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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Gabay Maakhir maammul baa loo dhisoo mahad ilaah weeye Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle Waxan halka uga hambalyaynaynaa dhammaan bulsha weynta Soomaaliyeed. Waxan hambalyo gaara u diraynaa dadka Reer Maakhir oo markii ugu horraysay iyagu isku tashaday, samaystayna maamul goboleed cusub. Gabaygan oo uu tiriyey Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle, wuxu soo baxay bishan Agoosto 12, sannadda 2007-da. Waxa abwaanku u hadiyaynayaa gabaygan dadka Reer Maakhir, wuxuna dhiirri gelinayaa maamulka halkaa dhowaan lagaga dhawaaqay. Wuxu Yiri: Adduunyadan iskala miidhaysee la isku maandhaafay Ee la is mohoobiyi talaa lagu muquunshaaye Nimaan tiisa meel marin aqoon mooyi lagu dhaafye Maakhir maammul baa loo dhisoo mahad ilaah weeye Maahir-baa ka soo baxay nafluhu kala miciin roone Midigtuu Jibriil kaashadaye cidi ma meelayne Waa gobol makhluuqaadka dega lagu mabsuudaaye Waa gobol milgiyo dhaqan da’ weyn lagaga miistaaye Malyuunbaa ku dhaqan aan qabiil lagu masaalayne Waa gobol maqaan weyn sidii Muniyo Baarliine Magaalooyin badan baa ku yaal oo mihiib galahe Sayidkii ka maahmaah kolkuu Badhan muraadaayey Mansabkay Buraan waa lahayd waa mawaad qorane Midhishoo dalxiis loo tagiyo Ceelbuh milicdeeda Dhahar muunadley iyo Carmale waa degaan mudane Waa gobol Mur iyo Maydi iyo midho ka buuxaane Madarka iyo beeraha Galgala mooskii laga beerye Macaluul ma taal iyo darxumo maato li’ataaye Waa gobol mawaashiga hantida Mawlahay dhigaye Maandeeqda geeliyo fardaha Mawle wuxu siiyey Meesiga lo’aad iyo adhiga laga macaashaaye Magar wada ugaadhaa ku badan oon masruuf geline Macdan iyo Batroolbaa ku jira oo manfac u roone Majayahan nimcada taal ayaan cidina moogayne Waa gobol mahiigaan ka da’o guga mullaaxdiise Muguc wada xareediyo, manqiyo, togaggu waa muushe Cashu waa magool kolay ku tahay milayga jiilaale Waa gobol marsada Laasqoriyo Maydhba gaar u lehe Waa gobol mushtarigiyo ku wacan maal la tabacdaaye Waa gobol masuulkii tashiyo odaygu muuqdaaye Waa gobol bad lagu meeriyoo baahi aan mudane Moolkeeda weyn waxad ka heli madhax aan guurayne Mudka iyo Tarraqaddaa ku filan meel kastaba yaale Waa gobol markay qurux tagtana lala masaynayne waa gobol ishii milicsataa muhasho deynayne Surad iyo Manaabaa ku yaal mool la daawado’e Dayibkiyo Madheedhkaa ka baxa mudhe Galoolkiiye Maygaagga iyo Jiica iyo Qudhac malleexaanle Margoogtiyo Hareeriga bataa muuso kuu qabane Mahwi Ceeri laysugu yimoo gole la maageeray Madaddaalo jaandheer la tumay Muxibbo boodayso Meertadiyo jiibtaa kalgacal muuso kuu qabane Martidoo habeen soo geb tiri oo mir lagu sooray Oo magac Sanaag waa hiddee sharaf la maamuusay Maaweeladiyo sheekadaa muuso kuu qabane Guur mihindiskiisiyo markii xidid la muuneeyo Miisaan hablood iyo halyey la isku meeleeyo Meherka iyo haasawahaa muuso kuu qabane Kolkii muran dhexyaal aadamaha oo la kala maago Muqdarkiyo cirroolaha kolkii talada loo meersho Muddac iyo muddaacaley gartaa muuso kuu qabane Afartaasi mayaygii cirkiyo moodda galabtii dheh Maansooyinkuu Maxamed Nuur meerin jirey waa dheh Mahadhadii Afdhaaliyo, Xuseen mihindiskoodii dheh Soomaaliya masiibadii heshaa maaro loo helaye Anaa miiggan iyo macangagnimo laysku mari waaye Nin waliba muskuu degu jiruu maanka ku hayaaye Masiirkeeni lumay wuxu ku iman taada maammulo’e Micnaha dawladnimo may aqoon mooshinkii hore’e Macluumaadka Fadaraalka waa inan mihiibnaaye Gobol wali martabadduu dhistuu, yuu ku meel mariye Mataanay ahaan dani marnaba kala maqnaysiine Maammulkaa saraa loo tartami maalmo dabadeede Muqdishiyo Kismaayaa mardhow Mawle fahansiine Miyirbaa arlada loogu ledi maaxdii nabad weyne Bal maxaa la isku dili gobol waliba waa ismaamuliye! 08/12/2007 Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle
  2. Shirkad Cusub oo la wareegtey Warshada kaluunka Ee Laas Qoray. Dubai:-Taariikhdu markay ahayd 12-Augost-2007 ayaa Hoteelka Land Mark oo ku yaala magaalada Dubai ee Dalka isu taga Imaaraadka Carabta ka dhacay xaflad si heer sare ah, loosoo agaasimay, laguna kala iibsadey hantida Warshada kaluunka ee Laasqoray. Waxaana halkaa ka dhacay heshiis dhamaystiran oo ay wada galeen labada shirkadood oo kala ah. Shirkadda gadaysay ama iibinaysay Warshadii kalluunka ee laasqoray iyo loo yaqaano Hodman Trading Company. Halkaas oo ay shirkada malkiilayaashii shirkada Laaskoray Tuna Factory gabi ahaan ku wareejiyeen Warshadii Kalluunka Laasqoray shirkada Hodman Trading. Heshiiskii halkaas ka dhacay waxaa kala saxiixday 4 xubnood oo ka kala socday labada shirkadood. Shirkada Laasqoray Tuna Factory waxaa saxiixa wareejinta qalinka ku duugay Mudane Mohamad Cabdi Ahmad (Buraale) iyo Mudane Xassan Faarax Bile. Sidoo kale Waxaa iyaguna dhanka Hodman Trading Company heshiiskaas u saxiixay. Mudane Cali Maxud Hassan (Ceelaayo) iyo Mudane Mohamad Ahmad Shiikh Saalax (Haydh-Tuulo). Goobta Xaflada lagu qabaneyey ayaa waxaa kaso qayb galay dad aad u tiro badan Waxaa xafladaas goob joog ka ahaa dadwayne aad u fara badan. Sida aqoonyahano,issimo,ganacsato iyo culamaa'u diin si wayn looga yaqaano dalka iyo dibbadaba. Xafladaas waxaa barnaamijkeeda xidhiidhinayay Mudane:- C/risaaq Omar Eeyf iyo Mudane:- Iidle Cabdi Xirsi Qacle. Waxaana halkaas lagu sharfay furitaankeeda oo wacdi iyo hadal lagu diirsady ka jeediyey Sheekh C/Xakiim Hassan Hussein. Waxaa iyaguna ka hadlay Xaflada. Mudane:- Ganacsade Cismaan Baani Mudane:- Wasiir Cabdi Laahi Siyaad Cosoble Mudane:- GanacsadeAhmed Cali Shire Mudane:- Mohamad Yuusuf Samatar (Foosi) Gabagabadii waxa si dhakhso leh loo furi doona Warshada kalluunka ee Laas Qoray Tuna Factory taas oo wax wayn ka tari doonta shaqalaynta dadka dega Magaalada Laas Qoray ee Maakhir State. Waana arin farxad leh in uu soo gebegaboobo khilaafkii hakadka geliyey shaqeynta iyo wax soosaarka warshada oo ahayd il dhaqaale oo muhiim ah. Waxa iyana ku dayasho mudan in reer Maakhir ka fuliyaan mashaariic tan oo kala ah taas oo kobcin doonta dhamaan Bulsha wayta gobolka Maakhir. Bahda Laas Qoray net waxa ay u hambalyaynaysaa heshiiska lagu garay magalaada Dubai, waxa ay u rajaynaysaa shirkada cusub iyo warshada Laas Qoray guul, Ilahayna ha ka dhigo mid dalkeeda iyo dadkeeda anfacda. By Eng Ali A Yusuf Eng Baashe Mahamud Mohamed Shire Daawo Sawirada laga soo qaadey goontii heshiisku ka dhacayey! Source:
