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Everything posted by Xudeedi

  1. Thanksful: Why focus on a minister (employee), when direct orders are coming from your president (his boss), the pirate warlord in Garoowe. This article is trully an eye opener.
  2. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ilahay ha u naxaristo wa ramadan dhiig islaamo oo dadanaya bisha barakaysan wa wax laga naxo AAMIIN. Xaji, thanks for your support.
  3. SOMALIA: Prominent Somali Legislator speaks about Puntland's oil deal and the uprooted Galgala community August 16, 2010 Bosaaso, (DhaharOnline) - Hon. Asha Abdalla, prominent member of Somalia's legislative branch and veteran politician whose constituency is the Sanaag Region of Somalia, represents Sanaag/Makhir people, in her seat of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG). Puntland president recently declared war on poor farmers in Galgala town of Bari region, where thousands of troops have been deployed by President Abdirahman Faroole in order to uproot and eliminate indigenous community settlements. The MP said that this a direct violation of international human rights. 'President Faroole had deceived the world when he said: “terrorists are hiding in Galgala mountaineous belt,” she said. "Indeed, he wants to mine Majiyahan and Galgala area, illegally" Asha was interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corporation “BBC” regarding the Galgala conflict. “So far one hundred and fifty families have been displaced from Galgala city. These families reached Dhahar city of Sanaag Region a week after the war started. A huge fight between the self-styled Natural Resource Defenders of Sanaag/Western Bari regions, and Puntland government broke out near Galgala in late July 2010. Col. Abdisamad Ali is Faroole's deputy and the perpetrator of the attacks that displaced so many people. "The area has no presence of humanitarian organizations and the wounded civilians have no where to go,” Asha Abdalla said. “Eight months of economic sanction was imposed on the residents of Galgala and environs by Puntland Government; the produce from Galgala farms were also banned from other parts of Puntland and Somalia; this long-enforced policy of economic sanction had angered the local people and made their lives harder for the last eight months. This policy of coercion and of intimidation has led the community of Galgala to arm themselves and defend their territory from a new Blood Diamonds Group under the guise of the Puntland administration,” Asha added. Coined as the new blood diamonds of Liberia, the small consortium that are prospecting oil and minerals in Puntland is registered in different countries in order to avoid lawsuits. They are opportunistic foreign companies that manipulate corrupt leaders in order to exploit the natural resources of smaller and poor countries through illegal contracts and the bribing of the head of states. These Companies include Range Resource, Cinnmax and African Oil. Company. Isse Dholowa a naturalized Australian citizen is the leading manager of these petty contracts. Liiban Muse Boqor, a British citizen is another key player of the illegal schemes. The latter had subsequently arranged for himself consulting fees of a huge windfall and bonuses. Mr. Boqor was the middleman in 2006 between Ade Muse, former Puntland president and the Range resources. He is also a member of the new team of experts that Farole arranged for the take-over bid Africa Oil made with the departing Range Resources, Ltd. The President of Puntland, Abdirahman Faroole, an Australian citizen as well, has been part of the diamonds group and is the mastermind of the latest plot to uproot and eliminate the residents of Galgala. To fulfill illegal mining in their territory, President Farole ordered his troops to attack the area. But the junta met huge resistance from the area. The Administration's connection to petty contracts Puntland troops entered Galgala town a week after a tactical retreat of the defending militia (known as the Natural Resource Defenders of Sanaag and western Bari). After the invasion, Puntland troops set ablaze century old farms of Galgala residents. These farms produce dates, vegetables, fruits, rice and bananas. The front line soldiers of Puntland also humiliated and injured women and children in the town. They also looted houses and other properties, local reports confirm. These horrible stories were related to the world by Hon. Asha Ahmed Abdalla in her interview with the BBC/Somali. She warned against the consequences of the invasion, the uprooting and the looting of Galgala community’s properties. “Calling innocent people terrorists and extremists is very dangerous. "Legalizing the looting of people's private properties, and the burning of their farms is a criminal act," Asha said. "Whether the administration authorized such criminal acts by the soldiers of the new blood diamonds group or not indicate that the administration does not give due respect and care for human lives. A big social crime is committed in any case,” Asha said. “My