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Posts posted by Xudeedi

  1. Historic Facts and Hurdles to Peace in Somalia


    - Idris Ahmed Osman

    The historic facts under-tallied are undeniably there and shall never cease to harass us, until we come to our conscience and unite in peace, but the question which still reels over us is, are we serious about everlasting peace?. Shall we develop an inner conscience in compromising, sacrificing and showing forbearing after all these destruction?.

    Coincidentally while writing this article, the UN is reporting looming catastrophe in Somalia, where a large number of people are fleeing the conflict in Mogadishu. There is extremely severe shortage of food and water. Our beloved children are dying of cholera outbreak; there is no adequate supply of medicine to treat wounded victims in Hospitals.

    Demonizing the presence of the Ethiopian army in Somalia and its withdrawal being placed as a condition for peace talks, national reconciliation and negotiation, why not give it at least a last chance, Ethiopian troops should withdraw, sit face to face and frankly listen to each other. Furthermore, if cease fire could be achieved by the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops, an alternative peace keeping force, neutral third party acceptable to all warring groups, for instance from any of the OIC member countries could be called in to supervise the national reconciliation process. Moreover, given the current most awful situation, it is worth giving the cease fire and peace talks taboo the benefit of the doubt and probing the credibility thereof. It is evident that both the TNG and opposing group have its own arguments to justify its war.


    What is that of Ethiopia? But still this should not be an everlasting excuse to keep shedding more blood of civilians.

    After two decade long of one party iron fist rule, there is a mentality bent on a covert apprehension and abhorrence of falling into the same appalling circumstances for another two decades to come; hence even if politically defeated, not so in the battle ground wrestling is the main principle of the armed groups. The lack of breakthrough emanates from the total absence of confidence whereby each group is doubtful and wary of being cunningly trapped into an inescapable irrevocable thorough overpowering by the other. Therefore Ethiopian troops are being kept in the country as a body guard for the TNG. The pitiful and desperate appeal for cease-fire is being disregarded and ignored. Total impartiality, shrugging off, to the destruction and demise of the land and innocent people respectively, is being practiced. The end to this deadlock comes only by acknowledging that no government, regime or group can totally ignore or suppress the presence of any category of the society dissatisfied with an injustice and denial of rights. Such as the large number of peaceful population marginalized and categorized as unarmed minorities. And either through the mediation of an absolutely neutral third party acceptable to fighting parties in an ultimate country-wide peace talks and reconciliation, or by practice of self restraint and curb of desires by all armed groups, whereby any external interference whosoever would be totally excluded and Somalis should solve their problems by themselves in, nowhere else but, their own country.


    This is modern Ethiopia and Historic Abyssinia:

    One of the countries on the hub of the river Nile, Ethiopia has borders on the east with Djibouti, Somalia and Eritrea, The Sudan on the north east and Kenya on the south. After the emergence of Eritrea as a separate independent state, Ethiopia is left without any access to a harbour. An access to water, as means of communication and transport to the outer world, is as important to humans as it is to Fish. (Somalia enjoys the second largest beach in Africa). The name "Ethiopia" is a Greek word meaning people with burnt skin. The Arabs called them Habasha (Abyssinia) after the Habshat tribe which crossed the red sea from Yemen and settled in Africa in the seventh and tenth centuries before Christ (Allaihi Salaam). The Habasha trace back their chronology to Ham, the son of Prophet Noah (Allaihi Salaam).


    The year 2000 official census estimated the population of Ethiopia to 65 million, 55% of whom are Muslims. There are around 80 languages, the official of which is Amharic. Arabic is one of the major languages spoken by the Oromo and Afar people. As Italian and English are both spoken to some extent. There are growing number of religions and sects in Ethiopia though the government claims secularism. Many Christian missionaries (specially the so called Jehovah's witnesses) are currently actively operating in the region. The demographic percentage of religious beliefs are 55% Islam, 25% Christianity, while the rest are either idol worshippers or godless. Idol worship dominated the region in the past till Christianity leaked into it through international relations with the Byzantine Empire in Egypt. The first Church was built therein by Fromnos, who was sent by Athnaseos the Egyptian Patriarch, who convinced King Azana of Abyssinia to embrace Christianity in the year 350 CE.


