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Everything posted by Just-A-Brotha
Salamu Alaykum dear brothes and sisters of ISLAM, I am here to apologize for all m wrong doings in the past for the sake of ALLAH swt, and I hope you can all kindly accept this from me! no more will I argue about non-sense, nor try to even insult someone, ALLAH KNOWS BEST P.s. Jay, bro i was a marquette fan way before wade's existence sxb, I will not argue that, not too many ppl know about them, and for example st.joes was a cinderella, only for nelson and west, so same case sceneraio, nobody really knew of them as well, but being a long time Bucks fan, you gotta know Marquette bro, that's how i followed them and got to know them, Wade was just a bonus to the roster, an amazing one, but there's more to them that I still like today sxb, may we all be of the al-mutaquun and stop criticizing each others views, salamy alaykum w.r.w.b
Now that Webber is gone, there is no reason for me to follow the sixers or go any of their home games unless I got free tickets of course. BTW, don't worry about this place. Use it for what it is, entertainment. [/QB] what a loser, he calls himself a sixer fan, but now after 2 departures he's not loooooool typical *****, u bandwagon ryder, and plz amuuus about use this for entertainment kulaha, entertainment is in real life u loner...my azzz entertainment, u a victim of bullshyt and when the cyber world gets heavy for u..u call it ENT looool who needs a laugh walee
khalaf and mujahiid good lookin out fam! y'all already know the truth sxb, they chat bogus, and yo khalaf big up college ball all day sxb, i bet they can't re-call atleats 20 college names from 20 different teams without having to google, my point is, NBA is one thing, but college is where the heart is at, speaking of NCAA tarheel fan since smith days, rooting for big eat marquette too! Edited, quit insulting people! [ January 13, 2007, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Al Burcaawi ]
^^nobody asked u
Deleted [ January 13, 2007, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: Al Burcaawi ]
sxb moderator listen don't abuse your authority by leaving me responsible for all this, and cheap shooting me with 'get a grip man' ok why don't you get a real job for humour lol anyways, how many times did this girl indirectly insult us and use words as proof "twit" and countless others? like come on sxb, i understand if you want to follow jaylenos way of pulling cyber skirts, but look into the posts more, before you go on a rampage
aaaaahhhhhh hush up, why u still talking diarrhea out ur fat lips, swearing on allahz name kulaha, i shall have my tongue cut?? i know more of the deen than u and ur doll combined so lets not assume, quit talkin u sound ugly by the post
yea hatton and taylor might happen tho some say, but right now im waiting for that floyd and oscar right, yo u watch UFC by any chance, killa sport?
[ January 07, 2007, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Northerner Al Burcaawi ]
not practice, yall talkin bout girls team, not practice, i mean girls team?.looooool iverson impersonator..not practice...girls team?? i mean girls team......wtffff lool lazy not pracitce girls team????looool wat u talkin bout girls team????? lool
not practice, yall talkin bout girls team, not practice, i mean girls team?.looooool iverson impersonator..not practice...girls team?? i mean girls team......wtffff lool lazy not pracitce girls team????looool wat u talkin bout girls team????? lool
not practice, yall talkin bout girls team, not practice, i mean girls team?.looooool iverson impersonator..not practice...girls team?? i mean girls team......wtffff lool lazy not pracitce girls team????looool wat u talkin bout girls team????? lool
see what i mean, lazie horta u hide behind the truth, i just said u said the dude is a drop out and now u sayin i dont want to hear ur major??? and now your laughing about it hysterically??talk about changing the subject in hide mode, just admit u hide behind questions adigu. nobody stole a quote, according to wallahi cadiim if u was a tru muslim u would believe me, i mean who would lie by saying wallahi cadiim! thats like an ultimate, but ur wack u die hard hater, u can kneel down and salute to me! the thing wit u is that u laugh of ur posts, but deep ur in vexx mode, wallahi i can tell, u play sarcasm to a nxt level to hide ur lil emotions ...now fall back u been exposeeeeed, loooool jay u wack dawg, south wessst is the projects where real ballers come from, how am i claiming, if i been to philly, why is it hard for lazye to believe