  3. Che, when you say "disaffected", you are implicitly endorsing SL and PL. We can't be disaffected by any entity, but we are being betrayed by valued kindship on one side and regional interest on the otherside and hence decided to take things into our own hands. But since our country has returned to the state of nature as in the past whereby every clan shifted for itself, my political stance is that Rer Sanaag and Western Bari have given their allegiance to Maakhir State. "Somaliland" is a local level adminstration and any major clan can set up hastily an adminstration to accomodate their displaced families and provide security and public services in the absence of permanent Somali Government. May be this article could shed some light. ----------------------------------------- The Formation of The Maakhir State of Somalia Too Little Too Late? By: Abdalla A. Hirad Saturday, August 11, 200 It may have been a little too soon or, indeed, surprising to many outside the community of the newly proclaimed Maakhir State of Somalia, as the people of the territory now officially call themselves. Read proclamation and related information at Laas But the idea is not strange to or new among the Maakhirites. Ever since the collapse of the Somali government in January 1991, the initiative was being increasingly contemplated by the community, alongside political considerations to maintain good neighborly relations with its neighboring communities to the East, West and South as well as maintaining internal harmony within the Maakhir community itself. Maintaining such a balance has not been easy, given that, on the one hand, there have always been those within the community—a minority—who have preferred to explore the possibility of cementing political relations with northern clans including the Issacs, the Gadabursi and ***********, with a view to maintaining peace and stability in the northern regions, in the interim period, during the absence of national government. I must hastily add that some may have even been considering cementing those relations between the northern communities towards reconfiguration into a new political compact under the banner of what has come to be known as “Somaliland”. Needless to mention that these have been a negligible minority. On the other hand, there were those who valued kinship (tolnimo) over non-kinship-based regional interests (Ood) and were therefore inclined to unconditionally amalgamate with their kinsmen in a “Puntland” Federal State. Indeed, a greater rationale for joining a “Puntland” or a “*****” compact, tilting the balance to the East, has been the collective wish of the community to neutralize the separatist intentions of “Somaliland”, in the interim period, and while there was no national government in Somalia. However, the majority of the Maakhirites remained in the middle, with a preference to a region or a State of their own, independent of both sides—“Somaliland” and “Puntland”. As a result of this precarious political situation the community remained in a limbo between its nationalist motto and aspirations for independence and its interim goals to achieve peace and stability in the region and with surrounding communities. The downside of these noble and lofty considerations has been that it may have dearly cost the community in terms of rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in the interim period. In fact, both the hopes of those preferring amalgamation with “Puntland” as well as those bent on cementing relations within “Somaliland” have failed. While constantly hampering and frustrating the aspirations of the majority of the Maakhirites for independence and self reliance, these entities have also contributed to the community’s underdevelopment and lack of progress during the interim period, since the collapse of government in 1991. The United Nations may have contributed with its lion’s share in undermining the community’s interest and aspiration for independence and self-reliance, in this regard. The UN’s Administrative Zoning Program which divided Somalia into Administrative Zones for providing relief and rehabilitation assistance in 1992, as recommended at the time by the former Secretary-General’s Envoy to Somalia, Mr. Muhammad Zahnoun, has been the major culprit in this regard. Zahnoun’s zoning program which remains operative until this day, as adopted by the Security Council at that time, had lumped the community with the North West region—in other words, “Somaliland”. However, despite the bogus claim of Maakhir regions by “Somaliland” as part of its territory, the regions remained neglected by the international community since its share of resources for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance was being channeled via Hargeisa, the leadership of which remained deliberately swayed against letting the assistance through to the Maakhir community. On the other hand, assistance through “Puntland” was thwarted on the grounds that the Maakhir community’s share of international assistance was appropriated through the North West or “Somaliland”. So the community’s partial association and relationship with both entities has amounted to no more than lib service. Indeed, those precarious conditions which kept the community hanging in the middle have rendered it a victim of the prevailing geographical, political and administrative circumstances surrounding its recent existence Ironically, despite these ill-fated circumstances of the recent past, the community has throughout the centuries remained independent and self-reliant. With a shoreline extending between Bossasso to the East and bordering on Maydh to the West, facing the Gulf of Aden, fisheries has remained an occupation as well as an opportunity for investment in the area throughout the centuries. Laskoreh, a port city in the area was the choice of the Somali government of the early sixties to build a large scale fish factory. Since the collapse of government, another smaller factory has been built by means of private investment attracting share holders from business from other parts of Somalia. Overlooking the shoreline is an invariably lush, green and fertile northern slope of the Golis Range Mountain, known to the locals as Cal Madow, which has for millennia provided for the produce of frankincense among many other potentially high value crops. With a plateau stretching from the bottom of the southern slope of the mountain to the northern banks of the Nugal valley to the south, which is good for grazing and all-season livestock raring, the area has for the centuries past remained self-supporting and independent. In addition to a great potential for infrastructure and tourism development, the area has been a candidate for mineral, gas and petroleum exploration. It is a known fact that the American Petroleum Company, Elf, had conducted offshore oil exploration in the mid eighties. In the last couple of years the government of Puntland signed deals with an Australian conglomerate for mineral exploration, which sparked the famous Mija Yahan skirmishes between the community and some government troops, resulting in the death of about 10 persons. (Click here to see the map of the area: Laas Qoray.Net Endowed with this potential for natural resource development and a traditional heritage of independence, the community has a comparative advantage over many parts of Somalia to make its bid for its autonomy as a federal entity of Somalia. That independence is historically documented, whereby the current Sultan Said Abdusalaam Mohamoud Ali Shire of the area is the 26th generation of a long line of Sultans (or Grads). Most widely known to recent history is Sultan Mohamoud Ali-Shire, the Sultan of Somaliland, and the grand father of the current Sultan. Click here for a glimpse of the history: Northern Somali sultanates. As indicated above, the initiative started with a 33 member parliament, the President and 7 member cabinet—a very modest undertaking. A few of the members of the government whose names I recognize had served in the upper and lower houses of “Somaliland”, including the President and the Minister of Justice and Religion. For now, there is a requirement of an overwhelming Maakhirite support within the area and from abroad as well as financial support through remittances from the Maakhirite community in the Diaspora, for the initiative to get off the ground. As the saying goes, there is no stopping for an idea whose time has come. The fact remains though: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Hence, the establishment of the Maakhir State is very much contingent in how much support and funding it receives from the people it is meant to serve—especially during its embryonic stage. Click here for additional information by other Somali websites: Finally, the Maakhir State will as a matter of course engage in talks with its neighbors to be able to define its borders. The fact that both the cities of Erigavo and Bossasso and their suburbs have sizable Maakhirite communities does not make the negations any easier. In the meantime, it seems that, therefore, the new political leadership and the traditional one have their tasks cut out for them, in this respect. Abdalla A. Hirad Source:
  4. Now Puntland announced its intention to work with Maakhir State. Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa markii ugu horaysey shaaca ka qaaday in uu si wadani-nimo/deris-nimo ku dheehan ula shaqaynayo Maamulka Maakhir State Masuuliyiinta Ugu sar saraysa Gobolada Puntland ayaa Markii u horaysay waxa ay shegeen inay tageerayaan Maamulka Maakhir state isla markaasna ay la shaqaynayaan. Mas'uliyiintan oo ku sugan Magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxaa ay shegeen inay Diyaar ula yihiin ,Maamulka Maakhir state isla mar ahaantaasna ay wada shaqanyaan, Iyagoo uu dhexmari doono Xiriir dhanka Dhaqaalaha ah 2daasi Dowladood ee Puntland iyo Maakhir. Masuuliyiintan oo ku sugan Qasriga Madax tooyada Maamul Goboledka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka mida Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada, Wasiro iyo Wasiiro ku xigeeno, waxaana ay shegeen in Dowlada Maakhir ay u madax banaan yahay iyadoo la tixgelinayo , Sharciga Dowlada Federalka ah oo Ogol in Gobol kasta oo ka mida Somaliya uu xor u yahay inuu samayto Maamul Goboleed u gara Taas oo aan cidina ka soo hor ka jeensan karin. Waa markii u horaysay oo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland si toos ah Uga hadlo taageerida iyo Soo dhawayta Maamulaka Maakhir State, taas oo la Orankaro waa talaabo Horseed ka noqon karta Howlkarnimada iyo wada shaqaynta Beelaha Somaliyeed, Meelkastoo ay ku sugan yihiinba. Mamxamed Axmed Ciise Garoowe Puntland Source:
  5. Xiin Faniin Saaxiib waxaad xaq u leedahay inaad fikradaada ka dhiibato marwalba adigoo ku cabiraaya garaadka. Waxaa muhiim ah in laabta indhaheedu loo furo sababaha wanaagsan ee walaalkeen DUKE kasoo faalooday. Arintan waxaa si wanaagsan uga hadlay DUKE horayna waxaa loo yiri "Nin kaa hadal badan hadii uu kaa hor hadlo, waa uu ku xiraa!, hadii uu kaa daba hadlana waa ku xaalufiyaa!" Hirrar awood badan ayaa run ahaantii is-dhex muquuraya Qarnigan Ilaah innagu beegay. Mowjada barbaarta reer Maakhir State waxay wax kasoo dhiseen waqtigii la aas aasaayay Puntland oo ay ilaa iyo hada wax ka wadaan. Taasina waxaan ka oran lahaa: Suganey, Siraadeey Puntland Adigoo lahaa waa saam Suruq hakaa reebto Kolkaad saabka u qabatoo Oonka kaga saarto Oo haraad ma sahlanee Dhuunta samo gaadho Markay sararaha mareyso Haduu Muuse sambabkiyo Siciidhkii halbowlaha Wasaq Ku Siidaayo Sow inaad Maakhir State Sahal ku heshid Maaha?????? Hadii reer Maakhir ay dantooda ka dhex arkaan inay maamul sameystaan, xaqbay u leeyihiin Maandhow inay Maamul sameystaan. Dhibaatooyinka ugu waaweyn oo ay Puntland wax ka qabanweyday ayay rabaan inay dadku wax ka qabtaan. Sida Xaalufka oo hada ka hor Wadaad kaloo isna aan magaciisa halkaan si fiican aan uga xusuusan ayaa waxaa laga hayaa isna: Shisheeyuhu haduu idin danqaro, dogob u nooleeya Rag i daaya kaagama hadhee dab u fagaareeya Meeshii daleenaa muskaba bahalku doontaaye Duldhabaha wax loo saarayaa yaan dugaag geline Is dugsada dadkii kala durkaa Dagan Dharaartaaye Anagu marwalba ka tagi mayno darisnimada iyo walaalnimada. Dhibaatooyin kaloo waxaa jira oo ay garan karaan AHLU BAYTKA oo aan halkaan kusoo koobi Karin oo wax ka qabsoomi lahaayeen, sida uu soo sheegay Saaxiibkeen DUKE. Arintani waa arin CURAD ah oo aan wali si fiican u baahin, Hirgalinteeduna waa arin ay aad u dhib badantahay oo waqti u baahan. Arinta kaloo Saaxiibkeen Xiin Faniin Sheegay oo ah "Laasqoray ayaad iskugu tagteen". Waxaan kaa oranlahaa sida soo socota: Maakhir waa Qaarad Waa mii' iyo magaalo Waa Muun iyo Laag (Muun waa Sanaag, Laagna Galbeedka Bari) Waa Ceeri iyo Midigale Waa Mowjadaha baddiyo Mashxaleed iyo Ceelaayo Malyuunbaa ku nooloo Qabiil lagu macneynin Iney Meel istaagtana Haka murgoonin maandhow! Waxba yaanan hadalka idinku daalinee waxaan kusoo koobayaa afareydaan hoos ku mutaxan oo aan ugu dardaaran warinayo ama aan u afeef dirayo dadka soo jawaabi doona: Iska giiji shaqalada Ha'u gorfeyn kadis God hoos u qodaniyo Halis yaanay kula galin
  6. Naxar, this is not about HebelLand. Perhaps,you need to learn from Duke's post.
  7. Wareegto Cusub oo Ka soo Baxday Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Maakhir State Wasiirona lagu magacaabay... Badhan :- Waxa maanta nasoo gaadhey wareegto cusub oo ka soo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Maakhir State , kaasoo ay ku qoran yihiin sadex xoghaye ( wasiir) , iyo Taliyaha Nabad sugidda ,kuwaas oo kala ahaa sidan : 1.Sidiiq Cabdi Miisaan : Xoghayaha Macdanta & Biyaha ee MSS. 2. Cali Siciid Cismaan Qodax : Xoghayaha Ganacsiga & Wershedaha ee MSS. 3. C/raxmaan Siciid Axmed : Xoghayaha Iskaashiga & Xidhiidhka caalamiga ah ee MSS. 4. Col. Cali Maxamuud Nuur ( Cali Sanaag): taliyaha ciidanka nabad sugidda ee MSS. waxana ku saxiixnaa madaxweynaha Maamkhir State Col. Jibriil Cali Salaad. waxan wareegtadani ka dhigaysaa xubnaha xoghayayaasha (wasiirada) toban , iyadoo la filayo in dhowaanna rag kale xilal kala duwan loo magacaabo. Source:
  8. Thanks Makhirian for the article, very insightful and academic.
  9. Well said but the job is not done yet Duke. Our president Abdullahi and Parliarment must accord Maakhir the legal status or autonomy it needs. If the TFG won't hastily respond to the creation of Maakhir and offer the technical assistance it requires, we have our constitution violated and a potential failure of similar projects. My views are if the TFG does not give the autonomy Maakhir needs, This will clearly represent an inconsistency between policy and practice, and a dichotomy between constitutional guidelines and Field Office actions. God forbid, if the legal status does not materialize, it will symbolize failed hopes of the community and other Somali communities in the future who would like to be part of the Federal System.
  10. I don't know about Maakhir and Paragon and their early knowledge on this, but it has been on the news lately. Several sites reported it as well. Latest One as I browsed the BBC and VOA Weinstein says there are already signs that Puntland is too weak economically and militarily to maintain the status quo. Recently, a region called Sanag, claimed by neighboring rival Somaliland and occupied by Puntland since 2002, and another hotly disputed area called Western Bari, created a new regional state. The Maakhir State of Somalia says it will function independently from Puntland and Somaliland. VOA News