    The first point of Islamic contact with Abyssinia was when in the year 615 CE its king Nagesh (may Allah be pleased with him) welcomed the strong delegation of 83 men and 17 women, companions of the prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) to Ethiopia. Some of them returned to Medina but others remained in Abyssinia to spread Islam. Then long afterwards, there were contacts between the Danakils and the Bani Amir tribe which once settled in the north of Abyssinia adjacent to the Egyptian frontiers. Likewise did the Arab Muslim migrants to the coastal areas of east Africa play great role in spreading the message of Islam in Ethiopia.


    The Islamic rise in Ethiopia can be divided into two parts:


    1. The period of the Islamic power and progress.


    2. The direct and indirect interference of the foreign powers in undermining further Islamic growth and thrive in Ethiopia.


    The attempts of putting an end to the Abyssinian pirates in the red sea carried out by AbdulMalik Ibn Marwan's army was an initial step, in overtaking control of the archipelago near the Mussawa port, which constituted a bridge of further Islamic extension and influence in the region. In the 3rd century of the Hijri calendar, numerous centers of Islamic emirates and sheikdoms originated along the red sea in east Africa. These centers were the beacon of Islamic knowledge. Ofed, Hadya, Dawro, Bali, Arebini, Sharha, Dara and Adale. Among the Sheikdoms were Mogadishu, Awan and Kilwa. These centers continued in its full gear function till early 14th century when it was annexed by King Omar Asyun I (The first).


    There is another well known historic event, in the first half of the 16th century CE, which most of us are, or should be, aware of. The Emir of the Adelite kingdom, Imam Ahmed Gurei, known to the Ethiopians as Ahmed Gragn, led a gallantry Islamic mission across southern Ethiopia. Imam Ahmed, a well known hero and devout Muslim, also performed a brave stand in the face of the Ethiopian invasion of the Islamic city of Harar in the year 1527 CE. On defeating the Ethiopian army, he further marched towards Amhara and Shoa in the year 1531 CE. He was able to introduce Islam to the Gala tribes in southern Ethiopia.

    In summary there were three main positive factors for the expansion of Islam in Ethiopia:


    The missionary struggle of Imam Ahmed ibn Ibrahem (Gurey) in the south.


    The Egyptian Muslim contact with northern Ethiopia.


    The Mehdi revolution in Sudan based in Qalabat city in eastern Sudan which introduced Islam to Ethiopia.



    Likewise has there been three major negative impacts to the shortcoming of the Islamic influence in Ethiopia:


    ** The decline of the Ottoman Empire which sponsored the Islamic caliphate/


    ** The domination of its rivals on the territories under the former Ottoman protectorate.


    ** The links which the Christian Ethiopian governments established with the European countries, in order to weaken the influence and spread of Islam in the region.


    Despite all these difficulties, the most practical prejudice and pressure commenced when in 1889 Menilik II came to power in Ethiopia after the demise of King John. In succession, the Ethiopian governments despite their differences in ideology were united in their endeavour to persecute the Muslims and possibly drive them out of the country. Such rulers included Menilik II, Welig Basu, Zod Yetu (Daughter of Menilik), Rastafari Mekonen Heile Salasie, Mengistu Heile Mariam. Menilik II's attraction of strong support from the European countries enabled him to defeat the Italians in the battle of Adwe in 1895. Menilik II had a desire to extend his influence in the north and south of Somalia, had it not been, by the grace of Allah, that Imam Ahmed Gurey taught him a lesson till Menilik II was doomed with vanquish and ignominy. The European support for Menilik II was not without an exchange. He should wage war against the Islamic emirates and establishments in Ethiopia, set fire on their houses and divided the booty of their possessions to the Church, the government and the army.


