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Everything posted by Xudeedi

  1. Sida aan dhawaan Baahinay anaga oo Maqaalo is daba Joog ah ka qoray Laanta Asha’haado la Dirarka loo Yaqaan ama PIS- Puntland Intelgenty Service, anaga oo Tix Raacayna Maqaaladayadi Hore oo aanu Waraysi kala duwan Kula Yeelanay Rag u dhuun daloola arimaha Laantaasi, iyo kuwa ay xidheen ama ay u Caga Jugleeyeen ayaan Maqaalkan Sadexaad ku eegaynaa, dadka ka Mid ahaa Laantaasi ee ka Toobad Keenay oo ay Dileen iyo Qorshaha dilkaasi Loo Fuliyo. Rag Bud dhigayaasha u ah Laantaasi Gobolka Bari ee PISta waxa ka mid ah C/Saaq Aroole iyo Bashiir Siciid Aadan oo Loo Yaqaan [Dooli], kuwaasi oo ah Madaxa Danbi Baadhayaasha ee Asha’haada la dirirka, dadka Markaa Xooraansato waxay kuu sheegayaan inay Ragaasi ka mid Yihiin kuwa Qasaya oo Lugta Kuwa Walaaqaya Dhibaatada Puntland Gaar ahaan Bari, Kuwa Dabada ka Riixaya Faroole ee leh Weerar GalGala, ee leh Shinbiro iyo Laag ayaa Al-Qaacido Joogtaa. Waxaanu Helay Liiska Ragii Saraakiisha ahaa ee ka Mid ahaa Laantaasi hase ahaatee markii danbe Go’aan ka qaatay inay Ku Sii Jiiraan PISta kuwaasi oo Habeen Madow la dilay Halka qaarkood aan ilaa hada loo Hayna Raad Cad oo Muujinaya Cida ka Danabysa Dilkaasi, Inta badan dada la dilo ee PISta Horay uga Baxay waxa lagu dilaa Masaajidada Hortooda kuwaasi oo iyaga oo Salaad ku Socda ama ka Soo Baxay la Dilo. 1-Jaamac Ali Siibato, waxa uu ahaa Sarkaal Sare oo ka Tirsan Laantaasi waxan uu ahaa Nin aan inta badan Isha dadku qaban oo aan la Aqoonayn inuu Ka Mid ahaa Laakiisi Si Hoose oo uu Laantaasi uga Guuray Ayuu hawlo Ganacsi u aaday Yeman Soo Laabadkiisii ayaa la dilay Isaga oo Xaafadiisa ku Socda Xili habeen ah Lamana Yaqaan Ilaa Wakhtigan Cid dishay. Goobaha Caafimaadka Marka la geeyo inta badan dadka loo Xaglinayo inay Dileen waxa lagu Gartaa Madaxa ama Wadnaha ayay Qofkaasi Xabad Kaga dhuftaan Si aan Nolol Danbe Loogu Helin Dilkaa Jaamac Siibato wuxuu dhacay Badhtamihii Sanadkii 2009- 2-C/Qaadir Cali Yuusuf isna waxa la Qeexay in la dilay ka dib markii uu sheegay oo ehelkiisa iyo Madaxada Laantaasi u sheegay inaanu Shaqadaasi kusii Jirtayn isaga Waxa dilay Laba Ruux oo Madaxa Soo Tuubtay Kuwaasi oo aan Meel ay Ka soo duuleen iyo Raadkooda. 3- Jaamac Yare, Kahliif Fara Gaab, Siciid Heerya Cuni, iyo Mahad Cartan Ismaciil oo ahaa Ninkii Igu danbeeyay ee lagu dilo Bosaaso Kuwa la xidhiidha Falalka PISta ayaa iyana ka mid ah kuwa aan Dilalkoodu cadayn ilaa Saacadan oo aan la aqoon Sumada dadka dilay dhamaan dadka aan sheegany Isku Si ayaa loo dilaa sida in Madaxa Laga Toogto, inay xabadu ahayd Paastoolada iyo inay isku Raacaan Laba Ruux oo Madaxa Duuban. Sirdoonka Puntland markay Baadhitaanada Noocaasi oo kale ah Samaynayaan inay Saxaafada markaba u Yeedhaan isaga oo aan xitaa Maydkii la Duugin ayay ku Tilmaamaan inay Dilalka Nocaasi oo kale ah Maleegeen Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ah