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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Originally posted by Thankful: Xudeedi, give it a rest. Asha specifically mentions the vice president but never mention the interior minister. If she cared so much about justice she would not be so selective in her criticisms. In most situations people would be even harsher to those they consider relatives and who are working for the other side. Someone like Ilka-Jiir you would think, would be the person you are must upset with since, in a sense he is a traitor. But noooooo, we will just insult the government but not members that come from E.Sanaag and W.Bari. If 25,000 people have been displaced as you alleged and other crimes are occuring, then why wouldn't she also call out ilka-Jiir? Is it because he is just following Faroole's orders? If that’s the case why call out Abdisamid the vice president? This article makes one thing clear, that regardless of the side someone is fighting on, E.Sanaag and W.Bari will not speak negatively of someone from their region. Whether it is Atam or Ilka-Jiir. Check this link: The swift popularity and the precipitous decline of Gen. Abdullah LINK
  2. Badhan, Maakhir: Iqra Institute for Higher Education Ujeedooyinka ugu waaweyn in Machadkani waxa weeye in mustaqbalka fog uu isu bedelo jaamacad oo leh dhamaan adeegyada jaamacadi ay bixin karto iyadoo hada loola jeedo iney si ku meel gaar ah usii noqodo Machad. Ujeedooyinka kale ee Machadka Iqra ayaa dhowr ah iyadoo ay ugu horeyso qodobadan hoos ku qoran. In Ardeyda Iskuulada ka baxa ee Sanaag ay helaan goob waxbarasho sare oo lagu baran doonoDiploma iyo Shaahado heer jaamacadeed ah. In ardeyda ka qalin jebisa Iskoolada Sare ee Sanaag ay helaan goob ay ku kobciyaan waxbarashadooda Sare si guud. In Ardeydu ay helaan goob ay ku bartaan waxbarashada Sare ee Farsamada Gacanta, Maareynta, Ganacsiga, Xisaabaadka, luuqadaha iyo Culuumta Islaamiga ah iyadoo aan lakala sooceyn willal iyo Gabdho oo ay goobtani u furantahey. In dhalinta ama Ubadka la baro Waxbarashada Farsamada Gacanta, Culuumta Islaamiga ah, Madooyinka Maareynta, Luuqadaha Englishka iyo Carabiga, waxbarashad Caafimaadka. In Laga hortago Burcadeynta Dhalinta Sanaag iyo geli taanka ay gelayaan maleeshiyaadka ha ahaadeen kuwa Qabaailka ama kuwa Diiniga ah oo beryahan guud ahaan inta Somalidu degto kusoo batey. In la kobciyo fahanka Dhalinta ka qalin jebisa Iskoolada si ay kor ugu qaadaan awoodooda feker isla markaana Mustaqbalkooda toosan ka fekeraan. In Ardeyda Reer Sanaag loo fududeeyo sidii ay ku baran lahaayeen wax barashada sare iyagoo isticmaalaya qaab casiriyeysan sida Computers-ka iyo Laboratory-ga ama shaybaaro casri ah. More Read Here Qeybaha Iqra Institute for higher Education Machadka Iqra waxa uu ka kooban yahay sadex qeybood oo lagu bilaabayo isla markaana baaritaanadii la sameeyey iyo falaqeynta kadib la ogaadey iney mudan tahay in machadka lagu bilaabo Sadexdan qeybood ee hoos ku xusan. Qeybta Farsamada Gacanta iyo Taba barada-vocational Skills and trainings Department Qeybtan baahideeda waxaa la ogaadey in ardeyda deegaanka Sanaag uu baahi u qabo iyadoo ay uu