  11. Great site. I loved it so much.
  12. Oil has become increasingly controversial in Somalia where experts say a power struggle has emerged between President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Gedi over exploration rights. Somalia remains a speculative bet for oil exploration with no proven oil reserves, according to the US Energy Information Administration, and only 200 billion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves. Arabian Business
  13. Originally posted by Nayruus: ^^^^^.... My people in Hargeisa can no more be kept forcefully riding with you on a dead horse. I say drop the nonsense and let us be part of the federal system of the Somali Republic. [/QB] Well said Neyruus. I like your spirit of nationalism and brotherhood. I think the TFG will grant legal status to the Makhir state and reward handsomely these men and Women who championed the compact in establishing a civil regional government under the sovereignty of TFG. I think also this form of self-rule eases the job for the TFG in moving from provisional to permanent government. The TFG is still imperfect in its power to regulate domestic affairs, run the post office, develop ordinances and system for surveying land and establishing townships, and most importantly compel the new and old states to pay tax or requisition troops from Somaliland state. States can be smaller or larger as well. In U.S history, when a territory is organized, Congress first appointed a territorial governor and judges and When five thousand adult males lived in the territory, a territorial legislature was elected and a temporary constitution written, and when the total population reached sixty thousand, a state constitution was prepared, and the territorial residents petitioned Congress for admission to the union as a state. This history quite reflects our internal problems and can be modeled to find solution. Besides, our apportionment of representation in the TFG, which might continue to divide us even in the future similar to how the unsuccessful New Jersey Plan and Virginia Plan did to the American people in their spirit of nationalism to form a unitary government before the Great Compromise, we can still hammer out other mechanisms that would end this seemingly immortal misery and accord our people and country a permanent government
  14. A POSITION PAPER ON THE CURRENT SITUATION IN SOMALIA A NATION UNDER SIEGE AND A GLIMMER OF HOPE – PART 2 THE TRANSITIONAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (TFG): THE ONLY VIABLE TOOL TO MOVE US FORWARD We, the Somali people, are at cross roads and must choose between anarchy and peace. We must choose as the options and the time are very limited. We must choose between having a country, nation, state and a tribal fiefdom at the mercy of other nations. We must choose between war/conflict and dialogue and peace. We must choose a better and a brighter future without forgetting the past. Currently we have an institution called the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) which we agree is not the best institution but all the same, we must support this nascent institution as it is the only choice left for Somalia. We must support it for the simple reason that it is a conscious choice between a glimmer of hope and a total chaos and anarchy, considering that since the onset of the civil war, all of our fundamental institutions collapsed; institutions such as the central government, regional institutions, municipal institutions, health, education, legal and commercial institutions. The TFG represents an institutional memory bank that can be built upon for a future reconstitution of the Somali state, not to mention all other contingent institutions thereof. For this, we believe, that in a spirit of good will, the TFG must be supported by the Somali public. Instead of expending energy and resources in the weakening and destruction of this weak institution, it is better to engage in building and correcting it so that we can have a better system of governance for a better tomorrow. But the proponents of anarchy and lawlessness, in collaboration with the Nairobi based International NGO’s (Lords of Poverty) have been disseminating all kinds of fraudulent arguments in order to derail the agendas of the TFG and its on-going Reconciliation Conference. The proponents of anarchy include opportunists and business groups who prospered in the chaos and lawlessness, Islamists with extremist and discriminatory agenda, politicians who lost their political power and the renegade former members of the Parliament who are currently based in Eritrea. The latter group has miserably failed to propose any practical conflict resolution model to bring peace to the nation. Because of their lack of vision and their politically bankrupt and simplistic platform, they are stuck with a pathologically mutated form of nationalism that adheres to the support of most radical forms of terrorism and the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians under a dubious and phony pretext of defending the country from Ethiopia. Their brand of PSEUDO NATIONALISM is aimed at cavalierly destroying life, limp and property while ignoring Somalia’s common enemies of war, poverty, hunger, diseases, and illiteracy and all this in the name of tribe or personal interest. All members of the international community and peace loving people in the world have expressed outrage at their tactics of hire-for-terror and violence in which they kill any leader in Mogadishu who stands up to help his/her people. Many young leaders have already died, NOT in the hands of foreign troops, but by the bullets, mortars and bombs of the merciless insurgents hired by Islamic Courts Union (ICU) and its foreign supporters. Such tactics of enforcing blindly a radical political Islam has exposed their motive of destruction and violence to the rest of the world, and will eventually reduce them to nothing more than a mere nuisance that incessantly disrupts the daily lives of Mogadishu’s residents and families. The scope and pith of their propaganda amounts to a handful fraudulent themes, repeated ad nauseam, and their key arguments stand to be exposed for the fraud they are. ARGUMENT #1: THAT THE ICU WAS THE BEST CHOICE FOR SOMALIA The Islamic courts came to prominence in June 2006. Prior to that, the only Islamic courts on the scene were a disparate collection of clan-specific courts more known for chopping the hands of the poor, minorities and the militarily unprotected civilians of Mogadishu and elsewhere in the south, than for any political agenda. Not only that, the progenitor institutions of the ICU were in cahoots with the business enterprises and anarchists of Mogadishu to the extent that when the TFG moved to Jowhar in the fall of 2005, you could spot in Balcad in a show of force, the majority of the notorious personalities of the as yet not formed ICU breaking bread with all Mogadishu warlords, including prominent business personalities. How far deep were the Islamic Courts in cahoots with the business enterprises with whom they co-existed in a cesspool of injustice, anarchy and mayhem for the past 16 years? The infamous CIA funded war between the Islamic Courts and the so-called Anti-terrorism Alliance was not really a war of ideologies but rather a business/turf war that started between two business adversaries: The extremists wagered on one and the warlords bet on the other, and the winner was the one fronted, armed and spoken for by the extremists now constituted itself as the ICU. Yet the genesis of that war and the current belligerent resistance to the TFG’s relocation to Mogadishu were/are nothing but an attempt by the defenders of the status quo to preserve the monopolistic stranglehold they had on the public infrastructure such as ports, airports, highways, ocean lanes, and the illegal control of southern regions of Somalia and thus uphold the status quo; a status quo that dealt in unregulated legitimate as well illegitimate businesses while impoverishing millions of Somali citizens in Mogadishu, Lower Shabelle and Juba regions. As soon as the ICU began lording over Mogadishu, it also began to believe that it was the governing party of the country, and embarked on promulgating primitive edicts that banned television, pictures, the mixing of genders and also started flogging the people in public places for such innocuous transgressions as not wearing a beard. All this in a country and culture that has never subscribed to this alien extreme political form of Islam that is long on symbolism but very short on substance. These clan-warlords-turned Islamists did bring briefly a semblance of relative peace in Mogadishu but it is fallacious to equate the whole of Somalia to Mogadishu. Yet it was obvious that they lacked any real national structured governance agenda other than to converge their various disjointed clan and Jihadist agendas. The ICU even failed to manage Mogadishu for a significant period of time; instead, because of the short-sightedness of its leaders, it stirred a lot of fear as it believed that it was a representative of Allah. The ICU did not stop there but began to believe that they were invincible and then recklessly invited foreign fighters in to the country and as a result sucked the country into the vortex of the international Global Jihadist movement by openly calling Jihad on bordering countries. Their reckless and out of control behavior triggered the presence of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu today. Why would anyone who is concerned of the suffering of the Somali people invite foreign fighters to Somalia and drag the country into a regional war? The answer is simply that the ICU leadership have always been and still are driven by individual and clan interests as their actions in Mogadishu, Lower Shabelle and Lower Jubba indicated. ARGUMENT # 2: THAT ETHIOPIA IS AN ETERNAL ENEMY OF SOMALIA AND THAT IT HAS AN IMPERIAL AGENDA ON SOMALIA. We must also put a STOP to the other big lie that Ethiopia and Somalia are eternal enemies. If we reflect on world history there is no such thing as an eternal enemy. Many countries that fought vicious wars in the past, today enjoy a healthy and friendly political relationship; France and Germany, Japan, Russia and USA, just to name few examples. Somalia and Ethiopia have never gone to war on their own accord, but that as two poor African and third world countries, they have been forced to become pawns in imperial wars that were fought over world economic and hegemonic interests by imperialists. In 1977, the Somali/Ethiopian war was one among many theatres