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Everything posted by Xudeedi

  1. Thanksful: Adeer we are talking about Bari Region, stop frustrating yourself with Sanaag and integrating individuals into forum discussion. Your a clannist, that receive migranes from the truth. First your argument was that Makhiri don't inhabit Bari region. You along with other SSDF radicals argued against the truth untill international media outlets have confirmed the clan affiliation with Bari region. Hated or love it, Makhiri's inhabit over 68 villages in Bari region. Pity how you remind me of Cadde Muuse's incompetence.
  2. ^Adeer, "ninkii tirabadnida sheektayoo, tirakoobka yaa qaaday." i'm sure your mistaking Western Bari with Eastern Bari. Western Bari has landscape suitable for pastoralist, thus it's population is much larger than Eastern Bari. As for Dhahar, if it didn't have such a population, you clan administration wouldn't name it the capital of the region. Dambarsame, your even more desperate than your pirate leader.
  3. Tan iyo intii ay biloowdeen Dagaalada u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Ciidamada Attam waxa jiray khasaaro badan oo soo gaaray Degaano ku dhow meelaha Dagaalada ka dhaceen, Khasaarahaas ayaa qayb ka mid ah loo geystay si kam ah ama ku talo gal ah. Ciidamada Puntland ee Dagaalka kula Jira Ciidamada Attam meelaha ay ka dhigteen Ciidamada Puntland Xarumaha waxa ka mid ah Magaalada Karin halkasoo u noqotay Saldhig ay ka duulaan oo saadka dhigtaan hadaba meeshii la rabay ciidamadu inay si nabad iyo tixgelin leh kula nooladaan dadka degaanka ayaa taas bedelkeeda ciidamadu waxay sameyeen xumaan iyo khaladaad badan oo ku talo gal ugu kaceen. Baaq isugu jira Cabasho iyo Digniin ayaa waxa soo saaray Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Magaalada Karin gaar ahaan Odayaasha iyo Waxgaradka, waxay baaqooda oo ku socday Dowlada Puntland ku sheegeen in Ciidamada Puntland ay khasaaroyin badan u geysteen Magaalada Karin. Odayaasha Magaalada waxay shegeen in Ciidamada Puntland ay Dhac u geysteen Beerihii sidoo kale burburiyeen Geedihii Xijiga iyo Hogahii Nuurada laga qadan jiray. Mid ka mid ah Odaayasha Baaqan soo saaray oo la hadlayay warbaahinta Mareeronews.com ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadan u dhaqmayaan sidii dad waal waalan ama ajnabi ah oo si arxan daro ah cagta u marinayan wax walba oo arkaan dad iyo duunyo. Odaygan ka midka ah waxgaradka Magaalada Karin waxa uu tilmaamay in dadka Magaalada nolol maal meedkooda ku xirnaa Khayraadka Beeraha ka soo baxa tasoo hada Ciidanku dhac ka geysteen dhamaana ay baabuur ku rarteen khayardkii iyo dalagii sanadka la sugayay ee mudada bilooyinka ah ku tabcayeen dadkii masakiinta ahaa ee iska lahaa. Timirta, Qaraha iyo noocyo kale oo khudaar ah ayaay ciidamada Puntland ku rerteen Baaburtooda sidaa waxa yiri odayaga u waramayay mareeronews.com Waxgaradka iyo Odayaasha Karin waxay ka codsadeen in Dowlada Puntland si deg deg ah talaabo uga qaado arrinkan hadii kale dadka shacabku u dulqaadan doonin oo u arkayaan duulaan lagu soo qaaday dhulkoodii oo boob iyo dhac loo soo