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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Originally posted by Lieutenant-General Sakhar: Caamir, I totally disagree with you on the notion, that what Riyaale did was actually ‘smart’, it’s simply political opportunism! Is it not what Cade has just done? You are contradicting yourself, look back to your posts.
  2. Raaso Cit —the cause of clan clashes in Ethiopia I first encountered the narrative but dismal condition of the starving Somalis in Raaso through a fund-raising project in the city I currently reside. Mohamed Shiine who works for the KPBS Somali TV in Minnesota devoted his time and resources to covering up the horrible condition of Raaso city. Almost 80,000 people live there without basic sustenance. They were uprooted by clan hostilities caused by clashes over scarce resources. As I was told, 99% of them are related to the people of Hooshingow, a village near Kismayo. They were uprooted by clan clashes between their clan and the clan of Godei. They fled from their varying settlements in the Somali region of Ethiopia and formed this little village, which harks back to the days of Baidabo—the man-made famine caused by Aideed and his adversaries. My point of raising this topic is to learn from history that keeps ringing in our ears. We should always remember that clan allegiances lead to such catastrophic conditions. Here is a further enlightening dialogue Tribalism in Africa A dialogue from AGE-L
  3. Duke, People of Qandalla have had traditional rivalry with their brethrens in Qardho and Banderbeila even prior to the state collapse. There have been reports on acts of kidnapping on ransom and minor clashes in Bosaso. I think I have opened a thread a while ago for the resolution of this inevitable clannish rivalries which may endanger the sustainability of the peace in the region. It is also another conjecture they may have that recourse to the Islamic courts might push for sound diaologue as opposed to the monologue of the current leaders. Puntland is very powerful state and do have the capacity to put an end to the subversive activities that are circulating around every region, but the adminstration appears to be exploring reasonable avenues to not use force for the time being. The Islamists have quite succeeded in terrorizing the community with blandishments and bribery so they could shake the whole region.
  4. Thanks Somali-Friend for the input and welcome to Somaliaonline. Are you Ethiopian?
  5. Allamagan, you are just defending the director because you are what you accusing me of. All I have stated is that the director of the movie violated the intellectual property of a very steemed author. His book has been translated into more than 72 languages world wide. it is not just the English of it and even was selected to be part of African Literature " Selected Entries: Cawal, Faarax Maxamed Jaamac; Central African, among many esteemed authors such Chinua Achebe " Copyright should not have to be a direct copy of the work. It can be redistributed, recreated, and reproduced different than the original work. I have few questions for you and I expect that you might answer honestly and impartially. Where is the story of Cawralla and Cali took place. It seems the director is telling that the story is a true story put in a fictionalized form. He even mentions the country that the story occured is greenery pasture, that is why he opted to shot the movie at Mombasa, in addition to its coast. The film even shows when Cawralla was writing a letter to express her love and that one day Cali would come rescue her. Our brother Horn Afrique indicates that the name was used for publicity. I agree with that but wouldn't it have been appropriate even so to give credit where it belongs. What if Cilmi and Hodan was used instead, not to mention borrowing scenes from their true stories.
  6. Kamalu Din, I agree with Horn Afrrique, the remnant is not an appropriate term. I know what you mean but your canotatation of the word would be best served if you would have easily said People of the last president To avoid the effect of involuntary Migration from Kismayo and its hinterland, which I think many local clans have deserted the whole area and opted in living Refugee Camps of Dhagaxley and Ifo after they couldn't be guaranteed the safety of their lives and livestock, people in the Diaspora can fill the gap and return back to their city. We are nomadic in culture and in spirit, so we should better plan ahead of the city's future status as opposed to rest content with the dire circumstance that the city endured since the inception of the Civil war.
  7. How unbiased is the book? Prejudice is the ink with which we write history--Mark Twain.
  8. I think the people of Puntland are pressuring Cade to take a stand on their need to be ruled by Sharia Law. Simply, Cade could be smart and act like Dahir Riyale when he announced to fulfill the desires of people. The adminstrative system will be kept as it is. One of the biggest clans of Bari region, people of Qandala have also declared Maxkamad on their own. I am really confused as of now with the whole Somalia situation.