of the cold war, the other theatres being Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola, and Mozambique. We were pawns, plain and simple and our two poor countries were militarily set up against each other by the cold warriors, a sad episode that can only explain the vast stockpiles of weapons left in the backyards of many African countries at the end of the cold war. It is ludicrous to entertain the thought that, at the dawn of the 21st Century when almost all Africans completed the re-claimation of their independence and statehood from Western colonial powers; that an African country, in this case Ethiopia, will embark on imperial designs on another African country, unless; of course, its leadership is hallucinating. That might explain why, for the past 16 years, without a central government and in the midst of chaos, Ethiopia with its state and military apparatus intact did not invade and permanently occupy our country. It only came in when the ICU threatened to conduct its next prayer rituals in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. Another factor negating the likelihood that Ethiopia has imperial designs on our country is the fact that the two countries share a long unprotected border in one of the most dangerous international Ghettos (or ‘Hood if you like) ever. Ethiopia is a nation state comprised of about 70 or odd ethnic communities speaking 70 different languages and also nursing 70 or more different grievances. The likelihood of settling scores will have a far more dangerous effect on Ethiopia than any other country in the Horn of Africa. It is in the interest of Ethiopia to have a good, peaceful and principled neighbor in the ‘Hood, a neighbor that is organized as a state, nation or country and not along clan lines. Moreover, Ethiopia cannot have a realistic imperial agenda per se. It simply does not meet all the necessary conditions relevant to a nation with an imperial agenda: It is a very poor African country that itself is a victim to the vagaries of the dominant imperial/colonial and economic powers of the past and present; it is busting at the seams with a young population that it cannot feed, house, educate, nor provide for its basic health; it is an impoverished nation that depends on foreign aid for its crucial economic and social development. For all these reasons, unless the Ethiopian leadership is deluded, Ethiopia can not have an imperial ambition because it does not meet the conditions necessary for imperial aspirations. More importantly, Ethiopia is a fragile and unstable nation and cannot sustain an imperial agenda as this would be costly to it in many ways. All of this should explain why there is nay a word from the international community, nor from the EU, nor from the UN, nor from the AU about the Ethiopian presence representing a latter day imperial adventure. As a matter of fact, all the communiqués and policy pronouncements from these regional and international bodies nuance their statements with a proviso that unless a replacement contingent either from the AU or the UN can be deployed, Ethiopia must not withdraw from Somalia lest such action creates a vacuum. This is not to suggest that Ethiopia should stay in our country to prop up the TFG indefinitely. Granted that there are precedents for the principle that African problems demand African solutions in the case of Nigeria taming the West African nations of Liberia and Sierra Leone in its ‘Hood, it is our opinion that Ethiopia should ultimately withdraw out of Somalia under optimal political conditions, one of which condition is the deployment of replacement peacekeeping contingent preferably and predominantly African in constitution. However, it seems such rational proposal does not sit well with the anti-TFG contingent. In a recent statement from Asmara, Sheriff Ahmed, a key Leader of the ICU, stated defiantly that even if the Ethiopians withdrew and were replaced by other African peacekeepers the ICU and their international Jihadist allies will continue their insurgency. Such statements graphically expose the hypocrisy and the lies propagated by ICU and their Somali Diaspora cheerleaders and apologists who always, with a shrill voice, proclaim that the Ethiopian presence is an obstacle to reconciliation. ARGUMENT #3: THAT THE NATIONAL RECONCILIATION CONFERENCE IS A SHAM AND THAT THE TFG LEADERSHIP DOES NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT OF THE SOMALI PUBLIC The TFG leadership has delivered its promise of holding a broad based reconciliation conference inside Somali soil, and it did so despite all the odds against it, given the bad deck of cards it had been dealt under the circumstances. For the first time in 17 years, a relatively broad based national reconciliation conference has been in session in Mogadishu since July 15, 2007, and based on the proceedings of the conference, it is going on as well as might have been imagined or expected. Clan elders, religious leaders, intellectuals and representatives of different Somali communities were given a fair and a level-playing field to choose their own delegates independently and with no influence from manipulating foreign hands. The overwhelming participation and the willingness of these brave delegates to come and listen to each other’s concern have already signaled success and registered the legitimacy of the conference and inclusiveness of the process through which the delegates were selected. To his credit, the Chairman of the Reconciliation Conference, Mr. Ali Mahdi Mohamed, in his spirited and moving inaugural speech of the conference, set both the tone and tenor of the conference by emphasizing forgiveness and tolerance. Following suit, representative clan elders are daily voicing their communities’ narratives of pain and victimization and other elders from other clans are listening with empathy. Nothing of this sort could have been imagined a year ago when many leaders were expressing their anger and pain with gun fire, killings and vengeance. Those opposed to the conference, despite having been invited publicly and privately, disingenuously base their opposition to the conference on several bad arguments. For example, they insist that that the conference should have a political reconciliation thematic format, instead of the current topic of community reconciliation, conveniently forgetting that the TFG and its charter came into fruition as a result of the Embgathi political reconciliation conference of 2002-2004. They also discount the fact that there has been a 17 year civil war that had a communal and tribal dimension to it and which unfortunately pitted clan against clan with some ugly consequences, not to mention the mistrust index that it has considerably raised. As the majority of the political antagonists of the past 17 years are under the TFG tent, it was imperative to have a national reconciliation conference that brings all the traditional leaders with moral authority and also to hear/listen and share diverse narratives of pain, suffering and victimization so that the Somali public can visually and psychically place these feelings in a human context. As it is, the conference has already produced significant results and is moving forward, to the chagrin of the opposition supporters, who are circulating lies around the world. The ******, and ****** clans have already admitted committing unjust and blatant atrocities against their fellow brothers and sisters, and clans victimized by the civil war had the fortitude and sagacity to forgive their victimizers. Yes, this conference was about reconciliation among clans and sub-clans and it is working so far. They have also agreed to strike out the derogatory misnomer “OTHERS”, an Arta creation, from the Somali clan identification system and discard it in the dustbin of history. It is a step in the right direction that could lead to a genuine reconciliation process to move the community forward. Needless to say this conference wouldn’t have materialized without the support of foreign troops, including Ethiopian and Ugandan troops, protecting and guaranteeing the safety of the conference at any cause. The opponents of the conference/TFG also posit that the conference should not have been held in Mogadishu but in a neutral venue because Mogadishu is a city controlled by the Transitional Federal Government troops. It is impossible to find a more neutral place to hold a national reconciliation meeting for Somalia. Let us for a moment reflect on the last 14 reconciliation conferences; they were all held outside of Somalia and yet many critics, rightly or wrongly, blamed the host countries for lack of neutrality and held them responsible for the collapse of the respective conferences. Mogadishu is the symbol of Somali unity and there is no suitable place other than Mogadishu to be the venue of a conference of this magnitude if the ownership of the conference outcome has to have a Somali imprint. This is the first reconciliation conference that is held inside Somalia and ordinary Somalis have been given the opportunities to express their opinion and feelings. It might not be perfect, but it is the first face-to-face meeting in which the representatives of the victimizers and the victims are participating on a relatively equal capacity. Contrary to the previous ones, there will be no individuals, tribes, foreign countries, or international NGO and UN officials who will be manipulating the agenda as well as the outcome of the conference. Additionally, the organizing committee, conscious of the fact that it had initially been handpicked by the government, skillfully pre-empted the critics and sought legitimacy from the conference participants at the outset. After the inaugural celebration, Mr. Ali Mahdi Mohamed and his committee asked the participants to choose independent organizing members so that the TFG will have no influence on the conference outcome, or that there will not be even any appearance of influence. The participants reciprocated this goodwill gesture by unanimously re-confirming Mr. Mahdi and his committee members to lead the conference. This was a move to demonstrate the seriousness of the meeting and defy the critics who have labeled Mr. Mahdi and his panel in the organizing committee for not being independent. The opponents of peace also argue that Mogadishu is not safe, but the question is who is behind all the Mayhem and the indiscriminate killings? Is it TFG, or Ethiopians or Ugandan troops? The irony here is that Ethiopians and Ugandan troops are doing everything in their capacity to keep safe while the pseudo-nationalists are orchestrating attacks against innocent Somalis to generate fear and desperations. It is our considerate opinion that at a minimum about 80 to 85% of the Somali public supports the TFG institution because they feel that it is an institution that can be corrected and strengthened over time. Within the Somali Diaspora, support for the TFG and the national reconciliation conference has grown, especially after the recent visit of the Prime Minister to the United States as well as the tour in North America of the Deputy Speaker of the TFG Parliament, Hon. Prof. Mohamed Omar Dalha, who time and again eloquently and convincingly reminded his audiences in many cities that the road to peace lies on dialogue and mutual understanding and on the support of the only institution we have, the TFG. We hope the conference to address the major conflicts of Somalia and we pray for its success. We believe that any conflict should and must be resolved through dialogue. We also believe that a stable and strong Somalia is an asset to all ethnic Somalis in the Horn and will also contribute to regional security. We finally urge the peace loving Somali public to support the on-going reconciliation conference and the efforts of the TFG towards a comprehensive settlement of the Somali crisis. By doing so, we will usher together a glimmer of hope and reject anarchy, violence, instability and chaos. We have no other choice today but to support, empower, and hold accountable the only viable tool for change, the Transitional Federal Government. LIST OF SIGNATORIES 1. Dr. Ali Said Faqi, (Ph.D), MI (USA) 2. Avv. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril, ON (Canada) 3. Dr. Ali Bahar (Ph.D), Texas (USA) 4. Ahmed Jama Hamud, (P.Eng), ON (Canada) 5. Jamal Hassan, Ottawa, ON (Canada) 6. Sagal Ali Jama, ON (Canada) 7. Abdulhakim Mohamud Faqi, VA (USA) 8. Eng. Abdulkadir Ali Abdi (Xuurka), Columbus, Ohio (USA) 9. Dr. Abdiweli M. Ali (Ph.D), NY (USA) 10. SheikhNur Abukar Qasim, MN (USA) 11. Eng. Abdulkadir Khalif, MN (USA) 12. Avv. Yusuf Said Samatar (Bardacad), Boston, (USA) 13. Yasin Maah, Stockholm, (Sweden) 14. Abdi Hashi Seed, ON (Canada) 15. Nasir Abdi Baale, Toronto, ON (Canada) 16. Eng. Mohamed Ahmed Gilao (Tennis), ON (Canada) 17. Abdalla Hirad, NY (USA) 18. Abdi Goud, Connecticut, (USA) 19. Avv. Nurto Hagi Hasan, ON (Canada) 20. Eng Mohamud Dhafuuje, ON (Canada) 21. Prof. Mohamud Siad Togane, Poet, QC (Canada) Suldaan Abdulkadir Galbeyte (Ex), ON (Canada) Prof. Abdihamid H. Mohamed – Nederland Prof. Abdulqadir Ismail- Manchester, (UK) Eng. Jeilani Sheikh Hussein, OH (USA) Eng. Rashid Guleed, IL (USA) Asha Abukar Qasim , MN (USA) Said Ahmed Salah, VA, (USA) Abdisalaam Haji Mohamud Dheere, London, (UK) Aden Abokar, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Prof. Dahabo Farah Hassan, Toronto, ON (Canada) Caaqil Mohamoud Ali Jimale (Koogaar) AZ (USA) Haji Mohamoud Ghedi Aw Hilowle MN(USA) Abdifatah Maroyare, Toronto, ON (Canada) Mohamud Jama Hamud , MN (USA) Ismail Gaafow, ON(Canada) Prof. Mohamed Siad Togane, ON (Canada) Avv. Hareedo Ibrahim Boolis, Saido Awad Muse, VA (USA) Col. Mohamud Qaali Gacamey, MN (USA) Sarman Ramses, VA (USA) Ahmed Sharif Ahmed, VA (USA) Muse Kulow, ON (Canada) Bashi Hosh Jibril, ON (Canada) Osman Ali Omar Sheegow, Seattle, WA (USA) Suldan Said Faqi, Columbus- Ohio (USA) Abdullahi Mohamed Sheikh, NC (USA) Muse Ahmed Abdirahman, ON (Canada) Yasin Mahamud Yusuf (Karani), Stockholm, Sweden Dr. Liiban Abdullahi Farah (Medical Doctor), L.A. California (USA) Jeilani Ahmed Adda Munye, GA (USA) Safia Giama Cagmadhige, Cairo, (Egypt) Omar Warfa, Toronto, ON (Canada) Naima Xayle, Toronto, ON (Canada) Eng. Cabdulqadir Mohamed Abow, ON (USA) Prince Osman Fatah, San Diego, California (USA) Abdiaziz Abukar Baafo, MI (USA) Malaq Mukhtar, MI (USA) Mohamed Haji Dhagax, San Diego, California Omer Jamal, Minneapolis , MN Mohamed Abdi Gacmocadde, Virginia-(USA) Ali Alio Mohamed, Columbus- Ohio (USA) Bashir Gardaad, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) Mohamed Omar Faqi, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Mahdi Shakiib, Atlanta, GA (USA) Sheekh Shabaab Sheekh Mumin, Minneapolis, MN (USA) Ahmed Mohamed (Ahmadey), San Diego, (California) Jeilani Mayow- Rochester, MN (USA) Hassan Shire Sheikh, Kampala, (Uganda) Yusuf Mumin Maio’- London, (UK) Col. Abdi Daad, Ontario (Canada) Col. Abdirahamn Ahmed Yare (Maan), Toronto, ON (USA) Liban Hassan Abdi, Phoenix, AZ (USA) Halima Farah, Denmark Hussein SH. Abdulqadir, NC (USA) Hassan Yusuf, VA (USA) Amin Abu Hadi, Ohio (USA) Safi Abdi, Dubai, (UAE) Prof Mohamed Jibril (USA/Minnesota) Haji Hussein Jimale MN (USA) Abdulle Hassan Nuurow , MN (USA) Dr. Ibrahim Mao Osman (Ghandi) California (USA) Osman Mohamed Sheikh, MN (USA) Sheikh Ali Hussein Jaras, MN (USA) Abdirizaq Jamac Janagale, Alberta, (Canada) Adan Abdulle Howle, Alberta, (Canada) Abraham Koshin, Alberta, (Canada) Hassan Siad Togane, MN (USA) Sheikh Hassan Ali Alassow, MN (USA) Haji Abdi Mouse Maahaay,MN (USA) Mas’uud Sheikh Amir, MN (USA) Ahmed Mohamed Afrah (Shutul), MN (USA) Caydiid Ali Hassan, MN (USA) Dayib Sheikh Ahmed, VA (USA) Ali Isse Ahmed, MN (USA) Abdirahman Mussa (timadheere), Toronto, ON (Canada) Eng. Osman Ali Ahmed (Dheere), Toronto, ON (Canada) Mukhtar Mohamed Ahmed (Katiitow), MN (USA) Abdulqadir Omar Ahmed, MN (USA) Architect Abukar Yusuf Hassan, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Adan Abdi, Islamabad, (Pakistan) Shukri Tohow Mohamed, MN (USA) Madina Hussein Jeyte, MN (USA) Hawo Mohamed Abdulle, MN (USA) Macallim Ahmed Halane, MN (USA) Abdiaziz Omar Hussein, VA (USA) Abdiaziz Osman Sheikh, VA (USA) Abbas Abdi Maxaad-Isse, VA (USA) Shukri Giama Cagmadhige, Bosasso, (Somalia) Falhad Ahmed Mohamoud, VA (USA) Mohamoud Mudey Hassan, MN (USA) Ali Muhudin Mohamed, MN (USA) Jibril Mohamoud Jilao, NE (USA) Gargaar Mohamed Hassan, Economist, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Abdulkadir Abdullahi Jama, Agriculturist, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Dr. Abdifatah Khalif .H. Farah, Oral Surgeon, Columbus, Ohio (USA Ali Yusuf Dirie, Agriculturist, Columbus, Ohio (USA) Eng. Mohamoud Mohamed Ali, Columbus, Ohio (USA). Ali Maollim Mouse, TN (USA) Faantoy Omar (Faanka), VA (USA) Shamso Nur, MN (USA) Mohamed Omar Karani, MN (USA) Yasin Abdi jire ( Wiilwaal), (Sweden) Abdikhalaq Mohamoud, (Nederland) Fuad Ibrahim (Fuju) , (Nederland) Hilal Muse Nero, (UK) Jama Warsame, London (UK) Adam Moblen, Naples (Italy) Abdinur Bashir, Naples (Italy) Abdiqani Mohamoud, (Italy) Yasin Mahi Moalim, Nederland Jani Dheere, Stocholm- (Sweden) Abdirashid Issa Ugas, ON, (Canada) Asli Jama Badwi, ON, (Canada) Khali Mahdi Abdi, ON (Canada) Abdikarim abdulle (Garweyne) London, (UK) Abdullahi Farah (Dihal) IL, (USA) Abas Mohamed, VA (USA) Abdirashid Hassan Hirsi, ON (Canada) Mubarak Dhiidhaco, ON (Canada) Mohamed Abdullahi, London, (UK) Samatar Abdullahi, WA, (USA) Ibrahim Ahmed Ali (Shaash), Bonn, (Germany) Dayib Mohamud Sheikh, DC (USA) Eedaad Hassan Mire, MN (USA) Saciid Abdi Cali Baradho, Nairobi, (Kenya) Waris Mohamed Wilad, ON, (Canada) Shaafici Xassan Maxamed, Gotenburg, (Sweden) Eng. Abubakar Maxamed ******, (UK) Abdirizak Mohamud, ON, (Canada) Mohamed Jama Jibrel, MN/USA Abdirizak Bihi, MN (USA) Mohamed Abdi Hassan Qaac, MN (USA) Mohamed Osman (Majino), MN (USA) Saeed Fahiya, MN (USA) Ali Igal, MN (USA) Faduma Dubbad, MN (USA)Eng. Ibrahim Sheikh Jama, OH (USA) Khadra Cadaawe, ON, (Canada) Mohamed Abdirizak, VA (USA) Aden Sheegow, ON (Canada) Hodon Siiqe, ON (Canada) Abdirizak Galoof (Mulikiyuul), ON (Canada) Muna Mohamud,Hovedstaden, Denmark Hassan Mohamed Mudey, ON (Canada) Ahmed Musse Nero, London, (UK) Suad Awad, ON (Canada) Jibril Mohamed Said, ON (Canada) Shuceyb Osman Mohamed, ON (Canada) Faduma Jama Dirie, ON, (Canada) Rabiica Barre, ON (Canada) Hodon Ahmed, ON (Canada) Hassan Jama Ali, Piemonte (Italy) Avv. Fadumo Jawaanle, ON (Canada) Abdirizak M. Ahmed (Caanogeel), ON (Canada) Omer Mohamed Dufle, ON (Canada) Abdinur Mohamed Aden, ON (Canada) Faysal Jama (Jabdhurwaa), AB, Canada Cumar Gaab, ON (Canada) Farah Aw-Osman, ON (Canada) Jibril A. Hassan, GA (USA) Ahmed Nur Basey, ON (Canada) Ahmed Shire Dirie, ON (Canada) Abdiqani Farah Musse, MN (USA) Ibrahim Koshin Barre, AB (Canada) Fadumo Abdullahi Barre, MN (USA) Ilyas Ali, MN (USA) Mohamed Ali Maamow, (Norwey) 187. Cabdulahi Mohamud Faytaan, (Norwey) Somali Intellectuals Without Borders Source:
  15. This is a glimpse of Makhir's history, hence the selection of the name, I guess. Intensive exploration really began only after the occupation of Aden by the British in 1839 and the ensuing scramble for Somali possessions by Britain, France, and Italy (see below The imperial partition). In 1854, while Richard Burton was exploring the country to the northwest in the course of his famous journey from Berbera to Harer, his colleague John Hanning Speke was making his way along the Makhir Coast in the northeast. T his region had previously been visited by Charles Guillain, captain of the brig Ducouedid, between 1846 and 1848. News of the Somaliland comes from Berbera and Makhir coast than Mogadishu. Thus, the Protectorate Council had draft legislation placed before it for the first time this summer, in preparation for Legislative Council. The new governor, Pike, has already clashed with Somali Youth League, which protested against Agricultural schemes in the Medishe Valley. There is little economic news beyond a bad locust season, and bad season for the Makhir coast, where a dearth of tunny has caused the Elaya cunning factory to close down for a time. Somaliland's expenditure amounts to 1,199,000 pound, of which only 493,000 comes from its own resources. There is little news of economic discoveries, beyond a little columbite, beryl and gypsum found round Berbera, rutile round ELayu (Ceelaayo) and Manganese near Sheikh. On the Makhir coast, 7 hoori coast have been distributed by the Fisheries officer, and a dhow is to be equipped with diesel engine, while fish farms are being built at Mandera prison where the convicts have been thought to make nets and prepare shark-liver oil Source: "Quarterly Notes" and by Henry Swanzy synopsizes the economic development of regions in Africa
  16. ^Naxar, do not make sweeping generalizations about the people of Sanaag and Western Bari. 1/3 of Bosaso's population hail from them. They also make up the bulk of merchants in there. And Erigavo falls within their influence despite that city's shared status. It is them who are associated with that city politically and demographically. FYI, Diasporas are now going back and rebuilding Erigavo. My own family has built new houses and one hotel.