Gobolku hodon ku yahay magaalooyinka aad u kobcaya oo dhismayaal xawli ahi ay ka socdaan isla markaana ay yartahay dadka aqoonta u leh farsamada Gacanta ama Vocational skills sida Dab yaqaanada[Electricians] Matoorada aqoonta,[Mechanics] Alxanka iyo najaarada oo gobolka uu aad uga saboolan yahay. Taasina waxay qeexday in baahi weyni ay jirto aqoonta oo ah ama ka mid ah aas aaska horumarka bulshada. Qeybtani waxay handasaayasha Mashruucan isku raaceen kadib dood dheer iyo falan qeyn iyadoo laga baaraan degey kharashka lagu wadayo[Runing Cost and Maintain cost] isla markaana ay noqotey in la dejiyo istaraatijiyad ku aadan taas ayna ugu horeysa in Madooyinka lagu kobo inta la awoodi karayo sida Najaarada, Alxanka, Dabka iyo Matoorada isla markaana Qeybta Enjineernimada dib loo dhigo oo marka uu Machadku Hano qaado laga baaraan dego, Hadii Allah weyni idmo. Qeybta Computer Science-ka Caalamka aynu hada ku nool nahey waxaa qeyb libaax ah ama door libaax ah ka cayaara aqoonta computerka oo noqdey mid looga baahan yahay inuu yaqaano qofkii doonaya inuu ku shaqeysto cilmigaan. Sidaa awgeed Iqra Institute waxay u diyaarineysaa ardeyda wax ku baran doonta iney wax barasho ku saabsan Cilmiga Computerka hadii ay noqoto mid uu qofku ku shaqa tegi karo iyo hadey noqoto mid uu iskiis aqoon kororsi u baran doono. Waxaa Machadka wax ka bari doono aqoon yahano ku xeel dheer waxbarasha Computerka isla markaana ka haqab tiri doona ardey kasta oo dhiganaya qeybtaan inuu ka qalin jebiyo isagoo ku kalsoon inuu suuqa shaqada tegi karo oo ku shaqeysan karo aqoontiisa. Dhismaha Machadka ayaa waxa uu ka kooban yahay qeybahan hoos ku qoran. - 12 Fasal oo u dhan yihiin dhamaan qalabkii oo idil - 2 Labrotoray ama Sheybaaro ay u dhan yihiin dhamaan qalabkoodii - 2 qol oo waaweyn [460msq] oo Workshop ah - 3 Qol oo xarun Caafimaad noqon doonta - Maktabada ama Library - Xafiisyo iyo Xafiiska Guud ee Machadka - Hool ama Barxad si guud loo isticmaali doono - Qolka Matoorada - Derbiga kusoo wareegsan Machadka [1200msq] - Taangiga Biyaha - Musqulaha ardeyda oo kala qeybsan, Lab iyo Dhedig - Qodista Bulaacadaha - Qeybta Ciyaaraha - Masjid Wixii faah faahin ah kala xiriira Abdirashid Sheikh Salah +25290 796771/725033, A/Rahmaan Haybe +25290 772880 Adam Ahmed Yusuf +25290 764433, A/rizak M Haji-Ali +447856972602,
  3. Official Somali Map pointing to Ethnic/Clan-Majority Political Entities Source: The Rand Corporation
  4. No such thing as "Eastern Sanaag". Sanaag is a region predominantly settled by the people of Maakhir. 5 out of the 6 Counties of this region are principally peopled by reer Maakhir. We are blessed with expansive green land, resource-rich and a long coast. Both "Somaliland" and "Puntland" are better advised to reconsider their policies for Territorial Aggrandizement. Awdalites are now expressing their discontent with the SL administration and its power-sharing system. It's time Silanyo focus his energy on that brewing tension and how to re-address the imbalance of SL's system of governance.
  5. Well-written interview... Thanks! Ps. Slowly, we're getting used to American political terms. I like the "legislator" as opposed to the "lawmaker".
