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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. ^Are you trying to draw parallel on two diametrically opposed issues?
  2. Friday, July 22 2011 Shirkii Af-Urur oo galay maalintii Labaad iyadoo aan wali qodob lagu heshiinin Written by Maxamed Xassan Print E-mail Comments (5) Galgala (SPR): Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanka galbeedka gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in wali shir uga socda magaalada Af-Urur ee galbeedka Gobolka Bari. Shirkan ayaa waxaa kazoo qeyb galay qaar kamid ah masuuliyiinta kooxda Atam iyo masuuliyiin ka socda maamulka Puntland iyo odayaal dhaqameed kasoo jeeda galbeedka gobolka Bari. Shirkan ayaa waxaa labada dhinacba ay qoraal ahaan kusoo gudbiyeen qodobo dhowr ah oo uu midkiiba si gaar ah u doonayo. Mar aanu xiriir la sameynay afayeen u hadlayay Dhanka Maxamed Siciid Ata moo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Faarax Siciid ayaa wuxuu idaacada SPR u sheegey in ay dhankooda soo gudbiyeen shan qodob oo kala ah: In ciidamada Puntland ay furaan wadooyinka gala deegaanka Galbeedka gobolka Bari In maamulka Puntland uusan dib ugu soo noqon ama ugu soo duulin deegaanadii horey ay dagaalka ugu soo qaadeen. In maamulka Puntland ay magdhow bixiyaan qasaarihii soo gaarey dadka galbeedka Gobolka Bari* gaar ahaan beerihii iyo hantidii gubtey. In heshiiskii RANGE RESOURCES iyo kuwa kaloo macdanta baara ay Puntland kala gashey deegaanka Majiyahan la burburiyo, oo aan laga baaran karin wax macdan ah deegaanada Galbeedka gobolka Bari. In shirweyne Balaadhan ay isugu yimaadaan labada dhinac. Dhanka kale dhinaca maamulka Puntland oo iyaguna aan xiriir la sameyney ayaa ka gaabsadey oo sheegey in aanan warkaasi saxaafada lagu daabici Karin. Mar aanu la xiriirney odayaal dhaqameed goobtaasi joogey ayaa si aan u ogaano qodobadii ay Puntland hordhigeen kooxda Atam ayaa wuxuu inoga sheegey sadex qodob oo kala ah: In xabad joojin lakala saxiixdo. In ciidamada Atam ay cafis ka heystaan madaxweynaha Puntland islamarkaaana ay dadkooda kusoo noqdaan. In hadii ay joogaan cid aan deegaanka u dhalan ay isaga baxaan isla markaana uu Atam damaanad qaadayo. Si kastaba ha ahaatee ma jiraan wali qodob lagu heshiiyey iyadoo shirkii maanta uu ku dhamaadey fara-ku-taag –taag iyo muran. Waxaa loo balamay in qodobada bari la isla qeexo isla markaana shirkaasi lasoo gunaanado.* Waxaa hubaal ah in ay labada dhinacba doonayaan waan waan iyo heshiis in la gaaro.
  3. Inaa Lilaah waa inaa ileehu raajicuun. She was a great singer. Ilaah ha u naxariisto. Samir iyo imaan ilaah haka siiyo ehelkeeda iyo qaraabadeeda.
  4. Mr. Jacfar, I am here to articulate the real sentiment of the people of Maakhir as you can simply peruse from the press statement released today and published by a number of sites. However , what I am NOT is someone who blindly supports Mr. Faroole and his irrational outbursts , which he did so many times if Puntland's demands are not met. A corrupt self-styled leader of a certain clan enclave who came out on air and ordered the uprooting of a whole community under the false pretext of fighting 'terrorists' ! You should be truly ashamed of yourself.
  5. Som@li;735641 wrote: It is not secret that Atom from the start wanted a peace deal, but Faroole chose war, and it was a milking cow for Faroole and his team, to label Atom and his militia terrorist, and get assistance from US, Atom is a force, and Faroole realizes that now, can not eliminate him, and all his people, which if this news is true, peace is the only way out! S@mali. One can simply go back to our records. Oodwayne, well said my friend.