ama Al-Shabab oo ah Hadalka Ugu badna ee ay Isticmaalaan Saraakiisha Amaanka PL. Dadku waxay aad isu Waydiiyaan Hadii Kooxaha Islaamiyiiintu ay Dilayaan Ruux Laantaasi Aan sheegnay ka mid ah Maxaa loo dilaa inta badan Markay ka Baxan ilaa Toobada Ilaahay Waa Furan tahay Teeda kale Nin Islaam ah oo Asha’Haadanayaan Niyadiisu ma Siiso inuu Ruux la mid ah oo Masaajid ka soo baxay Dilo, Waa iska Cadahay Dilalka Noocaasi oo ah Dhan wa Fuliya PISta oo Doonaysa inaanu Marka Ruuxaasi Shaqada iska Casilo Dhiibin Xog ama Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku Saabsan Siraha Hoose ee laantaasi. Dhawaan ayaa Faroole Idaacadaha ka sheegay in Dilalka Bosaaso ka dhaca ay Gaystaan Kooxo uu ku sheegay inay Diidanyihiin Nabada PL isaga oo soo qaatay Sheekh Atam oo Ilaashada Khayraadka deegaanka kuwaasi oo Shirkado Budhcad ah ay doonayaan inay Gurtaan — Laakiin waxa iska Cadaatay in Dilalka Qorshayna ee Masuuliyiinta Dawlada ay Fuliyaan ama ka Danbeeyaan kuwa iyana Shaati Maamul gasna sida PISta. Akhir Maqaaladii Hore [Riix Halkan]
  2. Gallad; ever wonder why they always seem to be online at the same time? Ever wonder the similarities in the use of words? Symptoms of defeated men.
  3. Gallad; the man Sackar aka Duke is really suffering from an unusal sickness. He's replying to himself, adeer don't loose your sanity over clan frictions. The news portal that reported this was from your clan, why would your clan report a fake a story that harms them politically? Mayor of Dhahar and those with posts are after-all their kinsmen, thus them attending a meeting for the course of the displaced can easilly be seen. Duke adeer you have to create more characters (Sakhar)to covince your self, just to shed light on how weak your argument is.
  4. Huge Demonstration Against Puntland's False Allegation and Uprooting of Western Bari community is Taking Place in Dhahar Wasiir ku xigeenka amniga Puntland CabdJamaal Cismaan Maxamed ayaa caawa guriga uu ka degan yahay magaalada Dhahar waxa ku ilaalinaya ciidankiisii,isaga oo cabsi weyni soo wajahday markii reer dhahareed diideen joogitaankiisa uu wakiilka uga yahay Madaxweyne Faroole sidoo kale waxa maanta ka dhacay Magaaladaas Mudahaaraad weyn oo looga soo hor jeeday dagaalkii Galgala. Cabdi jamaal oo dhowaan loo magcaabay xikan wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga puntland ayaa hada wuxuu ku sugan yahay Magaalada Dhahar hase ahaatee waxa looga hor yimid Mudaharaad lagu canbaareenayo dagaalkii dhowaan ay dawlada puntland ku qaday degaanada Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda oo ahaa mid aan sharci ahayn laakiinse looga soo qaatay mashaariic lacageed Caasimado ka mid ah Aduunka iyaga oo la sheegay in dadka ku nool Galgala ay yihiin argagixiso. Mudaharaadkii maanta ayaa Odayaashii ka hadlay oo qaarkood aad looga yaqaan Gobolada Sanaag iyo Bari waxay ahaayeen kuwo u sheegay dadkii