    It is worth mentioning though, that King Beig Yesu who was grandson of Menilik ruled Ethiopia in 1913-1916 CE. He was an upright ruler who made justice to the Muslims. He even later reverted to Islam and took the national banner of Ethiopia encrypted with "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wasallam) is the messenger of Allah". LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADU RASULULLAH. Many Christian Ethiopians became Muslims in his time. Suddenly a red light alarm of danger was raised in Europe that called for his deposition and Zod Yetu daughter of Menilik stepped on the throne of her late father; after Zod Yetu's demise, Rastafari Mekonen Heile Salasie (1930-1974) who prided himself as Jewish descendent and the lion of Judah lead the campaign against Islam in Ethiopia and called himself Haile Salasie I. During his reign, Muslims in Ethiopia have never had witnessed such a miserable chastisement and plight ever before in their lives. His method of fighting the Islamic presence in Ethiopia included:


    ** Confiscating Muslim properties


    ** Depriving Muslims any access to education


    ** Destruction of Mosques, erecting Churches on its place, putting Muslims into exile.


    ** Conversion of Muslim children to Christianity


    ** Genocide against Muslims by falsely accusing them of revolt against the government


    ** Blocking possible help and support routes from Muslims in Eritrea, Sudan and Somali for the Ethiopian Muslims


    ** Barring any contact of Ethiopian Muslims with their brothers in the Muslim world


    ** Giving the Christian missionaries from overseas organization easy access and facilitating their operations in the predominantly Muslim populated regions of Ethiopia.


    ** Prevention of Muslim intellectuals from handling high posts within the government.


    Imprisonment and torture of Muslim scholars who spoke against the entry of the Christian missionaries in their all Muslim populated regions.


    In Harar prison alone, eight thousand (8000) Muslim prisoners were found who had been shackled neck to feet in a bow shape for twenty years. Some of them died as others did never recover from their backbone being bent like a bow forever. In a visit to the US, H. Salasie said in his speech at the Congress: Ethiopia is the only African Christian country which maintains the longest continuous historical relation with the Roman Empire. On the Muslims in Harar, he said, they are minorities who entered Ethiopia through Arab merchants and we have put a plan in place for them since 1832 CE. It will not take long as we shall never allow two religions in Ethiopia.

    General Mengistu Heile Mariam (1974-1990) continued with the same hostile policy towards Muslims in Ethiopia. During his rule, the Muslims have been placed under tight pressure; Mosques were either closed or got its activities controlled. He tried to play false favouritism among some Muslims, in a divide and rule policy, with object to turn Muslims against each other and the bloodiest wars in the 20th century horn of Africa erupted during his period of his presidency.


    Neither the East nor the West:


    How the historic spirit of unity and patriotism once functioned in our favour is quite impressive. In the 1977 war with Ethiopia at the peak of the cold war era, Soviet Union and US switched strategic sides. Mengistu Haile Mariam now back from exile and sentenced to life, then opted for the Marxist ideology and got the USSR on his side, naturally the US moved to the opposite end to Somalia. Even at this stage of loyalty we were lost in between as both world powers at the time have had no confidence in our real determination. Once most feared, well trained, and most powerful in the region during the 1970-1980s, Somali army moved forward in full fierce towards Addis Ababa.


    Former US president Jimmy Carter commenting on the historic event says: "We saw to it that Somalia should not be allowed to succeed in trying to take Ethiopian territories". It was more a matter of counter-balancing the communist power presence in the region than faithfully standing side by side with an ally. Furthermore Carter says: “The US did not have any interest in the horn of Africa except in counteracting against the Soviet challenge as this would pose a threat to the stability of Africa". The US national security advisor at the time, Bigniev Brezizinky, confirms the above mentioned by assimilating the US arms supply to the Somali government with a mere strategic performance to limit the communist expansion in the region. On the other side, Petr Charligy, the Soviet military mission in Ethiopia says: "The Ethiopians could not have defeated the Somali military in such a short period of time even with our help, but the Cuban army hugely sacrificed in this conflict". The Cuban president, Castro, says: “That was the only operation we conducted with the Soviet Union, no such operation took place even in Latin America". Petr Charligy, the Soviet military mission in Ethiopia concludes: “We thought about occupying Somalia but this would deteriorate our relations with the US, Britain and others".