  6. Heshiis hordhac Ah oo ay Wada Gaadheen Sheikh Atam iyo Puntland 22nd July 2011 **·** 3 Comments Wadahadallo u socday dawladda Puntland iyo kooxda uu hoggaamiyo Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atam kuna saabsanaa nabadda iyo is-fahamka ayaa la tilmaamayaa in lagu gaaray heshiis hordhac oo labada dhinac isla meel-dhigeen. Wadahadallaadan oo si dadban maalmo badan ku socday ayaa markii u horraysay shalay si ka-fool-ka-fool ah isku soo hor-fariisteen xubnihii labada dhinac kala matalayey ee dawladda iyo buuralayda Galgala, shirkaasi oo ka dhacay deegaanka lagu magacaabo Af-tuur oo ka tirsan gobolka Sanaag sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ka tirsan dawladda iyo odayaal dhaqameed deegaanka ah. Shirka oo ay soo qaban-qaabiyeen dhallinyaro deegaanka ah oo kalsooni buuxda ka haystay labada dhinac, ayaa wararku waxay tilmaamayaan in si quddo-fog looga dooday nabad iyo degganaanshaha oo ahayd arrinta shirkuba ku salaysnaa kaddibna la isla meeldhigay saddex qodob oo asaasi u ah nabadda iyo is-faham dhammaystiran oo laga gaaro xaaladda Galgala. Waxaana ka mid ah qodobbada la isla meeleeyey in ahmiyada la siiyo nabadda, lana saaro awoodda iyadoo laga ambaqaadayo duruufaha asaasiga ee dadka iyo deegaanka iyo in shir weyne balaadhan la *isgu iman doono muddo bil kaddib ah kaasoo dawladdu ay iclaaminayso goobta lagu qaban-doono. Qodobka saddexaad ee la isla meel-dhigay ayaa ahaa in muddada bisha ah ee loo ballansan yahay shirka kale dhammaanba deegaanka buulayda ah laga saaro dadka aan deegaanka u dhalan ee gacan-siinayey kooxda Sh. Atam. Shirkaan ayaa dhinaca Puntland waxaa uga qayb-galayey mas’uuliyiin sar sare oo ka socday wasaaradda amniga Puntland, madaxtooyada iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka daraawiishta Puntland, hase ahaatee wali ma cadda dhinaca Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atam iyo cidda u matalaysay shirkaasi, inkastoo wararka qaar tilmaamayaan in loo badinayo guurti-dhaqan oo dadka deegaankaasi Galgala ah in ay dhinacaasi u matalayeen. Sidoo kale waxaan wali *caddayn wadahadallada la-galay in ay ahaayeen mid beeleed, oo lala xaajoonayey beesha deegaankaasi degta iyo in ay dawladdu la heshiinayso urur ama koox, hase ahaatee waxaa la caddaynayaa dadka shirkaasi ka qayb-galiyey in uusan ku jirin Atam, basle waxaa la tilmaamayaa in uu ku qanacsan yahay cidda u matalaysay iyo nuxurka shirkaasiba. Wararkaan oo ay xaqiijiyeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan madaxtooyada Puntland iyo odayaal dhaqameed ka tirsan dadka deegaankaasi Galgal, ayaa intaasi ku daraya dhinacyadii ka qayb-galay shirkaasi si wanaagsan in ay u meeleeyeen dhammaan waxyaabihii la isla soo qaaday is-fahamkuna uu ahaa mid buuxa. Qodobbada hordhaca ah ee lagu gaaray deegaanka Af-tuur, ayaa soo ifbaxay xilli toddobaadadii ugu dambeeyey ay jirtay hadal-hayn ku saabsan wadahallo qarsoodi ah u dhexeeyey dawladda iyo kooxda uu hoggaamiyo Maxamed Siciid Atam. Ridwan yare By Editor
  7. Two facts: 1. Galmudug's history traces back to the Hobyo sultanate 2. The so called president of this (some say a vassal state of Puntland ) have their own representation from Dr. Gaas's new cabinet. Therefore such veiled expression of discontent coming from Mr. Caalin is a script from the dump Shariifs and their agent to justify the wrongs against the main populace of Sanaag , western Bari and Haylaan regions a.k.a the Maakhir rrgions. Somalia is gone for good unless it be saved from the dump Shariifs.