constituency is in Puntland and I’ve the right to talk about the reality and defend Puntland people and confront who’s harming us," she said. "I don’t want to hide what the president is doing to the community– he’s an unrecognized governor, has no right to mine without consulting federal legislators, and leaders of the community, the very people I represent in the TFG," Asha said. "There are available written and oral evidence pointing to bilateral contracts between the government leaders and mining companies,” Asha said. In a nutshell the self-styled leader of Natural Resource Troops of the Western Bari territories, Mohamed Said Atom is defending his people and land from the invasion orchestrated by the blood diamonds group that wants to mine the area. This is not the first time these companies tried to mine the area. It was in mid 2006 when the locals led by Atam first chased out the miners and their illegal companies. Atom also took away the notion that he had links to Islamist groups in Southern Somalia. “I’m neither Alshabaab nor do I have links to Islamist groups in southern Somalia. I'm in my home area and we have been attacked by Puntland outlaw president, Farole, ” He told the VOA [transcript ]. [Transcript President Farole’s administration failed to preside over the dismal security status in his home town of Eyl--a pirate den. There is a wide public suspicion instead that the president has no vested interest in securing the unity of Puntlanders or taking concrete policy actions that would keep the peace and co-existance in major towns because of his close ties to sea piracy. In a Security Council report, Farole was identified as the chief of Puntland's lucrative sea Piracy. His administration has had links to the sea pirates of eastern Africa, particularly from Eyl base, where dozens of abducted vessels are anchored. Eyl is the epicenter of high-seas piracy on Somali coast. He had also received a large sums of pirate money for his finance campaigns to secure the electoral votes of Puntland's presidential election. It’s unlikely the dust started by his predecessor will settle anytime soon. Last week, President Farole's official website, Garoweonline, falsely labelled the prominent Somali politician Hon. Asha Abdala as a supporter of extremist groups, after she accused Farole of invading Galgala town, the region of her own constituency. When Hon. Asha exposed the reality behind the attacks of the Galgala town, and the growing insecurity of Puntland, the Farole administration saw that as a slap in the face, and falsely accused the law maker of siding with the wrong side, a political tactic used by successive Puntland administrations to intimidate or stop anyone they see as an outsider or threat. Source: DhaharOnline
  4. Forces loyal to Western Bari region of Puntland militia leader, Sheekh Atom, attacked a military station in Sugure valley area. Four people have been reported dead, later identified as members of Puntland’s pirate group that operate in Eil town, President Cabdiraxman Farole’s clan base. For long, the president of Puntland, has been accused by the media to have close relationship with the pirates that alluded the international community. Puntland’s leader have literally opposed to the accusations, however, he neither stopped pirates using Puntland’s ports, nor he tried to remove them from their largest base in Somalia, Eil town. The major pirate town in Somalia, Eil, is situated in Puntland State and populated by fishermen transformed in to pirates and coastal dwellers mainly consisting families and pirate recruits. The conflict in Galgala and other parts of the Western Bari has been in the news since the active war broke out between Puntland army and local militia leader, Sheekh Atom, whom Puntland authorities accused to have ties with Alshabab, but Alshabab cleared him of being aligned with the group. In an interview with the VOASomali Service and BBCSomali, Mr. Atom denied the terror allegations and rather insisted the war involves oil and mineral exploration in his own region by Puntland contracted firms. “I have no relationship with Alshabab, and they (Alshabab) mentioned to the media that we are not involved in their organization,” Sheekh Atom told the BBC. Independent news media and local sources observed the conflict to have clan impetus contrary to the terror charges by the government officials. Subsequently, the Sheekh was also interviewed by Horseedmedia, one of the famous media outlets in Puntland, and government retaliated by storming their offices. All the journalists at the office were taken into custody, and the director was summoned to the court in the morning received 6 year jail sentence and 500 dollars in fines. Apparently, President Farole did not want to see Sheekh Atom interviewed since the government took heavy losses in the Galgala battle. Moreover, he (the president) did not want the public to know the real motives behind the Galgala incursion. Meanwhile, facts of the war have gradually surfaced as a war between two neighboring clans over resources and control of an strategic land.
