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Posts posted by Sky

  1. Maamulka Puntland oo dib dalkoodii ugu celinaya in ka badan 5000 oo Ethiopian ah

    Posted to the Web Oct 01, 15:17



    Boosaaso:-Shir ay maanta ku yeesheen magaalada Boosaaso Masuuliyiinta maamulka Puntland oo ku mid yahay M/kuxigeenka DG Puntland Xassan Daahir Af-qurac ahna kusimaha M/waynaha waxaana lagu go'amiyay shirkaasi in dib loo celiyo dhowr Kun oo Ethiopian ah oo ku sugan Puntland.


    Kulankaan maanta ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ka badan 600 oo qof Ethiopian ah in ay haatan isdiiwaan galiyeen oo ay ku qanacsan yihiin in dib loogu celiyo dalkoodii.


    Waxaana shirkaasi masuuliyiintu ka sheegeen in ka badan 4000 oo Ethiopian ay ku nool yihiin gudaha magalaada Boosaaso oo kaliya.


    Yuusuf Maxamed Wacays (dhaddo) Guddoomiyaha gobolka Bari, oo ka hadlaya Ethiopian-ka sida xawliga ah ugu soo qulqulaya Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay ku soo kordhiyeen dalka dhibaatooyin lixaad leh oo ay ka mid yihiin Caafimaad-daro, Nadaafad-daro iyo dhibaatooyin kale.


    Mr: Dhado wuxuu sheegay in ay la fiirsan karin dadkaan aadka u dhibaataysan ee ay dushooda ka muuqato arag xumo aad u daran.Waxaana haboon in aan is dhaafino si ay iyakuna silicaan uga raystaan oo ay uga baxaan, inakuna ay dhibaatooyinkaas ina kala tagaan ayuu yiri Mr: dhaddo.


    Magaalada Dakada ah ee Boosaaso ayaa waxaa ku sugan kumaan kun oo Ethiopian ah, ku waa soo ay ka muuqato daryeel-xumo aad u baahsan, waxayna daadsan yihiin Xeebta Dakada iyo Suuqyada magaalada, waxayna ka tuugsadaan Xaafadaha Magaalada oo dhan, dariiq kastana waxaad ku arkaysaa raxan-raxan Ethiopian ah oo tuugsanaya.


    Inkastoo magaalada Garoowe oo Xarun ah Maamulka Puntland aysan Ethiopian-ku aysan u joogin sida magaalada Boosaaso hadana waxaa beryahaan magaalada ku soo badanaya dad Ethiopian ah oo u badan Qoomiyada Oramiya, ku waa soo u badan dhalinyaro da'doodu u dhaxayso 20-30.


    Dhalinyaradaan ayaa waxaa ka muuqda dushooda dhibaato aad u wayn, waxayna ka tuugsadaan Xaafadaha Magaalada, markaad waydiiso sababta dalkooda ay uga yimaadeen oo ku ka liftay in ay tuugsadaan, ayay waxay kuu sheegayaan in ay ka soo carareen gaajo lixaad leh oo ragaadisay dalkooda iyo waliba colaado kaga yimaada dhinacyo badan waa siday hadalka u dhigeene.


    Axmed C/salaam






    "Macquul ma'aha in aan dadka ka ganacsano" Xassan Daahir Af-qurac oo ka hadalay Tahriibta

    Posted to the Web Oct 01, 15:38



    Boosaaso:-Shir dhinacyo badan looga hadlay oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso oo ay yesheen masuuliyiinta sarsare ee Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa lagu go'aamiyay in aan dib dambe wax tahriiba aysan uga tahriibi karin xeebaha Puntland


    Xassan Daahir Af-qurac M/kuxigeenka DG Puntland ahna kusimaha Madaxwaynaha oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa wuxuu hadalkiis ku bilaabay "Macquul ma'aha in aan ka ganacsano bini'aadamka, waa nasiib daro in intii dad laga qaato lacag lagu daadiyo baddaha dhexdeeda.


    Markaan u baxno debadaha waa nala qabsadaa Soomaalida iyo dadka kalaba waxayna na waydiiyaan waxaanu ka helayno hadaan nahay Puntland dadka maalin kastaba lagu daadinayo badwaynta ee kabaxa xeebaha Boosaaso iyo Guud ahaanba Puntland.


    "Waa in la maxkamadeeyaa oo sharciga lagu qaadaa kuwa ka ganacsada bini'aadamka, isla markaasna xabsiga la dhigaa cid kasta oo loo garto in ay Tahriibayaan amaba ay ku lug leeyihiin", ayuu Xassan Daahir yiri.


    Maamulka Puntland ayaa in badan lagu ee deeyay wax ka qabasho la'aanta Tahriibayaasha ka tahriiba Dakado Macmal ah oo ku yaala Xeebaha Puntland, waxayna had iyo jeer ay ku celceliyaan in aysan awoood u lahayn oo aysan kantarooli karin Xeebta Puntland oo ah mid aad u dheer.


    Hase ahaatee Kulankii maanta ayaa u ekaa mid ka duwan kuladii hore ee looga hadli jiray tahriibayaasha, kamana muuqan wax cududaar ah oo ku aadan ka hortagida Tahriibayaasha, waxaana la isla gartay in gacan bir ah loogaga hortago tahriibayaasha iyo kuwa wax tahriibiya intaba.


