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Everything posted by Xargaga

  1. To centurion: at least you aint dnying that the kilings ever happened.
  2. Look at thsi too Taakoman the traditional elders came from many areas from buuhodle to burco hargeysa to dhagax buur ,qabri dahar and jigjiga.I also heard some elders from hiiraan were there. This became a threat to Ethiopia I believe . So the solution was to send each to their diveded regions. Dolwadda Itoobiya Oo La Wareegtey Xallinta Dagaalka Daroor Iyo Ergooyinkii Dhexdhexaadinta Oo Lagu Amray Inay Kala Dareeraan Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 28 February, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hargeysa (Somaliland.org) – Ergooyinkii nabadraadinta u tegey magaalada Daroor ee dhowaan dagaalku ku dhexmaray labada beelood ayaa caawa dib ugu soo laabtay Hargeysa, kadib markii dowladda Itoobiya saaka u sheegtay inay la wareegtey xallinta colaaddaas, isla markaana ay iska kala tagaan. Ergooyinka oo ka kala yimi Somaliland iyo Killilka 5aad ee Itoobiya, waxay tiradoodu gaadhaysey 450 xubnood. Waxayna qaarkood ku sugnaayeen deegaankaas muddo laba toddobaad ah. Go’aankan oo saaka subaxnimadii si lama filaan ah loogu wargeliyey ergooyinka, waxa uu yimi iyada oo ergooyinka gurmadka ku tegey Daroor ay ku guuleysteen inay kala raraan ciidamadii labada beelood ee is horfadhiyey, kana saxeexaan odayaasha labada beelood xabad-joojin shuruud la’aan ah, taas oo dhaqangashay. Waxaana saaka loo ballansanaa xaflad loogu talagalay in la isugu keeno odayaasha labada beelood ee dagaalku dhexmaray, halkaas oo la doonayey in labada mid walba laga dhaariyo 25 oday; kadibna wadahadalka turxaanbixinta iyo xallinta colaadda labada beelood ka furmo. Hase yeeshee, saaka markii la isugu yimi madasha xafladda loo goleeyey ayaa masuuliyiin ka socdey Maamulka Killilka 5aad ee Itoobiya oo iyaguna halkaas u joogey xallinta dagaalka labada beelood iyaga oo horkacayey ciidan Itoobiyaan ah oo halkaa ku sugani, waxay kulan gaar ah la yeesheen Shirguddoonnada labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumadda iyo xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE oo ka mid ah Ergada, waxayna u sheegeen in dowladda Itoobiya la wareegtey hawsha xallinta dagaalka labada beelood, laga bilaabo, iyaguna ay fasax yihiin. Ergooyinka beelaha iyo deegaamada kala duwan ka socdey oo isugu jirey qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ayuu lama filaan ku noqday go’aanka dowladda Itoobiya kula wareegtey hawshii nabadaynta ee ay ka dhexwadeen laba beelood, wakhti ay u gudbayeen wareeggii labaad. Waxayna ergo waliba iyada oo niyadjabsan go’aansatay inay baabuurta u fuusho deegaankii ay ka timi. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in odayaasha labada beelood maanta gelinkii dambe loo qaaday magaalada Jigjiga ee xarunta maamulka Killilka 5aad ee Itoobiya. Ergada Golayaasha dowladda Somaliland ayaa la sheegay inay aad uga xumaatay go’aanka dowladda Itoobiya oo aan la garanayn sababta iyo ujeedada ka dambaysa. Itoobiya ayaa hore loogu dhalliilayey in aanay dhakhso u soo kala gaadhin labada beelood oo deegaanka ay ku dagaalameen uu hoos yimaaddo maamulkeeda. C/risaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa.
  3. I think there's a confusion between ethnicity and nationality. A majority of Djiboutians could be ethnic Somalis, but all Djiboutians are Djibouti nationals. If Djibouti joins Somalia in one country, then its citizens will become Somali nationals. Until then, they are who they are. Taliban i thought your stance on nationalism was based in Islam, whereby the colonial borders matter not or according to you Secular borders in the islamic world. What ahappened? now you even went further by defferenciating somalis. Are you loosing it or what?
  4. Usually the Peace keeping forces Operates Under UN Statues. The UN has the power to decide which charpter under the UN Peace keeping mission the Troops can operate. I beleve that the present Mission would be opearating Under Chapter "7" this allows the troops to Use force if necessary to reach their goals. As you all know the Goal is to force the somali ppl to accept the stooge government willing or not.which i beleive is a big gamble on the path of the international community.Now its upon Somalis to choose either to Accept and submitt to the stooge government for the time being.Or Fight and sacrifice lives, which would be difficult without unity among somalis, regardless,their geographic and political differences. Otherwise my opinion is that shear violence is not the way out "horaa looyiri far keliya fool madhaqdo"
  5. Let me share some observation i made at SOL: ragga qaar cybe kudirir waiy udiyaar garoobeen waxaiy soo qaateen magcyo qatar ah, Genera duke , Capatin Xalane etc. Qaarna they call themselves. OLOL. AbuGeeljire, Abwaan, Brown Faarax ,Jacayl baro, Xoogsade etc. War meesha kabaxa hadii kale magacyo ragga udhigma like field marshal, labaxa, Remember Maxmed dheere said Qaaniyo, Qaaniyaa,laiskagafujiyaa
  6. I beleieve its something to do with the constitution and how its drafted. The somali constitution gives the president more powers than the prime minister, including the power of appointing and dismissing the prime minister wherever deemed right for him.