  5. Bosaaso Mayd Lagu Muransanyahay ayaa Wali Yaal August 15, 2010 By Juuj Magaalada Bosaaso ayaa xiisadi ka Ogan tahay ka Gadaal markii Saaka ay Nin Toogteen Ciimada PL Gaar ahaan kuwa la sheegay inay Ilaalo Gaar ah u Yihiin Wasiirka Amniga Yuusuf Axmed Khayr Ninkaasi la dilay ayaa la sheegay inay Boolisku sheegeen inuu ahaa Qas wadi Hase ahaatee waxa Arinkaasi Beeniyay oo iska Fogeeyay ehelkiisa. Laba Xabadood oo lagu Dhuftay Ninkaasi ayuu u Geeriyooday wax Yar uun Markii Nolol lagu Geeyay Rug Caafimaad oo Bosaaso ku Taala,Warar hada na soo gaadhaya ayaa sheegaya in aan wali la Aasin Ninkaais oo uu Yaalo Dhagax Maydka la dhigo ee Cisbitaalka Guud ee Bosaaso. Abshir Qodax Ducaale ayay diideen Odayaasha Sanaag, Galbeedka Bari iyo Hayland in la Aaso, Halka Dawlada PL sheegtay inay hayaan Ninkii Falkaasi Dilka Ah Fuliyay, Hase yeeshee Odayaasha ayaa Warkaasi Puntland ka soo Yeedhay Ku Tilmaamay mid aan iyaga u Cuntamin. War Hada soo dhacayna waxa uu sheegayaa in Odayaasha Beesha Sadexda Gobola ee aan Sheegnay ay Shir deg deg ah Hada Galeen kaasi oo aan wali War Cad Laga Soo Saarin
  6. Waxa Saaka Magaalada Bosaaso lagu Dilay Nin Ganacsade ah oo ka soo Jeedaha Beelaha degan Gobolada Hayland Sanaag iyo Galbeedka Bari, Marxuunkaasi ayaa lagu Toogtay isaga oo Suuqa Bosaaso Gaar ahaan Fershada Ka Adeeganaya waxana dilay Ciidmada Ilaalada u ah Wasiirka Amniga Yuusuf Axmed Khayr. Marxuunka la dilay ayaa lagu Magcaabaa Abshir Qodax Du’caale,waxana ay Ilmaadeer ahaanyeen Marxuunkii ay Isaga oo Dhaawac ah dileen Ciidmada PL Gaar ahaan PISta Dagaalkii 26-Julay Jaamac Doonyaale. Ninkaasi Saaka la dilay waxa ay Rasaas Kadis ah Madaxa kaga Dhuftay Ilaalada Gaarka ah ee Wasiirka Amniga Yuusuf Ahmed Khayr kuwaaasi oo ku eedeeyay Fal Been Abuur ah oo sheegaya inuu Weerar La Damacsanaa Goob Ay Joogeen Ciidmada PL. Marxuun Abshir Qodax Ducaale waxa loo Qaaday Markiiba Cisbitaalka Bosaaso isaga oo ku Naf Waayay Goobtaasi, Warka aanu Helayno ayaa sheegaya inaan wali la Aasin Ninkaasi isla markaana Muran Xoogani ka dhex Aloosanyahay Gudaha Bosaaso. Dadka ayaa Durba u Fasilay dilka Marxuunkaasi inuu Daba socdo Dagaalka ka Socda Buuraha Galbeedka Bari ee ay isku Hor fadhiyaan Ciidmada deegaanka iyo Malayshiyaadka ay Hogaaminayaan Gen Ilka Jiir, Gen- C.Samad iyo Faroole oo Garoowe Sanaad Milltiry ka soo Daabulaya. Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale oo loo Yaaqany Jaamac Doonyaale waxa Nolol ku qabtay Ciidmada PL markii ay Dagaal Qadhaadh wada Galeen Ciidmada Sheekh Atam iyo Kuwa PL waxan Toogtay Ninkaasi Ciidamada PL. Dilkii Jaamac Doonyaale [Akhri] Tani Waxay Dhabada u xaadhaysaa in ay Meesha ka socod Dhul Durugsi iyo in Beeraha dadka iyo Dhulka la Barakaciyo si Loo Baadho Shidaalka Majiyahan ee ay Horay Ugu Fashilantay Xukuumada Gen-Cade Muuse.