  8. Wada hadal Atam iyo Dowlada oo Furmay Wajigii Koowaad 21st July 2011 **·** 10 Comments GalGalanews:-Waxaa saakay ka furmay Duleedka Buuraha Galgala Wadahadal Nabadeed oo u dhaxeeya Hoagamiyaha Dagaalka kula jira maamulka Faroole ee Sheekh Maxamed Saciid Atam iyo Dowladda Puntland masuuliyiin ka socota. Kulankan Nabadeed oo maalmahan la waday ayaa dhanka Puntland waxaa uga qeybgalaya Saciid Maxamed Xirsi (Saciid dheere), Xubno Xukuumda faroole ka tirsan oo ka soo jeeda Deegaanka Sanaag. Wararka laga helayo kulanka saaka furmay ayaa sheegaya in xubno uu soo dirsaday Atam iyo kuwa Dowladda fadhigoodii ugu horeeyey ku yeeshay Duleedka hoose ee Buurta Galgala,waxaana lagu soo waramayaa in labada dhinac ay soo bandhigeen qodobo iyo shuruudo heshiiska saldhig u noqonkara. Dhinaca maamulka Puntland ayaa Doonaya Kooxda Sheekh Atam in ay isu soo dhiibaan oo cafis Nabadeed ku soo galaan Deegaankooda, In hubka ay haystaan ku soo wareejiyaan Dowladda kana mid noqdaan Bulshada caadiga ah ee Puntland. Waxaa kaloo si hoose loo sheegayaa in Xubno Dowladda Puntland loogu daro Sheekh Atam kuwaas oo aan la Bayaamin. Dhinaca Sheekh Maxamed Saciid Atam ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay soo gudbiyeen dhowr qodob oo muhiim u ah dhankooda, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin. in la sii daayo Maxaabiista ka xir xiran ee Maamulka Puntland Xabsiyadeeda ku jira. Sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ah waxyaabaha ay dalbanayaan in la baabi’iyo Hay’addaha Sirdoonka Puntland ee Maraykanka u shaqeeya PIS iyo PIF. Hogaamiye Atam wuxuu kaloo soo hordhigay Ergada Nabadeenta wada in gebi ahaanba laga saaro Buuraleyda Galgala Ciidamada Puntland oo lagu wareejiyo Ciidamada Deegaanka horay u joogay ee Beesha Sanaag oo dabcan kuwiisa xoog ahaan u badan. Sheekh Atam oo Saaka Boggan La soo xidhiidhay ayaa Tibaaxay inuu warkaasi Jiro, isla markaana ay u dhowdahay inuuba Bur Buro Hashiiskaasi hadii ay sida wax loo wado ay Midha dhal Yeelan waayaan. “Adeerow Warkaasi waa Jiraa Laakiin Dowladan hada Jirtaa ma Ogola inay Meel mariso Hashiisyada aanu Hor dhignay Hadii Shuruudaha ay Buuxin waayaan waanu ka Bixin Anagu Hashiiska” Ayuur Yiri Atam Sharuudahan iyo Qodobada adag ee labada dhinac soo jeedinayaan ayaa ilaa iyo hadda la isku fahmin wadahadalka kowaad ee Dowladda Puntland iyo Hogaamiyaha Sheekh Atam uga Furmay Saakay Buuraleyda Galgala. wixii ka soo kordha waxaan idinku soo gudbinaynaa Wararkayaga dambe. * * *
  9. Zack, Please spare us the crocodile tears. We know what type of criminal organization you root for under the banner of freedom movement. Adeer, this was a genuine effort on the Maakhir's participation in the peace process to restore Somalia to its old and legitimate function, a nation-state capable of defending its borders and of marginal improvement unto the welfare of its citizens. Your show of support, however, to Sh. Mohamed Sa'ed Atam is irrelevant in this case for that man has already succeeded in reversing the gains of puntland in Western Bari region, not to mention how his war on foreign oil corporation helped in disguise the sovereignty of Somalia at a time when warlords are auctioning off our lands to the highest bidders and creating crisis after crisis to remain as the beneficiaries of the status quo. Btw, Good morning from my side of the world to my SOL community!
