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Everything posted by Freedomfighter007

  1. When are theyin going to kick cowke out. Getting tired of his crazy talk. D block what joke lol
  2. I hate when haters keep vomiting the same tired hate talk. First it was that no elections will take place, second was that former president would cheat and now it you voted in three areas! Give me a break haters, people from west to east voted people in sang and sool voted. We show picture you lots don't believe it in the end it sad to see you haters rap your hate on Somaliland and it people. Get life
  3. ^^^ Bro your Somalia is in flames and the SSC are weak and divided. Showing pictures and claiming this and that only shows people here how angry you are of the elections in North, and world coverage of smooth transfer of power. Keep hating hater lol, i love it.
  4. You a big clown for real even people from puntland here view you as fool
  5. Were are all these haters coming from lol one election and some Somalis go crazy lol
  6. ^^^Did i touch a nerve old boy lol ok i dont want to make you cry or be upset i wont say anything of dust bowl of country you from lol.
  7. ^^To many scared people wishing the worst for somaliland lol
  8. Cowke, cowke your crazy talk is so so funny but sad at the same time. Answer my question where is the money that's going to the TFG and your dry bowl of state. Why is it when you type puntland in google you get pirates lol. Why is there no major development In your area if puntland is so great. You are all talk no action. Keep dreaming old boy cause while you have dreams of being from a great place I have the reality which for you is something you can't accept lol No one USA or eu or Africa give damn about puntland. P.S even duke the king of puntland supporters views you as fool
  9. THANKFUL YOU STILL upset about the elections lol get over it old boy, CNN, FOX, ABC, BBC and all world oulets paint a good picture of somaliland. All your talk of they were not here or their will not change the fact in the eyes of westerns somaliland is light heads of its region.
  10. COKE lol i mean Cowke are you crazy or ******. GDP 5Billion lol old boy thats money coming from the Somali diaspora from family members in EU and America and so forth so please for the love of God dont make it sound like the Government as anything to do with that cause i does not and you are as always lieing on facts. Second Cowke the world community is getting sick of the TFG, its weak their was a sub committe in congress were experts recommended that U.S.cuts ties with the TFG, so Cowkee if thats not world community getting tired of Somalia TFG i dont know what. EU, AU, so far put no troops or money to the TFG. Where is the AU african force that promised 8,000 troops Cowke. Third Agricultural development in the south and oil production in the north; please dont make me laugh comedy boy. Agricultural that wont happen unless they stop killing each other in the South and Oil in north lool I love to see that happen in Puntland but so far its been oil deals, community fight, and no oil to show lool. Fourth and last the istanbul conference lol. Since the end of the conference what has happened for somalia or even Puntland. So far more ships are taken to your pirateland of a country their child soliders in the TFG governement and you still running your mouth of wishful dream. I like the fact that you are a dreamer Cowke but sometime you got to face realtiy. Your punt is known for Pirate issues. Google Puntland and see how many pirate hits you get and google somaliland and see how many hits you get with Deomcracy or elections. I think my side is way head in what the world views as good nation then on your poor sad side lol.
  11. Whats to Merge, the world community is not looking at the TFG as a viable partner. And what Private Assets to they have expect for Banannas lol.