  7. Mukhtaar Deeq Ismail Barre kana soo jeeda Beesha *********** oo dhaawac ka soo gaadhey dagaal xaqdarada ah Ee Galgala oo ku geeriyoodey magaalada Boosaaso. Ninkan dhalinyada ah ayaa sida naloo xaqiiyey ka mid ah dadkii laga reebay diyaaradii lagu qaaday dhaawacyadii askartii ka dagaalantay Galgala. Marxuunka ayaa wararku sheegayaan in dawlada hoose ee magaalada Boosaaso diidey in la aaso ilaa damiin iyo odayaashiisii la keeno mooyee. Ogow intii uu noolaa wuxuu ahaa askari u shaqeeya Puntland ,balse markii uu geeriyoodey wuxuu noqday qabiil. Alle ha u naxariistee Mukhtaar deeq Ismail ayaa sida naloo sheegay waxay da'diisu ahayd 23jir. wuxuuna ka soo jeedey tuulada Marqaan oo 61km dhinaca koonfureed ka xigtay magaalada Buuhoodle kana tirsan degmada Bookh ee gobolka Wardheer Ee ismaamulka Somalida Ethopia. Meydkan oo la diidey markii hore in la aaso ayaa wararku sheegayaan inuu dilaacay mudo markii lagu murmayey sidii loo aasi lahaa iyo damiinkiisii. Markii naloo xaqiijiyey inuu ahaa Agoon ,waxaan weli raadinaynaa sidii aanu ula xidhiidh lahayn wixii qaraabadiisa ah ee halkaa jooga. Inna Lillah wa Inna ileyhi Raj'oon XOL
  8. War degdeg ah Aug 14, 2010 Saddex gaadhi iyo Ciidan ayaa ka soo goostey turinta hore ee Puntland waxayna soo gaadheen Tuulada Sarmaanyo ee dhinaca Nugaasha Gobolka Sool Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Sarmaanyo ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in halkaasi ay soo gaadheen Ciidamo wata saddex gaadhi oo ah nooca qoryahu ay saaran yihiin. Warar laga helay ciidanka soo joosteya yaa waxay sheegeen in aysan garanaynin ujeedad ay u dagaalmayeen isla markaana ay khalad ahayd oo ay sidaas darteen uga soo goosteen PL. WIXI SOO KORDHA KALA SOCO RIINJI.com
  9. Wararka aanu hada helayno ayaa sheegaya in Guuta Ciidan ah oo la sheegay inay u bad nayeen Ilaalada Gaarka ah ee Gen C.Samad Ali Shire Ninka Gurigiisa la Haysto Laba Sano ay Goosteen Bacdal Afurkii Saacada Geeska Africa Markii ay ahayd 6:50- Daqiiqo, Ciidamadan ayaa la sheegay inay sii dhex mareen Degmada Ceelbuh ee ka Tirsan Sanaag waxana Xaqiijiyay dadka deegaankaasi. Ruux ka mid ah Odayaasha Degmada Ceelbuh ayaa noo sheegay inay Arkeen Ciidamo badan oo qalabaysan kuwaasi oo ka soo Boqoolay dhanka Maamulka Wooqoyi Bari ee Somaliya. Ninkaasi Ceelbuh Nagala soo xidhiidhay waxa uu Cara baabay inay Ciidamadu u e,kaayeen kuwa Gadoodsan oo ay ka Muuqatay Cadho iyo Safar dheer waxana ay u Xagliyeen inay ku sii Jeedeen dhanka Magaalada Sarmaanyo ee Sool Hoos Timaada. Waa Ciidankii Labaad ee Goostay Tan markii Faroole iyo Gen C.Samad Cali Shire ay isku Raaceen in GalGala la garaaco oo laga Sifeeyo waxay iyagu Ugu Yeedheen Koox Nabad diidayaal ah oo Ilaalashada Shidaalka Galbeedka Bari. War aan la shaacin ayaa isna Sheegaya in Gen Ilka Jiir Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha PL Wado, Qorshe Ugub ah kaasi oo sheegaya in Dib Looga soo saaro Ciidamada PL ee Galay Gal Gal. Bosaaso oo aanu Hada la xidhiidhnay ayaa Laga soo wariyay in General Ika Jiir iyo Faroole isku Raaceen in aanay macquul ahayn in Sii Joogitaanka GalGala iyo dhimashada Ciidmaada PL oo Gaadhaysa 25o-Askari Tan markii Dagaalo Ugub Noqday 26-Julay, ee aan soo dhaafnay. Xafiiska Dhahar/Hayland