  9. You right Xingalool is the center of Culumaaidiin but I have always thought they were TimaWeyn, not Surwaal dheere daba-gaab
  10. It seems from Ali Said's point of view that the movie borrowed without credit from the book of real Cawrala and Cali Maax itself. But who thinks of copyright at this time when extreme measures are justified at the expense of no basic reinforcements. I read the book myself and to be honest, they have lots of similarities judging from the clip. Who will start the next one of Cilmi and Hodan--while indicating of its veracity.
  11. Thanks , Somali, I am now watching it live.
  12. Odayaasha iyo Waxgaradka magaalada Ceerigaabo e gobolka Sanaag oo taageeray maxkamadaha Badhan, Nov 15 ( Dhahar)--Culuma udiinka, waxgaradka iyo siyaasiyiinta ku dhaqan degmada Ceerigaabo ee gobolka Sanaag ayaa maanta baaq ka soo saaray oo ku aadan sidii loogu dhaqmi lahaa shareecada islaamka loona taageeri lahaa maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia. Baaqaan oo ka kooban todobo qodob ayaa waxaa lagu taageeray ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka, oo ay sheegeen in ay tahay muqadas, laga rabo in ay taageeraan dhamaan shacbiga "Somaliland". Culuma udiinka baaqooda ayaa waxa ay ku sheegeen in Mas'uuliyiinta "Somaliland" ay ka feejignaadaan hadalada lidka ku ah ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka, isla markaana ay raali galin ka bixiyaan kalmadihii wasiirka amuuraha dibadda "Somaliland" uu ka jeediyay warbaahinta oo ahaa in nidaamka "Somaliland" uu yahay Cilmaani, in ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka ay qatar ku tahay bulshada geeska Afrika. Culuma udiinkaan ayaa waxa ay taageereen kacdoonka maxkamadaha Islaamka ee Koonfurta Somalia oo ay ku tilmaameen kuwo guuleeystay, iyagoo ka digay in dad weynaha "Somaliland" aan fasiraad qaldan laga siin ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka. Bayaanka dadka soo saaray ayaa waxay ahaayeen in ka badan 100 ruux waxaana ugu caansanaa Sheekh Max'ed Cali oo si weyn looga yaqaano gobolada "Somaliland" iyo culuma udiin kale. Max'uud Ciyoon
  13. Maxkamadii lagaga dhawaaqay Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo oo sheegtay in dad badani ku soo biirayaan Muqdisho, Nov 15, 2006 (WDN) - Maxkamada Islaamiga Badbaado ee dhawaanta lagaga dhawaaqay woqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa sheegtay in ciidamo iyo saraakiil aad u fara badan oo ka yimid deegaano kala duwan oo ka mid ah maamulka Puntland ay soo gaareen magaalada Gaalkacyo. Warkaasi waxuu intaasi ku daray in dadkaasi qaaday dhinaca degmada Cadaado ee gobolka Galgaduud, si halkaasi loogu hubeeyo. Afhayeenka maxkamada Islaamka ee Badbaado Axmed Muuse, ayaa waxa uu daaha ka qaaday in ay isa soo tarayaan dadka doonaya in ay ka mid noqdaan ciidamada maxkamada Islaamiga ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Waxa uuna sheegay in saraakiisha iyo ciidamada haatan ku sugan Cadaado, halkaasi tababar lagu siin doono isla markaana la hubeyn doono. Afhayeenku waxa uu intaasi ku daray in maxkamada Islaamiga Badbaado ay wado qorshooyin fara badan oo ku aadan sidii si rasmi ah ay ugaga howl bilaabi lahayd magaalada Gaalkacyo, oo haatan ciidamo lixaad leh oo ka socda maamulka Puntland ay soo buux dhaafiyeen. Afhayeenka maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee gobolada dhexe Sh. Maxamed Maxamuud Cagaweyne, ayaa sheegay in maxkamadaha Islaamka ay ku taageeri doonaan wixii awood ah maxkamada