    With careful analysis of the previous horn of Africa conflict, it is evident that the main powers at the time were fighting proxy war with no consideration to the interests of the involved parties, especially Somalia. The Soviets who have had been accommodated and once gotten unique privilege to the country's main resources for over a decade turned into a bitter adversary within days of Mengistu's adoption of the communist system. The US, besides carefully administered the doses of weapon supply to Somalia such that only equal balance of US power presence visa-a-vis USSR could be achieved. Now that the Soviet Union is no more existent, the vacuum should be filled in by another created imaginary super power model in order to perpetuate the challenge. Psychologists explain this phenomenon, on defeating the major threat, as a case of imaginary phobia from a potential powerful rival in future. I wonder, does relatively very tiny and war ravaged Somalia (a little larger than the size of Texas) constitute a fraction of the global ghostly super power rival ?. If so, why are the innocent civilians, mainly women and children, paying the price?




    Idris Ahmed Osman

    E-Mail: idahos@hotmail.com








    Jimmy Carter and the horn of Africa: Cold war policy in Ethiopia and Somalia-Donna R. Jackson.


    The Soviet Union in the horn of Africa: The diplomacy of intervention and disengagement (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies) Robert G. Patman.


    The Call to Islam-Ismael Yagi and Thomas Arnold-Translation by Hasan Ibrahem in AlNahdha Al Masriya-Cairo-issue 1997 page 137-138. (Arabic version).


    Studies on African History- Abdulkarem Gharabeyah (Arabic version).


    Who rescues Ethiopia-AlManar Islamic Magazine-Atef Idris- issue: December1990, page 55 (Arabic version).


    Arabs on the threshold of 21st century-Heikal-Al Mustaqbal Al-Arabi Magazine-Beirut-issue: 1994, Vol 19, page 11. (Arabic version).


    Www.youtube.com7-The 1977 war between Somali and Ethiopia





    Source: Dhahar

  2. Thanks. from the documentary, there is a lot of tenacious resistance towards change and its effect on the natural progress of the people. The grand mother cries with pain to see her grand daughter leave the community. Not that it is repulsive to fail to preserve one's culture but the grandmother takes pride in her culture and fears bad omen for her grand daughter.

  3. These sources of news need to have values in their reality judgments. They seem to have opted for pejorative terms of self-interest or partisan concerns.

    If reality judgments are never divorced from values as Genn argues, international media who are interested in the true nature of the conficlit and where the political position of the locals lies, seek impartial sources like WardheerNews, Dhahar and Laasqoray.net.

  4. Intensified fighting in Somali capital impedes access to those in need – UN



    20 April 2007 – United Nations agencies today said their efforts to deliver aid are being thwarted by the deteriorating security situation in Somalia, where hundreds of thousands of people affected by violence in and around the capital city of Mogadishu face a dire humanitarian situation.


    The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says that access to areas around Mogadishu and key airstrips in southern and central Somalia is essential to deliver much-needed supplies such as food and water to avert a crisis.


    The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that 213,000 people have fled fighting in the capital in recent months, while the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports that hospitals are overflowing with casualties and health clinics are facing a rising number of cases of acute water diarrhoea.


    “We have heard the appeal of Somali civil society to the humanitarian community for more help and we continue to respond, as far as we are able, with supplies and technical support,” said Christian Balslev-Olesen, Somalia Representative for UNICEF.


    “But our access is limited,” he added. “And so we reiterate our call to all parties involved in the conflict to do everything within their power to allow us to reach those who need our assistance the most.”


    In December, 2006, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), backed by Ethiopian forces, dislodged the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) from Mogadishu and much of the rest of the country. OCHA reported that new bureaucratic rules imposed by the TFG as well as lack of access to stocks in Mogadishu are impeding aid delivery.


    “UNICEF warehouses in the capital containing relief supplies cannot be reached due to conflict in the area and the use of Mogadishu airport to bring in further supplies carries its own security risks,” Mr. Balslev-Olesen said.


    The UN refugee agency today said that it is rushing aid to thousands who have fled Mogadishu amid the recent outbreak of fighting.


    UNHCR began distributing supplies yesterday to 40,000 displaced people who have fled Mogadishu since February and are currently residing in the small town of Afgooye, 30 kilometres west of the capital, the agency’s spokesperson Ron Redmond told reporters in Geneva.


    There was also an explosion yesterday on the main road linking Afgooye – which shelters one fifth of the 213,000 Somalis who are believed to have fled the capital – and Mogadishu, isolating the small town.


    “There are concerns that with this vital road now cut off, aid agencies will have an even harder time trying to bring supplies from warehouses in Mogadishu for distribution to thousands of displaced people in Afgooye and surrounding areas,” Mr. Redmond said.