  17. Kashafa, The Islamist Turkey has long sought their country's integration with Europe. They are not paranoid by the prevailing perception of the radical Islamists that the West are threat to the values of Islam. It is time we do some soul searching and rescue our people from the Jahli and misery haunting them in their daily lives.
  18. Those pseudo-religious Sheikhs did little to elevate the position of women in contributing to professional or ordinary workforce. It is even arguable that they empowered women to participate the consensus building process in its defunct Council of Shura. Two things might have influenced the Wadaads to probably employ women, at some stage in their publicity campaign, in areas of street refurbishment such as the sanitation measures you mentioned. The Islamists, according to the idealistic coaching of Sayyid Qutbi, believe in that women's main responsibility is the proper training of human being but not the material production of society, hence employing them in sanitation measures, for political campaign, was to them an extension of household chores. Your second point leads me to think arming untrained women and children was a trend that had never bothered them. You are certainly correct that we have images of veiled women and children toting Kalnishkov and ready to kill. The United Nations reported that child soldiers in Somalia, during the reign of the Islamists, was on the rise and exploitative in nature. The courts were desperate to recruit and arm both children and brainwashed women in their onslaught of military expansion and regional instability though administrative anarchy persisted in its loosely confederated units, letting cases of injustice such the execution of minorities, the showering of impulsive shot fires on restive crowd, and lack of orderly coordination among the so called independent courts, fell on deaf ears. The troublesome courts had no clearly elucidated operational plan or practical administrative programs to accommodate the diverse groups of Somalia into their fold. As Dr. Hirsi put it, their rise was accidental and unplanned. Simply there was the transition of forced power exchange between brainwashed pseudo-religious sheikhs and warlords. However, threatening to unseat the government and stirring the Muslim population in Ethiopia to rise against the minority Christian regime, you should had known better that their back was against the wall. However, it is tragic that the same people who vowed to defend the principles of our religion are now in exile and motivating suicidal resistance against “the invasion”. I won’t be surprised with their conflicting statements. Was it not the undignified Shariif and Aweis who vowed to fight in Kismaayo and leave Mogadisho unscathed?
  19. Very constructive debate on the future of Somalia and its neighbors aired on VOA Somali. Discussants: Premiere Ghedi, Prof. Samatar, and the president of the Somali region of Ethiopia, Mr. Lagbur. Carefully Listen
  20. "When an Islamist militia seized control of Mogadishu last year, Abdi wondered what it might make of an outspoken, strong-willed woman who wore a red-checkered African-style head scarf rather than a veil. "As a woman, of course I was worried," she says. "I stayed away from Mogadishu." The Islamist believe that women should not work at all. Would she have helped these patients if these overzealous pseudo-religious Sheikhs ruled Somalia?
  21. The birth of somaliland was celebrated throughout the world by somalilanders and somalis. Are there such terms of reference to begin with? It amounts to incongruous distortion of a none-existant identity. That term "somalilander" had never been used until the evolved secessionists form within Somalia started deploying it in an apperant attempt to distinguish themselves from Somalis in general. Which one do you prefer? I have heard of many terms used by the secessionists. I am not Somali but a "Somalilander", no I am a Somali from "Somaliland".
  22. Excellent insight from a Mumin endowed with the wisdom and knowledge of her people and country. Union of Islamic Courts Safi Abdi May 21, . 2007 When the Union of Islamic Courts first appeared on the Somali political horizon, many Somalis, including myself, were overjoyed. This was a genuine feeling shared by all those who truly hoped and prayed to see in their lifetime a purified Somalia. Unfortunately, our hopes for a better, healthier Somalia were soon dashed. Sadly, by a mere donning of the ghutrah (head-covering) we witnessed former anarchists, murderers, and thugs ushered in as Mujahidiin! It was at this point that people began to wonder about the Courts’ credibility. And it was at this point that I was jolted out of my pleasant anticipations. A rude awakening! And to have thought the Courts were Allah’s gift to the long suffering people of our nation! Cheated and heartbroken, the country once again plunged deep into yet another round of hopelessness. Somalia’s sorrow can not be summed up in a few lines, however, the following lines should give a glimpse of the heartache I personally felt at the realization that ‘the men of God’ were anything but mindful, being as keen for the world as their ignorant counterparts. Brokenhearted Somalia! The adversary within chafes from without The enemy without Assails from within. At the periphery Brokenhearted Somalia is once again Waved in the Souq. It’s not even a question Of ‘either this’ or ‘that’ Every Jahil* is imbued with folklores all of them Clannish. Power-lust robed In whatever costume Adorns the mounted. A courteous nightingale His mate in season Charms. Looking her worst Heartbroken Somalia Into the limelight Shortchanged. Limbs paralyzed Heartbroken Somalia Is once again waved; Sold, Thrust upon winds Savoring no change. There are times I wish I were Far removed from The maddening laughter Moons away from the moans Lost to the wiles: Where tears on my brow wrestle with the gaping wound And entertainment is Possible only by the funeral pyre; where the ghosts of hell Gild the killing fields. There are times I wish I were a roaring ocean So as to toss overboard The scum caught on my sails. Up till then, my thoughts were tilting towards the bright side, excited for Somalia and for our people: Enthusiasm and hope for the future filled the air, as is clearly evident in these few lines: Heavenly hug Happily joins Cohesive parts Interwoven needs Needing no coercion Heavenly love. Mercy kissed Children Falling in love With the mother soil Heaven held. Nontoxic jokes No more pokes Poise in our votes Freshly doused Flowers Shimmering, adoring Falling in love With the heavenly hold. Heavenly hug Happily joins Cohesive parts Interwoven needs Needing no coercion Heavenly love. Unfortunately, as gullible folks, including myself, lined the pavements to sing their praises, the Courts lost their head, threw caution to the winds, and thereby lost a golden opportunity. Somalis have this terrible habit of painting everyone with the same brush, so bear with me when I talk about the ‘Courts’, no doubt some within the ranks were victims of circumstances, others might’ve been oblivious to where the Courts’ priorities lay. The Courts we are concerned with here are the so called ‘Union of Islamic Courts’ who are standing in the way of our nation’s resuscitation, much in the same way the ignorant warlords had done in their day. The best clothing we learn in the Quran, is that of Taqwa (God-consciousness) now let’s see how the Courts’ head-covering had fared in hapless Somalia, and how that helped unravel all the good the Courts might’ve done up till that point in time: -By allowing themselves the luxury of being hailed as ‘the-powerful’ the learned Courts forgot themselves. And Allah alone is All Powerful. -By assuming the title of Islamic Courts when justice was not to be on the agenda for the poor Muslims whose territories were invaded by former killers and ghutra clad thieves. -By arrogantly breaking promises they made and going back on their word again and again, even though our Deen is built on trust and goodwill. -By arrogantly appointing themselves as Somalia’s legitimate judges when they themselves had been part of the problem for sixteen long years. -By arrogantly disdaining the ‘weak’ government and refusing it entry into the capital, as though the capital was the lost property of the Courts alone. -By disturbing and unsettling the hard earned peace in peaceful areas, and forgetting to their demise, that it was Mogadishu and Mogadishu alone that kept this country apart for so long, and that it was Mogadishu and Mogadishu alone that needed to be tamed. -By blinding themselves to Mogadishu’s past sins against the nation as a whole, the Courts not only lied to themselves about our recent history but they double crossed our nation. -Fooling themselves and gullible people around the world into believing that they ‘saved Somalia’, when the opposite was true, and thereby taking credit for something they didn’t do. I know many will throw tantrums at this, but the Courts brought Ethiopia to Somalia. By their sheer ignorance of world politics (where yesterday’s enemy can soon become a bosom friend and vice