Islaamiga ee Badbaado. Cagaweyne waxa uu intaasi ku daray in filayaan in maxkamada Badbaado ay si rasmi ah Gaalkacyo uga howlgasho. Maalmihii ina soo dhaafay ayaa maxkamada Islaamiga ee Badbaado waxa ay ku jirtay ciidamo urursi. Taasi oo u muuqata in maxkamada ay qorsheynayso in si awood ah ay ku tagto magaalada Gaalkacyo qeybteeda woqooyi, oo haatan maamulka Puntland uu ka arrimiyo. Arintan ayaa laga yaaba in ay furto iska hormimaad hor leh oo ka qaraxa gobolada dhexe. Dhinca gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha Islaamka Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed ayaa sheegay in suurto gal aysan ahayn in la yiraahdo amniga magaalada Muqdisho gacanta ayaa lagu dhigay, ayadoo dadka ay guryaha ku heystaan hubk. Waxa uuna tilmaamay in dhawaan arintaasi war laga soo saaro doono. Sh. Shariif waxa uu sheegay in hubka ku jira gacanta shacabka loo baahanyahay inuu kusoo wareego gacanta maxkamadaha, si amniga magaalada uu u noqdo mid la isku halayn karo isla markaana shacabka uu kalsooni buuxda u helo. “ Is aaminaad la’aantii shacabka ku dhex jirtay waa ay dhamaatay haatanna magaalada maamul mideysan ayay yeelatay Alle mahadii, marka waxaa loo baahanyahay in hubka maxkamadaha Islaamka lagu soo wareejiyo" ayuu yiri Sh Shariif Sh Axmed. Sheekha ayaa intaasi ku daray in gudiga amniga uu arintaasi wax ka qaban doono oo qorshe la soo saari doono. Waxa uu Sh. Shariif tilmaamay in hub heysasho iyo nidaam aysan meel isla galaynin, shacabkana laga doonayo in hubka meel qura ay isugu wada keenaan si loo xajiyo nabada iminka Alle uu ugu deeqay bulshada. Horey ayaa gudiga amniga guduha waxa uu usoo saaray wareegto ku baaqaysa in hubka gacanta maxkamadaha Islaamka lagu soo wareejiyo, laakiin arintaasi uma muuqato mid meel martay. Hase yeeshee balse qorshahan hadda ayaa la filayaa in maxkamadaha Islaamka ay u dhaqaaqaan sidii hubka looga saari gacanta bulshada. Maxamed Cumar Adan, WardheerNews, Muqdisho.
  14. I hope war should be avoided at all cost and burden on both sides.
  15. Wow, these reports and personal analysis still cloud the issue of alive-dead situation of Hassan Turki.
  16. It seems we're good at slinging mud at one another. It was Farataag some sites unhesitatingly reported his death and then Turki. I hope we learn how to contain our errors and fictional reports to an acceptable level. Thanks Libax for posting the Interview
  17. Thanks Ahmed Guree, very enlightening read. Neftenge's unceasing exploitation of Chissegna!
  18. I enjoyed reading it and honestly learned from it tremendously. As a person who doens't follow much of the politics in Ethiopia both past and present, it is interesting to note the superioirty notion of the Amhara and their pursuit to return the old rule, which places one ethnicity above another. It seems the Federal system is beneficial to the ethnic Somali in the Somali region of Ethiopia(formerly known as Og.aden). Then, why are there uprisings and sporadic clashes between the Somalis and the Tigrey-led regime? If Somalis were content of the system, what is making them pull foward to effect a change in their favor? I sometimes frequent Oga-den sites, albeit clannish sites, they transmit updated reports and news of what is happening down there. The picture doesn't appear totally good. I enquired the author by an e-mail that if some segments of our people in Ethiopia are ignorant of the benefits of the Federal system? and the never-ending problem with that region.
