Yes, another “oh god” reflection, so again, if you are one those sincere beings, please do not read this. Thanks
Oh god, why is this Dunya so Zaiid to me
Oh god, why does my action always come out to be so wrong, does it mean am evil person
Oh god why does my mother always discloses private information about her friends to me
Oh god, im so old and im still in shadow of my mother ..when will my life be relinquish to me
Oh god, im always trying please others, others who I dislike (most of the time)
Oh god, I seek so much knowledge yet I do not know the basic concept of living
Oh god im so cowered about everything I do
Oh god why im so introverted being, why cant I open up and be friendly with people
Oh god, why don’t I trust anyone, why do I see everyone as my opponent
oh god why do i act like such sincere being yet have insincere thoughts
Oh god, i have all these issues and you expect me to live? Why?
oh god, im still having doubts about ur existence yet it doesn’t stop me from preaching to others about you.. Hypo(snake) or hypocrite am i?
Hmm I wonder if im battling with depression ?
Sincerely Zee the devil