isu soo baxay in arinta Galgala lagu xaliyo si nabad ah waqtina la siiyo Odayaasha si ay u soo afjaraan rabshadahan ka jira Puntland ,sidoo kale waxay Caalamka ku casumeen in ay iyagu indhohooda ku soo arkaan waxa ka jira Magaalada Galgala oo ay tahay been ay ka sheegtay Dawlada dawlada Puntland in degaanka ay joogaan argagixiso Caalami ah, sidii horay uga dhacday beena uga sheegeen Degaano kale oo Puntland ka mid ah sida meesha la yiraahdo Shinbiraale oo sidan oo kale la yiri waxa jooga Dad Afgaanistaan iyo Pakistaan ah oo ka mid argagixisada caalamiga ah hase ahaatee markii warbaahintu tagaty degaankaas lagu arkay Shinbiro xitaa Duunyo iyo dadba laga waayey. Madaxda Puntland oo horay u soo sameeyey beentan ay ku qaraabtaan ee argagixisnimada ayaa horay waxay u qabteen Farsamo yaqaan sameeya qaboojiyaha guryaha kana soo jeeday dalka Falastiin waxayna u gacan geliyeen Sirdoonada Reer Yurub iyaga oo ku sheegay in uu yahay argagixiso hase ahaatee la ogaaday in uu yahay nin dhowr jiil deganaa Degaanadan ahna muruq maal.la soo baxa quutal yoomka. Madaxweynihii hore Puntland cade Muuse ayaa wasiir ku xigeenkan cabsida caawa u jooga gurigiisii uu ka degan yahay Dhahar waxa lagu duqeeyey guri uu ka deganaa Boosaaso waxaana Ciidanka PIS ku dileen labo wiil iyada oo warbixintii loo gudbiyey in ay dileen labo argagixiso ah . Ugu danbayntii dagaalkii Galgala ayaa sidii uu u maareeyey Madaxweyne Faroole waxa ka raacday jab aad u halis ah Ciidankiisii u dagaalami lahaana maalinba shan ayaa ka baxsada Ciidama ka dib markii ay ******** in uu dagaalku yahay Mashruuc Reer faroole rabaan in ay ku lacagaystaan. ,Sidoo kale haduu iska dhego tiro cabashadan Reer Dhahareed ku diidan yihiin dagaalkan iyo bayaanka ay soo saari doonaan sida ay maanta sheegeen maalmaha soo socda waxay noqon doontaa in markii u horaysay halis gasho jiritaanka Puntland iyo isku socdka Gobolada hada sida nabada ah ku wada nool Allsanaag.com
  5. Gallad good point: It's humorous how the SSDF clan cheerleaders are denying that people were displaced, yet Puntland officials are saying they were. Libaae, it doesn't take too much intellect to comprehend that people will flee their homes in a hostile environment. The fact that the vice-president stated that people were displaced is a concrete evidence.
  6. For you clan cheerleader in denial of the attrocities commited against the Makhiri community of Western Bari, is your own clan outlet not a credible source? Thousands were displaced by Faroole and the SSDF administration. This is a clear violation of human rights, and media outlets have ignored the loss of wealth, farms and the destruction of homes as a result of Faroole invasion. The mayor of Dhahar is asking NGO's and other interested parties for an immediate humanitarian assistance. Dhahar city is hosting thousands displaced from Galgala, as a result of Faroole and his clan fiefdom's administration.
