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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. Warning: This video contains graphic material. Not suitable for all audience.
  2. Lazy you're within your elements as always. Get to know the district a bit more. There's no county or city named Cair on the map of this district.
  3. Uztaad: Cadde Uuseey miyaadan garaneyn? xiinoow: Rumor has it these three men ayaa qaska wada.
  4. Maadeey: As the sole shabaab fan on SOL, you're trying hard to discredit any negative information about this is-qarxis group. Are you the information deputy minister? And in English please.
  5. ^Uuseey is suspect numero uno. That gaagaab dude and another Bari native. Allow arrimaha sahal.
  6. ^Next year-kaada maba la gaaro. Ms. D. Got any pics of Baargaal?
  7. ^I take it you're better because you don't want your hargeysa born cousin gunned down. The further Godane is bombing, the better for me and my search for recognition miyaa sheekada waraa khaldaaanka.
  8. ^Sadly that's the direction we're heading to. We've seen all sorts of conflicts expect armed religious battles. And the Ahlu-Sunna team is waiting for the final round to arrive. Allow dadweynaha ka badbaadi. Norf: The report is run by Allafrica but Garooweonline is the source. allafrica
  9. That has always been the case for us and I think our culture plays a role in that. A word of mouse by someone you know or someone who knows someone you know has more weight than that piece of paper. Most of business partners rely heavily on the trust and the diin of the other person. Most of them have verbal contracts. These verbal contracts are not even written down on paper let alone a legally binding document. Hagbad works that way too. At the end of month, all you got is hebel and heblaayo vs hebel or heblaayo. These guys know kuus inaad heysid and that's why they're approaching you, unless they're looking you as their next business partner. I know of a guy who turned down every offer and to his surprise he was badmouthed and became a demon in the eyes of the same people he turned down. But sometimes you need to take a calculated risk if you wish your money to grow. Go with someone who has more to lose than you. They're less likely to gamble than someone whose sole interest is to make a buck or two at your expense.
  10. A war is brewing inside the takfiri movement and I can't wait to see these gaalo-madow gun down each other to the finish line. Godane is busy bombing doctors and medical students in Moqdisho while Baydhabo enjoys a relative peace and stability under Roobow. Ideologial Differences Split Somalia's Al-Shabaab Somalia's hardliner insurgent group of Al-Shabaab is reportedly divided into splinter groups after ideological differences broke out among its top leadership. Top officials who declined to be named have told Garowe Online that one group led by Sheikh Mukhtar Robeo Ali Abu Mansur, a top Al-Shabaab official in Southern Somalia is reportedly advocating for changes in the group's ideology to allow talks with rival parties in order to end the conflict in the war-torn country. The other group led by Al-Shabaab Amir Sheikh Mukhtar Abdirahman Abu Subeyr who has the backing of about 1,200 foreign Jihadists, is reported to be in favour of escalation of the conflict 'until they erect an Islamic government in Somalia'. The squabbling between the top officials, who are currently stationed in different parts of the restive capital Mogadishu, is coupled with the mix-up over the recent suicide hotel bombing in the capital, which killed more than 24 people including three ministers and innocent civilians. The group has not yet publicly claimed responsibility for the attack; however, inner sources say a denial by the group's Spokesman Sheikh Mohammud Ali Dhere has agitated a section of Jihadists. The group, which has alleged links with global terrorist network Al-Qaeda, has secretive structure of leadership with top organs including decision making and operations led by foreigners.
  11. Ciidanka Puntlland oo ilaa 400 oo qof iskugu jira Soomaali iyo Itoobiyaa ku celinaya meesha ay ka yimaadeen Boosaaso:Ciidanka amaanka ee Puntlland ayaa waxaa ay ilaa dad gaaraya ilaa 400 oo qof kuwaas oo iskugu jra Soomaali iyo Itoobi yaan ciidanka amaanka ayaa baabuur iska rogayaal ah ku aruuriyey barakacyaal kuwaan oo qaar kood lagu qabtay iyagoo doonaya in ay u tahriibaan dalka Yemen. Ciidamo fara badan oo ka tirsan Puntlland ayaa dad badan oo tahriibayaal ah gacanta ku dhigay , dadkaan ayaa waxaa ay inta badan ay u tahriibaan dalka Yemen iyagoo ku dhamaada badda oo kooxo tuuga ah ay ku daadiyaan badda u dhexaysa dalka Yemen iyo Soomaaliya. Dadka maanta dib loogu celiyey Itoobiya iyo meel ka mid ah Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay kala bar iyagoo saaran doon ay ku doonayeen in ay ugu tahriibaan dalka Yemen , dadkaan ayaa waxaa ku jira dad in badan ka sugnaa Puntlland oo ka shaqaysanayey ka dibna markii ay xoogagga lacag ah aruur sadeen tahriib doonayey in ay galaan. Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka oo la hadlay dadkaan ayaa waxaa ay uga digeen in ay naftooda mar kale halaagaan iyagoo u sheegay in Maamulka Puntlland uusan ogolayn cid tahriib ah cida ay ku qabtaan ay sidooda oo kale ay tarxiili doonaan. warka oo faahfaahsan dib ayaa idin kala socod siin doonaa insha Allaah. M_M_Deeq Halgan.net
  12. This Takfiri movement should be wiped out of PL and every corner of the country. I can't wait to see PL army crush them.
  13. The term ONLF is turned into a connotation for anything and everything O. We need to distinguish the two.
  14. More pictures Harmless joke received a threat. Ciyaal cadaan ah did the same thing to me few days ago. All I did was return a bigger favor and a big laugh.
  15. ^Do you know who put this video together? If so, please advice them to edit out the horric pictures of the marxuums. Diinteena prohibits in la dayaco jirka qofka Muslimka ah dead or alive. It is offensive to use these pictures for entertainment. He can do a short documentary of all qarax pictures with warnings attached instead of adding them as a background to a song. Nice song but seeing the scene again iyo meed dhulka yaacan is just not appealing. Dadkeena waxyaalo badan baa isaga dhex qasan.
  16. ^Divorce maxaa keenay. Nin tuur leh asagaa kaa yaqaan suu u seexdo.
  17. ^Ari boowe cuna waa shey macaane miyaadan maqal. Ninka LA aaday muxuu u tagi waayey Ceelbuur. Talo xumaa. Haala: Waxaan is fahanaba waxaa jira odayaasha. Maba ka ag koco odayada.
  18. ^ii waran ina-adeer. Aabe xaguu joogaa?
  19. ^Ha ka dhageysan. Tii sadexaad buu doon doonayaa.
  20. Maadeey: While you're busy with spelling checks, I can make a good case why some believe Cabdilaahi Yusuf is behind the attack, the same way you're arguing AS had nothing to do with this suicide bombing killing ministers, doctors, students and their parents.
  21. May Allah make it a stable year for all.