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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. Naxar Nugaaleed;930661 wrote: freedom of religion is good thing but Somalis have long way to go to understand this even though they enjoy these freedom by the millions in the west There are no 'Somalis by the millions in the west' marka hore. Tan xigta, the Somalis in the west are in no way responsible for whatever goes on in their home country. Freedom of religion is the law of this land whether Somali millions live here or not.
  2. Samafal;930651 wrote: Maadeey, Bal adigu inoo quote gareeh wuxuu yiri word by word. I don't think he can commit himself to that task because that would involve putting the truth first before his ideology.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;930647 wrote: I welcome this anything that can contribute to the recognition of Somaliland should be considered even if that means paying a price the end goal is much sweeter guys always remember that. Not under the admin of President Hassan Sheikh. But you can dream big for your clan.
  4. Oba must you post here every garbage you see on the internet. Ironically none of the "Somalis" in the video say they are Christians, NOT even through their interpreters. I am too busy but I could have fun with this vid. Re-do it with Chinese language and English subtitles, Al Shabaab killing the only 200 Somali Budhists in this ten million nation of Muslims.
  5. Saalax;930621 wrote: Their remains will get a national burial in line with Islamic burial. I didn't realize the remains were buried in unislamic burial. Playing the victim card and politicizing the remains of victims. Looking for sympathy where there is none.
  6. The trend in Muqdisho in particular and Somalia in general is that the well are getting richer while the poor are getting too poor. The gap between well vs poor is increasing and widening. Welcome to Brazil, high rise hotels and star restaurants next to slum, run down streets/neighborhoods.
  7. Faroole “Diinta Islaamka waa qabyo laakiin Dastuurka Puntland waa dhan yahay isagaana inoo dhaama oo I listened to the interview and I did not hear Faroole utter the words "Diinta Islaamka" So to quote the man of what he didn't say is itself deception. Playing Quran verses followed by a lengthy lecture based on deception is spreading a falsehood. Desperate Shabaabs trying to fight Faroole on stuff he did not say.
  8. ^It has nothing to do with clan or birth place. Che is right. You can bank on that fact; Mudug is the written dialect in Somali Textbooks. Doesn't mean other dialects are inferior as some of you may think that.
  9. Jacpher

    Somali Trees

    What's Geed yahuud? What about Geed Nasaara? Alpha, iNaar what happened to your little Geedo you've been planting in Hargesa? Take pic and post them here iNaar.
  10. Jacpher


    Oba: It's beautiful style of subac.
  11. Jacpher


    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  12. Gabbal;929677 wrote: The Somali soldiers in the airport are the recent ones from Ceel-waaq, Gedo and their commander Col Cabaas seems quite pleased with the Nairobi agreement. What difference does it make if they are from Gedo or Goobweyn? Isn't Somali soldiers enough? You had to add Gedo iyo af-tirsigooda. Caqli qabiil waa kaa saa.
  13. Highly doubt if Ameer indha-shareer will approve of this.
  14. Published: March 20, 2013 Kn:Wax laga yaabo inaad baciidsato ama la yaabto maqal kooda laakiin kamid ah aafooyinka dahsoon ee dalku ku jiray dhawr iyo labaatankii sano ee dawlad la’aanta ahayd ayaa maanta waxay ciidamada amaanka ee Puntland gacanta ku soo dhigeen caruur ka kooban todoba gabdhood iyo laba nin oo ka soo afduubtay Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Arinta muragada leh ayaa ah in caruurtani ay u dhaxaysay shan ilaa iyo todoba jir, isla markaana la tuhunsanyahay inay ragga lagu qabtay u iibgaynayeen mid kamid ah dalalka Carabta si ay uga ganacsadaan jirkooda. Qudaadar ayaa lagu wadaa labada nin, halka gabdhihiina lagu wareejiyay wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Qoyska ee Puntland, sida uu saxaafadda u sheegay agaasimaha wasaaraddaasi, Cabdiqaadir Yuusuf Daahir. Sida ay xaqiijinayaan laanta amaanka, gabdhaha waxaa laga soo qafaashay tuulada Xawaadleey ee degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe. Caruurta iyo afduubayaasha waxaa lagu qabtay kantaroolka Garoowe, jidka ooga baxa dhanka Laascaano ayagoo saaran gaari ku sii jeeday. Arintani ma aha oo kaliya naxdin ee waa mid kimid ah masiibooyinka aynu ka dhaxalnay fowdadii iyo nadaamla’aantii ay ku naaxeen xaaraan quutayaasha, dhiigyacabka, naxariislaawe oo idil iyo kuwa qalbiga ka ingagay ee shilinka dhaafsanaaya wax kasta oo ay ahayd in laga sheexo ama laga sariigto. Ma aha markii koobaad oo Puntland lagu qabto caruur laga soo afduubtay Koonfurta Soomaaliya, laakiin waxaa markani cusub qabashada caruur yaryar oo loo waday in jirkooda loo iibgeeyo dalal kale, kuwa soo afduubtayna ay yihiin isla Soomaali, hadii aynanba uga sii dhawayn. F.G: Sawirka shaashadda kore ka soo baxaaya kama turjumaayo sawirka caruurta la qafaashay ee waa sawir aan mowduuca ku kabnay. KismaayoNews.com
  15. I'm sure you speak Swahilian but wasn't sure Kenyatte.
  16. ^Duriyadda Berbera. Saaxiib ha kuu macaanaato. Hopefully one of your spiritual leaders will bring recognition.
  17. ^But you speak Kenyatta language right?
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;928737 wrote: Indhocade is a servant of the Somali nation as he is a general with in the Somali army lets respect the general and spiritual leader. Adiga you pray to everyone, from ameer indhashareero to indhacadde to pope francis to ariel sharon to the queen. All for recognition?
  19. ^Yeah, it is breaking news for Carafaat there is piracy and insecurity in this part of the world. Che -Guevara;928670 wrote: ^The world has always been aware, it's you who thinks they are not. How does all this matter anyway? Helps the secessionists sleep better I guess.
  20. Karbaashe, a tech-savvy officer with masters of information technology from MIT and some 50,000 followers on his twitter handle, @ihave1000_eyes, said he will continue his campaign targeting Qurbajoogs who “have relocated with their indecency to Mogadishu.” The love story between Moogaay and Bootaale came to light after Shabelle Radio’s intrepid journalist Libaax Sankataabte aired an interview with the two lovers in a radio call-in session and had several love songs of famous singers Farxiya Fiska and Nimco Dareen dedicated to the lovebirds by members of the public. In the live program, the lovers described how they have been exchanging sweet love messages via Facebook since they met at the Village Restaurant in Mogadishu on a warm Friday evening. Sankataabte was later arrested for broadcasting the licentious interview which was deemed contrary to “public decency,” according to Media Advisory Council Chairman Ahmed Ilkadheere (“Buck Teeth”). The arrest comes two weeks after dozens of football fans were arrested in Mogadishu’s Wadajir neighborhood for predicting which team would win the English Premier League. The Committee for the Promotion of Somaliness and Prevention of Qurbajoog considers predicting the outcome of football matches a form of gambling, a crime punishable by 15 lashes in the country’s penal code. Libaax Sankataabte got some explaining to do. Nice work Sahan Journal. :D
  21. Someone asked, do you speak Somalian today? I said no, I don't speak Somalian. I speak African. A friend told me awhile ago, someone asked her, are you Islamic? She said, no. I am Arabic religion.