  6. [QB] Brief illustration of the Galgala/Majihan conflict for the benefit of observers and confused readers. The issue of Gagala is quite complex and it has multiple root causes. Basically, it's about a land dispute, clan feuds, contraversial mineral and oil exploration deals that PL signed with foreign comapnies (Range and Africa Oil), and the harsh policies and the uneven structure of Puntland Intelligence Services, an independent security organization backed by the West . The Maakhiri Sheikh known as Atam is accused of being an arms dealer by the Security Council in a report that simultaneously implicated both Gen. Ilka-jir and Farole in other criminal activities that have plagued PL such as Piracy and human smuggling and other alleged corruption scandals that paved the way for Farole's electoral defeat of Brigadier General, Mohamoud Muse Hirsi (Ade). Atam who is from Galgala environs is also BELIEVED to be an arms supplier of al-shabaab and ONLF by the UN and he is therefore on the watch list. Because of Ethiopia's secret involvement, Farole broke the terms of an earlier agreement spearheaded by the esteemed Elders of Bari region, right after he returned from a trip to Addis Ababa. Faroole is believed to have been instructed by Meles to overlook other peaceful channels initiated by the Elders of Sanaag in order to get rid of Sheikh Atam in the quickest possible of time. This policy of coercion, has now, however, turned out to be a formidable operational task to carry out and accomplish as the overwhelming use of force that PL has deployed against Atam and his clan-supporters backfired. Huge civilian casualties and the destruction of properties of large tracts of farm lands have been reported by reliable sources. If you want to read further, go to either or and see two good articles. 1. "Galgala Conflict and its misleading association.. 2. "Galgala conflict and its long-term security implication..
  7. Brief illustration of the Galgala/Majihan conflict for the benefit of observers and confused readers. The issue of Gagala is quite complex and it has multiple root causes. Basically, it's about a land dispute, clan feuds, contraversial mineral and oil exploration deals that PL signed with foreign comapnies (Range and Africa Oil), and the harsh policies and the uneven structure of Puntland Intelligence Services, an independent security organization backed by the West . The Maakhiri Sheikh known as Atam is accused of being an arms dealer by the Security Council in a report that simultaneously implicated both Gen. Ilka-jir and Farole in other criminal activities that have plagued PL such as Piracy and human smuggling and other alleged corruption scandals that paved the way Farole's electoral defeat of Brigadier General, Mohamoud Muse Hirsi (Ade). Atam who is from Galgala environs is also BELIEVED to be an arms supplier of al-shabaab and ONLF by the UN and he is therefore on the watch list. Because of Ethiopia's secret involvement, Farole broke the terms of an earlier agreement spearheaded by the esteemed Elders of Bari region, right after he returned from a trip to Addis Ababa. Faroole is believed to have been instructed by Meles to overlook other peaceful channels initiated by the Elders of Sanaag in order to get rid of Sheikh Atam in the quickest possible of time. This policy of coercion, has now, however, turned out to be a formidable operational task to carry out and accomplish as the overwhelming use of force PL that has deployed against Atam and his clan-supporters backfired. Huge civilian casualties and the destruction of properties of large tracts of farm lands have been reported by reliable surces. If you want to read further, go to either or and see two good article. 1. "Galgala Conflict and its misleading association.. 2. "Galgala conflict and its long-term security implication..
  8. Here, a prominent Nabadoon/Elder, Abdirahman Gurhan has called for an immediate response and counter-defensive attacks in order to reverse the occupation of Galgala and environs by Faroole's militia. This is getting uglier by the day.
  9. Dambarsame aka ceelaayo, stop the nonsense saxib. Don't be such a vulture-like character.
  10. I support the Tibetans in spite of it being obvious that the Americans are exploiting the struggle for their own purposes. Clearly, the CIA has planned and organized the riots, and the American media are leading the world-wide campaign. It is a part of the hidden struggle between the US, the reigning super-power, and China, the rising super-power - a new version of the "Great Game" that was played in central Asia in the 19th century by the British Empire and Russia. Tibet is a token in this game.......... No, what is really bugging me is the hypocrisy of the world media. They storm and thunder about Tibet. In thousands of editorials and talk-shows they heap curses and invective on the evil China. It seems as if the Tibetans are the only people on earth whose right to independence is being denied by brutal force, that if only Beijing would take its dirty hands off the saffron-robed monks, everything would be alright in this, the best of all possible worlds. Tibet and Palestine By URI AVNERY April 7, 08 CounterPunch ^read that long article by an Israeli author..
  11. ^The people of Galgala/Laag don't look like to be colonized in this celebration showing their #s and wealthy
  12. "Our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable," Mr Obama said. Well said.. Another great point I have seen him make was that there are those who measure their own faith by the rejection of others.