    Axmed C/salaam





  2. ^^^ You mean Cabdiweli, he's just the arronboy of the bros? You should see his brothers, the real big dogs like Xiis Cali Taar. They look like 100+. I've seen Cabdiweli a year ago, while he was running Taar City Hotel. A really nice guy, we got everything for free.


    Windtalker, how is Barkhad Cali Saalax one of the dhiigyacabta Puntland? Enlighten me.


    Xiin, walaalkiis, I think its the latter as well. We shall see the outcome shortly. The PM Geedi opened the talks today.

  3. A delegation of Puntland officials arrived at Jowhar on a flight from Gaalkacyo airport for talks with the TFG about exploring natural resources.



    President Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed talking to Puntland officials



    L-to-R: TFG minister Xasan Abshir Faarax and businessman Cabdiweli Cali Taar



    L-to-R: TFG minister Xasan Abshir Faarax, PL minister Barkhad Cali Saalax and PL minister Maxamed Yuusuf Gaagaab

  4. I don’t know about you, but I don’t need culture to tell me whether or not a person who admits to being the first to destroy a country (and mind you not doing anything productive to change his ways) is bragging. Not doing anything productive about admitting of crimes is basically bragging in my books.

    Well that's why we have always bumped heads Rahima. Our Somali political views are worlds apart. In my opinion, his role in Puntland [A mega-region of relative peace and prosperity] as well as his current role in Federal Somalia are very much productive. You might disagree, but you tend to equate the Mog warlords to CY. A big mistake and unfair to the man.


    I have this feeling that you haven't listened but rather followed the subtitles. An important part, which wasn't properly translated unfortunately, was: "Dowlada baan ka soo horjeesanay, laakiin wixii wey inaga fakatay" Meaning that the rebellion [A justified rebellion mind you] against the tyranny had escalated.


    He closed it with saying that it was up to the first man who caused the chain reaction and the others who followed suit to end this current situation they themselves caused.


    Again, I cannot detect any form of bragging by the President.

  5. I never cook during Ramadan. I'm so weak before Afur, all I can do is hang around like a zombie, sleep or watch tv. But only the first bite brings me out of my coma. I'm so lucky I never have to cook. In my neck of the woods, cooking is women's job. Our job is to eat. And we better finish it or we have some angry ladies who have the power to make the rest of Ramadan unbearable.


    After Taraawiix we get some pizza or eat baasto/bariis at home. I gain weight during Ramadan somehow.


    M u h a m m a d


    Yeah I don't drink coffee or tea! Can you believe this shit? I can't. But I better start drinking at last tea.

  6. I bought a PSP online as a present for my kid brother of 16. Much cheaper and it was my first time. I must say, I should have gone to the store.




    Grateful as he is, he complained about sore fingers after playing for a while.

  7. Its not Ok. I rather be rejected, than be in a position where I hurt a girl's feelings. I rather be hurt myself than hurt another person, especially someone who feels this way about you.


    But its different if she knows you are into her, than she is a smart gal who doesn't wanna waste her time. I would be impressed of her courage.


    Unfortunately I've never met a married couple of which the woman proposed for marriage. Its tradition, guys are the ones who are exposed to humiliation not women.


    Gotta go.

  8. I don't mean to sound like a ranting racist, but I'm dead tired of Mudug and its survival-of-the-fittest politicians. Mudug politics lacks the finesse and the needed compromise to form the foundation of a new Somali Republic. As long as we line ourselves behind leaders from this region, we'll always be at each others' throats and Somalia will always be in a virtual state of war.

    Waryaa, aflagaadada maad iska dhaaftid. Wax oo aan calaacal ahayn ma la timaadid. Your generalising of Reer Mudug is going overboard.


    This "government" is led by the same people who destroyed Somalia to begin with - in fact, the President constantly brags about being the man who fired the "first bullet."

    he actually bragged about this on the documentary. I was the first man who partook in the destruction of Somalia (and some here deny it when he says it himself) and therefore we men who did so should fix it he reasoned.

    He wasn't bragging. Its a Somali trait and a Reer Mudug trait at that to be brutally honest. If you have the slighest sense of Somali culture, you'll understand he wasn't bragging. He was actually taking responsibility for Somalia's misery, even though we know who literaly destroyed the country in such a magnitude that coming generations shall suffer from the consequences.

  9. Ramadhan Treats - Whats on your plate?

    - maraq (tomatosoup) or suqaar (stew)

    - sambuusi (eggrolls in the shape of a triangle)

    - malawax (pancakes)

    - bur/muufo

    - timir (dates)

    - digaag (spicy or honey-flavoured chicken wings)


    - drink of mix milk/yoghurt and too much sugar

    - softdrink


    And than that every afur till Ciid.


    Who said Ramadan is not easy? :cool:

  10. ^^ Planning to build a modest backpacker lodge with diving facilities on one of those Islands. Apart from the diving gear, won't cost too much. The low demand makes the land cheap and I'll be using local material for construction.


    Than let those white kids come and katching!

  11. Suldaanow

    This is definetily a wonderful day, not only for Somaliland but for the entire horn of Africa. You know that I'm vehemently against the notion of Somaliland as a breakaway republic, I wish to see it as an autonomous state within a federal Somalia. Nevertheless, Somaliland is doing exceptionally well for itself and beems a ray of hope and pride to the rest of the horn.

  12. Somalis and money; bad combination. Stick to your camels please.


    If asked about my income, I'll just politely avoid the question by joking; "Well definetily more than you." Believe me they won't bring it up after that. They'll get the message.