me once again??lazie unlike u, ppl leave there houses u phat tard..wallahi u too lame..step ur humour up, yo capitalized if u went to UAE beaches, lazie wont believe u lool..but yo dawg jay sxb wallahi playin me will make u look like a waterboy, real ballers around here, dont trip loool not no girl team ballers like yo chick here, kulaha coach asked me to play, wtf u talkin girls team, maybe they didnt have enough ppl on the team loooool get outta here with that bullshyyt ..girls shouldnt even argue about ball..nuff talk.. yo cap, tone, wallahi yall niggazz better than these 2 wackos sxb, wallahi they suck in real ball, i say wallahi coz i been around such ppl all my life, ppl who posts about ball topics since dinosaurs age (2002) for these two but really they only know tv ball, street ball is too much..look at this dude sayin..swp is the projects loool well duhhhh, and dats ur own city dawg, dont tell me u aint gon' walk dem streets to shoot some ball...nukkka plz man, u on some feminine talk
Originally posted by LayZieGirl: [QB] J.A.B dont even sweat layzie man. She doesnt have a clue bout NBA. Just read what she posted This is the problem when kids drop out of school. Nothing will make sense in life, thats why education plays a bigger role in one's life. Start hitting the textbook Z. More reading, less nac nac. ok wallahi cadiim u are seriously insane and quit callin ppl drop outs, and than don't hate them for proving to u that they are majoring in a certain degree! what the hell u just called the guy out, obviously he's gonna say he's a student of such and such, and then she fascinates about oh golly i feel good go tell me ur whole post secondary history?? wallahi ur too lame! nuff said! and for the record yo sxb jay, quit co signing man, is layzie gonna marry u anytime soon, its like u waitin for a proposal thru all these chat ups u going on. and yo u from philly lol, tell me what area, i kinda know my way around still, south west philly especially..anyways, dont' call me the new kid on the block and wallahi nobody is madd at u or layzie but yall discussions weigh one another, if one gets dissed, yall kiss butt for one another..and i have to go but sxb if u in philly i might go this summer,..call a brotha out on the court so u can get posterized lol not on no internet thing u feel me....and lazie pls quit talking out ur **** u make me sick, go jog and do something, ball aint for u, with u and ur tv info u bring on here,
i ment morales lost to paquioa that super philipine kid, not marcello lool ma bad, yea cap i didnt see the giant fight but barett lost to rahman kinda bad and he too small, giant is like 340 damn, but yea thats boxing they bring smaller card holders to advertise for valuev to bring him to crowds ****** azz don king product shizzle lol is in it ..but yea man heavyweigth sucks and i hate klitchkos they weak fo real, but them and valuev would be good i guess...yo welter is my division, wright turned down taylor rematch, no clue, but yea, winky could still be legit but he only really beat mosley so he has to beat taylor to be pound for pound, but yea i like that ricky hatton kidd, mean kid man never lets u space out, like to see him fight taylor, i know but yo i think it would be one fight! since they both like to fight! and as far as oscar fight vs mayweather, mayweather sr is oscars trainer lool imagine that, but yea thats what im waiting for, margarito sucks sxb, they say he might fight cotto, even tho he lost to quantiana. but like u said margarito didnt look good so cotto will kill him with speed and power, thats it for now
i'm talkin now boxing man, jermaine taylor, welter weight, heavy weightz vladimr bro's that 7'3 other title holder, pretty boy mayweather who will fight against oscar comes sometime this feb i believe, them kind of boxing, marcello lightweight fights, he got bullied, pinky wright decision lost to JT, etc so on....
ok, i don't tune into NFL at all really, here and there if anything, y'all hear the denver player who got shot..damn miskeen, but anyways, you can't downplay mcnabb u said he couldnt understand the west play book or something for his entire 8 yrs, mcnabb is the franchise period..garcia is aight sxb, i still look at him as a decent QB compared to mcnabb, i'ma agree with playmaker on this that mcnabb does carry the whole team..my 2 cents...and wara jay get to the ball discussion
Originally posted by Capital Z: PS: Now lets watch as Jay tries to come and save her. This story is gettin old hommy real old lool capital z well put abti and tone i think u talkin bout jaylani lol true ryders to the fullest.