  19. The Derg reincarnated in the form of the CUD By: A. Duale Sii'arag November 12, 2006 Editor’s Note: A. Duale Si’arag, a contributor at large to WardherNews, dissects in this poignant piece, with much condemnation and vitriolic verdict, the political irrelevancy of Ethiopia’s opposition party, who has proven to the ruling Ethiopia Tigrean dominated Wayane a tough lot to crack down. The writer argues that the opposition party, CUD, is a re-assembled Derg cadres and Amhara ethnic chauvinists, whose un-comporomising ethnic superiority to the rest of the country’s multiple nationalities could succumb this country of over 70 million people into a frightening ethnic conflict. WardheerNews welcomes an opposing viewpoint to this indicting piece. The Derg reincarnated in the form of the CUD What are the Coalition of Unity and Democracy (CUD) in essence? What does it stand for in reality? Is it a brand new entity or a regeneration of a ruthless old band that hadn’t vanished as expected but remained clandestinely operational in the course of the past 14 long years? Who are the core constituents of the resurrected CUD? To better understand the CUD phenomenon and get the comprehensive picture, let us take a quick look at the political background of the group. Taking advantage of the new federal system in Ethiopia and EPRDF’s initial policy of magnanimity towards its former archenemies, the much-despised Ethiopia Workers Party (EWP), the notorious communist party of the Derg Regime that committed horrendous crimes against humanity, has been resurrected in the form of yet another sinister entity, the CUD. During the reign of the military dictatorship, members of the EWP inundated the entire edifice of the civil service. Recruitment of personnel for the civil service was then subjected to stern and rigorous vetting performed by the infamous Indoctrination Branch of the EWP and its loathsome affiliate, the Secret Service Department of the EWP, which were groomed both by KGB operatives and secret service agents of then East Germany. Employees of international aid agencies and foreign diplomatic missions based in Ethiopia were also subjected to similar process of vetting and background checks. Consequently, the ever-suspicious and over-sensitive EWP had retained numerous undercover moles within these establishments. Regardless of their professional background or qualifications, no one was indeed allowed to join either the civil service or staff of foreign missions based in Ethiopia without obtaining prior clearance from the communist party apparatchiks. In the absence of equal employment opportunities, only loyalist and devoted party stalwarts gained access to the civil service, including line ministries and departments, financial institutions, national corporations, commissions and boards. From telecommunication to customs to electricity and Ethiopian Airlines, the entire system of government was hence crowded by loyalists and collaborators of the military dictatorship. The bulk of these loyalists who took firm control of the establishment, state machinery and the bureaucracy hailed from a single ethnic stock, the Amhara. Subsequent to the downfall of the Derg regime in 1991, the EPRDF has inherited the entire workforce of the EWP excepting its commander-in-chief, Mengistu Haile Mariam and some senior officers who fled the country. Ironically, many of the hardhearted Marxist zealots and high-ranking officials of the Derg who played awful roles in the military dictatorship have sought sanctuary in the most unlikely of all places, the United States, and not the most-favored Soviet Union. Such apparent vault-face would have been far-fetched without the development of extraordinary historical events in far a field. Phenomenally, the Derg’s downfall coincided with the demise of the Soviet Union. Apprehensive of being prosecuted for crimes committed against the peoples of Ethiopia, the bulk of the active members of the EWP assumed a low profile existence in the formative years of the EPRDF revolution. Spared from the anticipated retributions, many turncoats quickly infiltrated into the EPRDF party; with no intention to either embrace the ideals of the EPRDF or to assimilate. Having implanted themselves fully into the system, they started to clandestinely operate from within the EPRDF establishment, with the view of derailing the EPRDF machinery and undoing its functions. In the ensuing years, the charlatans of the EWP continued their quiet penetration into the system of government, flourishing under the shadows of the EPRDF. Hence, the remnants of the Derg have gained a new lease of life. To vandalize the system, the members of the EWP communist party were painstakingly rebuilding a network of secret cells in the