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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Taleexi, That's our beautiful blue flag. Maakhir State again reaffirms its allegiance to the Somali Republic.
  2. Nairobi:-Xafladaani oo aheyd mid si hersare loo soo Agaasimay isla markaana lagu weyneenyay Maamulka Maakhir atate ayaa maanta galinkii danbe ka dhacday xarunta madiina mool ee bartamha Niarobi kaasoo ay ka so qeyb galeen xilibano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Somaliya sida Xilibaanad Caasha Axmed Abdalla,Cuqaal W/Garad Siyaasiyiin Ururada Haweenka Saxafiyiin kala matalyay laamaha kala duwan ee warfidiyeenada. Furitaankii Munaasibadaasi waxa hadal ka soo Jeediyya C/Nuur Sharmaake Maxamed Xaaji oo sheegay in Ujeedka Shirka loo qabtay ay tahay mid salka ku haysa sidii Jaaliayda Kenya loogu Sheegi lahaa in Isbedel baahsan lagu Sameeyay Xubnaha golaha iyo Baaq loo Jeedinayo Cuqaasha Deegaanka Sanaag Hayland Bari kuwaasi oo loogu Baaqayo inay Qaban Qaabiyaan oo Iclaamiyaan Shiwayne Balaadhan oo Aaya Ka Talin ah. Caaqil Cabdi Nuur ayaa sheegay in 7-Xubnood la Magcaabay oo la Shaqaynaya Hogaanka Jaaliyada kuwaasi oo uu Xusay inay ka mid yihiin Haweenka qaar oo dadaal dheeraad ah Muujiyay. Dadkii Hadlay Waxa ka mid ahaa:-1-Ugaaska ******* Ugaas Xasan Hilaali 2-Xubin Jaaliyada Yurub Dr Maxamuud Qaalib Siciid. 3-Gudoomiye Xigeen Maxamed Siciid Kurre 4-Nabadoon Qoobay oo Baaqii Isimada Akhriyay. 5-C/qaadir Khaliif Abdi-Nuur 7-Tuulo 6-Maryan Abdiwaxaadi oo Buraanbur Maakhir ah Jeedisay.
  3. Waxaa goobtaasi ka hadley Col. Maxamed Cabdi Qaac oo sheegey in beesha Maakhir ay taagersantahay shirka lagu magacabay maamulka Cusub ee Khaatumo. Col. Qaac ayaa sheegey in ururkii USP uu aasaasey Suldaan Maxamuud Cali Shire isla markaana uu taagnaa meeshii lagu aasaasay 1958 isago sheegey in Suldaan Maxamuud Cali Shire uu ahaa Chairmankii ugu horeeyey oo noqda USP oo ay ku ah mid ay ku mideysnaayeen beelaha..... More Info & Pics
  4. I hope she reads your point by point critique. Nice critique Dr. Osman. I enjoyed it.
  5. IRevolution, Give them break as they are a dying Dinosaur.
  6. BurnNotice, Definitely if oil is found, it would mark the end of history for Somalia.
  7. Taleexi. Allaha u naxariisto. He'll forever be remembered.
  8. Somaliland: To go or not to go to the London Conference By Mohamud Tani Feb. 03, 2012 "Had we stayed out altogether as we always used to (before we started to be clever) , no one from Somaliland would have dreamed neither Khatumo nor Awdal nor Makhir nor others that are in pipeline. By downgrading the status of Somaliland
  9. MMA, Weli reer Waqooyi runta magaran. Soomaalinimo iyo midnimo wax ka wanaagsan majiraan. I hope new change-oriented Somalis will emerge from Hargeisa & replace the old guard. As Carafaat put it, fossils rule Hargeisa.
  10. Puntland: The Audacity of Hope for Somalia By Nassir Maakhiri Coming up Inshallah ......
  11. ^ It comes as Somalia is expected to replace Afghanistan as Britain's top overseas priority once operations against the Taliban end in 2015 The Sun
  12. This conference is not about compare and contrast of some entities and their history, political weight or relative stride in creating peace, law and order But it's about bringing wider representatives from the motherland to the round-table. Representatives might also be from other regions such as Khaatumo, Bay & Bakool, Sanaag region, Jubaland, etc. Great Britain desires this conference to be much different from previous, failed ones. For this one to succeed, it has to be inclusive and earn legitimacy in the public eye.
  13. Great News! I am glad Great Britain is onboard.
  14. Timur, There were many of them at the oil exploration ceremony, particularly the main Garaad of Dhahar. Recall past conflicts were triggered by lack of consent from the community (revisit old articles).
  15. It's quite interesting indeed, esp the part which discusses communal assemblies and lawsuits as well as old-time medicine used by Somalis. Oodwayne, You're doing great job. I hope you initiate a project to secure the authorizatoin to digitize your collections of Somali histrioraphy or some of the valuable ones.
  16. Revisit the old discussion here
  17. This is what Xiinfaniin said couple of years ago Whether Somaliland loses or wins as a result of Maakhir state coming into the political equation of the northeast region is clearly an afterthought of sort. A more germane point is that Puntland’s status as a regional state diminishes as a direct consequence of Maakhir’s formation. What’s even more interesting and quite naïve at that is the argument I am hearing about the viability of this newly created state being rested on the success of the old man’s project, the tfg. Of course this development is quite negative, and can’t be gowned as a positive when it comes to Puntland’s feasibility as a counter weight to Somaliland’s influence in the region. It marks a new dawn for creating mini tribal enclaves and deepening political fragmentation in Puntland. Let’s face it: Maakhir state, if it comes to fruition, is a flake of Puntland’s crumbling house. If it succeeds, it would thrive and grow lofty on top of Puntland’s graveyards, and it would represent the defeat and the political failure of Puntland, not its success adeer. Starting positive threads on this is a poor political gambit haddaba. So let’s put that to rest
  18. Just came across this classic book by Ibraahim though I have yet to read it.. Qof aqriyey ama hore u maqley ma idinku jiraa? Probably the earliest ethnographic survey of Somaliland by a Somali was written in 1928 by Ibrahim ISMAA'lL, a seaman from the eastern portion of the then British Somaliland Protectorate, with help and encouragement of a Belgian scholar, Eugène Gaspard. After an introduction on the background of the survey, the text of the survey is reproduced. It provides descriptions of such activities as stockrearing, hunting and trade, domestic matters, among them the organisation of the family, clothing, the making of fire and the preparation of food, questions of wider social concern, such as the migration of nomads, communal assemblies and lawsuits, as well as cultural themes including music and poetry, games, knowledge, and old-time medicine. App., notes, ref.
  19. Degaamada reer Dhahareed iyo reer Qardhood ayaa laga heli doonaa oil-ka. Marka waa inaan isu diyaarinaa. Somalia, Don't get hyped up. You can politely critique the article point by point without dismissing it altogether and attacking her character. I am assuming the author is from the region on top of her nationalist credentials.
  20. MMA, You sound more like Sheik Atam Well-written, sound argument by Bilan.