loool @ nate mcmillan next, the dude is on a killing spree, but areanas is the type of dude most will always continue to underestimate, even if he keeps avg 30 man. i like areans, he real cool, he always at rucker playing ball, he do anything street or NBA he real like that. playmaker sxb lets not bring real basketball on the court, because not only would i cross, dunk, or post, spin, shoot in they eye and dominate they azzz, i would also let them know that if its street ball, dont even test the gun. it just might blow on you, so in that case, playmaker i'll let u handle them, since the elite is all i play against lol
p.s. if u so tuned like u are..lets forget nba 2000-2006..lets talk a lil 88-93..real talk..real players u never heard of them...what they did..what coaches where..etc etc who ..what ..where..when ..and why? than we can talk but u bringing in 2006 nba where if u google it u get an answer back than google wasn't even up..maybe other search engines..but u get the point! oh let me quote u on something..even tho it makes me sound weak...i said who dished 30 assists..she goes after shaq?? let me guess it will be darryl armstrong! wallahi nothing said! all i can say is u had the nerve to pick darryl?..darryl armstrong is like not even a true pg on the magic history book and yet u say him..na naga bax lol i like saying that..but yo wallahi this is my last post i will make on here...only because of this lil fan who i will not fall down to in pride therefore i must leave. NO NAME CALLING OR OFFENSIVE REMARKS WILL BE TOLERATED! MOD! [ December 24, 2006, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: Northerner ]
and before i truly leave..yo do me a GOODnfavour..quit going back like slavery days and quoting my stuff .."cut me some slack ..i watch or say what i hear or see...trying to play the role of an analyst" i was trying to be funyyyyyyyyyyyy and now she googles up an analyst and says..OH THATS WHAT HE MEANT>>HE COPIED THAT SAME ANALYST? LOOOOOOOl plz leave that alone..that topic was being discussed on a funny note.. what i watch or see, is talking about all about 2006 basketball, first month..since i never had the time to sit and watch a game!!!!!!!! so i turn to nba access or whatever for highlists ONLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..thats what that meant!! playing an analyst means..i am making up my own information and what i know..i was tryna make it a metaphor but my poor grammar on a cyber site..lead u wrong..not acutally quoting anaylsts..u get it..ok ok i'm out now..u put energy on me at this time of the night..thats what happens when somebody is not lying..he gets fueld up..aight ...salaaaaaaaaam P.S. yo playmaker sxb somebody tell this gurl to go homeeeeeeee and taker her off my knowledge..her and her dvrs on kobe after she counted him out
First off, Salamu Alaykum all...and secondly wallahi in the name of ALLAH swa i have a big smile on my face as i write this. Lazie gurl, ya allah is my witness, on the whole khataab, wallahi iyo billahi i never ever heard of whoever u just quoted it from...and forget googling or foogling or whatever mechanism fake fans do to keep up on info.. that was my own thought up opinion and i swear by imam allah that i came up with that on my won, are u really ******????? i'm pissed on a seriously but funny mood coz thats like taking my authentic opiniion away..it doesnt take a genuis to figure that out...daaaaaaamn wallahi i'm still appalled...i said the same thing out of my own brain and knowledge, and yet..she goes around having a quoute coincidentally what somebody else said...and talk about I dont want to cal u out..listen lazie..i have nothing to lie about..i know more basketball than i need to know.. na'mean..and what i said about kobe's comparison to jordan, is by the witness of imam allah and my dawg sitting nxt to me, is my own words without having heard of any analyst in my life..allah is oneness..i aint gon' lie on that..so u might as well squeeze it in that u know shytt lool..good gracioius u iz one funny chick walahi..don't be mad at me and come up with ****** shyt like..once u said.."give me some slack..i'm trying to play the role of an anaylst"..when i said that..i was implying..give me slack as in as far as watching games this season..it has nothing to do with what i know or know not of.."i listen to what i hear or see" is also implying to watching game highlights, listening to yo who won this and that..THATS ALL..not no ****** white analyst or black or whatever pruple color he is..be easyyyyy..and fall back like u just got smacked!!!and when i said im playing the role of an anaylst..itz because seriously i am a fukkin analyst lol..ma bad for the choice of words but yo...i got sports written on my forehead na'mean...