  10. Originally posted by Nassir: Brief illustration of the Galgala/Majihan conflict for the benefit of observers and confused readers. The issue of Gagala is quite complex and it has multiple root causes. Basically, it's about a land dispute, clan feuds, contraversial mineral and oil exploration deals that PL signed with foreign comapnies (Range and Africa Oil), and the harsh policies and the uneven structure of Puntland Intelligence Services, an independent security organization backed by the West . The Maakhiri Sheikh known as Atam is accused of being an arms dealer by the Security Council in a report that simultaneously implicated both Gen. Ilka-jir and Farole in other criminal activities that have plagued PL such as Piracy and human smuggling and other alleged corruption scandals that paved the way Farole's electoral defeat of Brigadier General, Mohamoud Muse Hirsi (Ade). Atam who is from Galgala environs is also BELIEVED to be an arms supplier of al-shabaab and ONLF by the UN and he is therefore on the watch list. Because of Ethiopia's secret involvement, Farole broke the terms of an earlier agreement spearheaded by the esteemed Elders of Bari region, right after he returned from a trip to Addis Ababa. Faroole is believed to have been instructed by Meles to overlook other peaceful channels initiated by the Elders of Sanaag in order to get rid of Sheikh Atam in the quickest possible of time. This policy of coercion, has now, however, turned out to be a formidable operational task to carry out and accomplish as the overwhelming use of force PL that has deployed against Atam and his clan-supporters backfired. Huge civilian casualties and the destruction of properties of large tracts of farm lands have been reported by reliable surces. If you want to read further, go to either Wardheernews.com or dhahar.com and see two good article. 1. "Galgala Conflict and its misleading association.. 2. "Galgala conflict and its long-term security implication.. Great summary Nassir. Africa-own and other confused lads, you must understand that politics is an art of interest. Yesterday, Makhiri's initially assumed Puntland was in there interest and that was disproved by Garoowe's actions and policies. Nassir, Thanksful is only frustrated with the fact that he didn't take advante of Cadde's counterfit practice. Miskiin.
  11. NABADOONADA GALBEEDKA GOBOLKA BARI OO KU BAAQAY IN DAGAAL LAGALA HOR TAGO CIIDAMADA MAAMULKA FAROOLE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nabadoonada Deegaanka Galbeedka Gobolka Bari gaar ahaan Degmada Galgala ayaa Waxay ku baaqeen in dagaal adag lagala hor tago Ciidamada Maamulka Faroole ee haatan ku sugan Gudaha Degmada Galgala yagoo sheegay in ay dhib weyn ku hayaan Ciidamadaasi Dadka deegaanka iyo Saraca. C/raxmaan Faarax Gurxan oo katirsan Nabadoonada Gobolka Bari Gaar ahaan Degmada Galgala ayaa ku baaqay in la iska difaaco Waxa uu ugu yeedhay Maamulka Isirka ah ee Duulaanka qaawan kusoo qaaday Buuraha Deegaanka Galbeedka Gobolka Bari Wuxuuna Dhamaan Shacabka ku dhaqan deegaankaas ugu baaqay in ay Hubka qaataan oo is difacaan. Nabadoon C/raxmaan Faarax Gurxan Ayaa Warbaahinta u Sheegay in Ciidamada qabsaday Degmada Galgala ay ka Sameeyeen Gabood Falyo ka dhana Shuruucda Caalamiga ah ee Aduunka u degsan yadoo uu sheegay in ay Ciidamadasi dab qabadsiiyeen Dhamaan Beerihii ku yeelay Buuraleyda Galgala oo Sanadkan ay si weyn u sugayeen dadka deegaanku in ay gurtaan Midhihii u soo go'ay. Wuxuu Sidoo kale Sheegay Nabadoon C/raxmaan Faarax Gurxan in Ciidamada qabsaday