    On its first day of distribution in Afgooye, UNHCR and its Somali non-governmental organization (NGO) partners reached 1,500 families or roughly 9,000 people, all of whom were living outdoors, either under trees or out in the open. By this morning, many had erected makeshift shelters with the plastic sheeting they received yesterday.


    The agency hopes to reach an additional 500 families or 3,000 people living outdoors.


    The coming rainy season makes providing shelter for families currently living under trees – who are exposed to the scorching sun, heavy rains and chilly nights – all the more critical. UNHCR is also delivering sleeping mats and mosquito nets to the displaced.


    This weekend, distribution will continue from stocks that have been flown in from emergency stockpiles in Dubai, including blankets, more plastic sheeting, jerry cans and kitchen sets for almost 20,000 people.


    “UNHCR plans to airlift more relief supplies from Dubai next week, and to distribute them in Afgooye,” Mr. Redmond said, adding that these additional supplies will cover 15,000 people.


    On Wednesday, UNHCR sent two truckloads of much-needed relief and medical supplies for Dobley, a small town on the 18 kilometres from Somalia’s border with Kenya. The town is struggling to cope with the recent arrival of 4,000 displaced people as well as with an outbreak of diarrhoea which has killed six children.


    By yesterday afternoon, supplies had been distributed at an isolation camp the community had set up on the town’s outskirts to curb the spread of the disease, and NGOs report that 50 people have been hospitalized in the makeshift hospital.


    “Because of security concerns, the UN is unable to work in these parts of Somalia and is providing assistance through Somali NGOs,” Mr. Redmond noted.


    The UN World Food Programme (WFP) and other NGOs have delivered over 40,000 metric tones of food to the displaced, among other vulnerable people, since the beginning of the year, and aims to distribute an additional 13,500 tonnes in the next three months.


    To meet the needs of Somalis, UN agencies and its partners have appealed for $262 million. So far, 34 per cent of that has been contributed with donors giving $88 million.


    Meanwhile, in a new report, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that Somalia must seize the opportunity to consolidate peace after 16 years of instability.


    “While the challenges are considerable, there are political, humanitarian and regional security imperatives that can assist the Somali people in recovering from years of statelessness and to avoid a slide back into chaos and more violence,” Mr. Ban says in the report.


    Although it is imperative that fighting cease immediately, a military solution to the current violence raging in Mogadishu would be “counterproductive” since it would foster resentment among various clans and communities while impeding the reconciliation process that is currently underway, the report notes.


    Mr. Ban urges the international community to provide political, technical and financial support to the nascent national reconciliation congress, which could potentially “play an important role in the broader process of addressing the past and building the future.”


    He says the UN must cooperate closely with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organization that has been involved in efforts to stabilize Somalia, along with the African Union (AU) and the League of Arab States.


    The report also suggests that the Security Council approve of planning for a potential peacekeeping operation for the war-ravaged country, examining the funds necessary and seeking firm pledges from countries to send troops and police.


    Mr. Ban underscores that the primary responsibility for securing a lasting peace lies with Somalis who must overcome their differences and allow for an all-inclusive peace process. To this end, he says that recovery and reconstruction efforts are key to fostering reconciliation and rebuilding to make a significant impact on the lives of the people.


    He appeals to donors to support emergency relief operations, and stresses the importance of maintaining a safe space in which humanitarian workers can provide the necessary assistance.


    Mr. Ban cites the “massive and systemic” human rights violations which have occurred in the east African country which have been reported by several independent UN experts since 1991, and encourages their recommendations to be folded into national efforts in this area.


    Source: UN news center

  5. I predicate my reasons on a short-term recovery of the political and social crisis. The U.N policy guidelines advise against the disruptions of the access to aid in the midst of war. Neither Puntland nor Somaliland has what it takes to divert attention and resources to this region but it is the stooges I have censured in my remarks. There are a number of local NGOs whose scale of operation is limited because almost all of them rely on external funding from foreign NGO partners who are subsidized by government funds as important actors in international politics. The lack of a clear policy in the region by organizations of the U.N complicates the issues and hinders the capacity of governance mechanisms to tackle the problems inherent in the deficiency of security, indirect liaison to aid, and social services. However, the U.N is not against the establishment of governance institutions, but anytime grassroots activities aspire to this objective basis, it is firstly the stooges who impose constraints. Therefore, I detest with the utmost degree the desperate attempt to incorporate Sanaag and Sool into either entity, which allows them to rob people of their initiatives.