raadsaday. Masuuliyiinta Puntland oo aan xiriir la sameeynay ayaa gebi ahaanba diiday inay ka hadlaan arrinkan tasoo noqon karta in Masuuliyiinta sar sare raali uga yihiin ciidamadooda inay dhacaan shacbaka . Khabiir aqoon wanaagsan u leh arrimaha Ciidamada iyo isdhexgalka shacabka oo Mareeronews.com xiriir la sameeysay ayaa arrinkan ku tilmaamay inuu Puntland ku noqon karo dharbaaxo kale hadii shacabkaasi la dhacay ee la boobay ay kacaan oo damcaan inay iska qadaan dulmiga ciidamadaasi. Khabiirkan waxa uu wax fool xun ku tilmaamay in ciidamo ku jira dagaal ama hawl gal meeshii la rabay inay soo dhoweyn iyo xiriir wanaag la yeeshaan dadka degaanka ay shacabkii ciidamau ku sameeyaan dhac iyo bur bur tasoo khabiirku ku tilmaamay inay kow ka tahay jabka soo gaara ciidamada ee iyagu isu keenaan. Sikastaba, Hadii si deg deg ah Masuuliyiinta Puntland wax uga qaban arrinkan oo magaalada Karin ciidamadu ka dhaafin dhaqan xumada ku hayaan shacabka iyo degaanka waxa macquul ah in ay halkaasi ka dhalato gacan saar iyo wada hadal
  4. Dagaallo culus oo u dhexeeyay Ciidamada Deegaanka Galgala iyo Maleehshiyaadka Cabdi Raxmaan Faroole ayaa xalay markale ka dhacay agagaarka degmada Galgala ee Gobalka Bari oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay dagaallo ka socdeen. Xoogaga Mujaahidiinta Galgala ayaa xalay saqdii dhexe weeraro culus ku qaaday Fariisimo ay Maleeshiyaadka PIS-ta Faroole ku lahaayeen agagaarka galgala waxaana halkaasi ka dhashay Khasaara xoogan oo soo gaaray Maleeshiyaadkii dadka deegaanka kusoo duushay. Saraakiil katirsan Ciidamada Mujaahidiinta Galgala ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii xalay ay ku gubeen 3 Gaari oo Nuuca dagaalka ah islamarkaana ay ku furteen 5 qori oo laba kamid ah ay ahaayeen Nuuca PKM-ka loo yaqaan. Mas'uuliyiintan u hadashay Sheekh ATAM waxay carrabka ku dhejiyeen in saacado kooban ay la wareegeen Fariisinka ay Maleeshiyaadka Faroole horay ugu sugnaayeen Markii dambana ay dib ugu gurteen iyagoo Bad qabana ay ku laabteen meelihii ay kasoo duulaan tageen. Kamiino lagu laayay Maleeshiyada Faroole oo dhacay: . Shabakadda SomaliMeMo ayaa loo xaqiijiyey in 48-kii saac ee lasoo dhaafay ay Xoogaga Sheekh AtAM hogaamiyo ay Dhabagallo dhowr ah u dhigeen Maleeshiyaadka Cabdi Raxmaan Faroole. Kamiinada ama Dhabagaladu waxay ka dheceen inta u dhexaysa Boosaaso iyo Galgala taasi oo la yaab ku noqotay Maleeshiyaadka Cabdi Raxmaan Faroole ee duulaanka ku ah dadka deegaanka. Saraakiisha Mujaahidiinta ayaa noo xaqiijiyay in shalay oo kaliya ay dheceen 3 Kamiin ama Dhabagal laba kamid ahna gaadiid dagaal lagu gubay Khasaara dhimasha ahna ay soo garatay Maleeshiyada Faroole. Xoogaga Mujaahidiinta ayaa qarka u saaran in ay kala jaraan Boosaaso iyo Galgala taasi oo keeni karta in ay kala go'doomaan Maleeshiyaadka layskusoo aruuriyay ee dhibaatada ka wada degmada galgala. Dhulka Buuralayda ah ku dagaalankiisa ayaa u baahan aqoon dheeri ah iyo Sabar taasina ma hayaan Maleeshiyaadka Garowe iyo Boosaaso lagasoo aruuriyay, ciidamada Sheekh Atam ayaa Tababaro u leh ku dagaalanka Buuraha iyo dagaalka Dhuumalaysiga ah. Xoogaga Deegaanka ayaa Fashiliyay Hamigii Itoobiya iyo Faroole qabeen oo ahaa in ay Tirtiraan Shacabka deegaanka ee go'aansaday ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka waxana muuqanaysa in xoogaga Galgala ay soo ceshanayaan sharaftoodii
