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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. LINK The first major block to withdraw from the Djibouti Agreement.
  2. MMA, this is the first in our history that a major political block is being sidelined to accommodate other groups or probably wean them off their Shababist leanings. I can see it's another way of sidestepping a legitimate power sharing solution over one based on partisanship and a sinister agenda. It's also telling of Farmajo's enigmatic selection to lead a government already beset by crisis. So let the-winner-takes-all game cripple our search for a viable solution.
  3. Unbelievable woman. Btw, I agree 'naag' has negative conotation. Better terms, marwo, gabadh, haween, dumar...
  4. Originally posted by booxaro&dildishi region: dont worry old man atom n co n this big will come 2 garoowe. i want u to listen to this interview 2 the former taliyah poliska puntland. Shocking statement by the former deputy police chief.
  5. Great piece. NSUM is doing a good job. Ninkii seexda saciisu dibi dhaley bay Somalidu tiraahdaa. More lobbying in Washington and London is also needed by our twin communities in Sool & Sanaag.
  6. The FBI is doing a good job. It might sound a shocking revelation but it's good for the Somali communities in the states to expose the faces and names (& their nick-names) of the hidden criminals in our community. We will learn to be vigilant, work with the police and collectively address the issue through the nice suggestions given by Che Guevara. I also agree with Malika that our culture of impunity that is so widespread in back home doesn't work well in this country. You'll be glaringly exposed and dealt with. Taleexi, well said saxib. Cara, have you seen this great movie, "Taken" , of Albanian immigrants involved in sex trafficing and slavery in Paris. They first allure young women through age-cohort as one of their special tactics and then they kidnap and addict them into drugs.
  7. The demonstration in Dhahar district marks the public reaction to Faroole's interview with BBC/Somali, dated Nov 05. He specifically implicated the people of Dhahar in the Galgala conflict and he calls them "remnants" or remnants of the so called Islamists that had been fighting in Western Bari/Bosaaso environs. Whether or not this was a faux pas or his real intention, the people of Dhahar came out strong and accused Farole of being the real terrorist and a fifth columnist (apparently for Ethiopia) and a clan chieftain in charge of a tribal enclave. There's a spreading narrative of Faroole. The oral description of him being a raving lunatic, a simple minded leader who is very blunt with clannish innuendo. Someone who orders to detain or kill on the flimsiest excuse and based on the information he receives from his son BBC---- Faroole “Firxadkii Dhahar fadlan Somaliland hanoo soo dhiibto” BBC: Wareysi dheer oo uu Hogaamiye Faroole siiyey idaacada BBC da laanteeda Af-Somaliga ayaa wuxuu sheegay in dagaalkii Galgala ay soo afjareen isla markaasina ay firxadkii ciidanka Atam oo kasoo jeeda beesha Dhahar ay ku suganyihiin Ceerigaabo. Faroole ayaa dhanka kale isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata saraakiisha Beesha Warsangali ku dacweeyey maamulka S/land, una sheegay in ay caawiyaan Atam oo ah ninka isagu dagaalka kula jirey.F Faroole ayaa yiri, “Firxadkii Dhahar fadlan S/land hanoo soo dhiibto”, dad badan ayaa waxay is weydiinayaan goorta ay reer Dhahareedka iyo Faroole ku dhex dagaalameen magaalada Dhahar. Taliyaha Ciidamada S/land qeybta Sedexaad Col. Muuse Jaamac Dalaf kuna tilmaamay nin taageera ciidamada Atam oo ay isku meel kasoo jeedaan. Faroole oo ay shacabka reer Boosaaso ugu yeeraan “Af-gorooc” iyadoo loola jeedo nin aan hadal aqoon ayaa waxaad moodaa maanta in uu sida dhabta ah uga Hadley dagaalkii Galgala iyo ula jeedadii laga lahaa. Faroole ayaa sidoo kale carabaabay Col. Jeenitaag oo ah saraakiishii dagaalka kula jirtey waqtigii Majiyahan. Faroole ayaa marna sheegay in dagaalka ay kula jiraan beel, marna yiri waxaan dagaalka kula jirnaa Argagixiso ayaanan waxaa uu intaa ku darey in ay wada shaqeyn ka dhaxeyso maamulka S/land, saraakiisha S/landna ku tilmaamay argagixiso. Isagoo hadalka sii wata ayaa wuxuu sheegay in S/land uu ka codsanaaya wada shaqeyntooda in ay laba laabaan. Halkan ka Dhageyso wareysigii BBC-da
  8. Thankful, one man with a small militia has handled an army made up of every H clan with Ethiopia providing the logistics and direct regional flight and treatment for the injured. Yet he had never resorted to barbaric acts, that is targeting civilians or chocking off the trade route of Bosaaso. Contrast that with Ade Muse and Jama's revolt when they used civilians as sheilds, and it took only two days for them to get crushed and exiled into Eel-Afwayn town. The litany of targets against the people of western Bari region won't go away unless addressed and resolved.