  7. Kulan Looga Hadlaayo Dadkii Ka Qaxay Galgala oo Ka Dhacay Xarunta Haylaan August 23, 20108 comments| leave your own! Share Kulan ku sabsan sidii gargaar bin’aadanimo lala gaari lahaa dadkii ka barakacay dagaaladii ka dhacay Buuralayda Galgala ee u dhaxeeyey Ciidanka Puntland iyo xoogaga taabacsan wadaadka lagu magacaabo Attam ayaa lagu qabtay degmada Dhahar ee xarunta gobolka Haylaan. Duqa degmada Dhahar Salaad Xassan Shire oo la hadlaayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in kulanka ay ka qaybgaleen masuuliyin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland iyo dadka degaanka si weyn looga hadlay sidii deeq loo gaarsiin lahaa dadka soo gaaray degmadaas oo kasoo barakacay goobaha kala ah Galgala,Balikhadar iyo kuwa kale. Wuxuu intaas ku daray in dhamaan dadkii ka hadlay kulankaas ay ku baaqeen in si deg deg ah wax loo gaarsiiyo dadkaas oo intooda badan ku sugan gudaha degmada Dhahar. Guddoomiyaha Dhahar ayaa ka codsaday maamulka Puntland iyo dhamaan hay’adaha samafalka in ay gurmad lasoo gaaran dadka ka barakacay dagaaladii Galgala. Muddooyinkii lasoo dhaafay waxaa socday abaabulo ku aadan sidii gargaar loola gaari lahaa dadkii ka cararay guryahoodii kadib markii ay qarxeen dagaaladii Galgala. Horseed Media
  8. Am i wrong, or the concept of Jihad has been getting a distorted view. It's like the Islamic concept of Jihad gets "stigmatized". Isn't the Great Jihad a struggle against the soul's bad temptations and how to cleanse it through fasting, refraining from bad manners, showing love and respect to our neighbors. But the article has a convincing argument, and the sooner the Kenyan government tackles this issue the better for all of us.
  9. Across Somalia`s border, an incubator for jihad; Influenced by al-Qaeda-linked militia, schools and mosques in Nairobi immigrant neighborhood spread extremist message by Sudarsan Raghavan in Nairobi The Washington Post August 22, 2010 Behind the blue gates of his Islamic school in Nairobi`s Eastleigh neighborhood, Ahmed Awil cannot escape his country`s civil war. Schools and mosques where extremist views are taught are reshaping this Somali immigrant community that for years has lived peacefully in the capital of this predominantly Christian country. Moderate imams now compete with hard-line preachers pushing a strict interpretation of Islam. Bookstores sell anti-Western literature. Residents speak fearfully of militant spies, and children like Ahmed are taught to praise al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-linked militia, for waging jihad in Somalia against the U.S.-backed government. “My teachers tell us al-Shabab is fighting for our religion and for our country,” said Ahmed, a skinny 11-year-old who fled Somalia after al-Shabab fighters slaughtered his neighbor and tried to recruit him. “Sometimes they ask us if we would like to go there and fight.” Eastleigh, a run-down enclave where tens of thousands of Somalis live, has become an incubator for Islamic extremism, Kenyan officials and community leaders say. It has also emerged as a micro-battlefield in the war on terrorism, attracting American funds. “What most worries me is that this extremist ideology will continue to grow,” said Dualle Abdi Malik, the director of Fathu Rahman, a moderate Islamic school. “We have to confront it before it is too late.” Somali immigrant communities across the Horn of Africa and Yemen have come under greater scrutiny since twin bombings last month targeted World Cup soccer fans in the Ugandan capital of Kampala. Al-Shabab asserted responsibility for the attacks, its first major international operation since it rose to power several years ago in Somalia. Members of al-Shabab, which in Arabic means “The Youth,” and other Somali militants freely travel to Nairobi to raise funds, recruit and treat wounded fighters, according to U.N. and Kenyan security officials. Somali-American jihadists have met contacts in Eastleigh before heading to Somalia to fight with al-Shabab. “Eastleigh is a copy of Mogadishu,” said Mohamed Omar Dalha, Somalia`s social affairs minister, referring to the Somali capital. “Everything that happens in Mogadishu happens in Eastleigh, except the fighting.” Fertile ground for radicals At the al-Huda Islamic bookshop, a closet-sized stall nestled near one of Eastleigh`s radical mosques, several youths browsed the fare on a recent day. Koranic tomes pack the shelves. Recordings of lectures and debates that glorify the neighborhood`s radical Somali preachers are sold openly. “Our religion calls on us to kill everyone who does not believe in Allah and his Prophet Muhammed deeply,” Abdulrahman Abdullahi, a black-clad imam, declares in one DVD. Al-Shabab has long threatened to attack Kenya, which has been targeted by extremists over the years. In 1998, al-Qaeda operatives