  5. Kagadaal markii dagaalo lagu hoobtay ay dib uga qarxeen habeen hore degmada Galgala ee gobolka Bari, oo uu hogaaminaya Sayid Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atom iyo ciidamada ladagaalanka Shahadada ee Puntland kuwaaso oo dagaalo aad u xoogani ay ku dhexmareen deegaamada Madarshoon “Galbeedka Galgala”, Balikhadar iyo Sugure oo iyana ah dhanka Bari ee degmada Galgala, ayaa lagusoo waramayaa in lawaayey meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigeen ku dhowaad 180 askari oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland. Khidada Dagaal ee Sayid Sh.Maxamed Siciid Atom iy ciidamada uu hogaaminay ay ubedeleen dagaalkii ay kula jireen Maamulka iyo shahaado ladirirka PISta ayaa sababtay in labo cisho gudohood kudhowaad 8 dagaal oo rogaal celis ahi ay dhexmaraan labada dhinac dagaaladan oo dhamaantood ay ku soo qaadeen saldhigyadii ay PL ka dhisteen aagii dagaalka ee todobaakii hore. Naftood hurayaasha uuhogaamiyo Sayid Sh.Atam Saanad dagaal oo Federalku siiyey Puntland iyo Shahaado la dirirka ayaa la xaqiijiyey in uu gacanta u galay ciidamada Sayid Shiikh Atam,sidoo kale waxaa dhimashadii ciidankaasi la geeyey magaalooyinka loo kala yaqaano Karin,Kala dhacda,Jiingada iyo Balikhadar taasi oo muujinaysaa baaxad jabka soo gaadhay ciidamada ladagaalanka Shahaada Islaamka. sidoo kale dhaawac aad u balaadhan ayaa lageeyey Boosaso. iyo dhimasho aan laxaqiijiyey iyadoo mobile-ladii gacanta laga ururiyay dad kaqaybgalay dagaalka oo u badnaa askartii ku soo jabtay dagaalka. Ugu danbayntii ciidanki lawaayey ayaa loo malaynayaa in ay hortiin banaan u bexeen ka gadaal markii gurmadkoodii dhexda loo galay lana kal firxiyey oo tiro kale ay go’doon ku yihiin magaalada Galgala oo hareeraha ay kaga suganyihiin Ciidamada Sayid Shiikh Maxamed Siciid Atom. Ishawararka
  6. Galgala is experiencing complex emergency conditions as a result of a war declaration from Faroole, Puntland’s president, with massive links to piracy according reliable UN reports. This armed conflict in Galgala and western Bari is a continuation of the 2006 “Majiyahan” conflict which led to many skirmishes between the local clan of Western Bari and the SSDF dominant Puntland. Through out Western Bari, an estimated 25,000 inhabitants have been internally displaced, as a result of inherited insecurity birthed by the unjust invasion of Faroole and his like stooge comrades. Additionally, residents of Galgala lost most of their assets and sources of livelihood including farms that were burnt by the invading administration. Many houses, farms and places of worship were destroyed according to local sources. Nevertheless, Xudeedi urges the international community and foreign donors to investigate these atrocious crimes committed by those who receive western aid. Non-Governmental Organizations and other interested parties should be informed that Galgala is in need of emergency aid.
