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Everything posted by NASSIR

  1. Coofle;798594 wrote: Very positive THinking...Somalis in Ethiopia should start surrendering to reality....Ethiopia in Ethiopa.... Very slanderous remarks. Don't be blinded by ignorance and hatred.
  2. Coofle;798594 wrote: Very positive THinking...Somalis in Ethiopia should start surrendering to reality....Ethiopia in Ethiopa.... Very slanderous remarks. Don't be blinded by ignorance and hatred.
  3. Ethio-Somalis is an oxymoron yaa Somalina. This is part of the wars of subjugation. It's no different than the plight of Palestinians. Inshallah we will be free. We are all Somali Galbeed.
  4. Abdikhadar, The Economist is a conservative political magazine with colonial agenda. We should look at its publications about Somalia with caution. I like The New York Times.
  5. Garaad, raggan hala murmin. Let them wallow in their known delusions as ethnic-somalilanders. He is desperately trying to make a distinction within Sanaag region as though the little area his secessionist clan dwells is bigger, better, peaceful. Btw, This group of Galgala has metamorphosed into the dangerous group wreaking havoc in Southern regions. Puntlanders including Maakhirians will cleanse them out of hills they are in.


    You don't see the consequences that an arms embargo violation could bring about to peaceful places? UAE officials have already been cited as the donors of Somalia's latest arms embargo violation but they had asked to remain anonymous. There is an upcoming report of UN investigation taking its due course.
  7. Wealthy Individuals and even officials from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia & UAE continue to ravage Somalia with their petro-dollar-earned fortunes. Their Present-day disastrous groups are al-Shabab & private security firms- mercenaries. It's time the ICC & the Security Council track hold these individuals to account just like the cases in Rwanda & Congo.
  8. STOIC;795751 wrote: Nassir, Despite your best intentions, you fail to realize that NFD today is far better than South Somalia.The very process of them dreaming in joining an embattled Somalia will evoke fears in them.Granted they have suffered many injustices under Kenyan rule. They have endured and today they have a new crop of leaders displaying great leadership for the rest of Kenya.From judicial autonomy building to election engineering mechanics.With this new crop of educated leaders being shepherd and moral voice of new Kenya, the future is bright for NFD...... That's good to hear and I know things are going better for our people in Kenya. But let's work for a stronger and united Somalia. If diverse ethnic groups have learned to live under one flag, why can't we?
  9. Ngonge is from Arabia and Oodwayne is from Gaashaamo. Ethnic nationalism is bad for us.
  10. United we are strong! Divided is to to witness some of our people from Kenya & Tanzania who won't even manifest the least doubt to speak for the dismemberment of Somalia. We should refurbish the platform to advance the political and social rights of Somalis in NFD who are the most historically marganilized even today. Isn't Abukar Darman from NFD?
  11. She's has asked valid questions and she is very articulate, far reaching thinker. My only advice to Bilan is to keep researching and keep writing on the subject. And don't be discouraged by the naysayers and those with limited information & knowledge about such issues. Be the Devil's Advocate for your country's resources.
  12. Garoowe;(SPR) Xuska maalinta loo aqoon saday inay tahay afka hooyo iyo dhaqankii suubanaa ee soomaaliya 21-febraayo ayaa lagu qabtay magalada garoowe xarunta Dowlada Puntland,waxaana soo qaban qaabiyay Gudiga horumarinta afka hooyo ee Puntland. Munaasibadaasi lagu xusayay maalinta afka hooyo ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Puntland ahna siihaya madaxwayne Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire,Gollayaasha dowlada iyo marti sharaf kale oo isigu jira rag iyo dumar. Waxaana madasha lagu xusayay maalintaasi qaaliga u ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed lagu soo bandhigay heeso ,murti iyo gabayo ka turjumaya afkeenii wanaagsanaa ee mudo 21-sano ah darsoomay waxaana kooxda Waabari Puntland ay soo bandhigeen heeso cajiib ah oo xanbaarsan dareen dhaqan iyo af, kuwaasi oo ka turjumayay sida dadka somaaliyeed looga baahan yahay inay kor u qaadaan dhaqankooda iyo afka soomaaliya. Halkan ka dhageyso Barnaamij qaas ah oo ay soo diyaarisey Idaacada Bulshada Soomaaliyeed
  13. Classic Socratic method of asking questions & answering them.
  14. Ku dayo Puntland ku dayo. I guess it's the 1st municipal paving project since the collapse of the central government.
  15. The Hermet;794976 wrote: thats your view...correct the mistake of 1960..two states..:cool: We can both correct the mistakes of post 1969 era. Join me first in the peace process.
  16. Libaax-Sankataabte;794975 wrote: NASSIROOW, Awoowe I am waiting for the black gold to be located first. :D I hope the Dharoor hunt does not produce a duster. I'll be very disappointed even though the Nugaal basin is yet to be explored. Totally agree. It will be a big time game changer. I am surprised at the high level of interest shown to the prospect of oil discovery. Somalia is no longer an irrelevant "ungoverned space".
  17. uchi;794934 wrote: Lose the tents first~ You forgot we are Muslims. And please avoid denigrating a whole society's belief system.
  18. Good speaker but he's very wrong on the dismemberment of Somalia.
  19. Che -Guevara;794635 wrote: ^Nassir.. think dynamics change at the moment Atam announces he joined AS by extension AQ. He's no longer a man protecting his tribe's land and resources...bad move on his part and the tribe has to make difficult choice. Forces more powerful than Pland and Sland will get involved but I assure these administrations will milk it to the max specially Faroole. That's why a regional admin is essential thus building up the momentum against this destructive group. Remember it was the UNISOM backed local admin in Sanaag region that purged the al-Itahad out of Laasqoray in 1993.
  20. Neither SL nor PL can exert power on this this region since they're perceived as clan-based entities. The stability of Bosaaso environs is largely due to the peace-loving inhabitants of the region. I believe the United States should support a local administration in Sanaag & Haylaan & Western Bari a.k.a (Maakhir ) regions. The only effective solution is to help local efforts and local administration program that's independent of both PL & SL. Likewise, the newly formed Khatumo state needs political[/] support and less intervention from the SSDF/SNM found admins. The two track policy is just for that.
  21. Very emotional & well-written piece!