workplace to undermine the authority of key institutions and distort the real picture. Consequently, in the course of the past decade, using a vast network of disguised subversive cells, the EWP insiders were engaged in leaking and distorting vital government information, in sabotaging many of the progressive and innovative policies of the EPRDF and in plotting bloodless coup from within the EPRDF. Through protracted subversion, the EWP has succeeded in resurrecting the dead. Resurrected, the EWP has finally transformed itself from a seemingly defunct entity to a fully revamped party. Regrouped and reoriented, the card-carrying members of the EWP have finally resurfaced with vengeance, in the shape of CUD. The born-again EWP has a new three-letter abbreviation, but its content, composition and substance remains unchanged. Its old-fashioned aims and objectives are unaltered. CUD’s rage against the Federal System In order to redress age-old injustices, exploitation and marginalization suffered by various communities in Ethiopia, the EPRDF has introduced a federal system of government that gave birth to several autonomous regional administrations, in early 1990s. The federal system was initiated to enable communities to govern their local affairs and put an end to single-ethnic domination of state. The federal order has since enjoyed wide-ranging popular support from most of the Ethiopian communities, particularly those that dwell in previously neglected peripheries or those fated in the past to bear the brunt of state-orchestrated inhuman atrocities, injustice, discrimination and widespread public humiliation and mistreatment. In the past decade, communities have gained tremendously from the new order and are determined to defend it. The rule of law that protects the rights of the erstwhile-neglected or marginalized minorities is enshrined within the parameters of the federal order. Each and every ethnic group in the country is aptly trying to make the best use of its hard-won constitutional rights and enjoy all the trappings of the federal system. The federal system is thus sacred to the public. It is thus inviolable and irreversible. That sacred cow, the federal system, is currently under intense attack. The assault emanates from the traditional enemies of decentralization, democracy and the federal order. Centralists and members of the old guard have joined forces to reverse the federal order. The Amhara chauvinists, who constitute the backbone of the Coalition of Unity and Democracy (CUD), would like to forcibly resurrect their ethnic hegemony on Ethiopian politics. The CUD has adopted the Machiavellian doctrine: The goals justify any means. So it is determined to seize power by fair means or foul. They have publicly announced that they will abolish the constitution and nullify the federal system, if they return to power. They are ferociously trying to reverse the gains of the EPRDF revolution that brought about real and positive changes in the lives of millions of Ethiopians. If the CUD has its way, it will stoke the flame of extremism and ruin the hope nurtured in the hearts of the people during the past decade. If it succeeds, all the progress of the past decade would be reversed, too. The CUD’s narrow, single-ethnic-based agenda and the aristocratic mindset of its leadership is its major Achilles' heel. Fanatical and narrow-minded extremists of the CUD believe that they belong to a “Super ethnic” that is divinely mandated to rule the peoples of Ethiopia. Based on false presumptions, they regard themselves as hailing from a superior ethnic and look down on other ethnics as inferior and insignificant. They see themselves as the embodiment of the traditional rulers of Ethiopia. They believe that they have a right of tutelage over others. They are unable to appreciate that Ethiopia is a country of blissful diversity: multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multi-creed - an idyllic platform where a rainbow of miscellaneous customs and creeds converge to cultivate symbiotic co-existence. Detached from the ground reality, the CUD leadership has the tendency to view its immediate environment with tainted spectacles of self-righteousness and bigotry, shielding against fundamental values of democracy, liberalism, social equality, and human rights. They are preoccupied with unfounded and unrealistic myopic myths and are unable to grasp the objective political realities in the country. In a culturally and ethnically heterogeneous country like Ethiopia, the CUD postulated concept of a “super ethnic” is simply anathema to most people. The “super ethnic” supposition is akin to that of the Master Race (Herrenrasse) concept in the Nazi ideology and the contemporary White Supremacy movement