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Posts posted by Mayaani

  1. Malika;755721 wrote:
    Abtigis & xiin


    What are your interests? [in Somalia]


    Baal aan aragnee if you two share anything common - in terms of interest for Somalia and Somalis.


    ps. My take on the Kenyan's incursion is that it was unnecessary and clearly it was a strategy to continue the mayhem and chaos that is Somali politics/affairs. Despite what the TFG is, there was some indication that something was moving into the right direction. Al-Shabaab was finally removed from the capital city - life started to go back to normal. Airport and Harbour openings - Aid coming in etc. But ofcourse, that wasnt serving someone's interest somewhere, they had to forward their own/regional/international interests. So yet again, we debate, argue and of course continue in our paths of separate interests, with that prolonging the nation building.

    Kala qayb sanaanta waa wax meshaan na dhigay Malika because Somalis norrow mindly believe that every clan will have more benefit when they have separate state and greater Somalia will become more prosperous but truth is it just contributes and prolongs our people’s misery. We have so many stooges and beggars in Somalia than genuine leader who feels and cares his people..

  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;755095 wrote:
    Nuunka, qof seriuos ah ayaa yiri, I didn't believe him, but he was darn serious. I still have my doubts about believing that person, but what the ra'iisul wasaare does and is doing sometimes makes me wonder sometimes. Waxyaabahaan camal qof ra'iisul wasaare Soomaaliyeed laga sugaaye ma'aha, especially a very learned and highly educated one like him. That is what is making me question his ability.

    MMA, aniguba waa maqlay oo qof familigiisa ka tirsan baa ii sheegay. Lakiin wuxuu ka dhigayey wax minor ah inkastoo ay ku qaadatey 2sano inuu normal noqdo.

  3. oba hiloowlow;755105 wrote:
    Somalia way ka taalaa waa wareey,, aniga oo ah oba hiloowlow maanta waxaan idin xaqiijinaaya inaan politices somali iska dhaafay maadama aysan laheyn meel loo raaco marka intaas ayaan idin sheegayaa dadkii oo siyaasadan madaxa iskula galnay waxaan leeyahay cafis.. Wabilahi towfiiq.

    Oba, i feel your pain. Hogaamiyasha Somaliyeed baa sababey xumaanta maanta aan ku jirno iyo guud ahaan Soomali garaad xumadeeda.

  4. Faarax-Brawn;752339 wrote:
    anyone who thinks Kenya is going after the kidnapped foreigners is lying to himself.


    Let me repeat,this is a very sad sad reallly sad situation for both som and Kenya

    Good point.

  5. The Zack;752353 wrote:
    Kenya' incursion cannot be compared to Ethiopia's occupation. Unless someone has been in deep sleep or totally out of touch, one should know the difference. Today's al shabaab can't be compared to yesterday's ICU. Come one people! Ethiopia was enemy, Kenya is not. Ethiopia "stability" depends on Somalia's destruction, Kenya's is not. Ethiopia invaded the Somali capital, Kenya is not. The emotional reaction of this incursion.need to.stop, people need to react with objectivity, not subjectivity!

    War nin yahow wax iskula har. Laba cadow wax isuma kaa dhamaan. adiga malaha wax aynaan dadka ogayn baad ogtahay

    Xalku wuxuu ku jiraa Somalida inay Al-shabaab iska celiso.

  6. I don't what he means Abtigiis this " Kenyan invasion is in the interest of the somali populace who remain slaves of Alshabab" but shows most of us confuse and properly don’t what we real want. I am all against neighboring countries entering Somalia for lame excuses because their intentions are clear to see Somali remain fail state.

  7. No outside intervention deal with al shabaab or give up because Kenya dirty job will not be beneficial to you brother or anyone who dreaming Kenya will clean Al shabaab then everything will be rose and dandy. My brotherly advice to all Somalis will be work for peace and have faith each other.