    It is time we overcome the faults of the stooges and emasculate them into loyalists of their own interest and people.


    An interesting development confirms my stated conviction of the two entities and their respective threat to the region. Puntland has appointed an exclusive council for the defense of Puntland--because representatives and military colonels of the people Sanaag are seen by Puntland as a threat to its existence.




    Beelaha G/Sanaag oo ka biyo diidey Guddida loo magcaabay Difaaca Puntland, kadib markii xubnaha Saraakiisha laga qadiyey.


    Garowe:- Beesha Gobolka Sanaag ayaa si toos ah uga hortimi gudida loo magacaabey iney difaacdo deegaanada Puntland kadib markii aan Saraakiisha Ciidanka iyo guud ahaanba gudida laga qadiyey xili Gobolka Sanaag ay ka jiraan olele dagaal kadib markii ay Somaliland ciidamo keentey.


    Beesha Sanaag ayaa aad uga carootey in deegaankoodii oo laga difaacayo in aan masuuliyiinta lagu darin iyadoo rag saraakiil ku magcaaban oo deegaano aad uga fogna lagu darey gudida, waxayna Reer Sanaag u arkeen meel ka dhac iyadoo ay hada ciidamada Beeshu ay heegankii ugu weynaa ay ku jiraan.


    Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Beesha ayaa waxay ku tilmaameen go'aankan ay qaadatey Puntland mid meel ka dhac ah iyadoo taasi ku tusineyso in Hogaanka maamulka Puntland uu marin habaabsan yahay.


    Khilaafkan ayaa lagu hawlan yahay in si deg deg ah loo xaliyo si aysan xalkana beeshu waxay u aragtaa in gudida dib u habeyn lagu sameeyo.



    Source: Laasqoray

  6. LX, you are certainly cognizant of where I stand on this issue of sub-lands and my unwavering loyalty for the pursuit of our own state as an alternative to ameliorate the crisis of abstract claims on Sanaag and Sool ever since I became a member in this forum.


    The point I was making is that recently people in Sanaag have been controled by stooges who do not manifest actions that constitute socially responsible behavior. They, for instance, disrupt the flow of our allocated aid for political reasons. Local sources tell me that the man named Cashuur have disrupted and prevented international aid from the secessionist entity mainly he was instructed to behave this way to enrich himself and remain at the helm of security affairs and label anyone from Hargeisa "somaliland" which in technicality means "terrorists". His authority supersedes all even to the detriment of the community. I have only shown analytical proof of the two entities, as to which entity poses more danger to the region in terms of meddling and intervention.

  7. In fact, prior to the battle at the evening, SL were packing up and preparing to leave in hours. Intercepted news from the nomads on outskirts of Dhahar preinformed an incoming but extremely small convoys headed into their way(SL militia) and it resulted in being cornered and driven up to the road. Casualties are inestimable. Saxib, few pickups attacked 95 military vehicles. After that brief overrun, they peacefully vacated the area and headed to Erigavo. Main Reason for their withdrawal is due to the efforts of the elders and the local colonel who commanded them.

  8. You can perceive the content of the news the way you want, but the conflict extending into this peaceful city is highly probable. The locals with the support of a cluster clans representing both entities are on the fringes and outer layers of Ceerigaabo and are equiped with superior armory. It was prudential step for the chiefs to come in and launch preemtive measure by calling for an emergency meeting.

    It was also the elders in Dhahar who made it possible the peaceful withdrawal of SL militia on the outskirts of the town of Dhahar.

  9. I bet the author just wrote this to make it seem as though Somaliland troops are on the run..

    The chiefs called the conference as a preemtive measure in Ceerigabo and it was mainly intended to observe and sustain the peace.