that upholds the notion of a superior “race” or “ethnic” with a birthright to rule. It is a dangerous, divisive and destructive credo that is likely to trigger bloody ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia. It also defies logic and commonsense. The politics of Ethnocentrism Another troubling aspect of CUD phenomenon, which is likely to determine the significance and longevity of its politics, is its entrenched ethnocentric policy credentials. Terms such as ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotype, xenophobia, and racism stem from deep-seated believe in imaginative mythical sense of supremacy embedded in the mindset of certain groups afflicted with superiority-complex syndrome. Attitudes of superiority and ethnocentrism also stem from ignorance of other ethnic groups and assumed insecurity. Ignorance nurtures suspicion, ambiguity and stereotypical impressions of other ethnics which only increase feelings of superiority. Moreover, feelings of hostility and superiority towards others result from deep sense of insecurity. Ethnocentrism triggers insecurity as a defensive response to divergence or ethnic difference. In reality, ethnocentrism parallels racial chauvinism, and is indeed anathema to diversity. It elevates one ethnic above others as superior. Hence, the ethnocentric venture of the CUD is a major threat to the harmonious ethnic diversity of Ethiopia. From Rwanda to Yugoslavia and Darfur, ethnic chauvinism is often the cause of ethnic conflicts. Ethnocentric political leaders prey upon the lurking fears and disgruntlement of their constituencies to galvanize support for their political aims. Ethnocentric and over-ambitious political leaders ruthlessly encourage ethnic discord for personal political and financial gains. Exploiting the latent ethnic passions of unsuspecting ordinary citizens, political opportunists have the tendency to portray themselves as the sole champions of public interest, whilst determined to further a narrow agenda of specific interest to certain privileged groups. Propelling forward a purely ethnocentric agenda, the CUD leadership is currently pursuing a two track policy: 1) agitation and radicalization of youth in their constituencies, 2) dissemination of hostile, divisive hate messages intended to wage rift between communities, ethnic and tribal groups and undermine the prevailing peace and stability in the country. Borrowing a fateful leaf from their likeminded counterparts in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Darfur and elsewhere, they are inculcating their members with false, misleading and provocative misinformation. Unsuspecting ordinary citizens are the potential easy preys for CUD’s glossed over statements, hollow rhetoric and unrelenting propaganda campaigns. The politics of hate has been given a free rein. There is grassroots opposition to CUD’s policies. The unpredictable agenda of the CUD and its deceptive political manifesto is already unnerving ethnic minorities across Ethiopia. The people are too conscious to be fooled. They know that the CUD is a snake in the grass. The CUD should therefore understand that if it continues to disregard the sanctity of the constitution, the federal system and the rule of the law, it will have no place in Ethiopian politics. The CUD should uphold the supremacy of the rule of law by rejecting violence and subversion as a means of effecting change. The CUD should know that hysterical nostalgia for lost grandeur is not a substitute for a political program. And its day of reckoning is nearing. By A. Du'ale Sii’arag, E-Mail: WardheerNews Contributor at Large
  20. lol @ the art. Communication is all the government needs to foster a lasting relationship.
  21. ICG will be one of the political analysts of the regions that Pax Americana want to destablize. Their words will merely reflect the position of the neocolonialists but their advices won't be viable solution to Somalia except suceeding in disorienting some of our tribesmen, making them believe that clan statehood is attainable. Without even going to the people of whole of Somalia speaking out against the territorial integrity of our country, the people in the North under the former British colony alone are not united on this cause. There is a big division to this end even tribal war as a last resort. The ICG has lost its credit and no one takes it serious but the neocolonialists, of course. Igad, members of Arab league, and AU are all aware of ICG's insidious reports on Somalia
  22. Duke, some people have prepared to leave my own city if the situation gets worse just to defend their own country from the unjust aggression to conquer peaceful lands. I shouldn't have revealed but this is the mindset of some people I know.