  7. By the way who and how do you determine whats apropriate and what is not. when aproriate and where? i believe that the decision is upto to the dresser. and not others to judge him/her
  8. War geedi garaney odaygu xaguu mariyaiy qaybtisii. mise hadafkiisu wuxuu ahaa "MAR MADAXWEYNNE HALAYDHAHO" some puntland friends of mine were complaining saying "war meeshii uu wax noogusoo dari lahaa intii yarayd aa nagaraacday"
  9. He said if Somaliland is peaceful miraa traders will have an opportunity to continue trading with Somalia. ] That by itself alarmed me. The kenyan Miraa is poison sxb hererigii aa laxejin waayeiy waaba gisa/kaangeta kusoo dar. Iam scared hargeysa mariyaha aiy dhigi.
  10. I agree with the idea of having an independent organ operate berbera Port. But the question is would it happen soon? I believe that somaliland is undergoing some political crisis right now, and without economic transparency and accountability little is going to be done. right now the legislature and the judiciary are in total disagreement, on how to interpret and implement the constitution. While the legislature which has a majority from opposition parties would like to ratify and ammend issue for the sake of development, the the judiciary would overule. simply because they are under the influence of the executive branch, which consists totally corupt and arogant self centered fellows. As you all well know the Berbera port is the main source of income for Somaliland, including the Fuel storage Depot left by the Americans. These facilities are runned by some government individuals and they openly refused to have the fuel depot revenues audited.Likewise the port revenue is under contstant emmbezlement.So far no reforms would take place since whatever delibarated by the parliamentary committees, and passed by the legislature would always be struck down by the partisan Supreme court. A good example is that of the press freedom. The haatuf editors were detained regarless of their constitutional rights under the freedom of press.Now that the case went to the supreme court, the partisan Judge ruled in the favor of the government, and also nullified the defendants, and every somalilanders constitutional rights of freedom of speech. The main question is, would the same administration Privatize the port/Airport and let their corupt System changed? I dont think so. B]Cidna Umamaqna Ceelna Umaqodna?[/b]
  11. loooooooooooooool.this reminds me of the marqaan vs macawis story.
  12. he is really great i like his diversity. He can mimick many communities, just like its real.
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2579833089500205658
  14. Wariyaa SYL stop those pics sxb, wallh dhareerkii aa nagakentay. It was long since i saw such a fresh kilo of GIZA. :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:
  15. This american guy owns an auto insuarance company. Almost all of his somali clients have their birth date as 01/01( January First). This man saw this to be a real interesting issue. Then one day he could not hold it anymore and he added this to his interview questions wherever selling insuarance to a somali with that pattern of information. this is how the interview went. John: So you say you were born on 01/01/1987? This farah you could tell he is in his forties with shining bald head. Farah Yes. Look hearr may ID bliis the guy went back to his records and all his clients were born on 01/01/ year may differ. John: Where in somalia Sir? Farah: Muqdisho kabital of soomalia He looked at his records and all were born in Mogadishu. John:The doctors in somalia must have been bussy every year on this date, But could you tell me how bussy were the somalis in mogadishu nine months before 01/01 of every year? Then the somali got mad and was like " war waa xaiy gaalkan xune ee naloosoodiray. Farah: non of your businiis, Biliis no blay this bidaar is not true hort oil biib on may head. The guy started loving and wherever he meets somalis that is the joke he makes. How busy were the doctors in mogadishu on this seson yet how much fun was going on in mogadishu nine months before this season
  16. war garaad .mailowday Niicdii badneyd ee kacalaacali jirtay meesha ? Somalilnd has accupied our lands blabla!!. How comes today you are cheerleading for someone else land forcefull accupation and killings of innocent civilians. wallee waalidu dadka qaar wax walba waykakeenta.
  17. I agree with u Sharmarke; I beleieve that the litrature part of poems carries more admiration except, when it ends up inciting tribal conflict. But remeber poets too used poems to ease tensions among rival clans. Remember the famaous poem by salaan i cant remember the line : but it was tittled : Tolow colka jooja.
  18. Can anyone rememember the poems of cismaan gun iyo baar'eeg? I heard there is famous one that he gave to cali dhuux and which realy impressed salaan, i heard that salaan after hearing ofthis said "haddii aan ogaan lahaa in uu cismaan kelmadahaasi kujiraan, toban qaalmood waakasiisan lahaa". He ended by saying that the poem was enough reply to the famous. one " sideed maalmodd weeye intuu sahanku laanlaa. waa lasoo siday xeedhyihii saabka lootolaye. reer hebel sal fuduudaa wuxuu sugaayo muu dhawro?
  19. good pics, but saxb dee nagadaa sawiradan aad nagusoo celcelisay. I like the pic of that face painted kid. creative indeed.
  20. great translation MMA. Could also give us some translation for mental illness.like Schizophrenia and stuff.
  21. General tesfaye you should also admit that there is no any distinction btween tfg and certain clan.
  22. I mayself consider is a hero who come to Mogadishu to end a fire that is still burning. What fire kamluddin? is it revenge fire aginst USC/ICU burning in you? lets see how your cowardly revenge fire would succeed while hiding behind ethiopian tanks.
  23. What about if i suggest that you run J.B? Cause you can at least write or maybe talk articutely than your colonel riyaale. Another thing You mentioned change of Vice president.I know now where you are comin from, So you are among those that are campaigning to appoint the cunning self centered, qabiileyste Cawill as vice president.Then you better forget about somaliland, the day that riyale comes back while cawill presides as his deputy.Believe me that is likely how its gona playout.My advice to those daacad somalilanders is simple as this famous somali saying. "Seedigaa hacolaysan walaashaa iskumahubtide".
  24. why.? why general tesfaye, do ou think this two will bring somaliland under your uncles rule? why not silaanyo ?