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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. You actually compare warlord Ina Yusuf to Jaale Max'ed Siyaad Barre?
  2. Here's an old one but words to live by, as they say it. Bobby McFerrin
  3. Jenerale, I like the design. Resembles MN DL. You sure they didn't carbon copy MN License design? They should not have used Odaga for that sample photo ID.
  4. Kashafa, is qabooji macalinka. The 'dude' waa loo darsaday. Talib, That's a good question. I wonder how it all came about to Islam especially the dancing part. xiinfaniin, Though I’ve never been to Ziyara, I used to stand in a large circle with odayaal and read the book of Mowliid each year. We all ask forgiveness for our ignorance and shortcomings. Dikr was very common in Kismaayo when I was growing up. Macalin dugsi used to emphasize missing dikr would get you karbaash in the morning. I was so good at it that Macalin dugsi almost graduated me to the next level; reading some weird Arabic poems at night in a dark room. I had no clue what was that all about. It’s a question I’m waiting to get answer for if I were to meet my beloved macalin dugsi. I know Munaaqib was big in most of the mosques. Every Wednesday afternoon, we gather and do a reading session. Now that I think about it, I wish I skipped to a game of kaalsho or Hindi film with 19 long songs. That way, you would not be chanting some shirk in the mosque all hours of the afternoon. I’m very grateful that we had been rescued. Do you know the authors or the correct title of those books? Your friend could be right about Gaalkacyo. Perhaps it’s where it all started. I would say public wacdi was common in Kismaayo than Dikr.
  5. Not that kind of Dirk. Check these clips out. Dikr with Sufi Dancing Somali Dikr was a bit different than this but Waaayo waayo aan soo xusuustay. Alla baladaas maxaan bacdal-cisho ku niikinay mowlac gudihiis. Bal Rabbi tuugmo iyo niiko xaa isu keenay? Please share your memories of Dikr, Hadro or Mowlid. “Abda’u bismilaahi wa raxmaani, wabiraxiimi daa’imul isxaani, falxamdulilaahi………….” I wish I could remember more. Talow kitaabka mowliid ama munaaqibka online ma ku jiraa? I can picture Khayr, MMA and Xiin leading the Dikr group in some mowlac oo lagu shamuumaayo. Where's Nur when you need him. How did this kind of Dikr come about?
  6. Willow kacaan diid kugumaan ogeyn ee maxaa is badaley? Xisbiga Hanti-wadaagga Kacaanka maadan u darsan? Taladu ma xuma laakiin hadey islaanta ku tiraahdo beytu-raaxa kaalay waxaan ka baqan inuu qurfatu-nowm iska xaadiriyo macalinka or worst yet look up the dictionary.
  7. lol@wallah Xaguu jiray waagii la qaadi jiray, "Hayaa Natacalam Luuqal Carabiya.......hayaa...." iyo "Hadaa Ibriiqun" Faarah & Syrian woman? Miyuu karinaa sidii kii timirta rabay inuu karsado? Maskiinkan bohol ha ka tuurin odey xiinow.
  8. Buubaa? Isn't he public enemy #1 in SL. Whoever is close to Amxaaro heart has a good chance of getting the presidency regardless the clan affiliation.
  9. Che, odaga ka qalee nooh. Khalaf, adeer Hiiraale gets my vote. In all seriousness, Ina Yusuf's departure won't change the situation a bit. It's better that he completes his term and deliver us from the Amxaaro evil he brought. Whoever is closer to Meles's heart will be nominated for the job regardless the clan. Ethiopia is the main factor not Somalis. Ethiopia wants us to embrace their version of secularism, reform and democracy, not the version Somalis want. Talo faro ka baxday marakan maandhoow
  10. Taalib, how about these three?
  11. Jimbo? I beg you pardon. TFG needs all the help they can get but can they put it into good use? More cash for Bubaa, more palaces for Geedi and plenty support for Ina Yusuf's empty promises to the warlord government and the helpless elders of Mogdisho.
  12. Khalaf, dee sidee Axmed_Gurey eed bilaa micno meelaha ha ka tuurturin ee Xiin ka gar bax. Keep Horn out. Horn, waa runtaa balse balanqaadyada markey bataan oo been isu badalaan is no kaftan bro.
  13. Allamagan, markii adeer Kismaayo ka cararey, ciidankii ICU ka saari lahaa magaalada miyaa wili soo socda Gedo
  14. My tribe against yours? Allamaganoow wili maadan ka gudbin? Duke did you say no more JVA in Kismaayo? It went AWOL with druglord indhacadde? EDIT: Khalaf, I don't get it. Who's advocating for more bloodshed??
  15. Khalaf, don't be like Axmad_Gurey, support your comments. Kismaayo is said to be in the hands of Amxaaro. Amxaaro has prevailed. Let the celebration begin.
  16. Baaq Ay Soo Saareen Waxgarad Ka Tirsan Beesha **** Oo Lagu Qaadacayo Maamulka Cusub Ee GEDO Loo Soo Magacaabay Feb 20,2007 by Norway-GEDO-NN UJEEDDO: Qaadicid Maamulka Cusub ee loo soo magacaabay Gobolka Gedo iyo Taageerid Baaqa Hoggaamiya dhaqameeyada Reer **** Ee Gedo, February 16, 2007. Kadib markaan qiimaynay marxaladda adag ee dalku marayo; Ka dib markaan argnnay rabitaanka iyo talooyinka siyaasiyiinta iyo nabaddoonnada beesha ****; Kadib markaan qiimaynay rabitaanka shacabka reer Gedo; Kadib markaan dareennay baahida loo qabo degenaashaha iyo nabad waarta oo loo helo gobalka Gedo oo ka soo daalay dagaallo iyo ismaandhaaf siyaasadeed, Waxaan go’aansannay: 1. In aan taageerno Baaqa ay Nabaddoonada beesha **** ay wada jirka ugu soo jeediyeen Maxawaynaha Dowladda Somalia, Mudane C/llahi Yuusuf oo ah in uu xushmeeyo dhismaha maamulka Gobalka, iyo guud ahaanbo tala soo jeedinta inta badan Siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaannada Beesha **** u matasha dowladda, 2. In aannan taageersanayn, taageerina doonin maamulka cusub ee loo soo magacaabay gobalka Gedo, kaasoo ku salaysan caddaalad xumi, sababina karo dhib iyo ismaandhaaf hor leh, oo ka dhex abuurma dadka tabaalaysan ee reer Gedo, 3. In Ugaaska Beeshu (Ugaas Cumar) uu faraha kala boxo Siyaasadda, kuna ekkaado shaqadiisa dhaqan ee isu dumidda beesha uu Ugaaska u yahay. 4. In uu Ugaasku ka waantoobo talooyinka qalloocan ee eexda huwan, kalifina kara qul-qulatooyin iyo isaaminid la’aan dadka dhexdiisa ah. 5. Maadaama dowladdu u dhisan tahay habka (4.5), maamulkeedana ku salaysanyahay hab qabiil, waan in uu Madaxwaynuhu faraha kala baxaa magacaabista Gedo maamulkeeda, una daayo beesha **** iyagaa yaqaanno beel dhismeedkeeda hoosee. 6. Waxaan dhammaan waxgaradka beesha **** dibad iyo gudaba ugu baaqaynaa in ay ka hortagaan khaldaadka iyo dulmiga beesha dhexdeeda laga wado, una muuqata mid wax loogu dhimayo midnimada beesha ****. Baaqaan waxaa is wada jir ah u soo saaray, Aqoonyahanno, Siyaasiyiin iyo Wax-garad ka tirsan Beesha **** oo ku kala nool qaaradaha, North America, Europe iyo Australia. More
  17. Thanks for sharing. What with you and fire? Miyaad ku alkuman tahay?
  18. lol@qafiifeen. As they say it, rag iska celi iyo rabi ka baq meel ma wada gasho or something like that.
  19. ^^Stop faking it kid. You were antisocial lonely kid in that class. Che's young cousin used to bully you remember?
  20. Jacpher

