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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. It was on the NEWS couple of years ago.
  2. Maalintu waa Sabti, Amintu waa casar liiq, Madashu waa Minnesota, Macmacaanka iyo Milikhsigu waa halalacda hore, Murtidu waa THE YIBIR OF LAS BURGABO, Maxamuud waa Qoreheeda, Mulaaxdu waa Af-soomaali, Mayraxduse waa Af-Ingriisi! Saaxiib waxaad ku fiican tahay kuwa announcement-iga suubiya. Waxaad isoo xusuusisey Radio Moqdisho kuwii ka hadli jiray. Thanks for the info bro. I'll try to make it Insha'alaah. Is admission open for everyone or does it require a sign up?
  3. Originally posted by Socod_badne: Sharia Law is outdated, unfair (chop the hands of one who steals few gallons of water but give manicures to rulers who steals nations entire wealth), and accessory to Islamic living. All one needs to follow the path of Allah is the quran and the teachings of the prophet (scw). Since much of the Sharia law (like 60%) is based on Hadiths, it is not compulsary for muslims to follow it. Further, it is set of laws based on the INTERPRETATION by men of their time and NOT the words of God (most of it). Even those parts that are from the Quran are open to interpretation. Remember there is no single voice for muslims, there is no equivalent of Vatican or the Pope. I don’t understand what you mean by Sharia is outdated & unfair? Where did you get the 60% figure? Care to elaborate more or give the sources you based on your conclusion? Do you follow Quran as well as the Sunnah of the prophet scw? You don’t need to answer if you want to. I hope you don’t think the corruption & the mischief of Muslims countries (including ours) is due to the adherence of Sharia?
  4. Calling the concertgoers names and disrupting the peace isn’t a smart way to enjoin the good and forbid the evil. Islamicly, one can’t encourage goodness and forbid evil if his actions will cause more damage or greater evil. Da’wa requires wisdom, good judgement & awareness of hte situation. Many brothers fail to understand the latter. Your da'wa won’t be effective and useful if it lacks wisdom, a good guidance and a better judgment. You may have prevented them to attend the concert this time but it’s unlikely they learned any valuable lesson from you da’wa. The aim of the da’wa is always to connect people to their religion and fear of Allah. The goals is to have a dailog and teach them Islam, not block them and create enemies or bariers. I’m puzzled by the use of the labels though. I guess the western ideology categorize these actions as extremists. Such labeling remind of a hadith, FATUUBAA LIL-QURABAA. Are we in that era already?
  5. Witr prayer is prayed in the nighttime (anytime after Isha to Fajr time, but Fajr). Witr is prayed in odd-numbers from three up to eleven raka’at and it doesn’t require qunuut or any special dua. One may recite Qu’nuut in the Wirt or any other dua of his/her preference. The only difference between Sunnah prayers and Witr is that Witr is odd-numbered and prayed only in the nighttime. I think one should conclude all his/her prayers in the night with Witr, thus witr becoming the last prayer of the night. Some Muslim scholars say Witr is Mustahab while others say it’s Mu’akad (emphasized). Qiyamu Layel or night prayers are liked and very rewarding. The hadiths emphasizing the night prayers are countless. I think many think Qunuut is part of the Witr prayer since Imams make qunuut every night during Taraweeh. If I am not mistaking, Imams can omit qunuut dua and it would still be fine. If you miss Taraweeh and want to make it up at home, you don’t have to do qunuut. Walahu Aclam.
