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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. ^Gedonet got it right and PL wrong, as always. Job well done mate.
  2. Nothing new about Boosaaso port. The only time it didn't do so well were when In-Yusuf led a bloody war to peaceful Boosaaso City and his Xerox machine driving businesses out of the market. The fact remains no matter how hard the port produces, Ina-Yusuf and his crooks are ready to pickpocket. Sadly, PL is stuck with a parking meter waiting to swallow every penny available. What developments has PL seen since its formation? The incompetency beyond belief.
  3. ^He must have gone to claim back the $2M he turned down on Turki's head. I wouldn't blame him. He needs to get on the payroll.
  4. I.d.i.o.t. He could give her a ride and left the car there.
  5. I've seen this film few years back and it was hilarious. The general plot is close to that of a real civil war story and clan conflict. I think the actors played it well and attached themselves to the story. I think we need these types of short films that deals with the reality of the on-going clan warfare, not the typical Romio Juliet stories. Have fun.
  6. Islaantu caadi maba aha. Lily, Ifraax is liberated open-minded kind of girl for the twenty first century.
  7. Maxaad ku diidaysaa? Sow ma rabtid in Riyaale inankiisa hantida dalka ku baashaalin sida kan Geedi, as reports alleged.
  8. ^So are the non-Arabs. Disturbing piece. Soomaalida & Afrikaanka kale saan miyey ula dhaqmaan?
  9. JB, Not always. There are exceptions to every rule. Just every system, there are checks and balances that one can't or shouldn't over write. North, there will always be elements of blame going on. SL can use a little mutawa services I would assume.
  10. ^Those are leadership skills especially former members of the last regime in Mogadisho. Show a little gratitude yaa North. You flew their peaceful and had fresh orgi meal.
  11. ^Waryaara dee leave wadaadka out. It's SL. What do you expect. Riyaale and his crooks are doing it too. I don't think the idea of mutawa is a bad one. It depends on how it gets implemented. I don't think the mutawa's primary job function should be that of a law enforcement. One of the problems with Saudis is that they put too much power on the hands of people. No accountability whatsoever. I don't think it's the Islamic Sharia job to come to your living room and observe you do your prayer or detain you.
  12. ^Aryaa xaad been isu sheegtay. Sow adiga Amxaaro talada kuu dajiso? At will aa? Bariga PL ha lagu dharbaaxo. Saakuuna xabsiga haloo taxaaro cidii Amxaarka afka la gasha. SNM failed you but how long? Alle ku mahadi in nabadi jirto, not SNM militia.
  13. ^Start by acknowledging SNM was not one way conflict. And try harder to tackle the issues not personality. Badda Cas, waa habeenkii xalay tagay inaad Horn u xumeysid raggiisa, hadey ahaan laheeed Afweyne, ama sodogiis Hiiraale ama wasiiru difaaca ciidanka Xamar gumaadka ka wada. Fiqi bahdii kama jano tago. Adeer runta ha la gaban dee. The dude should come clean before he preaches you about SNM & Amxaaro. Ma wuxuu kugu ceebeynayaa SNM ayaa Amxaaro wadatay? Ma cid u kala hartay baa jirtay horta? Sow asagii lahaa Itoobiyaan darteed bey magaalo hebel nabad u tahay mar aan fogeyn? Walee odaga is known to ditch the real core issues and loses his mind about minor dents.
  14. Dr.Cabdirizaq Faarax Cali (Taano) oo ah Ku simaha maamulka gobalka jubbada hoose Ku simaha with big K could not mean governor. You didn't get that from the article. Did Gedonet fail you and left out that special title? The literal meaning of that word as you know is no more than place holder, temporarily. Taloow yuu ku simayaa. Is it Turki or some TFG stooge. Good news. Someone is noticing the nomadic militia roaming around the streets belong to rehab or better yet behind fenced post.
  15. ^Don't just replace it, get rid of it. Steve Jobs needs not in your ears, Ramadan does.
  16. ^Have you taken your medicine this morning dear? Aw-Bakeyle has yet to score big so better keep those refills going.
  17. ^Oh yeah. Ina Yusuf & Meles could not have traveled in their luxury suites on that road. That's just too risk for head of states to undertake such role.
  18. ^Look at the positive side - more mini client state governments for Meles. I shall phone up north and have us declare Bakeyle Republic. Screw Somaliweyn. That's so in the 70s.
  19. Jacpher

    UAE in Pics!

    ^Yeah. In about 120 years.
  20. Nef,Just tell the kids to say Aggah & Awowgaa la Gub & they will never be lost Brownie is setting you up. Stay away from those code words. I'm with Dadshid on this. Wax la shidaa badanee dadka muxuu u shidayaa? We need a magic pill to eliminate qabiil usage all together.
  21. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Kor baa lagala socdaa meesha laga soo qujeeyey. The same individuals who used supposed government links to arrest harmless businessmen in Nairobi. Intriguing thing is, you have been beaten in the political department and trying to use Ethiopian muscle in Kismaayo as well as the physical battle...what have you resorted to now? Bribing old folk rounded from their houses to speak what you want? Biixi is in Nairobi now trying to arrange the release of the businesspeople as the Defense Minister and this chapter of the conference is closed as of yesterday. Edeb daro meeshaas gaartay bal eega. To borrow Juje's words, "drunken fool Illah ka furtey" ayaa la aamaanaa odayaal beeloodna caqli xumo, munaaqafnimo iyo calool u shaqeysi lagu sheegaa? War go'aan aheyn ma qabiilaa halkaan ku gaarsiiyey? War is daba qabo. Ina Yusuf naceyb aad u qabtid ha u aflagaadeyn odayaal ku dhali kara. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Biixi hurdadiisa haysaga laabto meesha wax lagu haayo ayaanan jirin! Goormaad hurdada ka soo kicisay?
  22. ^I'd rather have sambac in a heartbeat over hardcore qabilist with a pledge of allegiance. Given what qabiil represents in today's society and has been committed, I think it's unhealthy for kids to be taught. If any, few oo Ilaahey u naxariistay ayaa sida haboon u isticmaalaya. Qabiil runs in the gene marka ayagaaba dan u baran doona ee waqtigooda ha gaaraan.