Degmada Galgala ay Haweenkii ku dhaqanaa halkaas ka Mamnuuceen Xidhashada Xijaabka ama Jalbaabka taasina waxay markale ka Cadheysiisay Shacabka ku dhaqan Degmada Galagala ayuu yiri Nabadoon Gurxan. Dhanka kale Nabadoon Gurxan Wuxuu ku tilmaamay Ciidamada Duulaanka kusoo qaaday Deegaanka Buuraleyda Galgala in uu dagaalkoodu ku wajahan Bililiqeysi Macdaneed yadoo uu sheegay in ay marwalba difaaci doonaan Macdanta Ceegaagta Deegaanka Galbeedka Gobolka Bari. Nabadoon C/raxmaan Faarax Gurxan ayaa Waxa uu Shacabka ku dhaqan Deegaanka Galgala ugu baaqay in ay ka hortagaan Ciidamada qabsaday Degmada Galgala Islamarkaana ay dhamaantood hubka qaatan Si ay isaga kiciyaan Waxa uu ugu yeedhay Ciidamada Guumaysiga ka wada Gudaha Degmada Galgala. Liibaan C.rashiid Siciid Liibaan5711@hotmail.com Laasqoray.NET This announcement is long due
  12. Dambarsame is an unusual character, with difficulties comprehending both English and Somalia.
  13. Zack: Atam believes that justice can be attained through the implementation of practical Islamic law. His plan is to create an administration and govern his inherited land (Western Bari).
  14. Nassir Ceelaayo is not Dambarsame, he sure can write much better English. Ceelayo saaxib, the SSDF is not capable of commiting such attrocity (Ethnic Cleasing).
  15. Dabshid, men who use our regions as a bargaining chip to earn posts in Mogadishu (Prime minister), are quick to show their colors when push comes to shuv. The 4.5 system has failed as miserably as Puntland. Ina sharmarke or the Pillsbury Dow-Boy of the TFG was awarded this post as representative for us. Makhir administration is far due, in order to eliminate Garowe's representation for Makhiri regions.
  16. Zack, Atam is leading a strugle against prolonged injustices in Bari region and it's capital city, Bosaso. Atam's sub-clan, who are indigenous inhabitant of Bosaso, have been targeted by the SSDF administration according to reliable UN reports. His strugle has 2 compatible faces. 1. To counter and address imbalances of Power that caters to many of the problems facing Bari region. 2. To implement the Sharia in Western Bari. Both faces can be seen as a catalyst for one another. Did i answer your question Zack?
  17. Taliyihii ugu sareeyay PIS-ta oo dagaalkii Shalay lagu dilay August 14, 2010 By admin Iyo Ciidanka Sool oo iskaga baxay Dagaalkii Gal-Gala kuna Biiray SSC Warar aanu ka helnay Cabdi Sahal oo ah wariye ku sugan Bosaaso ayaa noo sheegay in wararka ka kasoo baxaya dagaaladii shalay aya ahayeen ku faraha lagaga gubtay. Dagaalkii shalay wuxuu soconay labadii galinba wuxuuna Sheilkh Atam istacmaalay xeelad dagaal oo ah in uu ciidankiisii u qaybiyay guutooyin oo isku fidayay hareeraha Buuraha Galgala ee gobalka Bari kuwaasi oo khasaara badan gaadhaysiiyay ciidanka Faroole…………. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in 18 askari ayaa kaga dhimatay dagaalkii shalay dhinaca maamulka Faroole, waxaana jira dhaawacyo 50 kor u dhaafay dhinaca maamulka Puntland. Gabadh Dhaqtarad ah ayaa iyana ku dhimtay Teendho Isbitaal oo loo sameeyay in lagu daaweeyo askarta soo dhaawacanta kadib markii xabad ay ugu tagtay Teendhada. Khasaaraha soo gaadhay Shiekh Atam ayaan la xaqiijin karin, laakin wuxuu qirtay in aysan waxba ka soo gaadheen dagaalkii lagu hoobtay ee ka dhacay Gal-Gala. Sheikh Atam oo waraysi siiyay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in