  6. Originally posted by La Femme: Baashi, 1. I am offended that you called me 'missy'. Please take that insulting word back before I slap you so hard, your grandkids will feel it. 2. You are provoking the feminist in me when you refer to guys as 'grown up men' and girls as either 'lil chicks' or 'hags'. That is unfair, underhanded, and cruel of you. I demand a public apology with sincerity. 3. By assuming that I have made a 'typo' you are implying that I am an !diot such that I cannot recall the 4 lines I have written. If this is not a direct attack at my reading comprehension and ability to proof read, I don't know what it is. If I wrote it, read it as it is. I am old enough to re-read and correct any misktakes I have made. I am devasted by your implication and complete disregard for my feelings. You have the right to be offended. You have the right to ignore that which offends you. You do not have the right to insist that others hold the same opinion as you. You do not have the right to define what is offensive for [ you and ] others. ** You do not have the right to censor others in venues not your own. **Edited
  7. Originally posted by M.I.L.K : warya it's not the 90s If war does break out it would be finished in hours at the most. From what i heard Abduallhi Yusuf army are well armed and well trained. they will get the job done fast. Who would be finished in hours? The innocent Moqdisho inhabitants? You show pride that Yeey has the military means to start Civil War II.
  8. I'll honor Quruxleey to tell the story
  9. This list is probably in use in some areas of the homeland.
  10. Big time misplaced priority. More like A$$ kissing donation. I wonder what they'll get in return.
  11. Are things getting out of hand?
  12. Sxb, I didn't intend to offend anyone so let's hope no one takes offence at my reply. I spoke of a region not people.
  13. Masha'alaah! Many would follow it if they knew the true Islam.
  14. This reminds me of an old TV show, America's Dumbest Criminals. I don't know why they canceled that show but it was amazing to see what dumb people do in public.
  15. What are the requirement? Does Ducaqabe have a shot?
  16. Mobruuk! Barakalaahu lakum! Enjoy your morning oodkac.
  17. So when are they gonna invade Moqdusho? If Moq guys don't give up. I guess what I'm asking is when is the Somali Civil War II forecasted to begin?
  18. Xiinfaniin, I like your tusaale. NGONGE inuu biskoodo loogama fadhiyo maa sheekada laga fahmaa?
  19. Originally posted by TRUTH_BE_TOLD: I still stand the canandian muslims shouldn't be given special favour than other religions. Did you misapprehend the article mentioned both Jews and Catholics can choose their religious arbitration if they like?? Canada won’t be doing any favor for Muslims if they accept this proposal. Instead, they would be in accordance with their democratic values and show some fairness. My friend wake up, there isn’t such thing as separation of religion & state. Half the time, it is only the written law not the visible reality.
  20. Jacpher

    favorate quotes

    I saw this on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I initially thought they did some editing but Jay said they didn't edit anything.
  21. JB: You were told about this and you haven't witnessed? No offense but the story sounds phony. I can't see this happening at my local mosque. When there’s muxadaro, lecture at the mosque, people usually ask who the organizers are and the speaker. Many others ask if a fundraising is going to be held. I can’t imagine wadaad setting up a lecture for married sisters only to collect gold/jewelry for a charity back home. I think people aren’t that naïve to donate enormously. I’m sorry but this sound an insult to the sisters. Where's their good judgment? Couldn’t they ask for a proof from the Wadaad? Could they question why only sisters were asked for donation? On certain occasions, I have seen some Sheikhs making lectures for sisters only, mainly on women issues. I know most of the Sheikhs won’t refuse male participation (if space permits) even in those occasions. The husbands have every reason to demand answers from the mosque or whoever organized the muxadaro.
  22. Islamic Trojan horse? What's next a Jihad virus? 7 of 9, people do worest things on the net than porno. Porno is addictive and no trojan is gonna cure it. People should do good deeds out of love/fear of Allah, not others.
  23. LOL@Baashi, I don't think I would have remembered him if I was naas nuug or a toddler. I think it was my early teen years when you left Kismaayo. I don't really know what happenned to Aduunyo and I haven't heard of his name before your post. It brought many memories back though. I didn't know much about Aduunyo since he was in Farjano. I grew up in Calanley. Let's hope he survived those brutal years and is in good health now.
  24. Aduunyo existed in Kismaayo. Every kid knew better not to be near Aduunyo. I personally never had any contact with Aduunyo but the kids used to yell out "Aduunyo Xaalkaa Ba'" and the man would run towards us. His buul was on the way to the football stadium and in the afternoons, we would go to see the game, kids knews to run fast when we pass Aduunyo. All you do to triger him is say aduunyo xaalkaa ba' loudly.