bombed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and in Tanzania; in 2002, an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa was bombed. Earlier this year, protests erupted in downtown Nairobi over the arrest of a radical Islamic preacher from Jamaica. Eastleigh, community leaders say, is an ideal breeding ground for radicalism. The neighborhood is poor and isolated; few Kenyans enter it. Local authorities have ignored it: Roads are unpaved, muddy and covered with trash. The smell of raw sewage wafts across the terrain. Kenyan police have long harassed Somalis, demanding bribes under threat of arrest or deportation, generating resentment. Since the Kampala attacks, police have rounded up hundreds of people in Eastleigh and other areas, including four Kenyan Muslims who human rights activists say were illegally extradited to Uganda for interrogation. “The community is suffering,” said Abdufatah Ali, an Eastleigh representative on the Nairobi City Council. “The police stop you and take your phone, and say `You are al-Shabab.` They enter your house and rape you, and say `You are al-Shabab.` “ Radical preachers are filling the void, playing a key role in recruiting and fundraising for al-Shabab. They operate the largest mosques in the neighborhood, providing ideological leadership and a resource base for militants, according to a U.N. report on Somalia in April. “They have a very big influence in terms of radicalization,” said Nicholas Kamwende, Kenya`s anti-terrorism police chief. “Eastleigh provides the best grounds for recruitment.” Influencing young minds At the Ansaaru primary school, where Awil attends classes, boys and girls study biology, chemistry and geography. In religion class, they are taught that it is every Muslim`s duty to “liberate” Jerusalem and its sacred al-Aqsa mosque, Awil and three other students said. Sometimes, the students said, the teachers show them video clips of jihadists fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. “They tell us that al-Shabab hates Western countries like America,” said Zakeria Omar, 11, a student. “And that it is all right to cut the throats of every citizen of these countries.” Ali Jama`a, a Koranic teacher at the school, asserted that the teachers do not discuss jihad or al-Shabab. “Those classes may happen in the mosques, but not here,” Jama`a said. Moments later, the imam of al-Hidaya mosque, which U.N. investigators and community leaders describe as among the most radical in Eastleigh, arrived at the school. He was there to teach a class. He declined to be interviewed by a Washington Post journalist. Moderate clerics fear what will happen to their community. One well-known imam tells young people not to be enticed by militancy and speaks out against suicide bombings as un-Islamic. “We have a war on our hands to stop our youth from being taken to the battlefield,” said the imam, who asked that his name not be published because he had been threatened. Moderates raise voices Shine Abdullahi`s hip-hop group, Waayaha Cusub, or “The New Generation,” is fighting back. The artists -- both men and women, all Somalis, most of whom once lived in Eastleigh -- released a CD in February with the help of funding from the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi. This year, the United States has allocated $96,000 for job creation, education and tolerance programs, mostly directed at youth, to bolster moderate views of Islam in Eastleigh. Waayaha Cusub`s song “No to al-Shabab” has become a hit in Somali communities, including those in Minnesota, Ohio and Virginia. The group has handed out 7,000 free copies in Eastleigh. “Our goal is to show that al-Shabab has neither a Somali nor an Islamic agenda,” Abdullahi said. “They are nothing but a militia run by al-Qaeda`s chiefs.” In June, Abdullahi received the first of many death threats in the form of a text message from a Kenyan cellphone number: “You work with the infidels and Americans. You are a spy for them. Do you want to stop that work or do you want to die?” Today, the group does not play large shows, fearing an attack by suicide bombers. None of the members live in their old neighborhood anymore. “It`s very easy for them to kill us in Eastleigh,” Abdullahi said. © Copyright 2010, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved
  10. AP) – 3 days ago NAIROBI, Kenya — The northeastern tip of Somalia has been a peaceful haven in an often violent nation, but b]a powerful warlord[/b] and a series of recent clashes are threatening to open a new zone of lawlessness. Militants loyal to warlord Mohamed Said Atom have repeatedly fought against government forces in recent weeks, and Atom told a local radio station that his men have retreated to their mountain hideout in Gal Gala to plan guerrilla attacks. Government forces recently drove through the desert toward Gal Gala in pickup trucks mounted with machine guns. A U.N. report says officials have credible information that Atom has delivered arms sent by Eritrea to al-Shabab forces in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab is Somalia's dominant insurgent group and has ties with al-Qaida. Al-Shabab has so far distanced itself from activities in Puntland, a semiautonomous region that set up its own administration in 1998, but fears are rising that it could expand into the north if local authorities fail to address grievances that feed Atom's ambitions. The warlord wants the administration to dismantle the U.S.-backed Puntland Intelligence Service and to apply Islamic law in the region. "Puntland is a very weak administration and if it loses the military initiative, there is a strong fear that it will have a southern-like scenario," said Rashid Abdi, a Somali expert with the International Crisis Group. He said Puntland forces are better organized than government troops in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, but can't withstand a determined insurgency without help. Clashes between Atom's fighters and government forces began in late July, when the militants attacked Puntland forces near Atom's home base, a rugged and mountainous area about 20 miles (30 kilometers) outside the region's commercial capital, Bossaso. Puntland's security minister said his forces have killed more than 30 militants since the fighting started, a claim denied by Atom. A March report by the U.N.'s Monitoring Group says Atom has been importing arms from Yemen and receiving consignments from Eritrea, including mortars, for delivery to southern Somalia. Atom's "activities pose a growing threat to peace and security in both Puntland and Somaliland," said the report, noting that "Atom appears to be preparing to confront both the Puntland and the Somaliland authorities more directly." Until recently Puntland was spared by the large-scale violence that has plagued much of Somalia's southern and central regions, where Islamist militants are trying to topple the weak, U.N.-backed government in Mogadishu. Warsan Cismaan Saalax, a member of the Puntland Diaspora Forum, a group that promotes peace in the region, said the clashes between Atom and Puntland were "inevitable" because "no government will accept to have armed militiamen in its backyard. "But to defuse the situation, a frank dialogue with Atom is needed," she said. "And to reach that stage, there must be a cease-fire first." Since he took office in January last year, Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has been reaching out to Islamists in his region to reduce al-Shabab's influence. "We have tried through (Atom's) clan elders to persuade him to give up his terrorist activities but he rejected their overtures," said Puntland Security Minister Yusuf Ahmed Khayr. He said he fears Atom may start using suicide bombers. Atom was among nearly a dozen suspected Islamist militants in Somalia whose assets were frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department in April. He considers Puntland officials apostates for failing to apply Islamic law, and is especially critical of the Puntland Intelligence Services, calling its members "Crusaders." Specifics on the clashes are difficult to find. Local authorities have imposed a news blackout on the fighting, and a court sentenced a radio station manager to six years in prison after his station aired an interview with Atom earlier this month. Abdi says Atom "is hijacking a long running local feeling of marginalization," a situation where some clans feel they have no voice in the state's affairs. Atom's Warsengali clan cited that lack of consultation between government and clans when they took arms up against security forces in 2006. The clan objected to a plan to conduct surveys in the mineral-rich area of Gal Gala. Analysts have long argued that the more the violence in the south is allowed to rage, the more the north's stability is threatened. "It is difficult to inoculate the north from the instability and chaos in the south," said Abdi. "What we are seeing in Puntland now is a perfect example of a spillover effect." Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
  11. Originally posted by Gallad: Dukey or should I call you Sakar as rivealed by xudeidi. I been wanted to ask you where is afgudud or he fled with your uncle to yemen Magangalyo.com. His name was last heard when he fled Kismayo barefooted. Galad, i believe he is shitting on his pants in western bari, or better yet anticipating further defeat. The SSDF surely inherits defeats.
  12. ^lol 1 man conversation. Besides, these pics are from the first day the SSDF troops invaded town. Farms have decimated, thats a fact. Journalist were not allowed to tour town after that episode.