  13. ^qolo aadan aheen ha iska dhigin. Inaadan u dhalan degaanka PL ama Maakhir way iska cadahey..
  14. So the mayor of Xiingalool confirmed the news about the defection of Puntland recruited clan militia. Btw, the fact that Atam is calling for his kinsmen to join him proves the clan and resource element of this conflict.. dambarsame, waxaan u maleynayaa inaadan ka soo jeedin degaanka Puntland. Adeer xal raadi intaa dagaal dabkii hurineyso.
  15. Zack, the Elders in Sanaag and western Bari could/can handle him very well. He is a man who is considerate and respectful of the elders' moral authority to intervene, correct flaws of the admin, and push for real changes. If you listen to the communique released by the 21 prominent elders, you can clearly see it was Puntland leaders that stood in the way of the peace progress. They even humiliated the elders. You can also see the hand of a third-party intervention in the region and how they are turning one group against another. When a society ignores their traditional and fundamental principles of resolving outstanding issues, they are doomed to fail or self-destruct their long-term vision, goals and prosperty....
  16. Zack, Ngonge waa raggeedi, laakiin mararka qaarkood wuu isku dhex yaacaa lol.
  17. ^I'm against any type of rule system he is aiming to accomplish, but I have been critical of how the incompetent president and his war cabinet handled the situation. I was particularly angered by their silly tendencies to score cheap points that play on the fears of the international community. Their lack of foresight to bypass the fundamental flaws of their policies and not meeting the underlying purpose for which Puntland was created added to my concern. Greedy, instrumental, and corrupt leaders have braught us nothing but division.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: ^Soomaalidu isma gumaysato! Not sure Atam's supporters or those that suffered under the rule of Indhacade or even the SSC crowd would agree with you there. . Ngonge, waa maxay aflagaadada aad wadey. Ma waxaa leedahey Attam ama SSC qolodooda waa la gumeystaa. Aduunyoo xaalkaa ba' Disagreements and infighting shan't be construed as a colonial vs aspirations for freedom relationship like in Palestine, Kurdistan/Ethnic, and Somali-Galbeed. Ps. I'm surprised people are deploying many weird assumptions over this conflict in order to score a political point.
  19. Lol@Gallad. This thread disproves the allegations deployed against Galgala and environs, which are part of the region of Bari, Somalia. The terror-card was used against Col. Jama Ali Jama after he was fairly elected by the Issims to be the president of Puntland. The documents are there for any dispassionate reader interested in knowing the inner workings of a clan state.
  20. The irony is that PL first rejected the Elders' proposal to bring the stalemate to an end if given enough time. Now he is welcoming for possible talks..
  21. The security minister has said on VOA/Somali that he is ready for a ceasefire and further talks. The irony is that PL first rejected the Elders' proposal to bring the stalemate to an end if given enough time. Violence begets Violence..
  22. Che, al-Shabaab would first exploit Nugal and Mudug before they reach Sanaag. At least economic wise, Sanaag region is better off in terms of per capita income, and School enrollment rate is very high according to the World Bank. Do not be obfuscated by the stamp of false allegations, a desperate strategy that plays on the fears of the west. Islamic extremism is a global security concern that opportunists and warlords today exploit to overcome legitimate opposition or suppress real internal political issues. This conflict has its roots on land dispute, the harsh policies of an independent, western-backed security organization, and whether PL has the constitutional authority to sign up mineral and oil exploration rights on this part of the land. Our regions have been fared the scourge of the civil war. It's the only region in Somalia where you have a major manufacturing plant that employs more than 1600 people. Libaahe, what is that fake picture lol... War hooy dagaal xal maahan ee maad ka joogtaan. Ps. Galgala is not part of Sanaag region.
  23. Burn Notice, lol. You never know. Parable of the black bull.. "You are not going to eat me only now: you already ate me the day I let you eat the white bull, and the day after, when I let you eat the red bull. Now it is my turn" ^If only Somali leaders had the wisdom!