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Posts posted by Sky

  1. I'm not one of the older generation, but here is what I know:


    There is no Romeo and Juliet story here. Cilmi Boodhari was obsessively in love with Hodan, an extremely beautiful woman. But when he heard that Hodan was given to another man, Cilmi became senile and couldn't live a normal life anymore. He died of malnutrition. This story took place in Berbera.


    These tragic stories are abundant in Somalia. There is also another story about a nomad in Sool who was roaming around thirsty, looking for water. When he finally arrived at a water point, the local family refused to give him water, fearing that he would deplete their water. This is strictly against Somali traditional rules. The nomad was so shocked that he vowed to never drink drink water anymore for the rest of his life. He kept his word, while the family's reputation sunk deeper and deeper after each passing day that the poor man didn't drink water.


    He died 30 years later at age 70 in the beginning of the 90s, only drinking milk since that fateful day. All that was left of the poor man was dry skin and brittled bones. He evidently suffered throughout those three decades, but he had a point to make. That is the character of a genuine Somali nomad.

  2. Brazen pirates take control of Somalia's waters



    Ali Musa Abdi | Mogadishu, Somalia

    October 13, 2005



    Highly organised, well-armed and increasingly brazen pirates have turned the unpatrolled waters off the Somali coast into a maritime disaster zone and attack and seize merchant vessels seemingly at will.


    Amid faltering efforts to restore a functioning central government to the mainland after 14 years of lawlesslness, Somalia's Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden sea lanes have been taken over by ransom-seeking, ocean-going warlords, officials say.


    Somali pirates, mainly remnants of the Horn of Africa nation's former navy and seasoned fishermen-turned-hijackers, are now one of the world's biggest threats to commercial shipping, according to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB).


    The agency reports 22 violent attempts to seize vessels off the 3 700km coastline in the past seven months, not including the most recent incident on Wednesday in which a second United Nations-chartered food aid ship was taken.


    And, they are extending their range, according to the IMB and the United States Office of Naval Intelligence which has issued a flurry of dire piracy warnings for the Somali coast since March.


    "Heavily armed pirates are now attacking ships further away from the coast," the IMB said in its latest weekly piracy report released on Tuesday.


    "Ships are advised to keep as far away as possible from the Somali coast."


    Their motives appear to be purely profit centered although many claim to be enforcing the sovereignty of Somalia's territorial waters in the absence of a formal navy or coast guard.


    "There are pirates who are flatly sea robbers, others claim to be protecting Somali waters from overfishing and dumping of toxic material," said Andrew Mwangura of the Seafarers' Assistance Programme in Mombasa, Kenya, home port to at least two recently seized vessels.


    "Others are hired to hijack ships for revenge," he said.


    "The whole issue of piracy is about money and control of certain portions of the sea."


    Mwangura and other industry sources say the pirates have grown bolder and more successful because they have stationed accomplices in various East African ports to notify them of ship departures and expected times of passage through Somali waters.


    While not always successful and occasionally beaten off by crews with the help of passing US warships, the hijackers have claimed numerous prizes, holding vessels for months until their demands are met or negotiated down.


    A group of pirates based near the town of Haradere, about 300km north of Mogadishu, held a Mombasa-based ship transporting World Food Programme (WFP) aid for Somali tsunami victims for nearly three months before abandoning it in early October.


    While the WFP denies paying any ransom, local residents say it is likely money changed hands during negotiations with the Somali owner of another ship commandered by the same pirates in September.


    "The pirates have collected millions of dollars in ransom since [1991]," said Abdi Aden Mahad, a businessman in Bossaso, the main port in the northern Somali enclave of Puntland.


    "It's the best income-generating business I've ever seen," he said.


    "It's like winning a lottery."


    At least three well-known former pirate chieftains who have made fortunes from ship hijackings live in the Puntland fishing village of Marreray, according to local residents.


    "They are now married and have decent lives without any fear or asking for forgiveness," said Marreray villager Abdi Mohamed.


    "They earned more than $100 000 each from piracy."