  7. Bosaso:-Maamulka Gobolkan Bari ee Taliska ciidanka Bosaso ayaa si Sharci daro ah xabsiga ugu taqantaqiyey Shaqaalihii idaacadaasi iyadoo iminku uu xabsiga dhexe ee Bosaso weli jiro Agaasimaha Idaacada Horseed Media. C/fataax Jaamac Mire Agaasimaha guud ee Idaacada Horseed Media ayaan ciidanka Amaanka Bosaso ilaa iminka cadayn u jeedada rasmiga ah ee ay xabsiga qoorta ugu geliyeen iyadoo beryihii u damayey ay il gaara ku eegayeen kooxa ciidamada dowalada Puntland Weriyaasha iyo Idaacadaha iyo Wakaaladaha kale ee Wararka. Xadhiga C/fataax oo ah agaasimaha idaacada ayaa waxaa qaar ka mida shacabka iyo Weriyaasha madaxabanaan ee Magaalada Bosaso ay ku tilmaamayaan mid La xiriira Waraysigii Maanta Idaacadaasi ay la yeelatay Shiikh Maxamuud Siciid Atam. Dhahar Onlline
  8. ^Adeer nobody asks you that question when you defend Cadde. lol
  9. Waxaa goor dhaw saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada Bosaso lagu xiray Agaasimihii Idaacada Horseed Media ee magaalada Bosaso, Cabdifutax Jamac Mire, kadib markii ay ciidamada Booliiska ay galeen idaacada Horseed Media xarunteeda iyo studiyadaha ay ku leedahay magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari. Ciidamada Booliiska oo uu hogaaminayo Taliyaha Booliiska ee gobalka Bari Col.Cismaan Afdalow ayaa saldhiga u taxaabay dhamaan hawlwadeenada idaacada oo ay ku jiraan suxufiyiintii ka shaqeynaysay iyo maamulka idaacada. Booliiska ayaa muddo yar kadib saldhiga kasii daayey suxufiyiintii idaacada kadib markii halkaasi su’aalo lagu weydiiyey, balse Booliiska ayaa saldhiga kula haray Agaasimaha Idaacada Cabdifutax Jamac Mire. Dhacdadan ayaa imaaneysa saacado kadib markii ay idaacada Horseed Media Wareysi la yeelatay Shiikh Maxamed Siciid Atam oo asagu koox uu hogaaminayo xiligan dagaalo ay kula jiraan dowlada Puntland. Macada sababta keentay in ciidamada Booliiska ay bartilmaameed ka dhigtaan idaacada, hase yeeshee waxaa muuqata in dowladu ay si weyn uga soo horjeedo in saxaafadda madax banaan ay wareysiyo la yeelato kooxaha dagaalka kula jira, arrintaasi oo aan horey wax sharci ah looga soo saarin. Warbaahinta Horseed Media waa mid madax banaan waana mid u adeegta shacabka isla markaana xogta dhabta ah usoo gudbisa ayadoo si dhex dhexaad ah uga waranta dhacdooyinka dalka ka jira, isla markaana xogta iyo warka sugan ka raadisa goob walba. Arrintan ayaa keenta in mararka qaarkood ay maamulada iyo kooxaha siyaasada ku loolama ay warbaahinta bartilmaameed ka dhigtaan hadii ay tabiso war aysan dooneyn in ay shacabku maqlaan. Hase yeeshee arrintan ayaa ah mid meel ka dhac ku ah saxaafada madax banaan, maadaama aysan jirin wax sharuuc ah oo ka jira Puntland oo mamnuucaya in warbaahinto ay wareysato kooxaha dowlada kasoo horjeeda. Wixii war ah oo dhacdadan kusoo kordha kala soco Horseed Media C/risaaq Shiino Horseed Media