    STD in Somalia

    ^Stalker offer? Lily, I can’t believe you insinuated polygamy with STDs. How about Xalimo’s marriage to her fifth husband? As much taboo as it is, health awareness and better hospital practices with infection control is what they need the most.
  21. Jacpher

    Tuug ma aragtey

    There you have Thank Bartamah & YouTube.
  22. Truth of the matter is though, as of today 95% inhabitants in Kismaayo are not from Puntland. Kismaayo is bigger in size and more populated compare to before 1991. a lot of us invested that city with our hard earned dollars (including me) I built all those houses so me and my kids will some day live there. What method did you use to come up the ninety five percentages? I know a half dozen nomads who built houses in Arusha a decade ago. Tolow, 95% of Arusha is now owned by maryooleey? I own a small lot in Dacar-budhuq, dad kale iskaba daayee Red Sea ma ii ogolyahay inaan dhisto.
  23. What you’re seeing Khalf is a power struggle of warmongering warlords and the daily Somali politics of shifting alliance, no real issue or valid concern. These warlords with governmental stickers are symbols and icons for qabiil, not a nationhood or principled ideology. Kismaayo is a hot button because of these fools and the fools who fall for their foolishness. Genuine reer Kismaayo could care less of what qabiil one belongs to so long you’re one of them. I don’t think the warlord led government or their supporters really care for Kismaayo and its people. Some of us should be ashamed of themselves for changing colors each time tragedy strikes in the city.