybsanayd laba dhinac.



    Maalintii shalay ahayd Maamulka gobolka ,degmada,Salaadiinta, Odayaasha , Nabaddoonnada iyo ururada bulshada Gaalkacyo oo aan u kala harin ayaa waxay socod ku mareen wadada laamiga ah ee dhex marta magaalada Gaalkacyo ayagoo isaga tallaabay xaafadaha kala duwan ee magalada Gaalkacyo.




    Dhinaca koonfureed ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxaa dadkii banaanbaxayay ay kasoo galbiyeen salaadiinta, nabadddoonada iyo siyaasiyiinta koonfurta gobolka Mudug oo uu hor kacayay Suldaan C/naasir Jaamac Seed .


    Barxadda xaruntii hore ee madaxtooyada (Quraca) ayaa dadwayne xamaadasaysan iyo ardaydii fasallada isugu soo bexeen ,waxaana halkaasi hadallo uga jeediyay culimaa'uddiin, isimo , maamulka gobolka iyo degmada .




    Sheekh Axmed Maxamed Cali (Garyare) oo kamid ah culimada magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa halkaasi kasoo jeediyay qudbad diini ah oo looga hadlayay ammaanka magaalada Gaalkacyo , wuxuu codsaday in diinta islaamka lagu dhaqmo markaasna ay imaanayso in la is dhex galo.




    Waxaa halkaasi khudbado kasoo jeediyay masuuliyiinta koonurta gobolka Mudug oo uu kamid yahay Cali Diiriye Alloore oo ah masuul dhinaca nabadda aad loogu bartay, wuxuu ku nuux nuuxsaday in kala qaybsanaanta Gaalkacyo ka jirta ay keeneen dad aan u dhalan, oo magaalada safar ku yimid , wuxuu wax lala yaabo ku tilmaamay in dad aan Baladka u dhalan ay dadkii magaalada shaki kala galiyaan, asagoo intaasi ku daray ninka sidaasi yeelaya inuu yahay nin subixii baabuur ku yimid galabkiina ka caraabaya ee ay shacabka Gaalkacyo sidaa u ogaadaan.




    Bannaanbaxan ayaa socday illammaa duhurinimadi shalay , hase ahaatee kulan labaad ayaa galabnimadii shalay ka dhacay Taar City Hotel oo ku yaalla duleedka magaalada Gaalkacyo.


    Kulankan waxaa si gaar ah ugu kulmayay masuuliyiinta qaybaha kala duwan ee gobolka iyo ururada bulshada ee gobolka Mudug oo ah kuwa soo agaasimay kulankan.




    Suldaan C/salaan Maxamuud oo kamid ah salaadiinta Gaalkacyo ayaa hadal dher kasoo jeediyay xafalddaii shalay galabnimadii ka dhacday Hotel Taar ee magaalada Gaalkacyo , wuxuuna sheegay in qaabka nabadda lagu gaari karo ay tahay oo kaliya in dhallinyaradu ay shaqasyo , wuxuu xusay in nabi walba oo lasoo diro uu ahaa dhallinyaro sidasi daraadeedna haddii la xoojiyo kaalinta dhallinyarada ay hawshu hagaagayso.


    Wuxuu ugu danbayn dadkii isku yimid u dar daarmay inay kitaabka ilaahay qabsadaan oo ay iska daayaan waxyaabaha kitaabka ka hor imaanaya .




    Guddoomiyaha degmada Gaalkacyo Xuseen Jaamac Yabaq ayaa halkaasi kasoo jeediyay hadal uu kaga waramayo sida Gaalkacyo ammaankeeda looga wada shaqayn karo.


    Dhallinyarada ayuu sheegay inay yihiin xoogga kaliya ee maanta ammaanka gobolka Mudug gacanta ku dhigi kara , wuxuu dalbaday in nafta loo huro ammaanka Gaalkacyo sida uu sheegay Suldaan C/naasir Jaamac Seed.


    Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Sheekh Daahir Jaamac Nuur ayaa kamid ahaa masuuliyiintii halkaasi hadallada dheer ka jeediyay asagoo sheegay in ay meesha ka maqan tahay daacadnimadii , haddii daacadnimo la helana uu gobolka Mudug noqonayo gobol aad ay nabaddiisu u sarayso.


    Suldaan C/naasir Jaamac Seed ayaa asagu wuxuu ku cel celiyay inuusan jirin khad cagaaran oo ka dhex jira magaalada Gaalkacyo , Suldaanku wuxuu xusay in maanta laga bilaabo la is dhex mari karo , asaguna wuxuu sheegay inuu socod kasoo bilaabay koonfurta Gaalkacyo uuna ku tagay xaafadaha kale asagoon cidna ka baqayn.


    " Inta aan ka dhimanayo , nabadda cidna uga haybasan maayo" ayuu yiri Suldaan C/naasir Jaamac Seed.


    Ugu danbayn waxaa halkaasi hadallo kasoo jeediyay guddoomiyaha dallada ururada gobolaka Mudug ee Dud Mudug , Axmed Cawil Maxamuud oo warbixin dheer kajeediyay halkaasi , wuxuu ammaanay ururadii bulshada ee halkaasi qaban qaabada kawaday iyo maamulka gobolka iyo degmada iyo salaadiinta.


    Wuxuu sheegay inaysan dhallinyaradu ka seexan doonin dadaalka ay ugu jirto inay shacabka Gaalkacyo kasaarto kala shakiga ku jira.


    Ugu danbayn kulankan ayaa kusoo gabo gaboobay jawi rayn rayn leh.


    CCC Farayaamo







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