  13. source: http://www.dhahar.com/news/0411105.html
  14. Galgala does have a football stadium and hosts one of the best teams in Bari region, this is a pic of team during finals game. Ciyaari waatii galinka dambe xiisa heedu ahaaye, ayaa markii laysku soo laabtey kooxda dowlada hoose (Galgala) ayaa waxay dhalisay gool, goolkaana waxaa u soo hanniyey cayaaryahanka lagu magacaabo Jibriil garmaqaate. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, markii ay cayaartu socotey mudo qadar aad u yar ayaa kooxda Tawakal (Dhahar) hanatey gool qaali ah waxaana goolkaa u dhaliyey cayaartoyga afka hore ee cayaarta wanaagsan laguna magacaabo Ciid Ducaale. Duke, don't speak of a region that you know nothing about. Maaday, thanks for the update.
  15. ^ I agree, he's certainly more like a warlord of a clan fiefdom. I referred him to a dictator, in reference to his media censorship and that nature.
  16. Horseed is taking quite a risk by reporting this. Dictator Faroole does not want his loses to be revealed.
  17. The pirates went as far as asking for Somaliland's hand. This clearly sheds light on the delusion that they (SSDF) are a functioning state. Ina Faroole can ask for all the help, one thing is sure, The defense minister of Somaliland and the millitary leads such as Coronel Muuse Jaamac of Ceerigaabo will never aid the pirate SSDF Enclave. As Mielmi stated, this is a clan war and will resolve only if elders are given a chance.
  18. Zack: Xudeedi supports Makhiri interest on SOL. I care less about individuals.
  19. lol Duke is trully bothered by this guy. Adeer your living in the west, his bulets won't reach you ee relax.
  20. The west is not as clueless as the SSDF clan predicts. They know that this a war between 2 clans fuelled by quest of natural resources. Mohamuud Abdalla did a nice job relaying the story.
  21. ^Ridiculous, You were against Farole simply because of your affiliation with his incumbent and the friction between him and the incompetent former warlord, AKA SSDF Governor Cadde. Today you support him, because it’s a war between your old foe (closer to kin to you) and another old foe that poses a larger threat. It’s obvious whom you would side with, which I have no problem with so long as you stop pouring tears into SOL.
  22. He said he fears Atom may start using suicide bombers. This shows you that the whole project is nothing more than a scheme. Anyone with a logical mind, can see that Galaga was attacked for material gain. The SSDF agenda has failed.
  23. Farshaxanka Caanka ah ee Somaliyeed Caamir Caamir ayaa Sawiray Xaalada ay ku Sugan tahay PL Wakhtigan isaga oo si Toos ah u soo qaatay Faroole iyo Wiilkiisa Curad Maxamed C/raxmaan oo hada Jeer aad Moodid inay Shacabka Pl iyo Wasiirada ay Qool ku hayaan, Amin Camir, waxa uu soo sawiray Wariye C/Fatax Jaama Mir kaasi oo PL 6-Sano oo Xadhig ah iyo Shan Boqol oo Doolar ku Xukuntay, Sida iska Cad, Faroole wuxuu inta badan ku Xigeenkiisa C/Samad Cali Shire Kaga Kalsoon yahay Wiilashiisa oo uu Waydiiyaa Xitaa Sida loo soo dhisayo Dawladii hadii Markaasi isku Shaan dhanyn la Doonayo, sidoo kae wuxuu inta badan Kala Munaaqishoodaa Xaaladaha Wariyaasha PL iyo Idaacadaha ku Kacsan Maamulkooda, isaga oo Wiilkiisa Horaantii Janaayo, ee Sanadkii 2009- ka dhiagy la Taliyaha ABihiis ee dhanka Warfaafinta. Amin Camir waxa uu Bartiisa Enternet ku soo Saaray Sawir uu ugu Magacdaray Faroole iyo Wiilkiisa oo uu Soo Wacay Qaadigii Maxkamada C/Fataax Jamac Xukumay oo Waydiinaya Faroole inta Lagu Xukumo Wariyaashaasi, Hase ahaatee Faroole ayaa Waydiiyay isna Wiilkiisa Curad inta Wariyahaasi lagu Xukumo…….. Taasi ayaa u Muuqata mid ku Tusinaysa in Wiilka Faroole Qaadi ka yahay Maxkamadaha PL.