versa), the Islamic Courts extended a warm welcome to Meles Zenawi. Far from being God-fearing citizens of the soil, the Courts had forced the hand of a Christian nation to come to the rescue of a Muslim nation. Whether we like it or not, what Meles Zenawi had done is save us poor Muslims from our Islamic brethren whose main occupation today would’ve amounted to nothing more than flogging s and women in the dirty streets of Somalia, i.e. if Zenawi didn’t come when he did. If that wasn’t the case then what other plans did the Courts have for Somalia? They had six months of control in the South, but what did they do that wasn’t already done in the North? Ok they brought some semblance of order to an already tired city, but what else did they do with their time and opportunity? They did prosper in the midst of anarchy for sixteen long years; inheriting our nation's capital and the nation's fertile regions while the rest of the country had to start from scratch. Yet, not a word of apology did we hear from the Islamic Courts, nor did they take time off from their lucrative businesses to give a second thought either to the displaced folks of the South or to the nation on whose demise they built their empire. For the sake of argument, and I know this is not the first time this same subject was raised, but I too would like to ask, if the implementation of the Sharia in Somalia is indeed what the Courts really had in mind for Somalia, then what’s preventing them now from forming an all inclusive Islamic party that represents all Somalis instead of stuffing children in military fatigue? The Interim Government as we all know is a temporary solution, if the Courts truly are concerned about Somalia, shouldn’t they be in the forefront in seeking a peaceful solution to their nation’s misery? As it is, the Courts have evolved into a huge liability, whose main aim seems to center around mindless destruction. And no where do we see a viable Plan; all we see is exploitation, catastrophic explosions, and brainless brawls on Al Jazeera networks. In the meantime, as it was the last 16 years, the whole world is laughing at us poor Somalis, throwing crumbs at us and calling us pirates while the real pirates are stealing from our seas and waters in broad daylight. Whilst we flounder in our wretchedness our vast ocean has become a free for all territory for any thief that can put together a fishing boat. Thanks to our denseness, from International Media to foolish narrow-interest wardens to (Aid Organizations- everyone is having a field day at the expense of our nation. No one, it seems, wants to see a nation called Somalia on the world map again. All the world desires, excepting our good neighbors, it seems, is a wretched territory whose people are scattered far and wide and whose remains can offer entertainment to the world. I invite the Courts and their misguided mouthpieces to ponder on the above newsweek article (and there are many where that came from) and see what they are doing to their country and people. Let’s face it, we’ve become the day’s wandering Jews, our women and children are begging in the world’s darkest corners, and as we speak they risk and humiliation, just because our people are hell bent on incurring Allah’s wrath; if we haven’t done so already. It’s most unfortunate, but Somalis in Diaspora are just as guilty, unwittingly, doing exactly what the accursed Satan is best at; arrogance and rebellion, adding to and perpetuating their nation’s misery. And we say Ethiopia is our enemy, while the deadliest Enemy, the most sinister Enemy Somalia has is Somalis themselves. If Somalis were smart people, and if they were bani-Adam (humane) they would put aside their silly differences, that way they would not only be able to get back their rights from their neighbors, but they would be empowered to turn their neighbors into friends, instead of righting them off as eternal enemies (as Africa's enemy would have them do); while, ironically, we (Somalis) are no nearer to each other than the neighbors we are made to hate; plain hypocrisy, isn’t it? For the benefit of those who blame everyone else but themselves, I say this to you, the only enmity that’s written on rock is the one Allah mentioned in the Quran. Shaitan. To conclude, believers command the good and forbid the evil, in that capacity, I invite all Somalis, and this is not limited to the Courts, but to all who are involved in bleeding this nation to permanent death, and this must include everyone, active sinner, , and apathetic bystander, I invite you all to stop in your tracks and ponder for a minute what we are throwing away, Allah's support and mercy, that's what we are throwing away. And if we are not careful, He the Almighty has the ability to replace us with people who love Him and whom He loves. And when He intends a thing, it's kun! fa ya ku! Be! And it is!. Make no mistake, hatred for your fellowman has no place in the heart of a believer. Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, said (what means): 'Help your brother whether he is oppressed, or is the oppressor. The companions wondered, 'we understand ya rasululah, how to help our oppressed brother, but how can we help him when he is the oppressor?' Allah’s Messenger replied: ''Prevent him from wrong doing.'' The above are the author’s thoughts as per today, for the benefit of those who will rush to doubt the author’s sincerity, I invite you all to walk with me the difficult transitions of my journey, from frustration to hope and prayers, and from hope and prayers to frustration and disillusion. For your convenience, I’ve cut and pasted a few writings that I hope will satisfy your curiosity. I ask Allah to forgive me if I over stepped the limits of justice and propriety and pray for peace and prosperity for our people. Wabillahi Tawfiq wal Hidaya. Safi Abdi References: Poem on first fight: Warlords versus Islamists: Blog: American deception: Blog: In support of the Islamic Courts: Hope and prayers: Poem: The Hamari embrace: Hope and prayers: Poem: Fault me Not Hope and prayers: Poem: Heavenly Hug: Hope tinged with fears and worries for the motherland: Disillusion: Disillusion:
  23. I have come to know of this pseudo expert of Horn and West Africa two years ago. Following his inputs that take into consideration the interests of the United States, one would realize that Mr. Pham has an agenda of his own. It seems that his inputs are contra to those of the State Department. He oftentimes criticizes Bush's administration in pursuing direct engagement with Somalia, all in attempt to ward them off the restoration of Somalia's stability and statehood. He emphasizes the balkanization of Somalia and eliminating what he terms as the former dead entity of Somalia. One ridiculous proposal he puts forth is letting AMISON troops patrol the Somali borders to avoid the spill over of Alqaeda or threats to the national security of neighboring countries. He also lies about Puntland that it is an entity that is determined to stay out of Soamlia's anarchy.
  24. I found similar statement from the link provided by Dabshid, but you have to form an educated opinion of the hostile policies of the British in seceding Haud to Ethiopia. Then, popular demands and political protests obligated Britain to prepare unification of the North and the South in 1956. ---------------------------- "Political protests forced Britain in 1956 to introduce representative government in its protectorate and to accept the eventual unification of British Somaliland with southern Somalia. Accordingly, in 1957 a Legislative Council was established, composed of six members appointed by the governor to represent the principal clan-families. The council was expanded the following year to consist of twelve elected members, two appointees, and fifteen senior elders and notables chosen as ex officio members. The electoral procedure in the north followed that in the south, with elections in urban areas conducted by secret ballot and in the countryside by acclamation in clan assemblies. In 1960 the first elections contested along party lines resulted in a victory for the SNL and its affiliate the USP, the two winning between them all but one of the thirty-three seats in the new Legislative Assembly. The remaining seat was won by Mariano, the NUF's defeat clearly attributable to his Christian affiliation, which his political opponents had made a prominent campaign issue. Following the election, Mahammad Ibrahim Igaal was chosen as prime minister to lead a four-man government." -------------------------
  25. Tahlil, saxib, we can’t recede this topic into trading slip ups or vilifying the author of this article. The problem with you is you have no idea, hint, or reflection of the theme of this endeavor. The article formulates in the form of recommendation procedural administrative actions toward the rebuilding of our country. The TFG is building public institutions as we speak that is acceptable to all parties and constituents. At least offer us some human rationality instead of being scornful, arrogant, and angry of all that is TFG. With this character anomaly , you ability to participate and bring new ideas is hindered.