  10. Faroole oo Xidhay Horseed-Media Dr Faroole ayaa Amray in la xidho Horseed Media oo ah Radio Fadhigiisu Yahay Magaalada Bosaaso, Caawa ayaa Gudaha Loo Galay Xafiiska Radio-Ga waxana la xidhay Agaasimhii Idaacada iyo Waliba Koox Wariyaal, Wariyaha Noo Jooga Bosaaso ayaa sheegaya in Amarka xadhiga Idaacada uu Bixiyay Faroole oo sheegay inay Waraysteen Sheekh Maxamed Siciid Atam oo Siyaasada Pl Diidan Waxana Jeelka la dhigay Agaasimhii Idaacada C/Fataax Jaamac Mire iyo Wariyaal kale oo Kala shaqayn Jiray Idaacada, Warka aanu Helayno ayaa sheegaya in Faroole wacad ku Maray inuu Beegsandoono Cid Kasta oo Faafisa war aan Xiisa Galin Maamulkiisa. Horseed Media ayaa Galabta Telfoon ku Tiigsatay Sayid Maxamed Siciid Atam isaga oo Baaq u diray Shacabka Bosaaso uguna Baaqay inay Taaba Galiyaan Hawshiisa uu Ka wado Buuraha Galgala ee ah inay Guumaystaha PISta iska Celiyaan. Sidoo kale Dhawaan ayaa shaqadii laga Joojiyay Wariyihii VOA-da ee Garoowe Nuuh Muuse Berjeeb waxana lagu eedeeyay inuu Macluumaad Siiyay Cali Cabdi Xaraare oo ka Tirsan Xafiiska VOA-da ee Washinton, taasi oo ku aadan Sheekh Maxamed Atam iyo Waraysgii Ugu Horeeyay ee VOA-Du ka qaado. Xukuumada PL ayaa Ku Tarki Fashay Xuquuqda Wariyaashu ay Leeyihiin waxana Xafiiska Wasaarada Warfaafinta Maamula Wiilka Curad ee Faroole Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole oo ah agaasimaha Radio Garowe iyo waliba La Taliyaha Dr Faroole ee dhanka Saxaafada wax Loogu Yeedhay.
  11. http://www.spr.fm/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=422:qaar-ka-mid-ah-dadkii-kasoo-barakacay-deg mada-galgala-ee-gobolka-bari-oo-soo-gaarey-degmada-dhahar-ee-gobolka-haylaan&Itemid=121 Humanitarian Crisis.
  12. Qaar ka mid ah dadkii kasoo barakacay degmada Galgala ee gobolka Bari oo soo gaarey Degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Haylaan. Dhahar (SPR): Dadkii kasoo barakacay dagaaladii deegaanada Galbeedka Bari ayaa waxay qaar kamid ah soo gaareen gobolka Haylaan, gaar ahaan degmada Dhahar. Dadkan ayaa qaar waxay u qaxeen deegaana ka mid ah galbeedka Bari sida Ceeldaahir iyo Af-urur, iyo waliba xarunta gobolka Bari ee magaalada Boosaaso. Degmada Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda ayaa waxaa ka barakacay dad tiradooda gaaraya 25 kun oo qofood. Dadka soo barakacay qaar kamid ah oo idaacada lasoo xiriirey ayaa waxaa wareystey Wariyaheena qaasta ah Nimco Muuse Cilmi. click on the link below to listen to some of those who fled Galgala and Towns nearby.
  13. Originally posted by Nassir: Well Koore-Tuunshe , I object to sidestepping or hiding the truth. It won't solve any problems--both current and potential. Since you are an insider and has more knowledge of the personalities involved and their intrigues and the nature of this long conflict, it's fundamentally critical to play a momentous role, part of it is to inform the public. Then they would be able to make their own fair judgement about the underlying issues. They will later decide for themselves what is at stake. If we hide criminals and opportunists who brand legitimate opposition as "terrorists", the culture of impunity will only make things fester from what it is today. Mr. Jamal and his heavily armed clan militia had been an integral part of "Somaliland" before their paths crossed and the man switched sides. He has no formal education except that he excells in using his "sub-clan" as a tool to advance his personal interests. Now he is part of Puntland security apparatus. We don't know which party of this never-ending conflict he will side with. As for the Ilka-Jir and Cali Ciid, I can tell you they have lost both credibility and trust among their constituency unless something miracle happens that would restore their known leadership qualities. [/QB] Xaq lama dudbiyoo wuu dilaacayaa. Totally agree.