    Attempts to restore maritime security have been limited and fraught with difficulty amid power struggles between unruly land-based militia in control of various fiefdoms and the sea-borne pirates


    "The warlords are powerless, they cannot do anything about piracy," said Mire Hassan Ibrahim, a trader in Somalia's bullet-scarred capital of Mogadishu. "They have failed to pacify the land let alone the sea."


    "These pirates are very rich and could kill or overthrow a warlord who tries to expand his control offshore," he said.


    A tussle between pirates and warlords has kept three hijacked Taiwanese commercial fishing vessels in captivity for more than two months off the southeastern port of Kismayo, about 500km from Mogadishu.


    The fishermen claim they had permission to work from the warlord who controls the region but the pirates -- a new faction who call themselves the National Volunteer Coast Guard -- refuse to recognise his authority, residents say. - Sapa-AFP


    Source: WFP, Oct. 14, 2005

  3. Originally posted by Gediid:


    I picture you as the type who prey on young innocent girls online lying thru their teeth just to get a crack at that first elusive relationship but again I might be wrong but I seriously doubt it.......



    Prey on young innocent girls kuye. Gediid, you're making me sound like a monster.


    Let's just enjoy the innocent catfight (Miauw!) between Layziegirl & Lander versus HornAfrique.

    You, though, should grace your [negative] presence on another individual. I am out, peace walaashiis.

    Layziegirl, are you just letting him say that to you? Defend yourself! :D

  4. uchi I don't know my man? I'm having a hard time dealing with the ladies these past few days. Horta I thought for a few exceptions that this section was womanproof? Kiddin!


    The Xalimos are welcome. Aeronwen, actually your opinion is very valuable to me. I am a jerk sometimes, but consider it an emotional handicap and feel sorry for me.

  5. Allright let's take a break from the girly talk in this section and talk like real men. This topic will separate the boys from the men. This is a challenge for every Somali who thinks he can do a better job than the current president. Which is virtually everyone.




    Here is the situation. You are the elected president of the TFG of Somalia for a term of 5 years. A year has passed and your government is based in Jowhar. Although partly, because another part is based in Mogadishu attempting to destroy your government. This faction, comprised of ministers, MPs and their supporters, is inferior to your faction diplomatically, but can form a major threat militarily when they combine their forces and attack your infant government in Jowhar.





    The International Community expects you to reconcile with this group, but you know that that is virtually impossible and you are running out of time. The IC refused to give financial aid other than minor budgetary support to start working, refused to clear the arms embargo and lastly refused to send peacekeeping troops unless the TFG actually locates itself wholly in Mogadishu and controls most of the country.




    You are busy ammassing an enormous amount of arms, troops etc. in complete silence with the help of your neighbours Yemen and Ethiopia. Your loyal military commander General Axmed Qaasim Naaji has been as of yet successful in managing the newly aqcuired TFG's military strength. Your troops are stationed in Waajid, Bakool and Jowhar, Middle Shabelle and recruitment is still taking place. Some more are being trained in Ethiopia and will join later on. At these times you feel like a fish in the sea. Planning military strategies and building up an army, that you enjoy doing. Diplomacy is confusing, but you do enjoy to be treated like royalty.


    Although you successfully reduced the availability of arms in the Bakaaraha market in Mogadishu, the faction in Mogadishu is arming itself to the teeth either way. This should be alarming, because you might risk a new war and thereby end Somalia's hope for a new government. And even worse, you are responsible! :eek:


    A police is in the making under police commander General Cali Maxamed Xasan (Madoobe). He's popular and you made a good choice appointing him as police chief. He is also successful in his tasks, although time constraints are sources of stress for him. With this police you can score additional points with the IC and the population at large. But beware! If it becomes a failure, you are screwed.




    Financially you are in a tight position. As said earlier you have no money, apart from some handouts from private supporters, Puntland administration and the Arab League. Evidently your pockets are empty, but the latter might change that.




    Mediawise, wa lagaa adkaaday last year. And the UN report recently wasn't all too flattering. Your host Maxamed Dheere embarrassed your government, and that for all to see. Positive reports about you increase in the Somali and International media, but your overall image is that of a sad president hauled up in the little tuulo Jowhar.