  10. Let me begin by saying that had it not been for Somalis transgressing against other Somalis, the state would neither have been in its current pitifully fragmented state, nor would it have become the poster child for the failed states. Since its independence 51 years ago, Somalia has been a pawn in a geopolitical chess game and a gambit in the global war on terrorism. In that half a century, Somalia has never been entirely independent of foreign influences, and exploitations. But, it was never pushed down to a level similar to the current one where its nationhood, history, and indeed future aspirations are at a great risk. Climbing out of the current predicament would require an entirely different approach, and stepping outside the confinement of the conventional. Like a human being facing a deadly threat, there comes a time in a nation’s history when screaming, kicking, scratching, and using whatever means available to it is not only an existentialist obligation, but a moral one. Somalia is facing such a moment as a result of a number of policies and resolutions designed to systematically erode its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Straw that broke the camel’s back: Though the motives driving these policies and resolutions are by no means monolithic, they have further divided a war-fatigued nation and traumatized people; they exacerbated the humanitarian disaster; they exposed it to the exploitation of the political vultures of the 21st Century; they hindered and in some cases sabotaged the incubation process for progress and reform, and facilitated a process whereby the annexation of the Somali state by its patiently keen neighbors is imminent. The latest of these eroding elements was ceremoniously delivered through the Kampala Accord. Though the Kampla Accord offers a number of provisions to bridge the sensationalized political difference between the top leadership, in a vague language used to articulate Articles 4 (j), (k), and (n), it dictates certain impositions. It denies the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) its authority to thoroughly debate the merit of the Accord before ratifying it, scrutinize leadership and if necessary hold them accountable, and it officially places the TFG under what political scientist Afyare Elmi calls “stealth trusteeship” (define). Specifically, under what the accord refers to as The Bureau-a coalition of stakeholder nations and institutions. Building-blocks of deconstruction: Somalia’s fate is now in a runaway train known as the “building-blocks”- a political train fueled with what could only be described as “groupthink” energy........... Read it all in here
  11. The Zack;735396 wrote: Nassir, not to put you on the stop or anything but Are Maakhirs really made because they didn't get a ministerial post? The country is in a disaster for god's sake! I don't think having one clan member as a minister would help any community. Sure, Mr. ONLF. For a guy who advocates for a clannish organization that maims and kills innocent Somalis, I sure agree with you the state that was known as Somalia is in ruins and therefore needs your help and that of your community. But seriously Zack, You are being disingenous in here in that your notion to turn the other cheek smacks of indifference. Then let's scrap this whole clannish formula known as 4.5..
  12. Dear Somalina, After all is said and done, the complexity of Somalia's political conundrum will still remain a subject of much debate, dictated by the whim and caprice of a few scoundrels and expats on the backs of a foreign power. The current arrangement of the cabinet does not bode well for the nation and it will not hurt the Makhiris either but it will wither away the prospect for a tangible national solution. Any political arrangement in a game of outright hypocrisy, which has paralyzed the nation for decades, is bound to fail as it has been. Outside forces are involved in the current arrangement and it is in part designed to brew ethnic conflicts in collapsed states like Somalia. Again my dear sister, Sanaag +Haylaan regions are not trying to square the circle in the South where the least modicum of governance are non-existent and muggers proliferate. It only means that a large political bloc is willfully not invited into the peace process partially reflected in the Tfg in its transitional mandate to form a permanent government. It also means a punishment of their independent spirits in the defense of their natural resources and of Somali unity.
  13. Somalina, your uncles are free to dance on the carcass of what was known as Somalia. Let them rule the few kilometers in Xamar at the new party with free drinks supplied by the AU troops
  14. It's another attempt to marginalize the people of Sanaag & Haylaan regions without regard to the long-term stability of the country. Some of the appointed I've had dialogue with them on current issues and writing petitions in a private forum known as Talo &Tusaale!! It's now crystal clear the likes of Shariif, Abdikariin and Sakiin had a lot of influence into the delicate selection of the individuals in this new cabinet with respect to their clan make up while ensuring loyalty, friendship and some traceable academic titles. Rewarding those with either no political base of support or those who refused to participate in the peace process with leadership positions is to continue the same failed political roadmap. However I'll have my fingers crossed for this new government as it faces a huge challenges within a short period of its mandate.
  15. I think both Hargeisa and Garoowe can host the National Convention if stability is the chief criterion for qualification purposes. Having the conference inside Somalia is ten times more worthier and legitimate than having it in the front line states and beyond. We have to TRUST each other.
  16. Totally agree with you Aaliyah and Somalina on your claim. I think if Puntland chooses the port city of Bosaaso as the venue for the national reconciliation conference, Faroole can probably overcome the argument for diversity, stability and demographic size. However that option has another political risk embedded in having Bosaaso as the right venue over the capital of the state.
  17. You mean Imam Faroole yaa Khadar?
  18. Well said Aaliyah. Somalina, You have to admit Mogadishu ain't the city we knew prior to the tribal / civil war. Read the most recent interview with Nuruddin Farah on his return to Xamar!
  19. Indeed well-crafted. Xaaji Xunjuf jawaabtiisa sugeynaa.