  10. by I.M. Lewis

    Monday, April 16, 2007



    Reports that the forces of ‘transitional president’ Abdillahi Yusuf and his Ethiopian allies have committed war crimes against civilians in the course of trying to subdue the citizens of Mogadishu is no surprise. Much more surprising, and morally satisfying, is the news that the European ministers and officials, who have so vociferously and uncritically supported Abdillahi in his bid to represent himself as Somali President, may also be implicated in these charges. Whatever the judicial position, the European Union is certainly morally guilty of doing its upmost to prop up the essentially otiose transitional federal government, whose only significant political action since its formation has been to get the Ethiopians to try to force their authority on Somalia. What is particularly astonishing, and in my view inexcusable, is the imperialistic behaviour of the European politicians and bureacrats in completely ignoring Somali public opinion and its overwhelming rejection of Col. Abdillahi and his followers.




    There are many causal strands in the present conflagration of violence in Mogadishu, but the most obvious and the most regrettable is the external recognition that Abdillahi has been given by people who clearly have closed their minds to his lack of support within Somalia. One could say that it is only ignorance, but I am afraid that it is worse than that, it is wilful ignorance on the part of those whose democratic values seem not to be applied to the Horn of Africa. There is certainly no lack of ignorance within Somalia on how Abdillahi was appointed transitional president with massive Ethiopian support and how, with Ethiopian prompting, he chose as prime minister their candidate, a connection of Prime Minister Meles himself. These links to Addis Ababa underlie the Ethiopian invasion. Another obvious link is,of course, the loosely organised Islamic Courts whose


    unwisely bellicose threats to Ethiopia, were provoked by Abdillahi’s reliance on the Ethiopians. Thus, in Somali ears the uninformed chorus of EU approval appeared to embrace the supporting role of the Ethiopians and to attack the Islamists. It only remained for the Americans (for whom the Ethiopians acted locally) to enter the fray, inevitably against the Islamic Courts a tiny minority of whose leaders were actually extremists.




    The Americans, of course, are equally ignorant of the really amazing achievements of the Islamists’ brief months in power in southern Somalia.The Courts, with their mostly humble and poorly educated local leaders, did more to restore order and social progress there than the US has done in Iraq in four years. Nevertheless, the suspected connexions of a minority of the Courts’ leaders played into the hands of Abdillahi who, not for the first time, portrayed his enemies as Muslim terrorists. He still does this, of course, and fails to distinguish those who actually fit the description and those who are simply local citizens who consider that he has no legitimacy. As a former separatist guerilla leader, like his Ethiopian friend Meles, he might be expected to easily recognise birds of the same feather. However, he protests suspiciously loudly and in his claims, to be fighting Islamist terrorists includes in the same rubric non-Islamist tribal militias representing the ordinary citizens of Mogadishu. After the terrible atrocities which have been comitted in his name these local people will never forgive him. Abdillahi thus has no chance of ever ruling Mogadishu—except under the kind of dictatorial oppression that his ignominious predecessor General Mohamed Siyad Barre practised with American and Italian support.




    Is this what the European Union wants? God knows what the Americans might want: the obscene results of their imperialist adventures in other parts of the Islamic world give little cause for optimism




    I.M. Lewis


    London School of Economics

    E-mail: ioanlewis2@btinternet.com

  11. Xadeed plains in Sanaag. For this is where no tree is in sight for miles and miles and a direct combat – manly one at that – can be fought with a clear distinction between the winner and the looser; where the oppressive sun’s heat just breathes hot fumes down your throat, scalding its walls; where not even a shrub is a available to hide behind in; where a fleeing coward can be spotted easily and guillotined at a later stage; where a reward for valour will be greatly pleasant and that for cowardice greatly unbearable.



    Hadeed Plains, Sool Plateau (much of Sool is settled by reer Sanag. Nugal is the right name for Sool region), Gebi valley, Calmadow, and Guban(coastal).


    These areas are all in Sanaag. What a stunning country.

  12. "A PL with Sanaag and Sool will be better able to project itself on the national scene particularly as compared to populous areas like Banadir or Bay "



    A clearly biased statement. Sanaag alone is as populous as Bay.