    So what would you do in this situation from here on out? What steps would you take? How would you tackle your problems. Outsource the weaker points to your Prime Minister such as diplomacy? Build a good quality Media Network of newspapers, websites, radio and television that can actually defend the TFG's name on the notorious arena of the Somali media?

  6. Confused girl #1 displaying bullshit:

    Also, aside from being judgemental, somalis don't't the prophet Muhammad(saw) say smiling to your muslim brethren is charity.Yet, non-muslims are always smiling, doing what we should be doing. Furthermore, somalis(by saying "somalis" I mean hard core ones straight off the bannana boat) don't say "thanks", if you do them a favor(especially the women)...they assume you are ****** , and they fooled you because they are more "clever" than you.Also, somalis are more nicer to foreigners than their own people...and why do they want to ask "what qabiil are you ?at the bus stop even though they don't know you.

    Confused girl #2 adding bullshit to previously displayed bullshit:

    Somali's will never change their ways. Even though they are no longer living in the bush.

    Most times I am shamed to be Somali. For they do not display muslim characteristics but rather their nomadic ways. Modernity may change but Somali's? Never.

    What the hell are you guys doing here? You hate Somali people right? Than leave this place. (oh Alexus you allready have done that for a period of 21 minutes right?)


    Alexus, just wondering. Is that your exact location you have displayed there? Or just your tribal origins?

  7. I have emailed this guy Steve Dennis, explained him the Somali culture, shared him my experiences in Gaalkacyo and thanked him for the valuable work in Gaalkacyo.


    These NGO workers shouldn't be taken for granted. We need to thank them, when we get the chance. He explains in another chapter of his journals that he deliberately chose to go to Somalia, because donors don't think its as 'sexy' as Southeast Asia and Darfur for instance.


    Overall he came to Gaalkacyo with a good attitude.


    Young Jeezy, there is more to that Mosque pic than meets the eye. Check those piles of stones around the mosque. That means that individuals are planning to build on that land between the piles of rocks. Some white folks think its sacred holy ground when they see it, but those rocks are just future building material.

  8. ^^ War ninyahow aniga waxaanba la yaaban ahay gabadhaan LazieGirl oo si xun uu la hadleysaa HornAfrique. She needs to be taught the values of respect. Horn warkiisa waanba ku farxay, laakiin gabadhaan waxaan uu maleynayaa inay gabdhahaas ku maseersantahay. Maxaad ka suge qof isu yeertay Waxmatare.


    Tuujiyow, walaalkiis taas kamaanan ka fekirin, but good idea. I'll try to help my people. But after that waa one-way ticket to Somalia (or Arab Gulf hadaan meeshaas shaqo fiican ka helo). Caruurtay inay iga qurmaan doonimeyo. All I needed in the first place is waxbarasho, lacag iyo baasboor. Dee sedexdaas hadaad leedahay, meeshaan maxaa loo joogaa nooh?


    I love this song: Qiime waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo.... So true.

  9. Yeah I never understood why beautiful girls are attracted to hideous looking creatures. Maybe opposites do attract sometimes.


    Well than Seattle it is I suppose. I don't think you'll be disappointed in your quest when you'll meet one of its residents HornAfrique. Just joking. :D At the other hand, maybe I'm not.... :cool:

  10. ^ No its good, since he would proclaim to be Ayaan Hirsi the 2nd after getting a hold of his newfound Woodie powers and take over the world and turn Somalia into Sodom & Gomorra.


    I'm sorry, I found some guys' attack on K a bit hilarious.

  11. Even if that boat was full of southerners, I’m sure there is another boat full of PLs. Somalis are all the same in their bid to leave the country

    Yes you are absolutely right, there is also another boat full with Puntlanders. Happy now.


    There is no point for both of us to discuss if Puntlanders are trafficked as well or not. The facts are out there. If you start to ignore facts, because they hurt you. Than my darling you are suffering from cuqdad qabiil. Something I diagnosed from you a while ago.