  14. Che: By his family and the constituency the he apparently represents. By justice, the innocent and the civilians that were forced to flee. Major protests took place in Dhahar and Hadaaftimo, the diaspora supports Mr. Atam and the great majority of the clan.
  15. Garaad Cabdullahi Cali Ciid AKA Garaad of Garoowe has no base, thus represents the sole interest of Garoowe. If the man spoke in that manner in his supposed base (Xingalool) with the backings of the sub-clan he very often speaks on behalf of, it would’ve been a different case. Cabdi-Jamaal has no leadership qualities, no formal education and acquired his post (deputy minister of security) due to numerous technicals he owns. He will be held accountable for making this total mistake. Ilka Jiir’s political reputation hit rock bottom for waging a war on his own constituency to advance the SSDF interest in the region. We shall see what tommorow brings.
  16. Mr. Somalia or Ghelle T is a confused kid. We know who uses the double user names. "Tuug intaan tuug la'oran buu tuug yiraahdaa." Adeer stop begging, nobody is a Puntlander. I support my clan interest openly without fear or shame unlike you hypocrites who had behind Puntland’s name. Puntland was an old story so catch up with your time. Today it’s SSDF, SSC and Makhir each with it’s own interest.
  17. Adeer, no clan political ambitions (Puntland) can hi-jack my identity. I participated in the creation of Puntland in order to advance what was thought as a mutual interest. I’m a Makhiri that inhabits a country that stretches from Ceerigaabo to Bosaaso. My history of self-governance and proud legacy of 500-year-old sultanate wont allow me to be a bargaining chip for your clan. If supporting your clan agendas is what makes one a Puntlander, then count me out. I’m a Somali by nationality and a Makhiri by blood. Atam recaptured Galgala and ate fine dates for Suxuur, 10 SSDF mercenaries were captured. Bosaso is Atam’s hometown and he has every right to govern it’s affairs.
  18. The current Galgala conflict, instigated by Farole, is indeed a war with religious coloration. The conflict is also similar to the early 2000s Puntland wars in terms of its hidden incentive. Farole is probably driven by the notion of Jiffo supremacy as well as grabbing **********`s strategic territories/ resources, in order to secure the full control of the long road between Garowe and Bosasso. Amazing how Roobdoon Forum integrated mystrious puzzle pieces into their analysis. Good Job
  19. ^ Mielmi this indeed is a war over resources, and the region attacked, (Western Bari) is rich in minerals, gold and oil as evidenced by major exploration findings. Ali H Abdulla did a great job depicting Puntland's intentions and hidden dark interest. If you want to read more pertaining to the region's resources and Puntland's intention, read the link below, a piece title "Fadeexada Khayraad Boobka Puntland". Thanks Mielmi http://www.laasqoray.org/press/?p=7432
  20. ^ Thanksful: This conflict was escalated by institutionalized prolonged injustices in Bari region. Despite who inherits victory, Atam bravely addressed the imbalances of administrative posts that caters to many of the problems facing this fragile administration in the Northeast.