  13. Paragon and LX, you two are really speaking like a person with no scant knowledge of the reality in Sanaag. Both entities are too powerless to even drift one mile into the heart of Sanaag or border. Sanaagians believe in firmly Somalinimo. I remember a blog that I read past two years . The blogger was a girl from the states. She took a trip to Bosaso(partially reer Sanag home) and Badhan. In her memoir, the people do not believe in Seperatism or governments that only exist by default. They believe in Somalinimo and wave the Somali flag in every one of their houses and business stalls and If you raise the point of Land Land to them they will indeed laugh at you.



    What is the political and economic influence of the two entities in the region.


    Let me target the Sanaag issue.


    Since the U.N has unfairly lumped the region with Somaliland mainly for the port of Berbera as an entry point, Sanaag inhabitants should establish accessible rights with the Somaliland adminstration to earn its allocated share of aid. It is not within the purview of Bosaso port in terms of the different categories of aid like medical supplies, developmental projects, food etc, hence Sanaag being responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies.


    Somaliland as well has welcomed with open hands the former government military and police personnel of Sanaagians who returned to their homesteads and gave them modern military vehicles and cash funds that would allow them conscript local troops and pay their salary. These are things that are very hard to ignore given the political maturity of Somaliland over Puntland. One is being fair with its sources of revenue(Ports, airports and international aid) that it inherited luckily from the collapse of the past regime while one has been very reluctant to form or support local troops, yet Puntland operated in the region at minimum capacity. It never had any interest in the region until the Majihan incident, which was a total debacle. Despite the minimal services and total isolation it created, it(PL) has been engaging in dangerous politics by bribing lackely officials to forestall and prevent any person or people that have to do with Somaliland even if the targeted group is delivering something that is very valuable to the community. How can the community get the support that is immensely needed to improve the capability and capacity of civic structures and institutions for self-governance? Furthermore, how can Sanaag receive their aid without which no meaningful collaboration with interested international partners could take place towards the rehabilitation and reconstruction of essential socio-economic services but the only access to the international partners is through Berbera port? Zero!! Realistically, this is what the Sanaag community recognized long time ago, yet a different purported scene in PL is that you are either with your kinsmen and be isolated, divided, and your rights claimed or else, we will army with all our might lackey PL officials from the region. That is the sensitivity of the nature of risk PL poses to the region.


    If the effort to create a new state requires an infrastructure, then I should let Puntland do what it can do to help the region. But if it doesn't want to help and can not allow groups loyal the seperatist state come in and deliver much needed services, that is a malevolent agenda. Every act is done by individuals from the region with diffrent uniforms. The sources of revenue I mentioned is the tool with which to manipulate their politics as Laba Xininyod reflected on his opinion.


    Brothers, both entities take all the credit for themselves, but it has been SL that has been propitious to the community and I don't see any problem in establishing rapport with that entity as long as they are delivering to us what the International world has allocated to the region. If not, there has to be some way to obtain the support needed from the United Nations and not for prifit organizations independently, in addition to stability. Sanaag can still maintain its pro-union agenda. It does not matter. The world knows only one Somalia.

  14. xiinfanin, I hope to read your commentary and insight, different point of view.


    S-Warrior, this although not accurate in terms of Puntland boundary, but it does accurately reflect the size of Sanaag, which has been shrinked by 'Somaliland' to score a point. I will look for another map , similar to this one that respects the boundaries of Puntland.

  15. Suldaan, Dhahar does not need 'Somaliland',will you please spare us your malicious party line?


    JNA is about to recognize Dhahar and will , God willing, receive its international aid directly and independently. JNA representatives has made it clear that it will consider the grievances of the people and open its office there.

  16. Originally posted by Hunguri:

    Originally posted by Dabshid:




    Maakhir,Dabshid, and M, I wont have an objection if you guys come up an action that can stop these boys with the uniform from the influence of both S-land and Puntland. But, no empty words!

    They can simply change their supplied uniforms into locally made ones. Let us ask ourselves what benefit might result from being part of Puntland. It is not an internationally recognized entity instead it is regarded as grassroots level of self-management. Don't look at the brand names, it is all political to psychologically disarm you and make you more dependent. It does not matter what office or position you hold.


    Our concern is that you should take care of your business and make your environment more peaceful and prosperous. As Paragon said, to wait someone else deliver you notes or tell you what to do is demeaning and has long-term effect on top of the deterioration of security and underdevelopment.



    Lol@ lethal injection.