  9. Originally posted by Wiil Cusub: quote: Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] reuse same old material or your calender is April . could you explain word "Huge" if this is Huge in Widhwidh what will be small Wiil Cusub, that's less than a year. It's a huge protest saxib, and that is why the secessionist admin is very cautious to advance into a hostile region. Whereas you wave your clannish flag in Hargeisa and Bur'o, the people of Widhwidh and Buhotle wave the blue national flag.
  10. Che, well said. In terms of per capita income, no region has done any progress. Most high-income regions according to a joint report by the World Bank and UNDP are 1. Mogadisho, 2. Northwest, 3. Awdal, 4. Sanaag 5. Bosaaso. Fergusson, that's a very twisted and squeezed map that almost eats a big chunk of Maakhir territory. Erigavo is a shared city and the clan border is at the eastern side of the city (made up four Quarters) while the coastal border is at near Mait. Look at my signature map, which's the only credible source. Clan disputes on land and other resources won't end until a government of national union comes, but there's a customary law and history that every clan family uses as precedents on which the legitimacy of an ownership claim is strictly derived.
  11. You wlc Aaliyah, MMA, and Taleexi. Haatu, saaxibkaa Paragon xaguu ka baxey?
  12. Allaha u naxariisto. Very sad story. I'm sure everyone knows Life in North America is very challenging and demanding and it needs a sophisticated, forward-looking plan and knowledge of how the system works. I believe most of our people in the Diaspora hardly know how to adopt or integrate into the society they had chosen to live with and start a better life without losing your core values. Somali communities and other social services sub-contracted to the community by local governments contribute more to the division of the Somali community along tribal lines and their expenditures hardly match their services. A culture that is so pervasive in our community in the West is the family size. I heard some of our mothers even hire babysitters and sign illegal profit-sharing scheme with them as a standard method in order the exploit the employee and the system. They are engaged in immoral, religiously forbidden form of life No progress is ever made from living on the earnings of hard-working people. Gabdhaheena soo koraaya ama single-ka ah waxbarta oo guursada nin aqoon leh, oo aanan waqtigiisa ku lumin qaad iyo Hookah.
  13. Che, No they haven't. They probably think they can force their way into the UN's member countries. The secessionism project has failed. Widhwidh and Buhotle Districts (Buuhoodle) are part of Togdheer region, that is an area deep into the Triangle area.
  14. The real issue was how best to deal with Attam, the underlying root causes of his revolt and the alleged charges (ONLF and al-Shabaab) made against him in order to appease Meles and the West, respectively. In other words, the disagreement was through peaceful channels (as the Elders wanted) or through military action as (Faroole, the VP and the Interior Minister chose under an international pressure). Still, unresolved issues of exploration rights to Range Resources , Africa Oil still stands. Fortunately, they'll think twice going into Western Bari region again. Probably Deep into Eastern Bari region!
  15. Duke, I just want you to recall the first thread opened in here on the Galgala issue? That thread was prior to the Faroole's declaration of war on air. Let me know I'll repost it here. The position Maakhiris took still holds with the exception of those who reserved their genuine concern out of personal gain or, perhaps, strategic political calculation. Nothing has changed except more displacement and the destruction of a large settlement.
  16. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Widhwidh, SSC - Somalia [April 2010] Buuhoodle, SSC - Somalia [/QB]
  17. I know Faroole is making false allegations against Gen. Muse Jama Dalaf and Col. Jeenitaag just because they share the same lineage with Attam. Isn't that guilt by association?
  18. Taleexi, off-topic, ileen Sayid Mohamed philosopher buu ahaa? "Nin dhintiyo iyo nin dhoobey jooga waxba isma dhaamaane,(Conclusion) nin kaneeco beerka u fariisatey baan dhimane nooleene" (Evidence).
  19. Xaaji, I see in that video, the well-known tactician Col. Jeenitaag dressed in Somaliland military uniform.
  20. ^Meles Zenawi haloo sheego wax ONLF taageeraya meesha ma joogaan. I believe that was the whole plot of the military solution in Galgala just to reassure Zenawi that ONLF wasn't getting any arms shipment from Sanaag's natural ports (Remember the U.N Monitoring's report of 2006). What about Gen. Muse Jama Delaf of "Somaliland"? Is he with Faroole as well?
  21. London has a huge "Somaliland" Diaspora, most of whom were either born or had already become naturalized citizens, so they can quite influence their elected officials to be sympathetic to "SL" and advance the dismemberment of Somalia. It won't have any effect other than photo-opportunity events just like the days of the former NSS chief , Mr. Riyaale.