  12. This Cowke is one crazy fella, he needs to change his name from Cowke to Coke cause that the stuff he is sniffing to think of these crazy topics lol
  13. The four state-like entities comprising Somalia have agreed to collaborate on the development of a coastguard to assist in counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa. Several hundred million dollars – by some estimates as much as USD8 billion – have been spent on security-related concerns in Somalia but nothing has been specifically allocated to coastguard capacity-building. Representatives of the four administrative regions met to discuss coastal monitoring and have drawn up a wish list for procurement and infrastructure developments as well as a training programme for conscripts working in inland waters. The latter have been plagued by overfishing and toxic dumping, precipitating the piracy crisis that has affected international shipping in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. Currently, only Somaliland has a substantive coastguard capability, according to Simon Jones Puntland, the other semi-autonomous region in Somalia's north, has also developed a modest coastguard capacity, which recaptured a Panamanian-flagged vessel in early June that had earlier been seized by pirates. (Puntland with all the talk of building navey base their only has a modest coastguard capacity lool what a joke)
  14. HARGEISA, 28 June 2010 (IRIN) - When Sabah Ismail Ali, a social worker in Somalia's self-declared republic of Somaliland, first started working with children, truancy and aggression were common, especially among children from families with problems such as extreme poverty and displacement. "I started off as a child protection officer, then I later trained as a psycho-social worker, qualifying by December 2007. I realized right from the start that many children who showed aggression were being caned by teachers who had no idea of the social problems such children were dealing with," Ali told IRIN. In efforts to help children from difficult backgrounds deal with psycho-social issues, a local NGO, the Comprehensive Community-Based Rehabilitation in Somaliland (CCBRS) partnered a Ugandan NGO, the Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) in mid-2009 and, with funding from the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), introduced social clubs in four schools where the majority of the students were from displaced families. Ali, who was involved in the project from its initial stages, told IRIN: "Before the clubs were set up, we first approached the Ministry of Education to explain what we wanted to do, then we identified the schools. We then met the schools' administrators and some of the teachers and explained our mission. Photo: Jane Some/IRIN Sabah Ismail Ali mainly works with children whose parents are internally displaced "We started by training the teachers in various aspects of providing psycho-social support and how to counsel children facing social problems." Club culture Three types of clubs were then introduced to pupils aged 10 and above in the four identified schools: the environmental and sanitation club; culture, sports and arts club, and the awareness-raising club. At least 60 pupils (30 boys and 30 girls) belong to each club in the four schools: Guryasamo Intermediate School, Fadumo Bihi Primary and Intermediate School, Mohamed Moge Primary and Intermediate School and Ahmed Gurey Primary and Intermediate School. "Soon, clubs became operational and we started seeing a reduction in the number of pupils who would be caned by teachers for truancy," Ali said. In the past, if a child misbehaved in class, teachers would punish them with detention, canning or suspension, which led to many children dropping out of school. "Previously, children would drop out of school without anyone understanding why, but with the introduction of the clubs and the training of teachers as counsellors, these cases have also reduced because teachers now know how to handle children with social and psycho-social problems." Since most of the children are from poor and displaced families, Ali said, the truancy could at times be because they had not had a good meal in a while, "so a good thing has come out of the clubs because with this understanding, some schools are now even waiving their fees for the poor pupils who cannot even afford to have breakfast in their homes. "With these clubs, what stands out for me is not only the reduction in school dropouts but the improved teacher-student relationship; pupils now have the confidence to come up to a teacher and explain a problem; this is something they could not do before," Ali said. She added that the clubs had become so popular that schools and parents were urging CCBRS to introduce them in other schools so that more children could benefit. Pupils now have the confidence to come up to a teacher and explain a problem; this is something they could not do before Fighting corporal punishment Abib Ahmed Hirsi, the CCBRS programme officer, said the NGO would assess the impact the clubs had had on the children's social development a year after they were introduced in the four schools. "Part of the clubs' activities is to discourage use of corporal punishment; sometimes we have awareness-raising weeks which we label 'Week without sticks' or 'No sticks, schools free from sticks'," Hirsi said. Ettie Higgins, head of UNICEF in Hargeisa, told IRIN the agency's goal in creating child-friendly spaces and school clubs was to foster participation and to promote the psycho-social wellbeing of children from marginalized communities. "UNICEF seeks to promote both the physical and the psycho-socio-emotional health of the child, guaranteeing a safe and protective space for learning," she said. "This programme has directly benefited approximately 2,500 school-children."
  15. The funny part is most of these people in the pic are from South Somalia or Puntland, no body from Hargisa, Adwal, burco, Berberra, Ergavio, Sahl, Come one man its like me waving the somaliland flag on July 1.