xoogaga Gal-Gala u dagaalamaya sidii ay deegaankooda ugu dhaqi la haayeen shareecada Islaamka. Waxaanu ku daray in shalay guul ka gaadheen ayna qabsadeen Hub farabadan oo ay kamid yihiin Dhashiikayaal iyo BKM-yo farabadan. Wararka ka soo baxaya deegamada SSC ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamo ka soo goostay jiida hore ee Gal-Gala ayaa ay soo gaadheen SSC. Ciidamadan ayaa markii hore loo sheegay in lacago badan la siin doono si ay ula dagaalamaan Alshabaab Gal-Gala balse markii danbe uu noqday dagaal u dhexeeya laba Beelood. Ciidamadan oo aad u hubaysan ayaa shalay afur loogu sameeyey degmada Xingalool,intaanay soo gaadhin Sarmaanyo. Guutooyinkan oo ka soo jeeda deegamada SSC ayaan la garan karin dhinaca ay u ruqaansan doonaan,iyada oo la hadal hayo inay ku biiri doonan ciidamada SSC… Cabdi Sahal Widh Widh Online Bosaaso
  18. ^Adeer Nasir markuu afsomaaliga wax ku qor ku yiri waa kuu turaaye, balse anigu Englishkaagi baan ka jeclahay. Warlord Faroole and his militia's are loosing the battle. I'm sure they now are open to negotiations they long suspended. Troops from Sool have left battle, this is the begining of what warlord Faroole has asked for.
  19. Click on the link below to listen to Atam's words to residents of Haylan region. http://www.spr.fm/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=423:sheekh-maxamed-siciid-atam-oo-wareysi-xas aasi-ah-siiyey-idaacada-spr&Itemid=121
  20. Sheekh Maxamed Siciid Atam oo wareysi xasaasi ah siiyey Idaacada SPR Galgala (SPR): Idaacada SPR ayaa waxay maanta khadka telefoonka la tiigsatey Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atam fiidnimadii caawa isagoo uga warbixiyey dagaaladii ka dhacay deeganada Madarshoon, Xamur, Bali Khadar, iyo Sugure. Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atam ayaa ugu horeyntii farey dadka reer Dhahareed cabsida Alle, kadibna ka warbixiyey dagaaladaasi. Sh. Atam ayaa sheegay in ay guula badan kasoo hoyeen dagaaladii shalay iyo maanta, isagoo sheegay in ay iyagu qasaare weyn geysteen, hubna ay furteen. Dagaalkan ayuu yiri oo ah mid in badan lala daba joogey dadka deeganada Laag, Ceeldaahir, Galgala iyo deegaanada galbeedka bari. Sh. Maxamed Siciid ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ay ciidamada PIS ta dhibaatooyin badan dadka u geysteen, oo isla markaana ay gubeen beerihii shacabka, bililiqeysteena magaalada Galgala.
  21. click on the link below to listen to the mayor of Xingalool's encounter with the troops from Sool. http://www.spr.fm/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=425:ciidama-u-dhashey-gobolka-sool-oo-kasoo-g oostey-dagaaladii-galbeedka-bari-oo-u-goostey-dhanka-degmada-xudun-ee-gobolka-sool&Itemid=121
  22. Ciidama PL ah u dhashey gobolka Sool oo kasoo goostey dagaaladii galbeedka Bari oo u goostey dhanka Degmada Xudun ee gobolka Sool. Xingalool (SPR): Goob joogayaal nagala soo xiriirey tuulooyinka Toro-bora iyo Wardheer ayaa waxay la soo xiriireen idaacada SPR una sheegeen in ay ciidama kasoo goostey deegaankaasi ay soo dhaafeen, ciidankan oo sheegey in ay ku dhintaan dagaalada ka socda galbeedka Bari. Sidoo kale gudoomiyaha degmada Xingalool ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamadan soo mareen Xingalool ayan laakiin soo galin, isagoo sheegey in ay ka goosteen siduu filayo Puntland laakiin uusan garaneyn waxa ay usoo goosteen.