  21. By Ali H. Abdulla August 10, 2010 I visited Galgala in 2005 while doing some volunteer work at the University of East Africa in Bosasso. It is a town that is off the beaten track with no roads, hospitals or proper schools. The people of Galgla are very industrious and are mainly farmers who use irrigation canals to cultivate all kinds of fruit and vegetable. The area is very fertile and is endowed with water resources in the form of springs that flow all the year round. it took us around 5 hours to reach Galgala although it is around 60km from Bosasso, the commercial capital of Puntland. We traveled by a 4×4 vehicle that it inched its way slowly among huge boulders. There are no paved roads to Galgala which is nestled in a mountainous and rugged area. We had to abandon the vehicle and walk the last mile because of the steep incline that the driver had to perilously negotiate alone. When we reached Galgala, we were surprised to find an oasis in the middle of the desert. Water gushes from a rock formation in the area and the people of Galgala built a small structure to protect the source from contamination and interference. They built irrigation canals from the source to small reservoirs attached to each farm in the area. The water is shared and each reservoir gets filled on a different day of the week. The weather in Galgala is very cool and dry in sharp contrast to the hot and steamy weather of Bosasso. The change in weather is noticeable once one reaches a certain altitude in the steep climb to the village. The people of Galgala are very generous and offered us plenty of food that tasted a lot better than the food we got used to in the polluted city of Bosasso which teemed with flies, mosquitoes and garbage. We were given a quick tour of the area which is a gateway to the Golis range that stretches from Galgala in the east all the way to Borama in the west. Our guide introduced us to a lot of medicinal plants including ginseng. They told us of German doctors who visited the area regularly in search of certain medicinal herbs. Such visits alone disprove the claim of the Puntland administration of the presence of extremists in Galgala. Given its pleasant weather, water resources and scenic mountains, the area can become a retreat that can attract tourists and adventurers in the future if the Somali state gets resurrected again under a democratic Federal System that encourages entrepreneurship. Today, Gaglala is in the news, not because of its beauty and pristine mountains, but because of an ugly war that can displace hundreds of innocent families in the area. It angers me a lot to witness the unwarranted aggression that the Farole and his war cabinet have launched against the peaceful city of Galgala on the pretext of fighting against Islamic extremists. Conversely, it is a great relief for us all that the defenders of Galgala have made the wise decision of vacating the village in order to spare the women and children the horrors of war. Extremists would have put up a stiff fight in the middle of the innocent civilians just as they are doing in Mogadishu where hundreds of women and children get slaughtered when AMISOM forces respond with heavy artillery when attacked from residential areas in Mogadishu, the dying capital of the Somali Republic. The world should not be fooled by Farole and his notorious Puntland Intelligence Service that is on the payroll of foreign spy agencies. Somalis in Bosasso have coined a new name for the PIS: “Ashahaada la dirir”, those who fight against the concept of the oneness of God. They routinely arrest, interrogate, torture and at times rendition innocent religious scholars without any credible proof of wrongdoing. The conflict in Galgala has nothing to do with Islamic Extremism. It is about a local population that is trying to defend its resources against exploitation by greedy individuals and foreign companies. It is about mineral resources that can be compared to the blood-diamonds that Charles Taylor is being tried for in The Hague. Farole and his newly formed war cabinet deserve to be put on trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity. The Galgala war is a continuation of the war started by Farole’s predecessor who tried to use foreign companies to prospect for minerals in Majayahan without the consent and knowledge of the local population. Many people lost their lives in that conflict. In the absence of a new Federal Constitution that regulates the exploitation of natural resources in Somalia by the regional administrations, these administrations have no right to prospect for oil or minerals without the knowledge and consent of the weak Federal Government that is being undermined by extremists and the regional administrations as well. The International community should realize that the ugly scenes of blood-diamond will be replayed in Somalia unless they help the Somali people extricate themselves from the current state of war, divisions, bloodshed and piracy. Greedy, strong-men controlling vast areas known as the “lands” will only exacerbate the current situation. The current strategy of encouraging the “lands” will weaken the Somali State further and create a multitude of Charles Taylor‘s Liberia in which strong clans can prey on weaker clans in the struggle for potential mineral resources. Ali H. Abdulla Email: aliegeh@gmail.com
  22. ^ Adeer this is a clan war, so please wipe off your tears. The Sheikh is addressing the injustices that you want to cover.
  23. Further evidence of the clan element. Click on the link below to listen to Atam's latest interview with VOA. http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Interviews_31/WAREYSI.shtml
  24. Ramadaan Kariim to all: This is a clan war, though it looks as if the clan element is over-powered by an ideological one. Faroole, Ilka Jiir and Abdi-Jamaal are all Ethiopian Stooges who dined at the expense of their people. Atam is a local, born and raised in Bosaaso and the hills that look down on the city. The war will continue, and in the long term spill over elsewhere unless the clan of Western Bari acts immediately to counter potential long-term hazards.