(i had the whole fantasy thing on lock 4 yrs back man..i'll even tell u my nick name so u can google it up and look for my score).. it was a metphor, supposedly..but ur young mind didn't get it..but yo i'm still happy and smiling like a mothafukka should lool about MY OWN FORMED OPINION and how a dude quoted likely what i said..wallahi it makes me feel great coz yo..thats the shyt that i know man na'mean..ay listen here...go homeeeeeeeeeeee...coz wallahi if ur gonna say i quoted that whatever the dude is..than allah can take away my soul this minute..and sorry for the words but im also on the verge of practicing muslim now..and lying is not even an option..so may allah forgive u for saying that i was lying..coz in all honesty what i put together as a conclusion about kobe and mike..thats like the same damn thing everybody around here knows..we used to eat breathe and sleep basketball..baby i balled since i was teeny high and unfortunately i had reasons to not go anymore..but yo..forget the basketball u watch..i played it all the way since my collegiate level, serious business..so i should know what the hell goes around the game..it's like math..u add up what u see and u have a formula for everything that goes on..but again..allahz luv do i yearn for and in his eyez..i got that opinion out of my own brain on a quick tip..so yo don't bother man...stick to march madness than come googling shyt up ..to hate on a brothaz knowledge..how many shyt did ppl say in the past that other white men started quoting on and saying WE AGREE...its not rocket since shawty..and besides ol'skool basketball thats like my degree right there lol...yo i'm out like lights out..no stressin..but yo u made my DAYYYYYYYY or NIGHTTTT..give a brotha props on my opinion...bisiiinka..allahh is one..im laughing like a madd scientist..salam
sometimes on these posts, i pick playres and teams i like, rather than the ones that deserve it, i do this out of fun, coz its only a site, but when the real matter comes, i will admit which is good and which is better! got it, now get gone.
"Kobe has to realize, the NBA is not an individual sport" no offense but wallahi that shows the weakness of what u know, like so many others!! When shaQ is gone for whatever reasons, forget that, but who do u have left to score. obviously, he has to take over the game, coz it's all they got as a PURE SCORER, not PURE! he starts taking over all game as one, till he get to know his players, that way they find trust in this guy, for one full season, and then comes second season around, he knows that he will need his players in the playoffs, different story..coz last yr taught him somthing, when for example smush and odom came off flying, so he works with them, like all great players did, they go off a scoring spree, than they mature as players..this way they find trust, it takes time and downfalls before a player can uplift his whole team, kobe is still in his prime, forget his 11 yrs in the league, but i hate ppl who say, he's a hog, the dude ain't a hog, he wants to be the greatest of all time, and i RESPECT that, like michael jordan respects kobe, y'all need to get ur facts straight, when kobe wants to be the greatest, he tries to do that as an indivudal category which he proved, and now he is proving his team category.. he has matured upto the trick, that he has to bring his players with him, which now he is doing, and therefore u see what u are seeing now...my bad for my grammar and run ons, it's a quickie, so next time u say individual? think again!
ay layzie, i'ma have to hand you a ..'are you finished yet' about the lakers. let's just say i skipped all that you had to write because that's the same shyt i was tryna prove to yall the whole damn time with them posts, but no, you and ur co-signing jay-leno had to downplay my man, and now get a dvr after him. listen playgirl, lakers is the team to watch, because like great mike...kobe is making his players better than they are, and its not all Phil Jackson, you got that wrong, it's all KOBE. Kobe is making phil jackson believe in the team more than ever. Same thing michael did. so many bandwagon riders horta, i respect the fact that you came out, but your ball calling is weak, knowing which team is good and having a good back-up reason. I still haven't watched a full half or NBA game, but ay i don't have to read a book or watch every game about the lakers, coz kobe is on the same path, michael was on back in '87-90..believe that, its a matter of time, before they form a dynasty with the help of a couple arrangements, but that's my time for now and yea about that denver trade, i just heard of, philly sucks more than ever. i never liked them, forget billy king or whatever his name is...i respected A.I on a personal level but that's about it. Cwebb was never the same. Andre needs a secure jumpshot to hold the face of philly..(its funny though coz on NBA live 07' i'll murk anybody with any team on some other shyt, lol, and i always pick every team to try out, and so far i'm scoring like 70 pts a game with kyle korver alone lol, but philly is a good team in nba live if u can use them right, not in reality though) Denver is not the team to beat, but they running in...but they will have a dynamic duo for sure. andre miller is a good assist man, but the dude ain't enough compared to A.I..and joe smith was my man since milwaukee days, but he's finished, top draft back in the day, but he's done now..his career was always off and on..but philly got ripped and i guess we have to see what Denver has to bring..so long